Patton Courier, PUBLISHING OF roprictars PATTON THURSDAY. NOVES F NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS tng tO ren a ; of fine paid 3 4 ie thar ie ri i directed, { fed they are they have i discontinued 4. Ifsubseril ont informin are sent tot FoRIN i} CHURCH NOTICES CATHOLIC—-Father Marcellius, pastor. Mass every other Sunday at 8and 10a. m. Sun- | day school at 2 p. mw. and vespers at 3 p. mo MerronisT Errscoral—Rev. C. W. Wasson, Jester. Services at 19:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. | nday school at 2 p. m. Epworth League at 8:30 p. m. - Prayer meeting avery Wed day evening at 7:45. om bn LODGE NOTICES. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF Opp FELLOWS Pat- ton Lodge 3 1089, Hees grery Thursday even at 7: n Good's he T Jal). finan, N . 6, B. F. Wise, See PATRIOTIC ORDER KONE OF AMERICA--Wash- ington Csmp No. 8 meets every Monday | avening nt 7:30 tn Good's Hall Ww : Ree. Sip H.O. Winslow, {SCIENT ORDER OF 1OA «HV IRI county, mets of vach mon Philip tx Loeal Time Table, The hours of arrival and de of trains at the Patton follows: No Station Train Arrives Postoffice hours from P.M. Train porthbound i numbers marke and 9S" gouthb Sing a Song of Bleveles, ye the clon if Always che Dwelling houses are scarce i Work bu. Thureday, November continue In giving day I. 8 Moore ca dale Frida Crass seed for Kit feed store A. E Pa business here Friday tton, of \ our Bring » sonals into the J. Sehimp, of 1p hata the Central hotel 1 Hern Wa them. Y6tf Mrs. Faust, killed by being struck on Thursday morning the ied by Alex, Editor Spent er, of Sentinel; accompan also of that piace, tors to Patton on Saturday. he Philadelphia and R road company carried October than eadiing RB more in history of the road. Nes. Spangler Leslie, Triiman’s coal, 18 handles fly at his works. them ud in to P business Frid: “The Midnight in gs opera house Friday night. | ©. M. Letts, the painter, is painting | | Mr, Douglass’ house on Fifth avenue. Men’s natural all-wool shirts at 50 cents at Mirkin & Kasner’s.-99tf oe Men’s pretty blue and«gray shirts at | atten on Hast - Flo Mi ak. the 50 cts. at Mirkin & Kusner’s.-99tf Editor Jos. Farabugh, of the Cherry-! | tree Record, was in town Monday. | Ex-Deputy Sheriff Jas. T. Young, of| | Johnstown, spent Friday in Patton. ¢ of Bellwood, was a guest at the i hotel on Mond ay. ir v. Stevens, (‘entra « Elmer E. of Eb: tifis office a pleasant call one nshurg, made da Y Davis, ast Week, PR. registered at Monday. V. H. Hancuff, a puest at the ( Dougherty, of Phil: wdelphia, the Commercial hotel of Will Ir, Was ommercial ity ¥ OND Tuesday. enters made A Missinsipy bacco and dr Women i DuBois i The } come. on Op PH week, nterest Hels h Improved fi rat Hey iNsYIranes arder aphs, a clasa life ree rimation bot Wy SPP TY A hag ¢ “yy ex 1 2 vy & nas a crew wing on | stone at the quarry a few miles of Patton. The Johnstown Democrat says that. | Miss Mary Back, danghter of Mr. and | | Mrs. F. A. Buck, of Carrolltown, who, | it will be remembered, entered a con- | norin | vent in the state of Indiana some time | . a 2a | ago, is ill of typhoid fever. Her par- Stop and Think | ents have had word from her severa ral times. Her case is not Ikely to prove | | serious. John Kephart, Fsq.. and Mis Eva Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. F. A ensburg, were married in Baltimore oF Johnstown 00 Bhed to have worn, consider- daughter of Shoemaker, of Saturday, and are now living in Joh town. Miss Shoemaker was a hi accomplished and and Mr. Kej phart young attorneys Very 4 PPUAY ¥ is one of lady, rising of the Cambri oonnty Har AsiVY AGL. A a1 night Flood,’ 1OCPRRT opera Fone Hoax o# pei Ny tH ra BCE SUCOea Coo or cs] ture, E 3 da @ ec ALL KINDS rtaking a op ~“urni Unde FOR Come Early Did the last suit of Clothes you bought wear as well as it A SHORT MANX stor olf & Thompson, GOOD BUILDING, PATTON, PA. OLMSTED'S BUTTER STORE, Cream i % sh le] ms sted’s S ce. Ohlins sted’s But ter Store, 507 Main St. JOHNSTOWN, PA. Avenue. FOONA., PA. No Superior and
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers