Patton Courier. |: PATTON PUBLISHING CO., ‘Proprietors. | ; THURSDAY, SHPTEMBER %, 1894. bers who do Dot. give express | L_Subsert considered , ry negleet or refuse to take | ae Bene LE are n ST ae nettied As ihr and : I hyeriben ee "w other with- | mre sont to the The Jo! a. ee are la Courts Bave decided hat refusing to icals from the them uncalled jor, ie prin facia end of the time i other anthoriized be respoasib ore. of all afrear food Time Table. Ld a xprem ation, wih Yrquive. at ¢ thie WANTED Posdhes. | The best bread i sold at Weak- | land’s. 404 | Pried chicken at the Kinkead Res-| ' taurant. 4080 | Best Boy’s Shoe in town for $1.— Bell, The Cicthier. A fine lot of grass seed fcr sale by | anes | gam’l Boyce. 48-t2. are | All the latest shape in fall hats now | in.—Bell, The Hatter. Best Limberger in the market, alse Sweitzer, at Lette’. 43t2 The celebrated Gold Dollar cigar for | ‘sale at Hotel Beck.-38-tf. : Dr. J. I Hatch, drove over to Hast- | ings on business Monday. - The great Forepaugh circus will ex. “hibit at DuBois September 26. {the gnest of Elery Hartzhorn Satar. Were day. / M. J. Carter, of Pittsburg, wis a. Toy Magic drops ‘and external. Guaranteed by C. W. ‘Hodgkins, droggist, Patton, Pa -tf The most useful and neatest looking range is the Eureks or the Tropic Bins. | ta drops for pai.., internal | For sale by John Yahner, corner Fifth |, ‘and Magee avennes.-40t4 Anyone wishing a load of coal from Jas. Mellon's bank can leave their . order at the Dry Run store and it will | receive prompt: attention. 43-¢f cm cr A, AR Si Eszwspunc, Pa., Sept. 18, 1904 Judges Dean and Krebbs were viei- | tors in Ebensburg inst week. : It has been decided by the Pair Association to hold the next Fair dur-’ ing the last week in August. : Mr. John Cauffman, of Chicago, was the guest of Father Deasy a few days last week. The Carrolltowr. Fire compeny has “bills out for a grand ball in Sharbangh’s Hall each night of the fair. The com- . pany is making extensive preparations, ‘80 you may be on the lookout for a grand time. — News. Messrs. R. N. Evans, M. I. P. Ev, and Miss Ida I. Evans all of ' Bloomington, TIL, Mra A. Y. Jones, of Renovo, Geo. Kinkead and wife, and were visitors to Putton Monday. Joseph Borgoon, a young man 15 years of age, son of Frank and Loretto. The hours of arrival and departure guest at the Coramercial hotel Mon- Burgoon, was killed in the mines at of trains at the Patton Station are as Mail C Donen. | 702 A sw rs , ———— pp “Nn are nortabound and “8” southbound. Minding the Bahy. ‘Prom the New York Sian am Reicher gor I di ain't 10 cinch - t* hustle here all /An’ dod" work an’ tend * kid an’ have no time to play, ‘While all @’ oder kids is out a-playin’ A ae Tork in finisht" yet I has t' n' me N fin sit an’ rock. Says ma: “Now rock 4° cradle, Kitty Ann, “An’ took out fer 4° baby, Kitty Ann, Fer he's yer little hrodder, An' youse hasn' got no adder; ; Besure v min’ &’ baby, Kitty Anim. Deyr Jane a rir a-rounder, an’ ‘Bop-soateh I Wondas Tl Wh asnesk would he wake #n' yell. { I'se been a-hrastiin’ here since almost 8 o'clock, 1 wish dere wasn’ any kids. Py ain't no ase 5 tall, Except brofider fix and keep dem in all day, * Aw naw, "dat’s ull a binfl Fer he's 4° hes’ 4 in 4 bio mdde tough me, I'l n' 's r om ches sit still an’ rgek, AR 90 ches’ rock 4" emdie, Kitty Ann. An’ look out fer 4’ tmby Kitty Ann, Fer he's yer little brudde An’ youse hasn’ 33 50 or nader, So ches’ youse min’d baby, Kitty An Ann, “Courier” Removed. ‘Hereafter the Patton COURIR office will be in the Good building, on the | day. Lather lowe, of Punxsutawney, | visited his uncle, H. C. Beck, Tues day. Shoes!! Shoes! Boots and Rubbers, Cheapest and best. Bell, | Man. F. 8. Yager, a commercial man of 1 Pittsburg, stopped at Hotel Beck | Monday. Wm. Koller, of the firm of Koller & Co., drove over to Altoona on business . Monday. . The néw school building is ax-! pected to be ready for occupancy - in a ‘few weeks. Dr. J. A. Hatch, of Philipsburg, vis | ited his son, Dr. J. L Hatch, of this’ place, Friday. A. Lioyd, Jr., end Robt, Scanlan, ‘both of Ebensburg, were in town on business Sunday. The Cambria Hardware company have a space in another part of the | Counter. See it. | T. C. Vanzandt, a traveling salesman | 'of Flmira, N. Y., stopped at the Pai- | mer house Tuesday. . The prettiest heating stove you ever {saw is “Perfect Oak’ at John Yahner's |" Chas. Rhoddy and Chae. Miller, both ‘of St. Lawrence, visited in Patton a few hours on Monday. dhe - Mr. Jno. Pill is at present nursing lame knee having been kicked a a | colt one day last week. The Shoe 9 Lilly on Monday, August 27, 1394 He leaves to mourn his untimely death three brothers and three his father, sistera. the two-cent revenue stamps, of which Frank, son of Jacob Burkey, of the West Ward, is serious ill with typhoid fever. Hon. J. D. Hicks and E. M. Taber, of Washington, D. C., were in town Mon- day, attending fo business. Rev. Father Leaming, of Youngs town, O., delivered a lecture on the defence of Christianity in the Holy ' Name church on Sunday. io send E. H. Graham, of Grahamtown, was Miss Maggie A. Evans, of Ebensburg, Captain Wiehl, of Chattanooga, has been the guest of Captain Thomas ‘Davis, of the West Ward, for a few Dealers in playing cards can secure one must be placed on each pack now. in stock according to law, from E P. Kearns, revenue collector, Pittsburg, 12 LWAIE Sab for the number de- sired by him. John F. Bonner and Joseph Snyder, who are building the business house for Frank Rishell, on Fourth avenue "have the buflding ander roof and when | ' | finished will add to the appearance of that street. The building will be used for a dwelliag and store room. It will | be 20 x 38 feet. Eaary Boule, the popular cook who for along time was employed at the Palmer nouse but during the summer months spent his time at Highland . Lake,a summer resort, returned to Pat- ton this week and is back in his old. ‘place, the Palmer house. An organization of business men to prosecute he South Fork Fishing Club to recover damages caused by the Sood of May 31, 1889, was disbanded Friday, having received an opinion that they could not recover. A large fand on days. : - Robert Nixon, Democratic Candidate for sheriff, paid Epensburg 2 visit Inst | week. Butler Roberts, son of Mr. c T Roberts, left for Bellefonte Mondsy where ke will attend college. Misses. Lizzie and Cecelia Flick, of Carrolltown, visited Fbensburg on Wednesday. : Mr. Donald Shoemaker accompanied by bis sister Miss Fannie departed for college last week. - Many Ebensburgers attended the G. AR Encampment in Pittsburg last’ week. " A special examination was held in Ebensburg on Saturday. 1 Mr. W. M. Jones is prepairing the’ bailding formerly occupied by Geo. L.° Fredricks, for the purpose of starting | a store. : : ; Dr. J. E. Powley, of Altoona, was a visitor in our town on Sunday. Many of the children, of Fhbensburg, have been entertaining themselves the iast week by having surprise parties, on their friends. Mins Jennie Craver, of the Bla'r house visited Altoona on Monday. Next Meeting of Farmers Alliance. The next regular meeting of the Cambria County Farmers’ Alliance hand was turned over to the hospital, ' and all proposed suits will be abandon- ed. The hext fair at Carrolitown will be held on September 25th, 26th, 27th and ‘25th, on the handsome grounds of the Association at ‘that place. Extensive - second floor, first door to the right at Watson W. Spencer, of this place, preparations are now being made for head of main stairway. Chestnuts. Court is over. Plenty of rain. Chestnuts are ripe. : Drink Hodgkin's soda water. Soda at Hodgkin's drug store. The camp sign is drawing nigh. Ashcroft’s millinery store. 24tf Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. For fruits go to Kinkead’s.-40tf See the new Palmer house “ad.” Apples are scarce in this section. In Paris the best, bicycle costs §15. _ Best 50-cent shirt in Patton. —Bell. We ate 1,285,000 bananas last year. Try Marvin's bread at ‘Wealland's. 40H i : Burghine at Ashcroft’ sifliinery i ‘Read the new “ads” in the COURIER ‘this week. : | was drawn as one of the traverse jurors for December term of court. A beautiful building Jot is offered for sale in Patton on casy payments. Inquire at the COURIER office. A positive guarantee goes with my (All Wool Clay $10 suit. It is actoally | worth §15.—Bell, The Clothier. C. H Winslow, and his daughter Bessie, of Benmezette, Pa., are visiting among relatives in Patton this week. For coughs, colds and sore throat try . | Magic cough cure. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf “Poor Old Pete’ has the contract for excavating the celler for Mr. Somer- . ville’s new residence on Beech avenue. _ Thieves entered the chicken coop of ‘Sam Jones, Sunday night and made | way with several of his choicest chick- ‘ens. H. L. Work, editor of the Cherry- i tree Record made the COURIER & very | pleasant call Thursday of last week. Call again. The work of-transferring the tele- the Fair, and every attraction possible - will be secured, and the management expects to have one of the best fairs in the history of the association. / . Last week a'charter was granted at Harrisburg to the Shawmut Mining company of St. Marys: capital $508,000. Directors, Andrew Kaul, B. Frank Hall, John Kanl, George C. Simons, St. Marys; Joseph W. Cochran, Horton township; J. Henry Cochran, William- will be held on the third floor of the Anderson house at Cresson on Monday, September 24th. Business os importance to the organ. ization will be transacted and it is hoped that every Alliance in the éounty will be well represented.’ Mr. J.T. Ailman, who has been the able lecturer of the Pennsylvania State Grange for the past four years, will be with as and besides showing the gen- eral importance and benefits of organ- Jeation will explain the Grange which. is to-day the oldest national farmers’ organization in the United States and the largest in the world. The meeting will convene immediate- ly after the morning trains arrives, and will adjourn in time for delegates to retarn home on the ovening trains. Arrangements have been made to ‘accomodate all members at the Ander- sport; J. K. P. Hall, Ridgway. Flk Democrat. : : A sad tragedy occurred in Johns ‘town on Sanday night of last week. Miss Flora Marsh, the beantiful daugh- ter of James A. Marsh, and her com- panion, Sidney Callihan, were in the former's room at her father's residence, when Miss Callihan, in looking through a drawer in a dresser in the room, dis- | eovered a revolver. She took it from its place and without warning the weapon exploded, the ball entering Miss Marsh's head near the temple. Death resulted in a few hours. " See my 50-cent hat, actually worth “Patton has good wireets and good graph from the Pennsylvania statiom double the price. pavements. The Hastings public schools opened 3 on Monday. F. 8. O'Hara came down from Cres- son Monday. : For a nice cool drink try Hodgkin's | pure soda water. { to the office north of it Was completed Monday. ‘The dance given/ by the firemen in ' their rooms on Saturday night was a . grand saccess. A large number ‘were in attendance. : A. M. Thomas, of Lock Haven, speat -Brxi, THE CrLoTHIER. Photographer in Patton. Earnest Bruer, the Hastings photo grapher, has opened a photograph gal- lery in Patton, on Fifth avenue, be low Hotel Beck. He has the room newly refitted and is now ready to fill 'E. C. Brown drove over to Barns-| | Satarday and Sunday in Patton. Mr. orders promptly. Pictures from a No. he boro on Sunday. Smoke Gold Dollar cigar for sale a Hotel Beck. -88-tf. For flour, feed, hay, etc., go to fam’l Boyoe.-23t A Evadicy, of Lilly, registers at Yk Fried Chicken and fried fish at| Snyder's restaurant. Read A. M. Thomas’ new sdvertise- ment in another column. Thomas was looking after his business | interests here. The finest line ladies’ hats and under. wear to be found anywhere at Alice A. Ashcroft’'s millinery store in Good ! building. -24tf For the finest line of millinery, fancy !goods and ladies underwear go to | Alice A. Ashcroft’s millinery store in | Good building. -24tf Free blow out at Letts’ Saturday night—a dish of excellent soup with 1 Photograph to a Life Size Crayon ‘executed in the highest style of art. Satisfaction guaranteed. Go and see samples of work. The gallery will be .open every Monday, Tharulay. dad | Saturday. 4244 ‘Store Robbed. On Friday night thieves entered the store of Chas. Yackle, near Ecken- 'rode’s Mills and took about thirty-five dollars worth of provisions besides about ten dollars in cash. Mr. Yackle Eureka and Tropic Etna ranges for | crackers free—come one, come all. | has no clue to the perpetrators. sale by John Yahner.—40t4 "A. B. Poorman, of Tyrone, was a guest at Hotel Beck Friday. ~ E. J. Hoover, of Clearfield, stopped at the Commercial hotel Tuesday. teved at the Palmer house Monday. Go to Sarm’l Boyce for flour, feed, hay snd all kinds of ‘grass seeds.-23tf V. H. Hancauff, of Williamsburg, was a guest at the Palmer house Tuesday. An evening view of Patton from an elevation reminds one of a young city. | John Mills, of Coalport, was circulat- ing among friends in Patton Tuesday. Alice A. Ashcroft is the leading milli- ner, of this section. Go and see her.- tr 3& F. Hardie, » traveling slggman {From 8 to 10:30. 43t1 4 Mr. Jno. B. Long, the well- known * salesman for Myers & Rathfon, one of | the best tailoring houses in the State, | was in town yesterday. | lodge of the Royal Arcanum in Patton. This in one of the most reliable insur- ance orders in America. Notice the big announcement of the opening of R. C. Yeager & Bros.’ meat | market on Magoe Avenue. They ex- pect to open on Tuesday, September 25th. On Wednesday of last week Prot. A. J. Swope, of St. Lawrence, started on a bicycle trip to the Pittsburg en- -campment, Feburing on Friday eve- ning. ng? Bors how all of the “Lead- | iers oopy my style of adver- Bis, THE CLOTHIER. Thieves and robbers appear to be running loose in Cambria county of late. A New sy Exchas nge. found its way into the COURIER sanc- tum. It is very spicy and well odited, all over the country every day. The ‘mechanical department appears to be under the supervision of an expert foreman. Republican Mecting. : The Repablican club of Patton will hold a big meeting in the Good hall on Friday evening, September ist, at § ‘o'clock sharp. An eloquent speaker has been procured for ihe occasion. All Republicans are requested to be present. | REUEL SOMERVILLE, : President. i son house. Citizens of Loreto snd vicinity have ‘made arrangements for Mr. Ailman to’ deliver an open lecture at that place on the same evening at 8 p. m. As Mr. Ailman is the nominee of the People’s Party for govenor and is known as one of the ablest and soand- est orators of the State, his lecture at Loretto will be listened to with inter est, not only by farmers’ but by the public in general to whom a cordial invitation is extended. Jorn WaiGHT, Src. . Right Yu Are ; The Ebensburg Freeman of last week | say that the newspapers have begun the annual scare about the use water, and according to some it would ‘be a safe precaution to carry a tea kettle, so 2a to be able to start a fire and boil the water before taking a drink. The effect seema to be to make except the use of water unpopular, ‘when. boiled into a thoroughly disa- greesble condition. It is doubtful whether three-fourths of the advisers of such a course ever drink water when they could get beer. There may be and something in the theory of the improv. - ed healthfulness of water when bailed, but the scare given to peopie by mak- ing them afraid of a glass of water, or a green apple, or a watermelon, is lable to do more injury to their nervous system than can be done by eating and drinking everything that comes along, like our ancestors did It is not safe to say that drinking bacteria cooked, with a constant fear and trembling lest some might not be well done, is any thing” healthier than ‘eating them raw, in ignorance of their The Johnstown Daily Tribune, eo F. H. Comsat, of Willimeport, regis. | A movement is on foot to organize a edited by George T. Swank, at last existence or confidence in their diges- tibility. A good many healthy ' people -are made sick through fear of Seliing ‘sick. containing late telegraphic reports from ‘ Beil, The Tailor. Don’t forget my tailoring depart- ment is running full time. But wn want your fall order for a suit. Suits made from §l4 up to $40. Give me a trial. 1 guarantee satisfaction. My tailors are experienced Worsmes, not ‘botches. Try ua © BELL, THE TAILOR. Teund. A key ring and chain contri nine keys. Owner can have same by calling at the CoUuRiEr office and pay- |, ing for this notice, ; PRIDE ERS! Now is your time to get one of the finest bar- gains ever offered in this section at our Store. This is no blow or lie to fool you in town or into our Store. We mean businest to the very let- ter. Everybody in this section heard of us and all who have bought Clothing or Shoes or anything we handle speak in the highest terms of how they were treated. We have bargains for you in everything, and especially in CLOTHING. ii Hereis a word to you which is true as gospel. We can and do offer goods and sel] them too, lower than any other store in Patton. You might wonder why we can sell lower. We will tell you. It is because we buy more at a time and always carry a larger stock than anyone else. Itis an establisheed fact that the more vou buy the cheaper you can get goods. - Step in and we will \ This is all we will say at this time, but bear in. mind if you want a good honest bargain in Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Etc., we can give it. Everyone is welcome, Ww hite, Black, Rich or Poor. All treated alike. Very Truly, WM. KOLLER & GD, PRTTON, PA. GOOD BUILDING, of NOUNCEMENT! We wish to announce to the public that which is situated will be our new Meat Market, opposite the Commercial hotel, open on Tuesday, = September 25, And that we will with all kinds of FRESH AND ‘SALT MEATS. The Man who Li is the man who ought to have the best things to eat be- cause his system requires it. - Now if you want to get something fine, some- thing tender and fresh come to us and we canfit you out. We are ‘very partic- ‘ular to give sat- isfac- Hon . he . ready to serve you Cordial Welcome Is Extended 10 all. Prices moderate. We will keep every- thing kept in a first-class market. Yours For a Call, .G. C. Veager & Bro.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers