PATTON. PA. r Offs and reside on. Magre sVemur, pext to dohn Yahoer's Hardware sore. perisi sfiention fives to Fevers and Dis ¢ ioe of CBT. Bers Johns or, $90. : A Th ry ex Rs Out the Pamnily for Actamn nd’ ypJ. DAVIS, : ting 9 — Elizabeth N. Williams ot vir to A. W. Winter. There are also articles for: the Attorney/ond Counselor at Lav. : BE Patton, where you can buy the finest - Myers, Upper Yoder township, $120. bhousekecper on Sessonable Cookery, - D. 8 McAnalty &t ox. to Olaf C. Hints on Berving Peaches, Apricots : Eszwsnrec, Pa Hamson, Barneston, $100. and Plums, and The Use of the House. AH legal business praeptly stiended 10. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Life and Work at Mount Holyoke Oficr in Armory Hall Mary Bwank et vir to H. H. Heimer, : Lif College are well treated by a recent ace RESTAUEAWE. | that was ever handled in any one store rete Sevies operis " ae | Ha > mn in the whole ¢ county. i LR SNYDER, Prop's, 3 Eliusbeoth Markey to Frank Pastach, study in mn interesting way, and there Johnstown, $1. _is a practical contribution on Millinery Fil avenne, hefow Becks Bond wil Lat Charles Kane to Celestine 2 Me a8 An Employment for Women. The Ar in a Servicing resinumni (rvelers Carroll township, $100. | Relations between Mother and Daugh- erred in every style. We make a spaciaity of And rerytiing kept in aon stclass H. Grambling, Adams township, $250. How to Live Wisely the subject of Il- ; Ho store. pe cialt) ~1.C, Lake et ox to William Fox, ness and What Not To Do is wiy ds J. 'F. MCKENRICK,— the best grades of ETE ox oir E er ues. drwy i amie Les. FLOUR, - FEED, - HAY, - GRAIN, - ETC. "* Pindley et al, West Taylor township, and the Uses of Crepe ‘and Tissne ~ Esesesung, Pa. A large assortment of Carpets, Oil © $3,000. Papers, and entertainment i provided Wii attend to ak busines wi prompimes Cloth, Matting, Eic., kept on hand, and Saclity John Thomas et al. to Charles Sesack in a Hallowe'en German sad a Chrys (re oppemits the Mountain Hous. ot also Queenswre, Dishes. Tinware, and et ux., Jacks/m township, $1,550. anthemum Party. Around the Tes- 1 EH Haz dwnre Frank Crimey et ur to Fidelity Table is as gostipy as umal, and there aire al : Shel ardware. tal Building, - Loan and Savings Associa are papers on Knitting, Netting, Tat AUGL ST K. HU BER, a ; No truble to show goods. Lome 1k tion, $1. ting, Lace Making, Crocheting, ete. and look around. Pidelity The Subscription rice of the Delin-. _ Annie M. Keating et vir to id eator is (ne Dollar a Year. Single STOX E M ASOX : ah GEO. Ss. GOOD, Building, Loan and Bavinge Associs- Copies Fifteen cents cach. - Published : -Mélion Avenoe, PATTON, PA. : P “ amity OW aldars - BPD. rE tion, Johnstown, $1. by the Butterick Publishing Co. | {Limit fam prepared to Gani Kinds of work in my 2 0 7 ; nh atton, Pa. -; a Ae Sunday Ada Kennedy et vir to People’s ed], New York. and Por Sale by Loc AST LN a — . sn dens a Tori. pain Ty and Newsdealers . and Loan Association, Johns- Agents d oe : a Plaine iphia 16 oth Strertioms ‘Building rasrantesd. (ive mw & wil : : a RR Anil o town, $1. It May 4. asdinch for You, ? os ta th Fhe aim: i - =: COX SECTIONS A * Htiameport : / Sou ii 0 to the City soon. where + Albert L. Visher et ux. to Caroline Pred Miller, of Irving [iL writes that Go To Will Gh? MI pee - J SOMA: here he Padi and a £ - ~ Williams, Upper Yoder township, $1. he had a severe Kidney trouble for 11 y large stock of Th in New York Stats wed the | il sass iiss | : : By | ¥ EEE ¢ VEes Ro % s1 MET E $ a PRILIPSE Ree J FHILIPSB es | te MESOUFARKBUAEES BE she | sd sacivied | ie suie anesiun | anes 8! pe W wek¥ | 8 BE WW asitarae Pw] BE A | oo + sewn, ~ -— | RRA AR .. EER wk & dW, aa Sher eREERLS Flas ee ew is%K BAVES -¥e jw Warne EE Junction WhdAESs AEN SEBvevnnnnal at do GG hy | Tia AVNHAREER RUIN HERESY senna _Ar i w= - qh ® Ar a AA FHL. A PRAPHIA Ar i» Bendiag Torminal OR #4 . rex . 8» wave RRR a whey upen & i BX XN Y. via Ta Gn AT. Tix XY. vis Phi Ar A.W. B® Foolof Liters ¥irewt. - a t “e vy ™ Sarah J. Visher et vir to Fidelity many years, with severe pains in his ANIELBON & ENGBLAD'S Lai with Created Building: Loan and Savi Associa- back and also that his bladder was Es ap SHOE. SHOP tion, Stonyereek township, $1. - affected. He tried many so-call & 3 to Suman, = 6oLO } | NG, tid wah Buta Rechuster and wang Josiah Robertson et ux. to People’s kidney cures but without any good re- th Ave.. near B. BR Station. ae Ae : Building and Loan Association, Lower suit. About a year ago he began 0 Shoes made to order and foviting Iie aid feriomtuis AT Sms win : Yoder township, $1. mse Electric Bitters and found relief at of all kinds done promptly. Prices 'ore Gols, : Boois and Shoes. a Tania Rarimed na with a, © Walter Strayer to Hiram Helsel, Mor- once. Electric Bitters is especially moderate. a J : : |r Non——— Raima. LAN - rellville, $1,550 ‘adapted ‘to cmre ail Kidney and liver : : ; : : = - * . _.. Superiniesdent. Gen’) Exsetiors of Marti Sills to Jere b} a vest Instant 5 A MIL B8OYCE., He will also show you the lar ge and finest line evar : Potrpia Fa miiah S. Horner, Adams. township, $3,- relief. One trial will prove our state- - =3' seen anywhere, and the prices will be “Out of Sight P. R. R. Time Tables. wn. : ment. Price only 50 cents for large Successor to John Otto. | Call and see what we have on mand, Cw e are positive you 3 Maria Clinger et vir to Henry F. bottle. At C. E. Beicher's Oey Drug © _ DEALER IN- ei be salted. Bet y acertises ’ In effect May 27th, 1994. Horner, Johnstown, $1,200. Store. Plour abd Peed, Hay. Grain, Yime. 1 i ry bod 3 | Maia Line, Leave Cresmon— Rastwand. Anna Moyer to George Harber, St. Almost 8 New York Daily. . - Ete. : ory RRIET . BARGAINS. wy George et ux. to Sarah Porter, : York Weekly Ww has jost changed = p Cre h f 2 - Washington township, $330. : week} wice- : ie Lowes T Citigene’ Coy, Association to wo FA Mi6 4 ylies wik yaya, es ye Fost > So do we and when you ‘come to our store you a will see’ : you cari now get the two papers 3 : o Chae. Barnes, Grand View, $120 week for the same old price -§1.00a CASH. them. The biggest bargains we have aré¢ in William Switsler et ux. to Joseph A. your. : : Ny ; : : 9 Gray et al, San wy | Think of it! The news from New mda GLASSWARE! ". John Blannard et ux. to Lee OU, York gn st your door: fresh avery Store on Beach Avenue, near : : Cum oop cons bo Cot] ps pie pr ~~ GLASSWARE! The best salve in the world for cuts, Just think, we are sell ing all our Catswire at one-half ir J . yey to TC. Mitchell, Prankii, $0. vrei rs FOR, De FirstNafion IBADK cost to get rid of it to make room for the new line of goods nard McColgan, Washington township, | corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- Sahn : which will soon be here. ain Call ands see me, .. 2 $600. tively cures piles, or no pay ‘required. OF PA TTON. : = or. 1, STeivig at Cation at G18 Adminstrator Gardner ‘It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- a . Lr : orriing train NR oe wn W%. 04 faction or money refunded. Price 25 Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. Es N. STIRMAN. ts I Tn kine probe fn ‘LS Van Ormer; ot ux. to Celuta oenis per box. For sale by Dr CE — : - . . — , Sn iE rar i Bana or Maas : . - - - : a : : of . i BW sver, HAS La 2 ey Rice, Reade township, $150. Belcher, city dzue store CAPITAL PAID UP, $56,000.00. oe © Mahar at FEM Afro min far Mary Brand to Jobn Sm Clear- Notice. : ee and Maha ili inven ¢romn 88 ct Ravior. field township, $119. ma, |: Notice n hereby given that I, G. C. _Aecomats of Commorations, Fires, [ndivde- : 5 Rd a abe Manas Py . : ” als and Banks reevived gpon (he most Bivoame- : : : 3 - 4 ] - Sey a y, iar 3 ar West John B. Lehman to Walter G Hop- Dreisback of Patton, Cambria COGBLY, bie terms consieient with sf snd cosmervative | : : : ; : Sey. eit crsay, flor — 3 kins et al Richland t $1,000. for a vahable consideration have benking ; : Th a : at Mahader : n ownship, transferred and delivered unto Steamship tiekens for male for all the wading 0 ; ACSQU ERAN A EXTENSION. 2 Hayes Foreign Draft able in the prioctpal Irving W. Larimore, physical a W. C. Brennecke and W. W. Sampp [oe Fomine np ie 1 be Eastwiod, : y one | oTSe, ote one-h : ce will ex ree Maoming win ean ak Gal rector of Y. M. C. A., Des Moines, lo., all - in Patton Laondry used All corpupiiotion ws Bate oar prom ptaad | ; no nin Chestythu says he can conscientiously recommend in the business. All Persons [pcerest paid on time deposits. 7 : : : | Romed, TR and connects with tin ir Cress Chamberiao’ pain talm athletes, hereby notified werned not to : : an at Bradiey Jam thm at TN. : oli p hal players re berd with a afore A- E. PATTOX, i Wa H. a | and the ome that counts is the store of VW olf Ratner S32 Spangler. Sk Eo £ mentioned as it is left with the suid G. Proeidons shier. : : : : . oe ot 25h wd conoeets with train dur Cremon and the profession in general for bruis- ¢ “Drejshack to be held by him su & Thompson on Magee As enue. Others at Bradicy Junction at 38 ; to the order and call of ihe : A EE Th Pattc | 3 advertise a sweeping reduction in ta icy. Tumain far Brennecke and W. W. Saup PE, Io ‘ € ation . ing reauca 1 o sor aforeme: tioned being t Cherretiee at Er Carrolltonrn n articies being 5 BO of the mu | prov Lak . comes swollen it will effect a cure in IAW. Oo i Rocke alia W 2 : ; ; aq a teaver Bradley Junction Sor i gue tall as tie UY require For : Ww W. SAUPP. i > is er, | . — a — sae by C. E. Belcher’s City Drug August 27th, 1894. 41-5 ; ny | 4 Ary on: Band ; ager, 110% Harnesbwom, ag wrriving at a A Quarter Century Test. euel Somerville, hy LW a a For a quarter of a centary Dr. King’s | Re E but we cam us all when 1t comes to selling Fo Tail Frou th, Saring Ad New Discovery has been tested, and | Attorpey-at-Law, | goods cheap. Just to show you for an example EE ne A et po : ; : - Co * a ; ress Thom. F. ) . the millions who have received benefit iL PATTON, PA. : we will sell vou a suit of clothes for. — Ave Puiu. Pu. PR from ifs ave testify to its wonderful = * Represents the follow. J "Wi prev woon, curative powers in all discases of Office in the Good Building. : nager. Sentral Sage. Throat, romod Ling old r chable a re en tant the teat se Tong and that W.. E.. Probert, E- Wi s $8. 00, The Keystone Watch has given so universsl satisfaction is no | —— ARTISTIO— i. ikwre lnsurance i h + Case Co. of Philadciphia, experiment. Each bottle ls positively | Barher and Hair Dresser, ~~ com anies: G1 largest watch case manufactur, guaranteed to give relief, or the money | p Which formerly ‘sold for $15.00. - We ea - in pimp wg will be refunded. It is admitted to be Ix ALL 17S BRANCHES. ’ Vii the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. SEAT DOUR To POSTOFFICE. ROY AL, of Li efpooE, 1 will not give a whole lot of prices here, but will pucting upon the Jas. Boss Filled Trial bottles Free st C. E. Belchers | i HOME, of New York, dr aE un assure you that all our goods are as low in pro-, and other cases made by it, a bow | MAHAFFEY HOUSE GERMAN, of Pittsburg. portion as the suit just mentioned above. plied w = h Saver De twisted or Mahaffe Clearfield Co. P - » « - : 34 ol oe firstciass. Best al Se Also the Equitable Life : ; : : : . Its asure protection against the and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. Insurance company, of New : 1 . ; : i : pickpocket and the many accidents - Li Grose FERGUSON, York, the largest in the world. One-Half Price HE that befall watches fitted with the ‘While in Chicago, Charles L. Kabler, of Prop’r. | old-style bow. which is simply beid a prominent shoe merchant of Des E a : : D ] P : ti : ci in by friction and can be twisted off Maison Jo. Red Guiles seeioue meet coin we d e & atterson, .. °° 1s what we are selling some of our goods for now. | with the fingers. It is called the could hardly talk or navigate, but the | BR 7 : f Raiding over PATTON PA : We are the people to buy your ; ¥ ‘prompt’ use of Chamberlain's cough | ist Natl Bank MU se 17% : : ore remedy cured him of his cold so quick- | A= tig : 4 ly'that others at the botel who had | \'/ NON ns bad colds followed his example and | | ol) i oN O ing half a dozen persons ordered it from | fr 3 Ng / 2 i 4 J the nearest drug store. They were | * Fr NN : profuse in their thanks to Mr. Kahler Ss $5. CORDOVAN, Se wing tom Sow bo cus a snd i | Moodle! : TRE Boots, Shoes and Local Market Report. Eh Price, $125. : 3 i, SHEE. * Furnishings of, : : 2 P. Pp. Young & Bro. jn the vicinity of Fatton the COURIER | publishes the following local market | The New Columbia stands ; i W hoiesnie and Beil Denier in easily at the of all fully SE. : ipped roadsters, and will success " i CASH ON LY. a iy inti he gh repay Yew mesgopa— WE FRESH MEAT | details concerning its new features in the Columbia catalogue, adr : OF ALL KINDS. - > | : Se a i pt | : - : : WF | For Sale by C. W. Hodgkins. prices | nl Po ‘Bologna, Lard. Etc. "Patton, Pa. FIFTH AVENUE, ~ Also agent ra eyes H Hart- MIRKI! ( rR : : ‘Patton, Pa. ? : Patton, Pa. -.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers