Ld VOL. L—NO. 42. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO.. PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1894. $1.00 PER YEAR. pel. dy READ THE LE an Given Away. JOINS IT COUNTY COURT FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. From Monday September % to Tuesday ? September II, ALL PARTS OF CAMBRIA ——— Given Next Week. The regular September term of court commenced Monday, September 3, with Patton iE morning was taken up with hearing | ©. Ww. "HODGKINS, motions and petitions and naturalizing | Ps, S28 ' citizens, of which latter about forty | Sry took ont their final papers. Agency for COLUMBIA & HICKORY Bicyele. * gr This is the only Drog Store in Patton where these Mody Grlerwian ‘be had. Furie, Not Trae Bills, Washington St. Clair, keeping a bawdy E. J. Boring, prosecutor. Not! a true bill on first-tount! a true bill on “second count. ans Burge, assault and battery with intent to commit rape, assanit vil Sty Mrs. Annie Bowden, pros- al William Cupples and Louis Capples, larceny; ‘receiving stolen goods; John | ing and disconnected story of her Griffith, Benjamin Evans and Joseph The bell for our new school house Not a true jMomgdinery. progemice. A es Gown, Adultery: Bama Sow-. {ing howse with intent to commit = Not eount.. | | costs. Robert Stewart, malicious mischief; The finest line in Patton to Mary Sherman, adultery; Jonnie select from. ‘Everything new Sarlock; prosecutsix. Not a true bill and of the latest design. and coun Sth, to pay the costs. Boring, ‘prosecutor. Not & true bill and the PIOHSCutaY to pay the costs. | Michal Smith, adultery; E. J. Bor- In all , designs and at ii ing, cat Not a true bill and prices. Cars Nesbit, assault and batbery; Mary Crotser, prosscutrix. Not a true We ska: spesidity of |v and ‘the prosccutrix to pay the ONDERT AKING, gc Everybody used the same: he peers vo poy ’ John and Abert ick, aid- a pay you to see my oo a4 "A G. Nef 3 | ! 3 | goods; R. 8. Sneath, prosecutor. OTEL * Michael H | Boring, prosecutor. Not a true bill and the prosecutor to pay the costa. BECK, | Michasi Smith, adultery; E. J. Bor-| ing, prosecutor. Not a true bill and the prosecutor to pay the costs. . H.C. BECK, Pro. Hy : "bawdy house, keeping a disorderly | Northern Cambria; Conducted in a MODERN STYLE. |B P. Richardson, prosecutor. Not a Choiest Brands of Liquors. The Popular Michsel fornication; E. J. KARPETS the profecutor to pay this costs. Racheel Harvey, sodomy: Janes S. EMBALMING. = | prowscutior. Not a true bill | Becch ave., - - - - PATTON PA. Michael Smith, fornication; E. J. One of the Largest Hotels i ir . TR and Bar Supplied "0 Sautapita Campana, adultery; Nicola of PATTON. ‘and the prosecutor to pay the conta. T. W. Letts, kidnapping; Henry C. Scanlan, prosecutor. Not a true bill + and the prosecutor to pay the couts. © T. W. Letts and Catharine Letts, | | receiving and harboring kidnapping ichild, Henry C. Scanlan, presecutor. Not a true bill and the prosecutor to pay the costs. he fe Mary M, Revd, perjury. John Rifle, \ iy prosecutor. Nota true bill and the : prosecutor to pay the costs. J. Suchman, selling liquor without license; Mrs. John M. Calgan, prose- cutrix. Not a true bill and the prose- ‘cutrix to pay the costs. . Vizo Valeria, adultery; Nicola Cam pana, prosecutor. Not a true bill and the prosecutor to pay the costs. ~The grand jury having finished their: work, hapded in their report which | was as follows: To the Hom, A. V., Barker. We, the members of the grand jary. | The Commercial, 5. M. WILSON, Prop. fepeort ax follows, viz: i Wefind ali the vile buildings | in Aritelass : condition, with exceptions of the waler | closet of the attorneys’ room and the defects in the ceil of the court house, mused by faaits iim. the Hing which demand the atte ntion of the cotnmissivners. We further re;ommend the painting of the : interior witlls und eeliing of the eourt honse. THOMAS J. HUGHES, Foreman. ‘A Modern Hotel. : ‘Twenty-four Sleepin g rooms, ~All new furniture, Cares Disposed of. ADING PAPE ecutrix. Nota true bill and the county Bracken, prossomtor. Not a true bill. William Edwards, entering a dweil- felony, larceny and receiving stolen '} ordre to furnish bail for his good | | anil iso in ditvn and committed Delein. : other sundry acts to show his disap- | Heslop, who was charged | | proval of the army's methods. Capt. a a was ordered to. pay the Beveridge lodged information against costs, him. The boy's father pleaded for his | - Peter and Fred Elli were charged release, and Judge Baker granted it, with malicions mischief, found not after giving the little fellow a severe guilty and the prosecutor, Wilson lecture and cautioning him not to gi Powell, to pay the costs. cause to be brought before the ‘court Mary McGonigle was found not again. » guilty on a similar charge, and Jacob The case of the commonwealth vs. Nolan, the prosecutor, to pay costs. William Edwards, larceny and receiv- B. T. Wagner, of Blacklick township, ing stolen goods, R. 8. Sneath, prose- | charged with adultery and attempting cutor, was a petty affair from Reade The en- AR abortion, was acquitted, the couiity ‘township, involving the theft of s gum | | stabling the cows who had not returned | ‘to pay the costa. ‘amd a revolver. Edwards was found John Evans was called before the guilty but recommended to the mercy | court and pleaded guilyy to fornication | of the court. : ‘and bastardy and was ordered to pay a of §1 a week for seven years, for the Creed swore that on the night of June In the case of the commonw ‘Thomas Dawson, charged Ly Miller with assault and battery. V8 | on a set of stone steps on Washington W. street, Johnstown, quietly talking. The The defendant, who is a police officer, bawdy house, keeping a disorderly | jury found Dawson not guilty, but ordered him to go home. Upon his the proposition with alacrity. { divided the costs between him and refusal to do so Jones seized him and | Miller. “handled him very roughly. Jones’ Donznid Campbell pleaded guilty to story was that Creed was drunk and | the charge of keeping a disorderly ‘that Creed’s friends requested the offi- house and selling liquor without license ‘cer to take him home. The jury found ! in the Seventh ward, Johnstown. His a verdict of not guilty. excuse was that he was out of work The case of the commonwealth vi and this was the only way he could John Riffle, perjury and bigamy was raise any money, but as the court did called; James Wharton, prosecutor. | not think this a sufficient’ reason for Riffie pleaded guilty to both charges committing crime he was fined $500, and will be sentenced in due ti the costs of the prosecution and order-| The members of the Mahan family, ed to undergo imprisonment in the who were indicted for petty thieving county jail for five months. The case of the commonwealth vs Saturday. There were 10 indictments, | Levi Hildebrand and Lemon Phillips, as follows: Seven indictments against | illegal fishing with nets, was called. William Mahan, John Good and! and Through some legal technicality and a | Jonathan Mahan, larceny and receiv- flaw in the indictment they were dis- | | ing, etc. ; Isniah Brown, Daniel Griffith, | charged. | Eli Gettys, Benjamin Evans, Joseph The case of Oliver J. Boyle, charged Anderson, William J. Pryse and | with surety by his wife, was called and | Thomas, Jervis, prosecutor, tried without a jury. Mrs. Boyle was tively. Also three agminst Elizabeth | | piaced on the stand and told a ramb- Mahan, receiving stolen goods; Daniel | wrongs, in which the court could find Anderson, prosecutors respectively. no evidence against Oliver. Other! Peter Steinbelser, a former member. | witnesses were examined, but very of the gang, tarned state’s evidence, ' ers, prowecutrix. Nota true bill and | little could be learned of the cass, #o but as he confessed himself guilty of ville Normal school i the defendant was disc hag and the perjury on a former occasion, his evi- | costa pat upon the county. dence was not of great weight. All Philip Martle, the young man who the ascused were acquitted except in forged several checks on the Cambria the case brought by Isaiah Brown, in son company, pleaded guilty to which Willian Mahan and John Good | randulently ‘making a written instru- were found guilty. : nent and fraudulently uttering a writ- The agreement of an amicable settle- | ten intsrument. ment beiween Patton _borough and John Hansey pleaded guilty to the Carroll township on account of school . charge of tresspassing on the private ar. road fund. Decree of the court pond, stream and spring of Jacob made, enteriag judgement against Pat- | Mouse. He received a fine of $5 and ton borough for $100 and costa. i the costa of prosecution. Verdicts have been rendered in the Joseph Krotendefrer, of Cambria foi'owing casos: The first case called | township, was found guilty of aggra- was that of John Hughes by his mother Washington St. Clair, keeping a | vated assault and battery, charges pre- aod next friend, Susan Hughes, va. the They report an excellent time. ferred by Jacob Holts. Johnson company. A settlement was ‘house; B. J. Boring, prosecutor. Not | The ease of Porter R. Miller, con- made before the case opened, whereby a history of the Welsh settlers of Cam- 1 | & true bill on first count; » troe bill on | stable of the Sixth ward of Johnstown, a judgement was entered for the Dria county from 1790 to 1884. | charged with voluntarily allowing a platiff for $1,000 Clars Nesbit, assent and badtery, | Prisoner to escape was called. The The ease of the commonwealth ve Accompanied by his grand.dsughter, ' Mary Orotser, prosecutrix. Not true | prisoner named was Dorsey Mirkin of Malinda Blough, malicious mischief Miss Carrie Troxell, spent a few hours bill and the prosecutrix to pay the | tha city. The affair was satisfactorily 2nd cruelty to animals, George C. in Ebensburg on Saturday. explained to the jury by Constable Eicheusehr, | Miller and the defendant was dis- Ver! prosecutor, was ~ called. 8, mot guilty. charged, the costs being divided be- Mi hue: Smith was tried on three Stu bill and the prosseuter to pay the tween the prosecutor, James Grimsley, indi-.ments for larceny and receiving A large farm barn belonging ' and the defendent. stolen goods, Ed. D. Sharretts and 8. Joseph Canfield charged with assault M. Snyder, prosecutors. Smith was : Campana, prosecutor. Not a true bill ‘and battery was found guilty in man- charged with stealing shoes from destroyed by fire on Tuesday: morning, | mer and feels indiswted. The prome- freight cars near Conemaugh. The entor was John F. Nealson. jury, alter being out for about thres George Myers answered to the DOUrs, returned a verdict of riot’ charge of larceny and receiving stolen SUIltY- goods; George T. Shaffer ‘prosecutor. He was given a fine of $5, costs of pros- ecution and 60 day» in jail George Whithy was accused by Eva Horner, of Johnstown, or thereabout, with fornication and bastardy. When asked by the Court whether he was guilty or not, he said he ‘‘guessed he was guilty and ready for sentence.’ - He was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs of the prosecution to the county, _/$%0 for lying-in expenses, and $1 a week for seven years to Eva for the support and maintainence of the child. Notice was given that James Gil- Jesple of the Seventh ward, Johnitown, ald plead > guilty to selling liquor without license. oo The jury, after being out for about three hours, returned with a verdict of not guilty in the case of the common- wealth vs John Codenshotz, aggiavausd assault and battery; not guilty in the case of the commonwealth va George I). Pringle, larceny, receiving stolen - goods, malicious mischief, the county A Home in Ashes. On Monday evening, September 3, about 8 o'clock, the house of Johan Cox, who lives near St Augustine, took fire and burned to the groynd. As the family were all seated about the table partaking of their s::pper, little thinking that in a few minutes the whole house would be enveloped in flames, their attention was called to a small fire near the roof. Mr. Cox at once attempted to extinguish the flames, but as it had gained such head- way the struggle had to be given up. After seeing that it was useless to fight the fire any longer they all turned in and carried out what household goods they could until driven away by heat. Very little was saved. The fire is sup- posed to have originatad from a de- fective flue. The house was a besuti- ful one and had just recently ‘been ompleted, except the painting. The Cou RIER was informed that it was in- sured at a reasonable figure. iR OF NORTHE The next case called was that of the quietly seat himself. Mr. Somerville | At 2:30 p. m. the court took a recess fine of $500 to the county and $20 to commonwealth vs John Jones, assault gracefully complied with the intruders’ | of one hour to enable the members of | Mary Berkebile in addition to‘the- sum ' and battery; Ed. F. Creed, prosecutor. bold request and four other masked | the Bar to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ww. H. Scheler, which they did in a support and maintenance of her child. | : 30 he and two companions were sitting while the first kept watch over his | by the grand jury, were put on trial | SRN CAMBRIA. te Howe o ote. some oe BUILDING Bow — On Wednesday night of last week | thieves entered the residence of John | In “Patton in + Gow Eamest H. Somerville, one of the best known | | citizens of Susquehanna township, and this Month. purioined a gold watch, Tevolver 4nd about $40 in cash. Mr. and Mrs. Somerville bind retired | at their usual hour and about 10 o’clock | were awakened by the sound of cow | bells, and the former hastily descended | to the first floor with the intention of | SOLD THIEVES Enter the House of John H. Somerville, VERY 000D PROSPECTS Wor this Plase this Fail—Severs! Buiblings . Under Way of Constr ethon. Two new acquisitions which will add much to the appearance 2nd interest ‘of Patton will be the harsome resi | at milking time when he was suddenly | dence of John Somervil : Jeontiumion by: a masked man who | | DuBois, Pa. The excavation for Mr. Yesger's building was completed some time ago bat owing to the business depression - | farther progress was at that time dis- { continued. Now, however, since times men begam ransacking the building host. - When they came upon . Mrs. | Somerville she was requested to join | her husband below stairs and accepted | : ot ar wp pT JY rus, The contents of trunks and drawers | tion and Mr. Yeager's will be one of | were strewn upon the floors, CArDets | the finest in town. were hastily ripped up and «very nook The building will adjoin the Solomon and crevise searched for valiisblen, | block on Fifth avenue, the dimensions and becoming satisfled that nothing of which will be 46 x S0feet, two stories | more could be found they dparted. in height. The first floor will be used When Mrs. Somerville again sought .4, bosiness block and will contein he thier tt hae, an! ‘nat | two store roma, handsoniely. finished. looked a large sum of money, whieh | quits of compartments, consisting of fortunasely had been secure in a safe | five rooms each and will be used for | hiding piace. : | be finished throughout in yellow pine, | and when completed will be in every respect a handsome and substaptisi { block. Addleman & Bloom have the | EBENSBURG. : a. ma, Pa., Sept. 11, 1994 | Fityalz foreigners from: Spangler | Bariubore; were nasnpalised ab | court yesterday. - Many persons were in town last | week attending court. nd : James Rush, conductor of the Branch | 03 me Yoni the of B.C. : train, has gone to housekeeping in a prog ty sitite. of | Brown. The residence will be in point Joous 0 the’ lise of EB, : | Cresswell oh Julian street. ‘of besuty and architectural design, perhaps the most handsome in Patton, {arrived on Saturday and will and wil} $8,000. be | ; i] placed in position in a few days. uo: ¥. Burtite & Cs. oF Kucwvilis Alvin Davis has retarned to Millers- Pot Sesto aa Vain nek where he will re. Bip the contract for erecting the same und [Milton Spencer will be foreman of fhe ‘work. W. T. Robinson the esst end mer- Mrs. J. R. Humphreys, of Johnstown, | chant is putting up another building to , spent a few days in town last week. be used for basiness and dwelling par- James McCabe, formerly of this PO®S [tistabe on the lot eat of the place, but now of Pittsburg, is visiting °0¢ Which he recently budlt om. The friends here. building will be 2¢ x 30 feet and two Daniel H. Jones, whose wife died a "Go 0 i ba badia short time ago with typhoid fever, is i basil i for seriously ill with the same disease. cin } ape Messrn. George Huntley, 0). > Pun. Took ming for ips and W. C. Shields are at home after . | of erecting 8 were and ‘a three week's outing in Michigan. It will be 36 x 40 feet, two stories and contain a basement whole part. The b | brick one, and will appearanes of his property avenue, : D. H. C. Warren, the ground broken for a building to sume his studies. Robert M. Brooks, the civil engiher, | has retasned to Ebensburg and taken » contract down the Blacklick; : ; i 8 F ¥ pe] it Gen. Joseph McDonald is preparing S§e § ¥ Myr. Jos. Van Ormer, of Van Ormer, | vi § County Commissioner, Wertz is in town to-day. Barn Burned. Geo. M.| o M. ‘be 30 x 40 feet. L Cuppels, wholives about one-half mile | jy npy Ardell is building s residesee from St. Aungustine was completely on west Magee avenme next to Bur 's September ith, about 2 o’clock, besides | 94 Deaneily Prupersy. the perishing of one horse, one cow com and several pigs. All his bay, grain, on etc, and all farming machinery and pov or). F. Bonner. implements gxcept a mowing machine, ". J B Noonan is erecting a which was standing in a shod nearby spacious stable on the rear of his lot were destroyed. One horse and a cow on Fifth avenue. were severely burned and may have to be killéd to end their sufferings. There A Narrow Kseape. was no insurance on the burn or its contents. The fire is supposid to have | been the work of an incindiary. | severs blow on the top of his head one Photographer in Fatton. day last week which left a very ugly Earnest Bruer, the Hastings photo- es il the Stnistulice uf Inusing ; her, has opened a photograph gal. Was necessary to alleviate . i Corr Ly oirapl gl. ings. A large piece of timber fell’ low Hotel Beck. : newly refitted and is now ready to fill | the first floor where he was w orders promptly. Pictures from a No. Striking him, and had not the fall of the 1 Photograph to a Life Siz Crayon Umber been broken by a companion executed in the highest style of art who was standing near by, it would no Satisfaction guaranteed. Go and see doubt have struck Mr. Smith in suchas - ‘samples of work. The gallery will be | manner as to cause his death. He om open every Monday, Thursday and COUNE himself s lucky man to have es Saturday. 42t4 caped & much worse accident. Leeture at Carrolltown. New Livery. Mr. J. T. Allman, lecturer of the Walter Dale, an energetic young Pennsylvania ‘State Grange - and man who has made his home ia Patten nominée of the People’s party for since its infancy, has about completed Governor of Pennsylvania, will deliver arrangements to open a new livery in Crain, the contractor, received a Lembiocom, of Brisbin, Pa., bas J..N. Smith, an employe of M. M. with eam ‘throu h- | Heated st g Wits. the: Gud gr was pay the costs; and guilty in the out, f the commonwealth vs A. L. ‘called, Mrs Shadle stated that Alex SMe © 4 Hot and coli water Of €VETY had made thrests, and when paked | (hestnutwood, Slosioss assault and f | where she resided she stated that she battery; also guilty of amault in the oor. Sk lived in Indiana county. The rvourt indictment charging Lim with assault ; d battery. king and dining depart- said she could pay the costs as the 2" hing t Skillful ug P ' Cambria county courts hadn’t time to John Stemmer, of Jibatows, boy ment in 1 . ‘| try Indiana county cases. of 14 pleaded guilty to the charge of MAGEEAVE, NEARR. R. STATION. | A. A. Glasser, charged with surety | maliciovs mischief. - Young Stemmer PATTON. PENN'A. of the peace and making threats, was got into the heafquartery of the army : Thanks Tendered. a lecture at Carrollitown, at 8 o'clock Patton. He left on Tuesday to pur The choir at the St. Mary's Catholic on Friday evening, September 14th, chase hoes and make other necessary church at this place wish to tender 1894 The lectire will be in the in-’ arrangements to get the movement thanks to the Misses Sharbasigh, Ecken- terests of the farmers’ orgnnizations on foot. He Has ordered several fire’ rode and Stoltz, of Carvolltown, Miss and will be open to the public. carriages which he expects to arrive McMullen, of Johnstown, and Mr. Found. very soon. The business will be car Swope, of St. Lawrence, for their A key ring and chain containing ried on in the barn formerly used % . assistance in singing high mass on last ‘nine keys. Owner can have same by | Curt Richards for stabling his camp Sunday and cordially Invite them to calling at the COURIER office and pay- horses, which is situated acress Choyt | call again, ing for this notice. © Creek, opposite the railroad depot. ©
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