-& i in n ” } ™” » ore or the building 4 for Honest Dealing, SH. USNER. to the pu js A full ine of Wathen sil € wv Our store is stocked buy economical of the— le at our store wpe PRR sve EVERYBODY. our store and % > 2 ovel, t.a rake, hoe, i n “ gi a . And everything kept in a fir tclass general store. We make {a specialty of the best grades) of uly. Hardware of shelf and heavy Sardware IAY, - GRAIN, - ETC. hod class of goods to select ineof from. We have a full I Ato a Qu 's : headquarters for with any Be 1s, etc. Is the Text of Their Sta Avenues. almost everything in the § hey are offering ar ny E RKIN & K po DOS. nD Ld id OF INTEREST TC v th a fine line Resp ption 3 Now is the time to gt and we can supply PRINTS and Ol JAS. W| HOY, . to call 2 ‘Wea ds of build P'S SU esc of every d ‘Hard Times Prices! “embracing ‘which tl | merchandise line, - y ity wi pac and vou. They Have a complete line of choice; GER pS | » all kin We can supply you No trouble to show g of all kinds and all sha wonderfully you can save. Magee and Fifth ~ —The fact that you can F or Sale by Mi Everbody is cordially invitef to call and see our large sod reps | of ‘goods which are offered for sa line, such as n customers and keep a gn of every It will be our constant on supply st its of al our DRY GOODS, BATS Right Goods Atthe Right Prices, 'W. Hodgkins, A Few Facts FLOUR, - FEED, - All kinds of Shelf Hardw: will interest | sonable |. Corner i i i { DOORS and SA lave Watches and Watches, but th will serve 4 y of General i ———————— rsnt A y i , Pa. Pa. tion | of, his relief | wil attend to all business with promptuiess to his weariness. rogue, book and full 18tL N. PA. concerning {ts new bia stands | Jowest possible of all full ia, | b CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, J work guAmMn- 20 cents, Shave 10 cents, Rhampoi nd Sea Foam 10 cents. PATTON, PA. by Oto Glonmer, the | Office and residence on Magee avenue, next M.D, HURGRON, PHYSICIAN AND W. E. Probert, SHOP| near R. R. Station. \ Shoes made to order and there | of all kinds done promptly. and will saccess. Kinds of work in my | taken and | nL PATTO PAINTER . We nake s olumbia caty Pa MASON,| PATTON, PA. cli's Hotel. Keeps Moantain Hover, beautiful of interest. Free upon bread and For Sale by C. #2 Ftir ates submitted on short notice. Go To : : DANIELSON & ENGBLAD’S eee THO—— Gonos = CONTRACTING the C Patton, ford Bicycles. : Barber and} Hair Dresser, he head | roadsters, : have red to do all PATTON, PENNA. so NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICH. details Attorney-at-Law, WARREN, modsations first-class. which is a features in P. MCKENRICK,— casily at . Attorney and Counselor ot Law, HARRY McCORMICK, Price, $125. The New 4th Ave, _ogu fall its Fu ER wv BAER. Advertising a Specialty. Special attention given 1 Fevers and Dis Drop a card to Box HY | x» AUGUST K. HUBER, John Yahner's Hardware tore. Hair Cut | Attorney and Counselor at Law, . All logan! business promptly attended 0: | Opera House block. Firstclum places in | anne of Children. We DAVIS, — indication of tho ih ovmpuible WER Ho Hl ju jy i hi iit hh il : : li § 1,388, 17, Bgattt J H Hing hi il Lh bi i hs nS below Beck we served in avery wiyle . STONE | eimmater | snd fidelity. Pe or Iam Hine at teed, J Is Naturally, when he does rest, rn ito i i ‘whom I spoke 2. a his inherited habit man, wed | the orm | oH neo the light hase. — | shinimg through a depth of fine | London Million. home." were for i a stg in thie Si | 1 he room tomerty sccupid The particles correspond koniscope, | confined in brokers’ fine, clear rich blue above he PEWD Yel 1s every your bread Chicago Also agent liable guide to 5 biteb A { the blachnems of | for the young for o m not saveling . Well goback generally a deep by a hase. hase of the heavens most re tless space. When in oa and the blue colar is caused dy calculating list who gave the genus its botan- we ha A a te TRE far truer practice. 3:1 depravity. The sentence of the lk Penitent Vagrant—Jedge. is not here the court is that the prisoner be eink loki of proplewite jail for 30 days and fed om ma AT affords a | water. {1k ili - sill gi i Hh ilk af if ie i FE Tih i ot a : } ist aga 2 HA Bi HR ti | Hie ny ii] itil dss 1 Billi il ; hays hi RE iith jit § hit it i alll Hak i ilk hi : ine) di lls Hi i i ite i (i |! Fi 1 : lh Bai gia 0d! {lil ii iq | iin | i ll ah i hi iki thik Is . : i" Hi Hk il + 's Aint iiiag Hh i adil HAT Lh = a il : aE bi Wl thily fin ii 5 ih Hy i ih it i | itil ahi ll A in hi fii ll A Ii hl a yi it { dE Bs i ih i i 4 Hi Hs ts | tithi all i Hi i His int liane] hes al iF | atthe [filets il i + peta bhi ih, Het lt tik i il i | d iia Gr silile ii ike iti I ihe ih | Hi H ili i Eh San Ae re mm ————-——— dt. th es hl AAA Dr hand e New York | | I him.” “Who is he!” : on » cable car."—Wash- | en's sake, make it jist § 1 2 1 ] 1 ! “He haa loft “Yes.” 11] p : pd ga had o bo adjoured. I pward ded in Fe atom pn. —Paris Jour »- wo nd llr ony oli mage J gh ka iia es ” EER No gle ich Ris, RRQ: aa Sauk gh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers