JAS. W. HOY, . Low KUSNER. ncn stmt eto IN i AN Everbody is cordially invi RR. Station. promptly. Prices] line of § A full line of Wathes and SRT nd Engraving wil. Pull line of Spectacles. WESLEY AN Watche RKIN & Is 2 pet re! are Watches and Watches, but th SHELL sells you will ran asd keep time with the : s9- NEXT DOOR TU PORTOFFICE. | which helps to - increase the sales ¢ ; : to ell mt For Sale by Ml at lowest prices. footwenr of the desler Sted accarntel Tontely. in my fatisfection SON, Wellon Avenue, PATTON, PA. 1 am prepared fo do all Kinds K. HUBER, of Li EE we mover a at n-reg~e A. . SHOP| ake OYSTERS IN THE HALF of Cnntrmeis aa wo N & ENGBLAD'S We when desired. # | * sy, Clearfield Co., Pa. GmomoE Pa — ARTIRTIC— Go a style. served in every PATTON, l=: i iit hl i $ 44333 i] 2 plik i ali} il hat) ii hit ha] fli “sath alah i 0 ef AS WR PYF - W. BITTHE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. | DEALERS who push the sale of ¥ FE. | Sw Estimates subaritied on short notios. i STONE MA » onl me reasohable Bhat in a ffi till it ils A . = Chan La ii hi Hi ini Toine et I'm not Gaveling roan of rr "11 go back they did. It cost him $10, Jas as you my,’ Voll 1 sey no goer Sry Frond i in iil i i si hi i} 0 fl jt itl Ji it fit! hei dl ls Hi 1] 4 Ani Ha er: Hi : d Lo i fi i bli i It wail eg £ plik i 1 prominent young br Tae vr AS SA SIT 55 10 of i asaiay iil % i and hoane. Shoes made to order freaks now. We ih 2y ih there “5¢ all kinds done man has snes. = around. Lod will prices ’ S OIL | class of goods to select on hand. a full line of our store and rake, hoe, shovel, and we can supply ypuito a PRINTS and OILS ully. L) AY, - GRAIN, - ETC. assortment of CARPETS, e ” All kinds of Shelf Hardware kept TING, Ete., call ii doe et of all kinds and all shades and colors. It you can save. wonderfully to of every description at Now is the time to gut.a customers and keep a god No trouble to show griods Hy Hardware is stocked every ty wi % = titsca m » see us first. line of. chioice, SH. the to the public at a ~ FIFTH AVENUE. offering e of shelf and heavy F INTEREST TO EVERYBODY. gi] almost everything XN STORE Co. with any tc. Be oulrs for Homest Dealing, have a complete € - the Right Prices, » Is the Text of Their Sto of builflers supplies, such as They bracing a fine ply you FE all kinds em line, which they are ith su . . M. THOMAS, Dry Ru line, such We can he fact that you can buy economical of the— of and | will interest you. { sonable goods, | merchandise V § 'FLOUR, - FEED, - It will be our constant effort to supply the wants of all our And everything kept in a firjtclass general store. We make Esmmnvno, Pa. win attend wo all business with promptness | | snd Sedelity. Pa. ~~ GARDEN ly distributed in this city 1, ta mom formerly accapied by Otto Counselor at Low, Attorney-at-Law, 2 cents, Shave 10 cents, Shampoo Attorney and Counselor at Law, 4 flew. Poam 10 conte. Hair Cut All legal business promptly attended to. places in spoke 2. an teed. 3 Reuel Somerville, WK DAVIS — hoses that Oper House Liork. Firstclam work guama- ih at the ® l ! 3 seats young or selafive bo Yipes 3 Wachad tem do My Th hi iil HE Fit | i it HH ff an : iy ul i ii i Hl yi hi A A 0 A AAR 4 a j lid a x hi ha i it il hail iti Li i il i titi mey be Groin What a GOLD FIND IN GEORGIA. anit Rediscovery Collin Shey Wine New Y Hil rd lh J A ——— A FO T_T A—" Fo We — | Apecial attention given © Fevers and Dis. RRL 1 li a Le Ji il i i General ily n ie ind said that the i if WARREN, | CONTRACTING | ante of Childe. Hilti bil il Hit if; i i DOORS and SA A Few Facts " . Columbia stands PATTON, PA. = PAINTER Price, $125. | Columbia, . 13-6mo the When in fine, clear fi li il i i li 1 hn i 237 ERT . ti ii Ih:il i 1131 | (a a deep rich y! i 1] 4 itil Hi || pose sd | cae An inch our CCAR to the i I “11d First Clase some people sew diepousd tous. them from br od & hat ths HI 1 iil ii! lowest possible of all fully | ‘Hard Times Prices! At Right Goods book | application. | "© of interest. Free upon we, | be confined in bread behind lots of people who | jail for 30 days and fed on ‘Corner Magee and Fifth Avenues. ok and full . Ww. Hodgkins, which is a ‘Patton, For Sale by C Vagrant—Jedge., water. Wash | Sn the make it jist bread! —Chicago | Also agent § 1 | opurt is that the prisoner «Conductor on a cable car. He has loft “Who is he?” ATRL gion it! bh oop Rich. | eRetuty fit | ih Hill g It ts last pro- of as million. —ParisJour- | ington Star.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers