I J. -i i ' L 1, i .'i ! .'ltj'.. ... id. i:t ;,, .. !!: ", J ii ... -i::;s p ' P CHANGE OF .t rf:;sf f lit: Ci-ic l.. pv c , ,;,,..( Mo (I j Wet....'... '. do Ml !,-, ' 'la do Vi'csi Lnrnl I'l-cil,! lo (In A'i o--l Time Table. The tim- on tlio 1 & E. 11. 11. Iiasa;:-iin been channel, tvi will be pooh ly roforinji t itl e lioadiurr of this column. in in. in. i: -! 1 1 ;i . m. LV.'i 1'. in. Wauled A few ftmiip. nt the J h-nrnfr office. M'o do tin! nie:i!i for lluisn of our sub ficribcrs, who, arc in nr rears for subscrip tion, job kjv'h cte. to pin over. Oh ! no. Divine Service. There will be preaching in the Court J louse in this pl.ico on next Sabbath by IIcv. Vernon of the M. K. Church, at 10.1 o'clock a. in. Also 31. E. Sabbath school, at 0 o'clock si. m., aod Enisoonal Sabbath school at o'clock p. m. Exchange Hotel. In tliia issue of the Advocate will be found the card of the Exchange Hotel in this place. This hotel is pleasantly situated on the bank of the Canon luv cr.aud Mr. flaky tho Proprietor, will spare uo pains f.;v the convenience of Jiis guests. All lie auks i o trial and l.o thinks the house will r; cak for itself. Hyde ITo-to, We burn that Mr. M. V. Moore, bos Ci?aiu rented the Hyde Hou-to, and in tends spenJln;; the co-ruin:; winter in KidiTway. M. V. i--a pool clever fel-l.-w and will try and make all feel at borne, that will f.ivor him with a call. Vt c beliovo lie t ikes p isnrsii-m, scruc time durii g the j ie.-cut month. W .SJIf.'.fSir.rfl' nY vh:ti;k , v .,, tin: Cutirt uf (' HI 1 1 1 .'i 's ,v.f -. if putidry writs H '..!'.-. H-'ied out (i :! l'leiis ef Mil, co'i'ity, I shall expose to. sale by pul.ii vendue or outcry at tho Court House in liiilirway, on Monday tho -1th day of Aovend er next at 1 o clock p. in., nil the interest oi the di.fcndont i:i and to the K.!lowi:-.-r lc-in!;ed real estate tj- '.': ALlith.it certain tract or piece of land, situate. 1 in Jay fown-.hipKik cnun tv 1 Viiiisvlv.inia. J'l'ninninir at :i Hem luck Post, South Wc-t rumor of tract No. iW, Tlicuce Noith 5) 13.5 rods thence East .Vi.V" rods, thence South 5 IS..' iods to a Hickory, thence of) de grees South, West ol.o rods to a span. isu v:k, iiience rouui r; degrees west, 51 rods to a Hemlock, thence South 8 4 decrees west, I'd rods to n Hemlock on north side cf road, thence South S8f desress west, 27 rods to a Chestnut, iiicncc Aorih ,dl decrees weft 21 I rods to a po.it, thence North 40 J de grees west t)3 rodd to a Pino corner, thence North S0.1 degrees west ten rods to a Hemlock, thence North 81 decrees west 8 rods, thence North 85. degrees west 15 rods, thenco West ltj.2 rods to a 1 ine, thenee North 88 degrees west K).8 rods, thenec North 88 degrees west 11.5 rod? to a IIe::ilock on the North U est corner of (! ray's land, thence South 57.2 rods to a rest on South side or the road, thence alonsr the road South 77;! degrees west 17.0 to a Hemlock on the South side of yaid road. South 72- oegreea .ve-t 17 rod to an oa S'J.'. dcLrrces west 14 rods. egrees west 7 rods to an Oak. North I' degrees west -'2.-1 rods to a Hem. jck. North GO decrees west 17 ,L- S.K ?outh 77 rods Xe.it! 1 I egrees wc:t 8 rods to Jfpisccpal Ciiuitit. Vi'c cannot go to press this week with cut o:no notice uf tho s.r.rpri-iug pro. gr.vsi.ftho Epi-copal Church cf this phuo. It veujinds one of A'.'addins Ca.-.t!e, in such a manner bss it, wilbin a few v, f'ks, iro;.i a r.aw of prostrate tiiii. bers, shot up into an elegant building v.Mi h docs credit to tho eucrgy and I'nti'i'ji'.-ise ot oar citizens. liueoanox AVc notice in the Eiio D.'xiiafch of October P2t Ii, that Cov. Cicary has is. f tied his w inai.t f. r the Execution of is'ojI l v, ii.'k y, in liijzsmo county, on tho 12'!: ...f No-oinber, for tho murder of !::.-; wit'.' or. the .'id of July last ; also, lor lh .J Eecutiuii of Lena Miller, in Uearfiol! oj:n,ty, I 'sili of Novenibcr her hul..:;id on Velnes lay, the for tho murder of loisolting, County Tetpaianco Canvontloc. All tueiids of Tciupei;r.:ce are rc (nes ted to nicf t at the Court House, cn Tues day Oct. 20th, for the purpose of form ing a County Temperance Convention. Each town an 1 Temperance orgauizition aro rc'iuested to send delegates. Rev. O. I. Chenoweih of Carlisle Pa., will deliver a Lecture in the eveuing. ly order of the Committee. Wheaton'a Oiii'.raont. Is an old and well tried remedy, which keep.-; constaatly increasing ia popularity as its merits becomo known. It has been before tbo public for more than sixty years, and is universally ac knowledged to bo tho most cci-tuir. and speedy cure ever discovered for Salt Itheum, Ulcer, Chilblains, Teller, PIm. i..ii.i i it .. .. pies, j.ioic.ics, at:u uu eruptions oi t'n tkin, while it is a sure cum for tho Itch, und w'll eradicate tho moit obstinato c:t bes in forty-tight hours. Grand Eatoitaiiimcnt. Davcupoit, the celebrated Lumoribt and clccutioni.-t will favor our comma, nity this evening (Oct. 17) with a bril liant display cf Lis extraordinary abili ties to take jlace fit tho Hyde House. All who h ive witnessed tho performan ces of this gil'ic l young mac, concur iu assigning to him a place iQ the highest rank of our national humorists. His iuvariablo companions are amusement pleasure, mirth and joy, with laughter bhukiog both his sides, and, at iho same time instruction eddbation. No one has ever heard him who would not gladly pc ; z.j the chance to do so again, at twice the money. Among the characters he will assume, aro "The Coal Oil Leetu- " Tho Yutikco Nutmeg Pudlor." " Pat Mulloy, Hans Schmidt." " Tho "uny-rT,. liedot," and several otb. thcrs,wa DC.,j n0 niontion, tho whole to elude with "Tie ISooul Glass," u no fiom life. Anion ; his other fortes, be excels in the uix-t wonderful Liciul chiuges, and, bc-.t of all, ha is tho vroilt renowned VhMRiLOuibi. Win -ryvcr ha appeals, his preserico is 1V;: greeted with '' oseessivo crowds tuu 'Toug to overflowing." Admi.ion t .-u.4. D.i.ir.J onen at 7 o'cI.ilIi. i . iv """'Uets will cc:uuietiej at X. Hemlock, north side cf road. North 7!. I lb- :. tv..t II .") T...U If !! nnle N'or-'h (id degrees we.t 0 rod.; to . hem. lock. North (iS degrees west 0 rods to an -:.!.-, south side of road. South 80 de grees '.vest Id rods, north 81 degrees west ' I rod.', thence North 75 degrees w.v t 81 rods to a hemlock stump on Ovils east line, thence North .' rods to a post, thence l.'astwardly along tho road It) rods to a post, ln-iiiir Ovils South east corner, thenco North 5d rods, thenco W est 10 rods to an oak on t!:e western line of traet No. 5031, thence North 1S:;.," iv.ds to the place of beginning, ex cepting thereout I've acres to-wit : L'o. ginning at the distance ef one rod north oi' the North La:. k of Spring Kun at a point uer.r tho mouth ot Wolf Lick Run, thence extending South across Spring Pun a sufficient distance to a poiut at tho distance of one rod south of the South bank of said Spring Run and ex. tendin r north west Hardly from the Grst named point, at the distance of one rod fi om V.'olf Lick Hun, and from the oth er point westwurdly it tho distance of one rod from the said Spring Hun, each of said lines following the menudcrinss of Wolf Lick Run or Spring l!un, nod to bo sar far extended as by a lino running duo North connecting the two lines shall embrace live acres, and nl.-ai all tho Cral Iron ore Lime Stone and b'ho Clay, eon. taincd within the aforesaid ptirticuluidv .'.escribed tract Qr.,t moriiioned contain ing one thousand nine hundred and twenty. seven and one tenth acres, upon which property not excepted is erected one old sawmill not in runniug order ; one two story plank house, about 30x10 feet, one old frame barn and a small gar den patch, one oil derrick &e. Seized taken iu execution and to be sold as tho property of The Spring Run Oil & Lum ber Company of Elk county, at the suit of A. W. Gray. ALG3 David Kyler lot, contain ing seventy acres more or less, situated iu Pox (ownJiip, Elk county Pa. Pc giuiiing at a post on the South East cor. nor of land of William Meredith estate, ihence ca..-t partly by land of William Taylor o.io hundred and forty-eight rods to a Pcech, thence North by laud of Geo. Oitz, seventy-five and ono half rods to a post, thcucc West by land of Pi'.vid Meredith one buudrcd and forty .'even rods to a po.-t, thence South by lands of Willbm Meredith estate to the place of beginuirjg. About 8 aero.s im proved, one small log bouse and one smidl log barn erected thereon. Seined uiid taken in execution and to ba sold as the property of Sarah Jane Kjler, Da. vid Kyler and David Meredith, ut tho suit of Henry Souther & Albert Willis. its of Fieri Fariii. Court of ( iiiiuiKin I shall ox liriHO to Bill.! l.y pulilie veuiluo or out cry nt tho Court Jt.nise iu HHjrwny, on Muniluy tho llli liny of Voveml.or next at 1 o'ulnok p. in., nil tho ini.rcst of iho Uii:',:.i.kr.t in audio tho ful lovlii! .li'stiiln .1 roul ostato t nU. Doginninor fit n nceli c-jl'Ucr t!lv'!l"C HOI'!' seventy decrees enst ninety perches ton fci.iall lieinloek, lli'inee .Souilt nineteen do. green east about ono humired ami seventy tour and one )ia'.i'(I71J) perches to a maple, thence south fjiout B.:veuiy degrees west iiV.oni eility.fi jht perche-i to a i0.it, ihcnoe . 'Vi li twenty decrees west, ftliout ono liuu 'li ' "1 and scvoi.ty l'onr and one half f I 7 -J 3 J leichus to the (.'..ico of beginning, and con j'.o.ii.tf iiiiieiy-eil.t acres, uh.io or less, mid '"mil part of w.o nu.t Nc. -I.7J.1, being tho some inn 1 allot ti.l m Suiihoiii.i Webb do censed, 1.y.rocoe.Uujfha.lin tho Oriilmns' UmrtoiJ.IU County, N0. B.January Term, .so ft'.l that tract, piocoor parcel of If. ml situated, lyin-niid b.di.K Iu Jy ,owu bhij), J-.iK t-iuity, lVimsylvania, t,i,M,lrt of wuirui.t .No. .Jk;i:(, described aslJllovr. licinuinx ut tho north oust co-tut of said wiwniiil 4 .-'.I'), tl.em-o went on t !i- nol i li lino of a aid wairntit -IST't, s.j tar l!ml uduceomli lino to tho north lino of the lot ori.ieeo ut lind laic tub Hilling to Chinks (bo net- width i-i a iii i ol'ti.o aforesaid waiTaiit 'M, fioin thfiieccv-t on the noi-ihliao of l!io aforesaid wm-nuil IP-li'!, so that a lino to tho phieo of l-.t':ii:iiiirs vi!l inehii nod contain ninety I 'in j ii ii I l lileu lutin In ii:, uiiuH Uriel lacu-a.io. flHO a!l:h..'. CLt-tiii.. t.-.ut, pij -c or j-.ur. lie ' f 'mi I ill .'ay 'p. Ii"t C ., I' i , na l d . .jribed ai follmvi Veiiiuiie; nt a pine iloj iior'ii wo-t cnrii.T of wnnniit No. 4!i"i, ll'en. i' eist ninety one nnd Ihrro f.uirts (''I ! I) pendics in n jinst in t he mirl h line of v iivi.oil No. .IS'.l"), tiienee Soiitlicr'y two l.ionrf.l in,, fotirterii nnd live tenths ( 11 I "i lo) piM-chi-M I,, n heiiilurk in (lie li n-ih i-iii nee nl Vi'illiiini Webb's In 'id, I lieiieu S 'lOli scvoety deptiee.-1, west thirty nnd iliree lentil (:',: ii-lt.) pereher to n liinple the coin It ensl eoitiovof land nllol ted to foplio. nia AVcbb, thence nort h nluuit twenty do-ff-pe? west nloiij; tho cist line of Sophonin Webb, nlhitiiieiit ono hundred nnd novonly our and one f.mriti (171 1-4 to) a small hem lock in the wet lino of warrant. No, 4H03, bein, the north cast corner of paid Sojilionia Webb's nllntment, tlieneo north ntonii t lie west line orwnrrnnt 4M!).-)t0 plncoof lie-Tin-ninp, enntainning nincly-oight acroi strict liica.-uremcnt. Seized nnd taken in execution and lo bo sold nslhe property of David Tyler nt Iho suit of lhnersoii nnd Adnni, J. A. MA LONE, Sheriff. Ridvay, Oct. 3d, 1SG7. L IS'linj'riAND JUUOris7drav7n for Nov. Term 1807. licuesctte tp. John Z. Lindemutb, Miles Dent, Charles Winslow, Abner Obcr, Edw.trd Fletcher, Jacob English, Pcnjatrin Johnson, Milton Chase. licnzintjvr tp. Francis Teglor, Tho.". Kerner, Anton Pancr, Jos. 1. Werner. Fox. tp. F. X. Eutz, Henry Lary, W. W. Roarers, Joel Taylor, J. Koch, Eli P. Kyler, John IJ. Williams, 13. A. Weed, Arnel Turley. Ruhju-ay tp. I). I). Cook. Spring Creek tp. II. P. Saltsmnn, Daniel D. Davidson. 1ST OF TRAVESE MIROI?. IV Oycr and Terminer, Drawn for Nov. Term ISOT. l, nc:: tlc. tp. Oeorgo Enulish, J. W. Drown, Reuben Winslow Jr., Wullacc Johnson, Cornelius Wainnripdit, David Marsh. Bvu-Jiujcr p. Philip Krnikol, Ed ward liabel, Jos. Kerucr, Anton Bille, Anton Munich, Francis Ca.ssidy. Fox tp. Jas. W. (Iross, Jcciuiuh Hewitt, A. S. Hill, Hays Kyler, M. Dnnvn, John Nulf, Horace Little, C. W. If. Eiekc, Nathan Hippie, J. E. Graham. O. P. Keltz. J '!: Laid tp. Thomas Cauipblc, C. Stubbs. J ) In. Wni. M. Webb. Thomas Tozier, Richard Cheat lo, Oliver Dode, Francis J. Spnnler, Rooso Mayhood. . :: ip. .Michael ihtt. AY..ir fp. W. C. Hcalv. ft. V. Dickinson, I'.dward Dcrbv.lt. V. Ki me. II. S. Pclnap. Sprin-i 'Cicck tp. Michael Iltle. Samuel Harps. iSt. Mm s lioro. Joseph Craft. W. C Schnltze, C. II. Volk, Philip Wil. helm, Win. Gross, George Imboff, Mi- chae.i Druuer, John Wauchlel, Frank Ucis. c O U UT PR OCL A M A 'I ION. P. Williams, President and Hon. E. C. Seultzo and Hon. Jesse Kvler. Asso ciate Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas, ami Justices of tho Court of Quarter Sessions, nnd Orphans' Court, and Court of Over and. Terminer, nnd General Jail Delivery, for tho trial of capital u ml oilier offences in tho county of Elk, by thoir precepts tome directed, have ordered the p foresaid named courts to be hodden at Itldgway, in and for the county oi JJk, on tho first MONDAY lNNOVISMRHIt.it being tho 4th D. V of the mouth and to continue ono week. Notice is hereby iven to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the county of Elk, that they are by theso precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persous, at 10 o'clock a. m , of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoto things which thoir offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of said county make returns of all tho recognizances entered into before them, to the Clerk of the Court as per act of Assembly, passed May -1, 1831. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prose, cute the prisoners that arc or shall bo is tho jail of said county of Elk and to be then and there toprosecuto against them as shall be just. J A. MALONE. Sept. 12, 18C7. Sheriff. A LSO by sundiy writ f issue 1 out of iho C Pleu'n of lilt: County, I si "yjlJ.r. LiSTTor November Term l of K Ik County Common Pious, commen cing 4th of November 18U7. Oeo. Weis, for uso vs M, Gci-g. .Vntuo vs Snme. Same vn Same. C. Wainwriahl, vs (). O. Crowell, J. W. Ili-owu, va II. Woodward, et al Feed Cox.-, el ul va K. 11. England c t ul J. C. Chapiti's lljira vs W". lirvii'ir. " John Tudor, C'lmilcs Hull, Cliui'le:! Hal iter Thoi.ma l:i i.loiis Juki. II iU, C.. lb MeJsonger, It. C. I.ooiuis, n. W. Italhbuu. Oeo. Wois for use Samo Sauio vs II. Woj-lwiit-J " vs Jos. Wiinoi- ' vi John C. Seott, vs .1. Powell, Adin'r. vs J. X. Hrcoden ct nl vs I. W. linrrell. vs Tho Co-.iutv of Kile vs Wont C'k M & M Co vs M. Gerg. vs iSamo. vs Fanio. OEOllGE A. ItATUBU.V, l'l-othnotary. 1).-VIXTS for FA 11 ME It 3 and others. Tho Gratia Mineral I'aint Co. nrs now i.miifietu.injr tho Iiest Cheapest and most durable l'nint in uso ; two eontg well j u on, mixed with piuo Linseed Oil, will lust 10 or lo years j it is of a light brown or beautiful chooolnto color nnd can bo changed to green, lend, stone, drab, olivo or eruam, to suit the tnsto of Iho consumer. It is viiluubU for Houses, limns, Fences, Carriage and Ciir-muUeis, l'nils and Wood en wure, Aiiciiltural Implonicnts, Cntiiil items, Ve'.sels niel ships' ilotioms, Cnnvus, Afotal und Shinn'o Itont's, (it being Firo nnd Wat 9i- pr.Tuf), Floov Oil Clolhu, (ono Mann, faoiur ei- liuvinj used 601)0 Lbls. the past yeae, ) und us n pnint for nny purpoao In iiu-airpa.Hsod for budy. durability, elasticity, mi l udhesivoiiess. l'rieo S1) per l.bl. of tit)') Din. whioh will supply ft furiocr for years u o'liuo. Wari-i-n'e l in allc is. ,n iibovn. JSen I fo n eii-fii'ur whioh ;vi fi'l ..li-ilruhl-H. Noui- ni-imiuM imlt-K lir.ill ll-d iiiu ir.idu i. ..uk (i. ,.!,, 'Jim-i-.i i'umi. .Vdii-jn UAMi'.L I llH 111 , J"l I'oiol t'tiMi-t, New Vork. 5cj t. 0-'C7.-tim. giiand arrow T II 1 S K VEX1N O . A T III E II Y D E II O U S E ill Ji';iiiiik'. a i.Aitap: stock or GOODS ...ii 5 Via IJ The undersigned liavo on band a largo nnd vciy dcnirable stock of (iOODS, and will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to KAT, WE A IT, Oil FEED, which they will sell at tho very bottom figure aud from this date will sell only for CASH.. Wo will use every endeav or to make it to the interest ol our cus tomers to adopt the universal CASH SYSTEM. We have dekrmined to give the CASH SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be the inter est ot both buyci and seller. POWELL & KIME. Rid gway, Aug. 13th, 18G7. sc. The fJirartl Life Insurance, Aurmity & Trust Co! OF 1'HIEAD'A. CUiiZTE3lEI JT.V SS36 CASH CAPITAL $ !50u,0O0,0O. ASSETS $2,4.-i5,3:'.3,50. Mutual Insurance combined with tho fro. Ciirity of capital. For insin-nneo npply to JOHN G. IIAJ,!,, Itidgwny, Ta. 1'iil ''l-.i-l ''mill iij C Vd-S "W1 STOVES .VXD T I X - W A It E AT John Sosenheiraer & Sons., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS. 6T. MAUY'S, VA. Keeps eonslantly on hand and for sale, a larj?o and well eelectcd stock of TIN WARE, STOVES &e. We have everything generally kept i,i a Ti i Shop. Our Stock of STOVES cous' ts in part of SPEARS ANTIDUST PARLOR & COOKING STOVES, ALSO IKON GATE & WHEAT-SIIEAP STOVES, rt'o also keep on linnd nnd fur Falc tho MORNING GLORY, A lnrgo stoec of GLORE HEATERS with Russia ton in amonjrour assortment, which arc now tho best stoves iu use, and can be sold us cheap as cvjr. SCRA1' IRON taken in exchango for goods. COOPS CASH. SPOUTINU& ROOFING dona on nhorl noioo. Give us a call, nnd satisfaction guaranteed. ,s,.pt. l!i;'07. tf. JACKIE d. i:r. j Coiiii'i-llor nl 1 ..!.iii;;-,r'. jJii'jJoi'H. - TOI1N 0. HALL, Aliornoy nl law. Ilid,': wny, l'.'ik .aiiinly l'n. nun- -I 'ir. ly QOt.-CIIl.i; Mi WH.I.IS Alt..iii". 31.1 O '"!, liidfwiiy. Elk cntmly Pa., v. ill attend to all professional hustings f.rompl ly- mav-2i:'iH'.-ly. AKEI.Y. Attfiiniy nnd iiw. nnd (". fi. Coi-iaiis- o.iner. Ridw.iy r. (. IV'k camii v. I'a. mar 'sSx-:.-ly. JO.I.N 0. TIM I IIS. K. I-. 11 .11.1.. 1 1 A JA i .'c JillO. A ttorii vs - m I - J j v. '. , KT.-MARY'r!: r.ExzixoEit r. o. r.i k coevrv, v. September 20, IS CO. ly. DR. W. JAMES BT.A KELlMiysieTiin and Surgeon, Si. ?.I.ir.y'. E'k 'count v I'll. 'w.nr-2'2'0i;ly." It, V,'. W. SHAW lVno.icri Medicine nnd Surgr.ry, Cenlrcvil'o. E!!t rnnnly ninr-22'(iG.1y. ? 3 r j Ti-.ke? tl.i-Pi.bi'n-, Pa.. D! R. A. S. HILL Korsev. Elk county Pn. Will promptlv nnswer nlli'rores.-ionnl cans by ni?lit or tl.iy. ni.ii---- tjii-ly. "TV U. W. li. 1 1 A T.Tm A N Sh Al iiry's. Elk J counlv. Pa. Lnle oftho Avin'y oT the I'otnmno. lV.riienlar rtler.tion piven lo nil cases of surgical nature. ninr-Jififl-ly. BR. .1. R. POnDWEI.L F.oelio"riiys7 ciun. I-ii eof Wm-i-on connly Pn., will promptly nir-vfcr rll yvo,"c--ioniil cnlls by nijiht or d -y. c -idonco o e door east of Iho Into if id", ice ofllo.i. J. L. Cii'.lis, Mur-'oii-ly. J()i WOllK of all kinds and des. criptions dono at this oflico. HOT E CAKDH. LPIXH IIOU.'JE, St. Mary's Pa., Her man Kretz, Proprietor. rngO T.'i Wii'i t.'i' ' I if TI.K i.'. ft it c r a '. Hi: t i.'l 1 ll! n'll t iblrin ' tliu bos iii,i;iii''iH-t mvd 'i..n Tim M:.KL; i loui be lies ever b dwre 1 veas ei, so ll.r.t. he will 1 c Private Patuilie:', with a r-'iipi-rif)!' ,i of thi'i fnvr rif o beverage, a canniit be lindiMild tins line of tho P. & E. H nil rim On or about tho loth o( noses to s . , j LDi R iiiK-iii'; to tho i..t season he I.AGEit l ived in one .bio to f.upji'y and ToIl-Im. tielo t a piic that where on the d. May he pro. ( Drcnlt tier feoinU of his vnults, whera lie bar of which the public arc n (jue-ted to lake notice. t3()rdevs sliipr.ad as s with ptompiness and desi);, CCX- Ad.lre.'fi orders to' .TOM. WIXI-rEl,; Sr. Maiiy's V,v. Pen:iner 1 t -"tf- V"i CO! YIFi irOTTSFi, IJiil-- wiiy. I'n. 1. C. OYSTI-Ml, I'ropr'r. llns Itoiiso is conveniently nnd p!o:is.i:it. ly located ill tlm lnisinpss pn.i t ot tho vil lage. Every r.i I cut ion paid to the conven. iene of pncst. cp. i-07.-r. INTENSE EXCITEMENT! CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! CM.OTUWO For thcJlMllon i A Well Drcsotl Man BUYS HISOI(OTHING AT THE STORE OF GEO. P. IIINTENACH, IN ST. MARY'S. THE BEST ALWAYS TIIH IS V wail GP. HI.NTEN'ACII having iukc: n , tiro control of the esiuliludunent formerly oceupied hy 0. P. llinicnnth & Co., would respectfully inform il.e oiiiicns of Elk county that he i3 prepared to turnish them wiih tho Best Kind of Clothing' at rates which defy competition. He lias on linnd a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Consittin-j of PANTS, ViiSTrt . CO ATA', which helms lately purchased in the East nnd which he will dispose of nt a slight ad vance on cost. llii (Jeiitlor.ien', FnruLin .tpnilmc.it 1st speoiiilly adapted to tho w.uOsii 1. uier. ilehr.3 nm a lnnre and exli r.sive 'of CLOT U.S. CASSlMEltErt, VEoi'- INilfil of III.) Iliivt ftylj ,lul pideru, whi.di ho wi'l .n i'c lo or l.-i- !n i n...,i nod dnrnlle iiiaiioer. mid r.s Cti'K VP ns item ..v,l its o fi'iy d-n-ii i i u- i'.,n,,-,, (.! vi: a: vt i c.ll. .vui,!.'.n:.j.i : m - '"" 1 ' ' ' - .. A I ho -ik l i FA Ul T '.I.VL lonr'ivclt. Bi. Miry'n Pa., Feb. 14. Ib07. TATTil?OAr ITOTTSi:. j V Willi HLTIH COUlt, Ptoii'TiiKTiiiii. Thin house is conveniently nnd plonsnnt ly locntnd in the f hrivinc; villa 2,0 of I'-roc'ii-wnyville. Every nttontion paid to (In con venience of sue-itr.. Aug. 15. 13o7if rSl.'IAYElt II OUSfi, J. r.TCOWAV, TA. DiVID THAYER, Proprietor. Tho nii'ici-si'sncd h ivin fined r.p n lave and conir.iodions ho.rl on i!.e soi'ihwe-t corner of Crn.ro n id Mill slioiti. wi.h Rood nndo iv.-'-'r'i .1 mi.icoed. respect fully so'icos . 'icp ilioo.io of his oM friends nnd t'.io in' i:o ;jcncn:"-. dcclO OOly DAVID TII.VYE?.. 17 XECUTI ON.ST, CTMMOX j, SUIVPfE. nan, Vrnvrnnts, &c, on linnd and for sale at this office. CII. VOLK. Manufacturer nnd Denlor , in Lnptr lieev opposite tho P.nilroa'l Depot, St. Mary's, E": county Pa. Mnr-22'liO-l . I IX E I Xo 1 1, . j' l.'-nne-.i In ! 10 1! -tored it, and j pectfully ic. ss recciv- til;. AVi-.nv, st 03iec, nty, Pa. BOKDWELL AND MESSENGER Drnt gisii. Donlfi-s in Druwsnnil Chemicals. Paints. Oils nnd Varnish. ' Porfnmory Toil, ot articles and Stationary, Itidcwiiv, Elk county Pa. mnr L'i'iili-ly. HENRY If. THOMAS, Dealer in nTl kinds of Furniture, Sprint; Hods and Mnitiossci. Piciuro Frames nnd (,'oflins, Ridgwny P:. Wnro Rooms 011 tho corner of Main and Depot fc'-'s. m.iy-17'00-ly. j . r. M O O Fl E WITH LOUOUIEIM BROS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IX CLOTHIXfl HOQ Mark of. Siroof. AiigSili If- PHILADELPHIA. LOCIS VOLLMIill, JAS. K. P. HALL. S. SHORT, JOHN 0. HALL, BAXKIX'J-IIOTJSE OF Short, Mall it- tie. a units i'ryo-.-t) vs It. 15. Wellon Si Oeo. R. V.' el ton. I Trustee 'Jhr-o v. ill h" i-r.pi.so.' vein lie- or tvilei-v m! !' Windfeld'-r. in the :..-,- ,.:..', nn Tuesil-iy, t '1 i:-.-t h:v 'of nl one o'clooli j.. oi., tin ;j-;i, , U'-:il L'M.ilc lo-iv't : All the aV.v r ii:ied .te;'.-n-in Hint eerlnin I met pii ."- or I;: I not 0 i; i;ciiziii.'..i- t.-.'A o-hii Pn., hounded n:ul suh.-s.n-ihc-d ' On tlie Xortli hy the N.-w !: nn tho Enst liy A. Foohl m-in S.inl!i hy St. N'iohob.s ro.id. 0 lauds .!' Ii ill, If, ( ,. ' A, Foidilintm, coniii'rijr 1 ;voi more or !-. upia win-.-!-. two t "l-.y frame hoii.ics-.'i.iiii J foot with n win pxton-l::-.-' l.i- ljrn fiLout. 2 t.-y i'.'t fe;. ' '10. U sninll orc!i-tvl-i c.-.t jni--- ..j laid, Coal t'h-ito, wcl-nin.- ;!. & lor immeuiutc 111:11111 up: : 1 1 . ti s. Taken ns tho property of P.. ! ;. (i,.f,r .0 R. Weltou. .1 A V. i".t C 1 1 1 Nli 0 ciiA.j. i.t in;. Com. Plea. ly T. lstivi. Atti'chment, O. e hy pnl.lie o o!'.J-w..p'i st. .-v:,.,-y-s !o!.i-i- n-'si, 1' doscrihe.l ni -' -if prep 6 rylof land i'-lli eon ny, t'.ill.iws : '.'l.-i Ron l. -d. on the '10 'iV.'t. of :idfeld;-r x tivo .1010.1 i'oo'.e 1 one :.-( l,y 1 i-enh- VOLK. res tees. f!'Vtl, (f4. Ei.k CurxTV, Pi:nxa L 1C EX S EDA UC i' I O X F l'.IL "VJ"OTICE is hereby given that I have tnl;- en out ii license ns auctioneer, nnd will attend prompily 10 the culling of nil Bales cnlrusicd 10 my c.ire. Any pei-ou ivlliti, soles without n license wil he held iiiiiivevuljle .o the mi iet letter of theljw. P. W 11 Alt RETT. DeelMlSGOtP. Auctioneer. WHEKI.KH & Vv'ILS'ON-S SIOV,7 ISO MAClfl.VIW. The under signed linvinx liecn appointed Solo Agent for the S'llc of Wheeler & WiNmi's uwinj Mnohines fur Elk coim.y. He keeps nn assortment conslt.iii ly o-i lnin.l. Machines sold at 1 hilndelphin end New Ycr prices. Any pirties deidues o r o'.l ; I : . t ihein er.n address j. K. WIIITMOl'.i:. March Ot.'CC-ly. at I'.Mi.-ttay, Pa. li LACKS MIT 1 1 INCr ! II. S. EFl.XAP de ircs lo iiiPurm ll.c c-(i-zeus of Riitt'wnv nu l vie'niiv ih.-.t. he 1...4 leased J. S. Urdu's DlnoV-miih Shot, nn Mill iilrce.-. nnd tins employe 1 g 1 work men who villi, j ever ready to iiiaka any thing from a hecU'.e to ;,n anchor. Piirticithir n.i!u,ion liiven to th: k'i.n.;., of horses. All 1 a.!: is a f.iir tri;,l. M:iy 17'CO-I.v. TT V- OYERHOI.TZKit, J.J., MERCHANT TAILOR, liidAvny, I-:ik Co.. Pa. The subscriher desires raiicctfiiily to in ftrm C o ci.iii ns cf Jiid-v--ry a- I vicioi.y Insi lie ii pi cpa.ed to iin.'.e ,.i t -. y-. ' I ns ' cm La doneanywher.', t.ii.viiiii: ; i:i d - ' line oi ii-.s iiiisincs.-i. .-Ill Hi i;S; n a !:i:r trial. Coo.l Fiis guaranteed. C.Clolhs, C.is-imers, Vcunp mil Trimmings of iho latest nr. I most approved styles kept const intly on l ind, wlc'i wi'l bi cold CHEAPER iliAN THE CHEAP EST. .-inp.-lO y CiliH. II. Scp.-lO-GT-Sir. EOO iT AG EXTS" WAN T To Solicit Ortlers for a New Ei-i BIIJLU DICTION (cojii-lktk ix ok;: v.n.t T'li'i DicTiojr.vnY emlio lies th tho most recent t ty. re eni-i-h. :: potion, iifnhniil sixty-live ni l!., ncnt niiil advanced llilili.-il si.;' living;. Clei-fytnen or nil d o: np'irove it, nnd i-c.ir 1 ii ns iho 1 it.'i ';ind in Iho KilIi-th hui'u:i which ou;rhl lo Iic'iii the Ji:i-.:.::7 lilo render in the l in 1. In circiil.il ir.; ,hii V.'n'k, A if a plea-nnl and p. oii;.i'.: oi.i;-,. numerous o5.jecil.un whu h nVe i counleri'd in selling ordinary io exist with t'hs. l'.ut, on the roni.vn.ry. ci: -.i-.-.-.i. friendly ni.l will a: tend th.-. A?-: his lnboi-nfri-:e-,h!(., -i-.crv.l, nr.d: I ndie;, relired Cturpyi.o-ii, Sc' ers, Fnriiio- ,;, .Students", and all , lossp-s ennrsy, nre wonted lo n.s nssi-i:i every Town ti.it 1'on country, to whom Ihonn..; i;i,jr men.s will he ollon d. Fr partiiitil.-ii-i. miplf to r.v a. PARV.LLEE Ei'.ti Aug.2'.rC7.-fit. V-'JSioi.-.iiis:, SOMCT 1 1 1 N" I X H :y K0US5, SIGH i. C5Iv."iS:,TAL y ux Ki-ith-jRi; e It V, it i i speci fully infoi-m the c'n coun.y thi.t 1 o hns .jiwt slnr fhovo luisiiic s i i Rid'i v. r-id d-jtil ih.it. ho cm pV'.i c i'H vho liiin v. iih their c: .o u. t; ,; -PAPER llAXClNO A1J Cl.(' DONE OX SHORT NuTICE AXi r:e't fashiiiiinhle and LiPi-nvcd in sly'e. Ori'crs 1:m nt ris O.!i-o Bunking Hon e of Souther, wi'l heproinp.'y attendf-d to. r , w. r. wrr.LT. May-1 , 'C-ly. HI SAl.E.--Tlio Siuvcliou . Occupied t'V Rill -!;e mi l V., 1 1. .H nn I.. ff 1 I . "i p.iib. vi u 'str.ii.i.; lot'iid n thriving borou-h fd'.-'t. Afnrv's. CI1A8 NVKAX lk'uziiiLTr 1'. Jan. .;, (it .tf. j;:c ( tratcd a Ji r :.) '.t?u'ls of 1 invest i. nisi euii- irs now liteil i.ms t work of nnd ono L-.vry bi- wiil find out. I no lv en- .s will not r.eiu and looking i-.tivo. ,1 Teaoh liors win it in Can y in tho i induce- re -s i'hila, Pa- TAKE NOTICE VLL l'ER.SoN.S KN s Ivi-s in-l.-l,-.- .1 n l ..- in-ivh.y l i-.iu.-' i .'. !,,: aocoitnis nt Ihclr em -lic-t ienc". .(;-,.;; Ri l.'ff.iy, An-iirt I, ;; "7ST!tAV--'.e Xi 1 "I'c fi'h tih.-r i t'l). .ul I hi- -M I ii f Aiiusi, oi.ii'it moiilh-i old. Tiio n,- lo Cii-I, prove prrpr-i-t v, . t :ke ii tiwny, o: r-,vi.-:e i; ofnt-coi !::;; to h4 .'or:v Oil l.Mi the no !i no i -. possii,!( -S. ' lo the ; :i i:..-: I ii l-i 1 I i!".- is r- :V l-!l:.i- Hill h. f'll' .Fill 111 HE MILLINEIIV EsTA lil.l.SIl Ml pl. '1 III A CARD To INVALID Clori ivniri. vl.n . .. : 1 Amoiii-i n-i a ini ..don--.-. , sate no 1 s-ir.p'a ;y ',,',. Nervous We.-ikue.-1, i:.if-!v ,,. of l hi l'i-:ii i v and .''.!..;.. i mi w:i ru li uuj'lid nnd vii-i l.HV" I. '--ll . i Pi .r no. I uoi. -.ll.nl rjru J. leceoily opone 1 by M; t IjA'I-I L'f'f :i tho residence of Mr-. J. V. li U, hns boon rom.vcl to tho i...i;ns ,-.r .). V. Honk's .'-tlor", w!:i.. i!l l ok-i-t n.'. nssortiueiit of Sf't-wcf a;J ivtoi!!);.' li i(;.;.i-t. MI-S T'lr-P'iv.js. 't t't..j-;, .; f-f " '"" -i" I i-. ,.',.' , , ., M.-. -I- " ij'-l :" ' -'r'' ICI..,.- :., Vlnl i lNi.CwtH.sNEATLV EXECL'T-1 i ed ut liiin oltiou. ( I ly . 1 1.' .1' .!!-, "is I," I l.y . i, ;. . I .i : lo. l. "-ii I li K- is of Elk d in tlu el eouii " v favor Ml. Ml NINO IX THE lii.T and " at Cm Soul he.- and Lot. s od'ivrd in ilie Appry 0. P:l. r;i::r. i-'i.ir'.o-l U- t Ii t-i v OV.'U- ri-i:. 'I'Mils.- v,!--'i.in. 'li Ci,' ;uo; -;. and p.-is- 1 !-!'. S'i'ii'i . ed i .8 0." - ia . s 1 III. 1 'lA.h i tU lyiirintJtthe Adf iiuie Olli 'a, 1 u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers