I -THE PL A T 1 1 i On i 'i : 4 4 kr i Dealer) in i Oils, White Lanip Oi fuitiot i The Pyc Stufls, V Raisin?, 1'; Watche; Tohnc Of 1 Pl-lliliuilli! to Pure Drnus t! 1 Notions ill i ' No Amciiean nro Ainovic: Latest Sly'e? Fancy Ar;h Ftir.oy Arli AH ur.is, Nov All -viiii:!, Nc-v "Violin, lliinj . A'ioliii, Run,!- rtv.vs. .SUA' An-lwi'l hocp Lei.ci rr-.'.r i :'. . j Grtat ir- lu Yoik, 0--.r'"er CTO ! My is AT IM1K1V, AY KMT I:Y :. MES?r.XGER, Lend, Litl-ricaiing Oil, , Tav.ut's 'il, Per. -.1 r,C nil Kinds, ; urost Ynrni.-h, a!us dfi wry Style, ninl Size re I'on fVct ioimrioH Citron, out Mcdictucs, ".Vines, Ji-ffv'.ty, Rings, ,.0:-, ,V " , .icuiiTMENT ri- i'liin:: ! "- fill Iilu; Di ii;r Businc Gen- cr.illv. Low 1 'rirc- ! mo I !;. at L av Frices .!!." Vmieiy ! xm in V.iu'l '-s T.irii;ty ! Ei-.l-IMi V.";..!-' s ! i and English V titehos 1 Jewelry. i:.f;S,&o. of Jewel; y J-inps, c. Tnyp, L-.frst, Novo!.- ! -s, 'J.-V-, 1-".U- t.V.vels -. S-:t;. rv, Vir.I-i 'aires! S ?!: ;; . r.o;-V. ISirtl-Csgcf ! ii'.'il (ii'i! -!' f-'n 'i;;urs ! piil ( !ui;-.u- Kisius ! 3UciV Si'oik'lV Coltjl))!). ' iTTT iT cue a i vest g h i ns T R SKIM". Mi'IM: I Lit ABLE, M"Ui: tic, in: (i!;. i::tl: s si:. -;io p'i ' ,-. -I 'i'l ; j-'.iK r :v oil (..- .-!-! v. 1 tlvt. ..r $':;h (Pat. U i."..'; W'i" h w.o.-ili l 'i.y the l.ifc.'.n-is i'-'r. he1..! la Now 1 ;-0"), i. I'ER MEDAL, . i- given f ol id -Willi fine ) covering (oino veiled, ilmd without i will he ns goo TheiComU This inven ry Skirt the n tlie bottom It oi ed in tho t?ilv cannot wear covered with i worn cue of wem'jny olhi othcrir..'.I ; n Tho CC5. no ueatvs!3 hey Mann fa jrci' Silver k i Ctl SO v T. S. Sit.riit TfALUAl V Tlic urn! age upon hb way Depot, t nre 5D IVii i'l i'lg towiiidii i Tc: ins 1" the somiiid u. lot tuid, v I1 ice ns lots r. l'ir.-t nt the ohc;i i l'ur;ha-:i-dcr of tlicir i tho puivl.R.-o time of the- ii t ' ;-o i: 0. Uiiii, t: .) FtUSTIC iuation Silver Skirt on combines with the onlinn Iviintnges or our .Silver ikirt fis nre the k;uiio ns iho-ons--.- ykirt. the covering of liieh 1", while ilie iil'-ei- onet nvti itton. No bily having once ui- Shins, will be willin" to , ns the lower 1-onns of all soon i"imod tind soileed. . f.-inis m- fv I in tin ir cn-fi-om their dni-nbiliiy nnd .re deslincl lo 1 ceonio a olely by the rt and Wire Manu ring Ccmpany, id 15.lRCL.tY ST, XIIW YOHK. Su;i't. An 3 'Jih-ly 7 i - ; 117 T UlU 1 i LO'i'S F0!1 SAI.K.7 l.-iiitd l-.a- l:.id out a vil. '.'i-oii'i-l n-ljoini'ig the Hid;; b; e-.H-'i I'.I.U. The lots ii bv I'll) fin.-1 deep front cvsili-j;:-!. ihe m! !..t fl, ?100. Fm toll. :? 1 1 for i lie third i.n l sa on iac.'cusing in JK.ilJ. iir.'ha 'crs get ti.o choice lot t Vil'"1. iVilH.-o vcipierc i In. the or--1 ; 1 1 :.-; i ' inn "ci J a'.-cent of Money in;.": imiJ at iho lie:.'. '.'.II. O '"1! ' V.'i il lift lil.lvt j 10 Job liiiw.,;,-, r.t. i. s. iivd;:. -..ivTio -tf. .onir.rtiM .- ii!l-' vv GHADE3 A T .j on j q :j g j -. ij wakim::-;, ta. ; t r- V V 1 i L V 4 A T INT TIIU COUiNTLY Arn Sold by W II I S IJ It O rC B5 K S SuccesBora to Goo. Wcis.l BKAI.CHS is foi'cifiii jiiiO Jjt,'li:s-iii5 Jji'jj tus St. Jlmy'M, Elk County, I'a. G ALL AND KXAMINU OUll LMJIENSll STOCK OF BOOTS AND S1IOKS AVo Ltive uo hesitation in eying thit in this Jeparliucnl of our establishment, wc- car. .tivo bargains to our eustotucrs u-;-,!i v,hi".h 11. oy cT.'.not fail to lo f.ed. o i-'.y cur stock divec-t fv..;a tlio Jlanuiacturcr, r.ichavdi:OUi' Colo, bratctl Loot k Fhoo Maaufaciory, Kliat ia, New Yotk. r'o warrant till good.j in this line cold from our establishment. GHADES 4 V 'J J j ,?! " v.-.:i!;i:x, ta. A T GHADE3 3 Ely BAii WAT.KLN, I'A. EAVY .: SHELF IIAKDWAHE, we Ain-; rBi:i'ARHD to offeu To our customers in thi.? line bav'iios which cannot be undersold in Eik coun ty. Our ptx-k is largo, well tcl-jctod, ;.nd is especially adapted to the Wants of the 'o:niiiueify. TOADIES' DRY t FANCY GOODS. An UDcruallcd Assortment ! Muslins. 'Silks, Calicoes, Satins, Moire Antiques, Delaioes. Chiulzcs, Cloths, White Gootls, Flannels, Eerecres. Laces, Corsets, In fact wo have everything connected with Ladies' Wear. AYe arc deterniiu td to sell 'o'.rcr, cliotpcr ami BETTER Goods than any other firm iu tho coun ty. Give us n call, wo'll prove it. jJEW CASH 0 RocEiiY rrouE JAMES MeCLOKEY, Deeler in Groceries &c, would rcspeetfully i ifonii thu oitizeiis of Kersey and vicinity, that ho hiis yoiHi i-oo Iho Grocery busti .vs. mid will upon on or about tho middle of May. lie kpeTn consff.n'ly on hatic an eilensivo stock of TEAS, FLOUli, EUG A113, T01JACC0E3, SEGARS, WIIILKEY by (hobm'rcl nr quart, and everything connected with a first chi: s Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent, ly can afford to sell CHEAPER than ti e CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to r-otas auJ satisfy themselves. .7 AMES McCLOKEY. Mav :;d. 'till. Cm. THE TLACE TO UL'V 13 VIIEUE you .can uur The GO 1 TARK WELL V-HAT WE SAY. iiJ. lie Hell tits iJ.-o', tha-corr. THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk Counly. Our Stock of ijcil ti3 ?o;js' S'-iiiji'.?' i$ Jilt i!i:'r I 0 i In tt g IS IMMENSE, And wc t-otifidently fliittcr ourselves that letter Clothing cannot be 1'ouud ANYWHERE. Persons, before puiehasint; elsewheio would do well to give us a cull. SrNo troublo to show our GoodM. IKTSll, w. i .. : :: i',. i. l1.. This well Known i,m I i lo'ii. i vifiilid iindlm.,vly iiii ni-lic l with n ilesirc- Vl-Illllf5 COIIIHIU b. 1 liotcl. liit'lt.V, Tiopr QROCEUIES, NOTIONS, &c, i. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than iho CHEAPEST! Ac the Storo cf rflMie fail si-ro.i-r bot.-s lenvo to f the ciiiv.em of Klk nnd ndjo In St. Mary's, Elk County, Pa piP. to nnnomico lo oinini; coua. l'..i. ho !:.. r-tv.-bii.ie.l thu hanic.'s ihop I lo-'v oi , ao ird by John f mol, nnd iliai he ; , ....r,, ,,.,,( u, ,1 ,. 1 bind.-! of wci "1 a suit. .ii.!.- hiyle. kej't constnntly on ii:-nd ct priceJ to mil the- t'nies. (live l'.e :i call shop in the sce nudi ' -rv J'ru: fiove lttU'ir.?. OL-iLJy. ' !. LEV 15. STEVr.N'S IIOL'SI', '11, "o, .1.1 i' 27, Enm-hnti, N. Y. 0-K i-iii' r-v.vl:ng Cre.-n. KI-i'T ON THE KVKOVEAN T-tAM. 'PIIE STI'.YENS HOUSE n WELL ! and widoiy known to the travel- lin;; oe.bljj. Toe loe.-.i'on is j oci.il ly .-ui. able to nicrchaii. ; nnd business men ; il is in elo, c ptoziniby io the business i.l oi iho city id mi Iho oiyhw.iy of Southern nod IVi- j'iM-n i ravel and adjacent to nil tlio iiriucij-inl lluilioad and Steamboat Pe io::;. The Elevens Il.-o.'.ae lias liberal nremmo da;ii.n for over tliroa hundred purs:,3 it is w. ll inrnished. and fos-'ee every i:io;'eru iiiil i o . i nn nt for i lie comfort nnd ejj: ertain nii ni of ii:i inn-.ates. The rooms nre snnc ioii and wellvuutiliitcd, i.rofii'.ed with ras an I water, tho iillendnnce is j ronifit and l-oIiei'if.il, and the taldo is generously pro vided with every delicacy of tlio season-a niodcrato rates. CiEO. K. CHASE & CO. May Oih, lf'37, Cm. Proprietors. LUMBER. WE ATtE ri'.EPAllEO TO FUBNISII upon a.iorl, notice the following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. FLOORING AND SIDING, ilres:;ed in the best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also, LATH FOU PLASTERING AVe will put on cars when required, fey All orders nddsesscd to us at tliis place promptly attended lo. tOL'TUEK, WILLIS & CO. junSlfiTlf Kidgway, Pa. PES, TCRACCOES t- SEG ARS 'o have now ou baud AN KXCELLL'jvT A3S0HT.MEM', Which Vv'.il bo .-.o!d at a YE R Y SLI G JIT AD Til ATA On cost ami cutrittye. t3f0ur fjl'jre is in tlie new Sone JjiiilJitii) oh Muin Si tct, July 11, 1807-tf. PHILADELPHIA & EEIE RAILROAD. SOTIMER, TIME TABLE. Thvr.ijli onl Dii-ctt Roulc hclicrcn Phihv.lcljihid, tt?i'. i s.-c JTarris bitry, Viiitnnanrt, and the (! R I! A T Oil, R E G I 0 A' of Pennsylvania. E L E G A N T SLEEPING CARS Ou all Night Trains. ON nnd nf;or MONDAY", APRIL 20ib, the trains on the Philadelphia & Eria tlinli oad will ran a-i follows : W-"TW M-l. A' all Train leaves 1'i.ilaib 'phia.. 7.0 p. in. ' " " Ili-I-.rway T. 17 ' m " " arrive Erie.' -I.O p. m Eric Exp lenves rlii!.'drliihii...12.0l) noon. " " " P.i lway :1 4'.) n. m. " ' ai rive at Erie 10 00 a. iu. KA'STWARIl. Mail Train leaves Erie a. ra. ' ' Itidifwiy 8.47 p. in. " " nrrivca Pliildclphia 7.05 n. m. Erie Expb'avoH Erie 6.00 p. rn. " Ridtfwny 10.4 t p. iu. " " nrr. at Philadelphia.... .OI) a. m. Mull fiid J'xp.-fDt irnt'.i eo.ir.ie! i:i'h all iraimcn WurriH and I'rrnlVn A'e.7;ci'.". iW.''.-f(i'iV l,h!luih!tb:a c: CS.OO 1. ii;--'i'i-,it Irvinrti.'i o t I'.. 10 . n. n;r! (d CHi 11.50 u. ?;:. J i'.-',7 ''i',;7.7;'. ',; alt, 3d (' " '.'-. CiV '.' .' 4. 33 . .'i. Alltrtii.M : V. xvivn ;i I rani !oi P.iil-vny m:l: cl.-.-o t,...n, ".-lioiu nt Oil City riiii tram-, for Fi.;--'-.'..i r-:i l Petroleain Centre. 15auu.u;k fSii-.''KEi Tjir.oi'Gir. Al.l'HEl) L. Ti'LER, Ci encinl Superintendent. INSURANCE A G A 1 1- ST b'-rs or I) M AG 13 by FI R E rryV.12 T.; ."-."':. .f C.-inty Ma'.i'al Jnsu? !. mice C'o-ip.n.y at Minicy, P'., eon I 'io 'i io T'v ore a;Miu:t l.o . " Baie.a o by Kiio in nil kitidi ef Mei-eiiamlis'. Public ti '. i-ivatn tiildi", oitm-r i'l lov'n or t-0"!H,v. A'-.o en ""'il!.-, 'j'.--.--.-i -s, J'.ii 'is, sioci.i of ("i.-io. ,';o., ni i he li 've-c T.o-lli1o rail..-, C".: ': -u in vl-h .i.'-'y io i he 1 'j hot a.i-1 lnsiiiv.l. The I..- coining Culiui y, Mtt lual liooKancc Coinpany iiivitej n;i invcntii f-oi'.i lo bs Bt:.biiity. lis c.ipiiil alo.a.iii-i !o M2,ROO,000! Thus nsia'iii;r to ovi-'-y one of its patrons Hint iheir losses will be promptly and (hum-fiC-iol i'y i:l i.l. lnali-li-ll . III In. ilw:lVS bc-c i l : 1 nt, f. I !- rv. i.-n.'c ef i-ci:l y ' i v.'tu ' llliy lie:.' '1 J! ra'.iM J A MI'S JT.AKELV, Agent for V.'& ceuuty, at ot. .laiy s MEYERS' NEWLY IMPI'.OVFD t'i'CfvViii tii):ivii'qiti Yiiinos ! Aci.ii'ivlcih'i'l In lie ihc ln t ! London I'rie Modal, rod hi-ilicst awr.1'13 in A1..1 riea, vc'ived ! MebrK-ons. Sii .oi'l-hund Pianos nnd Mudic. .Nu 7-, Arch ,-.r- "t, ln-bov Eiohth, l'iiiLAl)ELl'lHA, PA. apLMIIui c OAL, COKE AND Fl HE CLAY ! All of tupcrioi quality, for Sale by tho Tannerdalo Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, 1 a. JsirOidors by mail protnptlj ittend td to. lepilrj -S-tf CO Eh 0 o 0 'A n A C3 T. O O rl u H -: o O - HpS y, W ,, I K - -3 g 5 R s -2 W.a " W S o . i '.1 l - .2 a a O T3 (.1 a E a o '0 !; - Cm rj O a ' a '- o a a as n aj : I, 4 H. o o W O 12 N 1 QO o- M 0 II! O o r-i -' t"j ? f -5 - g? O .5 "o M 3. 2 i ' o K-g g o CQ -jfc; t p. i) & ? Ci 3 Jl c t"S 5 w g .- o p -yfrstQ-s H B.-bi co- fCS'j O O 3 t5 0 3 s 1 - . 61 c w i; a m2 i P C3 IL i o M WE SELL UOOUa A3 LOW A3 1I1EY CAN EE BOUGHT IN Erie ity GIVE US A CALL, AND W WILL jP r o v e it P E LOU 1! ET OUGAN3 & MELODEONS. Unanimously awarded the First Prize, A COLD MEDAL, "AS THE BEST CADI NET ORGANS," Am. Inst., Now York, Oct. 1805. Doina pronounced superior t'n Quality, Power and Variety of Tono, and in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to conquer." Am. Art Journal, edited by a woll-known musical critic. They bnve nlno tuhen the first premium wherever exhibited this sensou. PEDAL OKGANS, one, two and three banks of key -six' sizes JltjQ to SI, 603. Without pedals, single and double bank in rer.t variety, to if bin, Thi'.-:o Organs with their smooth, pipoilike quality of tono, beautiful solo stops, strength, of ehorusk unequalled pedals, and general orgaun-li, effects, tiro superior for Churches, Halls, Parlors nnd Schools. They nre put up in eases ol Soud V, alnut, lanev veneered Wat nut, (new nnd uiibiio styles) nnd elegant lioscwood, ol splendid designs nnd iinish, and of the best workmanship ! it being intended that eaeh inx.riiinent shall be a model of its kind. All instruments down to a fine octave portable Melodeon, hnvo tho beautilul Tn-iuolaiite stop, without exira charge. A large assortment const nnllv on hand at our Oeneial Whr lcnlo and Itetail Ware l-oonn, 8(1, F.roadwny. Our Il'iUHirated Circular nnd Price Lists, with our new stvlcs, are now ready. Send for a circular. PEi.OUEET, TELTON k CO Manufacturers, No. fctl, rnnil4Cm liroadwny, N. Y. City. FURNITURE STORE AT ST- MARY'S, PA. i p.it linne.-i in rr'o viTito p 1 1 Tho subscriber keeps cr nsianlly on hand nil sizes of SaeU and Doors, also Wardrobes, Piureaus, Wnjlistauds, Dookeases, Tables, Desks. Lounges-, Dedsleads, Sofas, kc. Picture Frames, Sash Painted nnd (TTiwed, All woik warranted to be of the best m.u teiial and Mori ma i-hi;. Call nnd examine lay work and prices 3 I tool confident my work will give eniisfno liii'i nr.J my prices are iow, if not lower than ihey a;e in any oilier market. ' CllAo. L. PAY EH, niySjuO'if. St. Mal'a 'y'sr. A. II. Gray, P. H. Emei-Vos, A. 1. Wilcox, L'. F. Ada.ms. Q.11AY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCESS, hT. M Alt Opposite Al'i 10 llou-e, 1.11; C.)uinv Til. l'EALEKSl.V 1'luuis Feed, Rutter, Cheese, reed. Coin, ya!t, l'i h, l'oik. Ham, Powder, Canoed Fruiis, Beef, Deans, Nails, Glass, AND STATLE OltOCEKItS December 10' 18G0 ly. I-IEDKLIUS VOfiT, PiaVticiPClock-& Watehiuakei-, fit. .Mary's, Elk county, Pa. llooma next door to llintenach'g Clolhiiig Store. All kiuis of work done done in a saiisfaciory manner, nnd war runted. Consultations in regard to work 11 ihe German, leuch or English lan guages. March 11, l$67tt Z " tl RIDGWAY, ri'NNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED, HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find Mi 'vd W 'ZZi KS STO 11 E S AMONG THE Most Complete 4ArZ B EST APPOINTED IN THE COUNTRY, AN! THE PLACE TO GET Good Bargains ! CALL& SEE i March 20th, lSGG-ly. IAEGE CAPACITY, CEEAT Strcgntli j nnd unequalled speed, simplicity and compleiencss of operation, are qualities po. culiar to tho Nonpareil "Washing Ma chine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on etrictly mechanical principles, and tho ex perience derived from five years extensive use in fcmilies, hotels and public institutions proves it to be of lasting value to the pur cha ?r Tho manner of operating tho Nonpareil, by roiary motion anting on n crank shnlt (with balance -wheel,) which moves ihe plungers alternately, is tho simplest, least laborious and most powerful that, can be de vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the greatest rapidity and the least possiblo labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will bo understood from tho stntenicntthat it is geared to give six (.trokes of Ihc plungers for one turn of tho handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun dred strokes a minute Safety lo tho fabric washed is iusured by the cntiro absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fifteen can work tho ma. chine, and do a week's wanning for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time ; and it may be relied on tocle insothe clothing thoroughly; without assistance from hand rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right of sale is secured. OAKLEY Si KEATING, 184, Water St., N. Y. July 20,'CC-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! THE SUP.SC1UEEU respectfully dssircs Id announce to the cilii'.em of Ell; county that, he Jms recenliy tilled up 1111 es tablishment for the mauufaciuie end sale of TIN', C'oPPElt.andSilEET-IEOS Ware, ou Maiu Street, in Kidgway. where, by strict ntieutiou to business, he hopes to merit tho confidence and pat 1-01111? of the community. He will keep on hand an extensive nnd varied iissortineiii ol every kind nf TIN WAKE, and repair io tho neniest possiblo mr nner, all work coming under his super vision. He will also keep on Land a well-assorted Etocic or SI I suitable f r eitlicr Wood or tool. He desires especially to tali the atten tion of lumbermen to ihe fact that he can supply them wiih RAFTING-STOVEQ ma le in a superior manner. Hoofing and Spouting done to order ou short notice. B;-01d Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead and Scrap iron taken in exchange lor goods or work. . eifL,Give him a call nllhojosksls a fair trial. Customers will find him at their "SEHVICE." C. W. SERVICE. Kidgway, April 4, 18G7-lf. S NEATLY JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed ut the Acs ocaie Office She 03Ut gjivoiptc, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Devoted to tho Interests ot the People of Elk C IS I't llt.lSIIBU EVRHY THVnsiiAT, nv cmiTts ?r. k.ihiiett, Office j'.t the CcKrt Ifuwe. Teiims Ons D:'!? tni Fifty Cents per annum, invariably in advance. No devia tion from these terms. JOHN G. HALL, Prcihtetoh. Itates of Advertising. Adm'rs and Executor's Notices, cacli 6 times CO Auditor's Notices, each 2 00 Transient. Advrtiiing, per square of 10 lines or less. 'A times or less 2 00 For each subsequent insertion... bO Professional cdnrs, 1 year 6 00 Scecial notices per line 15 Obituary and Marriage Notices, each 1 00 Yearly Advertising, one square 10 00 Ysarly Advertising, two squares 15 00 Yjai'y Adver'ing thrco squares 20 00 Y ;nrly Advertising, column 25 00 Ysarly Advenisng, j column S5 oO Yjarly AdAetising, 1 column 70 00 Advertisements displayed more than ordinnrily will bo charged for at the late (per column) of 90 00 J OBBING DEPARTMENT. Having lately added materially to o n- stock of Job Typo, wo are prepared to do nil kinds of work in a manner which can not be excelled by any establishment be tween Williamsport and Erie. Cards, Dill Heads, Programmes Checks, Notei, Handbills, Planks, Envelopes, Labels, Tags, Visiting Cards, Letter Heads and any other work usually done in a coun. try office. OHh i;aunt Sirwtoitjj. COUNTY OFFICErvS. President Judge It. G. White. Additioual Law Judge Win. I Williams. Associate Judge: E. C. Schultzc, Jesso Kylcr. District Attorney L. J. Blakcly. Sheriff James A; Malono. Proihonotary, &c. I. A. Itathhun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent Jatnes Blakcly. Commissioners William A. B'y, J. W. Taylor, Louis Volliucr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCauley. County Surveyor Geo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second MoDday in January, Last Monday iu April. First Monday in August. Fifrtt Monday in November. D E A L E ' S (latk towell's) EMBROCATION! OR ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO F Horses, CUtlo and the Human Flesh. requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by a prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of all tho medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of the kind yet of fered to tho public as an external applica tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. We are sntisfied that it will work ils own road into the confidence of all who uso it. and those who try it once will never be without it, and therefore we rely on ex perience as tho besi test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, and all who hnvo tried it to be the best application ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is only through the increasing demand nnd urgent request of my friends nnd the Public that send it forth as the grand remedial ngent for the various diseases to which that noble and useful animal, tho HORSE, issubject. Many remedies hnvo been ofTercd to tho Public under different forms, some of tlieso are injurious, others at best of little use, and many wholly improper to answer tho purposes for which they tiro recommended. A judicious and really useful composition frco from those objections, bus therefore long been desired by ninny gentlemen who havo valuable horses, and are unwilling to trust them to the care of deeijmi.-,; and prettending Farriers. Their wishes are a length lully gratified, by Dr. Kettle being prevailed upon to tlloiv this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so efficacious to tho v :rious diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the public. This 'mbrocatiou was extensively used by tho Government during tho war. Address all orders to PR. EDMOND 1512 ALU, Ol'.', South Second St., Phil'a. K"7Por Sale by Dordivell & Messenger, Filugwity, Pa. p!!0iy HIE MOSTRRLIAPLK CUSHION used on Billiard Tables is tho CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured by Kavar.ngh & Pecker, and patented Pee If., lts:','i. (Seo Kcicuiiiio Am erican, volume (;, number 11.) It is the ONLY Cushion that possesses all the iiia!ilics essential ton perfect Cush ion. lfisll:1' iao.-:t ehistio ami most durable Cushion ever uliereJto tlio billiurd-jdaying public, ns is abundantly proven by the great demand for it since iis introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes tlx CAT-Gl T Cushion and renders it superioi to all others, is the tightened cord of cat gut which overlies the fuce and edge of lh rubber, and running the full length of ihs Cushion, w hich prevents the ball from bed. ding into Ibc rubber and jumping from tin tuble. The addition of iho cat-gut cord also adds much 10 t'.ie elasticity of thcCusli. ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion ha-already beo ' applied to over 10U0 tables which are i constant uso. It can be applied to tablo of any make, for .7 ) per set. KAVANAG1I k DI'.CKEK'S Factory.N tho corner of Centre and Canal Stree's, a Y., is the most compb-tc of iis kind in tho world. The machinery is of tlio most im proved character, the lumber dry inn room the largest iu tho United States, thematfi rial used I Ue best that can be purchased and the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard ('loth, Balls, Cues and Trim, mings, all of the best make, constantly OQ hand. Kavanngh and Decker are the only agents in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENT, adjudged by competent authorities to bo tho best cement ever used. Full Size Tables cut down for $100. Send for Illustrated Price List. K A VAX AG II DECKER, Cor of Centre and Canal Sti., p30Jy New York City, 4 1 :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers