t:t in A TALE OTAWfUL OTJTIL1.CE. f fr, f prit Sttr. 'If. ; ri tl , t'tihinh rr ( h : : : : : 17ih, t;! Tm h tho Mo:i tkirinishes hu u i;i in a v v it Hi: HI. V. s arc cr.jia.nod in war ene;rins, in which several o td!;eu place. A tlc-.-.ti Active typhoon recently i.Mti'J the scan of China, completely do Mrnintf the :!,iippiti:i iu several ports; tl.; fivjiaents' an I wrecks of vessel j'icm the harbor ui Hone; Konp; alone, tire faid to strew the shore for many l,:ihs. Tlio i'eiiiau alarm ij on the in crease, mkI tun coiii nines to cause ex t-a. '.'.ii.iii'V pro; auth'ns. MMiTpior, Is: exi-cuttm; a body iii London. M. Achille statu !uvy, tlio 10 of Tea- 1'aris on the time ho .!), j-1 i it HIS (If I'.mhl, the eminent and financier, died in ML'nd (i7 years. At ith he was minister of Ftate, and member of the senate. otir.ru by th.i pr'.nco do Jeiuvi';!e at (.'larcsiiont. The whole fleet now proceeds to .ea. The Giiriljfildii'.iis were defeated by the papal f'jvce.1 at Moutulibicta, in the .''j.Uh of Italy, several bands of the invaders have been driven over the frontier, and compelled to rnvo up their arms'. Rieiotti, the son of Garibaldi is a prisoner at Florence. The Viennese havo presented a petition to the Kmperor for a revision of the Concordat. A bill tor this pur pose lias been introduced in the Austri an Jleichsrath, but is opposed by the c, ;vc:nmc!it. The University of Cnuibrid,L'e has conferred tho dori c of I) l on all the American bi. -h'.ps now attending the an Anglican Synod. The Cbincr-o rebels have been vcrv successful. They are now threat- i r irnnfu! was entertained of etilll. emu:; the city i. The jury for the trial of safes in Talis, in the iinister of the competition of English and Amcricau safes, has giv en th.' preference to the latter. Tho him: of the LVrreo Islands has la? ced?.l to t! i. -lands in a pro I'niled States three one of which possess- td a line harbor, capable of bein; con verted to a naval station. Tho .Recipro city treaty betwor-n tho United States nnd tho yaudftieu Islands, has been vutifL'U by the kin;; of Hawaii. A !.ir5 tl-!?- of p-y.p'e in England object to the s oils of the Abyssinian fleet, en tho pTon.ids that it is done without sar.eti in pailiameut ; but the more liberal minded are of criiulou that formalities of law l-od ponded, whe-n should always ne is the tiC or Ueatli ol a JjfUi-.Si su! ,-ct Sn'innd 1 5. Taylor, nephew of Ks. IVsi'leut, Taylor, died on the ll'th, at Tori i, III., of cholera. decree Cuihiu, tho well knoiVD In diani -;t i i p-:e; rin.; for publication a detailed aeiouiit of hi-i adventures on inlaiL's. ; week ending Saturday, i-.lred and seventy three St. j mis, ot cholera. iTet'U-llaud the It,) v IU !"u;-;ii, t! Oct. ;", one hi! persons died i ( iener.il home WIT '1 hi. early in Novo A. T. ?rc iiijr of an cxt? if tho public. -"-or M the S.'n; of f lllh in.1-., of i 'i he 1 'nit i;a is c-ii-a,i'oJ lion of the Up of patc.it li'i in ti'od in ilivdj. M'o.ofit dr'i-.ol.t, U J-. ! 1 .3 '.v;.i boll! and will lo..j; tion v.i'h the 1 I'l.iri i.i this OaO t .;i::lo v ya-j. c ;le!'.di:ii havo p-i'o.: -:e:-- Ion. I'll td Miussehus 1. . 1,: J S' 1j W"ji: a ui ii l'lirivalle-l elo the d:nlh ofh amply te.titl li. id L yi r of Tr y , i-'iy 011 the 1 1 ,0 Was m ver (' ..1 1 ... , h chi t M.i 1 v im'aihmi:m:i'-i ni.oho hav- 1 Oil." A I'M 1 I.V VCTNII WIIITB (illll. A NO 1 1 riiw mils ti:.h 111:11 rr.Niit n oi r ruoii 'l II i: HOOT. JS-'"-Vn take the I'Vilowin;; column from the Pali iot t'j i',iion. One of the most shoehiuf; and horri ble events ever known to history, occurr ed h'ist week in .Maryland, by which the daughter of one of the. most prominent and wtalihy citizens of CumberlaLd county, has been reduced to a condition a thou:it:d times wei'M; than death. Mr. ( 'b iilcs lcane, a resident of llrsdy'w Mills, on the Ihilliniorc ami Ohio rail road, a KCiitlemnu of education, mid pos sessor of tho large mill and other prop erty in the village, had an only dauglu. tcr", named l'essic, a young lady not quite fcventecn, possessed of refinement n:id every virtue uud acconiplishiiient which nature could give or money pro cure. Mio had a form of exquisite symmetry and grace, and a rare voice which cultivation had trained to pro duce the west perfect harmony ; she was indeed a charming singer ttud belle of the country. For some Months past there lias been piowlin around Brady's Mills, a most otvMi looking mulatto, supposed to have formerly been iho bh.vc of u broth er of Mr. Pcano, living iu Georgia. This monster lias lived in a filthy hut :.t the foot of ihady's mountain, with an o! d woman who recused ta bo mistress, mother and housekeeper, all in ono. No 0110 knew his name, but by tho wags of tho town he was uesignated a3 Dan Scrunch. On Monday, tho 2d of September, Miss Bessie being at home, having left school at l.altiniorc, where she was attending, on account of the serious illness of her mother, went, unaeconipau. led, to spend the aftornoon with a neighbor, some distance- round the mountain, n sn ldcn thuudcr shower caino on, and meeting Dan, was induced by him to seek shelter in tho hut. Alas 1 poor child, no eooncr bad tho door been shut, than the fiendish demon seized upon her, and despito her picrc. ing screams and struggles and in the presence of the old witch woman, be committed upon the chuste virgin the foulest outrage of which tho human mind can conceive or man is capable. He then dragged her insensible lorm out of the hut. The cool air rivived her and again her lips uttered a shrill cry, when this savage beast, in human ehjipc, standing upon her prostrate form, with the ir.sanc idea of putting it out of her power to tell of the crime, crush ed open her mouth with the heel of his boot, and with his hyena claws, he tore the poor girl's tongue from her throat. A sin nil boy, driving so.ne cows in the vicinity, heating the screams, gave the alarm, but before help arrived t0 uund habited. The cwueiatiii'.r torture of the delicate sufferer and the frantic ang uish of her parents, no imagination can conceive. She is said to be in a dying condition mortification having set in, and lu.r invalid mother cannot long survive the thock. Dan Scruueh is still at large. Tho old woman was taken into cu tidy tho next morning and stated that the brute returned once during tho night, Tho woods are be ing scoured in every direction and he cannot long escape. F FECI & L ELECTION 11KTU11NS omt C onccponiknco. LK BOUNTY, FOR 0C 8O1, 1807. DISTUICTS. I'.onzinper, r.tnezelto, I'ox, HigJil.mil, IloltOIl, lay, Jones, nid.awny, Spring Creek, St. Mary's T.oro. Sup. Judge. Ass'y, Trens' n I'gm'r Dis. Atl'y. Ami. Jury Com. to K -1 31 H ' O a a iu ISO 0 40 21 40 05 18 192 TOTAL. 1 oO 0 l'JJ r.U VM l'.i2 V.r 58 49 45 4U 4! 45 4tJ 138 1U5 l:J7 137 130 (0OOO 0 15 41 45 44 45 45 65 21 21 21 1 21 21 10 Si) 41 !!8 R! 38 01 07 08 00j 07 1 17 18 I 18 I 181 18 I 18 13 107 I U'5 j 195 105 I 197 280 7H5 "iii 700 703 75!) 102 45 132 0 45 21 39 65 14 195 192 45 135 0 43 21 39 00 18 105 0 C5 43 0 10 52 20 CO 17 8 754 202 isefNo Return JuJgo appearing from Highland township, the voto wns not counted, but was as follows : Sliarswood 5, vVillittms 8, McCuUough 8, Hull 8, GiUis 8, Taylor 8, Jones 8. Messenger 7, Dickinson 5, Lttilo 8. oj2 G3G5 S31 538 y30 5795 GS8 J52 435 683 1193 12G3 62G 1757 780 471 523 3208 277 58 1898 1383 1401 1059 2077 imiK .er. is returuiug and is expected irt projects the build iive library for the use :ii;r-!.t, Teim , died on the jn:;e.-:le chills. d States steamer Mcnfa 1 improving tho naviga. er Mississippi, by means u'ar scrapers, which are .i.j cliatiutU through the !.! IXvpau, of Iweneli l;::-jsi, aged 110 ycaw. 01 l'u-w Orleans in 1757, e lemeii.bercd in conucc Will case. 01 stapie pro-Jtte'.s in 11 almost paa. -.e.5 belief, v.hi;!:, lihe the ban- 0 ci-'hiccu leet, 1 tat-J I i si:: bu. hels of tomatoes. r'.es Loring, a distinguish- U bi'.vver. died at his )', i-r on the 8th iast of great abililitics, as tho neii'.o ot Ins oration ou i friend, lvlwarJ lvcrtlt, but I IS ;!"y:u-jur, an cniiiicf.t htw iid at Lis rc.-ideiice iu that ih iiNt.j.aged 05 years, 1 tin ts cho.iju to u seat iu M;i:e his la.-t term, in jt Lu-.-u b-foto thj pen. AXOTHIOII Xl.ilttO Ol'TttAliK. Last night a young woman who resides with Mr. Wagner, repairer of musical instru ments, while passing along Trout street below Mulberry, was forcibly stopped on tho pavement by a negro ruffian, who sprang from bthihd a tree box, and was immediately joined by a black Accom plice from tho opposite sid3 of the street. Tho young woman screamed " murder," whi-'.h alarmed sotue of tho residents of that neighborhood and brought them to her rescue, when the bluch scoundrels fled. A messenger was despatched for polico officers, some of whom promptly responded to the summons, but they fail ed to get on the track of the perpetrators of this bold outrage. Scenes ol this kind are enacted ou our streets night after night, aud it is unsafe for white ladies or even little girls, to venture abroad un. protected. Some means ought to be de viled to leincdy this terrible state of affairs. Another, Im-amois Outkaok. Tin other night two little girh, neither of them over fourteen years of age, daughters of the most respoctablo resi dents of Front Mrcet, were approached on Chestnut street by a negro ruPian, who indecently exposed his person, and followed tho frightcud children to tho very doors cf their residences, when ho turned and fled. Our information comes from a prominent professional gentleman of this city, arclittivo of ono of tho fami lies. It is to lo regretted that tho black scoundrels who huvo attemptod so many r.i,vnnj Plli-a l-t.wl nt.nnnf Via .1 nf nnf a, and brought to punishment. Wo take tho following official election returns fiom the rhiladclph'a Aye. Eharswood, Williams, Adams Allegheny . Armstrong, "caver, lJedford, L'erks, lilair, Bradford, Bucks, Butler, Cambria, Cameron Carbon, Centre Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Elk, Erie Fayette, Foiest, Frsukliu, Fulton, Greene. Iluiitiugdoi), Indiana, Jefferson, J uniata, Lancaster. Lawrence, Lcbauou, Lehigh, Luzerne, Lycoming, M civ can, Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, Northampton, Northumberland, I'crry, l'hiladelphia, Dike, I'ottcr, Schuylkill, Somerset, Snyder, Sullivan, Suscpuehanna, -r" Union, Yeuango, Warren, Washington, Wnyue, Westmorland, Wyoming, York, Sleiu Sldi'cr1iicmcnt5. 1741 5324 1547 1124 1G0 521 130 G53 1125 202 1215 431 127G 260 J 475 440 G72 105 39092 38348 38318 Marjority. 744 CO II f-' cr, fc-.I .11 -hr N , n of lb" .... -u (,.vi( v. ,.i,ic r !; .'. la...: uvc.-....: wi.; -.vr:e.;- .,iii.-.vick eo.i.-t. aii-J scv- ci.-.i Ui j i..l. ue it,t. in no:, t y i Ik, whole tl: rj who wcie drown- Fatal Haimioad Atcidknt. A man uaiiied Kellar, from Bedford coun ty, attempted to jump on a freight train at Nineveh fetation, on the I'onuryWauia ni.lioad, but mi.-icd his footing, fell on the track, and was run over by au ap. proaehing passenger train, llo was m ingled in a i-hocLing manner, causing instant death. Gnr.T) closed cn thenh'bt of the L at IU. ith MURDER TRIALS. Ty Telegraph to the Aje. Ntw YoitK, October 12. Tho trial of Vincent Cody for tho murder of Fro fessor Joltn 11. Livingston was conclu ded yesterday in the Court of Oyer aud Teriniuer. One witness was examined for tho prosecution aad four .for defense, after which tho case was piven to tho jury, who retired at about three o'clock, and, after deliberating for three hours, returned a vcrdiHoi " Guilty of murder in the second degree." The prisoner wci remanded for sentence. Ho received tho announcement without ap. parent emotion. Wilminuton, Oct. 12. Win. M. I'urker, whosi trial has been progres biug for tho last two days, iu the Crimi nal Ccur', has been convicted of mur. der iu the firot degree, llo killed Mr. Childless, in 18G3. The evidence was circumstantial, but very strong. ii-.ul In Utorgia. AuuUcsta, Octobei 12. A duel was fought near hero to day between Colonel II. 1. Faucr, of Atlanta, and Major O'Connor, of Home. After an inter- cl ango of tsho's tho affair wns tattled T ho difficulty grew out of rewspnper ar ticks. Mulile, Oct. 12. There wcro th:co luteriueiitd fiom yoilow lever hero to day. The Murder cf Sir. 6timpcoa,of Baltimoro, by Indiaim. It was ineutioncd a few weeks ago that Mr. Jnmcs H. Stimpson, a respeot cd citizen of Baltimore, had been mur dered in Arizona Territory by tho hos tilo Indians. Tho Arizona Miner, pub. lished at prcscolt, iu that Territory, lias tuo toiiowing details of the distressing massacre : Our community was shocked, a few days since, to learn that Mr. James II. Stimpson, of baltimoro, and three other members ot tho Willing party, which left here on the 14th instant, had been ruthlessly murdered by Wallapui Indi ans in the Sacramento mining district near Hardyville. It appearcs that when tho party arrived at Bcalo Spring, somo thirty miles east of the Colorado, Mr. Stimpson ai.d eight others left tho road to visit the Sacramouto district, while Dr. Will ing and two others went directly on to Hardyville. On the morning of tho 20th Mr. Stimpson and his companions wcro attacted by a large baud of Wallapais and at the first fire Mr. Stimpson, Ed ward Yonkcr and Frank Mesner were killed. II. II. Altman had his horse shot under him. , aS 8l,nr)osed to i . . . .. . : " uc wounded, 11c followed tho retreat ing party for a mile or two aud then fell back, and is supposed to have been taken by the Indians. Mr. Hyde, whose horse was also shot, made his escape by taking tho fleeing mule be longing to Mr. Mesner. who had just fallen. Tho savages secured six fine animals, fiva guns, three revolvers and consider able ammunition They wcro probably of Chorum's famous band. As somas th? particulars of the attack were made known to Colonel I'rioe, commanding at Mohave, ho sent out twenty men to re cover the bodies. We hear that they Were found, anil that of Mr. Stimpson taken Last. Mr. Stimpson was a promi nent business man of Baltimore, a man of family, and a gentleman cverywdiere esteemed. Although hero but a few days, ho impressed all with his good judgement, pleasing manners and intel ligent interest in the country. II is cruel death will not only bo greatly mourned at the East, but it cannot; fail to give fresh proof of tho necessity of tho most vigorous prosecution ot tho war against the hostilo Inuians who curse tho Terri tory, and espcci.il.lj against inoSO lo twecn here ;U(J tho" Colorado, who evidently mean anything but peace. Tho men Hho were kuled wuh Air. fattmpson wcro employed by him at Los Angelos for the expedition to tho Icrrttory Yonker as teamster, and Mesner and Altmar s cooks. Aye. The Iladicul Congrc33 appointed a smelling Committee to investigate whether Maryland has a Republican form of Government, because that State docs not permit negroes to vote. Ohio has pronounced against negro suffrage. Now will Congress espol the present members from Ohio, and send a commit. teo to examine into tho loyalty of the Buckcyu boys ? The Radicals havo been exhibiting Satrap Sheridan over the country, eshi. biting tho marks where A. J. kicked him, for tho purpose of helping them at the elections. But whilo the pcoplb give littlo Phil credit for gallantry in the war, they condemn his course in Louisiana, in being a tool for Congress, to disfranchise whites, and elcvato tho black race into power. Ex, Hartford, October 7 .--Returns of tho town meetings in tho Stato to.day have been received from thirty one towus. Tho Democrats gaiu five towns, although iu tho Democratic strongholds there is a falling oft' from English's ma jority of last spring. Somo seventy towns are yet to bo heard from. October, lGth, 107. Editor Advocate, Dear Sir : I have no matter of real fact or present interest to communicate this week, aud, being loth to trouble your columns with mere, ly my own opinion or feeling'?, 1 will say but little, and that on tho grand subject which causes every Democrat iu l'cnn. sylvania to rejoice ; and not in Pennsyl vania alone but throughout tho cutiri nation ; for our brcthcrn in the far West are holding ovation over her victory. When the Republicans endeavored to hide the real cause of Democratic tri umpo in Maine, and wovo plausible pre tests for that purpose, their plans might have passed current with a few, (it would be only a few) or, at any rate, the master would not havo been taken in hands by the public, had not their rash, ncss prompted them to try this trick in regtrd to California, and other states. And such is their desperation in this Stato that they have even surpassed their former efforts, and now claim (he remit as favorable to them in (lie highest de gree ! How this can be possible, is what wo cannot comprehend. Wo must content ourselves with supposing that it is to bo reconciled to the method of rcas. oning which has always marked them, the preposterous and the absurd. Alas, Radicals ! you have I eon play ing a part ruinous to yourselves. Old Thad. Stevens, who saw, to his dismay, tho turn ot tho popular tide, prophesied your ruin long ago. And your dema gogues, who know all, but have feared to tell, now submit to fate. Tho voice of eightecu thousaud new patriots who have rallied to our standatd since the last election, is too stentorian to be mis understood. You must not try to " como " your Main gatno in Pennsyl vania. You have arc-used, by your ex cesses, thunders of generous indignation agamst you, and, as Shakespeare says, " Sinco by your art, you have set the wild waters in this roar, allay them." Everywhere through tho State, you will find that to one Democrat who vo ted on the 8th inst., there aro several who seemed to take littlo or no interest in tho lat e election.?, but who hrvo sworn to act at the nrxt great election. This fact will wonderfully swell our majority, though the Republicans insist that our voto will be smaller than the present. There has been a complete resolution, which at the presidential election when all, without one exception, will be ablaze with interest, shall bo developed in a glorious triumph of right. VICTOR. "J OTICi", is lievoby (riven, that tlio Jrm lieretnl'i.i'rt known n? .Slincninjr. l.illlc J .''., in tliU .lay by mill mil consent, di snivel. All poi-sniis Kno'.vin;; themselves iiiiMitel to ai'l li rm, are i-C(iieleil to uuilcn iiimiRiliiite pnymunt, to 1'i-e.l Sclioen in;; wlin is mil lo.. i;i-l to net lor the same. An 1 nil h.-iviii claims njjainst the linn ti present them for njns! i-icut to II. l.itllo & Co., by whom (ho business will bn continu oil nnd who will keep a jroo.l assoi tniont of Roods, and sell at very low prices fur cash or ready pay only. H. LITTLE &CO, Ker-icy Ool. ":hT7-ot. 1 tci i : itch i: itch : i SCRATCA 1 SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH ! ! 1 in from 10 to -IS houi-J. Wheriton'R Ointment cures Tho Itcli. Vt'hcaton'n Ointment cures Salt lllicum. Wlicnton's Ointment cures Tetter. Wlicaloifs dial menl cures Barbers' Itch. Wlicaton's Ointment, cures Old Sore?. Vi'hcaton's Ointment cure Every kind, of Humor like Magic. Trice. oOeent? n bok : bv mull, CO centB' Ad-lre-i WKUKU & rOXTER, N0. I'Q VVeshington SI reel, Boston, Muss. For palu by all lriijigists. Sept. 17T.7 ly. is.-I'i.VKt: IN B VNKItUlTCV. Ik In the District Court of the United States fonho Western listrictof Benn ii. In the mailer of Jolia Cobb, Bankrupt. V In Bmkruptcy. Western Bist. of Bcnn'iv ss. At Brie l'a., Oct. 10, 1367. The undersigned hereby gives noliei of his nppoiniiiieiit us As.iiijnee of John Cobb of Rid-way in tho County of Brie, Slalo of Pcnnsylv.-uim viihin sai l Bilriet, whr 1ms been a .judged a Bankrupt upon his Oirn pe tition by the District Court of said Dist. CHAS 31. LVNCII, Oct 1 7 '67- 3ir. Assignee. Wayne County, Oct. 11 Shooting Affray. A boy named Dell was shot by his father ou a boat lying in the basin at this piano on Tues day evening. So far as we learn, the father recklessly fired in the mid.st of a crowd of boys, the shot taking effect in the boy's leg. Terrible Accident. On Saturday afternoon last a terrible accident occur, red at the Union docks. Two boat men by some miistop (probably similar to the manner in uicti tbo boy Woods of Rondout wa3 killed a short time ago) wcro thrawn from the docks through the slides into a boat, a quantity of coal fal ling upon them. Roth men were thought to bo fatally injured, but have since revived and will probubly recover. They are brothers named Turner from New York Stato. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL, lj 1UDGV7AY, TA. J. HALEY Proprietor. This hotel is pleasantly situvted on tho banks of tho Clarion Biver and Blk Creek, nt the lower end of tho village, Mr. Henly will spare no piling fur the convenio.co of his guests, As invito3 one aud all to give, him n call nnd try Ms house. Sept, 17tli'C7-iy. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Notice is here by iven that letters testamentary on the BMate of ilalph Johnson, late of Benezetto township, deceased, havo beeu granted to the undersigned. All licrsons indebted to said estate, lire requested to make imma .1- . ... t .i ..... . - ' uiaiu payment, anil most; Having cei'.ms ajiainsl the sumo will present them duly authenticated for settlement. It A Ll'lf JOHNSON Jr., JOHN CHAPMAN, Oct 10th '07 to Bxeciitors. ABMINISTltATOR'S NOTICE. NoTieo is hereby given that leitorsof Admin isli-1!.on on the estate of Jesse Johnson, lato of Beiiczotie township, deseeased, havo been pranled to I he und"rsigned. AU per. sons indebte l to f-ii'l estate, nre reijtiesled to make immediate payment, aud those hav ing claims n;;r.in;.t tho same will present them duly authcnl inated l-.r settlement. BALl'II JOHNSON, Jr. Oct. 10'(7.-tc. Administrator. NOTICE I!5 HE UK BY GIVEN THAT the final account of John YVegnmor and George Se'nnil, Executors of tho last will of Simon Ern-t d-'i-e.ised, has been tiled in my office, and will bo presented at tho next term of Orphan's Court of Elk county tor confirmation. GEO. A ItATllBCN, Ke.gistw'K Office. 1 Itegisler. Bid-way, Oct. BGT.-r.i. ) ri AUTION Vhereas, my wifo T yhas loft my bed nnd board, witln IVunsylvauii baa gone Democratic. Sharswood in clouted, aud tho Republi cans retain a small majority iu the Legislature. -Grand Show this cvcuui. Murder Trial ia Tennessee. Nashnille, October 14. William and Henry Crockett, of Williamson County, huvo been brought hero charg ed with the murder of Joseph Drake, colored, and shooting his wife. The negroes were employed by the Crockslt's in uiakiug a crop. Tho prisoners gave bail in $5,01)0 lor their appearance to morrow. They are coufident of ac. quitul. BEUT&L MUBDEH. ' Hartford, October 14. A brutal murder oceuired ou Saturday night. Several Irishmen, under tho iufluoueo of liquor, had a quarrel, which finally resulted in a fight, and Johu Kilday was murdered. His head was pouuded into a jolly with utones and clubs. Daniel Sullivau, the supposed murderer, escaped, but is being closely pursued. Ono hundred dollars reward was offered by the selectmen for his arrest. He is supposed to bo makiug his way toward? New York. The election in Ohio knocks Wado and Chaso both out of tho ring of presi dential aspirants. A showman has offered 813.000 for Mrs. Lincolu's wardrobe. 11c desires to exhibit it iu Europe. Tho ' dead Democracy " aro now ppoken of by the opposition as " united and powerful. Tho Rostou J'ost says Zach Chaud ler'i speeches are like himself always dry. Theresa, lout any ,um. cause or provocation on my account. This therefore is toOAUi'IO.N all persons from trusting her on l.iy account, as 1 will pay no debls ot her oontrai-tincc after this iato. GANPEBO EOPIANNA. Fox lp., Oct. 7rG7. -Oi. pd. ITIXECUTOll'S NOTICE. Notice is hero 2jUy given that letters testamentary on (lie estate of Lyman Wilmarlh, lato of Fox township, deceased, havo been grunted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate, are refueled lo mnko lmmcdi ato payment, and thoso having claims n.ainstiho same will present them duly au thcniicated for settlement. L. C. YVILMABTU. 1-BEB YV1LM A RT1I, Sep. 10'07.-!!iv. Executors. "Beyoad tho Mississippi." A Com n.KTK History or tukNew States AND TmiHITOKlKS, FKOM TUB G It BAT Bivmi i the Gr.r.AT Ochan. IS'j filbert i. Iliclmrttson. Ocer 20,000 Cvpies soil in one. Month. TIFE AND ABYI'NTUBE ON PK.U j vies, Mountains and tho Pacific Coast. With over 'JO'J Ie?criptive and Photograph ic Views of tho Soenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People and Curiosities of tho New States nnd Territories. Ts prospective emigrants and settlers ill tho "Far West," this Hit-tor of that vast and fertile region will prove an invaluable a-isistac.ee, supplying as it does a want long felt of a full, auiiieniie .mil reliable puido to climate, soil, produo.u, loe.ins of travel, .to., Sc. AGENTS ' .!NTEi. fend for Circulars ninl mm our levins, and a full doscr.'piion of the work. Address K AVION A I. Pt'llLLSH I NO CO. . 507 Minor St., Phila'a Pa. r,.vyThc undersigned has taken tho Agen cy, for the above book and will furnish by mail. In EXT'lt A ENULIS11 ob.lhat percopy, or in FINE LEATHER (Library .S'lyle) ul S-l.tiK per copy. Postago Puid. Address, FKED SCIIOENIXa, Kersey P. O., Oct. 10-'tl7-tf. Elk Co. l'a., rigin and History of the Books of the Bible. 11V l-I'Or. CALVIN R. STOWE, 11. 11. A work of real value, an Ian almost indis pensable companion of the llible, showing what t h u Itihle is not, what it is, und how to use it ; answering all tho objections to its nuiheiuieily ur.i! id by modern infidels, and tracing the a.u hn-iiy of caeh book up to ils inspire. nuiliois. giving a vast, amount of informal ion heretofore locked up in very r.ire nudc.uly volumes, making on" of the most popular books ever pub lished. ioti.1 AO E NTS WANTED, l'xnei iene.d a.'rts, clergyman bvl'es, school te-u-!i' : an I oilier: li-iuld s.-nd if 'liloriuu- I.H- once un e: I '.' 1 : n 1100. A bil e -s. .i: ill I E It, MiC'ltUY k CO., eoNll, hn-vlj Pllil'l., Sept. U U"-U1. IV (
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