r -urn, vut - THE PLACEITO BUY RAT Tin: HI I KiWAY I DRUG STORE 3 KF.rr i!Y GROVH G. MESSENGER, IWro ?b T.Trt-; Me1icr, IV-uts. (ills, White Load, Lubricating Oil, Lump Oil, Titucv's Oil, l'cr. fumnics of nil Kinds, The purest YnrnLdi, Brushes of every i:l)lo nnd !ize J 3c Shift's, Pure. CniifcctioiianeR Citron, Raisin, Patent Medicines, Wiues, Welshes, Jewelry, Kings, Tobaccocs & Scnis J 'urc Jiiimors fi;r Medicinal pur prscs only. A LARGE ASSORTMENT (If Everything Useful 'r iliiining to the Drug Business Gcrj' orally. Putc Drugs nt Low Prices 1 Pure. Drugs at Low Prices Notions in Endless Variety ! Notion-" in Endless Variety ! American nnd English Watches ! American and English Watches Latest Styles of Jewelry, Rings, &c. Lntcft Styles of Jewelry, ittrtKS, &c Fancy Articles, Toys, Latest Novels l'aney Articles, Toys, Latest Novels Alliums, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages I Alhunis, News, Stationery, Bird-Cages ! Violin, Banjo and Guitar Stiings! Violin, Banjo and Guitar .Strings ! mav2018GG Tilt SILYEll SKIRT. MORE PUR ABLE, MORE ELASTIC, MOKE GRACEFUL ! An.l will keep its shnpo ami retain ils placo better tha'i any oiler Skirl. f itw iod beatif -1 style of Skirt (Pat ented ?j.-.rfh 7, 13tj5,'; was ownrilid by the Orat ineric.m Tiis:i!ut Fair, held in New York, October. IMio, u SILVE3 MEDAL, being the Highest . Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirl. The Steel Springs ar wound with fine plated wne in place cf a cotton covering which will not wear off or become soiled, nnd the whole skirt may be woshed without injury or fear of rusting, nud will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt Tliis invention combines wilh Ihe ordinn ry Skirt the advantages ovour Silver Skirt ihe boitoni hoops nro the same as those ub cd in tho Silver .Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear olF, while the upper ones nvo covered with cotton. No lady having once worn one of our Skirts, will bo willing to wear nny other, as the lower hoops of all oilier kit. in r.re soon injured nnd soilced. The oe3t lnuticials arc used iu their con ptrucliirn, .and, from their durability and nea!r.33s hey arc destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manual ired solely by (ho Silver kirt and Wire Hanu j during Company, SO and '61, IMRC'LylY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. SpEr.EY, Sup't. Aug 9th-ly VALUADLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned has laidont a vil. tipro upon his ground adjoining the Ridg wiiy Depot, to be called KLIC. The lots arc 51) feet front, by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Term's For the fir.-t lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For tho third bit sold, f 120 and so on increasing in M ice as jots are sold. C?S. First purchasers got tho choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or dor of their amplication Ten percent of the purchase money must bo paid at the lime of the application. BPrjuApplications will bo made to Job. 0. Hall, Esq., Itidgway, Pa. J. S. HYDE. Eidgway, mar,2O'C0-tf. CHAXCE FOR A J! AUG ATX ! 100 Acres of Timbor Land in Elk County for S.ilo at a Bargain! THE ABOVE MENTIONED TRACT OF buid is situated about ontt-half mile from Kcrsev liun, in Jay Uwnship, and is well limbered with WHITE PINE, OAK and HEMLOCK. Four acres a-e cleared and under cood slalo of cultivation. Its contiguity lo Kersey Run makes it one of tli c most valuable tracts of land in this part of Ihe country. There me two coal banks opened on the tract, whieli are four feet thick, nud the coal of tho best quality. I have also one, spun of horses and oue yoke of oxen whiuh w illbn told 1'evy cheap For further particulars inouire of tho the t-iihscrihrr or Oliver Garhier, lit t'alc doiiia Post Ollice, Elk count v. l'o. jnly:;iKf,00m JUSTUS WEED. TO CONSUMPTIVES. T FltE Advertiser, havini? been restorod to health in a few weeks, by a very Maiplc remedy, ni'ler having eullerid sevci--ui years with a sevcru lung nllection, nnd that dread disease, i nnnuiiiiicm is imx inus t o umko known to his fellow sufferers tho UK'.tns of cure. ! n all wlio de.:;iro it, ho will send a copy of l!i - prescription used, (Ireuol charge), wil'i I lit; direuiinr.s fur prepuring the samo vhic'i they will find a Sure Cure fur Con h ii ii ill ion. Asihiaa, lironcli'ls, &o. Tho (n 1.: ulijeet of tho advertiser in sending tho 17 '.'-d-riplinn, is to benefit the uillictcd, and ;h.m I information which ho conceives to ti i in .MliMble ; nrid ho hopes every sulfcrers i ;'l trv his renficdy, as it will coit them :i in and m iV rrove a tiios.'ing. wish.tii t tie proscription, will I'lv-iic address Rev. FDJWAHDa- wilsum. Williamsburg, Kings County, cw Voi k.d, Oct. BOth Pic: -iy. r isin.NCi iRDS NEATLY EXECUT ci ut this c lice. l7E'llEAFEST GOODS IN TIIE COUNTRY Are Sold by CIS II It O T II i: R $ Successors to Oco. Wcis.-! PEALHII8 IN foK'Ijjn 3)oh)c?iie Sty Qoo5?, St. Mary', Elk County, Pa. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES We have no hesitation in saying that in this department of our establishment, Ave oan givo bargains to onr customers wish which they cannot fail to be eatis- ficd. Wc buy our stock direct from the Manufacturer, Tichnrdsous' Cole. bratcd Root & Sho Manufactory, Elrul ra, New York. We warrant all goods in this Kne sold from our establishment. TJEAVY & SHELF HARDWARE. 11 WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER To our customers In this line bargains which cannot be undersold in Elk coun ty. Our stDck is large, well sclcoted, and is especially adapted to the wants of the community. L ADIES DRY k FANCY GOODS. An Unequalled Assortment J Muslins, Silks, Calicoes, Satins, DeJaines. Moire Antiques, Chintzes, Whito Goods, Cloths, Flannels, Bcrcccs. Laces, Corsets, In fact we have everything connected with Lndies' Wear. Wo are determin ed to sell lower, cheaper and BETTER Goods than any other firm in the coun ty. Give us a call, we 11 prove U. 1 f ARK WELL WHAT WE SAY. 1U Tic Sell the Best, thereore THE CHEAPEST CLOTHiNG Sold in Elk County. Our Stock of T.f.!, -. 1) .,!.- ff..l.l..U JIIM.U 'J)"i I'l" cyey? ,pqiiii6r vjiliti I 0 i tit 11 fj 18 IMMENSE, And we confidently flatter thnt better Clothing cannot ANYWHERE. ourselves be found Persons, before purchasing clsewhcro would do well to givo us a call. Sf&,No trouble to show our Goods. p ROCERIES, NOTIONS, &c., &c. In Endless Variety, and CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST! At the Store of IV c i v .nri 0 In St. Mary's, Elk County, Ta. ) IPES, TCBACCOES t- SEGARS We have now on hand AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT, Whic'a will bo sold at a VE R Y SLIGHT A JJ VANCE On cost and carriage, Our Store is in the new Si'one Building on Main Street. July 11, 1867-tf. EW CASH GROCERY STOKE JAMES McCI.OSKEY, Dealer in Groceries &c, would respectfully inform the citizens of Kersey nnd vicinity, that he has nono into the Grocery busit jps. nod will open ou or nbout th middle i of May. lie keof constantly on hand an extensive stock oi TEAS, FLOUR, SUGAR?, TOBACCOES, SEGARS, WIII8KEY by thcbavrcl or quart, and everything connected with a first class Grocery Store. I will sell for CASH and consequent. lj can afford to sell CHEAPER than tbo CHEAPEST. I invite everybody to couio and satisfy themselves." JAMES McCLOKEY. May 3d, 'CO. Gm. ri"Mic subscriber nT8 leave to announce to I the citizens of 1.1k anil adjoining coun. . - . ... i . i , . i . i. i i l ICS uini lie nuv iiuiuuHstu lue muiiens buuji lately occupied by John 6mutz, and that he in prepared to ao all Kinds oi worn in a buu nble style, SA DDLES,nRiDLES,UARNESS kept constantly on hand nt prioca to suit the times, (live me n cnll shop in tbo sec ond slory of Drag Store building. ocll-ly. U. LiEj V Is. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 85 if; 27. BroaJwaiu N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN TLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE ia WELL I and widely known to tho travel ling public. Tho location is cspeoiilly suitable to merchants and business men it is in close proatiniity to tho business part Oi inc cny is on inu uigmvny in oouuicrn and Western travel nnd adjacent to nil the principal Railroad and Steamboat De Pts; Tiie M ovens House lias liberal neemmo dntion for over thrco hundred: guests it is well furnished, and posBeesei every modem improvement lor the comfort nnd entertain mem of its inmates. Tho rooms nro spac ious and well ventilated, provided with gas and water, the attendance is prompt and respectful, nud tho table is generously pro1 vided with every delicacy of the sensou-a moderate rates. CEO. K. CHASE & CO. May Otb, 1?6", Cm. Proprietors. LUMBER. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURBISH upon short notice the following kinds of Lumber of the best quality. FLOOBING AND SIDING, dressed in die best possible manner, from seasoned lumber, ready for use. Also, iATH FOR PLASTEJIING We will put on cars when required. JEkirAU orders nddscsscd to us nt this place promptly attended to. SUUXUISH, rYlLl.iS a CO. jun21C7tf Ridgvtay, Ta. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE EAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Thrrunh and Direct Route between PhUadcijmta, Baltimore Hams burg, Williamsiort, and the GREAT 01LREGIOX ofrennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains. 0' Nand after MONDAY, APRIL 29tli, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as lollows : WFSTWAnn. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.00 p. m. " " Ridgway 10.47 a. m " ' arrive at Erie 4.08 p. m Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12.00 noon. " ' " Kidgway 3.4!) a. m. " " arrivoat Erie 10 00 a. m. . . A.-l.VAU... . Mail Train leaves Erie a. m. 11 i fi " Itidgway 3.47 p. m. arrivoat Phildelphin 7.05 a. ni. p leaves Erie 5.00 p. 111. Kidgwny 10.44 p. m arr. at rhiiudelplua... i.iiu a. m. Mail and Exprces train conned with all trainton Warren and Franklin llrilway Vascngcrtleai'iii3 VhilaJchihia at 12.00 In. arrive al Irrineton at 6A0 a. m. and Oil Cilif t).50a. w. Leavirg rhilaiUlyhiaalU UO p. m. arrive at Oil Citi at 4.35 p. m. All trains on Warren & Franklin Railway make close connections at Oil City with trains for Franklin nnd Petroleum Centre BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. INSURANCE AGAINST los-s or DAMAGE by FIRE f IMIE Lycoming County Mutual lnsur- I ance Company at Muncey, Fa., con tinues lo Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on all kinds cf Merchandise. Public ana private, tuldiuzs, either In town or county. Also on Mills, Tannorics, Barns, stocks of Grain, &c, ut the lowest, posslblo rates, consistent with safety to tho Insurer and Insured. Tho Lycoming County, Mie tual Insurance Company invites an investii gation as to its stability. Its capital amounts to 89,800,000! Thus assuring to ovory one of its patrons that their losses will be promptly and satis. titctorily paid. Its management has always been prudent, as its existence of twenty six years fully demonstrates J A MEM BLAKELY, Agent for E'k county, at St. Mary's MEYERS -NEWLY IMPROVED Acknowledged to be the best 1 London 1 rue Medal, and highest awards in America, received ! ' Melndcons, Second-hand Pianos nnd Music. No 722, Arch Street, below Eighth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ap213m COAL, COKE AND FIRE-CLAY ! All of superior quality, for sale by the Tannerdale Coal Company, St. Mary's, Elk County, Pu. JJsar'Orders by mail promptly ittend cd to. OeptlG ?3tt THE PLA.C E't'O liL'Y IS WHERE YOU CAN nuv Th e Cheapest. W -r, e is 5 3 o m o 0 2 GO 8 j I .3 o .2 a 0 o A r3 T3 5 it, o s c CI 3 R c3 CJ o H T3 a s1 H W P3 H P o o M o o (3 o r a p -2 .5 to -a r. ,q u a 8.9 fl-i a 0 oi w a uOm 0 m o 3 "o 3 !J 0 C3 . rf. O 63 & 1 -3 W 3 S 8 g g.5 CJ VI s t- it i-1 8 . "a. 3 V ? to M .9 . 1 5 IS .1 rz x r' A W2 6t3g W 3 S-sfc! P. 2 t ei ct to u.- O rrt K.3 o CO 3.5 3 - a r m kj WE SELL GOODS AS LOW AS THEY CAN 1SE BOUGHT IN Erie City GIVE US A CALL, AND WE WILL I r o-v c i t . TYELOUBKT ORGANS & MELODEONS. rumiuiinously awarded the First Prize, A tiOl.U ail'.D.XIi, "AS THE BEST CABINET ORGANS, Am. Inst., New York, Oct. 13'.io. Being pronounced superior t'n Quality. 1'ower nnd Variety of Tone, anil in number of combinations. "As the best instruments of America were there contending, whichever won the battle would have nothing left to conquer. Am. Art Journal, edited by a woll-known musical critic. They have also taken the first premium wliercver exhibited this season. TEDAL ORGANS, one, two and three banks of key:; six sizes $250 to $1,500. Without pedals, single and double bank in great variety, if 05 to $4'iO. These Organs Willi their smooth, pipcdike quality of tone, beautiful solo atops, strength of chorusk unequalled pedals, nnd general oreaiio-li effects, are superior for Churches, Hulls, Parlors and Schools. They aro put up in cases oi bond Walnut, tiincy veneered Wal nut, (new and unique styles) and elegant Kosewood, ot splendid designs and finish and of the best workmanship ! it being intended thnt cncli instrument shall be model of its kind. All instruments dow to a fine octave portable Melodcon, have the beautiful Treiuolante stop, without extra charge. A large assortment constantly on hnnd nt onr General Wholesale and Retail Wnre rooms, 841, Broadway. Our Illustrated Circular and Prico Lists, with our new styles, aro now ready. Send for a circular. PE LOU BET, FELTON fc CO Manufacturers, No. 841, mnrl4Gn Broadway, N. Y. City. FURNITURE STORE AT ST. MARY'S, PA s ASH, DOORS AND FURNITURE The subscriber keeps constantly on hand all sizom 0! Hasli and Doors, also Wardrobes, Bureaus, Waslistands, Bookcases, Tables, Desks, Lounges, Bedsteads, Sofas, &c, Picture Frames, Sash Painted and Glaired All work warranted to be of the best eiui terinl nnd workmanship Call and examine my work nnd prices as I feel confident my work will givo satisfac tion nnd my prices are as iow, if not lower than they nro iu any olher market. CHAS. L. BAYER, my23d07tf. St. MaPa 'y'sr. A. II Gbav, R. It. Emekson, E. F. Adams. A. I. Wilcox, RAY, WILCOX & Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS, ST. M A II I S, Opposite Alpino House. Elk County Ta. DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Butter, Cheese, Feed, Corn, Suit, Fish, Pork, Ham, Powder, Canoed Fruits, Beef, Beans, Nails, Glass, AND STAPLE GROCERIES Dcceuilcr 20 lSflG ly. ITMEDELIUS" VOGT, Practical Clock. Si Watchmaker, St. Mary's, Elk county. Rooms next door to llintcnach'e Clothing Store. All kims of work done douo in a tatisfaetory manner, nnd war ranted. Consultations in regard to work iu tho German, rench or English Ian. guugos, MuroU H, li'CTtf. , 'till -a RIDGWA1, PfNNi WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR GROCERIES, QUEEN8WARE, FEED, HARDWARE, . LUMBER AND SHINGLES, Buyers will find STO RES AMONG TnE Most Complete AND BEST APPOINTED IN TIIE COUNTRY. AN1 TIIE PLACE TO GET Good Hargains ' CALL& SEE! March 29th,18GG-1y. T ARGE CAPACITY. GREAT Streenth JLj and unequalled speed, simplicity and completeness of operation, are qualities pe cuiiar to me Nonpareil Washing Ma cjiine. It is a squeezing machine constructed on strictly mechanical principles, and tho ex perlonco derived from five years extensive use in families, hotels and public institutions proves it to bd of lasting value to the pur cnascr Tho manner of operating the Nonpareil by roiary motion acting on a crank shaft (with balaneo wheel,) which moves the plungers alternately, is the simplest, least laborious nnd most powerful thnt can be do vised for the purpose, and accomplishes the work with the grentest rapidity and the least possible labor. The great speed with which this machine performs work will be understood from the statement that ifis geared to give six strokes ot the plungers for one turn of the handle, or, when worked leisurely, about four hun drod strokes a minute Safoty to the fabric washed is insured by the entire absence of rubbing. A girl or boy of fiflcen can work the ma chine, nnd do n week's washing for a family of six or eight persons in two to three hours' time; and it mny bo relied on toclcnnsethe clothing thoroughly, without assistance from hnnd rubbing. Send for free Descriptive Circular and terms to dealers, to whom exclusive right. ot sale is secured. OAKLEY & KEATING, . 181, Water St., N. Y7 July 2G,'6G-ly SOMETHING NEW ! ! rpiIE SUBSCRIBER respectfully desires I to anuoiinco to the citizens of Elk county that he has recently fitted up an es tablislnnent for the manufacture nnd sale of TIN, COPPER, nnd SHEET-IRON Ware on Mala Street, in Ridgway, where, by strict attention to business, he hopes to merit the confidence and patronage of the community. He will keep on hand an extensive nnd varied assortment ot every kind ot TIN WARE, nnd rapnir in tho neatest possible manner, nil work coming under his super vision. He will nlso keep on hand a well nssorted slock of S T 0 V E $ 3 suitable for either Wood or Coal. Ho desires especially to call the atten tion of lumbermen to tho fact that he can supply them wilh RAFTiNG-STOVES made in a superior manner. Roofing and Spouting done to order on short notice. BruOld Copper, Brass, Pewter, Lead and .scrap iron taken in ooods or work. exchange for B1L.Qive him a call nil he asks is a fair trial. Customers will find him nt their 'SERVICE." C. W. SERVICE. Ridgway, April 4, 1807-tf. JOB PRINTING CHEAPLY & NEATLY EXPEDITIOUSLY Executed ut theADVocATE Ollioo ahc aUk sutiocntc, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, TJevotidto the Interests of the Teopleof Elk C IS IM'llI.lSIIKI) EVKBY THfnsnAV, lif CUtlTIS II. ItilMlKTT, Ottce in tkt Ccurt Hnvr. Trbms One t'i'.'ltT cJ Tifty Cents per annum, invariably in ndvnm-i. No devia tion from these terms. JOHN G. HALL, Puctwf.tor. Rates oi Advertising. AJm'rs nnd Execute's Notices, cach fi times 2 00 Auditor's Notices, each 2 00 Transient Advrlising, per square of 10 lines or les?, 3 limes or less 2 00 Far eaeh subsequent insertion 60 Profesionnl cdnrs. 1 venr 6 00 Snccial notices per line l,r Obituary and Marriage Notices, each 1 00 i early Advcrtming, one square 10 01) Y jarly Advertising, two squares 15 00 Yni'y Advcr'ing three squares 20 00 Y inrly Advertising, column 25 00 Y;nrly Advortisng, h column 85 11O Varly AdAOtising, l column 70 00 Advertisements displayed more than OTdinnrily will be charged for nt tho lnle (per column) of 00 00 J OBBING DEPARTMENT. llavinnr lnlelv added malcrinllv to o.ir stock of Job Type, we nro prepared to do nil kinds of work in a mnnncr which can nnl b ereolleil bv nnv establishment be tween Y lllinnisport nnd r.ric Cards, BiW Heads, Checks, Notes, Programmes Handbills, Labels, Letter Heads Blanks, Envelopes, Tnzs. Visiting Cards, and nny other work usually done in a coun try office 0Hh Cjjmtntj ghtrfoiin. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge R. G. White. Additional Law Judge Win. P. Wi'lianis. Associate Judprcs E. C. Sehullzo, Jesse Kylor. District Attorney L. J. Blakely. Sheriff James A. Malone. Prothonotary, &c. U. A. Rathbun. Treasurer James Coyne. Co. Superintendent James Blakely. Commissioners William A. Bly, J. W. Taylor, Louis? Vollmcr. Auditors Clark Wilcox, Byron J. Jones, Jacob McCaulcy. County Surveyor Geo. Walmsley. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Last Monday in April. First Monday in August. First Monday in November. B E A L E ' S (latk row ell's) EMBROCATION! 170R ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO ' Horses, Cattle nnd tho Human Flesh, requiring the use of an external application. This new Compound, prepared by n prac tical Chemist having a full knowledge of nil the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warran ted to exceed anything of tho kind yet of fered to the public ns an external applica tion for the diseases for which it is recom mended. We nre satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of all who use it, nnd those w ho try it once will never bo without, it, and therefore we rely on ex perience ns the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by Farriers, nnd nil wdio have tried it to bo tho best implication ev er used. This Embrocation has been put up for over eight years, nnd- it is only through the increasing demand nnd urgont request of my friends and tho Publio that I send it forth ns tho grand remedial agent for the various discuses to wliieh thatnoblo anil useful animal, the HOUSE, is subject. Many remedies have been offered to the Public under different forms, some of these aro injurious, others nt best of little use, and many wholly improper to answ er tlia purposes for which they arc recommended. A judicious nnd really useful composition free from those objections, hns tiiereforo long been desired by many gentlemen who have valuable horses, and nro unwilling to trust I hun to the caro of designing nnd pret tending Farriers. Their wishes nre a length fully gratified, by Dr. Bealo boing prevailed upon to allow this valuable Em brocation (which has proved so efficacious to the vnrioii3 disoascsl to be prepared and brought out to the public. This embrocation was extensively nsed by tho Government during the war. Address all orders to DR. EDMOND BE A EE, 002, South Second St, Ptiil'a. BSTKor Sale by Bordwcll & Messenger, Ridgwuy, Pa. ap301y T HE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used ou Billiard Tables is the CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured by Kuvanagh & Decker, and patented Dec 18, 1 800. (See Scientific Am erican, volume 10, number 11.) It is the ONLY Cushion that possesses! all the qualities essential toa perfect Cush ion. If is the most elastic and most durable Cushion ever offered to the bi'.liard-playing public, as is abundantly proven by the great demand for it sines its introduction. The peculiarity which distinguishes thti CAT Gl'T Cushion and renders it superior to all others, is tho tightened cord of cnt gut w hich overlies tho face nnd edge of tin rubber, nnd running the full length of tin Cushion, which prevents the ball from bed. ding into the rubber nnd jumping from tin table. The addition of tho cat gut cord also adds much to the elasticity of the Cush ion. The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been applied to over 1000 tables which are in constant use. It can be applied to tables of nny make, for 75 p"r set. KAVANAGH k PECKKK S Factory, nt tho corner of Centre and Canal Streets, N. Y., is the mos complete of its kind in the world. Tho machinery is of tho most im proved charneler, I lie lii.nber drying room the largest in tho United Siate :, Die mate rial ued die besl that can ha purchased, nnd Ihe workmen thoraughlj skilled. Billiard Cloth, Balls, Lues and Trim mings, all of the best umko, constantly on hand. Knvanngh and Decker nro the only neenta in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENT adjudged by competent authoritiej to t'Cj the best cement ever used. . Full Size Tables cut down for $100. ', Send for Illustrated Price List. KAVANAGH DECKER, Cor of Centre nnd Canal Sis., .' ap301y New York City. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers