f l-.io llsi roM Ku' i p. m ! do !" i . ; n !n j '! :': t:.- r.:r. p. .. : ! V,' TO: 47:,. m. l.o-.-nl 1'h I I' : I 1'h !7 ii. in. '1,1 do V, ;-M ;.. l.'i p. in. J!ic i.l.vlvr.'.-.u ;.;.r.v:y ,.f Mr. V.. Ii. riuc'i t f-t. Mri-i'-, wan hrokwi c," . n aud eiiUrtJ l-y otiu: r.iseal, on Iti.-t ut unlay ni;;ht. The thiol' siiccoeJeil in making off with same Amhrotypc esses, ri .ime.j and rn A Hum. There are, a jrrc.it mrii'y st ir, I!in tr rascal:; jirrauibula liu;; the country, mi J o-.tr c'tiins sliouM keep a wa:ch out for ih?m. Wc sincere, ly h,i;u some of the.3 thieves may un iuriunately for tliciu?elvoi, be caught, aaJ, fortunately for the jicopbi bo so. verely puui.iheJ. Mr. 1 'inch's, loss was between ?.j0 nu-1 800. On la.t Saturday evening, our citi. zens assembled in the Ccuit house, to hear an address finni I'rof. J. P. Wicli-(T.-houi Superintendent of the Common Schools of this State. Mr. James Blnkcly our Comity Superintendent was made chairman of the meeting, and he in a few i'.p;i opriate remarks introduced the orator rl' ilie crtniutr. Tlie address of Mr. Tiek.crsh,nii was indeed a nice treat all that could have becu desired mid just what wo needed. After pnyinjr a glowing and we th'nk a just tribute to tlio School system of tin's state so universal, &o impartial, so free in its blessings, the speaker pro ceeded to demonstrate tho absolute ueccssi'y of an (,('((.', i peuplo to the perpetuity of five institutions, tho faith ful performance of official duties and the prcrcr ami iuidliyor.t exercise of the right cl suffrage. TLicn in a .no re eloquent, able and practical manner lie exposed the delects of our school and the faults of our people and officers as to school matters, pointing out tlie remedies and urging uu increased and zealous interest on the part of parents and iii rectors. We aro sorry that the entire popula tion of the county wore not his audi ence, for we knew that upon those who had the pleasure of hearing his remarks have had a highly favorable influence in behalf of the cni-o in which be seems to have engaged his whole soul. We have reason to hope that this visit of tho accomplished hereof our school system will murk an effect in the history of school affairs in K!k county Srtciu Jldi'crtiscmcnts. jj 1ST ()! tillAXI) JUllOliS, drawn -('or Xov. Term 1-SG7. f'riirzrtic tp. John 'A. Liudcmuth, Miles Pent, Charles AYinslow, Abner Obcr, Edward Fletcher, Jacob Eugli.Ui, IJenj.niiii Johnson. Milton Chase. JUmzihiji i tp. Francis Tcglcr, Thos. Kernel-, Anton I'aner, Jos. 13. Werner. Fix t. F. X. Kntz, Henry Largy, W. W. Rogers, Joel Taylor, J. Koch, VA P. Kyle.-, John R. Williams, B. A. Weed, Amel Turlcy. RMwm tp.Y. D. Cook. Sjirin; Cn -It tp II. 1 Saltsuian, Daniel D. Davidson. Wji 1 Ilk -mil H ii "w' 'lU Mli '''W 'UJi 4 S T 0 V E S A X D T 1 X - W A Ii Ii AT John Sosenheimer & Sons., WHOLESALE i: RETAIL DEALERS. bT. MAUV's, I-A. Keeps constantly on band and for sale, a large and well selected stock of TIN' WARM, STOVES Ac, Wc have everything gem'-rally kept in a Tin Shop. Our Sli ck of fc'TOYE.H eou.-i.-H in part ofSl'EARS AXTIUUST PARLOR & COOKlN'ti STOVES, ALSO IRON GATE & WIIEAT SIIEAF STOVES. Wc ulso Ifccp on Iiaiul and for salo tho MORXIXG GLORY, A liirpe moc of GL01IE HEATERS wiih ltusniii lop is ainongoui- asiorimcni, which nreni,v :lio In-st siu,'i::u use, uuJ cun be eot,l as cheap a- evr. SCltAl' IHUX taken in exchange for t'oo'l". t.uob.S CASH. Sl'OLXINii t HO'U'lNa done on short iioiieo. livens a cal!, mil salisl'actioa piuruiitccl. Hcpi. HO (17. tf. o rim'a aai History of C,b Hooks of the Bible. BY l'l'OF. C VI.VI.N E. STilWE, t). Ii. A work uf re'il villus, R'j'lan nlinost i n I -- iiclisatito coiMpaiiion of liic llililc, hlH,v:r wln.t llie ltil.l -- i.s nut. what ii is, an I l.oiv li use il ; iiii.-.v.'criii u'.l liio olijc. I i.ois to its mil li'-m i :iiy nrjrr.l l.y tuu Kra iiili'lcls, nail tracing tin' ant I, m-iiy of each bock up to ils inspire! mil Inns, civin a va. t iiiiiounl o I' iiiliriii:ili"ii lici-i'tolVirc locked op in vci' lure ninlc"Mly mjIuiucs, iniiking one of (lie nicM popul'ir btmUs ever joib lislicd. 1000 AiiENTS WAXTER Ex pci ii-nc ,1 iici'K, clcri-'vuirn, la-lie.', f:CllO,,I ICO ll' Ull'l lOil'O once f"i- i. i r.j nl ,j l . . i.' . lo; l'lO'l M'll'l at ; ta.-;!.e.- iol'.'i':.!: I'ltHV CO., " 1 I" f ' I , l'l;:l'.l., I'. ktii.n. Ail l.c- , y.Eifii v. 'nl t in M:i:l i I. - , i, - 1i,i. 14 TI!.V. ' i.ic i i I ..e I'Tcai : : '. I 111, In c iii E'tK ixwnliiii, ill I In- "I All ii iv. I b.i'.l t ill' v. i . r 1, I HI, OH !lS I1 I. Til,! ll'llliT IS I'.'OlCIC'l to cai'' pruVtf iiroj.ciiy, .ny cliari-'i s, and luli0 it ii':iy, o' to tv. i-e ii will bo iii-iujn',1 cIac,'Oiiliiigto la. JOUXSllUJiULL'. ,.-,-. i . "0 C7' 2.UJ- 1 .II O C T. A 'ST. A T I O N K l.'Hl'AM' t i an ,'t n-lf(!cniii A.4-3.-' : C"..iVy u( 1 1 1 i Coui ru .:; '.ci : li of I'ciiu-i-yi'v.-iiiin, fii!i('c i " Ail Act l!(.'.':ilili;i to liic i :'i"!'i 11- 'III'- Cicnii.itlH ca'l II,'" :liil'.ivci il:--M .hv l'.l iy A. 1 (', I, ) A M Ksj A. ;. A I. I'i-.-h ;;'!icr;t'of thot.Mmiity of j'.'!. 'iic 1 i.iaic i-f i'.-iui.v'v.li;ia. iU licrciiy ri.-ikc kn.i'.vn mi, I ;r'vi li'iliocio lln- l-'7r,-io--( ,f tic I oo::iy i't I'.ii:. t'oit. n Hiv.KllAL lli.l.l 'T!".N, wi''.' 1. ' l,".''l io .-aid ra'in y .f ii" in -.K.r'iNII Tt. 1'!'AV. fi!i .l-i v nf o-ii.licr, l-'oT. .it -,.!iic!i lime the loiovving '''li'i'Vi! lire lo he ccctcd : One ycr? !i for Ju ljo of the Supremo Court. . One crs'in fur As.-p'n' 'y, to i-epronmt the n.it'.it i"i f CoavlicM, Elt n nd Furoil, ill the lloutc of Kciii'.sciitiitivcs nt llarris-lui'-. One ci-soii fur Iiislrict Altoniey. One. ppi-son for County Treasurer. Two iM vrci;! for Comity C'aiiaioncr, one 2 :i:id one for ,'i yearn. 'Z icrso!i3 for Jury Coiiimid-iloncr of VJk cotmiy. One pcrnon for County Auditor of Elk conoiy. And tiio iiififiiied cectors of the county of l-7k, w ill lind llicir elections iii the Sev ern districts as fo.'oivs ; Ucnezcftc township, at the house of Eiza- beth Winsloic. lionzinper township, nt echool-houso Ko. 1, near the Elk creek bridgo. Fox township, at tho school house iu Ccn- trcville. Ilorton township, nt tho school-house near Ilczokiah Hon on's. HighlnnJ township, nt tho house of Lovi Ellithorpo. Ridgway township, at tho Ccurl House. St. Mary's Horough, at the house cf Char les Scluesslo. Spring Creek township, at the house of Sicckdale, Downer S Co. Jay township, at tho house of Alfred Pear sol. Jonas towlnhip, at the school.house in Wil cox. J ,!IjS make i-nown and give notice is in and by the ltlth section of the afore said act, I am directed, "that every person excepting Justices of the Peace, who s!W hoW any cilice or appointment lo profit or l rift under the Government of the United States or of ilii Slate, or any city or incor porated District, whether a commissioned ollicer or otherwise, a subordinate, ntlicer, or agent, who is or sha be cmpioycl un der the legislative, judiciary, or executive department of this Stale, or United Stales, or any city or incorporated district: und also, that every member of Congress, and Slate Logical ure, and (he se'ect or common ciiuncei ot any c:ly, commissioners of ntiy incorporated districts, is by aw inc-ip.ibo of h i! ling or exercising at the same time, tlie office or appointment of JikIl'c, Inspec tor, or Cerk of any election of tiii:; Com- r.:onv.ca'lli, rn't tl'at no Inspector, or judge ,r othrr olncrr of any Mich election s'.iaii be elieibe to env or.ieo then to be voted for. that in the forth section of tho net of Asscr.iV.'y entitled "An Act Relating to LlccU'i'.is and fc.v oilier Purposes, ap proved April V'h 1 819, it is enacted that the loin section, " shall not be construed as to prevent any Militia officer or borough olli cer from serving as Judge, Inspector or clerk at any general or special election iu tlUi Commonwealth " iliso. That in the Cist section of said net is enacted that "every general and and special election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in I lie forenoon, ami shall coutimio without interruption or nd- journnieul, until seven o clock in the even ing when the polls shall be closed." Tlio general, special, city, incorporated districts and township elections, and nil elections , for electors of 1'residcnt and Vico President of the United States shall be held and conducted by the Inspectors and Judg es elected as aforesaid, nud by clerks ap pointed a3 hereinafter provided. " No person shsllbe permitted to vote at any election, as aforesaid, but a whito free man of llie age of twenty ono years or more who shall have re.-ided in this State at least one year, and iu the election district whero he oilers to vote at least ton days immedii ately proceeding such election, nnd within two years paid a Stale or County tax, which shall have been assessed at least ten days before tlio election. Hut a citizen of the Uiiiied Stales who have previously been a qualified voter cf this Slate and removed therefrom and returned, nnd who shall have resided in tlie election district and paid tax es ai aforesaid, shall be entitled to veto af ter rcj'd'eg mi this State six mouths. Pro vided, that iho while freciinn, citi.eus of the United States aro between the ages of twenty. one and tweuty-lwo years, and have resided in the election district ten days ns aforesaid, shall not have paid taxes. Pursuant to the provisions contained in the ll ii Section of the Act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall rc specltivcly lae charge of the certificates or return of elections of their respective dis tricts, and produce llieui at a meeling of (-no J ii'iuic trom each district, at the Court House in Itidgwuy on the third day after tho elect ion, being lor the present year on I'HIDAV, the 11 ih day f October next, tlies nnd there to perform the duties requir ed b law of said Judges, also, where a Judge by Hickoess or unavoid able accident, is iiuablo to atttnd said meeting of Judges, then the certificate or return aforosaid shall be taken In charge by one of the Inspectors orCiergsof the election of saiddistrict, wno shall do and perform the duties of said Judgte unable to attend AN ACT regulating tlie mode of elections, In the several oouutios of this Common wealth: Suction 1. fit it enacted by the Senile and lowe of Hepreaentutivct of Ike Coinmonwrtilik of J'ciintiluanm in Central Antmbly met and it is h'Ttht enacted by tlie authority of the tai.ii. That the qualinod voters of tho sov eral counties of this Commonwealth, at all gcucril township, borough and special eleo lions, are hereby, hereafter, authorized and rc'iuired to vole, by tickets, printed or written, severally classified as follows- One tie vet shall embrace the names ot all judges of our courts voted for, and to bo labelled, onlsulo, "judiciary ! one ticket shall embrace llie names of all stale officers voted for, aod be labelled "State;" ono tic.el fiiall embrace tho names of all comity oiliccrs- voted i'or, including office of Scuaior member, and lueinbr-rs of assembly, if voted l'..r, nud members of Ct.iiLrress, if voted for mi l be labelled, Couiii v ; " ono licket shall embrace Ihe nanios of nil lownship olli- cers voio' lor, ami ho label ed. " town ship;" one ticket elmll einbra;e iho names of III! bol Mlli olli-jel-s voted for, llll'l bo 111 belled, ' li- i im;'!) ; '' inol each class shall be '1 -pi,'. lied 111 sepclato ballot Loses, i.ivcn u't'Ur iny nana at my ollioe, in I! :-!; , :iy, liio lwe!'':h diiy i.f September l.M.7. J S. A- M A 1 ( i.N 1'., Sep. l i'o7.-tac. Sheriif of County. XX 1 nt IIOITSR, i Si. Mary's Iii!: 0 -uiut , l'a 'i iii i.ell known boii.-c has been entirely l-L-lilled and newly fiii iii-lied with a desire to meet llie wmili (,l llie Iravellii.g i ' ,i: Jill liitn,aiol loiuake ii an A, No. 1 hotel. jiui,7'o71y. ti.'. HA'iilUiiN, Propr ?l.'ct:l tlel';i'l!,"ii);. V.II.'KT i-ROCLAMAlToN-- J Wlicreas tlio Uonornlilo William P. Williams, President nnd Hon. 12. 0. ScultKO a: ill lion. Jesso Kjlor, Asso eiale .fudges of the Court of Oouimoii Plea", uti'l Ju.'tices of tlio Court of Quarter ti .'itiiobs, an J Orphans' Court, and Court ul' Oyer atiJ Terminer, nnJ ti3Mei-.il Jail lelivery, for the trial of eaiiital and other offences iu tho county of JCI1:, by their prccepls to mo directed, iiuvo ordered the aforesaid natncit courts to bo holilen at ltidinvay, in and for tlio county of Klk, on the first JIOXDAV IN.NOVKMfJEU it being tho 4th LA Y of the month and to continue ono week. Xotico is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, and Con stables of Iho county of Elk, that they aro by tticso precepts commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock a. in , of said day, with their rolls, records and lar.uisitious, and other remembrances, to do thoiiO things winch their offices appertain to be done, and that all Justices of eaid county make returns of all tho recognizances entered iuto before thcin, to tho Clerk of the Court as per act of Assembly, passed May 4, 1J4. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prose, cute the prisoners that aro or shall be in tho jail of said county of Elk and to be then and there toprosecuto against them as shall bo just. J. A. MALONE. Sept. 12, 1867. Sheriff. rrRI.tf LIST tor November Term I of Elk County Common Pleas, commen cing 4th of November 1807. Oeo. Weis, for use vs M. Gerg. rme vs bamo. Same vs Same ft. Wainwright, vs 0. G. Crowell, J. W. Urowii, vs II. Woodward, et nl Ferd Coxe, et nl vs K. ft. England ct- al I. C. Chnpin's Heirs vs W. Uryani. " " Inhu Tudor, vs II. Woodward " " Charles Hell, vs Jos. Wimer " I'liarlcs Ilntncr vs John C. Scott. Thomas Hridgeus vs J. Powell, Adui'r. .lake Hill, vs J. N. Breedcn ctal Ct. D. Messenger, vs P. IV. Uarrctt. It. ( . Loomis, vs The County ot J-.lk- 0. W. Kalhbun, vs West C'k M & M Co Geo. Weis for uso vs M. Gcrpf. Same vs Same. Same vs Same. GEORGE A. KATIIBUN, Prothnolary. PAINTS for FARMERS nnd others. The Oraton Mineral Paint Co. are now li'iuifacturing the Cost Cheapest and most durable Paint in use ; two coals well pul on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 or lo years ; it is ot a light brown or beautiful chocolato color nnd can bo changed to green, lead, stone, drib, olive or cream, to suit the tnsto of the consumer. It is valuable for Houses, Barns, Fences, Carringo and Car-makers, Pails and Wood en ware, Agricultural Implements, Canal I.oats, esscls nuu ships Bottoms, Canvas, Metal nnd Shingle Roofs, (it being Fire nnd ater proot ), t loor Uil Cloths, (ono Jlauu. facturer having used 50(K) bbls. the past year,) and ns a paint for any purpose is uusurpasscil tor body, durability, elasticity, and adhesiveness. Price SO per bbl. of 8l0 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. A arrcnted in all cases ns abovo. bona to' a cirjular winch gives lull particulars. None genuine unless branded iua Ira lo mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl Street, New York. Sept. 5-'C7.-0in. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. To Solicit Onion for a New Illustrated BIBLE DICTIONARY. (COMPLETE IK ONE VOLUME.) This Dictionary embodies the results of the most recent sty. research, and investi. gatiou, of about sixty-five of the roost emi nent and advanced Biblical Scholars now living. Clergymen of all denominations approve it, nnd regard it as the best work of its kind in the English lnngiinge, nnd one which ought to be in the hands ot every bi ble reader in tho land. In circulating his Work, Agents will find a pleasant and profitable employment. The numerous objections which ore usually en countered in selling ordinary works will not exist with this. But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly nid will attend the Agent, making his labor agreeable, useful, nnd lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teach ers, Farmers, Students, and all others whi possess energy, are wanted to assist iu Can vassing every Town and County in the country, to whom tlie most liberal induce- men. s will be offered. For particulars, apply lo or addros3 TARMELEE 'BROTHERS, Aug. 29'67.-0t. 722 Samson St. Phila, Pa- J" ames Fryer IN Elk Com. Pleas, No 13, July T. 18lio. Domestic Attachment. vs K. B. Welion & Geo. R. Welton. J Trustees Sale. There will bo exposed t ealo by public vendue or outcry at the house of Joseph Windfclder. in the Borough of St. Mury's on Tuesday, the first day of October next, it one o'clock p. m., the following described Real Estate to-wit ; All the above named defendants interest in that certain tract piece or parcel of land silunte in Benzingcr township, Elk conuty, Pn., bounded aud subscribed as follows: On the North by the New Brussels Road, on the East by A. Fochtman lands, on the South by St. Nicholas road, on the West of lauds cf N. Hill, II. Cook, J. Windfelder & A, Fochtman, contalng twenty-five acres more or less upou which are erected ono two slory frame house about 24 feet by 83 feet with a wing extending back a frame barn about 2 by 35 feet. There is also a small orchnrd-a coal mine opened, tracks laid, Coal shule, weigning scales &c.,reaby for immediate milling operations. Taken as the properly of R. H. & George R. Wellou. JAMES COVSE, ('HAS. LU11R, CHAS. 11. VOLK. Sep.-10'07-3w. Trustees. ITtXEl'I-'TOirS NOTICE. Notice is here by given that letters testamentary on ll.o estate of Lyinaii Wilniarth, late of Fox toKiiijhip, deceased, have been grunted to the iiudei.-i;xiH-d. All persona indebted to said esiate. are rciiueule I to miiko immedi ate payment, and those having claims ngiiiu.il iho namo will present them duly au- Uuiiueuicd for soil lenient. L. C. WILMARTH. FRED WILMAUT1I, Sep. 10'07.-3w, Executors, J OHN (I. HALL, Attorney nt law, Ridg way, Elk county Pa. mar 22'bO ly SOUTH I. R AND WILLIS Attorneys nl Law, Hidgway. Elk county Pn., will attend to all professional br.sinc-s prompt ly. nmr-22'liO-ly. AIJRIK .1. BLAKELY, Attorney nnd J Counsellor at law, nnd U. B. V'omniis- osncr. Ridgw.iy P. O. Elk county. Pn. mar-22'ilti-ly. JO.INO. IIALI ,TA8. K. i HALL. 1TA1.1, & imo. Attorui!Vi5 - at. - Law, ST. MARY'S: BEXZ1NGKR P. O. ELK COUNTY, PA. September 2i, 1800. ly. TAR. W. JAMES BLAKELY Physician ,and Surgeon, St. Mary's, Elk county rn. mar-22'CG-ly. BR. W. W. SHAW rrneticcs Medicine and Surgery, Ccntrevillo, Elk county Pa. mnr-22'Gtily. DR. A. S. HILL Kersey. Elk county Pa. Will promptly answer allprofcssionnl calls by night or day. mnr-22'CG-ly. "TR. W. B. HARTMAN. St. Mary's, F.Ik I oounty, Ta. Late of tho Army of the Potomac. Particular attention given to all enses of surgical nature. mar-22'G0-ly. DR. .T. P. BORDWELL Electio Physi cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer all professional calls by night or day. Residence one door east of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. Mar-22-GU-ly, J 015 WORK of nil kinds and dcs. criptions done nt this office. HOTEL CAliDS. ALPINE HOUSE, St. Mary's Pb Her man Kreiz, Proprietor. nugO'GG YDF. J-TOT7KT. Rid iz wny. Pa. D. C. OYSTER, Vropr'r. This House is conveniently and pleasant. ly located in the business part of the vil lage. Every attention paid to the conven ience of guests. Sep. 12'07.-tf. T)A T T TYvOXfTT f O IT S KT" XV WIIKELER & COBB, Piini'KtETons. This house is conveniently nnd pleasant ly located in the thriving villnge of Brock wnyville. Every attention paid to the con venience of guests. Aug. 15. 18G7tf THAYER HOUSt!, R IDG WAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having fitted up a lnrgc and commodious hotel on tho southwest corner of Centre and ML1 streets, with good nnd convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the putlio generally. dcel3'GGly DAVID THAYER. IXECUTIONS, SUMMON.?,SUBP(E. j nas. Warrants, &c., on hand and for sale at this office. CH. VOLK, Manufacturer and DcnloU , in Lngtr Boer, opposite the Hailroa Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'GU-ly. T)OR DWELL AND MESSENGER Drng I J K'stn, Dealers in Drugs and Chemicals Paints. Oils nnd Varnish. Perfumery Toil, et articles aud Stationary, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. mar-22'GG-ly. HENRY H. TIhTmAS, PeafcTTrTii kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds nnd Mattresses, Picture Frames and Coffins, Ridgwny Pa. Ware Rooms on tho corner of Main and Depot St's. may-17'GG-ly. J. F. MOORE WITH LOUenilEIM BROS. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CLOTHING 303 Market Street, AugSth tf- PHILADELPHIA. S. SHORT, JOHN G. HALL, LOUIS VOLLMER, JAS. K. P. HALL. BANKING-HOUSE OF hort, gall & G0. St. Clary's, Ilcnzhtffcr P. O. Elk Cocs'ty, Pkxn-.v rni'HE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT J recently opened by Miss DAGGETT at the residence of Mrs. J. V. Houk, has been removed to the rooms over J. V. Houk's Store, where will be kept & nice assortment of ?pHig qiii) 0iii)ii):t' lilioerj). DRESS-TRIMMINGS, STAMPED WORK. Stamping and Dress. making done. Mrs. J. V. HOUK. my2318G7lf Ridgway, Ta. TOSEPH WINDFELDER J or TUE sr. .jis Kfii'i: v, Takes this method of announcing to tho Public, that during tho past bcusou he has manufactured TEN TIMES MORE LAGER than ho has ever before brewed in ouo season, so that he will bo able to supply Private Pamilioa, Saloons, and Hotels, with a Superior Articlo of this favorite beverage, at a prico that cannot bo undersold anywhere on tho line of the P. & E. Railroad. On or about the 15th of May he pro. poses to " 2faalt ttqr U " of bis vaults, where ho has stored it, aud of which the publio aro respectfully ro. quested to take notice. '3i-Ordors shipped as soon ns rccciv witli promptness and despatch. jjeAddress orders to JOS. WINDFELDER, St. Mary's Rlikwluy, lcningur Post Orliec, ap'2"tf. Elk County, lJa. TOIt PRINTING, nuchas Cardj, Posters l Hand Hills. Bill Heads 4to.. dono at the ADVOCATE OFFICE and at reasonable prices ou short ice not Tii'vlV.'lilbL'. , v ,1 A LAltai: KTOCK OF GOODS Jul u -UA '-J"' W '-"J -J The undersigneil have on hand a large and very desirable slock of (5 00 PS, aud will constantly keep an extensive assortment, including everything that is wanted to Li AT, WE Alt, Oil FEJ-: I ). which they will Fell at the very bottom figure and from this date will soil only for CASH. Wc will uso every endeav or to wake it to the interest of or.r cus tomers to adopt the universal We have determined to give tho CASK SYSTEM a fair trial, believing it to be tho intor cst ot both buyei and seller. POWELL & KIME. Ptidgway, Aug. 13th, lfeGT. sc. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T WARREN, TV. RUSTIC WINDOW SHADES A T TV HAU WARREN, PA. ItUSTIO WINDOW SHADES A T VARIETY HAU WARREN, PA. l17tc. The fllraril Life Insurance, Anrmity & Trust Co. OF PIULAD'A. CI I. ill TEIl II II J-V 1S3G CASH CAPITAL S 300,0(10,00. ASSETS S2,4.j5,8iV,oO. Mutual Insurance combined with the s e. curity of capital. For insurance apply to JOHN G. HALL, Ridgway, Vn. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cuio A' Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, nnd tho whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to 1 cnolit theatUicted and unfortunate, I will send iho reocipe for preparing and u-ing this medicine, in a sealed envelcpo, to any ouo who needs it, Free of Chime. Address. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, Bible House. New Voik City. Aug.l5lh, '07. ly. HOMETIIIXO NJ:W! HOUSE, SIGN to OBNAWENTAT. PAINTING. rpilE is U BSC It 115 E It WOULD I! K I spectfully inform the citizens of E!k county iln.t he has just started iu tlio above business in Ridgway, and feel confi dent that ho can please all who may favor him with their custom. GRAINING, PAPER HANGING AN D t'AU'l M I ' IN'G DONE ON SHOUT NOTICE AND IN THE r:ost fashionable, nud improved manner and stylo. Orders left at this I illioe or al tho Bunking House of Souther, Willis & Southcr will be promptly attended fo. W. P. WILLIAMS, May-17'CU-ly. LIVER & BACON, Manufacturer and Wholesale ,y Retail Dealer in Flour. l'V'fd mil Or:un, CASUAL MILLS. Lh'lH. J'A. Orders s,dioited and promptly fil't-d nt m: r- Ue! ratfi :rj,: '!!:-'', '. I y iii'siniV,' fj'.'wv'i v(. LICENSED Alt rioNtJIli. "VJ"OTH'i: is hereby glv.-:. t have (ak- cn on t a license as ane! i-ii.-r, and wili ii.t-iil prompily to i!io calling of all sa!e c, 'in-led lo my care. " Any ,ei sou calling sale without a lieenso v. il be held tuiswcrable t. ih.. .in,, hater of the law. l!.l'l Dcc'-MlSOntf. Attaicacir. y if 1:1:11:1? Tvi i,s; ivs" T-i'v:' V 1X(1 MAC 1 11. VMS.- u;.,jc.- signed having been nppoit, ti.l :e f'"f the S'lle f Wlieeler .t Wi!-"r:'-Mii'hities fi.r jlil; coniiv. r.. v A-e.it .-.viii-; a.'S.M inn-lit ron.4ii.titly on luuid. Mai-'l-inf-s s-.;, at Philailelj liia-ir.d New Y ,.r 'p,-i-Any parties dc:;iions of obl.-iinii,.- il.cn, e.m I'l 'r'-ss J. K. WHIT;!-1;-: ':. March Oi-'CO ly. n( Hi-l.r-v-y, l'.j. Hr.AtJJvMITI II NO! II. S. BKI.XAP d.'Mros loinfoi-o the citi zens ot' Hiilgway nud vicinity that lie has h'l-ol J. li. Hyde's Blaelis'mit., .'-hop u MiUf.treot. and has cm, Lived g-l v.vlc meii who will be ever ready to make any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the i-hoein" of horses. All 1 a.-It i a fair trial. May 1 7'Clj-1 y. F. OVEI1HOI.TZER, ME 11CIIANT TAlI.'i;:, JUl.Av:i.v, VA 1c Co., Pa. The subscriber desires respect full y to in-fu.-ni llie ciliztns of Ridgu-.-iy and viciniiy th.-i l he U prepa.c-1 lo make to order as w-. it as it can be done r.nywhere, nnylliin-r !u ihj line of his business. Alfhe asks in a fair Iri.'-.l. (iuod Tits guaranteed. Br9r..Clu!liS, ('a-.'iiiiers. Vet:inc;'' mid Trimmings c t' Iho latesi and most nppruvt-l styles k-pl coiistnullv rn lomd, which will be -jo! I CHEAPER THAN THE Clil'A!' E.VT. nugin.y O I'll .STARCH GLOt'S, Is ihe only nrliele used by first class hotels Laundries, and thousands of families:. It gives a beaii'i.'ul polish, making the iron pass smoothly over the cloth, saving much lime and labor- Goods done up with it keen clean much longer, conse-pienily will not, wear out so soon- It makes old linen look like new. Villi IMTKlUAli V.LVA' is the best 'n the world. It is soluble in hard in well as soft water. Ii i.-. put up in Ihe sales!, r.cntest. and most eouvcii'tnt, form of any out-red lo Ihe publie. I- 1.1 warranlcd not to streak llie clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we oll'or ex traordinary inducements, Address. new York .vtarch gloss co. No. -Iti Kiihon SI., New York. TJ70F. SAL E. The :ilore.l-.oii:;C and Lot. oceupied by Burke end Wood is offVrcd ior sale. .I desir.iWc location in tho lluivint; boron:.'!; ul' fit. Mary's. Ant !y CIJAS McVEAN, JSenaiugcr V. O. Jan. 3, GT.tf. Elk Co Pa. TAKE" NOTICE"! 4 LL PERSONS KNOWING THEM. selves indebted to the undersigned are her- by ie,iicsted to call and settle their nceouuls :it their earliest possible conven ience. JOSEPH S. HYDE. Rid-jwny, August l, lSli". BRICK! BrIckF) '1)r1ck1! rp it sunsomnE us olfei- lor sale a superior lot of BRICK in largo or small quantities, at their now brickyard, ST. MARY'S. Elk oounty, Pa. HITLER & CO. St. Mary's, July ll, 1SG7 If. U : TE K: S EEXC Imi E N Tl CLOTHING fJcLOTHING! VI.fytIZI.Vtt far the. .WlHon ! A Well DhlhI Mnn IiUYS IIISOLOTIIINO AT THE STOUE OF GEO. P. mNXEMACK, IN ST. MAKY'S. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE v rs, yri o. V1 -.aJ mJ v,J ' II W stm t-i P. HINTENACH having taken en JT, tire eonirol of tlio establishment formerly oceupied by G. P. Hiiitenach & Co.. would respeclfuily inform Ihe citizens of Elk couuly that he is prepared to hirnish them with the EestKhid of Clothiuij at rates which defy competition. Ho has 011 hand a large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Consisting of PANTS, VESTS y COATS, which he has lately purchased in the East, and which he will dispose of at a slight ad vance on cost. His Gentlemen', l'urni-ing Apartment is specially adaplcd to tho wants of his customer. He has also alarireand cxlonsivo slock of CLOTHS. CASSl.MEKUS. VENT 1NGS of Ihe latest style and pattern, whielrhe will m-i'.e lo order in a neat and durable manner, and ns CHEAP as it can bo lb-tie nny place ia the country. GIVE HIM A CALL. .NVisfaeiion guar anteed, and goo Is warranted. All ho asks is a FAIR TRIAL lo prove it. St. Mary's Pn.. Feb. 1 1. ISU7. "Beyond the Mississippi." A C'iimi'i.i: in Ili.srur.Y or tiikNuw Status and Tr.iiiaroiuns, nnui tiik G:ii:.vt Rivi'.k to Tin: (ji-.': r O-.-k.vx. lit .Hbcrt 13. liiifiartltion. Oi cr '20,(100 L'opia M m ,v Mr.tth. FIFE AND ADY EN TIT. Ii ON PRAl j l ies. Mountains and ihe Pacific Coast. Willi over Descriptive and Photograph ic Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lauds, Mines, l'eoj'bf an 1 Cm-ioriiies of the New Stat-'S and Tei i i-orie. 'i'o ,'o--eellve (',:: -rr-'l ell I wellb-l-l in the "Far West," tin 1 1 ; -t .-,. of th-it vast AH 1 fertile region will ) n.v.- on iiiTiiluabl.t a-'sisl.iuce, siiii,' io;' ;,a :, -loos a w-ml lon felt of a full, a ill ii--n lie an I iiiliel-'e fiiidj to cli'iiiue soil, J v. of travel, io., .v.o. AGENTS Vr.ANTEH. Sen nr.-l tvi our ternis. and a f.lii I ho woek. Ad I','"-- for C.-cidai-H I'.-tcription ut I NATION A I ul'7 Ao-1 II. , 1 f Miii ;li.:;; V -St., G CO., h.ia u Iu M. IV' .'..--
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers