MiDDi-EHURO POST. v, . . ; ; v j r V : A We Reformer 1 e ononis M. SKIM AmW of "la Kti fltrr vRrvt krt.s t-vea l-," Eta, sr "nrvvi I1!. H t-Wfca M. JfcrMe into nope Mouse : And yon ex rsvf.Nl Tut to live Hiw w ith yon?" "I iNvtfi'uly asked hor to. Whether 1 epoot.ri bo; to or not. X tm rwH quite SO certain." 'Yon ssK.nI t" much!" The words cure. !)!:; i.-'v-.vo, find .lohn or d ei ::l fr-t td:r: fk hA r If from ft 1.1. V. v mi h: ' t. il riult to ovvt a as 1 iii'Uji h;is boon to vv i; !.' !: m.o In her .-,., v-.miM demand. It '. ,1ohr. Cor . I III.'!.',' it. . m frSv - . hut 1 : 'i A 1 o:viMe. 1 :', rofnrv. I . c,Mlw, it orrtor events ttrow light on th subject that laordon fully undorstond the shrinking that Mr. Marsh hud from contact with : form of human degradation and misery. At Joha Uordon rvtuftlnod silent Mr .Marsh wttered a shovt laugh, ami n!d anoasilty "I donl wonder you think tt wj tincer that I itav new boon dowt. there. Of Muro I bava trusted Wvts Implicitly. At te sanaa m 1 have f necessity been Ignorant of condition. Von regard thorn as bad?" "Rad! They arc simply beyond any description. It la nMcn for me to at tempt It. Mr. Marsh." tJordon spoke with tremendous earnestness, for there was otic word that March hail dvopiied tlt.st give liiin hope. "You Mlit tt did rot K.misil wr humane to say you had novor s.vn thnt property. Will vow pi with ti'.o and look at It? 1 cannot toll yon tlto f:ion. H I wore to iv thotn t'i yon ns thoy nro, 1 arn aotnally rifr;il'l yon xvonM not N'lli vo mo. Thoiv ;mv thiuiwinils of iiinn". nion In iVis -i t who ilo rot know the hor rors thut ti;v iMtiv-ostiil In ami tiivnt.il rowoti vtj'ivt ami l.otii; avot.no nvA His-'h lM'o 1?::1 if yon hsvo tiny lnvirt l'i v.ni yon otiptn'l K' itomovivl by tho It f.- V '!. l'i Fl'j' t VlOv.Ti' h''i o; !: v ' h l;-:v ?..i:'i r. v !''. .!, 0" I. !." Ill h! I .it', thoriv In ntinto of t!:' i; tv.VS'v ::r. littlo ohil.livn 1 y.vi. Mr Mru'v'i. miiio with nn v -!:h yonr ov.-n (yo Yon lost -'. :!; oi:.'. ;r. V:irh. 1 ro ; n.'K:. t.-l'oii; t"0, yovr firi ,-i 1'. tN i'"t"o of t'" t S'i.-oi! . v,1': yon t:t!v Mi Iftorost l'i i'.'. voi't oh'l.lroii In your i 1 form built out from the ma wail, bortenliig th Uitattr Mtm th main alla of the court. TU u of 1 tli I'latform waa, a- h aftprwari "Kothtaf whB yo iret hard t It air. Lt'a aUp In. Thert lan't much ta Thy mtrd th room, wtilch waa tori to NK .mite -.M tr t tt ;h Ih. "ft or.( fi fotir fit('(ii's'v."' or niil ilobr.nol'.oi-v of nohlio : :'.l t ! p.-1-.l- to M - ni'r lloir 'Vr..- ... i; v s;v il t tVN 1 ins tl' -'; f. ri' 'Ton rxiiorlor'oi r.!:'ili' I'lo oii p'.in thrt h:.o.' V'o-v-1 l'liilo M:irvi, ov...-oomo Ms ropiicnmiiv . of hwvnn snfforiMc. Th "t s mimoT't. thon. Iff t ins .ci? in. s-oil cmvoly: .1; v !', vou. TV'hon iv, O, -. vv'.i y.n: (; t1 t ''o to your ooiivoii :;. To ! vr you lioti ilny i mi H:ht. 1 cm: TO'." j'fTo-n'Wi rnl tiU'ht. ok t' 1 '! A-i f P" t ' p- .. ? - ' .1" r- OT'O 1 -in j i IV v t t:. .-,- t. K pt .'iv, "fN . , ot'"!! ''or., t s-'fi1. "itK"1 ' T'Ti-l fV! rh-K hriii -i!v; r" r t'o T.inro nn- i'-i.: '.' T'i'T's rtcht. sH' P! I:, the We-v,.)"- with Miss An " John ttonloti "tl.v. r. 1 i, w.'nntfM. iik"nc fl to Mr. . i n,1.-M,. ptiAi, 111 TT!- hi- frthor h.!. crr. h!r-. "! b,1 rT.m tne ?ti1) RnW j:, )ir'ir- u-jt only tn--i rm. . B!rt. if t!'T.". Ttv-rioi'-i hai'. Tm: pntni to W'jl, ynt; tit, ilinnr. 1r0V Sl llilTV HiMITk'' votit tiTi! to sk; . Ir hoiTftM i t: S intnmnry " "! know Mi Ar1f"f-s '"111 wolfomr i yn. Tnmorow a: . 1f that will uit i yi 1 win itko; you hfiv. and wo rnn lisripct thi tfnnifTifs. take ilinnrr a: I. rni! r. on: aplt. for & look at nlpht. Tbark ym, " .tnht. iodor i"Tvkr "with C!"',t bnt 1p natisfarMm i ItcTvirtant Tioini. flW not knnn, bnt i: n-a a vital bo- plnnlnp to acy lnflnonro he mipht hopo birr, there remain.! tho rtxlnltF far: ! to prt ovyr the property o-npr if the TOT-iwoiits thrro!v, whlrh ( a tip Tartd to po ont, Vr. XI a rah jwIikI iowerfuIly of the landlord"! I rrwike alowly; BerlwL j -Abont LtnlU ? Thre 1 no rimepeet Tbt tenemmtK. Mr. MaraL. Te I f an aprwmDt between youT' tfmrilT a ST8W to civlllaatlon. 1 60 I Nt any that 1 can ." rxit like to twliere that ynn know the 1 """Tin arfT. . - ,,rorflg'"were finj reel facta about theci. and I bave 1 tm. ami J aim Oortkro wma tnoched by here today to aat run aa a anau. I them. all s man feelUips and wttij a "Thank vou Mr. MrrahT He ahook tnin s t"w t. help rirtt aome cf ! hand BnulT and went out with a tear tor t'os. Mr. Mnrsh lonniiM nfioi v more th.tn suits woiv ?im inst tl'.o o!ty for sorlos fl'.to to tho (VfNi !ve s!ih'W!!;ks a- .1 ih.-.t tho sotn tiMal of iI.'ho.il'os olirn-ol v.-o more than S2"J .Wi.i. (Siv inrs of rvjiilrir iinvtini; of 'li!ov:.'o i-.; viii'ioil Jan. S. V.kVi.i Tho ot.i.vn in tho stiNVt wore phij itr. i'"' "' ' Hirclne In IV cnrbTico hove, in tivny lrst!irivs plokl'iK bit of ihs-nyvNt I. ;n ona. brrnnnas aril oranp oi:t of the ptffer. One pronp of boys waa tormenting n (rtaomble est. Another protip wtis yoll Iiik nt a poli.v otf'oor nhn had ji't or ilored them ovt of the sttvvt. when they hnrt been tryint to have a pnnio of bnll. Over the Ftops of the tenement en tm noes, aome of them hlch euomrh to be rlesicnnted Nto.ipa." lvomon hold ing siok babies or little r1rls atn wrlnv vimler the loud of a child two or throe years younger tllhvl up the ploruro of aoihten, nnkempt. disheveled, tired out humanity tbnt turned that awful street Into a human hell, where tio alleviating Nt of cheer or relief wag Inserted to, p?re one ray of bnpe for the future. I The only bnlldlnpa tn front of which1 there were no steps were the sn loons. These areraped fire to a block and one on each corner. The corner saloons, with ti few exceptions, also hnd at tached to them vaudeville hallv with He had son-,! an 1 pinc iBmp 1(rmi, vee Vaudeville." How important be ; bone ont over the entrances. It has been said that no llvlnp being ever successfully described Bowen street so that a person who never saw It could have even the faintest concep tion of Its troth. Mr. Marsh had never ween anything like lu and all hla rend ing bad never riven him any idea whatever T the reality. He stared at 'It "all nmr "Tn a" ewidereu. 'almou. frltitened tnatmer that mped only a Twrt-'ofttie terrible alrotficance of It aU. tii.- n-eadru wTonrs thht bntnanlty ffer !: thos'- uilltnc " .: Wr.rt.: A.l d : move b tr C!'.! : tit:-.'- mnsci. . wj-.i n : otovo- c 1 ehanrt - t t: trr-- t . liu!::- t-i Joh: v.-;it tn,- t n t. jj;;rrv cr ltid.' o.:"-"!'.. lb. ttlt f.Tf. . : : hri.'- v.-!!c:. .10:.: iordo:. o " ' r-vu. t- voroo:. ttiv "V.: w..:. : v.- r t tr:- imerv C. bet;- . : : :::... -o:r.:n::::.- v -, . v.. :: Ms?: : .-? rrt- H-t-sn- vou - :T'; ct:. '.' V.' - . ' ' ' !! WTOU- -.. : - r jti excnini-. t. - -.. : ecu. :'.:. U't-- c-.-r ; ' siu.:-:; a: 11 i- r. : ::-n. t : teueaiet: . ---:". "liT- i Her.; i-.z.inr- vr. ... a: ; eve- J ", tie rt-j : u r u. : .:... ie? 9rrnii'r: 1 t l-j".:j". " i ievo Eii- is;. 'iw t-jn:u-:;- ::. luotiC" 1:. '? u-rvjzjo-.- tjj a;sa '.' Mt- A- vr. c.v ' s.uu'.ii.i-:' t ewi-iv-. uv.;..- :tr w.-. . oruerv iat: ; Uif fct'Uir u.- ;'irttvix l . iftr n'.'U w- J-(r:--' ;- tt . 'Ti.- '.'re' X'-yifuL. ax... UJ'.Ti... in: : cvn-ix e t Ur tw 1 u Uf. '.' l .".mi; Tin.: Uti: trv rjur: rT.jt-:- U.rr' i- rT Uir. " 1 ciaf-rurut' c' TtT- avuer" t ? ur c! f Tr' v. iu' i- m-.f- v t U' .' Jwcf! ".'j vj ., iri-vtr uv .e tar a " y; - SI ft- UJtXJI?":'. T' Tl Ito f rr"..-r r---."" i . ivrt.. tmu. t irv-.- t ;. -iL-; 'i : ir.' it eJ.-' .' l"Tu . j.l ii' ' ;( . ' . irl-' lie v m -jt"- ; ; i' - utT.w1 ' .t . ' ec ' -r -rLi ' : ej ' 1' 1 ta his eyt hot It "was ttot the aame as ' that wntrn the Interview wltli hln own lather haj provokec. "Thant VI Ht- soomt- tn have a heT. t: lea:" Joht. Oordor es clalmeJ. a- hi wen! ilnwi UiU. Uit- Hcwee:. 1" antl : o eloei tho next day V: MarsL aiii; Joti: (iordo: weri lu Howe;, arref : and Ktinidlur If fron: ol tie. riu.ldui- o: lo: Ij. kumri ai- tin "uunihtiel. teiiemenl" wlilcu. aeeoro lu" t our lanniu-i teiteniot;. ikiuhv con taissiou ta- oie lOlnl torn, of touenieu: roiiimxotjou 1: canno: t we.: vttlimtvu: 1: cjiudo: ih- wel. liclil :: is 11c: w.t- 1: ens" j' crt- U--rec: Lzi: l- oui- pufctilu- to tie rixjiiit a: rrox' tn. rer: Td- uiiddi- riKUu vjvt: tx.'.1 ; wll: iictr tuey ca: frut UiJi. uiurwEv.- Ui- biiuinw anift?. u-Tii- rtr- rooui.- Inc- u:r iuue: paai1 tsrousj oii)- rcKiuis c- tsy tsiiifu. tu . . t-Liic UC" 1- t-tiiAuiiitte: it;tr- S: jwvik- tticu. ' ev lifi ttueiuer irxiiiijsteiu. 5Stu Jif 'j'coo foul', dc: d; pot-"":i : Vu- erL-uuii:-- u.uui-e- c: M; lizrr ' 1 ti-- ct m-j"-: 1 i- tuor' ai. iri 1. V!- VLf. wui iJt" l fee c rrv ua.. xj iiv' wil OtrXit:j ; iXfL.j-.1 t: tu- wii:i'BUio;. rrrwuny "V. 1 : ; iuvji' " r-' Jdera- "! vtart l . xjO' t: tto- rr- " 1 t j tw i 'xWj. rTZ... ufi lit Jifjir lv lit- t rv tju- a:j Ui- '- b "t: .tiilr' li vi -t ur" wu' Luc. t a: moot Finally be turned to John Gordon and aald with a tone In wich Irrita- . . . . ,. . I man reaponslbllity. robbed of play' "WbT rtr t some of the children! , ' . po over and pluy In the Hop House room fie hamrlng out clotliea, wblch were uaHndsl above the platform on a aerlea of raoks. The llstr of the court qr mssa(rew Mween the two wlnpi of the "ilumle leir xvaa sllipory wuh tilth of every description. In the avmMnrknesa which pi-evalleil In silte or the antra alnre out able eotiM be avn pale, lined 0 men With siillow, dllty fneea, peerlhH out from doorway and window. The heat wna atlllluit. as not a bivalh blew In at cither end of the passnise and the odor waa overpowering-. Mr. Marsh hesitated. 1 don"t know thnt t "Mire pn IrK" he said almost In n tone of fottr. "Tiv bite to back out now, Mr. Marsh. Tome: It will do yon (rood. Make you more contented with your homo on the boulevard." John toudon sal'l i.rimly. He invoted the croup of women. In the doorwtiy. and thoy iiturmil h's pivotlnir chilly enonuh, for he was wvnrinir his rti:ul:ir Inspeotor's bniliri', nuthoriTeil by the board of health, and hov.lis all tlint lie had already In the course of bis brief study made friends In the hlvk. Almost the first stop they took from tho doo!vn plunged them into dnrk 1 iioks. i;oiilon had hold of Mr. March's t tin and was silent until thoy came to the t'rst tliuht of stairs n( the end of the passajro. "Have to he a little oatvfrd here. s:r." I,e o-iut'oi'.i d. "Tli s 1s an old "rt. 1o!r,'".- jour pnet fnMU the rear. ( It :s on the lot when J our riii'tit l.mkiM over tho spaiv, and he built up to the limit ntid a little more. In fact, ho broke sa distinct ordinances In tisins up the apace that onuht to hnvci lHon left opn between the new build : Ins and the old. Hut that W as ncthinu', to him, for It added siv fii-t to the double docker, and that meant 1elo( iidtl:t:on.".l l eiliMotns. Have cmi- hnv. Some of the stair treads arc broken." Mr. Marsh mrored an ejaculation,! and Gordon stopped. "I fool 111. 1 don't believe 1 can po j on. tiordon. This Is terrible. It Is past belief that human lelups, can live In s'tioh conditions." I "They don't all live, sir Some of1 them die. Put tt'a almost as bad to j die In here as to live. Von oupht to j see a funeral 1n one of the tone- j menrs." "Orod forbid!" evolalmed rr. Marsh emphatically. "Honestly, Oordon, tt may seem absurd to yon. but 1 am prowlnp sick from the awful stench here. I doubt my ability to po on." Gordon made no answer. After a moment Mr. Marsh said feebly: ' "All rlpht. I'll try to stand It." Wlthont any reply John Gordon, still kceplnp hla band on his companion's arm, bepan to po op the stairs. Under their fort they could feel the alimy filth that hnd a con mutated for week. Half way tip something passed them coins down. It waa a little plrl about elpht years old carrying. In her arma a ruby. In the dim llpht which filtered tnroupb the ball at the top of the flight the two men could bnrdly make out this child of the tenements, bnrdened long years before the time with a hu- tbat -entered through the room ttiet had lust left Oordot) felt hla way til hla hand touched aomelhlng, and then he aald itentlyt Loula how are yon today r "Not very well. That you, Mr. Gor don r "Vea. I've Itmnaht you somethltm. Here. Catch on. little mnn." "It'a flnef the thin eager voice ex claimed. "IVm't tell mother. Phe'll take It away." "No, no, lonle. Rhe won't. The doc tor will let you have It," John Gordon said renssm-luely, and then he was si lent. Mr. Mnish wna close by, ntnl both men stood allll n moment. In the silliness n distinct rusltlim sound could be heard. It was like the tustlluK of tissue paper or the scratch Inir of small mice. "What's 1!mt?" Mr. Marsh nslml. "Walt a minute; 1 11 show yon," t lor don nnsweretl ipiletly. "Shttt your eyes, l.onls. I'm i-olim to llKht a match." lie slvuch the mntt h and held It up The pale llpht revealed In 1 From Headache Neuralgia J In a Few Min. After Tahlni I Dr. Mllea Antl.Pai. J ,u f. Chronic Case CmJ "I cannot rak tn hljhl ( tntf J anil t will slwirs trll m il . 1. . 1. . .1 '1... . . 1 1 ' "1 liirr iin-Ti: nunc i"r nif tor sudden attacks ot lirn.L. i, iml (lipiittistlr eslti It,.. to Ir. Milts' Anti l'm faH ate simpiv plrttlld ami t u 1 rttwmw mlmttrs. I imrj iu. t ihtonlc, and 1 hli 0 ctnn , ' !,., tt,., ttl.l, Inli'lliiil it tifit. ' ken bedstead and a rnpunl. Illihy mitt tri'ss on which lay it child nboul ten Jcttrs old. The walls of the loom had once been papered before the double decker had been constructed ro tlmt some of It had blocked up the win dows thnt had once opened on the tear lot. This paper now hum: In festoons and strinrs r.ll over the eelllnu. and Mr. Marsh, looking In horror pt the slsiht. In that brli f moment, not too brief to tdl one whole story or the tenement house ho'l. saw countless swarms of bm.s and vermin crnullntr over the paper. It was thnt that hail made the noise. The match lllckered and went out. There was a moment of silence, broken by Gordon, who said cheerfully: "All rluht. l.onls! Keep up pood heart. I'll try to ut In and see yon tomorrow." "Thank you, Mr. Gordon." Mr. Marsh pulled nt Gordon's nrm. 'Tor God's sake, ton don, let'a pet ont of Iuto. I'm growing sick. I shall faint." "Gome out Into the fresh nlrl" Gor don said Ironically. They went out Into the corridor, and Mr. Marsh in his caperness to get ont of the building did not oen stop to reply to several of the women who hnd learned from Mrs. Gnjlor thnt he owned the double docker and crowded np to complain about the garbage boxes and the drainpipes. While Gordon was talking with Mrs. t'aylor about Imis. Mr. Marsh went down, hurried aa fast as he dared through tho lower oonrt, and when John Gordon came out he found him seated on the outer stops, deathly pale and actually sick. Gordon primly eyed him. "tt'a only 4 o'clock. We'll hare tlm to do- the other. These are aome fea tures of No. C7 that are peculiar. I jwnia like to have yt cecntrettt,' I cannot po, Gordon. It'a out of tba Question. I am too 111." "loot's po over to nope House, then." John Gordon said gravely. Mr. Marsh, with difficulty, walked over to Hope nousc. On the way Cor el h'nili and I tnni Nrtve sml I Irrr Tills in ni'in-n,,, Antl 1'sin t'i'l". 'I lie r-n it 1. , Vetr li'tle tfnu'ile in that wt m nm atsu tnni tt inr tee,. ,, lltrin ri'ir liltflilt. We nlwm, both kinds nf tiills in tlir h. . ' . , 1 . t . . .. . 1 1 ...... 1 '.1 the fiOV I p '"at e ciniiu ri-i ninn (v. Kltia U 1 I, k totiMtio.j M . Mas. Kaip. K. JniiMto' lelate. Tliete are manr teanp lane I'f. allies Ann 1 icn 1 1! , vJ 1. o... .1... .ll . . 'I I--H-1II1 1 1I1H1 UlrT Wlll(ll,. i,Mi m J ol rliTntilc lieailarle-, lirni ; .,,tj an attack is coming en. n l' t, iv j -11 t u -.....-I.. t s nny MrTriii h rnmriv. 01 1 nviJ netvuis esiisiisitnn, n.n ih, ttte l STl'l tne litMlt tun ni"v,inJ Ann 1 mil tin win fonin i!lfw slern nin come. I irv luiti ho tiplntes ami aie ti"r kiifrA All dril'i'lU el snd i-'nrnvN Ann I Bin l llls. I tiv ni. n.n jH tiitti tin eplntes. nefi '!.( m itk J 5 cents, ur.aiiiesiueiiinn. ployprounds Instead of rolllnp In this pwfu'. flth' 1 understood ynu to svy ( that Hope Houst had a pltyprourifi." Joht Gnrdor: lmked at Mr. Marsk ot Ctst witt. a feeling of Indignation. ' whici. rapidly chun?nc tc ont: of a lieas. "How many rhlldrpi. cni: ploy tn a p&c.' shn: tu oriO bounded Liy a lot lest- ' thar K' fe wide and 1(X feet lonr'? 1: H crowd't; u overfiowin; now. Io 1 vac know uov niary year Miat At Crewn pjeaaec fii.c tsjreu end pray-d czxC trni. cjcrar.tatat of atlflsL Indlf feTenct cui coraiDcrrla! prevd to f , taa : l:ttie pis ygroend T j "1 tiavt nt. ideu. Hadn't wv better i ro idbicW- anwT Mr. Marsi replied . feebly. "lt t ?c. U'raug;. wlti lu I ! ' ac ik' laex it wa- il. borrltifc. Of eours- tan it cnuraally bac. to't It?" : Tict- er ftty otaer rtretta a.f bad tr worn- w:U;:i twt E-Iit c' lijtv Iitroat I M . II ground and childhood and thrust Info a oon srorld of sufTering and diseorifort Toor ; "There la an ordinance which says mournful creature, n woman In gravity j that there shall be spaces between and a child In vears. bending your , front and rear tenements, graduated fllrtv face over the gasping little sister according to the height of the building, in vour allm arms, sitting on the step j the tenement Is one story high, there lnte lntn the nirht with the hnndle that 1 niust 1 ten feet between front and tapv actoal'v die In vour arms, and no rear; if two stories, fifteen feet; If one but vourself feel morn grief If It I 'our stories, twenty-five feet etc. Vour df. Child of the tenements, vou do ' Pt deliberately Ignored this law not know it, but It la a tautiful world j hnt your double decker so as to that God ha made. There are trees rer " the spnee. In doing so he uijd Sowers and clear water and per- delllrately established a condition fumed repbv7 arid prase dotted with 1 that permitted of no light in a dozen tiowu. But oL. for vou. little sister. ! drooms like the one we went Into. r. .hr.i: tr. itt who siij.il ; More than that he created conditions was unusually evui.i m,. trnlnlng, his erlnulvo. n Ills setisltlve linhlts, won. i'i ........ti .. 11. 1.. 1 mnii.iniie m i'th ,1 1 111 n, seen since he entoriM p.. trlct. He went In i! II... A I. u 1 , I.. .1 nicy iis'k pom 111 i uc n 'rc'j dust covered Hour In 11 li.r. -l hold '-'ml persons. Tlu i fawJ inluted eitrltilii, wln.-i iron 1 01 11 siiiiiu eoitr it,fj ly lllleil tip with men iin!) air wns nenv.v wun in, and tobneco. The nik-li: wuc at the Mnlnnu bur, m 1, through the doorway pt.-;! hall, could be seen 1, ami wonieii tiriiikiiii: Stotwl behind the llm- hands over for glasses or i turn to get Up to tin tier Three violins, a hnrpiiiil pan to play, and tin mui At that very mnmer,: tl homea nil over Amoricii kneeled at clean bed 3 pure hearted little el'toti the evening prayer to tad But Will the time spwCr little voices shall swell taf tba good God's wrath 1 tutlon that carries Into i erta ot the great Title' death, the foul tonci at k theaaktof gold? CHArTEP. 1 diarxrver to you It glory. O child of the teuenieuu, li tlie great city by the lake: At tiie top cf the stairs JohD Gordon paui-ec a moricrit and tbtu turued to tn Iff. and id Lit companion along to t doc-way opening on a corridor lookiu- out on tut alriuaf- A railing ran aro-uud tid corridor, and leaning was rr-parli(jr avit 3ib fur upter ! Tasr urucfc tttat raa frvtu tim cvurt -rr rw-. t-r w rw r(- ' over It wev a nnmbrr of lrvmt. tnwrt- tme, e: art Mr. iir adaiioed .T mm cf x U' fc U aaa lrrruiveU xiuicier. lit had CuiIJK botu" klu6 wrk- isisxttc tn- ium, ct at ta a ist of tie ' 0n f U id of corrWor faortai fsaataaaw B asrw grow lajsaofty Wa aV raa bmh y Taary.' Mr irrturft -n- .run'r li eny I - -r tv lwfc-.s d l-fWWi l$vinjr turutif- ifjitt- eu'-ui t aaa iw ' " . 10 (...witunio u.- i.wxr of UaaV afuci-aav alra. Kfm 2a Uih lHUe lyr ; ttiut breed anarchy, for If the rich and ' cultured citizens of this municipality j for their own gain selfishly trample on ' the laws of the city what can they ex I jMct from the jwr and the deaperate cud the ignorant but hatred of all so ciety r "I'm too slek to d lacuna It" Mr. Marsh gruatiKL Gordon saw that he was actually suffering a-verely, aud whfn they etit"red Hoje Houite ha gave him euTful attrition. It win only a teuiKrnry IndiHpOHb tkiu. however, and after rusting 0 a M um4 O-zo'if lotorrable by Xt . 1 , C 1 1 .a"- Vi ftiVAUUlluy ,'tTit-' j-. WVU' i" jUiinwS.ln' k'J 111U , . ti.4.r t-,.t....; wiei. eu-- tv. C Uuov' W- 1 1 U,-wi in Uwt ' "IWJj. nr. Will ou 150 in aud k.1, tret: f u.. vuwiwf.iivi.i- e ,.. U1; .iv, t,. kud aaid. Mm " 'i'kii l frwvH ttepivuly .at Kr. i:uiku una aauuu. m vu ful lulu. Jiwiur r arje; wui j-jov.iic sj.t . Wl , liUUXtL vin;uii- tt r f U u'. " vou h K't le'i sUe. " ; JVC 'i f a'' ' it' 'i'.i- u.W'U. j' ililHMUaJUJ'1 .ll', U. T'f ft' 4s uv: !'- ci.t m- ifj.jm". uwW '. t- W Ma Uv.- '. ier. w-'. f! , . . w ; iu-i ;s- bill , juitw-u- . i :.j. '. : . ; J i i C'vXl s . . . i-.u't Lu liLiltnUi it a .wy ivr ui wiu ' , ' , ',, . . . '1 i A .d 'n'lttlU- llUU Of. mt. 4.u'i lv t Vu bid t UO-j LIV -i. )'. l-li'- l:IVBU.l. tli ilCip (fiu,i u'Mn-r luvt. Hi tvn it tjc-i, ud , I'.aVvC TlilJt iU liM iJutJA. jl tut ptli:a '"J irni . iJt'. iiu.lnU, Mi. lie is lui yhl.t I vt lUi- bu.iUit. Jit MkliU tv ia ttulut-- wt Uul- J wuu. W CilU t(u luV 'i'lit vnfiiiuun fav.c l:lituJ up Ji'.l fvf a b.i.oiiJ. tio.11 all l.ci vut Ui tUul UUll ibUll! 1:1 l.U'.lr Viil.l'll L,Uf liMH ilO tl.-.. t. viilU14.k 111 iiU!ti:l.iii. t. UvjT ;i'. ..l.'.'fC Uii -' ',1 J.O-' .1 '' v' - , i-U'J Over tii- -Ui' ul v-0 lily il 1 li'Ji, i.v 1 -'AA t r ij bl'.'v. - V .... Wf bvur Mr. Marau ivi omied auftlcleutly to UH Uy and exir-Bied aoine Uiortifl atloo at tht- way he luvd behavud. att hla auauurr vu vay grave, and fkjs aaiparttii 1 wf bin vun to tlm build lajaj m fidmitly umklug a uivuud fepruMtfcan 011 hlui. Tv tioidon's dlMippuiiiluKiut, Mlw An divwa luid Uhii tiilU-d awuy mid wus iiot uit.-M-iit ill the tiVuulliK Uitutl. Ur. UmihU waa able to be at Uii- UiUe with tuv (tralduiiUi ui.d tviia cUue IUUUU Ui tUi- tulk, altbuUKh he auld HUU'. "I JO OU tcul CiJUill to a lllllt! WOl'li this tiviiiii.K, Mr M.usliV" Gonluii uakul ul Ul llic I'uaidt 11U hud lidjolll licd Ul tliv 1 1 Iji ul uud liiid lo fcUli Ul (n-ullcj- I ui Ihcii auvuul duliun "1 (ltiiik my, cn." Ml'. Mai li nil- I lliuol. lit' Willi li:iill ilaltilliicil n( iv-luii f uulU UlUi faiU.U' ! to cLduie Uliumiul eijil.lii nt UiB.'i LCUI111 11U11111II HUH ' I llij.- "'i'lltll UU'lmliti IH: L.id bclli-r lull i ul.;-of II. c 1, mil. villi liiillti. I Miilil uil lo ll'.l j.ljV'i 111 .-,,lii"ii, ill 11 JMililii ill ill 111 In nij.li int-iil Uii' Ul'c. i'l I i,ii.;. il W 111 loliilul In lb I', 11' Jul! 1 1 III Oil ill i.OlIM- l liil Ii.l. Hi I. ll W illi iilld I J'll't ti.ll'," .. .,.0.1'' 1' 1.' 1 uunouud 'eill. 1' li.o I.. ...i,.. In! I..1 . l.',i!i. tiil.i! .ill, 1 olio .1 Jo ill ynl lo 0 1 .1 1 ,,,.. ,r I.., v.l.j lii Ii.l 'In iiic I.' bv.. 1 V ill iilfOrf:- ij'. . t.y. " 1 ii 1 r.i w .!' I!. V. :.' V: v.-y-r t te 1, , 1 iu, iiio 1. ii inn 1 n 11 u Mini 11 m. I V.iv ll II 1 li.i i.,1.l..r l,f Ho.' Imlill , ( ( .t ' ti. n ti.i.l In' j" oiJ.: loiil'. I' lill fill' III V ,'1 il'ii'tl ' ''!:''-'1'1 '- I'"- loi'lb.r '( i" lii' ..t OH' V, 1.. v i r u 11 'J lo I. : liUIi .1 1 ti l U',U It lii: 11 I VVv.1' III) l..W,.i a, At U U '-I 1 ' I., III I HI, J.Illii V. Uii llll "Ill ! fii' in i.:i:..i u'j i.!',iiii.-i .'.lui uii.i tin j t.i,:i.! ti !,.. ijl.r Jlur..; JJniii.c all I di'i.l, C'.iili.i'i ll lid M.D'iill t l.f r fill oiifi i f. II. 1) villi. !i.vi!lil lililhl Jiilnli;r ll riil'licf 1.I1...,-) iii Ifos'.'t'ii kiri.'l. Mr. Miii'sli ini a-4J ! tats tJti 1 "0ljiira for tnf 'And us the inuii W(J.f tur ' .d & ftflvr gUliiK tin.' lixik IliM Olliier If- tiuuatluu fivui aUuw'a frue. hot iit-vUiilv U un:ltl tr. . M 'J'lltl kuluuiia am t Ov'ifJ Lcullh uur for li t UuL if limy know )', ' "What If v refu-' .1 . . . , .vi i ..iruiS" liitfiua or iocr.- 1 liud imiui- intt-r J illu hallo bul wn "J thuu aiuliu In t" uuiiK uiuli wlivi LnJ thu lilHltl tiukkis "5 LluiwIuiUu of I--'-' '' i ll.'llilllllllwlit WHO t-l Ulllll.ll.lli IkMOl- '- f TIlU 1lIil.l.f kill "tlr' "Tlnv'il l.iiil-' ''- - I.lu .il- inn Lii"" Ju: 111 lfciilii. 'Jhf - litici'imiLl lo l"f il.nihlu iktLii'. ft e 11: 1 11 1 11 in net. .i.i-i' ll,l!ilj' Wfll j ll'a rjiii.'iiulv'' 'Jo hi: 1 ".-i" . . 1 - I lie lii.ifiit ' v. lh,i h-.triiiuoll. iiri1w(,VU lu tuf tLiiOv of U raA Hat- ii;. A." L k':d lu a vi,'.. . -f.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers