O o fcThave Job Jot of note L on hand. They must go U The price will ao iu Cples and price for the ask- Vb turnlsn mem primea less than you can buy them lout printing. L -ateoMllr, Mlur es4 Prasrlstur. A "sally Jaaraal, Dt.u4 U , Sclcaca, Art, Political tumr Carrtat Lftaratar. tttf. Oat Dollar Per Annum, ia JMrin kxxxx. MIDDLEBTJEGU, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JULY 23, 1903. NUMBETi 2. Teii62. vely Little Lincr3. ju?tlc and the Bustle of the punly en' Paragraphs. More or l-ess Prominent. . .. .4 ! . .-. la. tiling I'upUHtinn nu ..-- fJl that 3lly Curlonlty and P.r tht Thlrt lor New. Vg day are here. Kr.cgerof Olobe Mills wa in Liturdiiy. IsiMla Bousu ia visiting Ll Ulchfleld. D'eter Bhoad and arm of Harrls- V visiting Mrs. Mary Khoad. Iyer Walter of Hellnsgrove spent lava In town the post wee. L Lulu and Miriam Hmlth are friends In Hunbury and Dan- . Kawlnger, Cashier of the liville Bank, was la town ths k. C. Hmlth of Kreamer spent lay with friends at the County Jy Superintendent Geo. W. h ha been connnea 10 urn N. A. Klracofe preached a. aer- Hummel's church Sunday and baptized two chl.- Sarah Hnyder and friend of Hpent Sunday with her par- Hitorand family visited rela- Bunburyand Belinsgrove last 7Wl and familv scent Sun- Lwn with Gabriel Beavsr and L A. Snyder and family are 'relative and friends in thi irabers of the Lutheran church u the Lord's supper Sunday u eet pure Wines and Whia- liedieal Use at the Middleburg ire. tr. L Burns and family of Home- visiting her parents, John hi wife. He Williams of McVeytown, is :is grand -pureuts, Janiea M. It ami wife. ry James O. Crouse had a lie Perry County Court at New Id hist week. nee Sale uext week, July 22 to I.. lH'XXLEBEKUER. ihoda McDonald of Patterson eutsitaiued by the Misses brf. Buil and rtuwtrs will be sold Inn half price next week. L. DlSKLKBEKOER. Hddlvburg lrug Store has ad- ill lice of pure Wines and L f ... ... I : I .. . . lor invuicat use. u. ur IVvotor fur a prescription !tlu Middleburg Drug tore ur Wines ami Whiskies for n tf. lite shirt waist prices $2."0, L 10 and W eta., will go uest i i - from $l.'5 to 4S cts. 1.. IH MvLKKKKOKK. tv William K. Miller of Salt ur iMtiuL iut b'liJay of lt ruiu hvie lie wvut to Li'wit'- Hon. O. Alfred Pchfnm, Trealdent of the Kirnt National Jiank, attended a meeting of tiie F.xecutlve Committe of Huaruebanii!i I'nlversity, at Helina- Krove Momlay. William Itntith, the oblia;inK niht at the bank hrp, has bren compiled to lay olt a T.-w j on amwiunt of mime painful (kjIU on his neck. Tojy HiUMt have :nu.vil tbem. Ir. A. N. Warner, fffiMtrar -t Htis 'iiehanna I niverMify, at Hellrisirrove, Iiiih len frrantfl a year'd t-aiAiion and lie bat giri? to New MpxIco f;r tb benefit of hU !ihI(i. Wilmer Ih ker of Cleveland, ()., I paying a vixit to hia parents Ihtvid Ockerand wife. JfeUone of 8nyder County's sucresHful young men who U making his mark as a clerk In Cleve land. T. If. Kixenhuth of Helinwjrove waa at the County .Seat Monday aftemorn between trains. Mr. Knenhuth pro pjea operating the DreherShoe plant, ife is certainly building up a large shoe business. Miffllnturg will get electric lights. A contract was signed for $2820 (or lines, material and wire, another for equipment, such as Dynamos, switch board, etc., for $.640, or a total of S, 280. E. S. Stroup, Htrouptown, ia hand ling a high grade of Fertilizers, manu factured by the Baltimore Pulverizing Company. Prices range from $13 to 12 a ton. Persons needing a reliable article should call on him. if You can net Wines and Whiskies anywhere, BL'T, when you want the best, tor Medical use, get a prescription from your Doctor and go to the Mid dleburg Drug Store for it. tf. Call on A. K. do lea in but new uv mg and hair cutting parlor for your bead cleaned with a refreshing abjtui poo and a clean, towel to each patron on the north side of Market square op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed, tf, tfrs7JKrrMagee' IndrsT Wm. Grove of Mazeppa; Mr?, Wm. F. Ma gee of South Bethlehem; Mrs. J. E. Magee of Krranaer and Mrs. Milton T. Orwig of Philips')urg were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Orwig last week. Henry K. Bickhart has resigned h -i position as nisjht watchman at tL.; first National Bank at this place and hia place wxs rilled by the appoint ment of Charles II. Walter. Mr. Eick hart has accepted a position with Mr. Kuhn at the Central Hotel. Edwin Charles has secured a position ou Park's Floral Magazine published at LaParke, Lancaster County. He will take the place that has been AIM by John A. Suyder for the past tw.; years aud Mr. Snyder will be promoted to a position in Mr. Park's office. The Beaver Springs "Herald", tlie suyder County "Tribune'' and the Middleburg Post are each contribut ing their weekly issues to the Snyder County HistorWr Society. The other editorial brethren of the county sliuuld rise up aud do likewise. The papers contributed are all carefully preserved. Prof. T. Bruce Birch, and two chil Jren passexl thrwuirh thia place oneilay last week on his way to MitHinoun;. He is Professor of the Latin Language iud Literature at Susuehautia L'ui versity aud was a clase-uiate of the Editor 1-4 yean ago at the auuie iustitu- liou. Mrs. Birch was a pupil of the writer in lMt-wo at Cowan, L'uion ouuty. Hiimiiicl's Rc-urjiou. SWINEFORO. Miss Eva Kothrock of Lewistown spent last week in town. Aitim f'(fXft and wifejnt Saf unlay aud Sunday at Lewlxtown with the former's brother, iii'.ah IUwer- .VlX. Ii-au!ab llaOifon, 'i.'!. r .p:nding a few weeks in Selinsgrove hsu returned home. Saturday Paul Winey bad th mis fortune to break his wrist. V. II. Winey hiw the fonndation dug for his new house. The Masons commenced Monbty. Last week II. A. Kaucn received a new threshing outfit. Int week Middlehur Leather Manufacturing Co., had the foumla' tion dug for the new addition which they intend to erect this Fall. Saturday two representatives of the Middleburg Water Co., secured the right of way which leads from the public rad. They intend to com mence work shortly after the 1st of Aug. Fred Wockley of .-'trouptown trans acted business In town Thursday. Our coal dealers are busily engaged in filling their customers' coal hius for the winter. The huckleberry pickers report that the early berries are past but that there are a large amount of late ones. Charles Felker ami Clinton Wagner have quit hauling props from Shaile Mountain. Mrs. John Verger of Milton is visit ing relatives in town. Jas. Shuman transacted business in Sunbury Thursday. Victor Lenig of hunbury is spend ing a few days with S. B. Spitler. A. O. Bashoar spent Saturday at Millersburg. George Sholter, wife and child ol Weikert, visited i. L. Libby and wife. Ralph Wagner and W. FL Smith apeat Vaday at PutrnwiP?, Cored by an Infuriated Bull. Friday evening Jere C. Bowersox ol Centre township was vpiivd by a mad bull. ?Ir. Bowersnx was severely in- j sired at the risht shoulder aud hip. ff. :s ! .-irii that the shoulder has ; ceived i pei'iuauent injury. T!i inim-.i! had made an ati;irk on ;fr. i;.)nr.-Kj: l.efore, liur tie wi r.or apprehi'iisive of any further '!:ui er. This should 1h a warning to 'nil fanners and sfoo!i raisers either to kill such an minis or not permt them any liiierty. Cbartes Buyer Killed. Monday noon Albert Boyer of tins place received a telegran. that his oroiher, Charles, age 20, was killeil at Pittsburg. He was a brakeniun on the P. R. F, l)etweeu Altooua and Pittsburg. His lxly was tirought to Middleburg Tues day morning and taken to Fremont where it will be buried Thursday. He is the son of Wm. Boyer, a brother to Irwin Boyer married to SaJlie Hatkeuburg, Selin, Phiires, and Jennie of Fremont aud Albert of this place and Margaret, married to Edwin L. Miller of Niles, Mica. kT. Kiuioli of haiiiokin sjs'tit alv bis putvuts. Charles' b n iiiuiii ti.- jk fust clats: lolUu Cunise left last w-k to f.Mvf, litU, 111 rhiladel 't' '. vikvIs to go to the Sea- 'U lo'.UIIilli. 'NtuinRvd b is takwn vbarwe ol i'l 'Uiayblil, libou 0 lu.. at! lilM. UolJlll-VilllI SllllLll 1H Lin' I Si' lit of Nuv Jersey was bvre '.v. Hu In iiuutliirf a hx'aiiou mill aud chiuo lo v the shoe fUlldilljf. oiviu Smith of Caiboudale visit to bur niothor. Mrs. "i'ljurwho Is vory ill. The r ywua of age. Uiulnud rise to siinuvat that buui to viocM to the uicuiorv M'S ho werekillud by the " MWUleorevk lownshlo. p vvuds the mot,ion. There w ill be held at Clement' sl'rk opposite suul'ury ou Thursday, Aug. -7, wlmt pi i:u --s to be one of the: I kTgvsl gallii mis of Us kind in tii. s vliou. 1' wll 1 1 l;:i'.v!i the' I'uuinielS ii-iriion and will embrace ' a 1 thedi'sceud i.'!' - f fln th.-'.-c oriir'iiul I bivthers w ho . aio.' ''-mm I'.ers county j arly in the- iiiii. tt-. it'a iviturv and settled alonn !'c r;-er i:s nlat is now Snyder on I "'!iU.i counties. Tliey were farmers and by their energy and thrift aco,uirud and cleared large ureas of the uioi tende soil aioug the Sus iuehauua; much of which is still n tnined by diicci uiceuiauts of the or Hiuul owners. All dcaccuilauts o; these old pioueers with their families, relatives, ueigli Ivns frieuds. uid acpiaiutaucee are cordially invitct! to attend this gather lug, thereby rcuoviug old acquaiut suewship aud making uiauy uew oue. I'ood euteittuiiinuut iu the way of muivic, spixxbes and games will be a bailing feature. An Uld Citizen i!uc. Knos KJiug'.er died Sunday night, July 12. having been in ill health for sev.-ral yearn, he rvacheil the aire of 7 ; years, t mo. ami 2tdays. Mr. dingier wa boru iu Penn township and was a rodent of it ail his life being one of iu progressive farmura. Funeral services were lie! 1 Wednesday morn:iig, Rev. W A. H.u. oiliciutiiig. Mr. Klingier w-Ls a Ide long member of the Refunu ed ciiire lie is survived by a widow and tin'-' -e-i children: Charles, Mrs. Alii e Miller and Mh. Frank. Ivliu:ler of t'lkarf, lud.; John and Mrs. Wm. Maurer of Dry Valley X Roads; Mrs. Calvin bmiu.s, New Beriiu; Mrs. Jacob leuier, iCruamer; David, Ohio; Mrs. NeAton Sleller, Annie M., Sauiuei, Wm. and B. Frank, of Salem. Now Pity Shown. "For years fate was alter me con tinuously" writes F. JL Gulledire, Verbena, AJu. "I hud a terrible cuse of Files causing 21 tumors. When all faiiled Bucklen's Arniia Sh1v cured me. Equally good tor Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25j at Middleburg Drug Co. Graybill Garman Richneld, Dr. J. W. Sttmpsell, Pcnns Creek. TEACHERS ELECTEO. AHm Township. Troxelville Gram. ft. K. Smith. ' " Primary -John Smith. Moyer's- f .w. A. Aarand. Port Ann John f). Cingaman. Flan'- L A. Foreman. Good's - Katura Deobler. MI(rLW KKKK ICiW.VSHM'. Kreanier-Tbonms Arlxigast. Wetzel's - Well ie Hei ntelman . Melser- reorife F.rdley. Hauer's (leore j'.','s:lehurer. Krause's--f jfiru.- I:.W' PKX.V ToWNSHll'. Halenv-Herliert Herman. Schoch's Wm. A. F.rdley. Kantz Michael Bnuey. Bollg's Minnie M. Trutt Grlsainger's Gertie (iood. Boyer' Lillian Herman. Fair Gak Catherine Witmer. Hill End-H. C. Hendileks. Ott's William D. Jarrett. PERKY TOWNSHIP. Fremont Gram. eo. fteiehenliach, " Primary Florence Winey. Hietr Valley o. X. Kaltriter. Smith's Maggie Shailel. Aline-H. E. Keitr. Troup Valley Mr. fitrawser. Shaffer's Mr. Hm'kenhroeht P. Valley Father Harding. Portzliue Arthur fjiadis. C0C8T B0CSB CHIPS. Oet.ls B(cordt. Daniel W. Fiss and wife to Harrison Dean 10 acres iu Adams township. 400. Mary F and W. J. Klose, ai. to ThomaH J. Keller lot in Spring twp., Reulen Klose and wife to W. J. Klosa lot in Beaver Springs, $-x). Heirs of John Mengle dee'd., to J. J. Yerger house aud bit in Perry twp.. $775. Philip Arnold and wife and Samuel AfB.fci-Sfr.lfcMi .RiB3rBBan.t xrx i Cuion twp., $375. Jobn,i5i"leman to Bmrmf MToyw house and lot in Penu twp., i2."ifl. Richard Budd to tlie Mbldlehnrtr Water Co., 2S2 ai-re n Franklin twp., 5:0. A. W. Musser and vife to A. M. Aarand lot No. I ( n liwr pnnirs. Js.'H. s. P. Bmwn and A.ueiia A. Brown to Joseph Deppeu. ' :nu U .umiaiuiiig 21:! acres 2 pennies .u :iiapmau twp.. SUM). Wills. Pri.t..iicil. The last will aud Testament of Anna Luck late of Penn t.vp. dee'd.. wiis pnibateil and letters testamentary were grauusd to William ii. Luck, who is nameil as execuUir. Uarrtafe Licenaca. i John D. Hinkle. Perry twp., Virgie A. Beaver. Perry twp. UABUiED. July 14, by Rev. R. Botafont at Sunbury, Ralph E. Gift to Lottie I. Gift, both of Pastouviile. Odd Fellows Reunion. The Odd Fellows' lodges of Cinon, Snyder, Mifflin and Juniata counties will hold their annual reunion in Hon. A. M. Smith's grove at Beaver Springs. Pa., on Saturday, Aug. lo, :m. Prom inent speakers will be present and a full representation ol the lodges is ex pected. A I passenger trains will stop at the grove. Further particulars on bills. By Ohukhok Cm ittkk. Reformed Reunion The members of Beaver Springs Re formed charge, consisting of the :on gregatious at Beaver Springs, Beaver town, Troxelville, Black Oak Ridge and Samuel's will hold a reunion and picnic in Hon. A. M. Smith's grove at Beaver Springs, Pa., on Saturday, Sent I!), 1W3, to which everybisly is wr- dially Invited. A number of pmrn- inent speakers will be present. All passenger trains will stop at the grove. Cider Making. I will operate my cider press ia Franklin thia year and I invite ail my patrons to bring their apples in. to my mill. I will begin to make cider Thuiav day July 23 After that, the days will be TuesaSay- and Thursday of every week until otherwise notified. CaiVts G, gXHocP. tC TRR FCTL'RB RF.VB ALRD. I A WBsT'3 T8W3 C0TJDE5SED. Coming RvenN Cist Their Shidows : , Before. V"rnllst Vomtoj i1--,c-,t r;nmn ', The renders of the Poc-r o- riie-1 b n,,t I'-i'-Mn".- r ed to end u. annrsineements of all! fau'aln .-1. A e s v ,, , .,. , . i Mr1. H"i Al V'- c . - '. -I . -o events. No i h rire will niadw to I , , .... . from a ln . r -tr .. - ,; ! r ti? .s or publisb tbo ssme when ii" public imiiorTHiK'e TfCRHnv, July J:i, i!eform-d union at Nlnnd Park, u-tieen ,Jun bury and Xorbuniliertrind FittoAV, July 24 and -o "be SIIn tnl,"'ri!' 'r.r '-.r.!. - .-terr'.farv i'iv , of iiisslst -n fv.i,,i It inT 'im .'. rif p iiiMiiiIw i n grove I'.Hlld will hold :'.sM' lis in :be' V Klsr VOhlrrl r evening. ST'rAY, July 2.', 'iloi f;i; Sunday school will hold a festiv ,1 S.rfKnAV, July 2", -'sitivil of f !V church in Town Hull S--v iWIin in the veiling. STrirAV, July 2.". -t. .(.hri'j Cnir.nl '""b.. siti.-e ,.iv ; Sunday srhool a Fremont jvIII hold f'1"m!"''"' -''ti tneir annual picnic ,n .-tclins in,tnn irrove. Mrs jim ; ;t'atnrt hOTIS .It AtimiSt M it ft "! . ir T'ltr'en .nyi !,.! f nrliw rT iplonriM ,f o iafo'.s .ri . wrM. ii roast for i !iJ r h rh 'trer'lCrt . ',.nrt '-O... SATt:il)v. July 25. The enrrevflle1 has awn oflelall frr1 - T Cornet Hsnd will hold fewtivil at i applvinn ror v,rW n1lvMitiiii Herman's School Moiiim. MoVhav, July 27, June adjourned Court at Middlehurg, i'a. SATtariAV, August. 1st Hummel' Sunday School will hold their An nnal picnic. Satt-utiav. Aug. 1st.. Hummer P. B. church will hold ,k fmtivnl ;ii 'be evening. Satttrd a v, August 1, A Literary F.nterTHinnient. Lunch and Tee Cream Social hy the V. P. . C. R. of the Liitbentn t'hurch, ilenvertown in the evinlng. SrviMV, Aug. 2. ' 'onimuiiion erv1cns in the Shrlner I'nited Hvariireticnl church at 10r:0 a. :n. SaTTRii.v, Aug. s. snr.jth Sunday School will hold a aicnic near Fremont. S.rrunAY, Aug. 15, shreiner's Snn day School will hold their annual picnin and a festlvalln th evening for the benefit of the schooC flATtTBDAy, Aug. ?jTh Iflth Annual Clioir (Convention of Snyder ijounfyi at Fwwhnrg. SaTVTMMV, Aue. lo. Hip Odd c'e(low- of Snyter. Pninn. Mifflin and Juni-i atn l ountles will hold i ri-:,,,,,,, lt ; P.eaver Sprlnes M.vnv, Aug. :: :t:ier.a; ..,! Stock :uid Breeder'- i.-sii-:ai.o.i Mt. i "iretuii. .MoNilaV. Ailifli.-t " uiU,,!:. .i .anijMiiwit. i. .. , - .t.n a -an, Francisco and . ntlniies all T:n-ian.iv, Aug. 2t. Hurd vnni;ai! .1,1'.- aer 1 r, 7 -ll- r: ' 't jilltllS .ytimill, ..ir-,ier tJis .it. :'ls ,oi'u .f i,.'.af, cnn1ctefi f .Hherv ,tv jai... jvn ;-(-ars' . ni i,r'soriiM';i Cam to . i.inn. ; ;-mh burned -o !aih, int v, ,i and anotlier iitl -tr' e.m-v by in Tiiloslon f "Slaving :.oim" if iriil!hnar,o; s"-Mav. jtjly '7 ih -oiT.ersii ,n f .'. new .-anil., I 'itiiMtng .it Will b :Alit 'hi -.lli Tb .imotint if 1 inil I - iit oni1s rerolvorl it he :;llrt treasury :or vrhHnife .no J consols a f7 .n i. oo Th wnty of ,olin ,fcr.,v. f lnmhl.a. i'a. vn 'onnd n i r , th .Snsnuehanna rlvor J. i(kri missing -vral .ias. Th Mountain inn ifotei tr .Mn Hill. .V V., was destroyed j ..r. .be 200 uest having-narrow .caoes iui.1 losing all t&elr .-ffecTs. Preslder.t lioosfvoit has issued an ornr eliminating old aire a a !!. qnaiiflcatloa for appoiotmeot as U "botmm-u-utm (iswnawat arvtoa. Saturday, July 18. Txni Trtcht w hanred at snnrh NfcAlisTrr I. T.. for 'rie Liunler f i 7-esr-ol(t irlrt. Wllllnni I. nadd. i "impr tt.s' of -an "tnnRr! vnnlri fat .al?.af:r fptt '.end r his ' t ijjsrnn. Thp r t rvt" ! r iw.T',.: TPX.. .UK eon . i ecrr'ar.- iav .as -ner om- n -.lie vfier" . -'!! ""nam Uarr ".uI.-ikv. .& in::, a. !l.-isn; iiurch i :r i.- Slear re-uiiion vll :e h.-id .it P:irk near Lewioiirir. SAn-Rii.vv. Aug. J. i, nil, i,s Sunday -school vll aoid :i uual iicmc. dan:i)AV, August 22. nogjdays -na.! Mond.aV. Aug. 24. State i 'onvutlon. I P. ). S. of A., Lancaster, i'a. Mosn.iv, Aug. 21 -o 2i). 'I ranger? ' picnic at Williams lirove. rairBMUAr, Aug. J7. Hummel s T-. union at Clement's i'artt.j; priositei Sunhiiry. jtS :cr -1 r- .t .1 'm ii tu- ".iirr.ert ' 'Oaxcces s :er .uir.u 'Vh::t 'lasr.sg u t .t "V. '.'a.. .Van .skj.is .; Wtssiv -ver? .!.'.. r. I -e. 'ertoualr r.iir". Monaav, The .::an onar-s .id tae V.J f - r i tu May 20. '..(':. The ::.t.-rr.at:.iaa. socauon C Sail way Mail Vn:s v:.. ae-t 2 :a. rr stnn. x.. a ;3U5. it !s -ai . N"ew2ersee ro rpacse t:s rear v;: e itout :3.--) '.assets, ir )ne-r.f!i -to loraal -rrrn. WKD.VEanAV. Sept. 2nd. Jemis-raiij 1 a .-.jii ::t .'.ail -f.m -aused -.0',:-Staie Convention ai iiarn.-i 'ire, i'ai acila :i :iars jataap it "r.r.iciau. 'S ;aa :a !e : ;r -a;joa t :.i.-:;s 'liL'tiat'i .,d:z 3:;:ar;:on. iun- .v-:ar-s t v.tj SATUBDAy, Sept., ,i. DemoeraUc i.-i-- C1" ":1-y :aa:' mary Election for Suvder ".. i '""1 ,;vrs' , ' Thile rriDblBK 'ie Monday. Sept., 7. Deuiocrat.c ;nven-' "Iran .2 rtoit.yr .V of Snyder Co. :xa vui :..;:,.a :y .. TcEsu.vy. Seut. s. r.-ri,, ..1 slj8., :ai2i3 ilo -grrrr. wr ,iiehanua Cmversity neus it -e-i u;c:'le!-ta': linsgrove. jcNtHAL. H-KSDAV. Sept. s to '., t!.Kii..y:vur.a State Fair Aasc:iiioii hem. Wkdnesdav. Sept. 3t,iM. r-miaMl County Fair at P"rr iv. ; S-irraoAV, ,-ept. :u . uusDanury i-.iii.iiuo'i HaiL Pa. Tri-2DAV, -ept. I,. U, !':.i: Fair at Lewishur. aac. ;:i.A. . a.. '. . , 3.10: ?n-sytvan:a " -r. 1 i'i.Zv: .".:y mi lis. z:rz. tve :lour vas ;u;c rel. '.Vhv..t vaa :i: :-. nia rro. new oi-- ; No. 2 ye. w. locai nuiet: N . 2 -.vra luwer - s. Uc. N'o. 1 '1::: UUy. $i . !leef va.-: M-auy: porit 'irra: 'a. loultr. r.--:9. ic. Dressed -utry. S.vrrHUAV, Sept. hi, Hie Reformed ! "'d rnotf,V' .', '. j ohun-hes of the West end of the I mfy "w'Vork ! County will hoiu a re-union audi IbH'C't'c. ier so-ten. picnic in Dr. Siuiiu s a'rove at Bee, v.', iT-,?.' .''"'l'.'..' . '. tear. 3. ;S '::.;. j 2.20. 1 -er ar ' r ri'r1 : 4 : ei.U"' (ill: er springs. lull: spoi. " ', ; -' . -v 2 red. 70- -i 75V-- -o'lthtr:-.. pie, 'iDii'Mc. sourfierr.. 76 4' Sic. 'orn was da... J74e.; at. ainer tn..v. Boutbern -'lite corn. : :ii : N. . ! : -COt. 3c. H'v was, No. 2 western, jsc. irr. "TP xncd. Engine For Sole A tWelVA hor4ri nnwol r.ivrl,l.. L-....I. ir, ; i ' ' era yellow i-orn. jluMe. Jais -reie ., v t-iivute saie. it, arm: iNo. . wn:ce. t. can oe seen at stmptown. Inquire of E. S. Stiuiitp, t-f Stmuptown. Tx Who Is He? Who ia it that makes the Fewer gallons; wears-longer paint ? Dr. Eyer Walter is having tho Cen ta Hotel treated to a ooat of paint. Live Stock Markets. East I.i''erty, Pa.. . n.y 2J. 'af!e were stesily: choice. ia.Zi ij, a.4i : prime. 4.juUo.10: wod. 4.-i0 i 1.S5. Hoks active: prime heavy. $5.35y" a.ii5; mediums. $5.73'45.!!5: titavT Vorkers. $5.S5iO:5.iO: Ught Yorkers. S.HHi"s.5; ptxa. $6.30 iAQ; roiiKhs. $4'.f5. heep at roan; lest wethers, J. 21) tf 4.50: calls and common. $1.50 if 2.25; rear ling $3tf5; roai calves. 6.i0t6.75.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers