- - . . . . . . ' feThave a job lot ot nolo . Ids on hand. They muw ij k. The priw wlU io ,u nples and price for the ak- we furnlsn mem priniw less than you can buy them lout printing. ' L VtfeHtlttr, Hilar aa4 PratrtaUr. A FaaUy Jearsal, Derates to Im, Seine. Art, Palttleal taiw? art Cirrtat Lruratar. BaM Oh Dallar Per iaaaa, la Kriin MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JULY 30, 1903. NUMBER 2'J. PIw! -Him vely Little Liners. mtleand the Butte of tb ,uty Seat, Told la Brief Paragraph" More or Use Prominent. L.i. Poaulatloa aaa Et of In- L,t that Satiety CurlMlty AppM the Talrat far News. ,,11 cUes on the last day of Lnth. L ave was sold at public sale Li.v, July -H. iiHlU'Rtloim are that onts will very fuir crop. Voder of Miflllnburg was In e n Tuesday. r nii.ka. who Is working at L, seiit Tuesday In this place. n,,tti.lirer lias owned tailor the bakery building, where he Lg bachelor's hall. viuher. nronrletnr of the Era- Is, Freeburg, was at theeounty irsday of last week. crman. the progressive alioe Id family of Market street were wn Sunday visiting friends. id.llchunr Drug Store has ad- ull line of pure Wines and a for medical use. tf. erlff David Reichleyof Penns Cat the Couuty seat Wednes t week. bats aud flowers will be sold ian half price next week. L. Dt'SKLEBBROEB. ..Cooper, of Sellnsgrove pass ghtbls place Friday on his be from bis farm in Adams primm to spending the week ly fishing party at Penns spent Sunday at borne ana 'forth faetiviUea Mer.day. - Lee Sale next week, July 22 to : it L. DCX K LEBEROER, . . B 1 li Kolti, wno nau Deeu tr- V at Mifflin town, came home on account of the illness or V, James and Maud Kessler of llierland and Miss Carrie v Hummel's Wharf. Sundav for at the Washington House. hi get pure Wines and Whia- ledical use at the Middleburg ke. u. Vet John F. Stetler and daugh- Lillian, were down to Penn Sunday to pay a visit to B. In. whose wife has been very ill vlth typhoid fever. H. I'.owersox and daughter t, have returned home after a ' sojourn In South Wllliams- h relatives and friends. They king had an enjoyable time. Tired Working For Other? . C. L. P.-No Agency. No ITanted, simply euclnee stamp. kith, 4921 Dearborn St., Pa. 1 2-t tumor is speaking rather loud V wedding lu the near future two well-known persons on treet are to be the chief K. Otis Speesard of Mifflin J. Oearhart of Lewlsburg and n. ii lias oi emuqsgrove won uptioiuted a eouiniltUe arrangements to install cforiued pastor, Rev. Noll. r Doeotor for a prescription the Middleburg Drug Store ur Wines aud Whiskies for ... kvld 1. Schaetter, pastor of the Church at Mt. Pleasant Mills ly, has tieen elected pastor of Creek charge In Armstrong khmglug to the Allegheuy ItUlmrg Synod. He will pro mpt. lite t-UIrt walaU pile 2.50, 1.5o and I") eta., will go next ticca from $1.00 to 48 cts. L. Di'NKLKUKKUKK. pdleburg Water Co. , are ad- or hid for the pipe specials i. The contract will be let kut Ut They want 12,000 ch pipe aud 10,000 feet of 4- -"0 uiuchl 2 uo;ule fire 6 tons pig Wad, 600 lbs. jute, other items, such as teea, luceiN, bends, cross 4 bells. r trst shipment to ho made Vt shipment, not later than avajie Miss Alice Haines of Reavertown, sent several days In town last week. Mrs. Charlt-s Iloush and Mrs. Geo. W. Wageuseiler spent Saturday at Ueavrtown. Thel'iiItiilTeleplioiie and Telegraph Coin' any has decided to put their wires underground in West Chester. Mrs. Dr. I. O. Barber and daughter, Marearet, of Danville are visiting at the home of Mis Amanda Witten myerin Hwineford. Editor Joseph A. Lumbard and wife and his son, Ceorge M. Lumbard aud wife, Sunday were the guests of Dis trict Attorney, M. I. Potter and wife. Mifis Martha Goldy of Camden, N. J., Is vlxlting her friends, the Misnea ''Vitteiiinyer. MU Goldy attended lliickiull Institute when the Misses iiteimiyer did and the attachment pr'xgated then has lieeu perpetuateil. E. S. oup, Stn-ptown, Is hand ing ii liigh nnule of V utilizers, nianu fnctur--I ly he Hultlincre Pulverizing ComHiny. ''rices ranir (join ?13 to $.3 at P nns need I g reliable article slioiila ' Hon him tf The Lutli-rii parsonage is nearly completed und the parson and his futil ity will soon bike up their abode in its congeiilalsurriiiiiiigs. The residence is fitted up wiih nil the modern Im provements, in lulling a furnace, lath room, etc. You can net m an I W uk-kies anywhere, BC1 wwt oa vant the best, tor Medical i e. ; i i pisiri- tln from your Doctor, U p to Uf V i- dleburg Drug Store ) U Jacob Boop, proprieti r of the Deck ard House, Miftlinburr, in town Sunday, and spent a re hnrs with his brother-in-law, Calvin Sti-tler. It is rumored that Mr. Boop win retire from the Deckard House tie ttrt of April next. Call on A-E.8oUlnh . n tnin& JmV otUnna,rlo-.iisjioi head cleaned with a r eaht r a 'in poo and a clean towel; eac on the north side of Mar tsqa ;e poslte Central Hotel. Satis clio guar anteed, tf. Frank Mueeerof Vicksburg, Union County, was at Middleburg, Friday, having made the trip on foot. He formerly lived at Kreamer to which place he walked from here. He has been sick for four weeks the past sum mer, but in now enjoying better health. T. F. Btadenbaugh was in town lost week securing additional rights of way for the Middleburg Water Co. The rights are nearly all fixed up now aud the work of constructing the plant will begin in about two weeks. The Water Company is advertising for 100 hands to work on the construction of the plant. H. B. Uelnettof Meiserville was in Middleburg on business last Friday and while here made a call at this of fice. He had a siege of typhoid fever last December from the effects of which he has not yet fully recovered. His left arm has been very feeble ever sine bis illness. He also had the mlsfor tuue of losing by death a horse foi which ouly two days previously he had refused $200. Robert Mann, Jr., and family of Lewistown came down from Lewis- town one day last week and are domi ciled at the Washington House. Mr. Maun is one of Lewistown's most pros perous bus! Less men aud our town uotes with pleasure this temporary in crease of population. They spent Sun day at New Berlin with Joseph Mann and family, wh? are summering in the beautiful village along Penns Creek. Through the assistance of a detective ageucy two more of the poetofflce rub bers caught iu the Seven Mountains, aud uow lu jail at Bellefonte, havi beeu positively identified. The man who gave the name of James Ryan U James Daily. He was seut to the Peuiteutiary for two years iu February MM). The man who gave the name of William Palmer la John McCrae, and he also v. us sent up for two years in i February, 1)8. llou. S. A. Wetzel of Beavertown, ex-Associate Judge of Snyder county, ex-Couuty Commissioner John P. WeL xel of the same place and Associate Judge Peter F. Kiegel, of Beaver Springs, constituted a prominent and congenial trio of the west eud who dropped into this office for busluess Monday morning. They are all three good republican war horses and are political factors lu their respective dis tricts. Judge Wetzel la nowservlng as postmaster of his bailiwick. John Dietrhk and wife of West Milton spent a few days of the past week with her parents, John Stetler and wife. Mrs. Carrie Nation, the Saloon smasher, assed tnrough Middleburg last Wednesday morning on the train on her way to Shamokiii. Theineiubersofthe Reformed Church of this place celebrated the Lord's Sup per Sunday morning. The new pastor Rev. Noll of New Berlin, officiated. Robert Rearick, the elevator man in the Harrison Building at Sunbury, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. William Romig, on West Market street. William Aycrs, the popular new benedict of 1'axtonville, was in our city Saturday smiling cheerfully to his many friends here and paying a visit to bis parents. Mrs. Shlpe of Sunbury, nee Ma me Clelan, who lias been sK'in1ing some time with her mother at this place, is the mother of a bouncing Uy. Mother and son are doing well. The republican primary election of Mifflin County will be held Saturday Aug. loth and the Convention, Aug. 18. Saturday August 1st is the last day for Candidates to register. W. D. Bilger, the enterprising phos phate agent of Jackson township, was at the county seat Saturday evening shaking hands with his many friends. He is selling a great deal of phosphate. M. Millner of Sunbury was in Mid dleburg last Thursday to attend a meeting of the directors of the First Saiional Bank. He haa just moved to Suubury and will open a store about September first The German Medicine Company, who gave entertainments In Swlneford last week, decided to come to Middle 'mrg this week. They are exhibiting n the lot near George car penter shop tfupuioua neigut . i. - r nd a "ita I-S"-- TTif, .-., . - -f - - SWINEFORD. Harry Bingaman spent Saturday at Kreamer. Lee and Harrison Wlney drove to Richfield Saturday. John Shannon wife and children spent Sunday at Paoll. Charles Heinbach of near Centrevllle transacted business in town on Satur day. John Rennlnger, Sr., and wife spent last week at Riverside, with James Euterline. The Middleburg Leather Manufac turing Co., received a car load of hides last week. Mrs. Lewis MUl?r is spending some time at Strode' Mills with her son, John Miller. Mrs. C. A. Rathfon and daughter Beulah, are visiting at Granville with John Gilbert Misses Edna Walter and Edna Wlney of Beavertown, spent a few days in town last week. Lottie Heiaerdied Sunday night, of rheumatism of the heartaged 16 years, 6 months and 1 day. She was buried Wednesday at Mt. Pleasant Mills. Middleburg Gets Another Bank. Middleburg Is goiug to have another bank. There were rumors of such a move for some time, and during the past week, the project took more defl nite shape. The capital stock will be $25,0tNl and the application was sent in Saturday to the Comptroller of the Treasury for a charter. The new instl tution is backed largely by Swineford capitalists and a few from this side of the stream. The bank will be located on the Brooklyn side of the river. A lot was purchased fmm Miss Amanda Wltenmyer, where the bank building will be erected. It is rumored that John R. Kreeger, formerly Assistant Cashier of the First National Bank of this place, will be the Cashier of the new bank. Four teen years ago Snyder county had only one bank, now there are four andthose already in existence seem to be doing a prosperous business, which seems to be the impetus of the new Institutions. We hope they may all prosper abundantly. The new bank project is being sup ported by Azariah Kreeger, A. H. Ulah, W. B. Wlney, Geo. M. Shindel, Stelnlnger Brothers, Banks W. Yoder, A. a Bashoar, M. K. Schoch, Charles Bolender, Henry Dietrich, James Shu- man and others. By an arrangement of the promoters, no on will be per mitted to take more than 11,000 of the capital stock. Merchant J. E. Magee of Kreamer was In town Monday. Hon. Jera. C rouse of Selinsgrove is spending a few days in Ihia place. Mrs. Jacob Walter and daughter I zona, bf Selinsgrove, are visiting here. Mlaa Luurte Rlpka of lewistown and W. W. Rlpka of Harrishurg are visit. in the Flata. Anyone In need of rye straw thresh ed with a flail, call on Chan. A. Hack enburg, Aline, Pa. Henry C. Nagle of South Rend, Ind. is visiting his parents, J. P. N'ag'.e and wife near the Summit Commissioner's Clerk J. N. Broslus and family attended the pionlc at Mt. Pleasaa Mills Saturday. Thomas Attinger, formerly a resident of Chapman, was killed at Berwick last week aud was buried in Paradise cemetery. Mrs. Dr. Deckard of Richfield visited her sister Mrs. Ripka on her return from Atlantic City and other eastern cities. Mrs. T. Bruce Birch and four chil dren of Selinsgrove passed through this place Tuesday afternoon on their way to Mi 01 in burg. James Beaver and family of Mifflln- bnrg were hospitably encertalned at the home of his father, Gabriel Beaver aud wife Sunday. Mr. Beaver has in vested In a valuable piece of horse flesh that brought them over and took them home In double quick time. Milton Orwlg of Philipsburg, former ly of this place, was a visitor here Sat urday and Monday. He is employed in a large wholesale bouse in Philips burg, aud at present, he with his fam ily are spending their vacation with Mrs. Orwig's mother, Mrs. Matilda Fisher, at Salem. ' TEACHERS' INSTITUTE MAGAZINE. - Official - Pragraa U Sayder Coantv . Teachers' Institute. . 1 he 4nth annual session of the Teach ers' Institute of Snyder county will convene in Middleburg, Pa-, Monday, Not. 30 1903, and the fourth annual publication of the "Teachers' Institute Magazine" will be issued as tne official authority of the convention under the direction of the County Superinten dent, Prof. Geo. W. Walborn, Freeburg P-. ; The book will contain all the official announcements of the program, the instructors, entertainments, names and addresses ot teacheis and directors. A few pages will be reserved for ad vertisements of a clean and respectable nature, at the following rates : Full page $5.00; half page $1.00; quarter $1.75. The size of the page will be the same as last year ; ti inches by 9, the type page 4x7J. In order to get the book to the teach ers and directors' in ample time, it will be Issued earlier tha i usual and copy for ads should be sent at once in order to facilitate neat displays. This is a aplendid means of ad vert is ing for schools, colleges, book publish era and school supply houses. Send in your copy at once to Geo. W. Wagenseller, Publisher, tf. Middleburgb, Pa. la Camp at the Rocks. The Centerville Rod and Gun Club have been camping at Rock Spring, one and a-half miles west of Centre ville for a week and intend to stay this week yet The members who are in attendance axe J. H. Hart man, H. H. Grimm, D. Bolender, H. A. Ritter, J. E. Spaxgier, D. F. Bingaman, Foster Spangler, Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Sheriff Chas. E. Sampsell, Paul Grimm, Quay SampselL William Sampsell from Three Rivers, Mich., and a few invited guests They expect their families to join them on Thursday of this week. Dr. Samp sell is the owner of the ground and haa decided not to cut the spruce timber away, but to keep it for a permanent camping place. The parties who are there claim they have the finest spring of water that can be found anywhere along Penns Creek, besides elegant fishing ground. The Dr. is now put ting up permanent buildings. Fire at McCIare. Monday about noon the residences of Rev. Dutt and Lewis Mm beck at McClure weaa destroyed by fire. Ik is not known hew the ore originated, bus it is thought It may have been started with sparks from a railroad engine. Some uauzance was carried. ' THE FUTURE REVEALED. Coming Event Cast Their Shadows Before. The readers of the Post are request ed to iwnd us announcements of all events. No , h irge will lie made to publish the same when the event Is of public importance. Friday, July 31 to Aug. hi, Twenty first Annual Conference for Christian Workers at East Nnrthfleld, Mass. Satcrday, August 1st Hummel's Sunday School will hold their An nual picnic. Sati rday, Aug. 1st., Hummel' ('. B. church will hold i fetivHl in the evening. Saturday, August 1. A Literary Entertainment, Lunch and Tee. Cream Social by the Y. P. S. ( '. E. of the Lutheran Church, Beavertown In the evening. Sati rdav, Aug. 1, The Salem Sunday School will hold a festival at Row's Church in the evening. Sati roay, August 1st a festival will be held at the Summit for the liene fit of the Sunday school. Satcrday, August 1st, pi-nic and festival at Hotter. Saturday. Aug. 1st. The Kheneezer Sunday School will hold their annual plc-nic near Freeburg. Sunday, Aug. 2, Communion services in the Shrlner United Evangelical church at 10:.'U) a. m. Thtosday, Aug. rt, the Installation of Ellas 8. Nol! as pastor of the New Ber lin charge will take place in the Re formed church, Middleburg, at 7-10 in the evening. Sat., Aug. 8, Hasainger's C. E. Society will hold a festival at that church In the evening. Satcrday, Aug. 8, the Salem S. S. of Centra twpwlU bold a festival in - thnlvedtetogt ''. . : Satoitoat; Aug. S, Smith's Sunday School will hold s picnic near Fremont. Satcbday, Aug. 15, Shreiner's Sun day School wtll hold their annual picnic, and a festival in the evening tor the benefit of the school. Saturday, Aug. I.-,, The lillh Annual Choir Convention of Snyder county at Freeburg. Satvruav, Aug. lo, The Odd Fellows ornnyoer, Lnion, Mifflin and Juni ata i.ounties will hold a reunion at Beaver Springs. Monday, Aug. 17, National Live Stock aud Breeder's Association at Mt Gretna. Monday. August 17, National En campment G. A, R.J opens in San Francisco and coucinues all week. Ttr.nun . . ...... .. i , .lugiint j i, ine i-iiinisn re union will be held at Islaud Park. Tburmday, Aug. 20, Third Annual Slear re-union will lie held at Brook Park near Lewisburg. Saturday, Aug. 22, (Jnihh's church Sunday School will holdJ,their an nual picnic. Saturday, August 22, Dogjduys end. Monday, Aug. 24, StateJConveutiou, P. O. S. of A., Lancaster, Pa. Monday, Aug. 24 to 2!), Grangers' picnic at Williams Gmve.JPa. Thursday, Aug. 27, Hummel's re union at Clement's Park, Jopixwite Sunbury. Saturday, August 2, the Paradise Sunday School will hold ita annual picnic in Page's Grove. Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, Democratie State Convention at Harrishurg, Pa Saturday, Sept 5, Last day for filing accounts and Widows' appraisements for continuation at October Term of Court Saturday, September 5, the Sunday schools of Tmxelville will hold their annual pic-uic. Saturday, Sept, 5, Democratic Pri mary Election for Snyder Co. Monday, Sept, 7, Democratic Ccnven- of Snyder Co. Tuesday, Sent. S, Fall Term of Sus quehanna University opeus at Selinsgrove. Tuesday, Sept 8 to 11, Pennsylvania State Fair Association at Bethle hem. Wednesday, Sept 9 to 11, Juniata County Fair at Port Royal, Pa. Saturday, Sept 12 to 18, Patrons of .Husbandry Exhibition at Centre HaiTPa. .Tuesday, Sept 15 to 13, Union County r air at Xjgwisburg, Fa. Saturday, Sept !!, The Reformed ehurcheaof the West end of the County will hold a re-union ami picnic in Dr. Smith's grove at Beav er Springs. Monday, Oct. 5. Regular Term f Court opens. lALf ABSORBS A TWO-FOOT SNiKF. Thi Aniinal SwalW ,,nd Divlixrn The Rr)tile Without Injury to the Firmr But KilU th loiter Tiie most remarkable case on record and we think the only one in which :t calf swallows a t wo-foot snake without injury to the ai.imal ami death to thu reptile, is reported from Stroiiptown. 1 he calf is owned by Susan Dinhl of Stmiiptowu, this county, and is now only ten w.vks (4.1. The , ir was kept in the "ti.ble ami noiirihfit entirely on milk. It w:is getting along remarka bly well until alxitit :i wiek ago, it .lid not serin to care for nourishment and was not a very promising case. Mrs. Diehl could not imagine what was wrong with the animal. Imagine her surprise the other day when the calf discharged a snake H4 inches long in : iecr:iuoed state. After the reptile had lieen discharged the calf liegun taking nourishment with the usual, avidity and ic now seems to Im all right. This story is not to ls confused with the usual snake stories, but is properly verified by K. S. Stroup, Postmaster aud merchant of Stmiiptowu, whose veracity no one has auy occasion to doubt. COIHT HOUSE CHIPS. Dee.) Recorded. John P. Maurer and William A. Mann, administrators ot William . Maurer, dec'.!., to Wm. Whitmer A ma, M2th the interest in 742.1 acre unseated land partly in Hartlev town ship Union county, Annaugh town- snip uimtn county, and West Beaver townahin, Snyder county, $&5&J3. EktelIs.D. StiUman et sJ. to Win. Whitman and sons, the above tract for $10,541.66. Elmira Portzline and husband to Mary Ann lverstetter for : acre in Chapman township, $400. Utter Granted. Letters of administration in thr es tate r Euos Ivlingler late .,t' Penn township, were, granted to U. b, John A. and S. E. Klingler. Uarnae License. J. M. Long, Effle L. Jiirrctt, Alvin J. Hickel. ( Lottie M. Heaver. "elinsgrove. Selilingrove. Freeburz. Middleburg. Mrs. Musstr Ilurncd to Death. Monday evening at Lewistown Mrs. Levi A. Musser, formerly of Penns Creek, this county, was making rtre iu her stove and in order to hasten it, poured kerosene into the fire from the can. The oil ignited and tiie nreconimuni- cated to her clothing and burned her so oadly that she died at midnight. Her sister, Mrs. G. W. Slieary, had been very ill and was thrown into a relapse from the shock of the news. Mrs. Musser and Mrs. Shear- are sisters of Postmaster F. H. Stine of Penns Creek. Attention. Capt Ityan Pout, MA. Every mem ber, this means you! Not the other comrade! Every one of von. is not only Invited, but urged tj "attend the regular meeting of the Post on Fri.inv evening, August 7th, next Post meets at o'clock. Matters of vital in terest not only to the Post, but tn vonr. self individually w ill lie considered, m, don't fail to come. Jxo. Y. Shindki.. P. r G. C. Gutelius, Adj. Card of Thanks. The family of Williuiu Bowr desire to return thanks to all who so kuullv and generously assisted them in bring ing home the body and the burial of their sou Charles Buyer. Siwcial thanks is extended to the pastor and to Lodirs No. 174 Brotherhood of R. R. Trniu- meu, Altoona. f AA MEN WANTED. I If U 1 want from 75 to 100 men to build the Middle bunr water works. I will lu. .... to begin work in August aud I want as many nanus as i can get In order to hasten the completion of the plant. Persons who desire employment can hand their names to Calvin Steder. H. G. Frederick, 3U MlUvUle, Ps, i
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