c o o tiotcXlenbo have lob lot o( note Li on hwtd.1 They mutt p ;k. The price , will do it. nplf s nd Pf'cei for the ask V furnish them printed less than you can buy them Ihout printing. wjriiellfr.t(lltf ni Proprietor. A Paally Journal, Deve-ted to Jew, Art, Political gttn and Carrant Litratnr. Ratt 0n IVillar pfr Annum, in AitTaaee XL'MPETt 27. ILXXXX. MIDDLEBUROII, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JULY lfl, 1003. ppifi 202. ripmm www ivcly Little Liners. lustle anJ Bustle of the bounty Seat, Told In Brier Paragraphs. lilc .More or ixsa -rmini;. i, ..Una I'npnlatloii and Event ol In- fr,t that -lMy CnrlMlty and Appfa th Thlrat lor Newa. M hi.1i Cutter U visiting reln- L Ki.hlWd. tit Monday at Lewls- , I.IIMIIH'!". (iriniMi was away on legal J i rtl4 I'rliliiy. i, iiini S-clifUi visited friend imh over the 4th. Thin week we shipped a lot of letter heads and envelopes toTacoma, Wash ington. The right kind of printing and the right price command order from all part of the continent. ! Since Frldny July 3, telephone com ' riiutileaMon with Hurt bury hnsbeen rut ; oir. During thnt storm, the cable j from Hunbury to Hhaniokln Item was burnt out and replaced Monday. I Dr. Hammd Getst, -w ho hnsjttst grad uated from one of the Medical Colleges in Philadelphia, paid a visit to his j iineh, William II. Beaver and family j lMt week. I Misses Bessie Hackenbttrg and Sue Row of Philadelphia and Miss Hack, euhurg and lady friond of Hunhury paid a visit to Palmer I',. Hackenhurg s 1 Centre County Robbers Pictures in the Case the iTTHfi- nkyf.ufh Coming Pv.'ii's i'.ivt TV;r Shimon- over Sunday. I L. Detwiler of Philmlftnliia was I, tier pai.ia visit to Mifflin- ,n ynyder county jt week Interview- ,t Thursday morning. r.l 1. I!otnlof Ileaver Springs town Monday night. .. ii .1 ,.,1 Ia tt t Tna irije Maui iir'irii hi vj to the printer Monday. I1. ThiniHKn of Mexico, Juniata , win in this place Haturday. ,i I,. Mfirks pent Tuesday and Wednesday In Lewlxtown. MiiMleswnrth of McClure la U his sister, Mrs. P. E. Kinney. can let pure Wines and Whia- L iiicdienl ue at the Middlebuig '. J. ). Herman of Eilwardsville ting his Lnther. Dr. A. J. ler- Irance Hale next week, July 22 to L. DCXKLEnEEOER. prney Jas. a. crouse went 10 town on professional business I. II. T-owersox la paying a visit many friends and relative at uusport. . Mhraof Muncy called on Mrs. Jfertx July 5. . ' ,iil a few very hot days laat The thermometer was soaring I the hunihetl mark. ('BrrieHaaB and Mrs. Charles f .haniokin are visiting D. K. kml wife west of town. w hats ami (lowers will be sold lliun half price r.uxt week. L. Dl NKLEBEItGEK. '. r.illiert and J. E. Haldeman lid the hand festival at Center atunlay evening. upward ICreiuer and wife of Iphia are visiting the latter' its 11. i his place. MM. '- burg Drug Store has &l full me ot pure V mes anil kii-s foi inttlioal use. tf. ks l'ini'1 and Alice Lutz of Ship- liru are heliii; entertained by linn Itacluuau and wife. iicuryj. Duck aud two young hi' Selinsgruve spent Saturday l;iiii.s Avers aud wife. inns itaililau of raxtouvule was hi Sunday tiisht. His horse U:iio town without a driver. 'It S. Ulcijel and family and h UiiuhIi ttml jaudly spent Mou Kriielmrg visiting relatives. 1 Caiy Willis is visitiug her t'ouiiiy Commissioner Jouathau lenliach ia lVrry towushio. ymir Dmntor for a preseriptiou I" t" ill" M Iddleburg Drug Store your Wines aud Whiskies for M lieu, tf. it-gel of Verdilla. while in ratimlny Hticuding the mettiuk' N.i.iu-iM, drttpped tu to puy hi h'Hoii. Iaiiu VauZtMidt W viaitiug her fir, Mi. T. MyWilliauis at Uowu, T(w uub t verv sick HlimiH tewr, 'lil'fhhlrt whIhU pck-s Jw.oO, . I I ami 'io itt (l g0 ueli, I" - s from HM tw et. I., lt.SKU.liKl.K. V lei. mm Mermau and Ju.vh U. i dro. lo'KrHUervitle Suu--l 'Sti.cd wuU the formeta tuoth " ' h'.uo ",0 yv0 wf axta. Mui UmU-spuidft tusiuvM visit 'i .. fMi.s.lur ht, tVtvIiiH Lan tHiuiuj, He bivuxht Maiitaxet I' along w ItU hlu to this place. 'oni- auk now lodge with thanks Nlwy uMemled, by the Belle Mtuwllel'ur tUeUse of the Buri? that pper tu the iVsx Uds ing the merchants. lie is a genial fel low and well met and has many friends here who are always glad to see hint. E. S. Stroup, Stronptown, is hand ling a high grade of Fertilizers, manu factured by the Baltimore Pulverizing Company. Prices range from $1.1 to $32 a ton. Persons needing a reliable article shoulrt call on him. tf You can ft W'ines and Whinkie anywhere, RUT, when you want the best, tor Medical nse, get a prescription from your Doctor and go to the M id dleburg Drug Store for it. tf. J. H. Klingman the hustlinir mer chant and pontmaster and wi' of Uuffalo R.ia.ls, Union County, p:isl through here Monday on their way to I.ewistown. He in thinking of going into business there. Call on A. E. Sole in his new mav ing and hair cutting parlor for your head cleaned with a refreshing sinmi poo and a clean towel to each, patmu on the north side of Market square op posite Central Hotel. Satisfaction gnar- Harry H. LeiUel, of Mifflinburg, formerly of this place, has gone to I.ewistown to open a Jewelry store. He is the son-in-law of James A yen and wife of this place. The Post wishes hfra abundant success. FOR SALE. Store room ami ilwtliir.. New building, gool busi ness stand. liasiness carried on at present. For particulars, Address, "M." 2W, enre of Post, Middle burg, Pa. tf. Caleb Smit h of Iowa is spending his summer vacation with his aged father, John P. Smith, in this place. The Utter Ls the oldest man in Middleburg, having Lieeii born Dec. 14, lsU. There are very few, if any, older men in the county. Misses Sue C. Beaver and Gertrude Duukleberger spent several days lant week with James Beaver's camping party at Pennscreek. The party is composed of some of Milllinburg's jol liest poepie and the young ladies had an unusually pleasant time. J. E. Haldeman, A. Francis Gilbert and Misses Bertha and Mahle Witteu myer speuc July 3, aud 5 at Thomp sontown. Mr. Haldvuau invited his Iriends to eat salt at his parental home and they report having had a very pleasant time. Ou the night ot July 2i, Winey Custer aud John M. Steiuinger gave a mid-night graphophoue concert at various points about town. It was the clearest music we ever heard fioin a graphophoue. The music was very luucii appriA iatt J, t-veu if it came at an uu.c.Liuiiul.ie Uo.;'. Have you ever read any of Swedeu- iorg'fc Works '. If not, will you seud ii.o .:ur a.!drei!t' cuclfioiug u stamp or two audi will null vou one of his Ivolu FKKK. State whether you want H in English or iu German. Aijolimi Boeder, SO Cleveland street, tf. Orange, N. J. Mrs. Ketiry S. Stotk-r, nee Mary Gift, a;ul two sons and daughter of Akron, Ohio, are visiting her father, Aarou K. Gift and wife on Market St It is about twelve years since she aud her husband left this place aud sought a western homo. Mr. Stetler had been a book-keeper iu a large meat business and now, fortuue has smiled upon him aud he writes the word, proprietor, after his name lu this same meat buel uess. NVe congratulate Mr. Stetler upon his succesa. ; HnKnivv H. H. TAvr.a of Centre Conn ty who took great risk in leading capturing party and snb- duing four notorious hur!ar. i I Marriage Liua)-. Harvey Beaver, Krat.zervllle, Sarah (.'. Lepley, Kraterville. f George W. liishel, Mahte F. Row, Alvin A Kline, Rhetta V. Hughe, Clinton C. Yergr, Minerva Stroup, Ralph F. Gift, Lottie I. (iift, Selinsgrove, Selinsgrov. McC'lur-, ! M.:t :lure. I Middleburg, : Strouptown. ! Paxtonville, PaStonville. I r: " ! IK fffifK .: $4$&iV I tT ! -'-mm - ) l -fH ; :i.f..,.. Tiie r.-wl.-in f !. -' '. 111 -..! M !',''fltl''i .Vi'Tll. '.' i r-.,. ,-: ' I i.l.iat c O"..' '.''.. ' I ? . ('"11. v I'll.- - .1 i. IN-qrl,-!,-. ...... M.-.MV .rl, J VI !" i ' ' i ;' :!. it ., ,.,., I ., I .. ... ..,.1 till.'.'. -i 1 1 (.!. - ; l.- "' ;,i.'.,i.- ,.'.p :" 1 i i I...- -bur. ! .''ITU'''.' ' Hit' SllrV ..... S TI . V -:.-r ; -i ,s(TI .:.0 , : ' ' 'ii.'.i r ''.I-..- .t .r-r 1 , ; r. -1 : : i--r . ' i i .. .... :.- : .'. - in..,.t .'I ' , ..oml . i 1 . I - ,i v . ..i.'t 7 Minerva ! MARRIED. July 11, by O. M. Shindel, C Yerger of Middleburg and Stroup of Strouptown. July 6, hy Rev. Gen. W. GetiHler, Geo. W. Rishel anil Mahle F. Row of Selinsgrove. July 3, by Rev. W. A. Lepley, Har vey Beaver and Sarah C. Lepley, Ivith of Kratzervtlle. Thr Titrrr RoiuiKKs r..-f:ifs In" iKiiKit. As r.n:v -t khkvi.f rt:. ( . 1 ..l'.....u tt C I. , I . . i ,t DJa B trot-deal. Isaao Middleswarth and wife Go Ar thur D. Shirey, three lots In Me lure, 11 100. W. W. Longa-re and wife to Am nion S. Seehrtst, house and lot of 1 A. in Union twp., StrtiX). Dora Bolig and C. D. Bolisr o B. w Yxler J interest in two rnu-rs !ar..t r. Middlecreek twp. $1",T.."0. May C. Springer to (j. If. Ha..-, house and lot in Monroe tnwv.ehi,.. f 1410. Frwi E. Herman and wife to F Fessler HH.l acres in Outer towns!-.:; $3100. Susan Gearhart to Hannah P.ii.iri man, 80 square perches in htr twp.. $:t00. Geo. Kern and wife to Levi Gill, j A. in (.'enter twp., $.V). A. J. Wagner and wife to Susanna Gearhart 80 square perches in Center twp., $320. Polly Kuhus and Henry Kuhns to Hannah Bingamau, to acres in t enter twp., $10o0. Dated July 20, 1S15, Henry Clynier. et. al. to John Gearhart and Michael Gearhart, 120 acres and ltJO perches in Musser's Valley, Union county, now Center twp., Snyder Co., '.m. Wills Probated. The laat will and testament of Hop nai Sampsell, late of Center twp., dee'd., was probated and letters testa mentary were granted to James W. Sampsell, Chan. E. Sampsell and R. Foster Chamberlain as executors. Utters Granted. Letteis of administration iu the es tate of I'ulmer Stimeling were granted to Margaret J. Stimeling. irt: .'. r ! - . .. .. ti ..... . - V i , . , , f s... v .. iWix.-r M";i-s M.'Xl.u .t;.f. r ,'tt,..i.iii ,.ie -it.H'l? , n 1 . ,r,ifMr , jv'.it.t.ri it Mr. i '.rinii. ..vM i.er.sr '.':itui :.n amv-nii-nt. i . A. :i. .-- :i -nn Fr.m.'i'.-'i ii, t . i.iii;uiih-( ill Sati'UIi.w , An. .2. i .moo's , hun-h Sumlay bctiool wiil bold ikr an- nuai Mmiov . Motbav, Ane. -2V, State Ciiirrwtlon. P; O. S. . f A., fjuncnsrer. Pa. MoMiiAY, .mr. ul o ' imnuer' i'ii'lll.- .-it. W" . . iutlia I.-','.--, l'a. Wv t.i-.si. v , . -. ' i ..-,,1 ..., u-rntn- i .. i t ...ii , r i-. - i .'. . i '.Vr. Pi;. ; !!.! a:,'. aV . ;iM:.i;.. .:. .slT TlTAl A . -ft . l --U; '-ir .s.-... ; :et;i. ,V-.:r v-:-' t .... V ". ;T .V'- 'i - r . - - - ' . . i . . I. . 4 i -Art-;;: . . II r. -x. i i . .......... J!TX':-,- vv&fi sxdtt&g&fv , a,'--. p.-;: 1. 1 wis jAill.s liVAM. J..-i. Lewis, wbo wasslmt. Error Nuud. In our last issue we made the stak meut that Peter Uigel was the U'.'t to the oldeut Masou iu Snyder county. In this we Hud we were iu. error. To give the matter correctly we submit the following names with date of ad mLssicn: Hon. Jeremiah Crouse, July 13, 1S."1. Dr. B. F. Wageuseller, Dec. 22, 1S03. F. J. Schoch, OcL 14, 1S64. M. L. Wageuseller, Oct. 15, 18t. Peter Rigel (dee'd.), Aug. 5, late. .'-V I. .. .... Jfc, ... .. 1 .-T .': -, TT ? t -a .s. - '"..1 IV. - - w 1 s - i . 1 i- : M " ''. - f;; . -.... , ' . ' .'t.fi"'.- ' ' ... .''! ; vT Edgar W. Custer, 8unbury; DrJ vharlea Marks, Lewis town; Ml Xrftu m ShamUch NVilliauu Duuklclierg and wife, Sunbury and othcrsjwhote names we do not recall spent the Fourth in thin place. i-c Faust's Bak.n Kn Skven ,loLXAi4 Viijati Tau MjtKAYuu.Biw.. s!l.;; 1 J- Last -.- k : .- . - --..-,2ni a: !....."-:. MWS. .. ; :i't ' j e..l'.''i 5Im ana i;e, .'-itx ' t. . j Mii" .an . i m i . r.ri'i. : niter I KlecKtier ;it ' 1 ;' ., ivi- jturg; Pio.'. ".' ". ".a-.- nn i c i -ouiii 1 1:: .-f;ii. . ..'.ii'. l.n wife 1 K; ".:ih t '.ii'im ' I-:.ir illd liaa-nl-i . t J ill. a... - j v ivtsliy i I I i.iijii; , .. . ... 1,'tM-' L'l tiie wi-i.-r. ' 1 1 r-:i:. i ih.i'. Anion-i .-, 'i ' '.in.!., i i , .! I'eler : ! .. ' .... ( ;(. Mish i :.!.'! , ' i. , ; , ' ... wife ,.!., ;.u ... Mi?liih..m .-. The lull's '-..i.ji". k i ,x .I... i suppiy.l -iH.ti vu,n a i. ;--.m were live l,i. 'kci.s, - v eive iu'- airi audinta.t". ic u -r. -.:'..;... iMuts A few ' i .. . ;!. i . tt. i is the ihiu. .. ... imu cu Tilt .ii;iil mli . ..... livie tli.l luw4 i.J i ht . it . ... . jiilly 'iw-ii hi. dec ixxiti. ills;. iiti 'Uiiiit'.s ".iti ot wa viiy '..tvuoli.' j.t.m tun .In IUty I'loivf . alllp ''ruiay -VHintii;. . Mr. W. Ii. Uiiiitujii.i' ii ijea ir Spunks iHjiu iuui. oiC Uo iukt vtuA WiitU ruiaiives :u tiiut ')jwe.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers