OPRINCE& IN GENEVA. lEven the Prudes Can Hardly Resist Her Charm. tnprril Crow rrlea t.rtalaeef ax. and l.4ro Mm ma lsrrraiilr k Met Them. A rrd-pon.'.. m of Modern Society wvi; - n fallows ftvm ti n' ,'l""', ru" ii.tr li t or n pi in- -s of s-ai'.y : Court Proclamation. It'HtRKAM Ik Hub. HnraM M. MflHlnr " .l.l eerm.! I B'lon .lent Jails k Jadleial IMMrwl, I f lh comitiM ol Harder, anil ami lVlef r. Klel and . T. Ueut- tx-rlliiir Anauelal Jn.lrfe IB allit hirKiiT tier cxiunlv. hat lwne.1 Iheir eit. brln data lh ..h day " !". A. H., !. t ttlreett.l h r iti ko.din man uriihann' t'onrt, a .nrl ol IVtnmon Pleas, court ol trjrr ! Tt miliar n.1 liienil I'mirt nl Unr ttlon nl 1 iheleae, at Mi.'ttleiiurnk. 1-r Ik umy n MiT.lfr, in llieN Motility In iui!.!!". ,',.lin!i Itier. It.ic titritri stven lo ih furnn r, .lunleet ol thelVae ami nonstable In nml i-r In foniiiT 01 Miv.ler In nnet In thut I irvrer Pi..i nautulir ir roll". tifil, Inqnisl 1 noun, exaniliniuont ana other remeinltrine ill lhi'thi whii ti til itielr olfleat ana In ihir t lmli i iiin i h t"n niil itrte m! imnip i'Dit'iiiiiiK in bfhall ol lh I'oin n i.i.m-xlih ..t.-i .m person or person" nm r .HUre.Ui.i e Ih. ti rnl il.ere aileintin,; ! ' . .111.. ... I...,-. .1 tl.Mrn.rll .In.tlee. "I :tM x, , k I lufk a bhort trip iroin f,,,,,,,,! i i , r,, iii-.l ill UiTin.tno l..,.anne ,.. tixV.eVA. and speM 'V1 Vll': IV 'rilT-. ol,-eln Miilillotiiih Hi W t.f ', " . r, gntsat ir.c iikuu. .xi.i, i, . to no the iii'Vin pr.notsa of !aon. who i n. w l.rrn.; the pavsi.-i. '' the p,.pu!:ui. n of ll.o l n I" which he him lakon rfnp' Smiio if m mikt.t :''.! f"'. Vr. wl.i t cli. nrt' viiiiious'.x n(. :i i vt lit r. "1 tlioii'-t t it I sf.oi!ti hat j;oh1 o.enl i f o tVmij in omt luni; nl t of her. 'oi l I n. I .lh ':ivt 'f K"' In W. tr. 1 1 c 1 i'( Hi) nrv. hi. I n ;U'nc ir. ihr l-.ail lookU.jr Rl tinn tnhlo nli t ic or arti walibinc the st.-ii;vnM w ill U;t other. 1 a mat.'., hanii M rt'ti-t.f,; i:t ti wRri! ir.o. ain! Jcari! f j. xirtl: 'Tit n! How oo you ii ?' h was Miiitrc Aiivitn Laohonal. -proi,: i t .f tl.o ooiifoi ralion mifl fl.iiMT. t.'v.vmo of tic pr iH-t"-. who o.'ti.:ti: t pnj l.in !ni.y is'.x to l is f. r. n oar. -a;:y Im- ht- ). iht x hht a ."ii I'oiii to ta.k nlx iil tij."'thor. 1 was, olihpoo. to moot luTli. art. v;iv f..itic to ask hill, ht w he ooi.1.. I t ire ii. n. t'esire to see thf p-irioi whi-r. I 1 I'hrt'. a ruMl ne of MI K MMPSKI.U fhriff WATir-Wwl mum f kmcwr imI putallnn In ach tl (on In lui I namrMi In rnrMnl and arfvarti oltt lltbfd r.Uh)r bnainM duum of Mild fliutml... smlln(. Ntlatjr 11 trkly with iprnani ,l UiIiomI, nil pajrabl In vh A'h w ini l r dlrvel fria hrwl nflic. Ilunw and cmrr lurnl'kfd when nwary. Kc(vinm. In rltw il(-itilrTrd nTla, lolonlal la, 4 lrarbtn M.. t lil.ica. I -ll Charter Notice. Nolle I hrrrliT irn tliat li'-allnl will h matt In th Uoveriiof otlliei iiininnnwmltli at lni yl'aiilix. on MtimUy, Jim (itli-rnl , on IhntiMtid niii iHintlrrtl ml llirro, umlei lh ad olttmwal Awmhly. t n'Ulnl "An Art lo nrwvlil for III IncoriHinHlim l rthinlalliin ol oeH ln ermlion . apiirov.! Ill null tl ol April lT4. and III mlpl. iiiriil. Ilwirto. lot Hi ehartcr ol an Inirmled emnirllon lo I ntllil thf Ml. illtl.iirg Slr 'imiM. Tli rhtra- lt-r nml oi- of written I nilly watrrlolhe Htirotiitli of Mnlillvlntric. iiydt l'o., P ,anl I veron. i nitnirln! and ,tir liomlliitia rrtttin llirr- In and ,liinl lhrr"o n. mav tle'r, Hie Mint, and fur Itn' ii' in hum poe mil fiijoy all III tiK"' ! fit and privlleir nl Hi aaltl Aol ol Aemhly tkmt lite Hillllmllta tltert'ltl. H. I.. l.Ai;K, nolle tnr Kl If TESTET3 TE3 2ZD3. k fhntrih'nov. rim' lnt' f. iv, ii. on; 'Ah. M:,;irr ih-en'orii.c 1 in rvl. 1 hrvt Trt rich; el eh: lis. lMinc'e art! . n it h Ht'ht vtep the ilirtvtion. l aihera't.' h cried, v 'Y. furor. "luMii renr'.x kept wait'iic. bet l. re! ki lt iort e w hat Tru:. it !eit thnt's Ihty xrou'o. n;x at hotre" Art4. he V iii'hei! like a pri. Miiilre il,aehera; be wet', repeatetllx ant1, va. profuse ir. h : t wlnnf t;ers xvl.ieh nit -eo rn rerv xreV, f ca ve time lo look wr.n-.f,--ah!' at th prim. -en. She !,. 1. mie arn. lo.iket': jiift a roneh at rrisi a '. sht hnr. vol 1ni unsel two f .'iiris. t. ft w ratiotis rr.i'. become th ' Si - T-V '-r .11 RV LIST. 1 it ct i.ian.l ,'imir, drawn for lh iVtirt of liver ami Vernilnt t and lienrrnl Jail ,lHx-ty ami fonil of xjtiart r s5. on of the Wac of n. iter iVtitity li. lil a .tune Tertn.eommncmir Momlav. Ji.n 1, I KIIT .11 liONS. Atirand ieoTf leather Adam.. l'ewerpox A M men hanl H,-a-r Vem Aaih tarmr Frnnkiin. Vrnnlt h nuan.kn I Iwi W aliiiilton. 1ov'r .lot n 1' ,'leetrieinn Tt-rr. Knker .1 P farmer Heaver Vienl. Iioward Hrn-erttox la' mer Mtdilleemek. B.'tit.-er H farmer IVrry. haehman llt-mv .Iwfm.krt Mdillehnrir. Heaver -lerr, farmer Von'o. 'orisel im .te.i MaeWpmtlh .lai kon. N ill-man lvtd laborer IV-r. ltehl teo farmer Franklin. Pree-e Thail farmer IVnn. Kllt y Henry farmer IVnn. Kollt K V. ImViiw I nlon. ' Vl.her Attach lalorer Penn. tiarmin h s. earenter IVrry. I.mvl.ill A H farmer IVrry VVe.. ;o it, ld e!erk Heaver We. llaeltenlinrc W aite farmer t'etitre. Ila-iman lit. want farmer tVn re. Hinnes i earoenrer svltnfro-e. Ha nes laviil lalvirer PrniiWIln llnmmel Vratiklin fntm't MiOilleTeek. M.nt'er V .X ffirmer .la.'W'vin. letthi T K Hl 'rer ,'hapmnn. I eilrel loran! farmer header. ltddlewa-ih T.1 farmer Heax-er. Mover t eo K farm-r VV a.hlnclon. V.iyer H H Kihlnr A".litnicon. I'onlm. Harvtx lahorei Vtil.lleereek. t'orlrline I earpenler t'liapman. KelvTe! .lolin V farmer Siprinii" Vnlarxl .lew farmer Jael-wn. VteierteiiNaet; .1 fa-mer Pe' ry Wfd. Kohaeli K I' Rent Melinsnw shr'ler Harriiii farner Sprint. Sfvhrt.t Henrv H farn'er I nlon. Snrder llenr W farmer Perry Wert. Mmnh x nir.1 'i. fa'mer i'bapman. Siguier N h earnenler IVnn. h -rrs I V nierx-hael t enlre iwoMTim fxrmer V'ddleereelt. Mailer V farmer Vidilleepeek. !X-eiirS II lnt rer FranSlin I ipr', F"artk laHnrer ?e 'inter ore Walter Alhe't laNirer Centre. iaP .trrR. Kienlianr. .1 F. teaeher, M'ahint.-ton. Fl.her. Frank lalmrer Monro", toy leo w farmer w aehtnfilon. larfr,ar. i' piarerer Perry ravrnl; F 1 farmer Perry en Hmrterman Henry arioemalter Tenn. Ilnmmej .lohn farmer Mnnroe Hummel .'naepli lahorer Jaekson. HermHii Nei Wii. farmer M.inroe. Inream iharl. farmer Adam. kninfv .lohti flreman Penn Klin.-'erSiam'l la So rer Heeer Veat. Kaaftman ely tinekawr Monroe. laur, I: H f it mer Sprint laurlen.iacer H eoaet.matrer SellnatTTpee ' Vower .Irmi-li lalmrer Frankllit. Reiehtey I'harle. farmer Monroe. Komi.' l':lymer leaeher Spring. Hrvm- Klmer ' laNorer Penn. ' A II Smith laharer MlddleMrc. j Snenkle laaac ItnefeMer Vmon. 1 a r Ammon farmer t Vntrtv j w liitmcr A Itraham ffent JteliiiajrroT. , Yaariek Joiiaa rnt Jaetaon. W ANTFH -SKVKK.M. 1MM RTHHU S PK.IJ. aa.ln at-h a to Iravi l tor hmiw e.'alil.'it tsl eiex-en xear and a till a lars eepllal, In npon ntervhanla anil airenl. 'tir aiiteful and prontahl line. Iermanenl enaxire'renl Hrrk Iv ea.h tlary of f h and all tmielln expense. a hotel hill advamt In ali 'ai h m eek F.xperienee no! e.eiilial. Venlnvn relerrnee and enelet aelt a'drve tn,eloie. 1111: lTINAl., 3 .14 .IVarlMwnM. Chlca. 8-oiM 'A. l. Potticgci, Veterinary sUrceoN. lLINaOVl, f A. K pfeaatonal bnatneaaetitmaieil to ry cant rr, riuiiint ion ttmv be low Wll receive f nrr.pi arn earerni aiteniton. Row la Ik rrr Tina to lavcatU I Tklr Vllalllr Ur tMlaallna; lwr. It In now time to procure nd prr pre aeed fur thin aprlng't aowirg. K put off until late, because f the tlclaya that ariae during- the ruah of liiinir ahiptnonla and aprlii(T work, the accd limy not be on hand at the proper time, the aeetliitf, will lie Into itml smaller ylelda will lie the reatilt. Thin la the proper time to Investi gate the litnlity nl permlnntlnft' power of aeetls. Thin should nhvnys he done unlera there in no question alitiut the mutter, and there usually Is; and the cost of A test i but n trifle. riiri-hased aeetl shottltl always be tested. Seed may have been pul away In storatre, in proper condition but it may have oh'orbed moist ur from the air. the ventilation may have been poor ntnl the seed may time been injured by molding or heat ig or froeiDir. If siuilLst'eil la used ami the usual amount jRnivn. the xtantl la pour atitl IrrMjilar, "ami a low yield la the resiilrvN... The weather during the fall of 1002 was hanl on the vitality of seeds, and even where the best of care hax been taken, the per cent, of Where the pV4 I t Correct Silverware Corrc-t iucharnotcr, rl.-ii-r. and vrkmaiiship is aa nevesv,- as d.iintv chirm or fine lii'.ci ii you would have cvciythinv; -n j .-svi tatc and hnrtnony, Kimvx, forks, spoons r.ncl fa tic v p-.-.-i t-r talile use will iv cnr-iv: i! m. levteil from poods t.-,m;v- : Ro.cc rs ii'i's.' I seed hna been ncjfleetetl the T cent. of coriniiiafion may fall behiw flfl. Mnt-h potr seetl will be sent out thin season and it ia verv necessary that jail seed be teted before planting. A simple apparatus for testing .seeds can be made from two ordinary plates and a piece of flannel cloth. Fold the cloth and lay it in one pi ale, placing the seeds between fold of the cloth, which should be moist, but not dripping-. Cover the whole with another plate Inverted and stand in a I warm place. If the test Is made dnr- lup cold weather, care must be taken to stard the plates where the tem perature will not fall much below Ml i r-v vi. u . --.I ...111 iieijrrrw r rt li I en itvti rx iiikiii nn.i n, . . i. - be about S or TO decrees Anting the l". w 2i , i , .. an one stoekholtler was allowetl two the seed, that have sprouted should be removed everv .lav and the U "J 'T number recorded. When the test In to furnish two men whe ak- iMe.l in nn,bcr of seeds t nine to work It up t sprouted eon be compared with the AN IDEA FROM OHIO.. tnluhborn There Uul lNlaver nad tailed to-tiaerallve Cora alnlk klredder. There are perhaps ninny farmer alio realize the value mid conven ience of shredded fodder but do not feel that the results justify Ihe ex immisi! of personally owning shred ler. Two years atro we hired a husk ir and shredder, the first one ever In lur community, at $10 per day. Hut with cold weather, short days, motr ihff the machine, etc., we found It a rery expensive met hud. lleshlea, the jwner waa some distance from home met did not like to stop work when Ihe fodder wan not In the best coii lition for storing. Last year right Clos To Bordei r Life and De Neuralgia of J rr t. . x it BurxjatorW Dr. Miles' Ucilrl Cured Mer Neurnlcln uf ll,e I,-,,. enin. ll II nn mule dine nerve, just iieui.ln, ,1? of the lace, uully, .! '"'f'M iterx irunn ot the thn l, tf V 1 ' WlllKj !........ -: "m- llumnth mid livrr. Si.. " sction ami enrich the 1 1 t M Heart Cure, tone up ,..,,: "J stive Nervine and uu ,n .. "1 "Nenrotit enhanttiim, r t ,. nilectetl m wile'i henlit, iM.?1 ti.nd"wn,neur.lKi,,, v,t tH a iwilff lime Wn V', drr line of life anil df 'Ou l.aa I I. . ' T tl t'f in 'rim I'iVRIiK kl. , could f.Aet. hut l .' , i 1 " ""'"i! iihi piuiij i n.nuiirxiiiiill t r i , . New I If ml Cure. an. I n. V. tion of the effect! ,.( n,'i the heart leeiiirtl u l..ui, .i .. .Ta elve Ilia rrmetliea ...i .. ' inai me Btuntax'n nnd ii , ... i...uT intraJ ' 1 'tr1 "rf the itomnvh an. I In,., oi ine nenri wenkne... su, d..f..n. it iicnuii, on,c. iier n,iMb the slept well at niKl,t mi l her heart rapidly tlixni i., i,m fj1 Miles' Ueatt Cure in i, i,w I able lo be tin ami .... . duties, and In I. w ti.i,i! Me r " Kd nervous ami heatt I I..... II C... ... i lann u. cilliur 1, I -.1 Mil ., , J All. I -I.. II ... v i ;v, ;: v:"."" ."i. coorKHATivK co UN BiinEiuircn. tif us. neiirhbors, bonuht n hilskir snd shredder. Inoludlnjr a knife (rrlnd- ' c o., i.ikbinaj new 'paprrJ A Chicago 'Bninnfr tue riiii'ieini J Maeh. sterjf 1847 ' up I riff imit number put In the test and the per- centspe of p-rrmination determlnett Cereals a ' for about full capacity; two In the field to lonil, ! three to haul corn from field, one to haul husked com and three around nd alfalfa should be tested i n,',n' ' h""' " niZ "nJ ten dava. while Rrasa seeds K ' " " P it,(a SK. a..ka. CIIIDICSTCRS ENGLISH reed 14 to 30 davs. Farmers' Voice. SAFE LANTERN HOOK. i. Widows' Appraisements. Appraisement of Hose L HriU. arsdow also took turns In feedlnR-, as tlint ! was perhaps the hardest work In connection with it. ! Kach shareholder was charircd tt Redneea nanver frem Fire li three cents per shock, 141 hills, for nam r MnMea Almoat to what he had husked, nnd was allowetl Mlilmim. ten cents per hour for helping the ! others, no charge beinir made for ! ndlMXFDIlVA I Dll I C I 11 is rot f to ng rn n I or wanrons, as they would Have I Clili I liU I AL I ILL5 common nail, as many do. Have, boon j.Ue anyway. We found this some hooks made and put tnem up better than huskm(r at bo inucii per I I bushel, as U was less bother. If ore's corn was good and large, it cost him less proportionately than Ms neighbor, but as It took longer to hnsk It )e had to. -pay. for more labor, and vice versa, to that at the aump sum tornaM ihw.mi 0rt ill the Mpf' rhriTir.Inir and Erratic of . Rcya. Women.) til. r.f the wrric Sne were a jacket c; sejiikkii. rearti;nr ti her knees and l;ce. 'wit: mba t"irix bii.. anc w Lcr vfi tie,b.:ft-'. lieu; of litir itia 'wi-u. fsr "iat centre: tr.E- me lt roinr cm. du:'.r- !-;.! i t i.i. r- ii' Miitre Li.cr.ti.;-.. t. tt-- i.r.ie to naicr. some rtrf; tivir-r cusj. TiieL me iooku a". n '-. :riti.c c' your, iuoij- f-"V.T"' 'i f T-f -i,. sf-ppe.: tin. tier. V. ia::;. cf l;'.!'Vi'' -si,- f,:r'-icLtL ou: t nit t no: Terr ttL... ia.z. TfcCi. w;;coct wtiunr ' or tfw : . hti? wir. 01. ViU. 6 beaeecii 1;.; .'.Oi. ''. mcuic ar muci iikt lo iet litre wflft woui-be kmc xo r ai;'. ttii' iii- i iiuc .tt ut mopa 61. Ii)H v.uce 1 Hit tpv-L. ' "'. iirriit - uu;i rec r:u, UibtppniEi ;lLti'.. icr I nee tteri. ot-iifctew 1 .. kilTJ ri'.'l? I ? lit? lili'. 1.00UI Wlti n: . lc. i was tlrtu'J tut; souie ttunur &v cuiuerciu lneucii Criievu oiai tUapprpt, kac: i oarec w. pekf iry eii b'. I uttuiuerec. k Jew itu cf tlui at'-aie li tLe lot il.-uitrjt.iui ycuir X Ot ! .u-a.. c.etirit tit: l wm rtaoy : p- iif. Ti- rftaueJ v It riixer je luvni ret erkt uut tl k LUh-L touii evr t '.liy cf niuti. e.Bcniic im tiie vn if k jirji-Lt ii Vint uii f Btmirtlna imm A BBwaa.i fgatU T nh iflf 1 .T " 7TOr WI uiffiiaria. eseatpuoD lw. . AppratwtDf it of Arn Hnthier. widow of fOTfrr Hnttisrr. UUc of t hnmr nrft.. der'd., fleriwd to he token Under Ut tj exemption 4 AppTmtMmfnt of Svrmh Ssv-vnrwt. Wtdv ; of Imnif immmmu, . lU of Jarknor Iw drceMtu: rlrctoU V hetoltfti under ttir I'lHei- Hi fill on l . Apfiraieement of rarhf1 Matter, wirinw o! AQnt ). VrVifcitr. imtr o fnnkl.T. twi.. dw'ti.. elected tu tx toKei. under tin SJU' exemption iw f ApprainrmeT:! of Mr E Troop widow of James r J rui., late of ttttv wp.. uer a. eioct ed W toe toteL uuuer tnt $ exempt ioii imm. Appmipement of Hlixattfti. IIotct willow of henry lwver. law- of Jkt coti Ifiwnibii., dt- rewwftL.. rieteu If ut- laiitii. uuuei tiit JUL el- : emptioii ia . Mrothonotan Account Firm aut! flba acrotint of JeC TakUttermaL., commiiitrr uf bamue. II lint. Jr.. a tuxiatiu H. SHINDEi. tXtt. liiildienart. W.., kia? - lWU. Notiet irrrrrr mTrt ttia: tut loliowuif itaitMrfi iFTtiii- uav Liec ttici JamJumtraitoT uuariUat. am ixet:uurt acoountf 11 tut Juep ter tfli? of bryutrr (etiuuT? auc( Uie aaxxn uaviuy itvii oertUteo u uuuer ti law- ruie of 4iun wi!. in ureat ntet' lu i-ouiirmati. ii and a.ioiriMivr a: ttit tnm iitium 1 Aiubiouuriri.. Aiuuua; . J uut .r., iMi.. tu : L Fin', aud liua avutiuut of '-twrt utu. , aumtiiimraktiT o tut- eattiv bauara A.. F "Ii i iMr Of V tkMUiUWU fwy . Ottf d. 1. Fi?Vi auo iiut-j autmuut cf mauaa Tuuue. txttuutrri of Arat. I uuufi, law of WaM jpcavvr t Firm auo liut an.-outit of uut A-- Kuatx. ' hurvjvmr JLxtcuMr of tiuuaruit bufumi. jac I HI &iabOOHrsFU. OsVi' t. 4 Fitw aud liua auuuuut o afut Oluwt. . TUettl,nent things mm oretU jwtjll J TeVeied np, . k hitMV inan wilt lit I I B a n 1 Tjt! traction engine and necessary outfit, at 54 cents per hour actual running time. As most of us had consider able stock to feed we began at eight I a. m. and quit at fonr p. m., so that . . ,1 1 1 J...V V xx e xx ere nov ruauru iu ucaiii. the fodder or fields were not in good condition we quit until they were. One of the number kept account of tn shrteV n nit time xre were nt. work. K etfhlbs men rouca iron, marpeneu ( ,n m hourg we husked 1.700 shocks, rr . a iri tixri honi atnrtwn in inp ... IDEAL LANTERN HOOK. is the barn and stable to hang your lantern on. then it will not get knocked off. Tbey will not nnhook bT beinc ht with anythitg. Three- on one end Dd bent as ahown in the whJch roade f ,ea8t illuktration, ar.swers tie "iff ti iterated. ' It laUt k ih, J tiiisly, eveu soleun.ly. "!y It nvers, "has giinr wadJ They have tnken ilit other fetich." lliirdly ac J we tli Ink ; but Vti'it; u t of truth In the iivormai the fetich worshiper is 1 men whose boast i that read a book, and therrinJ who make n feiieli nui cullarlty. lloweier, itai; flit if a large share of lit the day is of real beneStui cr. Much of what pun,! ing Is not reading vacuous glancing alorp tkf see peoplo take up i example, a magazine .' ing of interest nnd rn see them skim, kkin, atop at the title of ia a pause at a picture, n a Blowing up at a tins is put dow TthW a-lrltnr s bulky pamphlet cut quickly. Hooks go is af same way. Heru b Uij mers' library, with hi) ing to keep up with s two, three, five, a dual week, and calling the raj printers cultivation oft Heading like that is ices producer of mental Wf the end. There arc it a ftftf wn rtTrrjfTlf. 3,500 bushels , purpose. 1 .v...,! oorn. r,ich of the eron hnrl free public library xi 3. S. ElackwtU, in Farm and Home. ' fcwn ongke(1 bv hand before rrettinrr latinir libraries in thai Cauwsr a Jntn m (Inn TkM V'r'l rut nave Emry fur Tan. tihiv aimult. tntn ..m. 2' nrna, I.li.i.r V'n. late C'uliot Amanda. Taareto- itmLOireHtt lit- i: anewlie. itenauaTBtmttr'itlUlilrVTtt BIi. ll't Denenu.li iriTea ar xronaTui. itenabif yo u nurrlmat- lnKjfcfcanererlK:iciiH.1iittir&iiO ti.ttsM-ai luatnuiMmu at mmnti rut jir sea. It i jcu-m re ansM ratoa atmasy linen It arnWK;Ue.t1 ttwoi cnarr. u tirm aouaitrainT auoxajua- btaaaab Drir tn eenitia. li malnikii Glut' room, tt tiiary e'uer for liaou.ber. is aodlU'in. every inen.iNtrntnereet titec fliiai siarasu rju wc " IVr? at ntfe'axiui.lieatluaix. aoiaat If liatf.lrje!aaniripieeafiiirii-eiaaivmi anctx smimniaj Cluic 'uL bu tact tuuuui viuioLt exi-a oiiarse: 7. tueec la one arte an TCC rjJt ee? all or Ttr.-.Ka, iTio iTi i ca a.;- B'JBTKOTHlliS. n ttuj oa'.T ttiaaitaii ikrf far W Ow iKiTar tnr srtura yem s-n au ai.o fm ar anta- tn a. r tin witala t-ra aatihi 1? yoc want Hive an aaic aei teaviiar at . irycaj outit car oiK S.uu, iiS XV wsiia lor tiirae munui mrauierarini. aui eaa arta-c ac ulbi offer M. 1 4ib m your awat IHrM n. 'aitte mjarr SUuaa aar. ruli unebnaiai arUI ba ianu rra of cuaraa. bat If yta. ar ww Ton anu la us.. ffe-aAflnaa. TacSLota. nirrw aMiBtte laaacia fler ariii aans eaavi. Wm at iiaan 0 ninnmr kecw ae auncasat t.jav ft- faiij f 'in miiimnu ar lmii. far Cata SrrtAt UTTEAKT kTTICCI.TTI . lSOIXiiii n. T.CiQy. Beri ia later Fllskt. Vhtn tte bees take a witter flight, lion ttere tnonia d a anaiiow oas,n wna 'not accomplished much, as the floating sucks or other arrange- , .ther has been so unfavorable. men:, o that the bees can alight . yr, fcunA no difficultv in keeninir tha the machine, This plan gave very good satisfac- This year, however, we have !! Patents: aoauuiinmaur uj tut- Mitut u junta Ktuumx, f iikM o' Kuuif tvw , uttr U t f nn auti liua auuouui of 4im.tkj JLUne, AettUtsUt AO! A4tW 1. 1 tsjUMUTT . ilttM. Ut asatl iMflkr I JBr'- '"'lr 5 tl ACVXUL. U.m,u xi! ix xJ Hrpu.a JL.MU, i wl Xe i.li Hit nit-. ..i-i.t i sot fea-ie- 1m -v- l I Iffuiw m iw mat w .tiar pyJWHfc. Mar vu w iMaMor uc u ! a t. t"wi uuo f.iih. ntxaiuirl uf Biwcnml. dM I Ml.O la.luu.1. ii'.iaiir. t ,wmur, vt fit .urtwii- t l euxtj ifltir. jmm. xif ailitiMau ua l ., Ovx' Q. w r'ltai auti liia.' acxaiuu' xf Kvury wneni, naniuukn,uf uf buaaii bwnrtu. uua uf rxMuaJui kei4 Uav c. j 1L. irrn auo luos. aAaivuctt uf H. t iuf-i V avr. ltaviuxM irf ltjuae' lvcr faxnajamrf nirfi i J:el,l. Ul.f lb..., Ctr ib si'i.'r la.t uuLib.n.r. iyrixCt eiti iteti.. n,; n metii-vliot tir vf .U.IUUit (.iMOt'.-lil'Ii " iB .i.f r n. J i'!'u,c '., n, i J . tei I .ulii.., t-f bt I.in i a li-.iw w.uUif It ,'tM'onit nscoutiiet it. Iier tn...iie J'jUv' 1I.- ciilifi:l,iiii -umi:u. beiitrttiin, Quarantotd t'nder $20,000 BOND the bees can there and get the water they "ill . fodder, if uracticallr drv when Bbred- 'fceed. and if the water is silted at the ' ded The blower is much better than rate cf about one teaspoocful of salt the 0id ,trle carrier, as that requires to a palloa "f w:err iher wiU like ; t inthe mow, which causes the it a'J the better. This may save ; f,jjer io heat where tramped over, tbta from takir g too loig a flht, ; We tri?(1 ttacking the fodder and it aid tins from the Ws that follows Tery .,1 exce,,t where the when tbey g'- out. if they fly far for : ,iovrT deprsited on the stack. Hut witer. Tie wt-er should be placed j jt wag qrgjt, m jo0 to .Uck iti ,nd near etocph to the hive to that they i Gf the lightest and liest parts will have to fiiCrulty jn EnrJ;ng it. 0f the f'jdder were blown entirely off the stack. It was also quite a losk to haul the shredded foddei to the barn, as it is difficult to handle by ordinary mean. A neighbor had some bald, but did not find it profit able filing it iu competition with Lay at 110. He said the bales were nearly all moldy when opened for feeding. 81 redded fodder is all right if one has mow room to store it, and plenty ut bUx-k to conamoe it, other it we doubt its value when com pared with its coat. Ohio Jitter, in Kursi New Yorker. with the same excited af the victim of alciihuur.i his morning am! cxi drams nnd the Labi: tm the same thing i: w pour novel afttr tort, nasses for their braia of Ihe nroceas tne vA whatever mind tbev 4; is one phase of and a very pulpabK V ly it is not the ociy & and if ore Is csrried to it, it win soon sb'w the way to the others. Mid land Fanner. I'uii. Oirwt. j tit fuiif. t-ui.t of '2 us Kjuvy li l.ei pint., xi jjtit.cu uti CiW" li-' eu'.iui'iil'i j.1 u M j-uruti .tl t".!. Mil.'. ' ;.t ;if Iii;,;m. aa it. 4,t.-x'irt .ii" U'.IUit'-UII i &.hvrwr u Iwui tut tux limr Mull i Mat vf I , t.ilMtutftl' !, UlllL J4UX ut Ovumi Wwutuu, i :ffie Aiubit.e IX- J'j Ijlt't'. f i-'. V.i- o'f f'nieariit. rt-iaruurje, l-iit A' tHlljt;tl,x I? 3 .. it l ji''i-n'i.- :ux-.i;.e( tn'.j. aiiei. .milii tui'. uioinup' i't Ok ,,x iu. i , iitrr 4ti- ei t-anC CttugL- ,1. r,.i mi e Wieu juiv x;uvxKi , I X. t int-tiutl tiua. asMuutil vf I'. Jluue. i I e.iutu ul tit, tat v? JLarcul cmu1c. j,'; uf i 7 rl... L- i.' ! ! in ftr-1 auti luia asvuuul at fc. W. tlxutt . J. l:. oetc. aittutliiKltaHfet uf tux anuax- V Ute ' tul'.. uxM. uf cluuxwx , Cue tl. , a? It iiai aud liiail uxxiutiut uf ttwiac Xue attuiliiMlltitMX - a uf tur vawtU uf ','uxteiitL' a liiux . akx ul JtMUMiU a . Cut; d a a THE KCrSltrvE LAW ANU FA TENT CO., 107 fcctz EatiU. lot. FhUjrfdpfais, wjuivii i tU vnJy ixxtcUfj faUsit AvAcy iu U w vrid, oflxrr to ;jukk Ouar att) aJcJu vf fJU r'aUxtt Of fiMr KvtAtrds uvt luweiy fyjsir a, oyiuivij lvf vltuiKtto fxu4- r of Uue Jti.'Ai. wLo will aeuxi ti eteUili, lu-XiuJ OJ xiwjj'ip tiwu vf lUtiir MiveuLiou. '1'Ui-y r-iilWgi axrtitiW DlaTereaee la Cwra MeaiL J!ot people in this world talis k eorn Bieal is ;ut corn mesi. There are a zuacy grades of this product as there are cf aiaot axy ctber product of a like nature. Ine beat &el is made from oviid corn grvid flowjy on ti'ju burrs. It thould not tie ground too finely, and sbould be d within i two or three wk.s irom fne urn cf friuding. TL rbpi!iy sround, kiln trvA froAttKi i eery uiuvb cf the fcnu ciaractt-rittic a aawejutt and about as palhtble. Wno w ft to fcnowlLj; mi at is the bt y to pro- I Vii tliis product for hoiuaii food ! ta-re will b Uiore pecple ucicg corn bid tutC wni fntu-rs rariut-r. i-i I irrf. and uaetttk. ax.ul.iit uf Xmi)J ( auli l.,l. v . . , . ..f ... .l .l. . .f t ...... . .......... i it, r.t. .,i I '. . i .. . j .... li.. ritti nut) HUB. Mwutii v r w . 11 r, : . J mi tur.ukit u! (in eaatk uf JUim 'tattle, 'utu: uf . a ftwt UiUlUtljO Uf xli iuVCliUir ill J ... v.. , , -.,.... . . e, . t - ' ' ' ' ' -wiuw. i( Vi.a i.u(it.ua;a.x.uiiluf Uu. i Itrd txi . aar, KaM.utui uf tux xwtlc uf biatuauf r.clt giuuij: ttur. iru ' .e i( ft. i':jiii.- iii. ;li. li vi licit xiteltr la'iiii jlilit. myt ul riKtiia lap , lived. IMiMiliU .,111(1 w 'IkJ 'uaiU irvitb tU Uoud- 7 1-nat attd bii auul uf Cua;a A' I tat ciaiuiri aocurtid ou uy woek- . Ol.vae 'f. i'.uurfu', lCAvxultrr f IU aautta uf J iy LHiyUrttUln. Wfilt W-doY fa. i.i..t..' 1.. id ..4 '.il1. .i.b tdx j W a iUt.aa tttar V taa.ok, t ielj.x WltiU WiiViMCIvCidlii (ti. ? Mia CUrVtrd l aCVCitluB a iJ-;, twtw (ttiff Jjss Um.iuuu iiuiutu!. Wu? uf iAMd'Mjitck imp., cue u IK J-km aud Cu; uuiiul uf C. A. .itt U Mjiliit Kouali KxixuUm uf ctU uf 'tatfla ' w KbcL. utle uf idi)Uc(xk ta p . dae'd. I f J. B. rviLUK. MuwiSit. 1 xm!cv'..iIi, l a. . 5.$. WiUJAMSON, HELPFUL FARM NOTES. lrriatUa la It JsrUu4. 'i'Jue iJ a tiittt Witja'ion ia rvti tabic OliJy In tu uria t J obboieiA-, tel production wf cgi'4flit uul miII lruiu i iubxie api'uniy. fvity exirs deivUd to tLe isiAi-gcf trtrdu tu-ops ill jK.Loie iaUti.d iu itj'V, wLu-e irriu tiou Mub pnivtitd, tuiounud iu mlur, booordii.g to Uu- Ul Cuiud fetaUa CtlibUS, to tMi,bl6, or bii Uixlat ot our 4M0 tun bcre, wUrui tlur Aierae gurdeo crop vf 'luf aUit f roiaii in iLt ubual wuy xur on'.y nbout floo an acir. biui jutd 'keld. iiurut Cirn uuikej excellent char coal fur tha he us. -Char X corn un the ohs ia an icn nuual sat imi oaU or la a kvt Oien. The brat lur i hod of uiukiug the farm profituble is to umke it productive. Mu ii tire adds to the productiveness Midland 1 " oou " applied, but n me auwaiaucr ia not uaxu up lu one at itiMiii. Jiurii.g the winter is a good lime to clt.aii uo the old ftiue rows ujid cor. iKritpidiy be- ! uiti that Lav ben allowed to grow Lire Hit un in weeds. The time to shape the heads of trees is while they are young. Then the tcps tan be aasily trained in almost any ahapa deaircd. Iu proft table furmijig the furmprod ucUt mufct be put In the form Iu which they will (Mmuiand tha most inoaey and yet learn the mm iu tL most productive, eondilioa. A'rfaidcnt Itoo.emlt, ssysi "While J am a son of Jlervurd, I believe that the taU land grant institutions are do ing a greater work ant are closer to the heart of the people than many pi the older A n4 better equipped eoj-Wgea." Koine nersoiiii artiifR strict veracity nie: storaT 19 rtoherman a . I ir.rH, VaraeMr. pU lers as a rule art ivzm has long been km plative maii'b reereatt commonly suppoktb, aort of war. to breed honesty, civility nud q' associated with li.'"11 lou.but aMurlettir' dealer the other day meut to a cold fact 1 be considered a lu" uftleirlit guui aMet aj houebty. A man ei m..- a. i.i l i. fur lur iauiu XU-.H.I- to have p"UI, an'l though he did not In had no recoitl tl tin moved the Utv ntvtr uiAke aij ijitpnai thut. fur 1 haw: lu" very hoi.ckt sr s and tackle r)uti without kltiitiK 1 ..A I la.uu -iul.il IfelS dilliculty. Ju i-'J jeafsj than a LalU" iniira fibhiiig tackle, aud M implicitly. Jt U bJ oilier spoitauien. j hunters. I limeliOST . poiiots or guu,aixj wary atout ellu"1?! ( am a flbherumo aif" a gunner, and "' is not due to prejs ault ol lung esperiat as4ssss((44(a.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers