. ! ! i llotc Wcabs "have a Job lot of note Js on hand. They must go l The price will do It. Lies and prices for the ask- We furnisn mem pnnteu ;ess than you can buy them 3ut printing. ftano1"1'''' fdlt,r "od proprletr. A Family Journal, Devoted ta Kcvi, Science, Art, Political Economy and Correal Llteratart. Ratee: 0o Dallar Ptr Aaaani, la Aaanc NUMB Eli 20. MIDDLEBURGLT, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., MAY 21, 1903. Wilis 2112. t tie and the Bustle of the nty Scat, Told In Brief raragrapns. !t More or Lesa Prominent. Ltim Population and Evaat sf In L. that Sallaly Carlaslty a4 f VLI.it In News. County Court la In session Bowes moved to bis new bouae hill. q.A. Heboch went to Lewls- looday. V, Boyer of Hartleton waa In thla Jsturday. L Keru waa a passenger East on y niorning. JorLunibardof the "Tribune", town Saturday. . Bllger of New Berlin waa at LtySeat Thursday. VaX yur cemetery Iota are clean- Wore Memorial Day. Bertha Wlttenmyer la visiting luldey at Camden, N. J. LneyJaa.G. Crouae waa a pas- Wat Monday morning. Hlnuie Kuhn a pent Sunday Mends at Shamokln Dam. Kern is expecting two more 111 of Cleveland flag atone. Gmian of Mt. Pleasant Mills the County Seat Tuesday. Vi Runkle and wife of Center W visiting John W. Ruukle's. John Gantt of Mifflinburg la I her sister Mrs. John W. Ban Wnes MiddleswarthofTrox- Mr. F. P. Custer and son of Kant., paid a vjslt to her mother of thin place Inst week. Now that the watr works question Is settled, the town needs a good sew erage system. The sanitary conditions demand It. Dr. A. M. Hmlth of Reaver Hprinirs wa In towu Katurday. It Is rumored that the Doctor will be a Caudidbte for State Senator. Amon L. Kpangler of New Italilmore came home to atay awhile. He was storekeeper and guager and has been laid off for a while. We regret to learn that D. K. HaaV property la lu the band of the Sheriff. We trust bis financial trouble can be satisfactorily adjusted. Now, get together boys and organize a Fire Company. A company wel' trained Is worth almost as much In fighting tire an water works. Daniel Stahl, wife and daughter, Alma, of Mazeppa and Miss Dora Mensch of Mlfflinburg spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Orwig. Architect John F. Stetler wan called to Hunbury Mouday relative to the New Bank Building to be erected at that place opposite the City Hotel. When you want to talk to this office by 'Phone, call Htt, Middleburg. Or dera for Subscript loo, Job Printing and Advertising can be sent by 'Phone. Ootlieb Bchrey of Union township, spent last Friday at tbe Couuty Seat on business. He la one of the substan tial and reliable men of tbe county. Dr. J. F. Kanawell and wife of Penna Creek, will take a trip Weston tbe 27t h of this month. The Doctor's slater iu Indiana is very sick and they are go ing to are her. If you have a late item of Newt, III0 iru at &wJ$l$ : r- TKi V. t 11 i1 n -4. i.i i I ami . I 41 a. -T I . . n Ki rT)uraWlne8 and Whls- in. t ' : It of naffer and Geo. relner were here Wednci- Leph Dreese la paying a visit b at Lock Haven and Be- iael Havkenburg returned on ay from a trip to Michigan and your eye on the "Coming Ev- lolutun. Bend in your announce- . W. Orwlgand James E. Ma gee Ltwky for the Narrows for a bftrout v are several cases of typhoid pmg the road from Penna creek belville. Fields of Kreamer is a candi k the Democratic nomination for lUf j.i.lge. Jail.Kon liowersox of Uoodville, a Co. a rectut caller at Mrs. can r medical useTittne Middlebutir htore. r tf. H. 'ticking now engaged at Ma w Hti.erinteiideut of the Penna Nud Works. M. fitfiiilnger la erecting an ad' p hU house and otherwise im- K the game, fj L. l'blll!, one of the Selins- Mlbrn, was at Middleburg ou Jy afternoon. pr MilliitT of Bt'llnsgrove attend. fii"K of bank directors at' this H riiumday "iIcm L. Marks of Lewistown, nemi days liut week with his i r'niiiklUrT . -A llr'rjr fywu colored kid i inil. r ciyZffnd the owner by A. Rlntcofe hat been select- H'Urll tin. Mi.iin.il,,) uuriiwiii t.. mrtuudav. StnrM hut! uil, r. ,11 ii JK "... nut .nw.uro Wines and rr im (ttful ue. tf. . . . H' 'I'leiii, of ( JriH'iiliiii',r u-lui V 'ni l a jtnvelry atore here lathe """1 ola pair of twin. '"'I'M-rtand wifj ajKHit Stttu "'imiuy with Mr. Camllim I "winiuwu Junction. fl Wuiiuv of Mt. Pluaaaut Mllla. have all tbe partieulara, aend ua wuat you have; We will do. You can get anywhere, Bl best, tor Medical from your Doctor ant dleburg Drug Store for it. e ympt and JT. WLkfi vofl rest Whiskies want the prescription to the(Mid-tf. 11.11 l'llMI-'u Vial ...l.,...-lt...u toiler of MuKum Half V11 Em mall to this plaoe Satur hilehwaheuuMjB t on rdeuUugh of Mllleraburg, wu Wedusaday and Thuradaj wwpteu the water Dr. J. F. Kanawel of Pennscreek, John H. Willis and the Editor of tbe Post of this place and W. E. Stahl necker of Beaver Springs were in Wil liamsport last Wednesday night. A number of business men from this place went to Sunbury Monday morn ing to interview LJFf. Alllboue, Supt of the Lewistown Division, relative to some proposed changes in the time table. Among tbe names of possible candi dates for State senator next year we hear those of Hon. G. Alfred Schoch, Hon. E. M. Hummel, Dr. A. M. Smith and the present incumbent, Hon. B K. Focht. A petition is iu circulation iu the towns along the Lewistown divisiuu petitioning for a Sunday train. This la needed very much. There la really a demand for another train eaeh way during week days. Last week's New Berlin "lteporter" says : "Yesterday an agent of the company that sold the water-plugs to the Aew iseritn v aler toniimuy, was lu town looking after the material, which had never beeu paid for." E. 8. St roup, SUpduptowu, is haud Hug a high gNsffev f Fertilizers, mauu factured by the BAtiJaojoj Pulveriziug Company. Prices vaie from $13 to $32 a ton. Persous areeding a reliable article should call on him. tf WAS lxU lUUMt Mm to pre pare for Oovernmfft Positions. Fine Oiteulngs iu atl ljrtuinU. Good Salaries. Itapid I'loiiVtirnis. K.xam lnatloiissKu. larllcuAirs Free. Inter-State I'yr. lnt., 6-ll-3m. Cedar Stupids, la. James Ay res and wife have both been slek lu lKd dining the put week. Their mn Win. Ayiva and wlfo of Paxtouvlllti and their ihamhter, Mis. II. 11. Leitzel and hou Kueno of Mit tliuburg are Ux.kliiK after iheir luvds lu the hour of alckueas. Kev, Fllus Noll, the Kefomud Iitiu- Uter w lu preached here several weeks ugo, Suiuluy uioniliiK wus ui.uuiu.oua ly electwl pallor of the lieforineil con gregatlou of this place. There are four others lu this charge ami it la pivauiu ed he was elected by all of thvut. II. F. Philips, real estate ageut ut Jersey Shore, waa at this place laut weekaud tuade a contract with the Post to advertise his bulldiug lota. Jersey Shore la eujoylug the largest bulWlug loom o any towu lu the Cte. Read hl adver, lu th JVM, The Proposed Monument. The grand jury of June Court will be f called upon to pass judgment on tbe questkn of approving an appropriation t of $8,000 for tbe erection of a suitable tuemorial in behalf of tbe valor of the Soldieis and Sailors who went from Snyder county In auy of the wars in behalf of this country. Tbe above la an illustration of the od a' .-. uia er-1- d mm en abowa fMLODO, bt 0 Orand Jury In February did not ap prove more than $3,000. According to the Act of Assembly tbia amount must be approved by another grand jury and by the Court, before the County Com mitdioners are authorized to erect the monument. The attention of this Grand Jury is directed to the unusual privatious en dured by the soldiers on duty. This was true more especially during the Civil War and since Suyder county bad so many soldiers lu this great conflict, it is just and fitting that their valor be commemorated by erecting a suitable memento. The jury is composed of the follow ing geutlemen to whose favorable con sideration we couiuieud this proposed marker. OHAXU JtlolW. Eiwnhaur, J. twtcber, AaUinicluii. r tfthr, Kraulc bourr .uo.irur, Mof Uo faruier HMliinKloa liuau U C pluwrvr ferry, limy bill P L farmer fttry Wtitt. UusMrmsa Henry hwaiaker faua. UuniDMl John fairuier Mouru. Uuauiicl Jonapb laborer Jackson. Harmaii Newtun frinr Monrov. ) Ugraiu Ch.tr lea larmer Adajua. fewiuiiay Jobu Sraoiaa Faun. KhoKlvr iu'l laborar beaver WaL Kaafluan Mil)r buvkstor Jiuurva. Laub U 11 (armar Spring. LauUauiar Ol cuaubtuakrr Saliusrova Miuaar Juwtpb laborer Kraukliu. Keicblay I'uarlea farmer Hourue. KouiijC C'lyuier kaavhar pin. Kuw aUmvr V laborer Pcna. V 11 bui.lb laborer .Ulddlubur. Sprettkie, laa buvkater I'uiou. Waler Amniou 9 farmer Centre. W bitmer Abiabaiu ae sellusgrove. Ye.K'k Joiiaa feuk aackaun. C0CRT H0CSE CHIPS. Deeia Retarded. A. Pardee and wife to Jacob D. Sch rader 316 a. 132 p. in Adams twp. $100, Cbaa. Miller and wife to the Penna. R. R. Co., lot 1 a. and 812-1000 of an acre In Penn twp. for $200. D. S. Boyer and wife to M. Mengel and A. Garmau, 111a. in Perry twp. $90... ' '' Sauan Jaiigar lu rana A.'"Br'ilHsM lot In Port Trevorton, $200. J. M. Moyer and wife to Carbon See bold, 29 p. in Middleburg, $10. Lettera Granted. Letters of Adm. in the estate of Ed wan I Wajruer late of West Beaver twp. dee'd. were grauted to W. J. Tresster. Letters of adm. C. T. A. In the estate of Susannah Hendricks late of Adams twp. were granted to J. Middleswarth. Wills Probated. The last will and Testament of O. B. Sshalfer late of Washington twp., Pa., dee'd. was probated and letters testa mentary thereto were granted to Wm' Moyer who is named as executor, the children are the heirs. The last will and testament of J. L. Kline late of Adams twp. dee'd. was probated and letters testamentary were grauted to C. M. Ingram who is named as executor; the widow and children as tbe heirs. The last will an testament of Eliza beth Krick late of West Beaver twp. dee'd. was probated and tetters thereto KrauteU to Amanda Knci wUo is named as ex. and heir. The last will and testament of James Aurand late of Adauis twp. dee'd. was probated and letter thereto granted to allie J. Aurand, the wife, who is ! named as'executrix; the wife and sou are the heirs. Mrs. Laura Keiteruee Laura Smith 1 of Ellzabethville has come to Middle- J burg to make her home with her mother. W. 11. Kipka, wife and daughter, 1 Miss Bertha and Miss Ciaire Ci ray bill were visiting Dr. J. W. Devkard ami family at Kichneld Sunday. Mrs. Deckard w ho has beeu laid up tor some time with sciatic rheumatism, is im proving. Their son, Percy Deckard, lias Uru appi'luted to the Medico Chi Hospital. The PvT is lu receipt of an interest ing communication from the veivtlile pen of Win. K. Miller, Esij., of IVuu township, show Inj; many stioug poiutt lu the life of Hon. Ncr Middleswaith aiui his relation to public meu and public (iiiestioiis of his day. it w ill appear iu the ltr next wevk. The article discloses tuauy things the p.x pie of this geueratlou never kuew. rinulc O. tiaulcr of the rlriu of (Jaugler McFall of Seliusgroye puss chI through towu TjaaWayi uoruiug. He bad a Uad opX toiubufcue, two to be eivcWL-tu ValenJ CemehjAy and four at Ceutorvkto, day they erected a uiaiv grRKe uiouumeut fix the BrubaJklr'yat Mahontongo. U w as large wehahTug ahnoat four tons. These geutlemeu are doing an exten sive buaiues aud are glxlu aatlafa Uoa to their tuauy patroaav SVINEFORD. Mrs. Sallie Schroyer of Philadelphia is spvudiug some time with her sister, Mrs. Amos Bowersox. A. H. Smith, wife and children of Olobe Mills, speut Sunday with Jobu SlitUUlM. Hcrtl i Ueaver left for Homestead ou Thursii. .. Mis. H. P. Beaver is spending some time at Viuloudiiio with her hus band. Itenj. Heiiiibuch of New Builityisit- ed James Diettich and lamily Sun day. Ktitph Milchel of Kreamer snent Mituiday iu tow u. Uoyd Stetler intends to paint his new rvsideucu. Mrs. Lew is Miller spent several days at b'reeburgi ruceutly. Mrs. L. K. Wetzel aud daughter are visiting her sister, Mrs. Long at l'I'outs Valley. Mrs. W. Neviu Engel and daughter of Lanaiord. Mrs, Joe Bostian and Mrs, Frauds Shatter aud sou of Suubury dined at the home of W. A. Smith, Wednes day. MAKRIED May IT, fcy Rev. N. A, Kiracofe, Cleuuuou H. Smith and Ellen Walter, both of neu Hujuinel'a church. THE FITl'KE REVEALED. Comini; Events Cast Their Shadows Before. The render of the Votrr are request ed to m-nri us announcements of all event. No (i.arifH will le male t' publish the Mine when the event Is of public iiiiKrtance. TrmoAY, May 19, 20 and 21st, Minis terial, Sunday School and X. L.C.E. Coraventinn, Unitel Kvan. Church at Bearertnwn. Thursdav, May 21. Ascension Iay. Thuksday, May 21, a moon light pic nic at Globe Mills In the evening. Thcksday May 21, The Lutheran Sunday School of Kan tz will serve a grand chicken and write dinner and all kinds of refreshments one mile from the acuurduct. Music will be furmished by the Kanti Cornet Band. Every Insly invited. Thcrsoay, May 21, An interesting gameof Base Ball will be played at Selhisgrove between the ''Fats" and the "Leans." Saturday, May 23, Beaver Springs Cornet Band will hold a Festival and Cake Walk In the evening at that place. Saturday, May 23, a Festival and Cake Walk will be held at Centre- ville, by the Centrevllle Cornet Band in the evening. Saturday, May 23, Mercantile tax appeal at the Commissioner's office, Sunday, May 24, Rev. Searle will preach a memorial sermon to the G A. R. iu the U. E. Church at Port Trevorton in the evening. Wednesday, May 27, Republican State Convention at Harrlsbuag. Friday, May 29, Graduating Exercii of the Freebura- Academy, in' the , evening-.. Sayivbw, May H taw laflar ASH Society of tha Reformed Chorea wtll hold a Fete oa tbe Church Lawn. Saturday, May 30, Memorial Day for the Decoration of the Soldiers' graves. ' Saturday, May 30, A festival will be held at Kreamer for the benefit of the church. Sunday, May 31, Whit Sunday. Sunday, May 31, Communion in the I". E. Church at Beavertowu in the eveuing. Monday, June 1, Ileiular term of Court opens. Saturday, June !, The Uth Annual Convention of the P. O. . of A. of Suyder county will beheld iu Fre mont. Saturday June 4, The C. E. Society of Hassiugers church will hoid a festival on the church :awu iu the eveuiug. Sunday, June 7, Trinity Sunday. Monday, June 3, Treasurer's Laud sale at the Court house. Tuesday, June i, Full Moon. Monday, June 13, Application will be made to the Governor for a charter for the Middleburg Water Company. Sunday. Juue 21, Loudest day of vm. Monday, June 22, Summer commen ces at 10:06 a. m. Saturday, July 4, ludejieudenee Day. 127th anniversary. Monday, August 17, National Ku campuieut, G. A, It. oiieiis iu Suu Francisco and continues ail week. William Sbiudel has gone to Pitts burg The managers of a phosphate plaut iu Lackawanna County are expected here in a few days to look over the lou and vicinity to establish a branch factory iu this place. We understand their demauds w ill not le veiy heavy and they should l-u encouraged. A Hrick manufacturer of New York Stale was here a few days k to aaiine the red shale at Ued Hill Fast ot traukliu witti a view ol lovaliUK a 'arge brick plaul at that place. We are infouued that lie was favorably iiuprcwcd with tlie iuaJity of the -hule. The coutract for tiie water works Iflant has Ikcu sigued. Mr. Frederick, tlie eoutructoi of tlie plant, is now eu i;sKcd with a plant at Millville, Colum bia Co., Pa. It is presumed that teu weeks will be consumed bvfore the work will commence actively here. Meanwhile, his partner, Mr. Bradeu baugh, will put ouau euglueer, order the pipe, cement and other material and get everything; in shape to put the plant hi active operation beiun cold weather begin, , Pcnnsylv.ini.i R. K. i.ticc. On account of tl.e Convention .f the Old Order German Baptist Brethren, at Wikarussa, Intl., May .it to Juim 3, Inclusive, the Pennsylvania llnilroad Company will sell tickets to Wakarusj aud return at the following rates .Suubury, Pa., $20.20. ifarrisliurg, Pa., $20.20. Helinsgrove, Pa., $lii..sn. And at proportionate rates from in termediate points and from stations on the CumU-rland Valley lilr.ad Tickets will also be sold from Ii.-H.lioic at rate of $20.20 for the round trip TlckeU will be sold from May 27 to 31, inclusive, and will le good to return within thirty days from dau- of sale. For further information apply to Ticket Agents. Redeced Rates. Onatvtunt of the Conveution of tha German Baptist Brethren, at Belle fonuine, Ohio, May 30 to Juue 4, in elusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will sell tickets to Bellefontain aud re turn at the following ratea : Suubury, Pa $14 70. Harrisl.urg, Pa., $14.70. Selinsgn.ve, Pa., $l.l.i". And at prop-.rtionuU raU-s fn.ni in termediate points and from stations on the Cumberland Valley Railroad. Tick eta will also be sold from Itroiing at rate of $19.73 for the round trip. Tlck eU will be sold from May 2S to June 2, inclusive, and will he good to return leaving BellefonUlue not later than June 6. By deposit of tickets not later than June 6 au extension of return limit to June 30 may be obtained. For further Information apply to Ticket Agents. VenierUl Services. Under auanioaa of Capt. Ryan Poe, W4e3teaf by Bv. 2T. A. KicaaMsa, if tha C. B. CbavraV en Sunday evening. May 24th in the Court House. Every body is invited. On Memorial Day, May 30, 1903, the following details have I wen made to see to the decorating at the respective cemeteries named : Ceutreviile. David Reichley, chairman ; Jacob Hartmau, Daniel Hunt, Chas. Liimramau, F. H. Uingamau. Samuel liolig and S. Bowersox. Salem H. R. Tobias, . hairmau ; P. Aoiig, J. S. Stetler aud P. Kraizer. Globe Mills J. S. Meiser, chairnniu; S. Boliuger, J. J. Mitchell. J. Diemer, J. Smith and Heuiy Housii. Paxtouvilie Johu H. Martin, i hair mau ; T. ltathfon, E. Hommel, Jerry Dasheimau, W. Zimmerman. LI. 11. Attig and J. Earnest. Hassiuger's Ellas C. Mini um. .'hair man ; M. A. mith. J. Shumau. J. C. S'hoch, A. K. Gift, A. lieniUkter aud J. Erdley. Ziou's Cornelius Uowersox, rhair mau; M. Havkenburg, D. liackeuuun; aud J. W. EUuuuauer. These committees will have every thing in their chaige at the respective localities. The Suuday Schools near the ceme teries are expected to furnish the flow ers at such cemetery. The ceremony at the cemetery at Middleburg will taie place at 3 o dock p.m. Stetler s Cornel Hand will fur. uish the music. A memorial address will tx- delivered by Jay t i. Weiser, Ksq. The presence uf ail loyul and patri otic citleus, as well ao ltie;r lieip, will be highly appreciated. By order of I'.i, J NO. Y. SillNi'bl., C. tiuieiius, Adjutant. . A-k your Locli'r r aud o to the MidtlM.ur; to get your Wiiii'sltid Medicai u?e. (.'ail on a. K. -srn-s in lllg al.,1 Half rullll lleU ceaiicvl il 'atl isji ana a c.eaii on tlie norm ile posile t.'eolrai Hoiei.' ail levU. Lr. S, l. iMiK-u.leiiVi. Uae, toiiuel.v ol leaver ll'ers his set vice to the euUlpln.'d with til. lHiiitislry. ticc ou bjii.tl -rvi . - ailet alriVt. v - r uimauiler. 'Hh ripiiou -'vl,1", flit tf. ' L. - i"f Juuf ; -ualu- l .l.l'Hl i'Hi uai- Peiii.ii i;ad- nijjx Pa., uinic. Ue is method iu evd. Ot- in Joiiu Menu's BuiluUug.Xliddyeuui'k;, Pa, liegiuiugiu MaJ yf will visii tlw following twwus oujtays bviuw: McCluxe Hotel, ari Mouday of eu.U mouth; Beavertowu Hotel, rirt 'lYiaw day of. eawh nwuth; Bevr Spring Hotel, third Tuesday of wh uvuth- J FiMehuig, Eatpire House, th.lWei. inaMBj ua vks wuuuk ir.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers