Etc THcabs rTjoblot ct note .V.tvj. T'i?y must k fl6 price will da it. ... . t .s I r the ask- t!:-l!l pi .ill-, u l.l A Family Journal, HevolJ la Xe, Science, Art, Political Bcsnomr and Current Utemnre. MIDDLEIJUltGU, SNYDKi: COUNTY", IVENNA., MA V 2s, v.m. RatM: One Pillar Pr Ann im, .a S ince m;, uki: ::. v iliinr and I'rojiricltr. t - - .i I.uslle of the ;;,,,, i.j ... uric ,rc ,,r l.csn I'romlmnt. ,s,rllln '" .! Curiosity .nd "' fnf f' , M , i ill - ,.., ii Miniii.i.iinr BH'li. ,,,1. M.-i. ;ii --ne;-1 '" ..Il.lill"!'- i fri.-l "f SrlliiHKrovfc tywHt Monday morning. Ill' l.w, V.v. kfVOOII HI" ' . i, Semi in jour anliouiict 1 pure Whir nnl Whls ,.,useiit the Middlebillg tf. ..i.nrL. Drui: More linn ml- llm, f pure Wines and Irtiitiiii'iil uhi. Lor the clothing salesman klii.t, spent neveral days of Uilltllis place. Lock ..f,tti retiring firm Son ,t CoVMilt""! Lrkfti'ly lw l,rl('e' tf i .itz.l. the Miniintiurif Ll tlinnigh Hiia 'Ultt is wiiy to LewiHtown. L ,i tui invitation to our liiK In Court next week to Iftlw. We are al ways glad Jpoootor for a prescription Mi.lilleburg Drug Htore Wines anil Whiskies for tf. II. Hurler of the Jielle- lie" is one of the delegates ilican State Convention in (Lis week. Srrett of Hummeta Wharf .lbm-JM .lTiN'Kxcatir' end -Jays at the County I. JI. Bowersox family. , want to talk to this office ail 2i2, Middlthurg. Or cription, Job Printing and an lie sent by 'Phone. Line misunderstanding the not turn up here lust week he survey for the water lie is expected this tof the Liverpool "Sun" With his mail. A remit- ii subscribe! wns sent to inland nnd returned to IMi remarked that on . there were forty rods ri k for every fish in the ,e was blind lie probably ii1 whs talking about. Ive a lute item of News. 'l', Xo. 2LY2, Middle iw have it. If you do not hnirtit'iilars, send us what IVe will do the rest. art Wiiie and Whiskies I I, when you want the nail Use, i;et a lirescrintioii fvtormid lo to the Mid- It store for it. tf. pi', Stroiipiuwii, Is hand- ruiioot I'ertiliers, iimiiu- In' i'.altimore Pulverizing Il'iiiT lane from $Ut to tm'Iis iieeilinu a relhi'ile It enll on him. tf P YOCNU MUX to prtw riniitiit rositiuns. Fine all l. pai tmeuU. tiood h'iil riniuoiions, Kxant- l aiuvularst Frtv. f-Siute Cor. Int., 1' Cedar IIhiiI.U 1 1 K- In Iih tirw miav i iitiu.j; iirtor for your ii'ih relishing hIihiu iui i,.,l to ,nttvu Mil, , t Mnrkt'1 miuaiv op. Ib'li 1. Sutlsfttetlon itiutr- tr. 'iiU ii '. iiec, IViiUI tirad- .v ol i.,)ivev Siirliikr. IV. M-e I . tlie lutbllo. llu U l the Utet UlvtUotU III A1' otk guarautccO. Of Mi Ket Strevt, hi John ,l"'i.'.MtddU)burif. IV Muv hB wm vWl thw fl'MUt dvWKW 'tvl, lllnl MolldiiV of Hiinh UKnilu; ivt Spibjg I ' , V ( MiWrta llcnij.. H.I...MH' i tk UiuulU. tf. lr. A. J. 1 1 i j i itt 1 1 look hifi- i Siitiinlay nU'ht trip to Hwnigel. I lev. J s!i!m Sliiiiiil'iich of I' Imri! wiim in lnvtn w vt rnl (lay lust week. Mrn. J. F. K-ll.v or Mverpo ,l Is vis ilinif her iiiotlier, Mrs. Culluriiie Hpni'1. The ''Iii'iiKM-rnt" mid ' Se'itinel" .f Lew IstmM, H t ,ve a daily dit(.n ilmrlly. The five week old chiM ,f Clyde I). Itollg and wife of WiiiMeld, died Hut urdiiy of 'onvulsions. Head the iirtiele on Hon. Ner Mid dlettwarth from the pen of Wm. K. Miller on fourth page. F.x-prolhonotary 8-nith of Milhelm, Center eoiinty, hm nt Hiinday with hm OiiIihIii Jneoh (Jilbert of this place. Lester F Ilreiw, Liiieiriaii of the Telephone ( 'oinp my, wa in town Huturduy on husiuewt for Die compaiiy. Minn Itewde tjuick, J. K. Magi'n inillliier und Mr. Itow of Kreamer, dime to town Saturday evening by bi cycle. The enlargement of the ( 'ourt House iitKunbnryis one of the thliins our neighbors over the river are thinking about. Jacob 15. Xase. who reside in the Xarrows on the othe- side of the .Sum mit, was at the Court House on busi Saturday. J,ant witk on.' day there were seventy-two bark teams at the several business places in Swineford 'till one o'clock. T. II. Kisenhuth & Co., of S. lii grove will build a large addition i their shoe factory. This npeaks well for that enterprise. The smalljKix casai in Howe town shly, Perry county, ojiposite Newport, ara all convalescent, and the fjuaraii tine will be removed. A. M. Hbambach, who ha.s been em ployed at Hamilton, W. Va., spent white all rje OjXy et MiddleburifTJer TI,l.ll..l...... I I........ I !..,! I.;. -, i. i. , ,i i .n , my itii'i r-,,l"li''l III.) iiaineori the I'osr s'ilH.-ri(,tion 1 i t . &VINEFORD. .I 'llll (inilni H pJnteririij bis house I". uiks Dm -pent Snuliyat ', , 'irpris' parly ii Frank Lici I iviiibt rats iii two ; nights in one tra . Irvin Walter had bis ;( ',rok' n ac-i .1....11.. i ii .. . it , ' iMijriii iih- larin'Ty wtnsuiiy morn- j vertnw n 1 ' I.. :.r liitur.. t J. L. Mai k'- .. , . . . . . . i oe iHiinery ! i j ! i a cfl'l , ! ; Iiiitlicr Tiifsdav. I'.enloii H. M-iyer of HoOVr wn at. J , . . . .. . .... Mines i ar:niii o; i,ynf!,s is visitmif I:ivid Kerst"!tcr. AjK.rtionof the Middleburg band I '" M.vkent.urg, oi in:- went to Centerville, Saturday evenini?, ! N'r 'rUy. tiiassistthe Centerville land with a! ' harles Woek.'l of Mt. I'lca-ant festival. W. A. SchneeorScbne who is en- Mills was in tiwn Sittorday. Mrs. John .Sli .union lost a black cai (raged In the lumber business was t. "''"'t J rriilw North of MiildM.ur. the County seat Monday inoniiiit (ir.d called at this office. H. P. Hoot of Produce, U'camea new subscrdM-r to the Pot and Philip H'Kit of Iliindore advanced his date one year Monday. Come along, there is r'-om for more. Mrs. liuchael McCoy, aged 7f, and Mrs. Nancy lirindle, agerl 7.:, two widely known women of Mifflin Co., died within a few minute, of each other on Sunday last. I lev. N. A. Kiracofe , the I", p.. Church preached the annual manorial sermon in the Court House Sunday evening to a full house. Capt. Ityan Post attended the services. Send in your order for envelop, let ter heads, note heads, statements, bill heads, cards and anything you need in the printing line. You always fret a neat job and a low price. Architect John F. and tonsorial arr-i-i Culyin Steth-r and llegister and lleforder Willis, are attending the KnighU Templar firand Commandery Conclave at Philadelphia this week. In a gizzard of a:i lvmonth-old roos ter which was killtd and dressed for dinner Mn. Jlelxicca fjpangler, of Car li.sle, found thre pennies, a silver dime, a nickle, an old fashion Spanish silver and several but cms. approre the Sunday In town with his wife, lie i rkrL. . , . - ... , ,- , . . , , . vJt tnrl"7d Jory should .'----xww .2JftIrr-BMw,Jfc, lLMa.r4--khm-lfL Akl..nmuionerBU vujiamuiii!er, aged 4 , years, fell Unvrier cuntT f,Jf . Monumer.L Tt is from the bridge into Limestone creek in Milton Saturday night, a distance of 22 feet, and injured his spine. Mrs. Julia IX-ininger and .Mrs. Cr. Alfred Schocli are attending a meeting of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society in Pittsburg, this week. Henry liilger, a former resilient of Franklin town.hip, but who has resid ed for a numliet of years in Ohio, is visiting relatives and friends in 'this county. Let every person turn out Saturday and honor the soldier dead. They fought to preserve the union. Let u pay homage and reverence to their memories. Allert Jaoobs, a baker, of Selins grove, fell thro' the railroad bridge spasming the Sus"tiehanna Iliver at that place ou Monday last and sus tained serious injury. Stotler's Cornet Hand gave an opt-n air concert Friday eveuiug, in the siiuare. The people always appreciate this idea of the band to afford occa entertainment. II. Albert Kliucler ot Washington township was at the County Seat on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Klingler scrvctl one term as County Auditor and is one if the influential citizens of Washington township. Oti Monday, May 11th the house iu which Pr. A. K. Cio'uble was living at Myerstown, Imrued. The furniture and ImhKs lielouging to Vt. tiobble were nutly savel by the students. There will be no services iii the Lutheran Church Sunday, June 7th, as the pastor, lie v. W. K. Oiehl, x lects to l in attendance at the Cen tral ContVivuco in Ualtituore at thai time. Mix. Amanda Combcrling, James Moyer, w Ife aud sou, and Mrs. P. I.. Komi 4 if Solinsgtyvo and Mrs. Flem Setwholu of Sunbury aud Mi J. K. Hut'lcr of l.ewifburg were guvaU of N. A. llowvs and wile Suuday. Staulcy .Juay, the sou of Sheriff Charles K. SaiupAvll, fell into tho dam Ui Peuna Ciwk abov Centervillo on Astvusiou I ay. He wan under water tjuite a tluie, but waa revived w ith a little- etfort. The aaui day prisoner K tester went to the daiu lu Middle Creek above this place. Ho slipped oil" th bivast of the. daiu and reached a reactionary pool and wits uot ablu to reach th surface. A. It. (IdbeiC res cued hliu frow a watery grave. pHyd KaaU'oiari and mother left last we, k for a short visit to Akron, O. Mrs. Jonathan Pingaman and her daughter a visit t Troxelville liwt JoHuiia Jting.'.in.m, phospiiat agent of ( enter township, was iii town .-'at-urday. injamin H.imfWI of Kreamer last Sunday spent, tlie day with r1.. )'.. Spltler. P.niiey A is.lierdoii of S.uiibury, hi.l.i'ii sevei'.i. eai' loads of l.mioer from this station. 'i. lite a nuiiii.'-r of our hoys and girls attended the union light picnic at none Mills) Thnr-day evening. A. If. fish. xr a ml grand daughter weiv lre a few days and returned to Miliershurg, wrier they are temporar ily al honiB. The tannerj' hought biMi tons ot new l ark and ha.e IMi tons of old hark making l:Mifl tons. Th i capacity of the tannery will oe iiicreased from 7" to 1".') hides per day. This will make it rtie sixth in -ie in tne State of Pennsylvania. Letter to H. 5. Mert. JIi,l,U,'Ur;j, L'n. your w : You take inrorest iu ami vou .want every TiiF, Fi n re kT.i; i.r.: turning Kivnts L;i-t Their S'.i nl c llcforo. Die readers of the I - r a r" r.'' iet ed to send us :iiiiK.u:ie...,.iitJ ail evnfj. i, i hure will i." mad" '.o publish ' )p J: 1 1 1 . when is ot' pllhlie iloportrtle e. Fi.-i t v, May 2ti, f irad'iai ing K ercises ff the p'rei -hnrg Aead"iiiy, m the evening. StriKUAV, fny iO, the Ladies' Aid Society of i he L'efornied Church will hold a F'ete on ihe t hurch Lawn. Siuiav. May in. Memorial li'iv for the I lecorat ion of iin Soldierw' graves. Sri Kntv. May in, A festival will h" held at Kranier for the UMietlt ,,f the church. St .vn.w, May .'.I. Whit Sunday. SiM.iV. May 11 , I o'liniunioii hi ;he I . I'.. ' hurch at lieaveyfowa evening. MoN'IMV, .Line 1. Iteglllar ' ouri o'.cns. TrK.sii t v, .l ine J. .'land I. Stale Hoard of Agriculiur.. Meeting at lLiii'iiig- iloll. I'l 'Kfii.t v, .1 i ne 2, tin niiiiriage of Prof, i ,!at loiter and M,.-s Kiln Kes!er of "el;lsgro"-" n no i v. ,i i in ;. I".',e ; nh 'oil vent nill -if the 1 I ) .Mini IV.Ifls-. 1 .lie, . nil Kn .n- inccr- Ko-- th it ;.!,.! ! e i .fin, d i N l: ; iekcts lo i - if, ,i ng .1 uoe ",, mg "o rcieli Men;. ., :li,. ,, ; and : ri-rir. .1 llel later ! Icill .1 I oe I ' statin-is hi ts ,oi( Jl life' fill" lor lie 'mis. l'.,r . ,t. : iekef , ...ii-ii t j ., -v loia s :,t !. : d at..! !, Kef .,.,lit. M M I'M I i MlcilllOVl ,! U,iiiie.-... ' ' j Cor 'lie .e. tit ! 1,1 i il" , ill lend the AoMial iii:. ill I .laiid A nn y of 'he term of part inent. i I Snyder ,';,ii:it y v nmiit. . f' iu, v .1 me ot' llassinu'eis festiva, on ;he eVellllli;. i i'l Kilt .1 une il i e ileld A .iniial f A. of in Ft- if I'"!, IIS town, .luii,' '.. in Railroad 'oiiiiinii tickets to A i lent onvi ''mm on its line in : he tni- ..f i in May ,1, J'nie I. , ... I. OieM ,1 i le- vinci it l!tr. lie I '. 11 1,- I i 'ill in ! I ! i . i 1 1 ,-ioii lil -'.-lii.'fs in -', ! -i u i'l id , ood it I. The I . K. -ociety hiircli .v;'.; :ni:, a hutch aw:i .n 'he I .-IV ind rio. :o i.Uet ."II ii. -cl t, I'l,.' an. a mark of respect and esteem proposed to 1 erected atid it should lie lieslowed ungrudgingly i.j the her,ies of our cou nty. An editor of a small American paper itwuiij siaim iiiai i.e nan ieti aisseti by one of the most beautiful married i women in tiie tow n. He promised to t'-.e ni'xc-l pair. tell her name in the nr-t irue of Lis Tin:' paper next month. In two w.-eks the' ., circulation of hU ni.-wsj aper doul leij. -I1"'r''- Hut w lieu he gave the name of Li- a ::e rea,u - lyf iii- he had to leave town. Ziu4. Diivrjft Iinii and Zii'.c ni:ik every stroke of tin: hr u.-ii coiuit. Mixii' paint wa.-tcs dtuu'ti hi eiuhtv ' iirion t tut. ot evi-.ry .stroke !cpi'ni!s i.'uor.nt ct iilu'ratiof, in Have you ever n-a 1 a-y , f - we-lei.-Isirg's Works ? If i ,r , ill you -end j nie your addr.t-.-enclo-ing a -tamp or j twoandlwill mail vmi one ..f his ishiKs t Ktt. .-tate whetheryoij want it ill'ish or in (rernian. Al'Ol.PH IloKr'ER. 0 Cleveland atrt.-et. tf. oraLge, N. J. Mr. Knight, of Lewistown. an orti cial of the LewL-town L'ivision of the P. Ii. II. was in this place M iuday. He thinks he only solution to satL-factcry service of passenger trains ou this divi sion lies iu the running of another train each way every day. Iu this the Post and many others agree with him. The superintendent of this division, however, has not yet spoken ou this subject. Our readers will find in this issue a section of tombstone inscriptions; of the Cemeteries I:i the Borough of Selins grove. The work of completing this list has been delayed ou account ot f!ie reports of several cemeteries uol hav ing been received. Alter Srliiisgiuve, we have the townships of L'tiiou and Washington which will be published in their turn. These inscriptions are all published in book form and will be o lie red for sale as soon as iiutiiilcl-ed. J J 1 t nn-tii '.4Li-;.W'r lUt 'i .vei; file siiietav Si'n, ' v ill hold a ;',-s!iv il il -.ileiii " i I'i'll i ' i ,'. .i'lne i, ;'elival vtll held it Hed Hank iii 'he evening, -rv.i rr. .i nn ' to in, :.hd Annual i otiimencetnent if rr-iuus ollegi at l olleireville. l'.i. SimiaV, .June" Tiinity Sunday. Monday, June 8, Treasurer1- I .and saleja thp'iuahouse.. Tt'tiV'V. June;). Full MoorT. Turtii-n a v. June 11 to June 17. com mencement exercises of -hisoiiehanna I ' nivcr.-it y. -eiin.-gri'vc v rr ii;i v v. .l ine -math's lintav to return until .Jiine ;. .i, rate of it single :'.ite for the . For s.,.ii,. i ai-. at, iii o , c:o Itfetll-. Snv.l. r ij.iiiiifi ' c'.i '. ,' ;le-,v "lit otf freight . i !,e . ! ueet tie Northern i '. ri r r I ,i;.i -ylviiiiia linllroads u,, vi,, airy Northern ;'ietcn ,. ; i'iii'da iards near liar -; . iew ,-oad. which will ; :,, , Northern 'crural 'oiiiiectii,,.- : tail road. va-chartered at 'he -'ate Ik f iietit "ii May ! L', :s :o Si i.i.e- '.eiir. . v enditig through N'! uid -ny-der. Juniatii and i'errv ( ',.ui,t,i-s. l'he line runs frr.m ihe N'ortlieMi 'etilr.i; ut Selin-irrnve .iunction. aero i t'n Siis. iUehanna Iliver to Selin-ifrove, thence along thi, iiMpiehan mi Iliver, and up- I op tsktf your se-hu j,orir wt TTioinVn Wivlsfrn of rhn PVntiorTvanlit' Canal. long -nice :il.:iuilniiis. ,) the -c.honi ;v'i, in :h-' e.'lllitlt "intig. ; i i h ;i l i i i main hue d ; lie Pen at '.he Aoiiediii-t .-ta: Vllefc ' lie '. ill. lilt l 'Llglll. I'iilli,- liive -I r:i 1:5 : . : :: I .'aiii i Kii , '.'' rrv ' ' ii-oad ii. fv, in"! 'i'i .I: tr t.s) r.ianv ii every -i IVv.iiir.. (jirari, I' K. wrtti-: i Mr. n.irt Y"ii:)v: :.'Oi:u-;it; ,r.e z'i--I'in i.f Ivavue I.cmi a. id Zinc ia; tuilve- to paiut roDaw on waiitii lie' ha.l always ,;ne r"il 1 ii f nti'c-j el paii.t: one-halt jnili-a Devc-e, in- rtiU'Tli''t ti'.e did the work ami otlii-i" half jrillon. , Y'Mir truly, F. W. Pevi-e : Co.. Xe v Yeris. ! V. S. V. V. Smith - f Simimn- sells, our puint. A.m. F'.ag. W i il.U'ie , r !. ii:. . i e ill! : , i:ic . . . i ,...:: I :i v.; .. o i:c i ;ov..!"ii,r for i Ii.i. v; M.'t'l'.eoiirg V -iter 1 'i:.l a:,'' v . i::e i -. The i l'tiall ihi V.-t -i.ld Mex.,ail ii iii vll ia.iat .u Mi'iii!--o,ir .' ille 1'.. Long'-?; lav .111. .el ... cu::: t Mr. M v- it j iiie i. :n. ainater - iu: i:n :u. J'liv ! ar. 1 -. -tate F.,t:U'ai:ouiti A.-- lalioll ::.eeL- ;:ig at WilUi-Barn. - v r'"ii: a v. .lulv h I iidei-r '.I'.ieticr Dsv. iTth iiiiniverury. Sa t'ctti'A v, .luiy Third Ikigade. N. I h P. K.icainpmelil iniiili;, Mii.Ml.vY. A.lgil 17. N'aii.c. ai '!::- '"impuicin , ' ' . A , 11. ! ti -an i Liiiiiibr.iii Sale of Schicvc!- Sun t Cj.. Mikdii. I'i. The -c' reyer Store (.., huo heeii in- corporal inder the '.a w of the coin- Franci-v o and jiiiiiuh- . if PiMina.. for tin; puipu-e j1)N;,AVi A;u,. Ill :l ifeiici-tl ;ilef tl:lilill- ing hu.-itn -s in the I3iir;!i n' Milton and iiegoijalions hasri)ia,ii iuuipiUii i W'.:iimiav. by which tbu-rfew iyf punatimi have! state ( ,nve.iuou a; iL ac'pni-i.d the -iia-K iiWatb, giiod will, ) - etc., of Sclireyer, ps4 t.'ii. In 'mil; mon Weil of cngag I, tale ' 'Wii i. 1'. i . S. of A.. I.:iiui-:i r, . lav davs. Mr. :;!n,,-r ; I'roxeiv iiie. st i-.un iii'i -IU !! ' wl 'U' f ' ::-ioi'-'i. a: . i'. lie .'". Me .va. ' a.-i'ir f il- va.- 1I; r?uisfer iLif nil- i .lllo I sui pi io i n c . iturd:iy venniv; ; b-ni y liecessiii'v to . tl L jori .Oil Ol IIH.- -KH'IV U I " , a I U i W 1 1 0 LiaiC il ll'l.llllill I ready money, ipiicUly. For this rea- , ,i.lUf.!lU.,. i;, nha . son dtirimr the mouths of June, Jiilvu.,,,. ,., , , Olie gallon of'..,,,) ,,,oisl , . is.illiil ions Ion.. I !,. r . i.- :i.. - , iviracoie ami .anuiN. $1.75 I t ! $1.73 t $1,73 1! Is what I will itll une -)J&fP uisney tor. ' hex Iimde in ail departments. Sale begins! giiods areTTurilJt white. Como and , jmix nln ' j try a gallon aLo cohvnced. This1 ' Whiskey will bo Jm. after June 1st, j Fanner and Fruit Orowers. . i ltUJ for 30 days. i .. m n,.. f i,,.. ,,, I - i l n o, -s.,.. u.m x.iiifjoiitt t.t.i t: nil J. L. Makks, 1 1'oiinultu for vJijiftey returned if uol, i liKOiumus l run Mil I. 1 1 1. a i. ,iiy in ..I I-, in III ,o. Hei'tha wao uol al home win K;-a.: Mr-. ' I". '.Ik i M;" - ' gtlesls aifived. She w a -i nl tor and K win much -uriii to lind -o :u:n.y ; p,.. i nice iix'.-eiit.s U-t Middlcbuigh, Pa. "I Never Knew Painkiller to Fail before, what can the mutter be? Where ia the bottle ? There, I the't so; it ia not Perry Davia' Painkiller at all, but something the druggist must have made hhuaeif aud I did uot uoticy it; I have used Paiukiller for years for diarrhoea, u raw pa and stowaeh aches aud it uowr failed." sallsllcd. t)W to tK,i and veauUiules. WftM iret j croos of cucumbers off pf nre vine. Mow to make an 'thi jicjjwtru a uew oue. How to can fruit WhUj cold water. Kllis Co., Coiliuwood, O., L. S. A. ii. . , ...i ,.;ii, . ! I i hi: kiil'm.1 , " .., tee cream ana eaiie un-y oouki uu, Gugine For Sale A twelv horse power portable Friek b.ugiue ia oiternd at private sale. It cuu be eu at Stroptuwu. Iuiuiru of hi. si. Sxkoci', t-f. tSt roup town, Pa, tery ax-e overcome by l'aiukiiier. Oi All Hot Weather Uncmics of humanity cholera is tho wuri. Treatmotil to be ell'eoled init le prompt. When vumitiug, purging and swot announce that the disease is preseut,. combat it with l'eiry Davis' Painkiller. All buwel troubles, like diMi'iho'a, cholera morbus and dyacu- CiU'lci ll'.ll.cvi l'o-l ...,. ' s.i I la. x- ,' a. aiui Ni. vi i'y iic did ' im , ,-aiug . o . llU'. il O , -U ' , tat .it C i!li MAivliitl'. May pi, oy J. Kolilei I'ei U, Wiot-l ii. Kou-ii "i" Maiian Loi.o '.o t'iiiiic Kdiisv Croalhauii.i of 1 buler. May -V, by Kov. 1. 1'. amiucnuau, Johu W. lkiw cisex and Ti'ue M. I lei li ster, bolh of Beaverlowu,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers