Glicrlog Blinldnnp hn Rnforrnnrl will: bngiq in the PDST anon, otc THea&s A 3 lob lot of nolo ,n hand. They must go The price will do it. s and prices for the. ask ft furnish 'them printed than you can buy them , printing. pnacllcr, Nttor PraprUwr. A hally jraraal, DtrtUi U Rev, ScUact, Art, Palltkal ttmy Carnal Llttratar. Rat: Oa Dollar Per Annum, la Adraar xxxx. MIDDLEBURGn, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., JUNK 4, 1903. NUMIiKi: 22. Telpifi 1 iu luja W 'sr mi j3eTt ly Little Liners. V and the Hustle of the y Seat, Told In Brief Paragraphs. lore or Less Prominent. Dnnulatloa and EvtnU of In ih.i SatUfy Curloalt and lwaM tha Thlrat lor !Nwa. for the l' 8T. I man sneuta few days lu liellng Is the ioud daddy Uw boy, Vie of Beavertown was at Neat Saturday V eye on the "Coming Ev il. Send in your announce- (1. Thompson spent Bun. ... -. Kf Jet pure Wines fUO Wnls leal use at the Widdlebuig tf. Moyer and family of KIs- I . (J 1 .. I U k' ... (Ill KlkU 11U1, life. uburg Drug 8 tore baa ad lne of pure Wifea sua medical use. tf. Jkhart and family of Ben- I a r. a a . lirday aua eunuay wun I . 1. 1 .i knave. the reUrlatC) firm Uton, 4111 be low price. -" tr H. Hasslnger of Eliza wife spent (Saturday aud Vn with relatives. Vocotorfor a prescription Mlddleburg D6g Store iues aud rniskies for ,ndwlfe ofAdams the County seat, Sat- e guests of Dr. Or- Wani to talk to this ofllce 111 02, Mlddleburg. Or- !, T 1 t . I 1 ppuou, joo rriniuig auu jan be seut by 'Phone. Noll of Fayette. N. Y.. he call of the joiut con. Reformed Churehes of in charge aud will wove about June 12tb. e a late item of ISews. Phone, No. 202, Middle- U8 bave it. If you do not Particulars, Bend us what I e will do the rest. nyder county endorsed h of 8. 8. Wiilard, for kary of Perry county for of protbonotary of the k of Penna. U Wines and Whiskies b'T, wbf u you want the pal une, jet a prescription fctorandgo to the Mid- Store for it. tf. fruit Growers aud the Foul new and practical 10iy Money refun- hfiel. fcLLia & Co.. Collinwood, Ohio Strouptowu, Is hand sale of Furtlllzurs. maim- elUJior Pulverizing rieeJ1ige from $13 to rsiiim needing a reliable call on him. tf H'OUNOMEN to pre- jumunt Positions. Fine all DeisJtifVuta. Clood ld I'fiiinotlliiH. Kxam- l'nrticulafl Free. hSiato Cor. Inst,. Cedar Rapids, la. Holea In hm new suav vuttiug parlor for your Vlth m rafrtijahlng aham Vu tuwelW each patron flus of Market square op- otel. Satlsfaotlou guar- tf. prulwfor, Dental tlrad- oi Jfeaver Spring. Pa.. Joe lo the public. He U tlie latent methods lit II work guaranteed. Of- Parkct Street iu Johu JUK.'.MI.UUclrg, p, May haill vkit the )ou day a below ! H flrnt Monday of each )towu Hotel, tint Tuoa- jwntb; JVeaver 8priug wsday of euh uioutlt; IwUoime, thlr.yWed- WouUi. D. A. Keru made a business trip to Hunbury Friday. II. M. Amlg of Hwineford dropel in to m us IttHt Tburwlay. Itev. VV. K. Dlchl Ih attending Oen rtil Co'iifcr'iicf In llnltiinore. Ml- Jennie Fox of CMtawlsmi Ih pay ing it visit to friend in UiIh plncc. $1.75 will buy one gaIICroafjr(i white all rye whiskey at P. JjIark'n W. I. (larnian and fiunily spent Hun day out of town with friend and rela tives. Thomas Rathfcn of Paxtonvllle was at the County seat Thurwlay of last week. Mb Laura Bhambach of Sunbury, spent Hunday with her mother in thu place. John A. Iturner of Hichfleld woh at the county scat last Thursday and drop ped. I u to sue us. Hiram aud Jerome Ulrich of He! Inn grove were seen on the streets of Mld dleburg, Friday. Miss Bess Crouite of Philadelphia Is paying a vlnlt to Attorney Jas. G. Crouee and family. Howard W. Marks of Burnham, spent Memorial day with bis uncle, J. L. Marks aud wife. Judge P. F. Itlegel dropped la to see ub Monday morning and paid for Mrs. J. J. Hteely'a paper. Mrs. Thomas Burns and family of Homestead are visiting her parent. John Btetler and wife. Mm. M. I. Potter and son, Joe, are visiting Itev. McLalu and family ut Liberty, Tioga county, Pa. Daniel W. Crouse of Norwood spent several days with his nephew, attorney James O. Crouse and family. Mrs. Reno Walter, Cyril Runkle and Aaron Rennlnger have been on the sick list. The latter had a stroke. WGraybill, s jroorletor at th Eagle Hotel, spent Wednesday and Thursday In Mlfflintown last week. Jacob O. Walter of Franklin town ship, dropped lu to see us Saturday. oir. waiter never rorgets the printer. Thomas Bhambach of IilooitiBburg, came to town to spend Memorial Day. to play iu the bund mid other useful dutiee. T. F. Bradeuhaugh of Millersbure, was In thin pluce Friday looking after the interests of the Mlddleburg Water Company. Harry (Jrimm came home from Lewistown Friday with his shoulder dislocated. We trust he will wxm be able to use his arm. A newspaper can stand up for a town with a good deul more energy when it knows that the busiues.i men are stand ing up for the newspaper. Newton Troup of Phllas dropped in to subscribe for the Post aud pay a year iu advance for his brother Ells worth Troup, of Catawissa. Lost Thursday moruinir we had the first good rain for five weeks. The bind was parched and vegetation re tarded by ihe dry weather. Sheriff, J. L. Weiser of MitlliutowD, has announced his candidacy for the democratic nomination for Register aud Recorder of Juniata county. Johu F. Stetler, our enterprising an chitevt, wou four out of contest this Spring lu competitive plans for build ing. The one he lost waa ou account of bulldiug being too expensive. This speaks well for Mr. Stetlcr'a work. Memorial Day was fittingly celebrat ed lu this place. Jay O. Weiserr, Eso,., delivered the Memorial Addretta iu the cemetery. It was a patriotic oration tilled with pathetic alluslous to the valor aud putrlotbm of the American soldier. I.uwsou (1. Dietrick and bit aunt, Mm in Dietrick of Xut.towu, Pa., hist week paid a visit to Henry 1 ietrick aud wife lu Franklin. Mr. Dietrich puid his respects to the Post while iu towu. Friday evening they left to visit fricuds at Moutt(oiuery. Mrs. Harry Elsenhauar uud accom plished daughter, Fay, of Ceutralla, Pa., spent a few days iu town last week, as the guc&U of Azuriuh Kreeger and wife. They are on their way to IkrrUburg, Illinois, where Mr. Eisen huuer bus engaged lu business. L. B. Farra of Philadelphia was iu towu Saturday to look after the Shoe Factory. Mr. Farra aud Mr. Webster, who was here two w eeks ago, aud Hon. G. A. Bcboch are trying la effect ar rangements to operate the Shoe Fac tory here. 'e trust they niny be successful. Kioimi ANNUAIj (MMKNCKMKNT OK Susquehanna University, SEUNSOHOVK, IA., JUNK 11TH TO lTHU PROGRAMME : THURSDAY, Juna 1 1th. 7:30 p. m. Commencement of the Commercial Department. Address to the class by Ceo. B. Reimensnyder, Esq.. Sun bury. Pa. FRIDAY. June 12th. 7:30 p. m. Csmmencement of tha Oratory Department. SATURDAY. JUNE 13th. 7:30 p. m. Commencement of the Preparatory Department. Address to the class by Bruce A. Metxrer, A. M. Em.. Philadelphia. Pa. SUNDAY, June 14th. 10:30 a. m. Baccalaureate Sermon by President C. W. Endars D. D.. 7:30 p. m. Sermon before the Young Men's Christian Associa tion, by Rev. J. M., D. D., Milton, P. MONDAY, June 15th. 10:30 a. m. Junior Oratorical Prize Contest. 2:00 p, m. Commencement of the Music Department. 7:00 p. m. Twilight Concert by tha Casklns' Military 3nd. 9:00 p m. Receptions of the Literary Societies. TUESDAY. June 16th. 10:00 a. m. Commencement of the Thei'ioca! D!?ar'mert. Address to the clam by Rev. William H. Dolbeer. 3i!!e vllle. Pa. 2 'J) p. m. Dedication of the Aiumnl Gymnasium. Address by Rev. M. M. Albeelr, Berwick. Pa. Addrw by Gen. J. P. S. G&bln. LL. D.. Lebanon. P. 3 CO p. m. Field Spcrts. 7.30 p.m. Public Meeting of the University A.umr.i, Orat'.r. Rev. H. D. Hoover. A. M.. Fr"ede;.. P.. Poet, Rev. John Wsldley. A. M.. Pittsburg. Pa. 8:30 p. m. Entertainment of the University M islcal Ciubs the Opera House. WEDNESDAY, June 17th. 10:CO a. m. Commencement of the Collets Department. Ad dress to the class by James Scarlett, ., Danville Pa. 12:30 p. m. Alumni Banquet at tha University Dfnlng Hall. Cao 0ofis fi Excunstox T:c.irir3 over the Penn'a. S. R.. may be obtained by -writing to the Dean of the University. Rooms and Mrals may be obtained at the Keystone and the National Hotels at Jl.CO per day. A limited number of ladies can be accommodated ;n Seibert Hail of the Univer sity at 7S cents per day and single meals may be had for IS cents. Ths Summit School of Susquehanna University rtll ooen Wed nesday, June 13th and continue six -weeks. 3ul!et!na of courses offered may be obtained on aopllcatlon. The Nitxr Scholastc Ysar -will npen T jesday. Sentember 3th, 1X3. Fca Catalccubs, address the Dean of the University. Rev. Levi P. Young of Belleville, who for several years ha been an as sistant teacher In the preparatory de partment of Susquehanna University, and who la a graduate of the Univer sity, left on Tuesday for Church's Fer ry, N. Dakota, where be will organise a Mission: Have you ever read any of Swerten borg's Works? If not, wfTl you seud me your address snclosffjg a stamp or two and I will iotr vou one of his books FREE. State wbetheryou want it in English or in German. AltOLPH Roedkr, M) Cleveland street, tf., N. J. $1,75 1 $1.75 I I Is what I will Mil White All Rye goods are pure bu try a gallon and be Whiskey will be or 1003 for 30 days J 2-t $1.75 I 1 1 one irallon for.TUs' onvnfr-el. This lap after June 1st, L. Makks, Middleburgh. Pa Among the Snyder countiaus noticed at the Republican State Couveution at Harrisburjr, lost w eek were : W. E. Stahlnecker, editor A. M. A u rand, Judge P. F. Riegel, Dr. A. M. Smith, J. B. Ewiug, Charles Keller and Foster Smith of Beaver Spriugs ; Wm. Bagg ier of Freeburg ; Sheriff, Charles E. Sampsell, Attorney Jas. G. Crouse aud Editor Wagenseller of Mlddleburg ; IrwinF. Laudenslager, A. B. Keck and Postmaster Geo. C, Wagenseller of Seliusgrove; William K. Miller of Salem. O. M. McU feil from a shed Mon day morning, laodi on his head aud slid along on bis breast The scalp was torn from the skull for a considerable distance and be was badly bruised on the breaot. , Tb Cnnnry Commbwioners have provided a room 84ijoining"ilfo H'.'iJurt fiorn for thm espeftinl use of the attor ney and is to he designated the law library. Thie is a very good move and is much appreciated by the attorneys. Ocar Carey of Warnontown, died Sunday night of consumption. Hn was n',arrii to Lizzie F.iiert, a "laugh ter of M. O. and Amanda LuiTftia Orwig Eilert. He waa buried Wed nesday. He was an indmtrious man A TA rlufK VAWIA MUa .A . J I Cif J vii-ntu i.aiiivr iauirr u mri jjtrt;ii i y , XK I-iiuoF Tobacro Habit, aemi i" how to cure yourseof ftieiruse in one to five day a. Cornell Ski them your oelf. Mouey refunded ll not satistieii. Reference. Ellis A Co., CoIPrrwoud, Ohio, 1". S. A. SVINEFORD. Jennie Kox of Catawissa spent Sun day in town. Geo. Hasseiiplug, wife and children of Milton, visited relatives in town lust week. Howard W. Marks, H. E. Walter, V. E.Wetzel of Lewistown spent Sat urday aud Sunday ut their respective homes. Oeorge Wren, w ife and child, Peter Rogers and wife of Shamokiu visiud H. P. Beaver's. Win. and Paul House worth ofSelins- The committee on State Permanent certificate will meet at Freeburjr, Pa., ou Thursday and Friday, June i5th and ilth, 1908. Teehen who contem plate taking the examination should notify any one of the uudersigued com mittee. Miss Rae Mover. T. A. Stetler. A. R. C.illrt. The Difference. Tennyson could take a worthless sheet of paper, write a poem ou it, and make it worth Stio.OUO that's genius. Vanderbilt can write a few words ou a piece ot paper and make it worth $V tW,i.MjO that's capital. The Tuited Stales em i take an ounce aud a i)uarter of gold:, .dsiaiupupou it an "tji'le Bird" u d make it worth ft.'U that's money. A meeiiauic eau take mater ial worth $o and make it into watch springs worth (l.UUO that's skill. A mcR'buut cau take an article worth To cent aud sell it lor $1 that's busiutsa. A lady can purchase a 75 cent hut, bul she prefers one that costs $7 that's fool isli ui ss. A Ditch Diucer works grove aro visitiug their graudnts, J ten houra a day and bundles several Heury Dietrick and wife. M. K. Sehoeh is having his house painted. Kate Bickhart, Opheus and Mame Hartman of Royer's Bridge were iu town Sunday. The tannery received a car load of hides Suturduy. Asa Sholter of Weikert spent Sun day with hbj uncle, John Llbby. Homer Kesslcr of Mlflliuburg, spent Sunday at home with his parents. Mrs. John C. Ramer and daughter were to Lewistown last week. ' Francis Btroup of Red Bank passed through here Sunday on his way to Burnham. tous ol earth for fU that's labor. The Printer of this could w rite a check for fcW.UOo.UOU, but it wouldn't be worth a dime that's rough. Any oue cau go to The Susquehanna Uuiversity Musi cale aud thoroughly enjoy au excellent concert that's couimou seuse. A concert w ill be given iu theSelius grove Opera House, Juue loth. Ad mission, '2oc aud 36c. 1'U The Sand Industn-. Maplktov, Depot, Pa., May 2H, W3 Edluir Post: I am now engaged as the Superin tendent of the millwriirht work for the Pfina. GlaM Saud Co. -i" n'Aet;' a lot of tph. chinery iu the Columbia Milkv I jtrxt irppared a bill of lumber reiitiirina; 73, '100 feet for the Kevstone MUL The new mill will l a 45xlhf feet tubiition to the old mill. This will be used for Xew Mill, washing machinery i-iuveying hflls, loading tower. (10 to 1- '-tir I'apaeity ami ae-v .'nmrner dryir li to li ton pt-r hour. . If will reiitnw nearly :ul -minnier ro er:t the in:idings and place '.he :ua chinery. aiills are Us-ate-i !e tween Mapi.'t.m and Mill Crek:. Huut inirion ounty. This ompany owns tea plants, one in Hancock. . Va.. the Dther ar? aioti Juniata nrcr. Each plant has a capai-ity ii j o cars per lay. There are other -and plants not owned by tliia .tumuauy .u this s;t.(n with a aiMu.'ity of t uid t earn per 'la--. I have hern asaeii t. put in .11)0 ton plant in West Virginia. Yours .wt!'u;!v, W. H. LiMuidatioa Sale .f Scarevcr. S.m X Co.. Uiltoa. Pi. The ."-chreyer tore (.'.).. has W.-ea ; corporated under the of the .lira mou wealth of Peiyaa, for the purr me of engin hjeTgenerai nierrnaadia icg busine?in thelorgti f Miitoa and negotiatiou hsiei'eea r?tupieted by which tbe Vew Saruon have acquired the st-V-s. ia tUe. will, etc., of S.'hreyerlSou 4C'X la ruai iugtlie traus'er ft t'rwarr to ,-ou-vert a laive p.rf6 ot the tocs. .ato ready mouey, quickly. For re-, sou during the tuoutas i Juue. J.y, and Augu.i great riucuou cave .ru made iu all departments. ie i.srciii Juue 1st. farmers and I ruit Uroers. j 1 w ill MMid t he foilow inu ur reti ' fiirinnias lor U"ic. Mou reiurtievl it' not. j satistied. How U oi-euvnuou :ruit I and Vegetaole. Ifokufto k;vt i rv(w i t j cucumtwrs o;l' of vJ vine. 1U to, iniike an iU'i orvliaiifa tu oin. , to can iruil w an o4d uaier. Ellis a Co.. Colliiivkv.u, i , . lo Kcut ui Law)cis. A suit that has 1ft u peudius :'or , forty-six years iuvolviug tluegvi:ta- tious of liiigiuits was tiualiy tiled iu THE FL'TLRE REVEALED. Comin? Events Their Sh.idowt Before. The readcrM r,f Km- I'lrnrf r-iiet. od to nd u antioiiiK-etnetitM .if all vnts. No cliarvrc will I mndc to plllilish tll JRIlie a-!)cii tbn .'Vctit i- of p'lblin itnix-ir'ane. HATrsiMY, .Into"!, s ' ri'v!.erry !'.. tival t Vcrdilln :ti the evenio-. SATrmuv. .Imi.. t; y ',-,,. - T , . f 'snip will hold i '.clival i l-'f-'nont in tlip cvpninir. ATfHii.A v. J'Ioh ! Tli" ; I'll riimnl Convention f th IV i) '. .,f ,. of Snyder roiiiity will l iieNI in Kr niont. SATt'KriAV June K. Th( ('. K. Society 'if HftHHtnirer church wii! hold a festival on the .Imrch hvii in th evenimr. ATfRDAV, Juneii, Tlie-iinOny JchiMil will hold a festival at Salem. Satt-riiav, .J'ine ;, . r.-.tivnl will lx held at Iteil Hank in tl veiling. Sfvii.w, June 7 to 10, :s:trd Annual 'ommencpment of 1'rt.iniH t'ollece at f'ollegpvllle. Pa. Si-nkav, June 7, Trinity Sunday. Movtia v. June S, TrensurerN Land le at the Court honiw. Ti'wn iv, June 'I, Full Moon. Tl'WlHY, June tl. Fiirtiiep.' liiMfitute inanagerst meet at Uie 'oniniiioner' otflw. Tm'KsriAV, June 1 1 to June 17. vim. inencementexerclof .-UNiuelianna University, Selinsgrove. SATraiiAV. June l Smith's .-unday Sciwiol near Fremont wt!l hold a few rival in the evening. ririAV, June 14, Children's Day F.x erelses In the Fremont St. Joliu's church. Scxday, June 14, Children's Day Ex erclaHi in the Lutheran Church of tbia place in th- .nlmr. , SrrrDar, June 14, to lTth, Pennsylva nia Htate 'ollege Commeniement. at State College. Center County, Pa. Srxnav, June Hth. Flag Day. The Anniversarv of -be :.irth of ,,Ur Flag. Monday. June l.'. Application -rill l,e maiie ro the rovernor or i liartcr 'or 'he Middleiiur? Water '. innany. TafKSiJAY. June I-, n.c 7 Milan II i 1 1 Wild W.-t -md Mexi.-an :i:;.p. dmme -.vtll i-xtnliit ::i Middic'tir. FlllDAY. June H:c i ciflTtltlon i he Aur.iv-r-arv ' Kvi- liation of .t,ii.V .:l "mleV Force, i ".l.-.u-r ' ' .tint v. ATT-!tIiAY. June .'J. -!icn:r -nmt'-eil i 11 -etl in? li.iaL.e -arm "i ; i. liaaa. W,-t of own. .TMi vV, juue .1. ".-lOueM tav ! '.:u. MoXDa '. UI.- -li. "!,. :'''ti:iSVIVV ua Kuit.Tta. LM,i !ai: ill 't.l tit-tm Atlantic City ma -iuai:i ben.' ul wets. Monday. June umuier -ommen-,-ee at I'.bw a. n. WKDXKsr iv. June -J ind -5. iteumou f tVunsyivauta 'eTvc a ;iarr: burg. Tuvkspay, June J5 ium J'j. Ixaimua- ttou ot Temuers for 'vrrnaiieut ent- i.'aces at Freeourn. TvrDW. June 'At. Juiy : iuu J, -'ace Kducauuuai Awiauuu 'ueei- iygat 'Vi'kes oar. Svr' hi'ay, Juiv-., Imieiineiic- Luy. l'J7a auuivernary WKi.tL.vV. Juiy -.. rbe Nauouai Kditortai .Vsuocia-iou wul ti Oniaua, Neo., and ,'roui .acre ul io '.o :i. .'1io "toue Nauvoai Tar. Tfll'ttel . J uiy . I , ' tt'.eruaiiouai chrtuau Kudavv; 'uvutivu :a IVuver. Sll Ki.' v. Juiy ;;, Vhird Brtgavie, .N. li. I. r.U'.auipuivut Mom-v . vuusk '. Na.ioui aitipu...a:, .. v, i -,ui h a;.. I . i.v: i.i;.! ail w ;.. M.'N.'N. Aa;, .1, '-Uiiv , Mi . i. L.L1V1U, !'. O. S. ci A., '. a.. :;.. i, i'X V,lMM'ai . ej.k. .'id, iViuoirakiO vj.iAV'uii'uiiiM ,.; ;iarvi4.'Uig, i,-w the Blair coum y courts i;ii.t wivi Uarrlai Llceosca, (Percival JL Kratzcr, Kate L. HotletiBteln, (II. lLGladfelter, Ella D. Kessler, f H. 8. Sterner May L. Charles, Kratzerviile. Ulobc Mills. Selinsgrove. Selinsgrove, Selinsgrove. Selinsgrove. Engine For Sale A twelve horse Ihiwi portable 1'rick Kngiue is ottered at private -ale. It can be seen at Stropblfk Itmuirc ut n. s, SiKoW, t-f Strouplowu, Pa. UAKKItD. May 2, by tieo. M. Shiudle, Perci val H. Kratzcr of KraUerville to Kale L. Hottensteiu of Glutx Milla,. l'a, ' Ka-Shtitt' J. W, :U sui I u.Miay lie grtinlig Ins lua.. v r, L JiCUl, i. tai Hrnvu to t4.i:r4U4ju. L v-tikt .d "it ' of t '0 wa y i u e rtlU-.Ue .'OUi ai oa, i lain .y s Oi eu to Jen i la.ioui ;U aso of ;l 'ci ut. '-u tii ; tl Kruils, Cuts. oiiUkis L lctjis, i 1jv 12 a seppiy ot ' BncLleiitf' Aruic SaIvh. lta tb lt:ct on cait'ii. -5c. at IiJdioiturg Duig Stor G''ay bill AUaituauof Bicuf.eld Dr. J. W. Ssiaipse I ot PtuusCrv'tk Druiiibt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers