i; mwmm PuMNhee Even- Thursday MorniflK SIO W WA0KNSEUJ5R A. H iDrTOR AND OWNIR j to our own hemisphere we find our southern neighbors maintaining larger standing armies, proportionately, than we, Chili's ratio being one in Sf30 ami Brazil's one in 550. So the net is that with this increa?e of the army this BDUOlfy remains by far least given to ladies' hcme journal. COl'RT PROCEEDINGS. fletuirtetl bv Rruc H. Croune. m i a! il 1 . 1 HERE is a deep paiuos in me picture uy j Ct(U1, (.,mvolu.(l Monday, Juu? 3rd, wmr -r rn 111 . .'I'l I i il 1? I w. Lt. lay lor wtii.Yi nntuiflrs .... , . - ana not). .. t. ucoaDeriiQc Home Journal. The bowed ami sad-laced figure V. F. Itiegle, Ansoeiate Judges, preaid- of the lonely widow, standing with oue hand on j ri I I , I HI II t 'Mil VII ' 1 1 ' illUtlJI , ilUll 7 UIU , called "The Passing of the Farm, A. D. V.M, at 11 oYlook A. M., with , T . . m. . j , Hon. H. M. Met "I n re, President Judge, I in the June issue of The Ladies i , t ( ,ellbOT and YOUR MONEY BACK si ascHiPTioN rates. T " Waiti"" CaCh W,"le 8omncl, Ie88 given to it than the ks hog last look at her old home, makes a Mat f.r flrat insertlm. and IDitnli per line for each " ' ' w I ... 1 .1 l. . T"l, VanaM MlinMrttM. if-ppr ..-'!l.',V?"nV '',':" "ou"- lenl militant of all other comparable iwwcrs as B mvmi iu me iceuuga. .v, bo i ww 11 ii tc iii"' . ' no UK i i i i k 1 1 x i vwwiyi m - to ha quite out of comparison with it. Oue soldier Vol.. XXXVtTL Jjoci 18, 1901. Nl-miikr 24. tiknamniV u ;a ran. 1B,1 in a thousand that 111 (1 llll'll. IIII'K . w va.w - can be content therewith! Ing. ONE SOLDIER IN A THOUSAND. rSHB reorganization of the United States Army, with a strength of 77,287 enlisted men, lias this week been announced. We do T LITERARY NOTES. pjbpper'b magazine. Tin: J. W. Pepper Piano Music Magazine is not venture to hope that it will altogether put i ne 0f tni, De1rest monthly magazines in its field an end to the ridiculous chatter about militarism. Nobody cap complain of not getting the worth There is nothing harder to suppress than folly. f their money, as it publishes 21 pieces 10 vo Indeed it may be that the announcement will leal and 11 instrumental making 04 pages ..1 the U-st music and all 01 II original ana written by the most popular oomposera of today. Price, 10 cents; $1.00 per year. For sale by GL C (lutelius. UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD PATH FOR MAY. In the May issue Universal Brotherhood Path maintains its high standard and that happy blending of sound common-sense philosophy am articles of living interest with bright nature- touches. It is essentially an optimistic public ion, although it does not ignore the dark phases give a certain stimulating fillipto that particular kind of nonsense. The changes may le rung upon the fact that the army is thus madethreee times as large as it was a few years ago, and lurid pic ture may be painted of those 77,287 men terror izing the great centres of industry and subjecting the average citien to the condition of a serf. In itself 77,-s" is a considerable number. But in comparison with that which represents the population of this country it is insignificant. It is Btnallerthan thatol the population ol any one I )f. h(ini;m life The magjMB,p opens with some of filly cities in the United States. As applied fo fioe nJines to an Ancient Temple," by C. WM the army, itintansjust one soldier toeach thousand j . citizens. One soldier to a thousand! What sort of -f. :,.(!, 9 Pnnutni p. or rather contrast militarism unew i it with the ratio of army to population in other countries. France, our great sister republic, has in her standing army in time of peace one soldier to every 72 citizens; Italy has one to every 100; Germany follows with one to every 107; Austria Hungary has one to every 125; even little Bel gium, whose neutarlity is guaranteed, has one to every 130; Russia, with her vast population, has one soldier to every 140 subjects, and Holland, the land chosen for the scene of the International Pflee Comrress, is prepared for war in time of peace with one soldier to every 175 of her peo ple. Great Britain has long been one of the least army ridden 8tates of Europe, yet even she h one soldier to every 225 citizens. In Japan ,;, i one in 350. And if we come A wondrous monument art thou Stonehcntfi And thou dost watch while time piles age on ikp, Till years which saw thy youth are lost in mists. Too deep to penetrate so old art thou." REVIEW OK REVIEWS. The Review of Review for June has two im portant articles on the Buffalo fair "The Pan American on Dedication Day." by William H Hotchkiss, and "Artistic Effects of the Pan-American Exposition," by Ernest Knaufit. Both bcr sky, the distant misty hills, the closed house the deserted barns, and above all, the dejected figure, bring a lump into one's throat. THE PIUiRIM. The Pilgrim for June opens with a timely article on that most characteristic of American summer resorts, Atlantic City, by Julian Haw- of the grand Jnry thorne, who in that couuection makes a plea for a greater proportion of out-door life in the rout ine of the hard-working American. This note finds who elsewhere in the Pilgrim in a sugges tive article on "Neighborhood (ioK Clubs," in a brilliantly illustrated article on "Formal Gar dening" by Prof. Willielm Miller of Cornell, and in the editorials. THE OUTLOOK, The June Magazine Number of The Outlook which is its Annual Recreation Numlier, contains an article of extreme value by Philip W. Ayrcs, on "The Forester and his Work." Mr. Ayrcs tells of the life of the forest, its importance to mankind, and of the tracts of forest land that already have been reserved, and it is hoped will be reserved, by the Government. The article is illustrated by photographs of trees, woodland ahd forests of the West and South. ($3 a year The Outlook Company, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York.) The IWMlabwa were sworn to their returns. W. L. Hummel waa sworn to attend to the grand jury. W. L. Hummel, L. Kecler, Jacob Hingaman and Fraud Mull were ap pointed tipntaves. On motion of Chas. I b'lrleh, Esq., John V. Leader, Esq., and Milton Loeb, Esq., were admitted to practice law In the several courts of Snyder County. COURT OK gi'AKTKR SK88IONB. Jacob Jarrett was appointed foreman r '8.95 Wl will aklp ;M tlfc But of UwMtulMtpd Kier points wp.ur, allowed Irrije ' ; tu l , Win. It U nude o tolid oak, nlcelr lined, oieasurn u Inchea hlah. 94 in': loua. IS llKhri dun a Milk V " atec, nlTaalaad Iron ahaWea, and la latSl with water- proof tibra leltlnf . Ita retail itlwu 918.00 ST.08 aaead la buylns of the maker. Oaf fin" Depeieawal toaraea avweaaae of am lea. Om UJBeixk c.il " l.i!ul r urniiui S4w eioul r.m. nannlea. Oae Mi HV la .an. aeUe all abM thlaa to lUt, Cm ud W.a -r KtsB The Selinsgrove T.mex man met his Jonah last Friday in Selinsgrove when Norman Fisher of the Isle of Que met the Hon. Joseph G. lush er on the public, square, punched his nose, black ened his eyes, wined np thc sidewalk with Joe's articles are illustrated from the most recent pho- j carcass and spoiled his new suit with the dust of the street, and had not others interfered, the ed togranhs, and in connection wish Mr. KnauflVs article, especially, the wonderfal electrical effects at night are reproduced by tiw photographer, Mr. C. D, Arnold, with stMruiiu-acy. Ten pf these, remarkable night JjfjttwB, taken especially for the Review by Mr. ArnoH'aooooipany Mr. aSf.ti A WU! . Jb1'i Knaunt s lexi. mk i tors of Snyder County would be puzzling their brains to get up a suitable eptiaph for Brother Leeher. The Tma man is so modest and meek now that be offers a year's sjubsoription to any person who will agree not to menriou that little scaap WitK our. big uucle. . , ' . Rtpubllcan State Conveatloa. To the Ilepublican Electors of Pennsyl vania : lam directed by the Republican Htate CommltieS to announce that the Republicans f Pennsylvania by their duly etiosen representatives, will meet in Convention at the Opera House, in the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, August 21st 1901, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the following otftoea, to wif Ohe person for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court. One person for the office of State Treasurer. In accordance with he rules gov erning the organization, lhe represen tation in the State Convention will be based on the vote iwlled at the last Presidential election. Under the rules each legislative district is entitled to one delegate for every two thousand votes east for the Presidential Electors in WOO, and an additional delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. By order of the Republican State Com mittee. Frank Reeper, W n Andrews. Chairman C. E. Voorhees, Secretaries. Deafnesi Cannot be Cured bv local application bb they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu- cious Uningof the Eustachian xuoe Druggist J. Goldsmith, Van Etten, When this tube is innamed vou have, N, y. ..j have always used it in my a rumonng bouuu u "r'l" Own lamiiyootb tor ordinary congns ing, and when it is entirely ciosea. and C0,dB Mi for the follow. ca ire mal concuiion.nearmg wuiuc uooj A Oe ( k MexlielB. It speaks well for Chamberlain's Remedy when druggists use it in their own families in prefrence to to any other. " I have sold Cham" berlara's Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and customers," "ays MIFFLINBURG HORSE MARKET ing, and when it is entirely ciosea. ( aQd C0,dB (H, the foUo Deafness is the result, and unless mg ippe and tind ih verv effi( the inflamation can be taken out ciou.,y f 0r 8aJo b th Miadlebu and this tube restored to its nor- Dr gj id forever, nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition 01 mo couh surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (causeu l 1. . .....,,.,,t ha pnreu uv KCeterrh OurtC Bnd for Sltr W Pennsylvania RaUroad Company Ride the Monarch Keep Ahead. A VALUABLE PUBLICATION. The I'runiiylvaula Hal I road iwoi Haim mor ExearaLnu Boole Hook. On June 1 the Passenger Department cnlnrR. free F. J. Chisey & Co., Toledo, u. Sold by Druggists, 75e. Hall's Family Pills ere the best. will publish the edition of the Summer Excursion Route Book. This work is designed to provide the public with de scriptive notes of the principal Summer resorts of Eastern America, with the best routes tor reaching them and the rates of fare. It contains all the princi pal seashore and mountain resorts of the East, and over seventeen hundred different routes or combinations of routes. The book has been compiled with the greatest care, and altogether The Monarch is a model wheel and will wear with any high grade on the market. All kinds of Repairs constantly on hand ft& Some good Second hand wheels now on hand. -ig&L J. A. DUCK, Middleburg, Pa. SPECIAL MUSIC OFFER. Strictly high grade music ff mall. Evangeline Medley Walte, easy and beautiful American Heiress Waltz; Wholly Smoke two step and Cake Walk: From Manger to Throne, sacred somt: The Mother's Sad Good-Byerlis the most complete and comprehen Pathetic Ballad; Prisoner's Last Re sive handbook of Snmmer travel ever quest, a song that will touch your offered to the public. heart ; 'Neath Georgia's Nodding Pines J The cover is handsome and striking, waltr. song, 15 cents per copy, 2 copies printed in colors, and the book contains for 35 cts. post paid. Send to-day. ' several maps, presenting the exact i routes over which tickets are sold. The book is profusely illustrated with fine half-tone cuts of scenery at the various resorts and along the lines of the Penn sylvanla Rkilroud. On and after June 1 this very inter esting book may be procured at any j Pennsylvania Railroad ticket office at Sheriff's Sale of the nominal price of ten cents, or, upon ptSTi AT. TTlgaT A T1T. I application to the general office, Broad By virtu of ceruin writ of ai Ft fm. iaiui Street Station, by mail for twenty cents. WANTKUTKUSTWOEUY MKN AND Wo men to travel and advertise for old ealabllahtd houae of lolld financial Itandin. Salary 1780 a year and expenara, all aayahle in cash. Do can vaaainz renuirad. Ulve references and end eelf addreaewl (tamped envelope. Addreas Manager, 9M Oaiton 0tdg Cuicafo. ! Kit Leafing of property in Washington township, in which to maintain the poor whs approved. In the ease of the Commonwealth vs. Henry Hurner, the defendant plead guilty to the charge of fornication and luistard and received the usual sentence. in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Moses Arnold, the defendaut was found guilty of larceny and false pre- U'lise. He was sentenced to pay a tine of ten dollars, OOeto of prosecution, re store the stolen goods to the owner and UUdergO an imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary located at Phila delphia for a period of 1 year and nine calendar mouths. In the ease of the Commonwealth vs. Peter Steflen, the defendant was con victed of forcieation and bastard and received the usual sentence. Order to view public road at Kreamer was enlarged. Viewers to report to next term. In the matter of a bridge view across the Busquehanna River, exceptions were filed to the repot t of viewers and by the consent of the parties it was set aside. ,.. Report of viewers of public road in Franklin township was confirmed nisi. Report of viewers vacating and re laying pubitc road in Monroe town ship was confirmed nisi. is M. Baker, Eaq., H. H. ttcbrawder and James N. Houser were appointed to view public road let Franklin-end Middlecreek townships: J. M. BdVef, Theodore Row and H. H. lut were appointed to view and vacate public road and, , foot bridge, in Peny and Chapmen townablptv. , ., OL Di H. t Wadter Fmnkllu Soboch and B. F. beifastwere appointed to vtW brirlire sfte lh HbrinR toWOWtp. 1 James MlddlesWartBV'CharteB Bolend er aod7ohn.S. )Cauffnian wereaptodlut- ed to detennme boundary line Detween 8ellnrove borough and i"enn twp W. I). Gift. JohnS. Rlne and Frank Keller were appointed to view bridge site in Jackson twp. " COURT OK CX)MM)N Pl.EAS. All the cases in this court were either nettled or continued by the parties. ORl'HNS' COl'KT . Auditor's rejiorts were confirmed nisi in estates ot Charles Hoover, deceased, and W. Pi Howell, deceased. Orders of sale were granted In estates of Samuel Fall, dee'd, Lewis Knouse, dee'd, Levi Kami well, dee'd, and Levi Kline, dee'd. Returns to orders of sale were con firmed in estates of Violette Bowersox, deceased, Annie L. Htahl, deceased, and Daniel B. Herrold, deceased. 1 i James Shaffer and Wm. Boyer were appointed to appraise1 personal property taken by Lucetta Shaffer, widow of William A. Shaffer, under the 3O0 law. ; tum, .nod - uit q , Daniel Maneval was appointed guar dian of John Markel, a minor child of Sarah Markel, deceased. All the accounts of executors, ad ministrators and guardians, and the widows' appraisement were confirmed Wear ' oalalaa om ll.oee iiimT ead mm aeatatak eeke kewam ..iiaw..i.,iij If .eeae.lt al-a.iie., lot 10 com. tk A re tnui jpm e!eaW r-m n..jl,a ereVeeYa hoe Utaefeaakel faealeil ekeejo fllOCI III., til' CaeaoK aaae. paaertea. Wall roe.,, im. eflt-r aiaok.to. fealVrU, Iraaiea Fletont, keetlallloo a. t aebWr4 rorolloro.1. Ik.lr rli eareek eeeei tVoo. Ueaa ieaaael eUkoal eWp M rttuaaT rate oa ill rai aew.a. Free I ef Bea'o laea-leOeaie CUtku, u laiae eletk eeaeko aHaeket. WI run 1 1 1 rtaa. all aia aciaaarn to wit. free Keae Seeai Ceklleaai eataiea ea,U froe leg eeaw ea aaawa wai a-aa aeeMoewoMoioeojeo war pay eeeaii pnee vorwa . . ..i . . everyway;. " wm w . - - , JUUUS SINE 4 SON, kMkMra, Me. DttL as adyertlaed, exeept those hereiriafta mentioned. Leave was given M. K. Bchoca, guardian of the minor gnutdchildnatl GeorgS Kern, deceased, to loan moan at live per cent. W. J. Truistcr was appointed fuar. dianof Nettie L., IraC, and Harvn . i.-i; .IUm. . . . . aviitie, iiiiiiifi 1 1 i i m i 1 1 ni . Kline, deceased. Exceptions were tiled to the aoeoQnt of B. P. Hummel, one of the mlmim. trators of the estate of Simon Hummel deceased. Tuesday, July Kith, is the time fljcl for the argument court. Wednesday morning court adjotirMd until Saturday forenoon at 11 o'olook. A Hpralneel Ankle l'"l kl T Cnred. 'At one time I suffered from a severe sprain of the ankle," i Geo. E. Cary, editor of tLe Guide, Ytasnington, a. Alter using sever, al well reComended mediciue with out success, 1 tried Chamberlain, Pain Balm, and am pleased to sty that relief came as aoon as I begin its use and a'complete cure sprpdilr l.lt A )) aA u. au. ; i. i.l... luuinvou, uviu uj vuv .TinH'i(uurg Drug Store. 6-tt-5t. Milton MisicPun. Co. Milton, Pa. The nenilblr way to buy wnlakey U to get it direct frum the PUtilU ry. This saves whole sale and retail dealers' Droflts, also Insures pure goods. The Uayner Distilling Co. will ship you four full quarts Ser en - Year-Old Rye, express prepaid, for $3. 20. See large advertise ment In this issue. HOC PIANO SOLOS For 6(1 ccBts postpaid I'M) K HIIOItT TIM K ONLY. New and lliwtn- date Oaskatotilsn March by Rothermel. Prlaotne Set March by Kothermel. March De Floating Population by Johnaon, ar ranged by Rothermel. This March reedy April . Ills the finest si x-elghth Marah of th Suth Century, alto ready for band sue, small urcneatra sue. nano acconip. IV. Mandolin Solo 16c. Mandolin A Quitar. ?2c, i Mandolins 4 Ouitetotc, Mandolin and 1'iano 22c. . . ..... ... Rand and Orchestra Leader, a postal card will bring you our latest Catalogue. Address. BOTMBKH El. I'NIt' PTB. CO., 4-U-4t. 8UNBVKY. PA. Dfth f Abraham Frtcd. Abraham Freed, one of the old residents of Wasbiugtou towusbip, died suddenly last Thursday and was buried Sunday. He wax one of those Who hardly 'ever went awav s'l ''".'''-) fi ::.' irom nome lumer xnan to the coun ty Beat. It is doubtful whether he ever rode in a train. He leaves one son to survive hjitp. , His wife died about lei yeare ago. She was i daughter of irilip and Margraet Apple. ' It" 'Was 'very seldom that Mr. Freed had a woman to Iceep house tor him. He and Ins son did all the nous- work, milked the m and managed the farm together. He had taken the Freed farm about 2 J miles west of Freebur, uuderan agreement with the reft of the heirs. Three brothers survive him, vill Henry M., who has been in the I mercantile business at Liverpool, t erry Co., Pa., for many year?; John and Philip who reside in Washington township. One brother, George, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Freyman, preceded him to the spirit world, i COMMENCEMENTS. We have received quite a nimiherof Commencement programs. The date as far as received are : gusquehanBi u nivermy, Belinagrove, from naturoij June 15th to Thursday, Jtiue 20th. Bucknell' University. Lewiabum from Friday, June 14th to Wednesday, June 19th. Central Penna. College, Ne Beilin, June 14th to 20th; UrHiniuCor lege, CoIlegevHle, Juned to 1!; Peni Htate College, June 9 to 12. 4 n i m m 1 1 1 1 m i . u 1 1 1 no 1 1 m i n mm 1 1 m 1 1 n WW Wc will sell 23 head of choice Northern Illinois horses at the Ho tel DoeUarc! Thursday, June 20th, ranging In age from 4 loO years, all well broke and well mated teams, fast drivers, good lamily horses and farm chunks. These horses are all of the BEST STOCK. Remember the day and date, JUNE 20th, 1901. Walter & Shlrely. ajjejyeeoae out of the Coart of Common Pleas of Snyder County, ra and omedlrected, 1 will eipose You may 88 Well eXDOCt to mn to public sale, at lhe Court liouas, In Middle-: , " . 7. r " bunr. ia , on a steam engine without water as to aanr.latr JnnA QOrl. mm 1 find an active, energetic man with a at one o'clock I. M.. the following described reel estate, to wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the borouirli of Middlebnrg, Snyder County, Pu.. bounded and described as follows to wit: lleglnning at a post at public road, thence by torpid liver, you may know that his liver is torpid when he does not re lish his food cr feels dull and languid ofla. uiino t t ii,. ha. linnnnV.A n . 1 airai oniiug, uhcu ueo iave.ucev.ua nuv sometimes dizzines. A few doses of r i l:l o L. J T by lot of formerly Uenry Moyer and Charles "u"'",u " oijMtawJU ouavi jjimji Miller, s. SV W. ltlO feet to a post thence by land i Tablets Will restore hlS UTOr to its oi .muei wiitenmyer. or wiiicii tins is a part, - normal functions, renew bis vitiality r. . a" r ou leei 10 a post, mence oy same, pi. r . - , . . . u J 87 K. 1W feet to a post at aforesaid road, thence improve his digestion and make him elone said road S. 3 K. o feet to place of 1 ftaa! liko now man. Price 25 eents retifiSiKr Samples free at Middleburg'a drug TOHz UUiLOlNU to which ere attached an Kri store. OINK. UOlLKlt, and allllie newssury mncbln- , aeej-eeaeeaaae. err for the manufacturing of Children's aud DD June 4, In Jkcksoil tWb., Nb Misses' ."Shoes. . . r i. . ... r seised, taken into e.ecutlon err. to be sold i manr eiter, BRer a iingenugiunesB. June 1, at Heavertown, Daniel Cro mer, aged about 80 years. June 1, in Jackson twp., Mrs. Han nab, wife of Barnhart Kline, aged 78 as the property of the Main Shoe Compeny, Limited. i. w . kuw, snerin. Hherirr-s Office, Mlddlel.urg, Ha., June Mb. 1001, NTOKALOIA cured by Dr. Mllea Turn Piua. "One cent a tor At all dnartdato Prof. D. Noling Late with Dr. A. H. Wells, tbo (-EI.KRKATEU EVE NI'ECIAI.IMT of Washington, D. C Headquarters at Hlller Moose, 123 East Market $t., Lewlstown, Pa. Consultation and thorough examination free oi charge every Wednesday end Saturday. Oiasasssoionetflcallyand skillfully fitted. Also ell imperfections lu the eyes of children care fully examined. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. rtT- ARTIFICIAL EYES INSERTED. "S Notice Is hereby given tliat Power oi attorney lii-fact baa been s-ranted by lhe heirs In the ee tote of Conrad Feller, late df I Fan township, Snyder County. Pa., deceased. A 1 1 torso ns knowing theuiselvea to be Indebted to said es tate should make Immedlats payment and those having claims atminai it anouia preseui loom duly authenticated for settlement. ALLEN 8-8BCHRI9T, Ml , m. Attornsy-ln last Dundore, Pa., Tube 4, 1ML SPECIAL SALE I CARPETS, MATTING RUGS and FURNITURE. mi AND 18ST PLITE UIE Ef M MSrlAYED I i najtuuiw i a. t Marked attractivenese in design and color and excellent quality I' of fabric, combined with the1 reasonable prices, make our carpew ."' ..' a. .e a .1 eras C All .4 conspicuous. Ai this time attention is called to tne new aaw patterns ; of the well-known Wilton's, Axminsters and iape; Brussels. The. latest effecte in Ingrains. Sag Carpets in all stjw " '. and prices. : m. Wi '; see s e : Our stock of niiw ruKlN n ukcisw pecially pleasing. We also Have a fine line of baby Carnages. riX.e. Hut M'full fBi J M.iiifiiu . m-C ....a..-- i a i sil 1 1 1 H'n I I I I I I I I I I I I I H ' I I " s . .-. . - ""3 yean.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers