J IWafCBMller, Fdilor aid Proprietor. A Umij Jtaraal, DtTttcd t Newt, Scieace, Art, Political Economy and Correal Literature. Kateo: Oae Dollar Per 1 i r.o.ComnriM'oncr' 1 1 02 , XXXVIII MIDDLEBURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. JUNE G 1901 NUMBER J:i UCID LOCAL LACONICS 1 una Sai.k. Clearing sales of for 20 daye t E. C. Aurand'a, 0-6-2L Iw highest cub prioe fr hides, id wool. J. I-- Wlneraan, Lewtsburg, Pa. Lnl'H Supper will be celebrated Mtermed congregation Sunday Juno 80th. pay the highest prices tor a. 1 1 ml unwasnea M. MiiiLNKB, Kant., Pa. Iii'm day exercises will be held formed ohuroh of this place Ironing, June 10th. fetiid Army Encampment will It Octtysburgthi week. Many from this place arc in atteud- Bragemuu uvea w jm an he used to do this sl"to jan Science and the increase Bmmencement exercises of ( '. Ill begin June 14th anil close graduating exercises Thurs- li liUtll. t wait until itlstoolate. A dol week la as big as three if you kjopy of the book on "Snyder Marriages. Price v3.uu atter v. lomestic animals oi rennsyi- i valued at about $150,000, Lrmera who were w Ishlng for thai they have plenty and pare. lord comes to town that ('ash. Linger of the ElizabethvlUe 'the happv father t all a i I ovand W. P. Dagle, the shirt 111101 of Beavertown, the father ght girl. Ins from Snyder, Perry ami Counties desiring to call on Dr. t will find it to their advantage Inize the McKees Steam Ferry. Kss iii ten minutes. Distance dor from ferry 2 miles. P. S. Dt'llKKl.I.. tnayerof Union township com- Lhat the supervisors are putting i the middle of the road in order expense. Supervisors should ftrel or crushed stom . By doing by will save more money than kg mud to till up. Michigan comes the story of a . . ..Al.... Iio stooped ai a newsoapei mix vuy to a theatre and placed an emenl for a boy. Half an nour lc fell from the gallery into his I yet some people say advertise ring no results. Ifob8ale.-119 acres 100 clear covered with good timber, has neach orchard, all Kinas t Lil buildings, Bprlngof running (miles north of Middleburg. Michael Blouch, Middleburg, Pa. i would invest a dollar now that Itrorth 110.00 to your children, lour grandchildren and a price- lie to your great grandchildren, It in u "8nvder County inar- book. Particulars In double article on tirst page of this pa p A. E. Soles for a smooth easy fcr up-to-date hair cut and bead I'd with a refreshing shampoo or ill' removed with his tonic. A owel to each patron. Parlor in iiildiug, one door east of l'ost Sutisfact ion guaranteed, tf. In never miss the water till the ans dry" is an old adage as true as it was in the distant past, you have no occasion to miss now, you will miss an opportun- lOU do not take advantage of our Offer for a copy of the hook on it County Marriages." The of- (ixk! only this week. Next week Ew goes up to $3.00. ltletnen," said the professor to Icdicnl students assembled 1 n l"I have often pointed out to you narkablc tendency to consump- Ithose who play upon on instru- In this ease now before us we well-marked development of e, and I was not surprised on questioning the patient. lis a member of a brass band. f," continued the professor, ad- the consumptive, "will you fell the gentleman what instru- rou play on?" "I blays der said the sick man. The P. (). of A. Camp of this place attended the annual convention of the County at McKees Fulls Saturday. The allalrs of the shoe factory are be ing -Impei 1 up so that the property can to' sold to any one desiring to operate the plant. The boyi and girls, who hail been employed at the factory, miss their "starvation wages" which the I Atp said the factory managers were , paying. Do not expect to go to a loan's fuu-l eral a year after his death, rf you try to do that, you will he disappointed Do not try U hoy one of the books n i "Snyder County Marriages'' for One' Dollar after this week. You will be disappointed, strike now while the offer is good. ATANNEM WE HOPE. Saturday a party from New York was in this place looking up a -ho for a new tannery, lie is reputed to be a wealthy gentleman to whom Henry Dietrich baa sold lots of lumber. He agrees to employ 25 t" 30 nu n. tie asked the donation of tw iu res of land ! vvlii. I, vna 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 I I v i' r;i 1 1 1 iei 1. : ........ Within a week he w ill di i ide whether he will establish u brunch here. We hope he willeome. There Is plenty of bark shipped from thisstatioii to sup- id v the size tnunerv he I imposes to! ercet. Grading the Sunda) School. Great interest everywhere exists in better educational Hiblc work in the Sunday School. The Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association has Issued a little booklet with scheme of organ cation found tl ghly prac ticable and courses of ii for one year. This is the actual solution ofgradlng problem- bj many earnesl superintendents in the stu a. rite to General Secretary Chas. Roads, 1)13 Crozer Building, Phlln., for particulars. A VALUABLE PUBLICATION. tiio PanMjrlvanla Kniimnii laoi Nam. mrr Exearalon Ronta Hook, On June 1 the Passenger iiepartmont of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will publish the edition of the Summer Excursion Route Honk. This work is designed to provide the public with de scriptive indes of the principal Summer resorts of Eastern America, with the best routes tor reaching them and the rates of fare. Il contains all the i i i n i -pal seashore and mountain resorts of the East, and over seventeen hundred different routes or combinations of routes. The hook has been compiled with the greatest care, and altogether is the most complete and comprehen sive handbook ofSummer travel ever offered t the public. The cover is handsome and sinking, printed in colors, and the book contains several maps, presenting the exacl routes over which tickets are sold, The book is profusely illustrated with line hall-tone cuts of scenery at the various resorts and along the lines nf the Penn sylvania Railroad. On and after June 1 this very Inter eating book may be procured at any Pennsylvania Railroad ticket oillceat the nominal price of ten cent-, or, upon application to the general office, It mad street Station, bj mail for twenty cents. THANKS. At a regular meeting of Capt. G. W. Ryan Post, G. A. I!., on Friday even ing, May 81st, 1001, it Was unanimous ly resolved thai the Posl tender its sincere thanks hi W. C, P.O. S. of A., 1m. 516, the Middleburg Rand, the Lady Cadets, the several oratt rs, Revs. VY. II. Boyeraud S. Aurand and Mr. R. F. Smith, the Sunday schools of the different churches near the cemeteries, the POST and the "Xe'ws" for the w il ling use of their columns and all others who in any way assisted us in making the Memorial services of yesterday so impressive and successful, and that these resolutions he entered upon our minutes and a copy he handed to OUr local papers with the request that they publish same. We also thank Rev. NY. H. Roycr for his patriot ic-, Instructive and llberty- inspiring sermon delivered Sunday evening, May 98, last, in the Court House, the Ev. Lutheran choir for the music and the county commissioners for the use of the Court House for the occasion. jno. y. Bkxkdkl, Commander. G. C. GUTELIUS, Adj't. How to make a dollar go as far as three dollars. It Is no trick. We ex plain It in the article, "Your Last Chance," In this paper. Drop the dol lar In the slot at the right time. H. Harris Rower, Esq., attended to business in Scran ton last week. Grant Shuck, salesman of Selins grove, was at this place Monday. Hon. ti. Alfred Behoeh sp nt several day- ill Philadelphia last week. Harry Bowersox, the butcher, spent several days at Catawlssa last week. Mrs. John O. Rennlnger spent Sun day with friends mar New Berlin. Arthur W. Aurand spent several days of the past week at Lewlstown. Anion G. liashoar and wife spent Sunday visiting friend-at Adamsburg. ( has. .1. Fisher, Esq., of Catawlssa, was in town last Thursdayand Friday. Merchant N. P. Hummel of K reamer was at the county -cat Saturday even ing. Samuel Maurer and John K. Moyer of Washington tow nshlp were hi town Saturday. Harry Helser and J. I. Verger of Perry township were in town Satur day evening. Ellsworth L. Rui n- and u ife of Se liusgrove spent Sunday with Henrj R. Rickbarl and wife Dr. J. V, Shlndel Is making sonic re pairs and Improvements to his house on Sc-t Market St. Mi-. 1 1. bklward Kremer of Philadel phia is paying u visit to her parents, John Sti ller and w ife. II. A. Hotteustelu, an old soldier of Globe Mills, was at the County scat oil business last Friday. r. ;;. Kinney, night operator at this place, and wife spent Sunday with her parents at Me ( lure. A. M, Garfuau and wife Bpettt Me morial Day in town with W. I. Car man and c. H. Stclniuger. Mi Mary Houseworth of Selinfr grove is vi-iting her grandparent, Henry Dietrich ami and wife. . F. Dagle and E. K. VYct.el of Beavertown attended the Masonic meeting In thi- place Saturday even ing. Lewis Mover of Freeburg was in Middlehurg Saturday on business. While in town, he made us a pleasant call. William Grove of Mazeppa, who is working on a saw mill in Franklin township, called on friends in town Sunday. Ceo. R. Hendricks and W. E. House worth of Seliusgrove and ex-Commis-sloner Janus lloiiser were callers at this office Monday. Peter Riegel of Spring township was at the county seat Saturday. Mr. Rie gel is getting older and his age is be ginning to -how on him, W. W. Wittenmyer is erecting a bulldlug casi of his father's residence, which, when completed, will bo used lor a barbershop by A. E. Sides. Irwin W. Roush of Shrelner, John Wise of Dundore, E. A. Helser of Sha mokin Dam and A. H. Troutman f Port Treverton were callers at this of fice Monday. ( '. M. Showers, Peter Hartman, Drs. Kanawell and Sampsell were at the county seat Saturday evening much tdated that they are now in telephonic communication with the outside world. Rev. w. ll. Boyer and family are at tending the annual convention of the V, 1'. C. l now iii session at Allen town, Pa. On this account there will be no preaching services in the C B. church until July 7th. N. T. Dundore of Dundore was at court the early part of this week. He was chuck full of reasons why there should be a new bridge at Port Trever ton. His logic no doubt would have had some weight, if he would have had an opportunity to present them to the grand jury. . E. Ruck and Howard Marks (the latter being the mischievous devil of this office) walked down toGlobe Mills Sunday to pay their brother typo, J. A. Schroyer, a pleasant visit. On their return home the devil's feet became so sore and his legs so stiff that he could hardly run when the storm was com ing. He said, "I am not accustomed to such a long walk, and I wish I had an automobile to carry me home." But as the storm was coming very fast, his companion had to take him by the collar and run home. John Brotlus ami family visited friends out of town Sunday. Philip Cross of New Berlin is visit ing Hon. (!. A. Schoch and wife. Harry Stebold of Sunbury was visit ing friends in this place Sunday. Qsjorgo Clelan took in the sights at Buffalo Bill's show at Lewlatown Sat urday. Charles L. Marks is visiting his sis ter, Mrs. Dr. J. C. Amig, in Lewis own. Mrs. S. A. Bowersox of Paxtonvllle is visiting her son, Supt. F. C. Bower sox at this places Joseph L. Marks spent several days at LewistoWll and took in Buffalo Bill s Wild West show Saturday. John Stahlnecker, who is working at Drcher's sin,,, factory, Sellnsgrove1 spent Sunday hi town. Mrs. Ceo. W. Wagcnsellcr spent a portion of last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry H. Harteral Sunbury. Dr. J. W. Orwlgand wife spent sev eral days aLPhilipshnrg lust Week pay ing a Visit to their nephew, Miltoll ( Irwig and family. Mrs. Hannah Temple, who had been spending the last six months with J. I,. Marl;-and family, returned to her home in Lewistowu Tuesday. Edgar Custer who i- employed a an operator in the Divi-oii operoator's office at Sunbury spent Sunday in town with hi- parent-. John Howell ami Orlando Tobias, u ho have been working ill the Hali fax shoe factory, -pent several days in in town with their parents. Piof. Paul I'.illhari left last Saturday for Atlantic t 'ity u here he is under an engagement to play with an orchestra for the summer season in the city by the sea. Michael Itloiieh of Franklin town id ioame to town Saturday with a nice lot of large luscious strawberries, the first and largest berries we have seen this season of the home grown variety. This speaks well for his farm. COURT HOI SE CHIPS. Deedi Entered for Record. J. G. Snyder and G. W. Lyter, ex ecutors of Geo. Snyder, to Susan Lyter 25 acres In Chapman tw p. for $1305. t !. E. Aucker and w ife to John S. Aucker, ItiSOmpjure foot In Union twp. for $100. R. B. Weaver to Emma Jane Horu berger, 10 acres in Chapman township, for $200. Daniel Eisoiihurt to A. G. Horuber ger and K. ti. Weaver, ."I acres in Washington twp., for .too. R, A. Kantz and w ife to loo. R. Hendricks, Is acres in Washington twp., for $325. Minerva Bickhart, udm'x of Bi nj. Bickhart, to Benton II. Moyer, S," acres in Chapman twp., for $1500, Daniel Hcrrold and wife to Susannah Sull'el, 25 perches in Chapman twp., $510. Samuel P. Sampsell Chas. A. Krouse, sT act creek twp,, for "7.'n. Philip B. Mover and wife to Curl Cordon, 00 acres for In Washington twp., for $800. Ceo. D. ami Isaac doodling, adtu'rs oft has. (i Mini;, to Mary A. Codd ling, 128 acres in Perry twp., fos$1800. David Holler and w ife to Emma I.. Hlie, 05 perches In Chapman twp. for $50. Lilly and Albert Shaffer to Amelie Burkcy, 31 acres in Chapman twp. for 50(). Wills Probated. The last will ami testament of Susan Sutl'cl, widow of John L. was probated June :!. The children are the heirs. t.in i.n;i Licenses. fAJphenua Keyser, Shamokln Dam, .ortliumncriami. Steward, Pa. Port Treverton. Freeburg, Seliusgrove. ami wih' to - in Middle- Susie Lesher, I Loyd Sncecc, Susan P. Boyer, ( Ceo. M. Moyer, (Maud M. Miller, HARRIED. May 0, by Rev. A. I). Gramley, Herbert C. Gom of Shlndel to Katie 8. Benfer of MeCIure. May ir), by Rev. S. S. Kobler, James A. Dunkelburger of Kreamer to Nora V. Herman of Kratzerville. June 1st, by Rev. W. A. Haas. George M. Moyer of Freeburg and Maud M. Miller of Hoover's Mills. It beats government bonds and even Northern PaoJio R. R. stock. A dol lar does the trick for this week only. Bead "Your Last Chance" m this paper. YOUR LAST CHANCE Lor This Week Oolv Ihc Srvyder Coui)bv Marriaoe Book Will be Sold at Only One Dollar a C opy. PKIOE REDUCED FROM THREE DOLLARS FOR () N K W K E K ONLY MON D A Y T( SATURDAY JUNE3rd TO 8th, BOTH DAYS IXC US I V E. Kor one week only courl week Monday to Saturday, June ' s, hoth i lays Inclusive, the M Iddlehurg I'os'i will make the inosl marvelous 1 1. . il. r ever presented to the reading public. The I k to be sacrilled i- the one no SNYDER COUNTY MARRIAGES, compiled by the Kditor of the Post. The marriages recorded in Ibis volume cover tin' period from I81U5 to I81WI. The first section includes the marriage taken from the Hies of the Post from IMS to Oct. 1, ls". when the mat license law went Intoell'ect; the second, the marriages taken from the mar riage docket from Oct. I, ISM, to Apr. IstMi; the lliinl, marriages taken from the official rcenrd of Rev. Adolf B.Caser, IS.'W s-; fourth, tlm f Rev, John P. Shlndel, Jr., lKia 'SS, ami llft!, the record of c. G, Krlcnmyer, ISM ':" There are In all about 7500 marriages recorded In ihi book, t i sum to .: o 15,1100 names of Snyder County people w ho lived between I - i and I i'.i. 'In re are the names of your fathe r- and grandfathers, your mothers and unand tuothers and 1 1 1- very day day they were liaiidsoiue groom-and hltisl ing brides, also the name of the minister who joined in wedlock those In i whos,. pulsation- generated the blond thai irses through your veins, Ii re cords your own marriage and thai of you rchildrcn and put - do n I he im ll n e. able evidence to posterity of your existence as a factor In the i 1 1 luit ol the race. The hook ha- no peer, yiti, it lias no equal and no rival. No I k I i- cver been publisheil that contains Information of so inuiij Snyder ity people, Iti-al k that when you own one, read it and uuderstaml the in exhaustible data it contains, you will preserve II mid mention ll in yotu will and testament a- an heirloom to be handed dow n from general ion to ten eratlon for time and eternity. Ami why should ii nol be so prized'.1 h yoir had a similar toiok of marriages covering the same hiIihI of the lasl century, no amount of money could induce you to purl lib It, if yon could liol gel :iii other. The history of the world is nol made up by Presidents, Generals Sen rs and Congressmen. The very essence of history Is made in thclioim mid at the fireside. The history of Snyder County is made by the men and women of to-day r siding in the towns and villages of Snyder County and their m - In such a Look will go thundering down the ages as a perpetual l. -ii nd of their existence and a-an liicllhccable landmark show ing their fool print son the sands of time whereby the endless future is Indissolubly iccted with I he distant past, An hour -pent perusing this book of ', Snyder County marriages' is an hour -pent inning with the men and women, who. during the liw( century, tilled tie -oil you are now tilling and paved the way for a more en. lightened civilization which we all enjoy. The l u i- nicely hound in nubstantial cloth binding and contain -00 pages. At the end of the book there is an index of surnames, b which you can tell at a glance on w hat pagesevery family nn occurs. There i- nol n Iii residing in Snyder County or has resided here for any length of time will nol Hud a r nd of many of their om u number and that of their fi -. The real history of any locality I the detail in fori nation of it- pi .pie. e have reached the heart of our subject and have unburdened the record of the past ami now are willing to unfold these valuable document so thai you can have them right in your own home fora great deal less than actual cost of com pilation and publication, 662a Per cent, is a Big: Discount. We do nol propose to run a buro iu lor public charity, toil we do asserl yond the fear of successful eontnullcl Ion, thai on a mil of the small i I r of books printed, tlioeiml of compiling, printing and binding bring the cosl of producing them up to Thn-c Dollars a volume, the regular selling trice. We have learned thai lucwl of the f Snyder County, either tiro unwill ing or unable to pay $3 a copy, no mutter how valuable It contents. Our money i- lied up in t In' I k-. Due copy is all we need for our use. Our motto now is, convert thel ks Into cash ; If we can nol gel cost for them, wo will 1 what we can. At the Dcgtuning of this, we -aid we were going to make the greatest hook oiler evet made. We will do It. Are we going to throw oil" one fourth of the cost'.' So. One half of the cost which i- Three Dollars'.1 No. hat then v We propose to throw off of the cosl or niakeadiscounl of 00 per cent, for one week only. Did yon ever gel so large a discount .' No, I think not. For oho week only we will reduce the price fr Three Dollar- t,, Only One Dollar per copy at this ofilco. if sen! by mail, 15 cents extra. We wanl the money righl down, or we will keep the bonk. Cash talks. We need the money, you need a book. Let's exchange. We want it dis tinctly understood thai this dollar rate shall continue for uxia ush wkkk aM stated above. Those who wish to place advance ord rseando so. First orderB placed, will be filled first ou June 3rd. Orders will bu tilled .lining tin- week as long as the supply lasts. In case there should lie any danger of exhausting the entire stock during the week, wo wish to reserve the la-t ten copies. Of these ten copies, the llrst live will bo sold at $5.00 each and llio last five at $10.00 each. The late-comers must help make up the loss, Thi I the only reservation we make. If every book is called for during the week, ou! it goes. I r t -e than ten copies are left at the end of the week, the prlcejumj to : !. Hi percopy. When we say we will make this ofTer of a dollar a volume for one week only, we will do it. If you otter US one dollar five minutes after mid. night, June 8th, fora copy of the I k, wo will refuse it. If you want to la advantage of this offer, take it while It is good. Donotaskus to do it after the time has expired. We positively will refuse. Put your dollar Into our . ...... i. . , . : l II I....L- na ht. na tin-.... .Til III, .'Mo s. lira (1111 pOCKei III liUe HgUb l one CMIU II Wl looix na "is v bargain days. It Is court week, Some of your friends and neighbors will lc hen.1, f you ask them, they will bring a book along. If you want a book, don't put it off. You will never have such an offer again. The supply is small and may be entirely exhausted. If you want a book reserved till you come to Middleburg, semi your dollar in time; we win wrap up me oouk, put on jroui name and await your arrival. Prof. Boyer Memorial Fund. The late I). S. Boyer of Freeburg took a great Interest in this book on "Snyder County Marriages" mid as a testimonial to his interest in local his tory, we will agree to contribute ton cents out of every dollar received for Hie Bale of books during the week mentioned, and place it into the hands of the Boyer Monument Association, providing the person who buys a look, snys at the time of making the purchase he is doing so to help the monument fund. In conclusion note : One dollar pay for a Ux.kduiing the week beginning June 3rd. If sent bv mail, 15 cents extra. You can drop your dollar now to make sure of getting'it here in time. Hook will be sent June 3rd. Act quick. Gko. W. Wauenskia.EK, Compiler, Middleburgh, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers