W. WaiCBMlltr, Kdltor iad Pr.prleUr. A Family Joaraal, Dtratcd to Newt, Science, Art, Political Economy and Current Literature. Ratci: Oae Ocllar Per Annum, ia Advance bL. XXXVIII MIDDLEDURGH SNYDER COUNTY PENNA. MAY 30 1001 NUMBER 22 part next week. flic rcfroshiriK rains make the vege- m 1 puw lorwaru. jnjfido Bill's ahow will be at Lewis- L Saturday June 1st. hie Knights ot 'IVnipIar of the S1:it- M :it Heading this v"fk and Been) tc Ua full turn out m usual. 1-1 I. ...I.... I. Iwui pay nigncst i" " ""-T) inwand wool J. L. Wineman, Lewisburg, Pa will pay the highest prices for Mud and unwasnea wool. 4t M. Mii.i.mm!, Kant, Pa. be Y. P. S.C. K. of the Lutheran L it will hold an Ice-cream festival Monday and ruesaay evenings oi Irl work. Proceeds to lie for Mis- tiary purposes, his is Memorial day ami in every In and hamlet the Braves of dead lien will be decorated with Dowers itimony of their valor. It beats government bonds and even hhern Pacfllc it. K. stork. A dol- I . .1 .! I. t. I I.. MOeslUc HICK lor our im .1 . 'Bottom Drooned Out" in this IT. lould you like to invest it dollar that draw 60 per rent Interest for all riiitvv Head tin- double column ar- lon first page of this week's Post. tied, "Bottom Dropped Out." IvitM kob8alb.-119 acres 100 clear ores eovered with good timber, has Imng peaeii oreham, all kiiius oi It, good buildings, spring of running cr, 4 miles north of Middleburg. Michael Hiortn, 'Jm. afiddleburg, fa. lo ti: A. E. Soles for a smooth easy he or up-to-date hair cut and head BSed with B refreshing shampoo or buff removed with his tonie. A In towel to each patron. Parlor in Ik building, one door oast of Post- be. Satisfaction guaranteed, tf. le permanent certificate eonimittiec meet in Middleburg June 20th. applicants should notify the owing communlte without delay. T, (i. Hebbold, Chapman, F. E. Wetzel, Beavertown. Jennie Miu.ku, Selinsgrove. Ln Irish gentleman of a mechanical h took off bis gas-meter to repair it i ll, and put it on again upside n. At the end of the Quarter fas proved with arithmetical correct- that the gas company owed him yOU WOUld invest a dollar now thai I be worth $10.00 to your children, to your grandchildren and a nriee- valuc to your great grandchildren, pt it in a "Snyder County mar- book. Particulars in double mn article on first page of this pa in Ohio lawver thinks, that a mnnh er use ran be made of the murderer Ui to kill I I ill I . I I ic 1 1 1 1 1 1 ia In tu in- the murderers in mrison for life. em work, ami contribute their llllf tioll to t he unmwirt nt t hnu lulu, I been dependent on their victim Widows, children or parents. I govi rnor has signed a hill provld- Itbiii where application is made for lUUfer fit Honor llnana llio annllm. '"v...-., .... ,,...- nail be advertised the same as pal applications for such license, f mat residents of the ward, borough pwnsnlp shall have the same right t' IStrate aMlnal such r.rfcnafarna Pt applications for original U- Pe heavy rain llist Warinnar1a.v tkt Mlddlecreek up to a high ll. The M'.tt.n. I...... ..I o ...v. .i - .i i m u 1 1 ,, uirot s "hi Sugar street in M. tints non. pble damage was done to lots and f ' cellars were filled with water. A peer of hones stood ln two feet of Prand had to ha f t I.' I 'I 1 iViiln I I i i i at two o'clock Thursday morn- Mr has been declared hv 1 lir I 'llitril F8- Thh t ime it i against the mot- IWiTS. NlirLrix-kll fJnTw.iml Ut .1 'wiled instruction to the officers of torniy to destroy them as a protec aKitinst vcllnw "er extensive experiments, it has ""lSlaCtorilv llemnnstniul 'wtcse diseases are chief! v convev- nd many who have studied the r? wileve, exclusively, by the bite --vwu mosquitoes and If they can "royea, the disease will disappear Harry Hacknnberg has resigned his position at Sunbury. A. II. fish and wife drove to Millcrs burg Inst Thursday. A. Q, Bashoar made a flyiug trip to Bhamokin Thursday. James Bowersox, who had hern at home several days. James 1'. Smith has taken the agency for a potato sprayer. J. V. Row of Miller burg spent Sun day with friends in town. J. R, Kreeger and J. N. Thompson wen to Selinsgrove Thursday. ('. A. Fessler of Pennscreek was a business caller at this office Tui day. Prof. D. Noting, eye spccialisl of Lewistown, has an ad. in the POST. Doctors are supplied to be healthy because they never take l heir own medicine. John ;. Chesnutt ol Sunbury trans acted business at tills office, Thursday of last work. Hon. 8. A. Wetzel, postmaster of Beavertown, was stt county seat Satur day morning. Rev. J. YY. Shannon of FJysbltrg, Pa., preached in the Lutheran 'hurcli Sunday atternoon. Joseph Middleswarth of Beavertown was among the early callers at this of fice Monday morning. Mils Ruth Howell anil Mr. I'astuin of Sunbury, spent Sunday .villi tlie former's parents at this place, NV. c. Dunkleberger of Olobe Mills called at this office Monday morning to pay his subscription to the "Post". The Memorial sen-ices held hi the Court House Sunday evening were well attended, considering the inclemency of the weather. Mrs. if. I). Stahlnecker has gone to Cleveland, Ohio, where she will join her husband and make that their new home. Y. V. Ripka left Monday for Mont rose, Susquehanna Co., Pa., to accept a permanent position as railway mail clerk, between Montrose and Tuilk banuock. Examination .it State Normals. The department of public instruction has selected the following dates for the examination o f t h c State Normal Schools: Mansfield, June 4th; West Chester, June 5thj California, June 11th; Slippery Rock, Juno 11; Blooms burg, June 11th; Lock Haven, June 17th; Shippensburg, 17th: Kutztown, 17th; Millersburg, 10th; Indiana, June 10th; East Stroudsburg, 10th; Clarion, June 25th: Edinboro, June 25th, Su perintendent of Public nstmction Na than ('. SchaU'erand Deputy Superin tendents Henry Houck and John s. Stewart will assist in the examinations. Next week Susquehanna plays the famious colored team " The ( lubau Kx Glants", aclosecontcsl is expected and an intensely Intrestlng game. It will Im played at Selinsgrove, June 8th. How to make a dollar l:o as far as thr lollars. It is no trick. We ex plain it in the article, "Bottom Drop ped Out," In this paper. Drop the dol lar in the slot at the right time. Two neighbors had a protracted suit a( law concerning a spring which they both claimed. The Judge became weary with the ease, and said, "What is the use in making such a fuss about a little water'.'" "Your honor will see the use of it," replied Oneof the lawyers, "when I Inform you that the parties In the suit are both milkmen." A peculiar case is reported from a nearby town. A young lady was hug ged by a bum the other evening. The hobo was arrested and when theyotmg woman appeared in court to substan tiate the charge against her said she didn't mind being humbugged; hut when it came to he humbugged, she thought it was time to drow the line. Some people get huffy when asked to pay their subscription. We wonder bow they would like to deliver their butter, eggs, corn and other products of their labor to some merchant for a year or two, or possibly three or four years, and then have the merchant get hot at them when they asked for their pay ? Yet there seems to be many peo ple of that kind, and they are not all farmers, either. Everett Prea. BOTTOM DROPPED OUT. I1 or One Week Only he Snyder County Marria6e Book Will be Sold at Only Oi)e Dollar a Copy. PKIOE REDUCED FROM THREE DOLLARS I OR O N K W E2 BK ONLY MONDAY TO SATURDAY .11 SE3rdTO 8th, BOTH DAYS IXC 1,1 SI V E. A Tribute to Prof. I :i 1 1 i i I S. Buyer a ml u Contribution tu Hi- Mc- mniial ITuikI, for one week only court week Monthly to Saturday, June ;: , inith days Inclusive, the Middleburg I 'out will make themosl marvelous I k offer ever presented to the reading public. The book to he sacrilied is ih SNYDER COUNTY MARRIAGES, on udes the inarr!uifoM e man lag1' the mar- marriages taken from fourth, those of Itev. John mil of '. '. Krleninver, I- lo 'T", Count SuptrinttadtBts' Salaries. ( lovenier Stone last week sigm d the new bill grading the salaries of county superintendents of schools according to the number of schools. The bill pro vides that the salaries of the Superin tendents shall be 810 foreach of the first 100 schools, $5 for each school above 100 and not over $2 for each school above 200; and thai the -alary of the uper IntciHlcnt shall not be less than $1000 annually, nor more than (2000. In counties having 1,100 square miles, or a school term exceeding seven and a half mouths, the -alary shall not be less than $1600, Where a convention of school direc tors electing a superintendent votes him a salary greater than the amount ho would receive by this act, the In crease musl be taken out of the school fund appropriated for the county. 1 m Uncle s.mh's Conscience Fund. The total amount of the conscience fund In the United States treasury was Jl'V!!,!! it at the close of business on April 10, The account was opened jn '811, the lirst contribution being one dollar, sen) by a man in New York state. Prom London came the largest contribution $14,250, Some one in the presbytery of St. Paul transmitted through the American consul general to Washington this amount. There was no reason assigned for the prick ing of consciences, Remittances are received ahnosUwcek I y, and as a rule the letters are not signed. Sometimes theyaresig I by clergymen at the request of penitents, A Idol's Wager. Samuel Smith, a young man of 22, living at ( apehart, V. Ya., on a wager recently attempted to eat two dozen hard-boiled eggs. The wager was made hi a saloon where there was an abundant supply of eggs ready. Smith began the task with avidity and soon finished a dozen, The effort to swal low became more difficult and when twenty-two eggs had been eaten he gave up. Half an hour later, in spite of a doctor's efforts, Smith was death Our (lid-summer millinery opening will tnKc place Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday JuneSth, (th and 7th. fall and inspect our goods. L. DUNKEI.HEIUIEH. The Governor refused to sign the Fisher Bridge bill. This bill provides t hat the state will pay half the cost of a bridge over a stream forming the dividing line between two counties. The bill has been withdrawn for the Eurpose of amendment The Foe ht ridge bill is so worded that its pro visions cover only one bridge hi the state the one at Lewisburg. MRS, LYDIA HOFFMAN, died at her home on t 'hurcli si reel Sat ( urday morning of congestion f the stomach, aged 80 years. Deceased was born near Gettysburg, I'a , and moved lo Hollldaysburg, where she was mar ried to William 1 1 oilman, a well known resident of that place. She is survived by the following children: Catharine and Thomas, al home; Mrs. Caroline Soles, of Lewistown, and frvin, of Pittsburg. iin' brother, Abmm Foss, of VVooster, Ohio, survives. Decease) was a member of the Methodist church. Funeral service- were held from her ! ate residence Monday aftern i at l' o'clock, conducted by Rev. Geo. Mur ray Klepfer. liuntiniiilmi .1 o r n a I. Minrs, iionman is too granuaiotuer ol A K. Sob s of this place. PENNKYLVANIA RAILROADNl'MSIEH NKAttllORE KXl'l UNION. The Pennsylvania Railroad 'oiupauy a iiuces June 20, July 5 and Is, Au gust I, l", ami 20, and September ll', as I the dates for its sixteen-day Summer excursions from Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania to Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Aug lesea, Holly Reach, VYTldwood, and j Avalon, N. J., Rehoboth, Del., and j Ocean ( ily, Md. Hound-trip tate rlu.iKi from Pittsburg, and correspondingly , low rates from other stations. I For further information address T. F. Watt, P. A. W. I)., Pittsburg, Pa, compiled by tho Editor of the Post. The marriages recorded in this vohun" cover the iktIim! from Is:;.", to ISIHI. The lir-t section ; taken from the flies of the Pokt from IMS to Oct. 1, 1885, when i! license law went Intoeflect; the second, the marriages taken from the mar riagc docket from (let. 1. lss.,, to Apr. IH1MJ; the third the oflleial retiord ol Kev, Adoii r,. ( i-per. Is:: r. Shintlcl, Jr., Is:;", 'H8, anil nrt"., the i There are in all about 7500 marriages reconled In this book, or a sum total o 15,000 names of Hnytlei County people who lived betweeii I8,'l5aud I are the names of your fathers and grandfathers, your mothers n mothers and the very day daj I hey were handsome grtsmis ami blushing brides, also the name of the minister who joined in wedlock those heart,, whose pulsations generated the blood thai courses l h rough your cord- your own marriage and t lial of you rehihlreii and able , blciicc t iosterity of no f There l.lllll- It-. It re nts down die im HUee- ur existence as a factor ill the pent lit! . of the fhe book has no peer, yea, II lias no equal and no rival. o book lias ever been published that contains Information of so many Snyder (' i nty people, It is a book that when you own one, read it ami iindcr.-tai in. exhaustible data it contains, you will preserve II and mention ii in your last wiil ami testament as an heirloom to lie handed down from general ion to gen eration for time and eternity. And why should ii not be so pri.t IV Ii you hail a similar book of marriages covering the same period of the lasl century, no amount of money could Induce you to pari with it, If you coul i no! . an. other. Thpjjjatory of the world Is not made up by Jaadent,.(Jenernl.-, 5jeiUrUrs ami ( 'ongrcsbincn. The very csswiccif history js modi in tlie home and' ui the flrealde. The history of Snyder County is made by the men and women of to-day residing lu the towns and villages of Snyder County and their names la su,-ii a I k w ill go thundering down the ages as a perpetual testimonial of their existence and as an ineffaceable landmark showing their foot prints on the sands of time whereby the endless future is Indlssolubly com ted with the distant past. An bom spent perusing this I k of " Snyder lounty inai i Inges" i- an hour spent communing with the men and women, who, during ih century, tilled ti e soil you are now tilling and paved the way for a inoi lightened civilization which we all enjoy. Thulmok i- nicelv bound In sulistaiitial cloth binding ami contaii pages. At the end of the book there i- an Index of surnames, b hi.h t..n .,t .rlnoi v. hat imgesevery lamily nam icurs, I li. i. is not a t. residing ill Snyder Cu nty or lias res (tieii nere ioi anj icngin tu time wno will not And a record of many of their own number and that of their families i... rm.i liitorv of mi v locality is the detail information ol its pe iple. We have reached the heart of our subject ami have unburdened the re Is of tho past and now are willing t" unfold these valuable documents so thai j have them right in your own home roru great tieai less man actual cosi illcal in. la-, ell- call nily can oin- pilatioll ami p 66h Per cent, is a Big Discount. We do not propo-c io run a bure in for public charity, but we tlo assi rl be. vond the b ar of successful contrmlletlon, that on account of the small number .'.f i.,.,,!.. i.rioieii i he cost of comiiillng, priming and binding brings the cost of ruliielnu them hi. to I lift e Hollar- a voil nr. ling i regular selling price. Wc have learnetl that most of the people of Snyder County, either are unwill ing or unable to pay $!! a copy, no matter how valuable ii- cttutents. ur money is tied up In the I ks. hie copy Is all we need for our use. lur motto now is, convert the I ks Into cash ; If we can not get cost for them, we n ill gi I what we can. At the oeglnnlng of this, we said we were going lomaki the greatest book offer over made. We will do It. Are we going to throw oh" one fourth of the cost? No. One half of the cost which is Three Dollars'.' Xo. What then'.' We propose to throw off of tho cos) or make a discount .of (id per (.(.Ml week only. Did you over get so large a discount V No, I ihlnk not For one week only wo will reduce the price from Three Dollars to Only One Dollar per copy ;t iM office SjPaB1 aaaaL' "A LEKTLI MITE OLDlft, THAT'S ALU" rig liti It'si'iii by mall ! coiiih extra. .... .i i i. r l . . . . ii... It doWII, or WO Will Keep tin- OOOK. . a-u tuiKX. We need the money, you need a I k. Let's exehai .,i i..,.Jt...,.l tli.it llii- rlollnr rale-hall continue fol II 1 HUM' ir-l ' We want the money dated above. Those w ho Wish to place adv ance order-can c. We want ii dis NI.Y .'SI. WKKK as tin so, First ordcts placed, will be filled first ou Juno 3rd. urtierswiu ue mien tiuring ine vveeK as long as tiie supply lasts. In case there should be any danger of exhausting tho entire stock during the week, wo wish to reserve tho last ten copies. Of these ten copies, tho first Ave will bo sold at $5.00 each and tho la live a $10.00 each. The late-comers must help make up tho loss. This i- i ly reservation wc make. If every book is called for during the wed., out i ties, fmore than ten copies are left at the end of the week, theprlcejumpa I OC per copy. When wc say we will make this offer of a dollar a volume for on week .nil v, we will do it. If you oiler us one dollar Ave minute- after mid night fune 8th, for a copy of the book, we will refuse It Ifyou want I t lake advantaire of this offer, take it while it is good. Donotaskus to do it after the time has expired. We positively will refuse. Put your dollar into our pocket at the light time and it will look as big as three. June jl to 8 are our terrain days. It Is court week. Some of your friends and neighbors will be here. If you ask them, they will bring a k along. Ifyou want a book don't put it off. Viii will never have bucIi an ofTeragaln. I he supply Is small ami may he entirely exhausted. If von want a Itonk reserved till you come to Middleburg, semi your dollar in time; we will wrap up the book, put ou your name and await your arrival. Prof. Boyer Memorial Fund. The late 1). S. Hover of Frecburg took a great interest in this book on "Snyder County Marriages" and as u testimonial to his interest in local his torv WO will agree to contribute ten cents out of every dollar received for the sale 'of hooks tiuring the week mentioned, and place it into the hands of the Hover Monument Association, providing the person who buys a Isx.k, says at the time of making the purchase he is doing so to help the monument fund. In conclusion note : One dollar pays for a bookduiing the week beginnin g June.trd. If sent by mail, l r cents extra. You can drop your dollar now to make sure of getting it here in time. Hook will be sent June 3rd. Act tiuick Oko. W. Waoesselleb, Compiler, Middlcburgh, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers