1 "V (ll'?',P,,K,'ARItD SXPRESSLY FOR THE POST SkV'"'2S7 BY IT3 COIPS OK CORRKSPONDBNTS ' ) I Hi Fife I ATE MGEttATOnS 8ELINSGB0VE. Home grown strawlierries of tine iiialitv are being sold on our rtfsets almost daily. I aima of base between the Culwn Xli'antsaudS. U.team was ,,avcd on Tlni.-silay lust. Score I'S I to S HI lavui u " ...v club is composed of colored men from Harrislmrg and are a very strong I team. H irrv Weis and Wilfred Focbt Lrc home from University of Penna. Mrs. J. ft Slump of Fitzgerald, Omivia. Who has smut the lust I three months with her mother and I friends, returned te her home one ,lav lust week. Cbmmeooement at S. U. promises to lie a very tine entertainment and mam visitors are expected that week. Editor Schoch of Lewisburg was ! .. ..... .4a.. In..t la VlSllOr HI our town uuv "u ia.-i keek. II D. Sehnure, Wife and thumb Iter are attending the commencement at (state ( iouegjB to witness tlie grad ation of their sou, Will. Mix Jj Annie Kistner went to omville to take the sou of Mrs. Jones to the Orphans School located Ihere. Miss Lizzie Miller Went on a trip with her father last week. Rev. and Mrs. Genszler, who tent alwut ten days in Jfhua., had ! visit cut short on account ot tlie Heath of Mrs. Amelia Boyur ai the r . . .... . ... . . . i . v. was her pastor find preached ! funeral sermon, . Mrs. Wm. Si Ulrica of i Scenery llii, ra., is visiting ner parents, , ii. rnuiips ana. w,, Miss Neeta Hummel m the pappy recipient of a handsoto pony lift Inn Ml UtU . ...... Mrs. Dr. Spangler, who was vis- iir at Xehiiv kill Haven for three T four weeks, returned home Satur- r. .... Mrs. Mary Smith entertained a Irs. rry ot Halls.' Lycoming Co.. thursilav last. Forest Holmes, who is employed i ti, .,..,., i, :.. : vu c, : ... ie with his parents lor a tew days. Miss Clara Fetzer and Mrs. 4yers of Butler Co., sister and aunt ! Mrs. E. M. Htntlrrte . are beinc ... I o I 1 - 11 .1 I . .. . uienaineu uy uie latter. Miss Minnie Qortner is at home rom her studies at Cornell havimr Ll-L i i , ... uiBiiea ner course. The alarm of firo was snnndml Bturdav nicht about 10 ihen it was discovered that the Iouse formerly occupied by Mrs. i. i iiult m me upoer enu oi bwn was on fire, as soon as t4w fire rment could get there they put I ill! 11 I 111 Mi Mill 1111 IT ftlU A fgn ic nau burned quite awhile 're worq. reached the company. UNION'S WNSHIP. few days of las); week here. William TWk atieoke wherehe hod been work- lire. E.8. Stahl is visitioc among "etui at Mtfton.' I f- F,. Aiicer, who is workinir i rteaiu saw mill atSbadeMpiin- m spent Sunday at home. A. L. Striwserandr. W.SbolIv AUG a hlisinpsa trm n U..nk.... weeK. squire Seoliriet transacted b usi i before 'Squire Pa1g last Sat-ar. rwj uy me Duanei, , triese. berries ld demand a fair price, as they 'tra:6ne;,;" !:"m: ' B. Stauffer Inst n ralnnlJn t 1 jc l PORT TBEVERrON uUNDOHK. He who thinks most feels the Merlin Francis was to Selinsgrovc i noblest, acts the liest. last week. ti. I. .w t I l 11 11 ll'lll 1 111 bill' 1 I 1 b I il VIIIUMI III. I I I . I I . I . ... ... A ' I . 1. Frank Keller of Selinsgrove was .bridge were defeated but not dis in town Sunday. Nelson Slmfler of Steelton cnt Sunday with his lmrents, Sowara Shafler and wife. Miss Isora Arnold and sister Mrs. K. 1 Btogaman are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. (). S potts at Milton this week. Mrs. Ed. Mitterlins has none to L wisburg where she will board with her husband at the Baker House. Samuel Arnold returned home after, spending several mouths with his brother. J?unks Kciehcnbach and ladv friend of.Shamokin were the honor- e I guests ot tlie tornier s sisters Saturda '. P. 1'. Houser transacted business at Sunbury Friday. Master Kahili Fnlta visited his grandfather, Henry Foltz, nt Seven Stars. Mr. Sliure ot of Sunbury spent Sunday in town. Geo. RInc and wife of Kantzwere in town last week. Charles Herruld of Chaumau en- j S joyed a drive to town one uight last week. Edwin Schrawder of, Slutmokin was in town last week. Wm. Schrawder. who was em ployed at Selinsgrove has resigned his position there and accepted an- . .'a . w -wr St other at ijewisburg. tie called on bis 'wife Friday before leaving for Iewisbnrg. Mrs. Wilson Haunt after suend- ictr some time in the South has re turned to her home in Selinsgrove abd Saturday called on relatives in town. Miss Jennie Charles is visitine relatives at Selinsgrove, Middlebnrg and huubury . Mrs. Ti. F. Charles, son and dauerhtsr are spending a week at Snnbirrv. .las. Neitz is again clerking for J, . II. XVUIglllO. Uuite a number of our town folks attended the Bogar Smith law suit at Selinsgrove i nday. Mrs. Wm. Boyer attended the funeral of Mrs. Boyer at Selms grove Tuesday of last week. Mr. Seiler of McKees iiassed through town Tuesday Eittle Dorothy the two-year-old daughter of Dr. H. S. Krebbs and wife died of pneumonia Saturday mnrninir. The funeral took place from their late residence Thursday iaterment at V itinera U. JLVVAn. cemetery at Dundore. Thd Childaens' Day exercises held in the U. Evan, church Sun- daveveniW were highly apprecia ted by our citizens as well as by the people who came from a distance. The house was filled to its utmost raiianitv i j - Prof. Aucker ol buubury was in tnwn and had charge ot the musica nftrt nf the entertainment. Ht not only instructed the choir but also romlorpd a bass solo which was very effective. mayed, so they took a new start at ouce; shake hands with Shamokin Dam and now we will have two bridges to bring prosperity t our county. Mrs. Dr. Sheets of Northumber land, Maine Hoyer, Minnie E. Kycr and Sura Eyer ot Seliusgrove were the guests of Maria V. Duodore Thursday. Good advertising is s tonic that drives away all the ills of a run down trade. WEST BGlVfttt Mrs. I' is. I iarv uassimrer and chil dren spent Snnd.iv with Mrs. Jen- oi Lewis- ut mother. was teir on C.O. Gaugler of Selinsgrove, I tour n Ct..J- .'j.i itr u.-....'" Ae Witmer's United Eangeli 1 Sunday School will hold thei T Miiurenr imy exercises y eTewag June 23. S in IT" i i V ijii AVHITMER. .fnenb Kerstettcr took his ol boats to Buffalo ou Saturday. Delia Fisher visited her grand mother last week. Carrie Wolf visited Dr. Krebs and family Sunday evening. Ttimm Gaudier the noted farmer and trucker is busy cleaning hia onions. Chas.' Krebs was in town Satur dav night. Wilson Bingaman is employed on the N. C. R. R. at Fisher's Ferry. Jacob Gaugler was to Kantz Sat- nrdav. i Joe Walborn and wife paid a vis it to H: S. Gaugler and tamtiy. '" ortea he Cane. De Funt (fond of conundrUtoB) What is the difference between a dig nWed mnn and a stupid onet De Blunt Xone at aU. If. Y. Waikljr. Our Overseers of the Poor are firm in tlu ir convictions and are do ing wonders for our tax payers. Fanners should keep the grass out of their corn fields; cultivation is said to be a sure remedy. Maria V. Dundore has spring chickens that weigh ! lbs. each. Ktlwin Mover reports the Free- nirg Academy in a nourishing con dition. D. G. Witmer's funeral obsequies were conducted by Rev. Shambach of Middlebnrg in the gennam lang uage. HenrvGausrler and wife of Eliza- bethville Stopped in town on their return from Witmer s funeral. H. C. Hoover ma. lo a business trip to the county seat. R. W. Witmer of Herndon was seen on our streets. David Witmer who spent a few " ... aw. . weeks in town, returned to his home at Salem to hive some restless bees. Nb strawberries offered yet on JV- nyi '1 il'tui-; n- ,1'"!1'1 I our streets, The cat erui liars have done their work and are now watching the po tatoe bugs to see what they accomp- .ish.- .- ,. E. F. Schrawder of Shamokin who clerked a number of years for our merchant has gone into business under very favorable circumstance" at Philipsburg. Marv Schrawder of Port Trevor- ton passed through town and called on Maria Wl Dundore. SALEM Mrs! Wm. J. Boyer, T. B. Row and wife, Mrs. J. W. Row and daughter, Lillle, attended the fun eral of their aunt Mrs. Frank Boyer at Danville Thursday. F.M.Kern left Wednesday for Chicago. W. H. Phillips ami wife of Aar- onsburg visited Geo. M. Witmer's Monday. Oi H. Woodruff after spending a few rkvs with his mother, left Sun day (or London, England to be gone several mouths. Miss Estella Romig of S. U. was tlie pleasing guest of C. W. Dinius and family over nunday. Mrs. .tno. Musser and daughter, Stella, of Shamokin are visiting at t In. home nf Ezra Meiser. .T: O. Bile-er and wife entertained the former's parents of Chillisqua- min over SlinduV. , i.j mil I . . . . Misses Annie Maine and Jennie Sieln!d of New Berlin called ou some of their friends at this place Sunday. hwLawh and wife of Pottsgrovr spent several days at the home of Mrs. Mary Luck. Rev: 1 f . G . Snable and wife were to Paxtoriville Sunday. Prof. j. L Woodruff delivered a verv interesting and impressive ser mon at this place Sunday morning. On Snndcy the tamiiy ot vx. m. W;t mpr entertained the Misses Mertz of Northumberland and James T). and Amon Moyer of Freeburg. kins Mrs. (ico. Hanbrii town was the ruest of Mrs. Henry Treaster Suudav The funeral of Millard Wagner was well attended. Buried at the Baker church, Rev. Gramly offici ated, The neighbors of Mrs. W. Y. Mc Glaughlin gave her a surprise party i . ii' i i t. r iasi ueauesaay evenio) 11 ueing her 54th birthday. Thr nresonts vi ii. i i . I , . i i t i' a ii. I i i ... 1 i i - inn muni in I V I mi III I illMI 11. llll, IK.K I ILUIII flowed in all parts of the house, lor which she leturns many thanks. Howard Wagner of Belleville was here attending the funeral of his half brother, Millard. John Galvin and family of Yea- gertown spent a few days here. Miss Mollie Steely has been Stay ing with Mrs. L C. Wagner for the past week. Mrs. Amanda Wagner has been quite poorly tor tlie past tew weeks her recovery is not looked lor. James Steely spent Sunday at home he has beer, employed in Mif flin County the pust few weeks at painting. Jacob Erb save he is improving since his visit to Hickory Comers, anb exjHHits to make another visit this week. W. H. KnaDD took in the sights a mm at the county scat, last wwk. He claims if the right kind ot people lived in the town it would most cer tainly improve. For an example call at Crossgrove. F. C. S. Peter was home over Sunday Visiting his parents. Num i r n ! iftaortaaant " -Ufi' fioil any (ante. We hv eeurad the ui;eiie ir the ceh hrnted BALDWIN DRY AIR BOX It is tin-. rtginal "scientitii nHv l unit'' refrigerator. The r poi - "f superiority overall otbarboxes, making it the ben ui I eheapttst refrigerator on the market K vervthiiii.- ;m be removed, imtkiug it e;isy to oloan, Futenl "Li Cup" preventing any warm air from rvuohing the ioe ooiuparttuenti Every one Is guaranteed to give satis iacuon. from $8.tO f 17.W with or without water ns, Liiwn Mowers, Garden Prices l in e tank. Boreen Doors, Window Sen 'fouls, alei Coolers. W. 11. HE1M, Snnbory, Pa. f i ;i uwmnn vnira toubfm lilUTiniODU 1UU11 1U11UY111U I. 9 m m Before Your Buying s (miic Silver-tongued Talker tCL . 1 M I 1 .. n . s r BlackHaiA WAN "I have used your Hir Vigor for five years and m greatly pleated with it. It certainly re stores the original color to erny hair. It keep my hair aoft." Mrs. Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Me. Ayer's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. tl.M a bottle. All 4rattl(. If your dranrlot cnhtH nippl? Tn. end ui on tlulur and we will axpraaa yuualiottl. W iure nclglre lYin nni8 of your nearaat cxprMt offlit. AddreM. J. C- AVEB CO.. Luvell, Uw, may Irf t mnkv yon lplove thr iii.M.n Ifticrr.-n Bliai,M and II ii".- in. i maltar uiiieti nin ni r it u or not. hut arncn you aoaai i BUYING FARM TOOLS Don't trust Lim too far. Do aome thinking before you buy. I WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU the OSBORNE LINE ! YOU CAM YOURSELF SEE THE SUPERIOR POINTS Reno H- Walter, MIDDLEBURGH PENN., iViViViiiCSa-JiHH-iiii fALLAS NKWH, ".l . .... e d m 25 ti ml ilmi'ifiir wiutt"t . PEltSONStobny aborf room Buitr, connixtinRof even pieces for $lft.ftO Mr W. S. Whodon, 0Bbir of the Firit National Bank of Winter Bet, Iowa, in a recent letter giv?R m .wavlanXA Willi a PfimfiPT.Or 111 HUUIB CH'"""' ... . . I his employ, that will be of value to other nieobanicB. nosayi: i a carpenter working for mo who was i i j in wnrl fnr nnvi.rn Idajjson account of. being troubled with diarrhoea. 1 menuonea to Dim that I bad been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Chol eraand Diarrhoea Remedy bad cured me. He bought a bottle of it from the druggiBt here and informed me that one dose cured him. and he is is again at his work." For tale by the Middlebnrg Drug S Some farmers arc rtiaking hay. Mrn. Harah Solireiber ami daugh ter, Car lie; of Northumberland jwkl a pleasant visit to their old home last Saturday. Harvey Straub paid a visit to his parental home and "friends Sun day. Mr. Strauli has a good posit ion at Shamokin. A grand festival will be held at (Jrubb's church Saturday June 1 5th. The Meiserville. wruet baud will i ii ruili music. A large crowd is exnectid. Call at Middleburg's drug store apd et a free sample of Chamber a.n'u Ktomnnh and Liver Tablets. Tnev are an elegant physio. Tbry Iso improve tne appetiser, sreugiu i n the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. The Ruah r-or -rancniata Over, Harrisbnrgi June 11. The rush for railroad franchise ! over. The of ftclals of the atate department an nounced last night that charters have already been granted to 92 railway companlea under the FocM and Emery rapid transit bills. The combined caiv ltallzation of these companies Is $12. 000.000 and the total amount of bonus fctfMlvan nv the state from them is 142.146.78. '; The Rough Rids ra' Reunion. Colorado Springs, June IL The Rough Riders have decided to hold their annual reunion in this city during the quarto centennial celebration, Aug. J and I. It la eapected that Vice SSS&SSJSSSi Bajaerfita President Rooaevelt will attend tas re- umacdo.. Dayton. Ohio, wuicb uppmn in- VMItlDWU ... . t r We do not deliver tlicse suits out of town for this PRICE. 'rbitiiflar in In ln.lU K.-'l until Hit. lTMriittfk inrilmiulril. Others will quote you the same grade of suite from $20 lo $23. Our complete lino (if bed-room suites are ex- 2 traordinarv v.tlno. Prices deeply cut and -r worth your whilo to consider. Very respectfully, W. A. SHIPMAN, ,.i. tJTTXTlTTl"r T I 4iy Mai net u wiisuujw.ia. Undertaking a Specially. J i Sensational yC Freedman's Bargain Season. Everything in proportion we are compelled to re duce, because we made our purchase too heavy r for this season. Bv purchasing ten dollars worth of goodf, we will pay half fare. , . Owing to tlie Spring Beaaon on hand we oiler von WONDKK- FUL BARGAINS in ihebeauti t'ul line of Negligee Shirts, beautk ftll Shirt Waistfl up-to-date. The very latest styles id Gents' Tub. nishing (Joodsat a great reduction in prices ay follows: MKN'ssi-Tna. 10.00 Suits out down to Slft.00 14.00 Suits cut dywu to 11.00 12.00 Snitu cut down to '.AH) 10.00 SnitH cut down to 7.81) S.OO Suits cut down to f.0tV I WOLF FREEDJUAN, illlMltHMMMmt(tttfMMMMMMMmm 31H E. Market (Ixwl)'liOlil 8tnd Ml BI KV, r . Tr lour lull nuarto ot llayner'i SeTrn-Yer- nu i .. nrenald. lor ror imr- LEaFN TELEGRAPHY SgWat vice. TywrilluCourMrrye. ISESAbCSSl loal Ounteeil. (talogue Free. liafc Tele graph laaa. ra. M t
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