I I 1 J i aKLlNSOKOVE. ROYAL BAItlNCf POWDER Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness, and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. WEST BEAVER. PAXTONVILLB W. M. St-hiiure of State College J. Ernest Zimmerman of Selin's am' friend Harden ufSceanroo spent Grove sei it Thanksgiving day with Thanksgiving holiday with the 'Math die parental roof. . . . Jus. Q former's parents. . . .Miss Kot brock Crouse una daughter Marie ol Mid of WHlUllllSport spc t sevcal day! dlehurg were the quests of friends in town last Week . . . .Airs. Wary recently. . . .Miss Ida Mattern, tor , Miller of Williumsport was called ,t.ry of this jtlaee, hut now of I home to attend the funeral ol her Ououectic-it, and Frank Faulkner. I brother-in-law, M. L. Miller, en Ut M. were mttiried at theLulb-l l Thursday W, F. Shay and wife erall ,,;,rs(,aKe. Rev. L P. Zim- 1 were the quests ot Mrs. S's parents, u.ria,i ,,tli iateil . . . .Messrs. Wea- Nimre uower and wire, over deracd Smith trom Lroxemlle were Thanksgiving. . . .Iast week Josiah I entertained by friends recently Keaaler brought home a brand new There is some talk of having a nov- wife, a native of Soranton, behaving jty store in tins place Milton i met her at the time of tlie Firemen's Smith of Jiiirnhani spent Sunday Convention in that city. The eala- i wjt, ns family . . .Messrs. Shindel ihumpians gave them a serenade... aIH Moat, ot Middlehtir spent .las. X. Reese of Harrisburg paid the Saturday evening in town . . . Myron town a Hying visit last Wednesday j Mover trom Freeburg transacted . . . . Al. Kemmerling t Lewistowu business in this place on Tuesday; . attended the funeral of Bin. Kern- A. W. Potter and W. K. House inerling's father, Henry Gemberling worth of Selinsgrove were in town W. VV. Wittenmyer of your on Monday H. K. Cnlbertson place was in town between trains on ()f Ix-wistown is spending several Friday last . . .Cyril Haas has re- days in town. . . .Reuben Hook nur- CHRI5TMAS SHOPPINO BY MAIL. Wc h are made prro rations for taking care of the want ot our two million customers who lire in ere 17 portion ot tbe world. Our 304 page Catalogue Is full of suggestions aD0Ut rTerytaing 10 Eat, Wear aid t?s0, and offers particular bargains In: Bookcases, Bicycles, l.rasa Goods, Cublncts, Candles; China Closets, cipitrs, vraea, QuaraMmtd Wtitktt Couches, commodes. Desks, BO. U $75.00. Draperies. I a 0 y Chairs, Gold "renclls.ii roeerlen.Hand. kerchiefs, jewelry, numers, Lamps, Musical Instruments, Twenty Special . HOLIDAYS f BARGAIN DATS -AT- Oak or Mahtqany Dtth.$3M. Nnektiea. Ornaments. Pocket Knives, Pictures. - Bookers', q anvArwarp Rierllnff Oliver Novelties, 8 1 0 0 1 B, , l ft Dim, w ia;ucb, c y. ' Our Lithographed Catalog! thorns Carpets, Rugs, Portieres, Art Squares and Lace Curtains in their real colors. Cat pels tewed free, lining furnishes free, and freight f repaid. m Our MadeAo-Order Clothini Catalan with samples of clot. attached offers Suits and Ovr coats 'ornUM to VOM. fix pressage patd on clothing every where. We alto issue a specia. Catalogue of Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines and Bicycles. We will make your ( hrlst maa buying more satisfactory t han it haa aver been before J.H.Attn Floor. Which Catalogue do yoi He Borrti.t3.so. want? Address Que way : JULIUS HINES tfc SON. - liALTIMOKE, MD. Dept. 909. n I uuiuiuu a Department Store Richfield, Pa. f From Den. 11-31 QQ - - . .... . , -I - . Q ire ? i ( hi. Stlot al if our expert a rabbit on t wing allots, ie wiug and killed his dog fos. Beaver was I ie from Mifflincounty last week to make preparations for the support uf Ilia tamiiy for the winter Frank Baker moved in the house l F. V. Treaster last week Some nt our spring candidates have start ed ulreudvoii their election lour for the coming primary election David Goss, clerk at .!. B. Shellen berger's store, took charge of Shel lenberger's stave mill in Mifflin county last week faeob Erb lias been on the Bick li-t for the past week Mrs. P. VV. Treaster bought tittv aen s ot timber land from the MeCiirdy heirs at the back mountain, for titt v dollars 8. H. Phillips says he made more money this tall, in tunc -nice lie lias oeen in cm ness. . . .'Snllire Steelv savs he is J. W. Swart and from Middle hurg were visitors in town on 8un Hay .. Miss Laura Ernest is spend ing the week with friends in Mid- dleburg Uriah Howell of Ben- vertown and B. Y. Heinibaoh and wife of New Berlin visited Mary Howell on Monday. . . . Prof. F. C. Bowersox and wite were m town on i ast Sunday tv. Hi. tun, mercnani, was on the sick last week ( '. P. Swengle paid his respects to his family over Sunday. . . . R. VV. Gift was in Middlebnrg on Friday. . . . County Treasurer Win. Kiegle pass ed through town on Monday morn ing. . Mrs. Efflie Dietrich of Swine- ford was in town on Monday Mi-s Vnnie Swengle went to Mid dleburg on Monday and intends to spend part of the week at Institute l.illel- turned from his gosel work in the coal regions, in and near Wilkes barre. ..Miles Potter and family took Thanksgiving dinner with Edit or Lumbord. . . .Mrs. Sd. Gregory accompanied by Ethel Snyder went to Elimsport to visit Qraudpii Marsh and family .... Mrs. Vale, w ho has been visitinu her daughter, Mrs. Prof. Geo. E. Fisher, lor the ix weeks, has returned to her utme at Slatinirton . . . LeRoy and onaaed the house and lot formerly owned by .Iim'1 Gearhart on Pine street. Frank Dreese purchased the remaining property at public sale. . . .Miss Grace Weideosaul a comiMiuied her niece, Miss Lizzie Ratldeilbush from Salem, N'a., to Cheap Trip to Washington. Bi.oMsitrit;, Pa., Dec. 199. Dear Editor: I am arranging to take the annual excursion of our students to Washington, D. , De cember 18th. We shall lea e here Harrisburg on Thursday Quite Monday morning of that week about a iiiiiiiIht of our people are attend- 730and return on Friday evening. in teachers Institute at Middle-, burn .... Mrs. Geo. Hawk from Ix'wistown is vi-.itinr her parents, Grant Holmes are visiting their par- Samuel Klineieter's. . .J. R.8pang- Tln cuts on .North Market EN Union Thanksgiving service was held in Trinity Lutheran Church. Services were conducted by the vari ous ministers. The sermon was , ii iv m .t-A . i eaclieil I iv UT. fOClll, pasior 01 Kcv. lloincr, fresioiue iutchering, than any f the Central Penna. Charge of the msbeen in the busi- J United Evangelical church, preach- ... i I. : . I . . . i iiure oieeiy saya ne w a very interesting sermon nereon ler killed the heaviest porker in this vicinity, weighing 423 pounds. ...A. M. Aurund remodeled his front porches I. (i. Mover of Mt. Uuion is spending several days in town . . . . Mavne (Jcarhart, ac- ibove church Mrs. huiiiic eomnanied bv his sister. Miss Han- Sigfriedof Heading is visiting her Lab from Lewistown, are visiting in son, Hiram, and daughter, Mrs. town. Geo. Fisher Miss Atnick oti Cumberland, Md.,is being entertain- I" ie sorry hedid notget this butchering Sunday. .The Christmas entertain done before attelidil) lie would have Editor of the ' about one mm' I etc., tor you can liked Post" eel lbs, (riendshii ii it ii end It DV express. institute as to make the a present of scrapple, 'Squire, nient in the Evangelical church will come off on Saturday evening, ot Dec. 5 stated McCLUKE. Jacob Bellinger, who lives about one mile east of town, had the two local champion I shooting match on Thanksgiving day The vounff Americans arc havniff was well attended. Twelveturkeys mf O O I a weeks' vacation it Iwiny: institute were the prices. . . week. . . .Tommy Marks was home over Sunday lolin Benfer and family spent Sunday with his lath er, Geo. Benfer. . . . E. E. Ulsh of Shirlcysburg made a short call on his fatiier-in-law, John Pelker. . . . Calvin Knepp is plowing on his farm recently purchased from VV, F. Howell. . . .Win. Pheasant shot two wild turkeys last week. . . .Mrs. T. A. Ewing and children are spending this week with her brother, Dr. Mitchell . ..Mrs. VV. H. Herbster ami little daughter are spending the week at Mifflinburg Harry Barge from Burnham was seen on our streets on Saturday .... Mrs. SHvht of Beavertown thtends to have a concert in the St. Luke's church on Tuesday evening, Dec. 14. id by Miss Ethel Schoch, . . .Law rence App, son ol Hiram App, vis ited his lather and sisters over Suu- dav Misses Til lie Fisher and Alice Snyder ofSunbury sjKMit sev eral davs at the old homestead on of the 'J.'ith as .i.., ij " o,ie Mrs. Laura in the newsseveral weeks ago. j Sohnure of New Berlin is In-ing en tertained by II. D.Schnuvpand wife . . . .Dr. 1 icisler, President otSusq. I tf . i... i .i f Miss Kr.na Mairee drove to Mid- niveraiy, aunu Ueburg last Wednesday The pW SSS2-13 lill Lt l 1 J I IMWIIMHVII mm family were entertained on Thanks giving by J. N. C rouse and wife! at the farm. . . .Itev. Dotner Ulrioh tilled the pulpit of Uev. P. H. Miller, Brooklyn. efore making your seleo- inslead KHEAMEit. An Acroslic. B F S Hons or Christmas look at our stock, uch as Jewelry and Ster litijr Silver Novelties. II and engraving done on I Wmab If the prenusP8. Everything in the Opticos and Jewelry line. The cost of the trip will be $13.75. This embraces all necessary expenses, including lad road tare (chair cars), hotel charge.- (three meals perdav at first-class hotel), fees of guides at Caiptol and elsewhere, and transpor tation of baggage between the hotel and railroad station. It also includes the expenses of a trip to Mt. Ver non, Alexandria and Arlington, with admission to the grounds of each place. The return will lie by way ol Philadelphia, and the above nam ed sum includes cost of a dinner in the Dining Booms of the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, at Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. The train will leave Philadelphia (Broad Street Station) at 4 P. M., Friday. Stop over privilege in Philadelphia ;ran be had. J. P. Wki.sh, Principal State Normal School. NOTE. It any of the friends of the Post wish to join this excursion, they can do so bv writins to Dr. Below arc n few Hnranliio i GROCERIES. Arbucklt Coffee, 1 cake Chocolate, I lbs Soup Be-aiiM, 1 III II i kiln; s in. i 1 lb H iking Powiler, H pks Corn Slarrh, I uotiles .mill , to MMW Laundry Soup. i uki Hotmi and battle punter II pieces Tollei Snap, allwOiier craokern, 4 lbs cream Mixture HARDWARE TINWARE 100 lu 11) a m as c a Acute CollaiKlers. 4qt Atfute'otTee Pot Agate IliiHlns. 4 ql Aifiitf Preserve Kettle mql Agate Pulls, l.Uige Oust Puu-, 6 Teaspoous. H Tublespnoiis, Bd'Obar Knlte. r, Meii blmle Knives and. Porks UOffN Mill, holds 1 lb coffee, Coal Hucket. No. .i Wiif.li ll'iiler, Kelt Window similes. DRY GOODSu 14C Jll' 8.C SC 40 tiC UlC :19c :4o lTc sac luc Ulll BICMhd Muslin, Qood BleaolMd Moalta i yd wide a Mnsi n. Illlter1 lM" 1eiU!a t un,on Funnel Turkey lted Table cioili Medloatail Bed piaonel ' Pink and Orav siorm h.hai s wibern Wool red und uraj BUnkets, oc llest Prints. 4 l.iticisti'ro'nglmrps, S OleeoBMi mm Draaa ti.MU. 7.' a rc o 7c O I4i! lid Id Notions. 4 Tahln on cinrh Ml'll M ('llilt-rWiMir fiinr onli I . Ittli-o' tlthttmtf ' V . ; ''iir ( Miih m w",,;':";:(''''1 fndtrWdou , W Id ROWI P.ns, Tlilmtilc. r., SHOES. Tblmble t link's 0, N. T., Pusclnalois, 4.1c 3C !HC 1c lc 40 MO -Editor Post. SHADEL. heavy weight porkers of the season. They weighed I003j lbs. together . . Miss Jennie Bollinger oi Tuckeyhoe is at present the guest of the family of Millard Bollinger. . . .Commu nion services were held in the Evan gelical church at this place last Sat urday evening. . . .The school chil- dred are enjoying a weeks' vacation 1 w stitute John Bickhart and wih SALEM. visited relatives over Sunday. near Meiservil'.e uniAi lOTiir Tinir : till w i.Mnr mr W In our last writing were listed quite a number of aiok, allot which haue recovered tlui far except Hen ry Mover, who has also improved U.IMU -it tlli , l itilur ill' Onto ethetinicliers arc attending in- tnrkt.VN MS th( 1KHlg((Ke9 are all eager for foul during the week .-(K'nt at institute. . . Grood sir.tsl porkers have been killed this fall. In.. 1 .v ( " KiintiT weiirhiuir -1 r ..ii. ". l. J ww- I0U cannot Help Dut sun yourse.i ,s weighing lt pounds Itev. Sobnable is making Some progress ill the building of his new house. . . Win. Klingler is the owner of a In cvcle for about two weeks. . . Henry Atiiiind, a student ol S P., is en- I B L E nitial DIAMOND and Kaiid rings, eantifal beyond ison. op The Union Gospel wagon feast was held at .Mine in the I'mltd Ev- ; angelical church Dec. 3. It was OOlUpar- enjoyed by all present. It was a ' feast long to Ik- remembered Children's coar.se Shoes. I in ureo's IM oodtM Shoes t tZ lilies' .18 course .Slices, rJX Ladles' Kelt with overs, iM Jleim' Kelt witu Huron overs, tR Men s re t with perfecllon. J ; Children's Buckle Arflo, s-io. S CLOTHING. Hoys suits, from .. Hoys oiiercouta, i tn A tun line or Mens' and Boj I overcoiiS We si in have 75 to loo Ladles' coata mid Capes, and Misses and Children's Coala at prices to suit, all and will make a reduction of the entire stock of l" per cent. Tne above named articles are only a few of the bargains we have. W have a ine stock to select from, but remember tlie B A BOA IN PBICKS are only Mod from ll.-f.Ji in 31 and onlv for Cnli or Ctmntry PriHtiirr. Cull und ex amine our stock furore buying elsewhere, we win give every purchaser t bat comes to our store on the fc 0 December a present. Yours Truly, o o a o o 3 0 o adied1 and 0nts Watches Charles Haukenlierg and his liest and Chains. leTAiit assortment ofent glass and umhrellas. You cannot see so complete an assortment elsewhere. B. F. SHEIBLEY, Practical Watchmaker, Engraver and Practical Engraver, friend took a trip to Philadelphia last week The blind evangelist, Kcv. J. II. Maiec, preached a Thanksgiving sermon in the Ebene zcr's church on Thursday morning. Bnytll, Gam & Co., f o Richfield, Pa. on O 51 l-torf will be los.-o m t'hrlHtntaii. o a osososototogotosoeosoeoto UlhiU iii Xmas nresents at A. C. Smith a store, K reamer. His 10-'eiit line of presents are great. tapld Aatomatlr Trlrsraphr- New York, Dec. 4. A successful test was made yesterday of the Pollak , Vlrag system of rapid automatic tele- graphing between this city and Chi- " , SXftwZ 2i W.MarketSt,Lewistown,Pa. 2t TSTSS " VtoSS ' h Samuel l.ngli UCAO rmeuiUUAliee , hnndlnd the New York kev. Although I the wires were not in perfect work ing order, he managed to send four messages at the rate of about 1,000 words a minute. MT. PliBASANT MILLS. You will buy when you want to ; but now is the time to make your selec tions for Christmas. Our stock ismore complete now than at any other time during the year. i TIMELY TIPS ON THE MARKET John A. Koirsh, ot near Kreainer, was visiting in town Saturday Mrs. Ellen SpottB who spent several tlavs in Dahnutia, returned home on Monday. . . .U..S eHI Have enabled us to scoop a few choice bargains which will mean money g'v etl to our customers who are quick enough to get here while they last. Ladies 1140, 25 year gold filled Watches, with American mounts, $U.OO. Ladies 1410 solid, with same mounts, $20.00. Gents 14k gold tilled, 20 year Watches with Elgin or American movements at $10, $12, $15 and $20. Solid 14k gold at $35 to $100. joying his Thanksgiving vacation hunting. . . .Among the visitors at .i.:. ..I. L- llll mill l ,-lin u mi" i.ini. iLi.it , rv ... . . if . . ,,.',.,, , ... t-T, , vine is having his dwellins painted. Hiram WimkIiiiH and wife, hd ward . , .,, D. i- , , , ., r l i r.and i In 1 1 1 Stratib are doint: rianer ana iamiiy. rar. loonaraauu .. , i . , , .. ., "q. ,. ii i the work A revival family, Mrs. ( na. ShuUz anddaugii- . (rogrcM ; A it jj ter Ethel, all of Montour Co., at the I ?vT: . ' . home of Mrs. Woodrutt at Geo. M. Witnier's, the Misses Mertz from Northumberland; at A. C. (Jemlier ling's, ilu Misses Jennie and Daisy Bateman ot Selinsgrove; Win. Luck ot near Mifflin, Juniata Co., is visit ing friends around here. ... Kev. Sch liable started a catechetical class at this place last week. . . .A number the people of this, as well as from other places, arc attending i 1 1 Lti i- aat Jji-i icacners 11 simiie ai naiuuieuuni . ... e j -i i i : i , Al6 i ine a lew davs with her son, David j.iru .mil uH' lllir him HMtMIUV PP . O ' turned from Ohio where he Iwught a car load of cows .... Prof. Bower ersox ha-s lieen visiting the schools of Pcnn township during the past wees. EE, The Reliable Jeweler, SUNBURY, PA. WE SELL ROGER BROS. 1844 SILVERWARE. img meeting IS church... F. D. Deitz is the proud father of a bouncing Ixiy baby Our teachers are attending Institute this week... W. I. Yergerwill move his saw mill on .John Schnee'H tract in the near future. . . .Christmas exercises will lie held in the Lutheran and Reform ed church on the evening before Christmas... The Lutheran League is in a flourishing condition with Over sixty members enrolled . .Mrs. Hoover of near Selinsgrove is spend Hoover. Trial List, Dec. Term. Syndicate Swindler (nitured. Chicago, Dec. 5. In a telegram re ceived here at the local offices of the Mooney & Roland detective agency the capture of William F. Miller, accused Meiser of Melser-1 Of, having been connected with the Franklin syndicate swindle in New York, was announced as having been effected at Montreal by the agency's eperatlves, who have been In pursuit of the fugitive since his disappearance ten days ago. Nov. 28th, at Selinsgrove, Henry Oemberliug, aged alxnit 66 years. He leaves a widow and eight chil dren. Nov. 27, at Selinsgrove, Martin Luther Miller, a prominent and well-known marble cutter, aged f:! years, 1 mouth and 20 days. Nov. 2f, in Philadelphia, Dr. J. H. Hassenplug, formerly of Mifflin, burg, aged 72 years. Carriage por Bale. A brand new traji manufactured at Mifflin burir bv John (Jutelius at a cost ol $125 can lie bought at considerabl jfl less than cost. It is a most lianl- some vehicle. For further particn-1 lars apply to Box 24), Middleburg, ra. ti. Qooooocoootxxxooooooooooo?e $650 TO $1200 A YEAR, i We want reliable and energetic ! men and women in each State travel and appoint agents; salary I $650 to $1200 a year and expenses, I guaranteed and paid weekly ; no ex I uerience required, we instruct you. Ivocal Representatives wanted also. Send stamp for full particulars. Ad dress, The Bell Company, Dept. A., Philadelphia, Pa. 11-9-8. Martha A. Bingaman vs. Jacob Royer; Jolin K. Hackenburg vs. I Elizabeth Fessler, et. al.; Annie M. j Luck vs. William H. Ewing; Eich enleririr and Wolf vs. Aucker and H ler & Co.; John D. Marks vs. Henry F. Blessing; Davis Sewing Machine Co. vs. S. Faust, with notice, etc; James G. C rouse vs. Chas. and Nora Walter; James G. Crouse vs. C. H. Walter, et. al., Adm's, Ac.; W. R.F. Weimer & Co. vs. Noah L. Livingstone. That ho never did know just how to buy furniture until lie found himself in our store. And you will regret the bar gains lost if you hare not in spected our Hue of farniture, which is the most complete in the city. We name you few of our bargains : Reed Rockers, - $1.25 and up. Couches, - - . $4.50 and up. Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up. WIH. A. SHIPMAN, 439 MARKET ST.. 8UHBUBY, PA
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