C O Mover June 10 W SHOES Ladies, 75c. Mens, $1 GO. Felt Boots, 1M Rubber B. 2.75 High Grade Shoes at Cut Prices. ECONOMICAL Sunburn. Near Bank. i I fcnfc "vtw r i , t i QEO. W. WAGENSELLER, Editor and Proprietor. THIS PAPER FARM JOURNAL J ONE YEAR 5 YEARS X Pay Up and Get Both Pa- i per s at Price of One. IIV mint to get ')0O Hubxeri- t J here to our paper by New Years, and are going to do it ijwe eon ; icr inerejore cum nine our or- m rangtmeni with the farm Jour- X nai by which we can tend The f i Middleburg Pott and the Form X Journal yearn, both Jor ?. J eash-ni-ail ranee. Ana ire make the same otih to all old xubxeri!)- X c-.s toto Witt pcjf tf arrraraiex X f( OM JfOtW in adrance. X Yon know what our paper s and the farm Journal u a X X gem practical, progressive a X clean, honest, useful paper full X x of gumption, full of sunshine, x with an unincnsc circulation a- T moDgtherjeetpeopleevetjrwheiti 1 Oil OUglll lO HUM) 11. J INTERESTING ITEMS. (Jo to S. O. ITlrioh, Globe Mills, for your boots and shoes. Dr. A. M. Smith of Adamsburg was at the county scat Tuesday. Go to W. H. Eidcm, New Berlin, for the best Sterling Silverware. 4t. Miss Maud Duck of Selinsgrove was a guest at the Avers lionie last week. C. W. Graybill, who had been employed at Allentown, has returned to this place. Mrs. Sliipe, nee Manie Clelan, spent a t'cw days visiting her parents during the past week. Mrs. II. I. Romlg and daughter last week were the guests at the res idence of Attorney Crouse. Horton Neil of Gordon, Pa., vis ited A. S. Beaver and wife at this place during the past week. Ambrose Gutelius, who had been at Lewistown employed in a livery stable, has returned to the parental roof. Preston Erdlcy of this place mov ed his household jiooils and his fam ily toBurnham, where he has been operator, Perry L. Romig an 1 son, Willi', of Selinsgrove, and Harry L. Noll, of Myerstown, were at the court house on business on Monday J?.mes VanZandt of this place last week killed a porker that tipped the I H-a 1 1 1 at 606 pounds. James never believe! in doing things by halves. I will pay market prices for bed hides, calf skins and idieep felts. J. L. Wl NEMAN, i l-30-3t. Lewisburg, Pa. Bead J. K.Van Natta's advertise in this issue. It you need Jewelry, Silverware or anything in his line, he will pay your fare to Lewistown and return. Mrs. T. B. McWilliams of Mc Veytown is enjoying a season of vis iting at the home of her father and mother, James VanZandt and wife, on Sugar Street. Charles Meiser, the baker, lias moved from his residence on Market Street to the Kern residence at the bakery. Prof. Killiau will ocenpy Mr. MeiseFs home very shortly. A. F. Thomas of Mifflinbnrg was at court Monday. He carried home with him a divorce which made him as happy as a big sunflower. Mr. Thomas formerly was a Snyder coun ty boy, and we are pleased to hear that he is getting along very nicely. He is a sober, industrious, hard working young man and deserves the best kind of success. M1DDLEBURGH, SNYDER QO., PA., THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1899. IAD THE G S. (). Cinch's, Globe Mills, is the place tor dry goods and groceries. Court is in session this week. The full proceedings will lie published next Week. Miss Mabel Bach man of this place is paying a visit to W. A. Lllta and wile at Shippenshurg. Miss Katie Swineford of MifHin hurg has Ir-cii the guest ul D. T. R bunds and wife during the past week. We have another order for 1000 lbs. ot dried apples. Bring them along. 4e per lb, A. S. Sechrist, Verdi I la, Pa. Miss Zelda Gemberling of Selins grow was the guest ot her friend Miss Bertha Crouse, for several days during the past week. I will pay market prices for beef hides, calfskins and sheep felts. J. L. W I. NEMAN, ll-30-3t. Lewisburg, Pa. Anion Woiner of Richfield dropp ed Into our office Monday and be came a oash-in-ad vance subscriber to the Post. That is a good example to follow. Miss Iva Menech and sistei of Dear MifHinburg and Mi.-s Florence Mover of Freeburg were the guests of Hon. (i. Alfred Srhooh and wife last week. A shooting match will be held at the Summit House House on Satur day, December 23, lx'J'd. Forty turkeys will U shot for and disposed of through a wheeling match with wheel harrows. Rev. I. P. Nefl, former pastor of the Lutheran church ot this place, and his bride of Jefferson County, have been Spending some time vcrv pleasantly with the former's daugh ter, Mrs. A. S. Heaver. Sunday evening, about 8 o'clock a house at Globe Mills belonging to Mrs. Lewis Pawling burned to the ground. The house was unoccupied. It is rumored that the house was coal-oiled and then set fire to by some firebug. Printing p: per is going Up. Who knows when it is going tostop? Our special oiler at the top of this page is still good. Do not wait too long. We cannot guarantee it to last for ever. It may Ik: withdrawn at any time. Come in now. Rev. John O. Yoder of Stewarts ville, N. J., has been spending the past few weeks visiting his mother and family at her residence on West Market Street. The parson deliver ed a very forcible sermon in the Lu theran church Sabbath evening. Our line of watches cannot be surpassed from the smallest ooo size to the largest IS size in both open and hunting ease for ladies and gentlemen, B. F. SHEIBLEY, 21 West Market St., Lewistown, Pa. 12-7-3t. If you want your hair cut with out steps or a nice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. E. Soles, in the bank building one door east of the Post Office, in room with the driiff store. A clean towel to each customer and satisfaction guar anteed. To customers coming from Mid dleburgh and all intermediate sta tions to our store and purchasing goods to the value of $5 or more, we will refund the railroad fare both wavs. This offer is good only until Jan. 1, 1900. S. WEM, . ll-30-4t. Selinsgrove, Pa. The report of the Standing of the First National Bank of this place appears in this issue. The report makes a remarkably good showing, there being more than $170,000 on deposit and loans abd discounts reaching almost? 173,000. The sur plus fund and undivided profits reach almost $29,000. SI SI We have added to our stock jbe famous brands of Blank and Cotts hall's Hour including huckwhtat flour and corn meal, A. S Sechrist, Verdilla, Pa. Miss Anna Alleman nfScliiisgtuve spent Inst week visiting at the EJUrle Motel with her friend, Carrie Inks, and taking in the intellectual treats at the county institute. Secure your reading matter new for l!)(i. The Pcwt 'mm n iw to Jan. l,,luoi and the "Farm Joi.rn al" from now to . Ian. 1, 1905, for only one dollar. Blank newspaper is going up higher and higher and if you waul a bargain, drop on to the offer at the head of the first page at once. Last week we tillcdati order from Dr. Geo. K. Heed, State Librarian, for a copy of the "Snyder Count v Marriages, which wilrbe put in the State Library, at Harri burg. No Snyder County resident should be without a copy of this valuable book. Place your ortlei early; the supply is small, there he ing only 285 copies of the book print ed and the supply cannot last King We have now plai unceti ior lUSlMCi tiou the Hues! and largest odl- lection oi . nrisimas .Novelties-cyr shown in this town. The line com prises nearly verything. Lndies Dressing aes, Jewel Hoses, KaBey i . i j it . . Mirrors, 1 in 1 rays, (J love Boxes, Fanev China Chicks, I lanilkeiflrief Boxes, etc. Also a eomoltie line of Sterling Silver Novelties. A cillu our store will be profitable to any one wishing to purchase Ninas pres ents. S. Weis, 12-7-."t. Selinsgrove, Pa. Prof. Oden C. Gortner, Superin tendent ot Public Schools of Juniata County, was a visitor at the county institute in SnyderCountv last week and also made a call at this office. The professor is an acquaintance of our school days at Missionary Insti tute, and we are always pleased to Bee him. When we finished a term of school at Cowan, Union County, we recommended the professor to that position and he was elected. From there he wandered to Juniata County and has been since been placed in charge of the schools of our sister county. We feel as though we had not made a mistake in recommend ing him as a school teacher. We have since read that he has bought an interest in the Juniata County Tribune. First National Bank Election Notice. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank of Middleburgh for the election of seven directors for the ensuing year will be held in the banking house the third Tuesday of January, lieing January 16th, 1900, between the hours of 10 A. M. and P2 M. J. N. Thompson, .In., ( 'ashier, Middlcburgh, Pa., Dec. !, 1899. Ladies' Coats and Capes. We have now in stock the most omiilete line of Ladies and Misses' Coats and Capes, that we ever had. Prices $2.50 upwards. Call now while the line is still complete, S. WEIS, Selinsgrove. 1 1- 30-4 1. Clocks 1 Clocks I Olorks I From the Nickel Alarm up to the finest French in plain and fancy dials with or without alarms, from 24 hours to 8 days. B. F.S&BTBLEY, lewistown, Pa. 12- 7-3t. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. ll-16-6m. ITEMS'' WHICH tfgMI ON THE INSIDE COURT HOUSE CHIPS IIhIi Knfrrril lor Krronl. James M. Emerson and Kate S., his wife of Mt Carmel, to B. F. Kantz, lot on Water Street, in Se linsgrove, for S.'iOO. Howard W. McCurdoand wifeof Columbiana Co., Ohio, and Fnimii N. Dora n and John, her husband, of Philadelphia to Mary M. Treaster, 50 acres in W est Beaver twp. for fifty dollar-. Geo. W. Long and w ill' to Jacob P. Keller, hotise and lot on Isle of tine, Selinsgrove, lor $550, Maud R, Keller of Ingham Co., Michigan, and Mabel 1!. Keller of Wellesley, Mass., house and lot of Hiram Singer to Geo, W, Long for Samuel T. Hilbish, executor of Philip Hilbish, to J, S. lime, 105 acres in Chapman twp. for 810,000, I, Wil is irinl'l. Betters of administration in the estate of William II. Gemberling, late of Selinsgrove, w ere granted to Mrs. Amanda Gemberling on Tues day of this week. MiirrliiKi' !! James I). Dreese, Beaver Springs, ) Amelia E. Koch, " " I Harry A. Shaffer, Chapman, Minnie M. Reicheubach, I htndore. MCKEE8 HALF FALLS. J. S. Rine and wifespeul Sunday at Buffalo. . ..A. B. Uine and C. A. Fisher and their lady friends sicnt Sunday at Freeburg. . . tjuitc a number of our folks attended insti tute at Middleburg last week. They all had a nice time. . . .Henry San ders arrived at McKees again. . . . I. A. Herman and his lady friend, Mi.-- Flora Shreibcr spent Sunday evening at Troutman's church. . . . Miss Ella Meiser has returned from her journey and reports a nice time, lumbu Kerstettcr and wife and Mrs. Lewis Fisher made a business trip to Kantz on Sunday. .. .Our Landlord took n flying trip to Se linsgrove on Tuesday. UNION TWP. Postmaster S. J. Strotib of II niiTs Wharf -pent Sunday with friends near Verdilla. ...f 'has. Wal ter of New York Cit is spending a few weeks with old friend, Gottleob Sehpy Misses Fiana Brown and Sarah Neidig of Northumberland were visiting here over Sunday Christmas at KeiseFs Sunday next. Our teachers came back from Middleburg refreshed by a good in stitute The Droiwed name tbr the new Postoffice near Klondike is Eclipse motto that should be found in every business house i "We arc too busy runniii'r ourselves to trv to run our rivals" How can we make the editor haoov on Christmas? By remitting $ (or value received. 1 SHADEL, The meeting at the United Ev angelical church at Aline is in a progressive condition. All persons are cordially invited to attend this meeting Miss Susan Kaltwriter of Fremont was visiting her relatives in this vicinity last week A number of young gentlemen with their best friends attended the Insti tute on Thursday evening. . . .Miss Susie Moyer of Freeburg visited at T. T. Reichciiliach's on Sunday .... The new (wunty bridge at Mciser ville will be constructed in the near future. . . .Reverend Yerger passed through this place Sunday. Carriage fob Sale. A brand new trap manufactured at MifHin burg by John Gutclius at a cost of $125 can be bought at considerably less than cost. It is a most hand some vehicle. For further particu lars apply to Box 2-1 ;5, Middleburg, Pa. tf. Teachers in Session. iroHliniKMl Iroin lusi ween.) TUESDAY EVENING. Oration, "FtNitprints of Time," by S. (i. Snyder, Kichfield, Pa. rhehigh anticipations which w ere formed from the afternoon's address by Dr. Hull werei v than gratifi ed by hi- admirable, pieasiug and instructive lecture, ' Three Elements ofSuccess," whieli wa-delivered to a large and appreciative audience. Dr. Hull i- ti Hueilt speaker w ith high aims and noble purposes and possesses the power to impress bi auditors with hi- own lolu lives. A sound body, Hound headand sound hearl arc the "Three Elements of Success." W KDNK8KAY HMtKNOON. Devotional exercises were held by Lvov, Shainbacli, "Synthetic and Analytic Method-" was ably presented by Dr. Hartzler. The pupilshottld be taught toinveut, construct and think for himself. I r. I lull ag tin took up hi- fav orite subject "Arithmetic." The two objects of Arithmetic are to pie pare for business and develop thought power. Several mistakes in teaching Arithmetic were pointed out. Dr. Lyt ntinued his "loosening up" of Infinitives and Particles. He is an author ot a series of textbooks on Grammar and is recognised as a leading authority on the .subject. WEDNESOA Y AFTERNOON. After Singing a number of pleas ing songs, in which the large audi- e participated, Dr. II art z Icr gave an instructive and sensible talk w ith many practical hints for teachers on "Illustrative Teaching." Rev. Dr. Heisler, Pres. of Sus lianna University, was introduced and made a very eloulienl ami pa triotic address on "The Public School- and Public Spirit." "Immaturity and Degeneracy" was disciis-cd in a very scholarly and able way which evinced that the speaker had a very deep insight into the law- of iisychology, A clear line was drawn between the imma ture ami the degenerate pupil. "Practical Education" was the subject presented by Dr. Hull in his characteristic wav. "We are a prac tical people, living in a practical age and require a practical educa tion combined with broad culture." WEDNESDAY EVENING. lion. Lee faircluld of New York I ( City lectured on "Stumping" to a large audience. I M d I humor, clear ness of expression and beauty of style characterized the lecture. Frc quent applause and laughtergreeted him. THURSDAY FORENOON. Devotional exercises by Rev. Mo Lain. Dr. Hartler spoke on the Do main of Grammar ami impressed the simplicity, beauty and power of the English language as well as in our country. Dr. Hull continued the "Arith metic," Patience, thought, power, and originality wen- named as es sential to the teacher of Arithmetic. Miss Margaret McCloskcv of Kd inborn S. N. S. presented the suli- ject of "Primary Heading." THE B8DA Y A PTERIN in. This was the Directors' Day. A large number of directors were pres ent and after a few well 000060 re marks by Supt. BowertOX they were made to feel at home. Ira C. Sehocb, Pres. of the Directors' As socirtion, presided. The following programme rendered: RcMirt on the Directors' State Convention, J. S. Yearick; "Are the Interests of Our Schools Best Preserved by the Election ot "Home Teachers" ? W. F. Sanders; "How Can Directors VOL 36.' NoliT PAGES OF Tffl IT. Assist Schools i,, thcProcurcment of hool Libraries" .' J. . Rjegfej "Frequency and Manner oi School ' -ireeiors wits " by J. A v j. a. Snyder. I he address practical an tors lake an were all timely and showed that our direc tetive interest in the lllC! sel s. Dr. Hull made an inspirit! in siruouvc ami clooneiit add es- con- taming timvly and valuable sugges tions for teacher and director. Mi- Met 'loskey gave a vcrv in structive talk on the I eeorution ol Schools. I h - .CI larlzler made a few re marks cm ruing the duties and re- spcmsibilities of the dirtvtor. Mil I1SDAY EVENING. Thursday evening was marked by the largest attendance ol the w hole scssi I the Institute. The large audience was entertained by the 'and (''bib of Boston and Mr. Ed- "i I. The entertainment w as of a high order and consisted of singing by the "Carol'-" (bur ladies, and humorous impersonations by Mr. K I. ElltDAY EOHENOON, Supts. II annawalt of M i fflin Co, and ( iortncrol Juniata !o., formerly a Snyder ( ounty boy, were introduc ed, made eloquent and inspiring ad- dressi vs. The underlying principles of the simple combinations of numbers were beautifully illustrated bv Dr. Ilartler ii his address, "Geology Tjf Arithmetic." Miss McCloskey spoke on Educational Value of a 8tory." 'The u G. Arbogasl read an interest ing paper on "Success ill Life." Prof. II, L. S iirover addressed the institute on "The Teacher of the Twentieth 'eiiturv." Report of Committee on liesolu tions was read and adopted. Supt. Bowcrsox in a lew well chosen remarks complimented the teachers upon their lai till Illness and enthusiasm. Thus closed ol the -t help ful and beneficial teachers' institutes in the history ol Snyder ( 'ounty. Much credit is due to the ablc,effic ent and talented Supt., F. '. Bower sox, fur conducting the Institute in such a satisfactory mnnncr,to the pub lic who manifested such a deep inter est, to Prof. Billhardl for the able way of conducting the music of the day sessions, and to the teachers Ibr their faithful attendance, deep inter est and intense enthusiasm manifest- il Eugene M vrkley, Reporter. - Select Your Date I hose w ho desire to make comintr surinc should -elect ale the iIm date early and have tile same insert ed in the Post's Sale Register. This is very important so that your neigh bors will not select the same dale that you may desire to lake. If you get your bills printed at this office, it w ill cost you nothing to have vour sale notice inserted in the Post Sale Register from now until the time ol the sale. If vou L'ct vonr billselse- where the notice will cost vou 60 cents. We never use flimsy paper tor sale bills. We always use heavy Iniok paper or card board. Send in the date of vour sale, you do not Deed to order the bills until you are ready for them. Give us a trial order. $6 A WEEK TO START. We want intelligent ladies, or gentlemen, to mrept permanent Ksi tion in own town; salary to start $6 OWetk, guaranteed, and commis sion. Many make from $12 to $24 a week. You can devote all or vour spare time. Send stamp for full par ticulars. Address, The Bell Com pany, Dept. C, Philadelphia, Pa. ll-9-8t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers