SHOES. ECONOMICAL Buys More Sells More than any Store in Sunburn Charges Less Profit Is the Why. SHOES Ladies, 75c. Mens, $100. Felt Boots, 1M Rubber B. 2.75 High Grade Shoes at Cut Prices. ECONOMICAL Sunbury. Near Bank. a , i ftSJygSSSg."1 MIDDLEBTJRGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THUHSDAY, NOV."30j"T89. VOL. 3ji.NO.4T. eiiwiw aMiEMTiETicaTiwEP stwy7 "ii 5 aiii'7 mm wears mm relii Mgjfrei mi. i i i " i : INTERESTING ITEMS. Go to W. H. EMem,New Berlin, for the best Sterling Silverware. It. John A. Snyder and wife vhnted friends in Harrisburg over Sunday. We expect a new supply of 1- larttles this week. L. DONKELBCBQEB. A. C Smith wants 1000 lbs. of turkeys for Christmas at highest market prices. 1 1-30-21. K. C Walter, wile ami son spent Sunday With MM. Walter's parents in Beavertown. L. Dnnkelberger's line of fnr Capes, Collarettes and Scarfs has been very much admired. .Several communications that were Crowded OUt last week will be found on the inside page of this issue. You will realize the highest market prices for all your poultry from A. C. Smith, Kreamer. ll-30-2t. I will pay market prices for beef bides, calf skins ami cheep felts. J. L. Wink man, ll-30-3t. Lewisburg, Pa, Mrs. William H. Spongier and Mrs. Curtis W. Graybill of this place were Sunlmry visitors Monday of this week. John Klose and wife of Mifflin burg spent several days at this place last week, the guests of Dr. J. W. Orwig and wife. Buy your friend a Christmas gift that will be useful. One of U Dunkclberger's collarettes would just Ik; handsome. Dr. Hassenplug.a gentleman well known in this place, died in Phila delphia last week, and was taken to Miftlinburg for burial. Dr. I. G. Barber of Danville was a Middleburg visitor last Friday. He reports that Danville is having a big boom at present. W. A. Eutz, proprietor of the overalls factory at Shlppensburg, and wife have spent the past week visiting Mrs. Eutz's relatives at this place. Next week the county institute will lie held in the court house. Don't fail to attend the sessions, es pecially the lectures and the enter tainment. H. Harris Bower is in Philadel phia ibis week attending the mar riage ofhis cousin, William Deans. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Frederick Bower of this place. J. Calvin Schoch, Carbon Seebold and J. E. Stahlnecker went to Philadelphia Wednesday evening of last week and spent the remainder of the week there at the export show. Quite a large Dumber of new ad vertisements appear in this week's . I. All A. .1 issue of the 1'ost. jjon i iau io nu every one of them. There are an nouncements and bargains of all kinds. Shi rifl-elect Geo. Wash. Row on Saturday filed his bond. His se curities are Geo. R. Hendricks, David Sholly, William A. Fisher pndJohnF. Romig. There is no doubt of the reliability of the sheriff's bondsmen. At the top of the first page our readers will find the advertisement of the Economical SI oe Emporium, J. G. Chestnutt, manager, Sunbury, Pa. Mr. Chebtuutt sells for cash and he sells shoes from 25 to 50 cents cheaper than any other store in Sunbury. To customers coming from Mid dleburgh and all intermediate sta tions to our store and purchasing goods to the value of 5 or more, we will refund the railroad fare both ways. This offer is good only until Jan. 1, 1900. a Weib, Il-a0-4t Selinsgrove, Pa. I will pay market prices for beef hides, calf skins ane sheep felts. J. L. WlNKMAN, ll-30-8t Lewisburg, Pa. CaBBIAOB FOB BALE. A brand new trap manufactured at Mifflin burg lv John Gutelius at a cost of $125 can be lioiight at considerably less than 'ost. It is a most hand some vehicle. For further particu lars apply to Box 243, Middleburg, Pa. ' tf. I! vim want your hair cut with out steps or a nice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. E. Soles, in the hank building one door east of the Post Office, in room with the drug store. A clean towel to each customer and satisfaction guar anteed. Last wee k the "Farm Journal" publishers, at the request of the editor of the Post, sent a sample copy of the "Farm Journal" to all the Post's subscribers. It any of the Post's subscribers wish to re ceive the "Journal," they should take advantage of the special offer by paying onedollaroash-in-advance for the PosTone year and the "Farm Journal" live full years. Those who are in arrears can take advant age of this special offer by paying up their arrearages. No other copies of the "Farm Journal" will be sent unless they are ordered. i Thanksgiving Day Program. The following Program will be rendered in the Lutheran church on Thanksgiving Day evening by the various C. E. Societies of Middle burg and the Hassinger Society : Praise Service in Song. Reading of President's Thanks giving Proclamation, United Evan. Society. Reading of Governor's Thanks giving Proclamation, IT.B.Society. Music. Reading Scripture Lesson (67th Psalm), Reformed Society. Prayer. Recitation, Duett, Address. Miss C. Sue Beaver, f Miss Mabel Grimm, Mrs. ( ieo. Hassinger. f Messrs. Walter, Snyder, Quartette, potter an(j Hassinger. Close with Song Service. Checks Without Stamps. It doesn't appear to be generally known that when a man draws a cheek to his own order he needn't puta two-cent stampoo it. If you, for instance, want to get out some money on your own account, all you need to do is to change your cheek so that it reads like a receipt. Write "received of" in front of the hank's name, cross out the words "pay to the order of," and then fill in the space with the amount of money required and sign as usual, and have then a check that is legal without a stamp. The government decided that this could be done last AngUSt, but it jjavc no great pub licity to its decision, nod probably not one private DMMU or business house in ten has ever heard of the matter. Quarterly Conference. The fourth United Evangelical Quarterly Conference will !e held at Kreamer, Saturday, Decern tier "Z, 1899, at 2 r. M. There will lie nwnninir and communion services, conducted by Rev. S. P. Itenner, presiding elder of Centre District, as follows: Kreamer, Dec. 2 at 7 P. If.) Middleburg, Dec. 3 at 10 A. m., and Paxtonville, Dec. 3 at 7 P. M. J. Shambach, Pastor. TO CURE A C0LDIN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it foils to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. ll-16-6m. WEDNESDAY, 6 P. M. Woman's Sphere. Vandelia Varnum says: '-I con fess I do not know what woman's sphere is, and more than that I do not want to know. I know that the majority uf women love firs! and last and hest ol all the home. No power on earth or beneath the earth could wrench that love from them or make them false to it. 1 know there arc some that fail there, not from outward OOtlditioUS hut from inward conditions. " The idea that the liars must be pit up lo keep woman in her 'sphere is too absurd. As well bar the heavens to keep the mother dinl on her best. "So, I say, I do not want to know what woman's 'sphere' is; for fear if I did, I might do as some others try to do, clip and trim her to suit their own notions. A king, it is said, once thoughi tie would give every man in his kingdom a suit of clothes. Twenty ordered them all after one pattern. Some were found to be too long and some too short, some too slack and some too tight, and in each case he ordered the individual to be clipped and sheared, inflated and squeezed, according to the case. That la what some are trying to do with woman. As for me, I am willing to trust the Lord in making her, and trust her common sense after she is made. "It is a ticklish business going hack and behind common sense in dealing with any question, but those who look hack instead ot forward, who counsel with custom instead of reason, with tradition instead of rod, are likely to get in some different places. For instance I ask a per son, why a woman should sing in public and not speak, why should she recite the thoughts of others and not her own thoughts ; and he can not answer me, and no one can. 1 ask another wliv she shoiilil pcrloriu in the theatre half-clad ami not, in suitable attire, speak to the people on the questions of the day; why she should sit on public exhibition, in the theatre-box in scant dress, and not in modest dress pass quietly to the ballot-bOX to voice her convic tions of right ; and he can not tell me, and no one can. I ask another why woman should lie worked and pushed and promoted to everything in the church ami not allowed to represent the church at her gather ings ; why she should teach and pray ami exhort with or without a text and give Bible readings, and not be allowed to preach ; and he an not tell me and no one else CAD. "Sick, sick, sick of this idiocy ov er 'woman's sphere.' Giro man his freedom, give woman her freedom, and they will both find their sphere, but let not one think to escapeGod's wrath when He says to asinglesoul, 'Thus far and no farther.' " Vandki.ia Vakmtm. Ladies' Goats and Gapes. We have now in stock the most complete line ot Indies and Misses' Coats and Capes, that we ever had. Prices $2.50 upwards. Call now while the line is still complete. S. Weis, Selinsgrove. ll-30-4t. Do not forget to give thanks. , . , , THURSDAY, 12 M. wiDdlecreek CO. ireell hoe's new house is about finished ami the lieru is in course ot erection V number ol our Nimrods were in the mountains the past week, lint venison is about as scarce as hen's teeth .... Edward Mitchell, bought house and lot in Met 'lure where he intends to move in the spring. . .The Middle oreek roller uuil is kept very bus day and night turning out u No, I .,,! hiioku hc .il Hour, also corn meal and chop Ou Saturday A A. IJIsh dressed nearly a ton turkeys which he sent to the eastei markets for Thanksgiving W i kreamer was the iruest ol Edwai Heimbaoh's on Suuday Miss Sallie I'lsh left for Cleveland, Ohio, where she intends to spend somi time. . . .Miss Bertha Steininger was the guest of Charles Herbster s a few davs last week .... Amnion J. Oekcr, who had been In Indiana for the past two years, is as home again Miss Sallie Heimbach is at present visiting friends in Mussel's Valley... James Manbeck of Cleve land. Ohio, is visiting his mother lolm Heimbach was visiting his uncle, Allen Heimbach in I mon county the past week H. I. Swnrtz, who has been siek with typhoid fever for several weeks, is slowly recovering. JIoOLURE. Born lo A.mos Howell and wife n daughter Geo, Wagner's stave mill will soon be in running order . . . 'Squire Howell now occupies I, is new house... Edward Mitchell of Middleoreck bought a house and lot in our town. He intends to move there in the spring The West Beaver district institute held at the Middleswarth school house last Fri day evening was a success. . . .Isaac Manbeck ami wife of Adaiiisburg visited at Ner. B. Middleswarth's. . . Amos Wagner and wife went to Yeagertown lor u few days 'hirei Breninger was home from Mapletonfora lew davs to hire hands to work at the stave mill... 'Squire Treaster is painting W. F. Howell's new house.. .F. P. Decker of near Adaiiisburg was in town on Saturday on business Feremiah Herbster of near Troxelville dined with his son, W. H. Herbster on Thursday last. ADAM9BUKG. Chat, and Carrol Bolig and Mrs. Arlington Row of Selinsgrove were the guests of Mrs. C W. Klose re cently Miss Mary Kempfer left for Lcwistown on Monday A birthday surprise party was held for Miss Anna Felker on Tuesday ev ening. About 2.1 persons were pres ent and all report having had a re markably fine time. .Misses Ellen Brehbil and Ella Romig Sun bury were the guests of the latter's jmrents on Sunday Miss Anna Shambach has returned from Mo Clure, where she spent the last six months . . Jas. Kaudenbush accom panied by his daughter, Miss Lizzie of Virginia arc the guests of Mrs. Mary Weideosaul Chas. Shirey and family moved to liewistown last week...C. E. Keller left for Phila delphia where he has found employ ment H. I. Itomig made a busi ness trip to Yeagertown last week. PAXTONVILLE Pmf v r Q . i i.i. I mother, Mrs. S. Eowersox nil Wed nesday evening. . . . Kev. , I Met 'lure passed through town Tues day. . . .('. P, Sweugle spent Sun day with his family , . . .Some of our I I. I 1...I .'l. rp i . , hui .iio'Moeu me I eiieuers in stitute at Gilbert's school house Fri day evening and report having had a very interesting meeting . . .Mi- Alice Kiegle, Mrs. ('has. Noll and daughter of Union county visiter! John Ernest and Mrs, Mary Howell Saturday aiidSunduv, . . .Miss Hat tie Howell ol BcuvcrtowM is sitcnd ing a few till) - in tn n among friends Miss Annie Swengle, after spending a week at New Ber lin, came home on Saturday Prof. A. M. Carpenter ol Heaver town contemplates starting a singing class ;it (Ms place. Prof. Carpenter is an experienced teacher ol many years, and thoroughly understands iiiiimc. Therefore he should have the patronage ol all our citizens . . . . Uobcrt Stout and family of Uuiou County visited Joseph Bru ii iter's on Sunday.. Wm Mitchell ami imrty, who had gone to Treaster Valley on a hunting expedition last week returned home Friday. On account of the sickness of one of their party they were compelled to come home empty handed. . . .A. M. Carpenter ol Beavertown delivered a very able address in the church on Sunday. WEST BEAVER. Butchering has been going ou al most everyday at this end, for the past two weeks, and a few heavy weights have been reported, S. II. I'hillips, two, one : IT 1 lbs. and 1")1 lbs. ; W. Y. McGauglin, two, one 372 lbs. and 452 lbs.; James Peter, one 311 Jibs. The rest have been all light weights, . P. W. Treaster is home making preparation-to leave Snyder county and make his home in Huntingdon county .... V. '. Peter has a big job ol painting at Burnham, Mifflin county, and left Monday morning for that place. . . . L. G. Wagner was at Connellsville lat week lor an examination as a fireman en the B. A G. rood. Ev erything was satisfactory l.ut age. I e will continue to he fireman at the Bannerville school. .. .Calvin Knepp shortly expects to put up a new house on the farm he purchased from W. V. Howell .Allen Peter is making improvents at his new house, liv crectimr diftcrtt out-build ings Your scribe wus shown through the Met lure slaughter house last week by the proprietor, ('has. Decker. It was pronounced lirst class in every respect. Charles' motto is, what is worth doing at all U worth doing right Daniel Iveitz, one of our township's poor, died on Nov. 21, and Key. Diet preached the funeral sermon. t'ENTHKVILLK. Frank Sechrist of Middleburgh visited his parents last week. . . . Dr. J. W. Sampsell spent several davs in the city of Brotherly Dove last wcek...W. II. Davis and wife of Herndon spent several days in town last week . . .Jos. Klingler, one of Jackson township's pedago gues, and Arthur Herman passed through town on Sunday morning. . John I. Hart man and daughter, Elva, were to Middleburg one day last week Mrs. C. M. Showers and Mrs. D. J. Dreesewcre Adams burg visitors on Thursday ot last weeK .... Ruasel Christine of Mif tlinburg was in town one day last week Constable H. F. Mobn and father transacted business at the county seat one day last week Rt B. Erdley had a new roof on his barn last week .... Geo. M. Hart man is the proud father of a brand new boy. . . .Michael Slear of Win field transacted business in town last Saturday COURT HOUS1 CHIPS i'..;'t-ii ir h ni. Paul Dingus to Geo. U, -feii-drielis, property on ,. (j,,,, Se linsgrove, tor $iari ''"is C Iling and Mar., his wife, to . s. Mower, release deed containing 100 acres j IVrrv iwnJ for? bin " W '' mnl Iling ami wifeto ( Ieo. K. Hendricks, 51) ncres, 108 per ches in Washington tup., (br $)00. Mary W. Hill and Franklin t i i i i i nil, her husband, to I ieo. K. II ell- uncks, one ami one-hall .Mc li i I lall acres m W asliiugtoii tow lis or Son. l.ciii is Urniilrtl, L iCttersol administration in the estate of ( lharles t iiMKlling, late ol i i wry lowu-uip, were grant Saturday to Ieo. 1 . and ( loodlinir, on saac Hnrring l.taenwe. I Ceo. W. Paige, lJerry tup., .lane Krater, 'hapman " i ieo. E. K linglcr, McVeytown, ) Emma J. Proek, Middlifreek. CommlNMlnm rn' OMr, ( Irders grained Ironi et. I, I S9f) to Nov. 22, 18119: Benj. Zerbe, mason work, !1I".()0 B.F.Hummel, n ad dan ag s, 125.00 Joel Hotlcnbach, 1711.110 A. 15. rortline, Zi, ai's bridge, 5.10 T.8.Derr, mason work, etc., I 11.00 Aaron Stetler, lumber, etc., 2.80 E. E. Daubert, Neitz 'al- Icy bridge, ,s.("i(l Isaac Spotts, salary on acct., 30.50 I. II. Eowersox, oil, etc., 4.65 I I.I I. Irimm, clerk jury com., 1 .50 Phares Herman, sal. on acct., 70.00 J. W. Swartz, scalp ccrtif., 1.60 J.W.Swarlz, salary ou acct., .V.0o W.H.Riegdl, scalp oortif., 1.60 Wm. Grevemycr &Co., sia- tionerv, !.'.)" W. W. Wittenmyer, road damages, 10.00 W. II. Itiegel, scalp certif., 7" Henry Hall, election blanks, 8.50 Geo.lioiisli, elec Middleer'k, 3 1 .00 Noah Brouse, dec. Jackson, 32.20 J. H. Seiier, elec. Chapman, 33.00 1!. A. Wagner, elec. W.Beaver, 113.00 Kolicrt Heaver, elec. Heaver, ;! 1 .HO W.I (. U'o, k I ling, elec. Spring, :'-'.( M I I.A.Woillev, ulec. '1 ntiv, 31.00 II. F. Charles, elec. I 'eion, 35.55 A. W.Troxel, elec. Adams, 32.00 J. II. Shaffer, dec. Perry, 31.00 B.F.Harley, elecWashingt'n, 30.20 H.R.Tobias, dee. Middleb'g, 24.00 W. S. Kuhn, elec. Monroe, 33.00 PS-Garman, elec. W. Perry, 32.40 N.S.Fislier, elec. Selinsgrove, 32.00 II. J. Smith, dee. Pnn, 31.00 Geo. b . Stetler, elec., Prank- lin, 30.00 A. J. Fisher, Neitz Valley Bridge, 77.7' 1 W. H. Paries, test. Lincoln Waller, 17.06 W. D.Bilger, Burns' Bridge, 10.20 P. S. Bitter, elec. proa, etc., 55.83 J, M. I lover, Meiserville Bridge, 12.00 A. M. Aurand, dee. proc., 50.'X1 J. G. Lesher, " u 60.00 Ceo. W. Wagenseller, elec. ballots, etc., 32.00 E. D. H. Walter, scalp certif., 7n V. B. Winey, coal for jail, 48.06 Reuben Meiser, mason work, 150.00 G. M. Shindd, et. al., dec returns, 8.60 Geo. W.Drury, ag't., Jack's creek bridge, 800.00 M. Baker, Com. vs. F. C. Class, 3(j.81 J. H. Arbogastj burial Chas. Miller, 35.00 Geo. J. Roush, et. al., Kream er bridge, 10.60 Michael K ratter, Selinsgrove bridge, 1.50 Henry Hassinger, et. al., Jack's creek bridge, 10.05 T.S. Dcrr,et. al., mason work, 88.75 M. P. Arnold, scalp certif. 2.25 Next week will be a good time to visit Engle, the photographer, and have your pictures taken.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers