e J TAMRCTAMP and A. d May 14, 1892, aged Thouaanda Hat Kidney Tremble Walter, lielieccn, w ot IViter, b I UPIDO I UnL 1 v 4 m ft d. and Don't Know It. Sept 14, 181!;d Nov 12. 1849. ' INSCRIPTIONS. Bowersox, Mary, dau of Mary, d How To r ma out. Kd 30 y 1 in 28 d. I IIIOUIUI livuv. Fill .bottle or common glta with your alti r, ( Vlin.la. dmi of D. and R., Apr id, iovo, ageu t water and et It stand twenty-four hour a , '., , '. I Bowersox, Samuel, s ef A. J. ami , d,men or ' U ri"' '' :1;,'1 - J" Harriet, d Apr 8, 1862, aged jtji 8M- ! "fD. , Iv3m5d. rn'IAJBPKYrtlon of the kid- i v m, i ,... a, j....fi.jv VA FTOf W neys; If It stains aeifl Do tM i u w pi v i .iiiii' an in in . .iini i... u " " i l mi it b Sept 24, I860, aged 8 y 4 d. west BEAVER TowshHH'. Bowersox, Catharine, w of Geo., b Sept 27, lS17;l.Ian 10, 1847, aged m y o m 20 d I A Collection Made Jrom all the Btiry- ing Grounds in Snyder County for the Mtddleburqh "rout." Metzger, Susannah, w of Samuel, d mm Feb 20, 1892, aged ti4v 11 - omM, W oi Jeremiah nTttttT 7 C., b Dec 18, 1S54; d Feb 20, , ? 0 Michael, b June 14, 1817; I870f 04 y 2 In l8 d. I of & d Jan 24, 1831,lgtd63 y m -i- Solomon, b June 20, 'hei.r"L kiiny ' in Ti (I. 1 evidence of 'klcU Waller, infant dan of David 11. and' ney trouble: too i C. A.,d Nov 26,1827,aged 9d. I pass It or pain In Weiriok, v atnarme, v ol Daniel, li the back Is also (V'l 15. 1828: d S'lit 10. 1863. convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- 1 .. . ln n- HOME CURE FOR BLOOD POISON. Obarlio d i 10 d. Olierl'm, Leah, W of Michael, b .Ian to Do. Weiriuk. infant s ot I). :m ('.. d the knowledge so . 11 iuhq Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- M" ' ' Bowortoz, Solomon, b June 29, ,Tlyty,.vVf Wemck Henry, a oTU. and u .1 1811; d Apr 1"), 187"), aged back, kidneys liver, bladder and every part vh l l0i, aged 10 v 8 01 v ! m 10 il of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability 15 d. 8, 1824, d Jin 29, 1894, aged 8of j. C. SOTSttttMS! W"rick, Sarah, dauof D. and C, i0v20 d. nnd Knrnh b ov 10 1889: d wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant d Dec 2. 1853, ased 3v 11 m. Sidler, AKilda, dau of Amanda JUDe 20. 1890. aired 7 m 4 d. S.,??1! 1 .e" Z Bingnnian. A libit-, wof J. L., dSept during the night. Themildand the extra- . Bon 10- 1 .. .. - ... ordinary effect of Swamp-Root h soon ,. unnl m local nmiincer. ladv rcaiizea. 11 sianas ne nignest lor lis won- Beware of the Doctors' Patchwork; You Can Cure Yourself at Home. Dreese, b Feb 17, 1869,d Apr 4, 1883, aged 14 y 1 m 18 d. Snyder, Henry, Co. E, 51st Pa. Inf. Spangler, Geo". C, b July 21, L829j d Aug 2!, 1898, aged 04 y 1 m 8 d. Stroub, Sophia, w ofS. H., b 183;); d Jan 12, 1893, aged 60 y. Snook, Caroline, W of Keilben, d Mar 20, 1886, aged 42 y m 23 l d tot 29, 1894, aged 34 y 111 8 d. d. you it stands tne highest lor us won- . . 1 1. i: i .1 11 i-.o. derful cures of the most distressing cases. gemu-iiuHi, 111 o 11 iuwii w uiiui-, ouiiir. .loiKiin.iii 11., o 1 1 1 . i".., -- - . p J . - If vnu nrn a mrriinn vnn hnilM hiv th I v nit finvilHHIIlir IVtillln 11 . B , Dest. ioia Dy aruggists in oOc. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle cf this wonderful discovery Bowers, Sarah, dau ol A. J. and and a book that tells Polly, d Mar 7, 1862, aged V 0 Ml 1 li. PSifSH mnr aKn.if II Kn'l. . il BXl SM j B ( - ' address Dr. Kilmer 8c Heo ot Bwaopfioot Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous olfer in this paper Derr, Elisabeth, w of Daniel, dAug 5j 1 863, aged 77 y. Wagner, Emery, b ol George and Doebler, Annie C, dau ol John Dj (ker, Lincoln E., illlli .III', If OH I LU I ' ' ' I Sadie, l Hep! 10, i:, ag 2y 11 d. Walter, Matilda, w of Epliraim, b July 2, 1827; d Apr 9, 1890, aged 62 y ! m 7 d. Walter, Deter, b July 29, 1S07: d Apr 1 1, 1880, aged 72 v 8 m 12 d. Salem CiiuiM -ii Ck.metkuy, i:vi. Bipgaman, Mattie M., dau of J. L and M. A.,d Oct 8,1897, aged 4 in 4 d. Bachman, Salinda, w ol Henry, b Feb 5, 1855; d June 4, 1876, aged 21 y 4 m 28 d. Beaohel. Elmer E., a of John and can flcvote it'll or span- tunejoruv cnings only, in coiiuectiou with your regular viKiation. :'Joi to $300 can lie made before ( Jhristmas nnd it will require wry liltle lime. I; is not iieceHsarv to have had experience. Send stamp I'"' partiMi!urs. Ad- dreiw, rile llell (.'onipauv, Dept. B., David and I'hiladelpliiu, I'u. I l-9-8t. Ther is not the slightoit doubt that the doctors do more harm than Rood in treatlne Contagious Blood Poison ; many victims of this loathsome diMMM would bp much bettor off to-day if they had neTtr allowed them selve to be (lostul on moreury ond otash, the only rninedivH whioh the doctors ever give for IiIihmI poison. rlie doetora nri wliolly UBaSH to get rid 01 this rile poison, and only attempt to tnal up the outward appearance of tho disease- th soro and eruption!. Thin they do ly driving the poison into the system, and endeavor to keep it shut In with their constant (Iokph of potash and mercury. Tho mouth and throat and other delicate part then break out into iors, and the tight is continued indefinitely, the drug! doiri thesystem more damage than the disease itself. Mr. H. 1- Mern, 100 Mulberry St., Newark. N. J says: hundred ilollurn with the d OO ton, when I realized that they could do me no good. 1 had large ipotl all over my bi dy, and these soon broke out Into running sores, and 1 endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro duce!, I decided to try S. H. S. as a last resort, and WM soon greatly improved. 1 followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Treatment,' and the large splotches on my oheit began to grow paler and smaller, anil before long disappeared entirely. 1 was soon cured perfectly and my skin lias been us ch ar as gluss aver since. 1 cured my self at home, after the dooton hsd failed completely." It is valuable time thrown away to expect the doctors to cure Contagious Blood Poiion, for the disease is be- 'I had spent a jwift! Bpet ill.' Dec 21, 189 1, aged 13 y 5 in 8 d.: Fry, Abraham, b Feb 11. 1769; d A iilt 12, I860, aged 81 y 6 m 1 d. Harriet, ! Aug 27, 1863; d July 2, I SO,'), aged I y in m co.-gt. 0cOcceod o 6 O 0 9 Bainer, b ol Isaac and Mary A., l April 1 I, 1861, aged 0 m. Fry, John, bFeb L0, 1792; d Aiil' Bunch, Harry il., sol William and 17, 180:'., aged 71 y 6 m 6 d. Cora, h'Mar 8, 1888, 1 Feb Fry, Isaac, s of Jacob and Mary, b 26, 1896, aged7y U m 18 d Aug 1833; 1 Apr 1869, Stroub, Rebecca V.,dau d' Alice, d aged ;'..") v 7 in 23 d. Dec 31,1881,ogeJ 3 y :i m ,sd. ry, Willamiua, w of John, b July Schamlmch, Ammon S., b of Nathan 19, 1796; d Feb 17, 187'-', and Sarah, d Nov 6, 1872, aged aged 7" V i in 27 d. 2 y in in 19 tl. Gearhart, Harriet, w of Daniel, h Schambach, infant dim of J. and S., June 24, 1854; d Feb 1, 1880, d May 15, 1856, ngetl 2 m. aged 25 y 7 in 10 d. Shambaeh, Emma V.,dau ol Jesse and S b cl 18, l867j d July 2 1, 1879, aged 1 1 y 9 in i l. o o o o O i o 9 1 1 o Slinsgrove Marble Yard S. S. FOR THE BLOOD 1 keep ci instant I y 1 n hand mid manufacture tt older all Kinds ol Marble and irutiitc Hoiumiciits nnd lieadstonds . . . Schambach, Funny, dau ol Jesse and Af A 1. M ., , 1 9 I S!7(. A ,,, 12, 1874, aged 3 v 10 m 29 d. Hartman, Harrtel ( , dau of John 1 1 t ' t-i 1 L..,d Nov 20, 1864, aged jvacnei, uaura,uau otuouu auu wa. . () - 1 Snnhin. .1 Split '.!:!. 1868. aired o I y 1 1 in L9d. 0 Stambach, Rev. John, d Sept 23, 1S2S, aged 34 v 10 in 13 d. liningcr Catharine, w oi George, 50o bOd 27, 1805; d Nov 27, - Hartman, Cora Lizzie, dau ol How-; 1866, aged 01 v 1 m. ard and Jane, d Aug 10,1887, Steinioger, George, l Dec 13, 1799; aged 1 yf 111. d July 21, 1867, aged .".7 v 7 Hartman, John, bFeb 16, 18":i; d m 8 d. fW 9. 1 8Q9 nrwvi KO u 7 m 1 8 d. I a. b i.i! 1 w t, I I i . 1 it ....,1 r t .. .... , cusmiUKcr, rruuaiiu, a 01 ur, . Beaohel, infant dun of J. BOOM. A., e- , , 1 Hull, Amanda, v ol deorge, I) .Nov and S., d Jan 26, 1859, aged 1 .,.... ,t, 28, 1846: d Jan 8, 1869, aged Beaohel, William H., s of John and, 22ylm5d. Mary A., d Apr 23, 1862, aged L... , . . . ' ' lo , 9i .' 1 . 0 Kline, infant dau of Isaac and Sarah 7 V c ... dHeP l3 lx77- Bowersox, Austin S., sot H. audit., 1 .. . . iu 1 1 1 a 01 ir.,i 1 Kline, infant s of Isaac and Sarah, d d Sept 21, 1871, aged 5 111 1 d. n tr i 1 a t 1.1 Ao l. 1878, I I - Of 1 V 1 1 1 1: HI li V ill Mil I Mil , l V IIIIOIMUIj l flMI mmM AWii, ' J t Iv 1 H man 1 4 .. iL i'l icui iici, unuiO uau utuvuu u i i n . ( A., b Apr 20, 1808; d Apr 1!, , , iu-i i -,11, . 00. i Hartman, infant a oi Howard and 1874, aged oy 11m 4v d. r . ' T . , x, l 1 At. 1 ti 1 vi Jane, d July 22, 1887, aged Beaohel, Charles, s of John and M. ,,0 ( 4 ,1 T.... 0 1UUII '! i. 7 qj 1 l lai tmaii, infant dau ol I toward and t 1. i tit! t ., c t. i... .-J Jane, ,1 Aug 1, 1887, aged 1 fiteil iieaciiei, awry .1., uau wi uvun .io. ni 8 d Mary A., l Apr 38, iOOX, agetl 5 y 2 111. Beaohel, Ellen, dau of J. and M. A., d Ai.r 13. 1862. aire;! 2 v 3 d. 1 have 01 1 the best Marble 'utterH in tin' State and consequently turn out good work. OLD STONES CLEANED AO HEl'AIHLD irtii. I ... t fv I Mk u I si'.- 1,1V work Ull.l TlinnkliiK you for irn I mosl resfwtfti1" Lfiiiliiiiiancu .'I M.n..'. M. L. MILLER. o o yolid their skill Si nets in an entirely different way from potash and mercury it forces the poison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the disease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever, constantly undermining the constitution, Our system of private home treat ment places a cure within the reach f all. We give all necessary medical ad vice, free of charge, and save the imtient the emliarrassment of publicity. Write for full information to Swift Si iflo 0o., Atlanta, Qa. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood Cum Im potency, Nilit Bmlnlons, L.9 nf Msm. .try. all wntiui .11 .-jis.'m r,. 1841: d A or 23. 873,aged3ly8m28d. ""f dApr ,iu i, , e . i i .f :,r,'d ( 4 v 6 111 5 d. Bowersox, Isaac, s ot A. J. and M.., . . i i i- io-i i .iv; Kulms, Christian, (I Nov 1.., is.).., b June 17, 1851; d Apr 28, i- 1874, aged 22 v 10 m 1 1 d. "8 ' -v' r u i:. I... ii u..l. Knlins, Daniel, li AiiLr 8, 182:1; d Bowersox, Sopnia, dau ot Joseph ' b n,ul S 1 1 Mar 14. l8f,S. .ml APr 1 J 18'(, il& "2 ' S 1,1 and S., d Mar 14, 1858, aged 3 y 4 m 3 d. Bowersox, C atharine K., w ot Max well, b Dee 4, 1856; d Feb 14, 1884. ased 27 v 2 in 10 d. Bowersox, Levi, s of Asaph aiidKuhDf Hy ft, of Lavi au, Matilda, d Ap. 13, 1869, aged - S 4 Kuhns, John, b Dee 10, 1820; d July 2, 188;;, aged 02 y 0 m 22 a. 9 m 22 d. Bowersox, Maria, wof ieo. A Mar 24, 1860, aged 84 y. Bowersox, Geo. A., b Apr 1. 1774 Spt I, 1887, aged 10 m 5 d Kuhns, Amelia, w of Daniel, b Feb 8, 18D0; d Apr 13, 1891, aged 01 y 2 in .") d. y 8 m il d. Steininger, Laura Jane, dau o villus and Lvdia, b Sept I.e-12 nil etlcols or s..If-nliuse or sxonM mul IndiMfotion. A nerve tonic ind blood bulldsr. Ilriiius tlio mil k kIow to nnln rliooks nad rWtorM the flro of youth, lly mnil BOc por DOX, U Imixoh for 92.00, with our bankable ifaurantee to cure IL'.t- 14 t 99 Il','j I UI TDIU11U Ul. UIUIIO, U.IU, r.'lll. 111. tllt-liH.1 louo, i .tiu 1 1 y loiiUj ageti anu copy of our baoaaou aoaraotM Dood m Nervita Tablets Steininger, Jemima, w ol Jacob, b Immediate Results I line 28, 1837; d Jan 1 1 . 1 SO 1 , 1 Posit ivoly Kunrantiiv! mm for Iob of Powor, , i i larioooslji OndevelopBd or Bhrcnion Oraana, agco oo v o in l.i U. ! Pnnisis, Locomotor ataxia, Norvoni rroatra. . , . ', Boa, Hrstaria, Fits. Insanity, raralriis tad tba Steiniuser; infant b ol David and Ha- Beroiu f Bxcetitv! o of Tobacco, Opimn r ! i i no I Li.Uor. By mail in plain packaav. 81.00 a (lie, (lietJ .Nov 11, 1888. I box, 0 for $6.00 with our bankable truar- , , . antee bond to cure ln UO days or refund Shrawder, Bertie Kba bet n, dan oi ' money paid. Adilrnss Win. E. and Catharine li., d NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Sept 9,1886,aged I y 1 in 10 ,1. .Clinton A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILV i ' ' o . sold by HIODi.hliUKU Dni'o co , Mlddiebtng Walter, John D s of 8. D. and M., tlS'pt 10, I860, aged 10 m 2(1. 1 Walter, Philip, b July 1 I, 1890; d J 1 )ce 6,1866,aged 85 y I m 22 d. Walter, Frederick 1)., b March 16, 1799; dMar 2, 1849, aged 49 y 0 m 17 d. Walter, Mai v, w of Frederick D., :-;-w-;w-:-:-x-::-:-:-:-:-:-w-h-t! fl?ir-'- i rwi n r ; r t i ! inirrL.iiiDUKu d Sejit 18, 1S7S, aged 77 v m I d. i -vo- HM -:': R. H. LANCE, IkrnlVrtii Nurblfl HtMl l Mar 29, 1852, aged 77 y 1 1 Kuhns, Martin L., b Apr 1, 1867: j Walter, Catiiarine, w of S.! n, I j:j:r,'0Nii!VOTS, head- f it. 1 ill ZB (I. Bowersox, John b Apr 29, 1799 d Mar 13, 1881, aged 81 y 10 m 14 d. Bowersox, Magdalen, w of John, b Feb 0, 1800; d Jan 22, 185:5, aged 52 y 11 m 10 d. Bowenox, Jesse, b Feb 2, 1819; d Mar 27, 1800, aged 41 y 1 in 25 d. Bowersox, Elizabeth, w ol Jesse, b Feb 20, 1823; d Nov 13, 1859, aged 30 y 8 m 21 d. BowetSOX, Luanda, w of Solomon, b Oct 20, 1812; d July2S, 1874, aged 01 y 9 ni 2 d. Bowersox, Israel, s of Solomon and Lucinda, b Dec 7, 1830; d Nov 17, 1857, aged 20 y 11 m 10 d. Bowercox, Andrew J., b Apr 25, 1832; d Oct 24, 1890, aged 64 y 5 m 29 d. Bowersox, John, s of A. and M., b Feb 0, 1879; d Sept 27, 1881. Bowersox, infant dau of J. C. and S., b June 24, 1880, aged 4 d. Bowersox, Kemer H., s of J. C. and Lizzie, b June 29, 1876; d June 7, 1879, aged 2 y 11 m 8 d. Bingaman, Grant S., s of Jonathan 1 Dee 28, 1892, aged 25 y 8 j m It I Dec 29, 1826; d Apr 1 1, 1 v aged 1!) y )! m 1" d. Walter, Noah, k of A M and M d STONES & CEMETERY Sept 11, 1800, aged 1 y :'. ml?, 28 Coons, Amanda Jane, W of Levi, b .Nov 10, I860; d Aug 25, 18SS, aged 27 y 9 m 5 d. Kooiis, (Jeorge, d Nov 21, 18SS,aged Walter, Amanda, dau of A M. and 00 y 1 m 1 d. M., d Sept 13, 1860, aged 1 y Lauver. tieo.. b Mar 2:5. 178"): d 6 d. Dec 21, 1866, aged 70 y 8 in Waiter, Enoa, b June 28, 1883; d 29 d. j May 16, 1872, aged 38 y 10 Middleswarth. Marv A., w of er. DO 18 d. LOT ENCLOSURES. T rlu ci m i I o ..i X vio oiont'o iiianou anu nouauou, v .!. rrices as low ss tne Lowest Satisfaction Guaranteed, J. A. JENKINS, Age, Crcsscrovi, i'a. I j. wrciurrove, x a. f HHKl-W-X-rK-I-Kf bFeb 17, 1832; d Mar 17, 180:5, aged 31 y 1 in. Marks, William, a of Andrew and A., d Dec 24, I887,aged ly lm24d. Moyer, Geo. M., b Feb 22, 1799; d Oct 7, 1 84 "), aged 52 y 7 m 13d. Moyer, John, s of (Jeo. and Klia- beth, d 1894, aged 77 y. Moyer, Elizabeth, w of George, d Mar 13, 1881, aged 85 y 9 ni 13 d. Oeker, Katy Viana, dau of David aud Harriet, d Dec 10, 1871, aged 1 y 4 in 12 d. Ocker, Sydney Grant, s of David and Harriet, b Oct 28, 1808; d 8ept9,l 894,aged 25y 10 m 1 Id. Ocker, Harriet, w of David, b Nov 20, 1838; d Jan 28, 1885, aged 46 y 2 m 8 d. Walter, Catharine, w ol Knos, bj Nov 4, 1834; d Apr 2, 1868, aged 34 y 4 m 28 d. Walter, Noah, s of F. G. and M., d 24, 1879, aged 1 m 6 d. Walter, Jonathan, b Mar 29, 1838; d Dec 29, 1859, aged 2 1 y 9 in. Walter, Sowarra, s of Win. and S., d Dec 1 1?, 1 858, aged 1 y 7 m 20 d. Walter, Jonathan, s of Win, and S., d Jan 23, 1804, age'. 4 y 10 m 4 d. Walter, George, b May 7, 1809; d May 26, 1865, aged 56 y 19 d. Walter, Cafharine, w ot George, b Nov 12, 1812; d July 15, 1868, aged 55 y 8 ni 3 d. Walt2r, Barbara Ella, dau of Epli raim and Matilda, d Oct 24, 1858, aged 2 y 13 d. THE DIETZ DRIVING LAMP Is about as naar perfection as 50 years of Lamp-Makin; can attain to. It burns kerosene, and gives a powerful, clear, white light, and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to bo had. ask your dealer for the "Dietz." We Issue a special Catalogue of this Lamp, and. If you ever prowl around after night-fall, it will interest you. Tta mailed free. R.E.DIET2 CO., 6o iAight St., New York. JtatabUahed la 1840. FIRE.-L1FE - AND - ACCIDENT J 3d Insurance, Snyder's old, and reliable cen'l I nsu r; 1 ; ce A Le 1 1 cy , SELINS6R0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Slmer iTV. 4 yclor, Ascnt, Successor to the luit William H. Snyder. The Pai Exeellenoe of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow :fi list of Klaudard Companies, from which to make a Helection, None Better tne i oi M m i r. MAMK, LUOATIUM, ASSETS, FIRE Royal, i iverpool, Eng. (includiug foreign osHeth) 848,000,000.00 Hartl ud, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Cu 8,045,736.02 Phffiiiix, Hartford, Goon. 5,088,068.07 Continental, New York, 6,754,908 73 Germati American, New York, 6,240,098.88 LIFK-Mutual LifeliiH. Co. New York, lt'204,088,988,60 ACCIDENT- Employers' Liabilit y Assurance ( lorporul ion. Accident Ins.' Co. Subscribed Capital of 88,750,000.00 Tire. Life and Accident risks accented at the lowest possible rate, jim- tified by a stiiet regard to mutual Bafety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of insur ance promptly furnishpd ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., Telephone No. 182, Olliee on Corner Water Pine Hts. Selinsu'iove. Pa OOO0CKX)CX)OCX3CXXX5O0OCXX)C0X 8 a i ' w 1 Tl I fi a . g a - jm s. r J mrs a r MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS In larger than ever before; my PRIC S LOWER than OTH ERS for 1 1 SAME GOODS, My pt iees on 45 mils of carpet I winh to clone out will suit Iho pocket book of ninny and save others money. I), not Ibitik of buying your fall rarpets until you give my aloes nf carpets your attention I get the prices of some oi my batiKiiiuH J am offeriug, ill Ctio If 17 nicnlau nf Pnptoinc Hur DM HI! JJluUlD I I UU1U11UI w . , I w. J, Ulll l 111 u it i'u these nooils It V Mill I 1)1 1 1 Ull. Ulll 111 ii IU1UUU. tliitl Prices jut us One Word About Pictures. g I am offering my present stock of pictures at cpst, LESS THAN COST and some for the price of the glass in the frames, Don't miss this salo. I have some pretty things to offer in turmture, all new. y Laer will surprise you in Styles and Prices. O UNDERTAKING! UNDERTAKING! 8 In tins branch of my business I am prepared to give the Q public the best serbii e that can be secured bv money, tune snd ; personal attention. My equippaae in this branch of buHtness is B one of the finest lu the state. HEARbES, CARRIAGtS aud UNDKKTAKIXU l'ARL-)KS aie up to date. one wrt slMMil mmt that my attention has be callrd to Intelv In rfgard to mypr . I (iL'AnANTBKtofiirnhtbesHineBoiidHaU.Kas MONIvY i Imo nnr hoiuieln theoouiuy. I UUAKANTKE to Rive yoa easier I'AYMKNl tbau all others. First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Department. W. H. FELIX, I Telephone Connection. 8 8 LEWISTOWN, PA. 8 0OOOO0 OCKiCCtOOOCQOOCCOCiOO Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. OBUCURER H. HRRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSfelRANCE AGENCY BBIinfMBOTIji FA, Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments. No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets $11,055,518.88 Home " 4 44 1853 " 9,853,028.54 American u 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance CO. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage S incited. 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers