'. - Jm ,.S SCHOOL APROS. f furnishing ftmraakw F i , . i. trirU law n nr.nu e . . mitt nut of Ihinh (noa' 1-7-7.. y0re material ia jaupiwjvu . .iiciiun than Id llioae of !j(r. aDd lew lace tritnmiog IWe- . . .j varil oi iau r em 1 ,r u child of seven of eight Tucking for the joke can be ItHE NEW EMPIRIC APRUM ii home or purchased for u small ! tn; in either ense a half yard of j I lufnclent for the front uud back and aide widths of thenpron ; Uiclitlv gored to give it more shape. ' lt front breadth is made very full l when fathered upon the yoke it Iin folds not u nl ike l hose noticed : n re effects. a;s are made of the apron meter!- M upon tne shoulders with l bows of ribbon, l lie sash is .ilo Inn trimmed only with two or ihri e (of tucks above the bem, The skirt ke apron has also groups of tucks The foot. Binlilni: l ine llnntlkercb lefn. I laundresses wash line einhroid I padkerchiefs properly, l oo often j fo lo pieces In the wringer or arc j til into notes on uie wasuDoaru. Ilainty bit of cambric that is car more for show than fur us;- may be anl by the owner In her own howl one, all dust should he wrlped i the large window pane, and the kerchief, when it is still wet. id smoothly over the jrlass. nil pressed out. nnd (be corners fiat. When the handkerchief is it ui'.l be crisp nnd new In appear To Wash Stone Slen. hose are in good condition tiny v require cleaning with hot water afterward to 'be hearthatoned lean be removed by pouring very soda nnd water on the spots, nnd SDVerlng them with a paste nindp 1 fuller's earth and boiling water. Ith must lit- left on all night LATEST DESIGNS IN LELT BUCKLES. paM, flUl rhlneaemca and tODases. pNartr. 1 AVOID COUGHING, Dew IfOmm Breath mm Holes. It Ctll It Soothes Bvarr Air 0U. ubviclan who is connected with am Institution in which there are many children, says: There is nothing more Irritable to a cough than coughtaig. j For some time 1 bad been so fully as sured of this that 1 deteriniued for one minute at least to lessen the number of coughs heard iu a certain ward in a hospital of the institution. Bj the promise of rewards and punishments 1 succeeded in inducing them simply to hold their breath when tempted to cough, and in a little while I was my self surprised to see how some of the children entirely recovered from the disease. Constaut coughing is precise ly like scratching a wound on the out side of the lody; so long as it is done, the wound will not heal. Let a per son when tempted to coii!h draw a loug breath and hold it until it warms and soothes every air cell, and some benefit will soon be received from this process. The nitrogen which is thus confined acts as an anodyne to the mu cous membrane, allaying the desire to cough, and giving the throat imhI lungs a chance to heal." Scientific American. NOVELTIES IN TIES. Variety mv I)lilnrd Is So Large That the Mom l'nutldlou Wom an should lie Satiate. ( This season brings forth novelties in ties for the tailor made woman to satis ( fy the most fastidious. There are so ! j many designs and all are so stylish t hat j it is confusiug to make a selection. There is a dainty little bow of black pO-" or colored satin which comes ready I i( d TO SLIT ALL FANCIES. and which Is usually adopted by v:omen whose one thought is simplicity. For the "inaniiish" young woman, however, there Is displayed upon the counters puff ties of the most brilliant plaids, stripes and figures. Then there arc the points of linen sewed upon their tiny band and hem s tltcbed by band, for elderly ladies and those w ho are wearing black. And thCM are only a few of the many des-gns di -played upon the counters for the approbation of shoppers. Origin of lloiley moon. An early Anglo-Saxon custom, strict ly followed by newly married couples. was that of drinking diluted boneyfor 30 tkr s after marriage. From the cus tom comes the word honeymoon, or boneyrnouth. the ata aurlaa dlsnlayed in belt etaaoa are mora varied ihan ever, and the lso3 the less SKpensive for th l- variety, for smi fortunes are Invested in ornaments which adorn the band ot ribuoa or veivm ninn-imy 1 waisi. fc'ack enameled buckle Intended to represent a black snake had eyes of gen- othtr clasp of deeply cbased dull gold was set with a tiny miniature of the I very brilliant plaid belt of emerald green, magenta and mouse color had a per- PUla starling silver buckle. X most exnenslve of the lot was a rose-shancd clasp of tinted Ivory thickly same buekla answers for many belts, belnc chanced to suit the fancy of A Mtaaa4MtUs4tat 1w soon wilt Anther be homV naked the boy who' had a large book on hi knew. "Very soon," answered Mrs. Cumrax. "Do you wish to ask him something V "Yes. I want to ask him if he ever saw what this man calls an ornlthor bynchus. It has a body like on otter, Web feet and a face like a duck's." "Freddie! I am sorry it should be Becee&ary to assure you that your fa ther never drinks." Washington Star. The Difference. Col. Frogeeter (of Paris, France) When the lie is passed in my country each man sends for his best friend to act as second. Is that the formula i:i Kentucky? Col. Bludgnd (of Paris. Kj.) Well, bardly, suh. When the lie is passed in Kentucky the survivor Fends for his best friend to go bail for him, suh. Tuck. rnfatlinniahle Myatery. "'NothlnR so hard, but Starch will find It out," The poei writes untrue, heyoml n doubt: When she the truth would hide, no bard nor sage Can learn the flRures of a woman's age. Chicago Record. There Are Man; Othrri, "I snw an item in a paper, the other day, to the effect that Mark Twain fre quently goes without eating for a whole day." "Well, whnt of It? That's a common habit with people who produce litera ture for a living." Cleveland Leader. V Free Slum. Toinniy (loin' to the show ter-night, Johnny? Johnny Naw. We're goin' to have ! a free show at our house to-night, l'a's (Toin' to put down 11 carpet.- Harlem 1 Life. A Menu TIiIiik. "Do you call this angel cake, Kathar ine?" "Yes; isn't it good?" "Of course, deer; bul I didn't know there were tiny iron-jawed angcla." Ootroit Tree Press. lisil Seen tine. "Did you ever see a borae race that you could say w as absolutely honest V" "I think I did, wanat." said Itubber tieck Bill. "The feller whnt was ahead had stoled the hose." Indianapolis Journal. Reerlmlaavlloiis, Mrs. Weddcasb You I, now I mode you w hat you are. Weddcasb That'e right, woman; gloat over your work I Cincinnati En quirer. Qettlnst Even. Doctor You're a long time paying my account, sir. Hardup Well, you were along time curing inc. Tit-Bits. Looklnat Dnektrnrd. "Whet nre the most striking things SOU SaW while y ou were iu I'urope?" "The people who were always strlk ng me for tips." Chicago Daily News lis Drawback, Thrice larky hi. o-i Chriatmaa pay, Whose iiat;k acoouM's sxtonslre; We'd be pel slV were the duy Itself rot so 1 s-penatve. U. A V. Built tin. l n refolly Considered. "What," Inquired the psychological student, "do you regard us the cbfef end of man "Well," answered Mr. Blykins, "it depends on whal you want the man for. If you want him to do brain work it's bis bcuti., and If you want It 1 1 it to run errands it's liis feet." Wash ington Star. Promo nltorj s niptoms. Oertie 'Pnpa, will our new mamma gn mad after awhile? Father What a questionl Why do you think such a thing? Gertie Wei!. I heard her tell the cook yesterday that she got badly bitten wi i n she married you! TIt-Dlta. I'nr W orse. Sniggleton I'm in trouble. My land lady told me I'd have to settle up or leave. Qlggleton Why, you're in luck, old fellow. I'm in :i worse fix than that. My landlady told me I'd have to settle up before I could leave. Harlem Life. I.eoser l.vll. Hilly I understand you've bought a dog to keep burglars away. Freddy -Yes. Hilly You nre not troubled tiny more nt night then, I suppose'.' Freddy Only by the dog Hoston Traveler. Nil rely. Johnnie Pa, where ilocs a man pet a theory? Pn In his heiul, my son. Johnnie Well, doesn't it hurt hit head when I theory is exploded? N. Y. World. Ilell for i In- I iifinployeil. Miss Million I have thought of a love ly way to help the poor si rikinp tailr rs. Mrs. Billion Whit is it.deur? Mass .Million I um poinp to make all my own gowns, Town Topics. A Model I.over. Ethel- Are you sure that all his thoughts are of you? Edith Oh, yes! Why, he has just lost his position on account of Inat tention to business! fuck. Beware uf( Hutments for Catarrh that Contain Mtn tiry, as mercury will surely destroy tho sense -of smell and completely dernnife the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, nsthe damaires tin y will do Is len fold to the good you can possibly derive Irom them. Hall's catarrh Cure, manufactured by IT, J. Chrney & Co., To ledo, o , contains no mercury and is takenln ternally, artlnu directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces ol the system, la buying Hall's catarrh cure be sure you ifet the genuinr. It?s taken Ir ternMly, and male In Toledo, o. by F. J.Cheney A Co. Testamoulalsfree. Sold by druggists, price 75 cents per bottle. Ball's Fan..ly fills are tho best. .TIie Riduey Couiplexiun. The pals, sallow. unken ehvekrd, distreesed looking people you so of ten meet are afflicted with "Kidney Trouble. Their kidneys are turning to a par snip color. Ho Is their complexion. I hey may also have iiiriigpstion. or I suffer from sleeplessness, rheumatism. : neuralgia. Inn in trouble, nervous ex haustion and sometimes the heart acts badly. The cause is weak, unhealthy kid- nevn. Usually the vu erer from kidney disease does not timl out what the; trouble ! until it In almost ton late, i because the first symptoms are so : like mild sickness that they do not think they need medicine or a doctor Until t hey liuti he in selves sick ill ceil. , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Knot will build I Up and strengthen their weak and' disrated kidneys, purify their diseas ed, kidney poisoned blood, clear their ! complexion and soon they will enjoy better health. You can iret the regular si.es at t he drug store, at fifty rents oroue dollar , or you amy first prove for yourself the wonderful virtues of thi- reat discoiterv. Swamp Hoot, by sending I your address to Dr. Kiimer & Co., miigiitiinrou, n. . lor a sample tint tie ami a book that tells all about it. both sent to you absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly mention that von read this liberal offer in' Thb Post. SPECIAL NOTICES small sdvafttssmsnti ol every i iption, tViuii, s,iie ar Kmui, Uwtor Pound r tlier uo 1 ic - Inserted a ider Hits hand tor one-hall cent 1 v mil tar oae Inssrtloo .mil Dnv-funri.il cem 11 wenl i- toll siibseqiienl Insertion. Nothing In aartiil (01 lest tiisii ten csnls t ure lor eroiis Headache. Kor eurhl years I aulfpred from eosUput Ion and ere hoadenbe, i be lis idnohfl usually la'tins ihiee rtaysnt i inn. Head iclie powilers rellev- t me lemporarlit , Iml lefl 'no had nn elfrct. su I besan taklnii Oeler.v Km' i have i;reat.i) Improved in nealtb. aehlnm or never hnve heaii-h-iie. bare aauned In ftesh, and leel decblwllj well Mas, , a Hatch, Temple, N. II, Ceierj ki tirthe N.-ivs hirer and Kidneys 1- s.iit toMr.sndlae pnnRaires b' v II. Herman, TMietiilst Mtddleswarib ,v irttiii. Hot lure: 11. l.E irifrbt. Aline. Ccirndea, Anttentlon, 1 served from si to 'M, and was wounded Mat ;n iks4. in the Batik 01 Hie Wilderness, 1 I would tike tn have my comradss know wiiat I csiert Klocnaadone for ms. in ism my old 1 inn plaint, chronic dlarrniioeu, mine Phok. The doctorscouw not slop II, imi Celery Kluc bus eiired me, ana I am once more enjoyliiK fife Pkask Bkbjiijik. Owoaso. Mich (Co. P IvtliN v. V 1.1. Celery KIbb for the Nerves, hlvei mil .imi Kidneyn Is sold in (oe, ami pnekneea i" W II, llermaii, Troxelellle; Mlduieswaitii ii f.-U, MC.'lure; 11. A. EbrbilU. .Mine. PATENTS OBTAINED. TERMS EASY. Consult of communicate wuii the km 1 or this paper, wbo will give all i ded infor mation, DMINlSTKATOR'ri NOTICE Let x tern ol Administration in tin -ut ' of Amostlifl, Inlool franklin townabip, Muyder county, !'. dee'd, having Is, n arsuted t.i thii undsrslltned, all persnim kaowinii ilioni. elves iods Isa to said estate are reiUesteil t in.' lo liumedlSUj pay inent. while those hsvlna u alma will n n 1 1 hem duly authenticated 1 o ibe undersigned, Dec IS. I. Hi II. 01K1 . Jacob Qllbert, Att'j Adm'r, a. 1. Pottiegei, veterinary sUroeoN. EbLINbGPOVF.. PA. All proiesalotal business entruated tomj ean rill receive prhihpi nnd cnrefnl nttentiob. J, AS (i. UROl BE, J- A I I'OUHKY AT LAM . MLDDLKBUKt), i a. a I1 1 usi 1: ess t ntiuste.l to his uare wilt receive 1 1 en. 1 1 nit 1 111 mil. WANTED-BRAIN mmrANTPD BKVEltAL ri.es rWOKTHY f I ueriil ii- 111 tins ?tiili' In 11.101: l- is r luivi In tii li own Dd nfurby puuntftii it in mninly oflloe work oonduciod at lioine. Hnlary ! -tmiyiit b,.,(" B yi nr ami expenwi deltntte, 1 bo n Aflde, un inorVi no lesi salary Monthly ?5, RcfpronoM I" dcIom u wt f -addrcwed nftampd envelope, Uerberl B. Hcm l'rel . lept, j M. !htcaao 0lt.iot Ucw War Songs ar.d Music Two of tho wont, popular piocts of musio arranged for piano mnl oraan havejuat been issued by the Popular Bfuain Co,. Indianapolis, Ind. "firing Our Heroes Home," dedicated tn I lwt Heroes of the U. S. Battleship Maine I is one of the finest national souks ever written. The musio is stirring i uiul tho words ring iili patriotism "Dawar's Battle of Manilla March Two-Step" in it fine instrumentaJ I piece nnd will live forever a a kouv enir of the areatest naval event in I tin! world's history. Either nni of these pieties and Pooplar Music Boll rootaining in pages full sheet music ; st'ut tin reciept of 2S cents. AdilrosH Popular IfoftlC Co., Indianapolis', Ind. News ard Opinions CP National Importance -J3THE SUN- ALOST3D CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, $( a year. Daily and Sunday, by mail.ss a year. Tq Sqnay SUri Is the Greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail $2 a year. AfMreaa THE SUX, New York. Bwtftt biatNSM SlI ctpui'.;: bulldltjt, ; sad ir::c5 cf VuMlgttt City, c::: c: suay uUin, ItwUbiMtleyetnraetUi, v::to tsto-d;y. ; MiyeutldskofiaaitUstM p:.:'.; r::'.:ct y:sr taca:: thiyaviyMsf yoawNna. Eoftro :p;'7irg f:t pjt8.t ! est literal effer: ut Itrctter : Ajiiu':.:. SatRtrUtkils;. ' "OXV OO. Trtcr' SMsiayi W;rM-T',B I) Aiffliriblirg Aarble Works. R. H- LANCE. IIKAI.KK IN MARIE AND SCOTCH GRANITE ACemetery Lot Enclosures, Old Stores Craned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lowest SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. A. .1 KN KIN'S, Ag't., OroMHgrave. Fa. A BIG CLUB. 'iit this eat and return to us with hi. on md we'll semi i he followtraf, sostaite prepaid: VERMONT FARM .lot' KN U. l VEAIt NKW VOHK WKl'Kl.y THIBTNE I YEAR. AMKUH'VN POULTRY JOURNAL 1 YEAR I'll KtlKN l LKWOM INIVKMI MARION IIaHLAND'81 OOK HOOK TEN NIGH I s IN A II AH ROOM All For $!.0(i. Mar Haft t nn iUOI 4.UV. This combination Hlisalamllv need, Tofnrm 1 papers for Uie men -The "iieatlswotnaii ' nu I ideal paper rot 'l li - N. V. Weekli Tribune for all Marlon Harlnnd'n Oonji Bsok with wo I DMieS atlll I Ml It 1 rut' I i'il lwlm.a In ti u.. .mil the book, Ti a Nuiii- la a Bar Room," tnr RreatetTeiiiieraiico novel of tne aire iu e.-ni stamp iirlnus snmphs or p.iners ami uut I grem i- ubhliiB list. Vciioi!trannJn:iriiaI,wPuLBLrscHKErD' OBI Mala St., Wllmlnjrton. tt. DtMORESTS FOB m f iiUu The "vnant Q '"ittiDi mora matter, nrtintic, Hcietilifli, -Li . j. w 1 UtD u O I'ial ami practical, than iiuy ui bwr iuu izuui. It in a magazine for IIih wlmlo iaiuilv, It gives nn much ifeiHM nl tunttur as au uxclusively literarv iimu i.ine, 1 1 1 1 1 nl s liOUHUUnlil tuple-, as DUllv us a strictly lloilieHttO journal. f.t, givi-a an much inti reHltiig mutter for young p "pie um ii stiiollv yottiiti )iupltt'n piililicittiou, 1 1 j: n i's us in 1 o-i, I a - tin 11 news ns a strictly fiiHliion pappf, It i- In iiuiifully ini'it il, illustrated ami enrol ul'y irtitd, nRNtSRKtTH Jt tu I.im: V isblon hepartiiienl Is In eery way lur a I u pun tatneii in iiny other puulicutkiii. Kuiiscriliersareeaillledeiieiiuioiiiliio pntiemi . i the inlea m htiiiis in woman's uttlre, ai m at 10 tbera oUier tlwn thai in nry lorpostugu mnl wrap ihk No Better Christmas ( wr n.:v::;r rlt msde, Kuwlt ll.otl t; innney onler, regiaierud letter or check 1 1 1 lemorest'a Magajjins, HQ Fiflb AVfi.i YcW WGllj: Only $.225 for Qreal ftpecinl CiuhbintrOffe Tilt) MiiWlleluil't' I'os! Uiul PorPiompi 8ui.HoiibHtHfcr ).,.IVS,'S Kiimily MHuiiziue. Heiidyour atibsurlpolona tothlsuntoe, t.iv . . U 1 i,a- . , : ..! Bl ;; n ought; iJ or pci dally 1 Laaltlng, Mar ti.m, ety. pri tr un t'T Prut 1 iri.iili'.it nt ol 1 I ;' :i tuil ua that ii illy uur system ol leaching glvca acta 1 .a ace in every branch ol business including . i. ..'nr.-. Commlssiun, Insurance Transpoiia ; jiorv Drpanment for backward studonts Wo v . irkanualwsya Bccurc situations for wonthy '; uness and Shortbuad Courses Studcntn 11 vacations Expenses moderate lent throw v ii-boois when li will cos 1 yoa less to attend th 1 tenia i bo h ive left ilicompeteqi lencbci 1 !.. a: lis hen 11 ii,uiii 10 a year in an;' other, iboul. '- iph operator which wc comfiatenl tisalptnnts without charge Rofer to prominent patrons In i iervi Tn noxt bi -1 1!.. 1. i" iineaiiifi" tie- MHT ("Kl.l ItUATI l lll'slNKSS SCIH I . It i til 1 INSTRUCTION BY MAIL II y.u are unemployed and" I lend ten twn-cen' -1. for Ore easy lessons iu ahorthanit. :t. iitlful ;.; Adilrcss i.n,.uii ( hit v'pen CLEMBN1 C. Caines. Preoioent. Pcuskkekp HE Iff YORK BOTH ONE 1 Tlw 1. 1 mWSiSSX. and reliable market reports, able editorials, interesting sLorl stories, scientific and mechanical information, illustrated fashion articles hu morous pictures, and is instrvctive and entertaining to t vi ry member of every familv. ..: 11 Iia1wid1 lll shot jeu iii close tniii'l) "illi 1 Jl . i . i, 'ii farm ana in tn' vmawei miuiuia uu m mwiwoii l for farm products, the condition of crops and prospects for the year, i -i i .'i.i. i. ..,,.1 i .1 , unmi aa i li. wnfL-lr visitnv nt ana IS a ni ijint, nensy, ssivuuis your home and fin side. Send all subscriptions to TOUR FORTUNE THE ONLY TRUE aC.'CNCE Bt WHICH YOUR ISESS. thi nrl In.iiiiun, enumcMr. abimv. autsUowoa Uts assist i BldUre T Sir Bl! OistOLi IS DC Qfl A SINGLE ANSWER Snd 10 mkij and slv tnthtui ftoroawaa raadiag this oSar aa a teat trial. , ZARAMtho ASTROLOGER, Look Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 . iVsaaSS w"ZanktbeAei apaa lasiapaiaiu aad asuausa aaaaasaaa.'' OR SALE BY ALL ril f .- i A C r i r a b rvr- a i- r r IN UNITED STATES emoresrs pamiH Mauaine nn A YEAR I'lie stibacrlptlni nr peul nu.MtlltKsT'H la reduc alio 11.00 n Year. 1 i.MOKBce: ir.T. etc. ( .n.- . taught UY M.'.;., - f .' I ey ItluO it'oa r! or irld, Mil II to any one f-r f.ra? Information of a vncar for a Bookkeeper, Stenographer, Teacher successfully fill. It.; ... a housci . WEEKLY TRIBUNE. PHE OREA.T Naloal Family mm FOR FARM 2 nt an r iiLLHurnt a t. l.t I .- . 4nd lour Favorite Home Paper, YEAR FOR Sl.i THEPOSTjiMfcrt has nn Agricultural Department of the imporl ant lows oi forld, couiprelieiisive naaia iiiililii-iil and ROCial. lici t. s v-ou "i r" , . , , " voiir neighbors mnl tncnils, (n t liV . r .... t il,,, 1 ... ... 1 ,.;,.. ium.i-v-.-.. .. j THE POST, Middleburgh, Pa. TOLD. A REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "SOLAR BIOLOGY." FUTURE. CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD. J-rnownd EtfptiMi Aftrolognr, who haj Wn eretin( lueh as- j tonnntXMBi uoroafnout caraM l..r me pan Ota yw, will kit trutbtul, amirftU. plsaet horosoopt dtliMatioa of your lift. U will five jour ntnooal appeanaM, dls- i unt. i.rob&ri ivdkui vt nin. -miii, a. , 1.1, nu.. .), im ind oiarriatt. frwadt, cat uim, ipoulMioa. buAloaw auttcn, ttrn. aTT T r Yira rn inf-rm Tourn.tr .or.m,klv Kill ID IT atlla sod i any "U,.r qnectiool l our i MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. uet dsl of birth tad 1 will Immediately nlara voa a ol jour lire, aad prure u : . an irua y youreeji. i auk AU aomnaaleeUoM atrictlr ooaSdeallal. Addreej Bll aoeSarfal predleUena aaS testa are baaed sf U QitfJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers