Nnyder Co. Hi. Society 1 . fl0 W. WAtfno"Ui E . ..I VMnviaMr. KttH.r nu - j.. - Interesting Items. 11, Told in Brief Paragraphs for Our Readers. Manitl Pointers la Loral ! ,rl Sw Ceerl Ppl- More r LfM Prominent. Row E. P. Leonard has gone to H'atsoiitown, Pa. Elmer Zechman will move on the fcrrn again this spring. jVrrv O. Bowersox will quit faming tor the present. The Freeburg Courier came to us uImmii MM ri i Int i tl; Samuel Brunner of Centre town- . an I a: is ,i rm cr ;it thw n kt last, week. lilies' and Children's coats al- . ,iv nt iu iik- Vf U1 V, Mrs. John C. Frain ofMUlersburg visiting Van Zandt's and Bill- mi - i.. Elmer W. Snyder, the active life i e Ol-l! M I..., Attorney E. E. Pawling has been . -r 1 1 111 '1 .J..I. I . .1 11 .M IV I I I ; !v .will A IIIIUU1 nuum uin If I I' KIM ircni W'v are offering all our ladies' aad fcjldren's Ceats at half price. S. ikik. neiluMnvvo. Attorney James G. Crouae was L. t:.:.... t J. W. Swart,, the clerk to the ok curing die dim v,cci. Mrs. E. E. Pawling: has been vis- 1 l a it..: in- ic narcnis in i in un mm r i it i.i i ji i i Robert Bowes of New York was Ptiog liis lather's home in Middle- A SI 1 I a 1 A line selection of Ladies' and hildron's coats at Weis', Sclins- i ii i i 1 1 we. w i io i arc now sen ml' hi nan r , II' S.T . Harrison Mover, who has been hering for the past few years, wis to move on bis farm m Ad I twp. It'onlv the "Old Man" could see hill f 1 1 i til I tin i it m In i ii i lil lint II.HUIU I'll Lilt 11 I I j I IV IIVUIM MV III III L 111 -II It- III. ll'i ill III .lit- t I I j I r -iiiiii il. in lumm v ui tin down. Albert Ileimbach of Forest Hill, PUD county dropped in to see us Monday. He is as genial and I . w lie i-ountv commissioners ortran for the year 1899 and elected p. S warts, clerk, and Charles HI 111 Ti ' lillllf.vK "nig out, Thursday, Friday .ltlin nv .Lin 1 i I'M . anil . , j uuui iiif iwiii uim ") your last chance for the sea L. DUNKEI.BERGER. Pwry I,. Row of K reamer wn. 1 a good republican and a prompt nu v 1 1 i. nHi i w . I', 111 M i.iul nnnto -I.. 7 calling at our store. We low offering: them at half nriee I I lllI 11 C. l. ..I... mi , ir-ii I lv V.. I ' III. . i nomas ot .w turnout was i.. i ... .Uig iniUFl U1C IUll-1 I HI I It week. John is turning out 8 professional musician. r M'llim Ikinxil ri.iti ixiinJiiiD.ul on buear street from Mrs. T. muvi Ult UU TT OUVCIUOIU A Ul ' a biuldmg upon that lot. f Buoy of Centreville was a Pe to White Springs, Union to work for R. W. Barber in inrr IS I Oltnf I Amnu-ci.innra nairl - j j ,iiiiiuinniviii o paivt Wl bonds last 1 uesday. This 93000 paid during 1898. over the liabilities of county are over 4000. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., John Howell's mo ved into George Smith's house on Sugar street. Hon. G. A. Sehoch and wife last week visited relatives in Uuion (Jo. Mrs. Geo. M. Shindel was visit ing relativr s at Shamokin last week. Sheriff Hitter and H. H. Grimm, Ksj., were to Icwisburg on Monday. Geo. Ii. Strouh of Freeburg has had his pension increased from $12 to $17. 1 Daniel Kuhns of Port Ann was in town Monday to order the bills for his sale. My entire line of Embroideries must go at 2c perynrd and upwards. L. D.NKBBGB. A sleighing party from this place went up toward licavertown Mon day evening. John Swineford of MifHiniiurg spent sonic time at the home of 1). T. Khoads and wife last week. L. (. Stetler has goue to Akron, Ohio, to make his future home. We wish him abundant success. Centrepieces of linen good pattern 15 inches square at 5o, lilo-floss at 3c per skein or 86o Jht do. L. Ddnkblberobb. Hev. 1). E. MeLain and Attorney M. 1. Potter and families were to Se linsgrove last Thursday to the Lum bard family dinner. Kid gloves, Iloiserv laces, Deni uni nice wool scarfs, silks, etc., etc., will be reduced on special sale days. L. DtJNKELBEROBR. Samuel Snyder of Kratzerville has had his pension increased from $16 to $30 and Cornelius II. Dun kelbcrgcr has had an increase from Sti to rj. The Republican Standing Com mittee met on Saturday ami selected Saturday, May 1 3th as the day for holding die annual Republican pri mary election. Selinsgrove will hold a grand musical festival commencing Mon day, Jan. 23, concluding with three concerts on Lhursdav. rriday and Saturday nights. S. F. Hackenburg, w ho has been farming for Gabriel Beaver, will quit and move to Suydcrtown in the spring. Geo. Stroub ol Kreamer will farm lor Mr. Beaver. TheBi it. Ii. Railroad has a new Superintendent by the name of Mr. P. S. Hutchison. Mr. Weirman, the former official, has been sent to the Frederick Division, a longer line of read. E. H. Schrader of Troxelville, and his son-in-law, Mr. Swanger, were at the county seat on Monday on business. Mr. Swanger will move to West Beaver township in the spring. The Ladies' Mite Soceety of the Lutheran church are trying to make arrangements to have a business men's carnival in order to raise money to erect u parsonage. We hope they may be successful. Saturday morning Miss Dora Biekhart was goiug from the kitch en door toward the cellar door, when her feet slipped out from in under her, and she fell upon her hack frac turing three ribs. She is doing as well as can be expected. Children's Union Suits at 10 and 22cts., Children's Vest at G and 10 cts., Children's Wool Vests at 15 and 22 cts., Cashmere Wool Hose at 16, 18 and 38 cts., Children's White Wool Mittens at 9c, dark wool 5c. L. DUNKELBEGER. A smooth, easy stiave, genteel hair out, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opposite rost otnee. Uo to Soles to buy new razors or exchange for old ones. Razors honed and guaranteed to crivc satisfaction. A. E. Soles. ft rti 4 .! . afc .lit tfa SPECIAL WHAT ONE DOLLAR WIL,L DO 4 1 As a Special Holiday Inducement to secure new sub scrilers we will accept new suliscriptions and upon the ay- lliellt of oldv ()K IKM.I. Wl ilnurn .C Mill i.ti,l tli.. P. iSl'l1 J from that date to January 1, 1900, or until April 1, 1899 for 25 Cents. Old subscribers can take advantage of this 1 remarkable offer by paying up arrearages at the regular rate of 1.50 per annum. This is a most liberal offer and it -, Jl must lie accepted at once to le of the most value. Send in vour name and vour dollar, to GEORGE W. KAGENSELLER, Middlebnrgh, Penna. Black tallata ribbons No. 30, all silk, at 10c a yard, No. 12 Satin Ribbons, all colors, at 7', No. 5 at So a yard. Ii. DCKKELBEBOER, HOUSE TOR BENT. A desirable house for rent in the borough of Middlcliurg to a small family. Prominently located. House suit able for residence, but can be chang ed for business. For further par ticulars, apply at once at this office. Hound Lost. My hound is lost since Jan. 5th, lie has black and red ears and is all black on top of d his black. Otherwise be is white and black spotted, 'fin- finder will be rewarded. AmosC. GkMBERLING, Selinsgrove. I The caucus of the Republiban party ofMiddlebnrg will be held in j the grand jury room on Wednesday ' evening, Jan. 18, 1899, and the primary nomination on Saturday, Jan. 21, to nominate candidates for borough offices. Polls will be open from I to ii P. M. A party of Middleblirghers took a sleigh ride to Kreamer on Monday evening. Thev stopped at A. '. Smith's ami a very plea-ant time was spent. The inner mail, and wo man too for that matter, was Blip- plied with an abundance ! nysten ice cream and cuke. We add quite a number of addi- ; niorcand Washington, $48.00; Pitts tional sales to our register this week. ! i,,,,. $53,00, and proportionate low It von intend to have sale, .-elect your date BS soon as possible and have yourdate inserted i l the Post's register. No charge will le made for inserting date in our register if you get. your bills printed at this office. We are pleased (o learn that Sen ator Hummel has secured for Geo. M. Witmer, a position as paster and folder in the Senate at llarrisburg j at a salary of $6 per day. No doubt George will fill the bill to perfection, even if the paste will get a little mouldy when the Senate is not in session. Harry Wetzel ot New Berlin was in town on Monday and paid tor his subscription to 1900. He brought with him L. M. Miller who became a new subscriber and paid in advance. Mr. Wetzel also brought a new cash-in-advance subscrilier in the person of Harry F. Miller of New Berlin. Mr. Wetzel knows how to make an editor fed good. Among our cash callers this week . - . - - - ,., , were: N. O. Row, M L Walter, ferry ij. rtow, .loscpn iienuncks, M. J. Courtney, Daniel Kuhns, Jobe Walter, Alfred Heimbaeh, Harrv Wetzel, L. M. Miller, E.H. Schrad er, B. F. Buoy, Cornelius Bowersox, M. E. Mengel, Frank Row, Wilson Weller, Fred. Miller and Emanuel Wetzel. Those who remitted by mail were : W. H. Bower, Calvin Bloucti, Henry Hunt, Fred.Stimely, D. F. Swengel, Wm. Krebs, Daniel Bower, H. W. Hummel. Anion Fisher, Henry Kerstetter, J. M. Nagle, Hon. 8. A. Wetzel, A. C. Walter, Mrs. Eliza Zartman, Elias Noll and Chas. Mussleman. PA. THURSDAY, U.r. t4ak4u OFFER. 5- h If- f 1 Officers Elected. Washington ( 'amp, No. 515 P. O. Sof' A. of Middlcliurg elected the following oflieers : President, Henry, R. Riegle; Vice President, Miles I. Potter; Master of Forms, Joseph II. Clelnii; Recording Secre tary, John A. Snyder; Assistant, II. ('. Gutelius; Financial Secretary, Hermans. Wenninger; Treasurer,.!. Wilsoil Swart?.; Chaplain, Martin 'A. Ste&unger; Conductor, Edgar W. Ouster Inspector. Millard K. Ilas Hassiirjjer; Guard. X. A. Bowes; Trustei Henry R. Riegle and .1. Wilson Swart. L..1 ..... ' FLORIDA. Fortnightly Tours via the Pennsylvania Railroad, mi ii. it I lie midwinter UX0UUH lias hegllll. The discomforts and dangers of our Northern winter are directing atten tion to the sunny lands of the South. Tlie first Pennsylvania Railroad tour to Jacksonville, allowing two ' weeks in Florida, will leave New j York and Philadelphia January 21. Excursion tickets, including rail , way transportation, Pullman n!coni modations (one berth) and meals en route iii both directions while tiav I cling mi the special train, will lie Isold at the following rates: Xew York. 850.00: Philadelphia. Balti- rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and other information apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agent at 1195 Broadway, New York, or to George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, j Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Two Interesting Lectures. Two interesting lectures, " The Cemetery of the Sea, " and "Sunny South Sketches, or the Land of flow ers and oranges" will Ik; delivered in the College Chapel, Selinsgrove, Pa., Thursday und Friday evenings, Jan. 12 and 13, by Dr. F. W. E. Pes- ciiau. Admission, single lecture, () cents; Iwth lectures, 30 cents. Mu sic by the 'Varsity Quartette. "Better than Gold. ' Rev. R. Rock, D. D., pastor of the Sliamokin United Brethren church, will deliver his interesting lecture entitled "Better than Gold," on Wednesday evening, Jan. 18th, ," ' "m -un f .llllli;, O.IU. I 1 'III. k, the Fmnont p,,, church. This will Ik- a rare treat, and no one should fail to bear it. Admission, 15 cents. O. G. Romio, Pastor. Election Notice. The annual election for Directors of the Beavertown Mutual Fire In surance Company will be held at their home office at Beavertown, Pa. between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P. M., Saturday, January 28, 1899. A. H. Bowersox, Seo'y. Beavertown, Jan. 2, 1899. JAN. 12, 1899. Joint Institute. Program of the Joint Institute, Composed of Selinsgrove, Jackson and Monroe districts, to be held at Shamokin Dam, Pa., Jan. 13 and 14. FRIDAY EVENING. Address of Welcome. Response, Sumner Sniyser. Music, The Teacher's duty ns a citizen, ( 'harles ( . ( raugler. Address. Prvf. F. C. Rnwnponv. Recitation, Mis Delia Burns. SATURDAY FORENOON, Music. ( id igraphy ns itshi mid be taught to-day, . A. Mover. Which is the Belter Incentive to siu.lv: Prizes or the mark ing System, .I.e. dingier. How to Study PllVsehology, I rot. W. L. Schrover. Music. BATURDA V A FTEBNOON. Music. A Teachers' Library, Reno Snyder. The Weather Bureau ils Work, Moycr. Should English I literature be taught in the Public Schools, A. Haves Albert. Music. SATURDAY EVENING. Music. The Relntioq ot Reading to A rithmetic, Harvey Beaver. Every Man is the Architect of hih own, .1. P. Schaeffer, Recitation, Miss Rae Mover. Should the Legislature enacf a Law making the minimum term eight mouths, T, A. Stetler. SHAMOKIN' DAM. ... Ill, if there could only be sleigh ing in July. ...Jen. Schodtol Mtincy was a vis tor at ( loo. iaugler's. ...II von wish a good weekly pn in r subscribe for the "Post." ...Sheriff P, S, Hitter wtis a visit or in our town Oil Fl'iduv, ...'I'he peoj)Ienre (akiiiglvantagc of the -now while it lasts. ...Miss Kale Ritter ofMiddlebnrg is visiting friends in our place. ...Gordon Lesher of Globe Mills was a visitor in our place Sunday. ...The baby with the dirtiest face is always the one most willing to kiss you. ...Now conies the season when von never miss the water till the pump freezes. ...Miss Emma Foltz was seen on our street on Sunday evening with Harry Gaugler. ...Richard Herbert and Amnion Frymire were taking a sleigh ride for their health Sunday. ...The man with the most change in his pockets never pays his ear fare. Cause whv? He is the con ductor Polly. ...If you have any old musical string instruments you wish to have tuned, bring them to the office of Geo. A. Hettrick corner Market and Eel streets. Fisher Yale A Salem correspondent says; Geo. E. Fisher, Prof, of organic science in Susquehanna University, was mar ried to Miss Lily I. Yale of Slating ton, Pa., on Thursday, the 29th ult. Prof. Fisher is recognised sis one of the ablest instructors in Central Pa., is a christian young man of many excellent qualities, a gentleman of high repute, rich in all manly graces, whose brilliant achievements have won for him a place in the history ot bis people long to be remembered as a leader among men. His many friends wish him and his chosen bride a pleasant timein their journey through life. VOL. 36. NO. 2. OOURT HOUSE CHIPS Owl. I no r. l r Rceord. Martin Rohbach and wife to Joseph B. Pox, tract of land iu Jackson twp., containing 20 acres, mr fiuu. B. W. Yoder to s. O. Ulrica, tra. t of land at Globe Milk Mid- dlecreek twp., containing 1 acre and UU perches, with store buildings thereon, fir $1200, Charles Sprenkle and wile to John C Sprenkle, tract of land in Washington twp., containing 60 perches, being a lime kiln lot, etc., for 211. Robert Krb, Ex., to Jacob Shem ory, seven adjacent tracts of land in Franklin twp., containing in tbe ag gregate to 56 acres and 87 perches, lot $1100. Tobias! irnybilland wife to Joseph VViney, tract ,,f land with buildings in West Perry twp., for $700.00, Dateof deed April I, I Sob. Asuriah Kreeger and wife to Henry Miller, tract of land in Frank lin twp., containing 32 acres und 103 perches, for $3 I 'Hi. leorge K. Fagely and wile to to Mrs. gallic V. Dietrich, traol of land situate in Middleercek twp., containing 126 acres, for $3700, Julius Moeschliu and wife and August Moeschliu an'd wile I., llm Atlantic Refining Co., ol Hazelton, Pa., a lot of ground in the borough of Selinsgrove, containing 8.8 perch es, for $200. I lurvey Sholly to Allen S. Row, farm in Middleercek twp., coniniu ing si; ticras ami 23 perches, lor $ 1 1 II Ml. II. I '. Kistner and wile io I'.d. M. Hummel, lot of ground, with brick building w iili store room, in the borough of Selinsgrove, contain ing 04J perches fir $1001), Heirs of Samuel S. Smith, dee'd, to .bi.-cpha' Walter, lot of ground in the borough ofMiddlebnrg, contain ing 1 7 acre- und 130 pei'ehes, lot" $801.56, John Moycr to same in Mid 111 -burg 3d perches for $15, San I llnweit, attorney -in I'act for the heir- of Abraham Eisenhow er, dee'd, to same, tract ol lum! in Middleburg containing 9 acres and 1 1 perches for $1500. Kate Baehman, admrx, to John Shannon, lot of ground in Franklin twp., containing 3 acres, for $26. William Henry, el. al., to ( 'has. Bingaman, tract ol land Bituate Centre twp., containing 39 acres $915. Trustees to the Reformed and I in for i- thcran congregations of Middleburg, Pa., toll. It. Tobias, cemetery lot, for $14.58. Same to II. R. Reigle, cemetery lot, for $14.58. C. E. Steininger and wife to Mar v Snyder, house and lot in Middle burg, for $000. H. L. Neitz, Trustee of Alfred Harman, deed., to J. W. Rhvme- stine, house and lot in Selinsgrove, for $000. Jas. P. Ulrich, Trustee to Clara Thompson, 27 acres in Pemi t wo.. for$2t;")5.80. Mnrrlnvr Mi i nm s. j Daniel B. Herrold, Ho Her, Lilly A. Sbaflcr, f Isaac T. Saner, Kreamer. I Maggie Etumbaugh, Richfield, f Ellas E. Zerl y, I )a 1 ma , ia , Jennie L. Kcrsscttcr, Dundore. I Emanuel J. Trevitz, Kreamer, ( Carrie 1. Yerger, (dol e Mills, f John ( ;. Shrader, Penna Creek, I Ida M. Bingaman, Dice, f Israel Mover, Beavertov. n. Amanda Boush, " " f Samuel I). Kauflmun, Fneburg, ( Lizzie Weaver, Thonipsontown. f Henry O Bowersox, PennsCreek. Amanda S. Walter, u "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers