37 iHE GREATEST MARK- DOWN SALE KNOW PRICES KNOCKED TO SMITHEREENS. Wo now befiin the most wonderful price cutting sale of fine Clothing known to Sunburv. All our nobby Men's Suits and Overcoats, and all Children's Suits and Overcoats will bo re-priced from a third and in many cases one-half of their former price. If 200 Men's ST EL POSITIVELY IT BE LOOKED TO during this sale, and we will make every effort to make this the greatest bargrin even of the reason, The goods must be sold, why not do it (p ick ? THE r lit Are Priced within Reach of all. )0 Overcoats now 2.98 )0 Ov rcoats now 5.90 8 Overcoats now 5.98 Overcoats now 8.85 Overcoats now 13 90 $4 400 or More Men's Suits Are Rcmarked in Plain Figures. $4.00 Suits now 2.98 $6.50 Snits now 4.98 83 OO Suits now 5.90 $10.00 Suits now 7.85 Children's Suits and Reefers At Remarkable Prices. 81.00 Suits now 68c $2.00 Suits now 1.39 $1.48 Reefers now 98c $5.00 Reefers now 2.98 BROSIOUS Is a rket Square, Boy's Overcoats and Si Wonderfully Priced. l.Uu suits now 68c $2.00 Suits now 1.3g $4.50 Reefers now gj $5.00 Reefers now 2 ERS, UJSTBURY, PA. H SKL1NSGHOVE. MT. PJ.EA.SAN . HILLS, 1 1 . 1 1 1 1"t! . I'.mtrtts are being made to I lc widen Pianino- Mill. Rev. Dr. Ptsclmu C,i Pa., delivered two uxellwu lectures, one-on the WC i ic ry of the Sea," line) the iither on "i-nuny t'outli Sketc us." They were very enter taining unci instructive Post 148 held a chicken and wattle supjter on Sut unlay evening last utidwerevery well nutronized clearing united nice Mini. so ure tin We Iioih ii will le successful Word wus reeuived from Chambers-1 burir ii Thursduy thai llev. J. K. 1 Honcycutt had died, lie was a former resident of this eounty fin ineiise quantities ol ice were put tip into (he various ice houses ami upwards nl thirty carloads shipped to ditterent points, the ice is ot excel lent quality llev. Barb, (taster of the college church, preached lust Sunday at Hughesville, Pa. His pulpit was filled in the morning by t '. Ii. Unman and intheevening by bv S. X. ( 'nrpeuter, both students in the Theological department Dr. Diimn, President ol the University, who tiiuk grippe while in Philadel phia two weeks ago, has about re covered lii health anil began his usitstll duties at the University on Monday morning Miss Daisy Btissler nf Williamsport is being enter ained at the home of (i . 1!. Hendricks Several sleighing parties wtre out on Saturday even ing last. ENTBEVILLE, J. Calvin Stetlentind P. M.lleich enlweh will work for O. S, Ker stutter of Nitntieoketlieeoniing siun mer....J, A. Mengel, Schiiee and trti Arlxignsl intend Ui go to Ohio in the spring It i- rumor ed that llev. Gilbert and wile of Uuiontown, Pa., will move into our town The Mt. Pleasant Holler Mill i lighted by electricity iu-t Arbogast of Union Co. was in town en Saturday Some l our people were filling their icehouses last week surprise party was given lor 1'. A. S'jhnee on Wednes day evening, A large number ol our townspeople attended 11. C. Stettcti ol iltiuimel's Wharf moves near this place thisspring Wm. I. Yergi r moves his aw mill near Pallas in the near future m Jacob Gaugler's laud Mr. Xeitx. of near IShadcl '"ill move to our town Ml DDLECKEEK in the rprinjr young folk- enjoyed a the Danville church. led load ot our drive mar They were P, C. Hartiuan was to New Ber lin ou Sunday Dr. D. 11. Roth rock and daughter Helen of New Berlin visited Wal. Walter's on Sunday A. B. Shcary and Hlias Brunner made a trip to Middlebun? fast Saturday H. V. Mohnmade a business trip to Wintiehl one day last week Mrs. C. B. Spangler and children of Swenile were the guests of Geo. Mlteliell'sou Sunday. ..Euseoe Spangler of Three Hi vers, Mich., is visiting his grand parents and friends here t.. r.. Spangler, who is employed as a tel egraph operator at Norfolk, Conn., pent seven nays with his mother and friends. lie started for home an Tuesday Communion services were held in the Lutheran Church ni Sunday Morning by llev. Sehoeh and in theU. B. Church iu the ev ening where Rev. Staplcton, I . & mowed- o No sleighing at present few missed liliinj; their ieo houses Herbtttcraud Snook have (put saw ing stove WOdtl for the season Sol. Stehliuger is slowly making preparations to build a new house next summer Idliu Heimbach is staying v:th his brother, E"Iur"ey, a few weeks Dan. Price uud wile were the guests of their son several days lasl week Gertie Kuepp was visiting Jesse Kneppa few day- lust week...Wni. ( Sross made a busiuess trip to Thompsontown one day last week... KIIKAMMi. James Mugee was confined lo hi ed with sickness the toreoartol the tiesdnv evening of last Jury List. .Miss the guests of. lames leitzel's The protracted meeting at Ebenez- er church is still in progress Solomon Steininger of McCltire was in town on Sunday H. J. Heis- er and wife of Shadlewerethc guests of Tobias Ileitis on Sunday. PREEBURft. II. I',. Mover, W. L. Bossier, II. C. Fisher and John Miller attended the inauguration Our soldier and tall constable, 1. Keeler, pre sented to the (mind Army Camp at Selinsgrove his heavy L 3-pound roos ter which they used at their recent public supper. Youroorrespondent has no knowledge of the age of the lird. Those who consumed it are in a position to give tins information. I. Wesley Keiehetibacli, ot Kc- huek, Northumberland Co., is visit ing his friends in this locality. He is the guest ot his sister, Mrs. Henry Steflen Our watchmaker, S. I). Kaiiflnian married Miss Weaver of near Thompsontown and is now on his wedding trip to Lancaster Co. Dr. Wolf of Lancaster county bus located here and occupied the office vacated by Dr. 1). C. Smith. To the Pnhllr. We re authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough lieiuedy aud if not satisfactory to rufund the money to the purchaser. There in no better medicine made for la grippe, colds and whoopinjj cough. Price, 26 and 50c per botlle. fry it. For sale by all druggists. John Swart and iie ol Union ( were here looking at some property with a view of buying it Joseph Mull of MifHin Co. was the guesl of Simon Verger oil Saturday Robert Smith was a visitor n our village last Saturday Adam Thomas made a business trip to Lancaster last Saturday Calvin Maurer is sporting a new bicycle. Ttier" is it l iss ol ' i. .! Who are injured by the use of coffee Recently there hs been placed in all grocery stores a new preparation called (ilt.VIN O, made of pure srains, that takes the placeot noffee. The moat delicate stomach receives it without distress, ana but few can tell it from coffee. It. doen not cost, over J an much. Children may drink it witD great benefit. 15c. and '2Th per package. Try it. Ask for raiii . UNION TWP. 11. S. Aucker of Bhamokin was here looking after bis stock iarm last week.... Dr. R. S. (iaugler, after spending his booeymoon here, left last Thursday for Dayton, O. where be will start up in business for himself. . . .S. J. ptrpab will move to Hummel'l Wharf in the spring and will embark in the nier cantile businesB. . . .John Ulrich oi Strouptown will move east this spring and farm for Mrs. Annie Longaore K. Jjongaere and Enoch Aueker were shelving up the new restaurant at Dallas last week for R. L. Shatter. . . .Mrs. W. H. Thomas is confined to her IhxI on account of sickness. Many People Cannot Urlnji Coffee at night. It. spoils their sleep. You can drink Grain O when you please and sleep like a top. For ( iraiu does not stimulate ; it nour ishes, cheei sand feeds. Yet it looks aud tastes like the best coffee. For nervous persons young people and children drain is the perfect drink Made from pure grains. Qet a pack age from your grocer to-day. Try it in place of coffee. Iftand 25 cents. wi week at about 7 o'clocn Charlie. son ol' h' rank Tin Milan and iii-. as ed from life lo eternify. Deocaced was suffering for some time wtth membraueotis croup, Charlie was hl(.! by evervboii v. Tlie hneral was held on Friday afternoon atone o'clock. Aged I years, " months and 5 days. ( )ear Tliomus, a broth er of Charlie, diet! on Buudav night oi me same cause. i ne in nor ui took place Wednesday. The de ceased was one year aud several j months ui age. We extend our heartfelt sympathies the doubly lie- ' refl family J. J. Mitchell and i wife returned from a few weeks' i sojourn to Philadelphia X. P. Hummel drove to Paxtonville la-t ! Saturday evening Mrs. Annie ,!?... . . . I i i 1 1 oi tcusiei u oi miauieuurg was vis iting friends in this locality last week. lohn Mitchell of Renovu visit e. ; his parents over Sunday. I lis wife and son have been here lor souk.' time The show on Saturday ev ening was a great event. It took place in the hotel instead of the hall. We would advise these great actors to leave their revolvers and shooting anus at home the next time they come to this place.-.., Prof. Gaorge Fisher and wife visaed J. F. Wal ter's on Sunday Miss Ida Fields entertained a sled load of young folks from Selinsgrove on Tuesday evening of last w eek. CALIFORNIA. Kxlraortfliiitry lour vln PaMtnj Ivauiil Knllrul. America M I grout cimnlrv. in fsrltt) and irtuiid'ur "t nalii'Bl WHUttf ll Is uuil 'aletl. To travrrw 1, 10 hi'liolrt Its dlV6MUM and 111 won dera. In a liberal education, a i cvelailm u the in. in hit. I UetlDpaUtan citizen. Yue Fi'rsuu ullj -Conducted Tour to C'alirnrr.la under the di rection ollbe PwaVtvania Kallroad i'umpauy, which leaves 0a F-'fcru iry 9, ulTorda a most ex cellent opportunity to Mew th vast, variety and boutidleaa bea'Jtyid this iparvrlous land The party will travef over the entire mule id the model t'ullman train ol Hinoklnu, dining, sleep ing, and observation cars exhibited at the World's Fair, Chicago, and subsequently at Atlanta, Naahvllle, ana Omaha. This train rill be placed In service for the Hrst time on this oo caKlon, and win te In charve of a Tourist Agent and Chaperon, who wUI look after all details of the trip, as well as the Individual welfare of the members of the party, stops will be made at Mammoth Cave. New Orleans, during Mural (Iras Carnival. HI Has. LosAngelei, San Diego, Hollands, Itlveralne, Pasadena. Santa llarbara, Monterey, Del Monte. Santa Cruz, Mount ;ila mtlton. Menlo Park, sun Francisco, Salt Lake City, Olenwood Springs, Colordo Springs, Mun ltou and Garden of the Gods, Denver, and Chicago. Nineteen days will b spent In Cali fornia. Hound trip rate, Including all neces sary expenses during the entire trip. $400 from all points on the 1'ennsylvanla Railroad System east ol Pittsburg; HTM from Pittsburg. For II ln"rary and roll Information apply to ticket agents: Tourist Agent, 11M Broadway, New York; or address quo. W. Hoyd, Assistant Uen eral Passenger Agent, tirond Street Station, Philadelphia. l-l?-3t . Wagonmaker l'arine!', I'n Ion Cantra KonrfM Waautngtoa seHnHgrovu penn S61lD8gf01 e spring Ulddlecreok centra Went Beaver Chapman WasbLngton Perry West B aver Franklin Perry Beiinagrove West Beavar sellusgriivt' Sjirlug Monroe ! List of t irantl lurorl MniwB for the OOnrt 01 I Oyer and Terminer anil dvuerul .111 delivery i and Court of Quarter sessions of tno Peace of Snyder cnuuly held as Feb. Term, commencing Monday, Feb. XT, isw. BRAND JURORS. Name. OceupaMoB. ; Atungi r, WliHam u., Parmer, i h ifjey, Jaekapn, Bailey, John n.. I in. kbart, David, -ii.iiig, Carl. Carpenter, I Ii iyer, John M., surveyor, Hums, isuac, jumIcs of the Peace Flsber, .Ti iin f CenUeman, (J angler, Charles, Te teber, (. .. Amp on F.. Fanner, LTvelnfer, Alien. Nehdrlcks, charlc Rerbster, Howard Uerrold, David u., Jarrett, Jaeoh, Ki retettcr, .v. M., niaekusKb, Kooh, William J.. Farmer, Krutzer, Andrew, laborer, Mengie, Ulanael v.. Parmer, er, William .v., Teacher, i idt John A., Kurmer, UbymesUue, John W . Palntet Wagner. Uarry, K.irmer, Walter, Jobs, Blackamltb, PETIT Jt i'.'J?.: . Mftol Petit Jurore drnwn tor the court of Common Pleae, Couri of Quarter Seaeloua ol the Peace, Court oi Ojer aud Dermlner and Qeneral Jail Delivery of Snyder county, Pu,. held as February Turm, comme&olnff February ti, isna. Name. Occupation. RaSldmoe, Arbogast, H. Frank. Farmer. Perry Aurandi George k., Mtddiecrecu j l'.enter, Daniel, Sawyer, Adams I ningaman, Fred, QanUenMHi, centre ; Ilowcrsox. .lerry, Farmer. Adams Coleman, Wflllam II.. .lutr! or Peace. Heaver Dlehl, Nathan. Laborer Washington tiarinan, (lust C ' Perry (ierhardt, .'erre. Farmer, A jams tllliiert, II, ('..Ci.irmaker. Wushlngtou tioss, John 1) .. Laborer. Spring Urayblll, Kphralm 0, (ler.tleiiiau, Mlddleliiurg Hendricks, John S., I, iljorer, Washlnglou Hendricks, John 11., Fainuer Hare, John 1M Laborer, FrankUn Uackenburg, Milton, Ttirashcr, Centre Hoot, Heury P., Fanner. Uuioii HasBinger, M. K., - Franklin Haupt James. Laborer, Selinsgrove Ingram. Charles, Farmer, Adams Keller, David, Laborer. Selinsgrove Keppler. John, Farmer, Weat Perry Kessler, B O., Clerk, Selinsgrove Knepp. Jerry, Partner, Weat Beaver Kuepp, William, Blacksmith, Kramer, Jacob, Farmor, Franklin I.enley, James. " Spring Lesher. John I)., Student. Monroe Ludwlg, Joseph A., Farmer, Selinsgrove Martlu, William, " Jackson Maloney, John.Uentleman, SeUusgrove Maueal, Ueorge D., l.tburcr, Franklin Miller, J, s., Liveryman, Selinsgrove Hlcglc. John R., Mason. Union Hlne, George S.. Merchant, Chapman How. Charles A.. Lahore. , Middleoreck s. eieiy , John, student, penn Spangler. J. s.. Laborer, Jackson Snook, William A.. Farmer, Monroe sebnee, Absalom, Agent, perry Hnyder, Henry W ., Farmer, weat Beaver Satsaman, Daniel, Junior, Fanner, Monroe Stahl, Benjamin G " Union s'ine. Frank II., Postmaster, Centre stump. August H., Farmer, chapman Stroup, Charles M , " Middlecreek Woodrug, John I., Teacher, Selinsgrove Young, James, Laborer, Monroe l1Iili Public Bales. .XHlees of Kil esw be ti, o. I1r.m4 heading when I lie bills are prfnti I rrunu luo "uis are not pntltMl .. II . .1 cenis wm oe cnargwa. persoi i .1 uavr sir huoii iu select uuut; ai.il huv.' Ill eo in r ins column. sai'I'KhAV Jan. 8, at Btcbflfld. JmH ran susan wmey wiii.ii nie nd tools, ete.or Joseph Wii,, y,i MONDAY, Jim. .in, ')ne-li:rir in'!.. Pieasunt Mllis, BnoehMmiiii w i f i ;ii lain.ing liupleii.ent , nail . I WKDNESOAY, Feb. 15, At Krramer.Hoil naner win sen ii.jiiseii,..i , . . FRIDAY, Feb 3rd At theOliirl . burgii, Sberlfl Bitter w in sell bi ol 8. aud A. Ounahursrci TUOBSDAY, F' b. 16. Tbree-I norm oi t i t Mills, no. h i cow, i coir and personal property. i in rsday, Feb. n, one mile wr i oi ou. on i lie w 'll lei meter e. : i.,. s s I w II -M a n.,rbes 5C0WK, 7 head vn'l He, lj shoals and fanning m.'l.-n.ciiia SATURDAY, Feb. in, One-founti n le Mldaieburg, Theodore Enllei lim e . g mines, j cows, y Dead louni I farming implements, THI'RsfM Y. M ireh 4. At -;,ii -, i. J nvp , between CeDtrevllif nud Tr"Bl llaillel Klllilis will sell I Ii ...-. i ol call and larjnlng ImpleuMrllls. rltlUAT, .March:), Half wav l.iw.Bi rllttburg and New llerlln, Mrs. Yt Leltzel will sell horses, cows, lnriuliJ piementsand hoiiseiioiii goods. SATURDAY, March ll, Two lilies tmrihd MeiaervUle, Christian Kuor,.. ill i horses live mules. Iwn cons, jiiunfl and farming Implements. sTI'HDAY. March ll. At noi l. r. 'n 1 Twp., N. T. llundore will sell tot cows.o head young eaiive, j H. I i slioatsand1iu"inlng Implemeui- TVKSDAY, Mar. u.Twomtlei sad M V 1 1 If on Hie Cooper Iarm, Geo. I. Kll sell eborsee, i mules, acowH mmi Implements. WEDNKSDA Y, March 15. Two und I mUHe nurtb-eaat of aliddlebtinh. i1 Howersox will sell .1 horses. cos, I and larinlng lmplemeuls. THURSDAY, Mar m. Thnvm les dleburt, Ivi Young vrM: sell 4 and farming Implements. Mftl Will Examine Blood Spo VE A CULDJIN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Uolnlne Tablets. All druggists refund money ll it falls to cure. tic. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet, H-Mm Tin; county authorities ruv ranged with i'roi". Josepit Mc land, who occupies the chair i tholosy at the Medio-t'rnnil College at Philadelphia, i animation o I he h mid sisits nil - j clothes worn by Edward Cm when lie was arrested by l Shindel. Prof. McPliarlnnd iJ of the leading scientists of the try and his testimony ukiii hj amitiution of HbOOBpotsiD Hie maker tragedy at Philadeln short time ago, was the lcudi'l timnnv offered hv tlie I l wealth. The county official take the clothes to Philadelphii deliver them in person to Prot) Pharland, who will make the J aud then eive his testimony the court when the case is bfl up for trial. Notwithstaudin extensive preparations f tlie cution in the case it is the opiol many that the defense has sonj up their sleeves and that Wi will never be convicted. . , . j . .... ; ... ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers