"REESER, KESSLER WIELAND CO. SAYRE, PA. WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON , PUR. CHASES OF S$so00 OR OVER. collecting merchandise are many. Gents’ A heavy all and pineapple L and blu: Men's hea $1.50. Furnishi | b ngs " $1.00] Liu \ 10 Its achievements in 7c pecial for t ae¥L15 hear 48c 39c --Street Floor { fa it of the 59c < Ape Men's out plice caiiar New lot specially priced : Ps Notion Secti Bafety straps t ihossed oat he = in-hand ti Ld get Si November < SN OW alive th far an Ree y | hing th r garments Our AS k vin stocks Beir i coney ud . Aten foot e books shown, =r - sified; but wse filled] wit rist hag at litt HE ICEs ¥! tion before vill be a fa Garment Departm A snpetent brown . [as A d ox he good and Ventas =}4.70 L3250 Se we will have a spn J represent. r threes inks filled med h special p muffs, ete, ke CASUres ors AV ue nk, 1 1 #rmine ar wnting. shella fox, tntatt very divers two will bring a or invite 2 tos nof N.Y ind we yo wks <2 nes) ins vertiole, othe i t + of « | +" a NX 3 full ne line: ac LPOWT ker Every [26.50 FIGHTING A GREAT TRUST. Belasco OUpens Washington Viay- hossr— Asks Ald Auninst Manapoly WwW I tie im] by I Har nay AaSHINGTO 0) 4 ule wei LIGHT AS A FEATHER and hence comfortable tw the palate gums and the whole mouth are the new style plates of needed teeth we to your face® Yes, to your face, for the outside of cheek and chin are to be considered as well as the inside patural looks are be retained Gét our ideas and Then you'll want our work Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every Morning. . DR. DAVIS, WAVERLY, Y. N We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT CAS BURNER whieh gives you better light than ten = ordinary burners or twelve electric ~ halbs Floods a large room with a beau- tifal white light. Comfortable for home, stady, reading, ete Saves the “yen stores, halls snd charches look at- tractive and bright, Fits any gas born or. After a week's trial, if not satisfied ¥ back Wo Pru Le wr embers fur yout «0 a ed t your ry L. C. KEPLER, ; General Agent. 274] Broad St. Both Phones, Waverly. eee . GARY, 5 | GONTRACTOR ~ AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE BLOCK, SAYRE. , ed? asks ii fake -N_Y. Ti . H. H. Mercereau, ~ Aftorney-at-Law ~ Notary ply ~ mes Not the whole Thing. i “AR!” exclaimed the visitor from the | west. “is that the Atlantic ocean?” “That” replied Miss Kreet of Bos Piller ton, “Is only a portion of @™ 5 i NILL & BEIBACH CAFE Best of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. LEIGH VALLEY R. R. (In effect June 18, 1g0¢ ) Trains leave Sayre as follows EASTBOUND AM Daily for Towanda, Tunkhan- ® nock, Pittston, Wilkes Barre, Mauch 12:25 Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington A.M. Dally for Tunkhannock Pittston, Wilkes Barre, Glen Summit Springs, White Haven, Maoch Chonk Allentown, Bethlehem, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington AM (Waverly £45A M) Week days . only for Athens Ulster, Towanda, Mon- roetsn, New Albany, Dushore, Satter. eid, Halls, Williamsport Wyslumng, Lacey. ville, Tunkhannock, Pittston and Wilkes-Barre. A T M. (Waverly 83x A. M) Dally for 8:50 owandas, Tunkhannock, Pittston » Wilkes Barre, Glen Summit Springs, White Haven, Fenn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem New York, Phil A M. Sunday only, for Athens, Milan, 0:0 Ulster, Towanda, Wyalusing, Lacey- . ville, Meahoppen and Tunkhannock P.M (Waverly 1223 P. M) Daily . for Towanda, Tunkhannock, Pittston, . Wilkes Barre, Glen Summit rings White Haven Mauch Chunk Allentown, hie hem New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington 3 15 F MM. Dally except Sunday, Black Dia . * mond Hapress for Towanda, Tunkhan mit Mauch Chunk, Allentown Hayts Batavia, Toronto nock, Pittston Wilkes Barre, Glen sum- Beth'ehem, New York, Philadelphia Baltimore and Washington PM (Waverly gus P MM) Week days 4 only for Athens Ulster, Towanda, Mon- ’ roeton, New Albany, Dushote, Satter Seld, Halls, Williamsport, Wysiasing, Lacey ville, Tunkhannock Pittston and Wilkes-Barre WESTBOUND A.M. Dally for Geneva, Buffalo, Niag- ara Falls, Toremto, Detrolt, Chicago, 8 Louis and points west A.M. Dally for Geneva, Rochester, Cal . edenis, Batavia Buffalo. Connects for 0 Niaga:a Falls and Toronto AM . Spencer, Ithaca, Trumansburg . Corpers, Geneva Rochester, Paufa’o. Connects for Niagars Palls Detroit and Chicago AM Week days only, for Lock wood, . Van Eften Spencer, Ithaca, Trauma » burg. Hayts Corners, Geneva, Roc ter Batavia, Buffalo and Niagars Valls FP M Daily for Genera, Rochester, 34 Caiedonie, Batavia, Baffale » FM. Daily for Lockwood Odesas, . Burdett (Walking) Valois, Lodi, Gilbert, . Varick and Geners Daily for Ithaca, Trumansburg, Inter. . lnken, Hoyts Corners, Geneva Clifton * Sgrings, Victor, Rochester, Caledonia Batavia, Buffalo. Connects for Niagara Palle Detroit, Chicago, St Louls and points west F.M Daily except Sunday, Black Dis * mond Fxpress for Gepeva, Rochester, . Buffalo, Viagsrs Falls, Detroit, Chicago, SU Louis and points west P.M Pil for Lockwood, Van Ries: * Spencer, Ithaca, Trumsssburyg, yt b: Corners, Geneva and Manchester. AUBURN DIVISION, ie: Cortmd a y Mars i” ani PROTECTION HOSE C0, OBSERVES NATAL DA Athen’s Oldest Fire Fighting Or- ganization Celebrates Fiftieth' Anniversary In An Appropriate Manner Last Night. | Athens—VYesterday was a great of the people was in any way imperiled, but from the fact that inhabitants were awakened to pay homage to those deserving of the tribute. The fifticth exercises of Protection hose com pany No. 1 were held last evening at Elsbree opera This company sprang into being through the active energies of public spirit- ed men who fifty years ago had set the wheels of progress in motion in this valley, and its primal object WwWds house to give protection to the activities of that Sure the company of today is com posed of younger men but they are imbued with the spint_ as were they who gave the $rganiza- tion such a grand beginning From the attendance last night it can truthfully be said that all citizens show their appreciation of what the company has donc for the town. Elsbree opera house was profusely deco- rated with flags and it was the exclamation on everybody's lips “What a beautiful transformation.” The preliminary greetings were at city hall, where the rooms thrown wide for the reception of the guests, and the committee were on hand the Chief Engineer Harris, J. W. Bea- man, Thad Newman and George Macafee were especially active. At 8:30 we marched to the opera house with industnal time same | wished to were to receive guests, our ladies and were conducted to our the tables which decorated with flowers that scemed to assure us of the good things coming. The ladies of the M. E had provided the they were marshalled under the lcader- ship of Mrs. Leslie Farnsworth, who showed admirable taste and We have never seen a bapquet cons places around were church catables and generalship in many ways ducted in better style nor more to the of all concerned satisfaction than this one Jos. W. Beaman, Esq, acted as toastmaster and the following was carried out Mr. Beaman first explained how this gathering came to be inaugur- ated, and how Kirb Harris and Thad Newman had put them in mind of it through a jovial conver. sation during one of their meetings, and how it had proved a reality in the grand feast and company in attendance. C.T. Hull next gave a historical sketch of the first organization and some of its experiences in carly times. Chas. E. Mills, Esq, fol~ lowed with a humorous and inter- esting account on firemen's ventions. J. M. Ely, who was instrumental in reorganizing, was on the program but was not pres- ent Rev. E. J. Rosengrant was next introduced and gave an eloquent talk on the “Elements of Character and Influence on the Young in the Formation Period.” Hon. 1.. T. Hoyt gave a good natured talk on modern history, Dr. E. M. Crawford responded to “The Ladies.” His remarks were brief, modest and interesting con. Hon. A. C. Fanning was down for “The Volunteer Firemen,” but was unable to attend Rev. W. GG. Simpson was called upon and responded with touching accounts of the heroism of the volunteer fireman. Brief Local Mention | Henry Drake of Elmira is in town today. O. L. Jordan is putting a new roof on his Main street residence. H. A. Middaugh of Washington, is calling on old friends in Athens. Mrs. Geo. Stacy of Troy is visit- ing her son Fred, S. Main street Miss Grace Keefe of Elmira is visiting Misses Mary and Nellie Doran, Willow strect, Archibald Maurice is spending a few days at the home of his par- ents on South Main street. Reuben Wood of Dakota, here today, having come cast to visit his brother, Tobias DD. Wood at blister is Charles C. Hopkins, of Rome, N. Y., a former resident of this place, 1s renewing old acquaintances for a few days The W. O. Robinson house on South Main receiving a fresh coat of paint by the hands of M. C. Wilson street 1s Sidney Rome, meat cutter at Karner's store went to VanEtten today to attend the funeral of his father-in-law. There will be a turkey supper at the M. E. church tonight. It will be & good plice to get a good meal for only 15 cents The of church will give Methodist in the 5:30 ladies the 4 supper church at parlors tonight o'clock. Supper 15 cents, OT. Saltmarsh of Troy was in town over Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Louise Comstock and daugh- ter at the Stimson house S. Kaplan, employed at Watson's tailor shop, has moved his house- hold goods into the Walker block His family will arrive here soon Howard and wife of Syracuse, N. Y, are visiting at the home of Mrs. A. D. Munn, East Athens, and went to Wysox to visit friends today Samuel Harry Stonier drew the buffet china closet and sideboard at the Wilbur's fair last His ticket was No. 50 and cost him cents cvening ne -3 The prize is worth $30. Horace A. Middaugh with his wife and daughter came to Athens last evening and are the Stimson House stopping at He went to Scattle seventeen years ago and has now came on a short visit to look up old friends and relatives. Miss Merrill, one of our school teachers, when purchasing her ticket for Towanda last week, laid out a ten and a one dollar bill. She received the change for the dollar but the other bill was miss- ing. Ticket agent Osborne found it later and returned it to her. Making Final Visit Athens—A. R. Owens and wife final visit before leaving for their new home in Maryland. Mr Owens was recently elected secre- tary of the N. P. LL, but as he is to office here will end, will A successor after he leaves, which will be a week from next Monday be chosen Military Company to Drill Athens—The Athens military company will have another drill this evening when all members are requested be on hand The book of tactics is here and it will be necessary to study closely the maneuvres in order to be ready for muster to Get a Free Sample To-day. Thus ended the program, and | cach guest arose from the table] with the most intense feeling of Protection Hose company. They | have shown themselves generous hearted as well as brave firemen. Bauer's Instant Cough Cure and be It is guaranteed to cure or your money re- funded. C. W. Giddings of Week's Mills, Me., writes, “Your Bauer's In- stant Cough Cure 1s a good seller and gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine on the market. 1 Ab ry after the second one and tell thelr Ee at ae a vd ill send. whe 4, -y fa I A SIEGE SHOES - HE Fg = STK XS) EINE a X AE EEE ’ pl TRS Li § = ETN ~~ CE CE y price ¥ GR te BREN SEEN! i Cal to 7X ho Co mh &: 7 X I & SUTTON FURS from a an SON SIREN = 3 3 = SX AEG I ND) FOR WORN-OUT HORSES. New York Man Has Compassion on Fire Horses and Provides a Home. If there is leserving « any one of hors of special care and consider Ation above apy other, if js 5 rely t faitnfu serve the pul ir the fire department of i citles It is gratifying to record the that a true lover of dumb animals has risen up in the person of Nicholss F. Brady. one of the youngest of Wa} street's successful men, who propo e to see that those worthy old vetera of the fire wagons are hereafter treat ed according to their just de Mr. Brady wiil buy, at his own ex- pense, and pension off for life all the horseg discarded by the New York partment his protec they will declining dava un big country where and warm class 3 Animals whe ur Lig fact erts de- aud under t spend their i farm “up rich pasturage in summer in the inclement be lacking act of charity than difficult to 3] shelter a nobler would bea never Surely, th It conceive COAL COAL COAL J. W. BISHOP There is as much difference in the quality of coal as there is between white and yellow sugar. We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- cite. We also sell Bituminous and Loyalsock coal and all kinds of wood. Our specialty is prompt service nd the lowest market price. J. W. BISHOP, 103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Bldg. Both Phones. WOOD WOOD WOOD “Shoe Hospital” JAMES SMITH Is still at his old stand, 804 South Main Street, Athens, ready to repair shoes in the best manner and at the lowest price. Bring your shoes to the “Shoe Hospital” Shop open evenings from 7 to 8, ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of WINES, LIQUORS BEERS AND ALES 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. BOTH "PHONES, There is no nook or cor- ner in Sayre where The Valley Record does not cir- culate. GIVES THE LARGEST PUBLICITY There is no nook or cor- ner in Sayre where The Valley Record does not cir- culate. EE ——— LEHIGH AND SCRANTON COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. — Orders can be left at West Sa Store, both phones; or at the ay yards at Sayre, Valley Phone 27m. COLEMAN MASSLER, R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished. 103 Lincoln St. Sayre, Pa. H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rectum, Hours—Tto 9a m,1t%08,7to 8p. m. OFFICE—SAMUELS BLOCK. Office, Rooms 3 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Valley Phone at office and residence. AJ.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. : Charles G. Annabel, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, /332 Broad St., Waverly, N. Y.
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