UME 1 NO. 142 e and Flannel wani lo ones we $ f.00, fo £250, AT BOLTON'S. Men's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. FIRST “i OF SAYRE wn $70,000.00 GENERAL BANKING THREE PERCENT INTEREST ~~ Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS. EP. Wildar, J. NX. Weaver, W. A. Wilbur, J. W. Bishop, J. EB. Wheelock. W. T. Goodnow, O. LE Haverly, Seward Baldwin, PF. T. Page, RF. Page, Cashier. Shirts — You the grey are selling at Better $é¢ onés up Both Phones, “Renting, Estates Managed Collecting E. B, ‘Reynolds, hociaeat INSURANCE Property Bought, Sold and —Bxchanged — lavestments Loans Negotiated 1IT Packer Ave., Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa. ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. ed, Insurance Rented, Rents For sale in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. ROOM 7, ELMER BLOCK LOCKHART ST., SAYRE. WINE, PEPTONIZED ~ THE{G0ODKIND Assimilation and complete; re- sults immediately. FIFTY CENTS A PINT ~ PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. 201 Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. or Jute. bere for D.L&W, be protptl attended to by averly. Lehigh Valley Coal "HARD AND SOFT WOOD Guaranteed Bradford Street Yard Phone, 5a [Ofesat Raymond & Haupt's Store, Sayre Al modern: methods for the scien- of painless opera- on the mouth and teeth. 104 South Elmer Ave, ER THE GLOBE STORE. NOWOFFTO ALABAMA President Goes to Cotton Plan- tation State From Florida. A —— GETS FLORAL KEY TO ST. AUGUSTINE Reosevelt In Pealnsalar State Spoke on GCewd (Hizenship and Benefits te Acerue to South From Fanama (aual. ST. AUGUSTINE, Filia. Oct. 23. President Roosevelt spent Sunday here Rod Just night started on Lis tour of Alabama. He left St. Au at 3 p'clock is scheduled lo make EE stop of any length until ke reaches Mobile taslay at 4.50 His day In St He attendees] services in Presby- terian Memorial church, where the pas- tev. James Coffin Stout, preached from the text, “Worthy the Lamb That Was Slain” He made no reference to the president in his sermon. At the conclusion of the services the president was taken for a short drive about the Eity The drive brought the president and bis party through the ancient city gates Lullt nearly 400 years ago by the Span- lands. Above the archway were hung Luge letters spelling out the wond “Welcome,” and on each side of portal sat a pretty girl dresses] as Columbia, As the presideut’'s carriage reached the gate it paused and one of a bevy of schoolgirls banded bln a great floral key, the key to the city. After recely ing the key the president was driven to the Ponce de Leda hotel, which was opened up especially for the party, and where he rested for half an hour be- fore procesding to Fort Marion, where Lie made an address In his speech at Fort Marion the president dwelt ou the =ubject of “Good Citizenship” and the aims and cbjects of thiz government “This republic is not and never shall be a governwent of a plutocrat,” he sald. This goveruwent Is not and] never shall be the goveruweut of a mob. It shall rewaln as It was found ed iu the beginning, a government of Justice, through the form of law, a government whereln every msu is guaranteed In bis own rights and Is forbidden to wrong bis neighbors.” Little enthusiasm was manifested by the white residents of Jacksonville In the president's visit, taken as a whole, although there was nothing in the re ception to which even Mr could take exception Negroes of the city, on the other hand, were enthusiastic to an extreme Between four and five thousand mem bers of that race, men, women and children, assembled at the academy Decorations in a negro section through which the drive extended were profuse. Speaking to the negroes the president said: “Do your very best to develop good teachers, to develop good preachers; preachers who shall preach to the col ored mau as it should be preached to the white man, that by your fruits you shall know them and that the truly re liglous man Is the mau who is decent and clean iu his private life, who Is orderly and law abiding; the man who bunts down the criminal and does all he can to stop crime and wrongdoings; the man who treats Lis neighbor well; who is a good man in his own family and therefore a good man lu the state. That it Is what we have a right to ex- pect from the Christian leadership which we see in the churches.” “I wish to say a special word about the Panama canal,” Mr. Roosevelt said at the board of trade banquet. “I be lieve the canal will be of great bene fit to all our people, but most of all to the states of the south Atlantic, the gulf aud the Pacific slope. When com- pleted the canal will stand as a monu ment*to this nation, for it will be the greatest engineering feat ever yet ac complished in the world. It can sure- ly be accomplished and probably at rather less expense than was antic pated. “The work is as difficult as it is im- portant, and it Is of course [Inevitable that from time to time difficulties will occur and checks be encountercd Whenever such 1s the case the men of Httle faith at howe will lose that little faith, and the critics who confound hysteria with emphasis will act after their kind. But our people as a whole possess not only faith, but resolution, and are of too virile fiber to be swept one way or the other by mere sensa tionalism “The digging of the canal will of course greatly Increase our interest in the Caribbean sea. It will be our duty to police the canal, both iu the luterest of other nations and Iu onr own inter- est. To do this it is of course fndis pensable to have an efficient navy (and I am happy to say that we are well on our way foward having ones mul also to possess, as we already possess, cer tain strategic points to fontrol the ap proach to the canal. Only ns a last resort it may occasionally be necessary to interfere by exercising what Is vir tually an interbational police power, if only to avoid seelug some European power forced to exercise it.” After luncheon the president, accom- panied by Secretary Loelh, Ruargeon General Rixey, John Melthenny and John Grecuway, the last two of whom have been bis guests on the trip south, rove to Fort Marion, where they boarded a launch and went to Apasta of, an island. Here the party donned bathing suits and had a bath in the gus=tine and not Augustine was a quiet Ble tor the loosevelt policemen of St Augustine, who had been waiting in front of the hotel started] ahead as an escort. The secret service sald to one of them, You now “That's all right,” responded the offi cer, “we will go along It's coming tc ¥ou anyhow.” They galloped to the fort, where they stoal at attention while the presi dent boarded the launch and steamed EWAY This week will see southern tour After visiting Maohile be will spend Tuesday at Tuskegee Montgomery and Birmivghaw Wednes day he will devote to Little Rock, Ark spl Thursday he will visit New Or leans, leaving there that evening on a Bovernment warship for Washington “We do not ned the end of the LOUBET AT MADRID. Returas the Hecent Visit of King Al fonse fo Paris. =i—Dresident Lon has srived here from Paris, aoceisda nied by Premier Rouvier, to return the recent visit to France of King fonso, when an attempt was made anarchists to assassinate both Pres) dent lLoubet and the young king they left the” Grand Opera House at Paris in a carriage and while surround. ed by zn escort of dragoous. he departure of the president was made the of an cnthusiastie demonstration cuormons crowds On the platform was a brilliant assem biage of officials, including all the members of the cabinet or their repre- sentatives At all the MADRID ot Ext by i= OCcHEs on by stations ou the way to the frontier there were crowds and pro vinclal authorities, who greeted the president with intermingled cheers for France aud Spain. Then an offi cial reception at the frontier town of Irun, where a on half of King Alfouso wet and welcow ed the president The president on bis arrival at the Escurial, twenty-seven miles from Madrid, paid a to the grave of King Alfonso XII aud placed a wreath on it On his arrival here he at the railway the young king of Spain was special mission be visit was warmly welcomed station by ABTOR AND VANDERBILT DENY. Never Had Stock In Power Company as Clatmed by Hoadley. NEWPORT, R. 1, Oct Iu behalf of John Jacoh Astor and © fins Vanderbilt, whose names were wmen- tioned In testimony given at a bearing In New York Friday on prucesdings in stituted by Willlam B. Fraokiin and George 1. Scott against Joseph HH Hoadley and others to recover $63,500, Lewis Cass Ledyard has issued a state ment here in which it was denied that either Mr. Vanderbilt or Colonel Astor ever owned stock of the International Power company, as stated by wit ness. Mr. Ledyard says “The newspapers contained reports of testimony given lo a suit relating to the [Iuternationnl Power cowpany troubles now on trial in the New York supreme court from which It appears that Joseph H. Hoadley testified that Cyrus F. Judson had told him he Lad sold about all the stock to John Jacob Astor and Cornelius Vanderbilt “Colonel Astor and Mr, Vanderbilt, who are clients of mi e, upon this statement, at once telegraphed to we asking that it be contradicted Each of them states, ‘I have met either Hoadley or Judson never owned any = i uever and sth stock Dendero Dead, lirother Lost an Eye. WILLIMANTIC, Conn, Oct. 23 John € Dondero, twenty seven years old, I= dead here as the result of au in Jury received In a football game In Jewett City. Dondero was n member of the Willimantic team, aud it is said that he was in no condition to play the gawe. After a scrimmage he lay on the fleld unconscious and was taken to a hotel, where he died Doctors state that a cerebral hemorrhage was the cause of Lis death. A brother of Doudero was kicked In the eye soon afterward and will lose the optic His Holiness Is Not lL ROME, Oct. 23 A through the city that the Dr. Lapponi, the announcement that Is lnexact,” the pope cold, so slight that it can called an indisposition. A to the pope, subscribed for lies all over the world, velled at Riese, the Venetian provinces was born rumor popes his physician, authorizes the statement terely having a scarcely spread was il To Hionument by Catho has un little village in the where the pope been Officers Exchanged For Bandit, TANGIER, Oct. Z3.~The =cout ship Pathfinder has arrived here with Cap- tain Crowther amd Lieutenant Hatton, the British officers who were captured by Moroccan tribesmen, on board. The Hberation of the officers was effected through the of the shereef of Wazzan. ‘The Pathfinder's com mander exchanged a brother of Va lente, the bandit, for the two officers. soem] offices Carried Wonnded Hunter Two Miles. KINGSTON, N. Y., Oct While hunting with his consin Joseph Masten of Wallkiil necldentally shot in the stomach, the bullet passing through his body. His recovery is doubtful Masten's cousin carried him two wiles on his back before reaching farm house “3 - Wis n Eenil's Body In Danger, VIENNA, Oct 23 — The badly of Senor J. Zenil, the Mexican minister, Xho died Friday night. had to be hur Frau im Brinton Victor of Czar's Fleets Re ceived by His Sovereign. CAPITAL GIVES WARN WELCOME HOME Japan's Hero Admiral Makes Report of the Return of His Ships From War — Praised by Mikado and People. TOKYO, Oct 23 Aduilral Toge made a public entry into the capital Yesterday, whew Lie came to report te the emperor the return of fleet from the war, The Japan arrived tion and state, gener the diploma officinis ended bi lie © vliral Dewan, togetlng staffs, Piae pariy entered tive imperial car ringes pliesd at their disposal and ke by kLi= majesty's ald, Admiral lucuye, wivie direct "to the palace, where they wero received audience by the emperor, Admiral Toge's carriage a bodyguard of through a triuiuphal arch the railway station. The lined with an admiring crowd, shouted hearty the passed along silastic cheers, of the Lauds, distance General Sakuma detailed talious of guards of honor Lue talions were composed of men fro the Tokyo garrison amd were undes command of Major General Togo Four guns located at Hibiya park fired =a lutes, The day beautiful one, and all Tokyo was out, {rrespective of uge, to welcome the victor of the battle of the sea of Japan Admiral Togo after his audicoce with the emperor returned to his ship In receiving Admiral Togo's the emperor warmly praised the rendered by Lis of the battle at the Shiml wet by ministers of admirals, members of orps and hundreds of vate citizens wel Loue Lis staff and hawhoura and thelr respective hero of the sd 0) mshi sta was aud who ex Ww HU is dooonipal Jd by Kataoka, with il escorted by passed in front gf sireel=s were who party enthu noise great trong] CIN, banzais The ring of the mingles with the wis audible for as Lat bat three i Wis n report Serv his otlicers and fce Lim wen Professor Judd Hanged Himself. BALTIMORE, Oct. 22 Professor Sylvester Dwight Judd thirty- five years, formerly an in the United States geologils at Washington and professor of biology at Georgetown university, was found hanging a rope from rafter in the garret of his home on the old Fred erick road, he having committed sui cide. About a year ago Professor Judd, owing to mental trouble, lost his government position. He was sent to an asylum, where, after having been treated for melancholia and homicidal mania for about ten wonths, he ap peared to be much improved and was discharged about two weeks ago. That he had contemplated was known . aged Assistant ii =uryey) Ly n suicide Metor Boat Went Over Dam. MARIETTA, O, Oct 23. While re tarning from Beverly to Marietta in a motor boat M. LL. Williamson, dentist; Probate Judge C. H. Nixou and Will Selby, son of a wealthy oll producer, went at Lowell, on the Muskingum river, and Williamson was drowned. Dense fog caused the party to miss the canal, The boast went over the daw, capsizing and throwing the party out Judge Nixon and youug Selby swam to a bridge pier and were rescued. owl Jaw Two Hart. 23.—~A big three women while cross. Touring Car Wrecked, MADISON, N. J. Oct touring car coutaining and four men was upset ing a trolley track iv Hilton, uear here, and all the occupants were thrown out. James Wilson, the chauf- feur, was caught bencath the car and fatally crushed, and Morris Cook of this place was seriously Injured. The rest escaped unhart. Immediately aft er the accident the wachiue exploded and was completely wrecked Textile Workers Heject Wage Offer. FALL RIVER, Muss, Oct. 23. —-The Fall River Textile council, represent ing the organized cotton mill operatives of the city, have decided 10 reject the offer made by the Manuf sociation to advance Sper and profit sharing The council had requests] the tion of the reduction of 121; which went into effect July Further negotiations will |} during the turers’ as cent plan restora Wi Res introduce an per cent -, 10g conducted Thanksgivsi. x throvane it Russin, ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 23 —Seory ices of thanksgiving for th of peace held yesterday churches throughout festa] minages emperor's punonuncing peace was read to th ind the celebira tion Leld ln the Kazan cathedral in St, Petersburg was attended by the min- fsters and other high functionaries concinsion all ad Ihe werd in the caplre were oelebiratad resoript court Senator Foraker 111, COLUMBUS, 0, Oct. 23- Senator Foraker may have to cancel all his speaking dates for the remainder of the campalgn. The senator Is suffering from a severe cold, and, while not con fined to his bed, Lis physician declares that Le cannot expose himself Sena tor Foraker was billed to speak In Co lambas nest Thursday night Disnster nt Highland Hoy Mine. SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 2% -By the caving In of a slope in the Highland Boy copper wine at Binsbs ilak, SPORT WITHOUT BLAUGHTER. Pligrims In Exhibition of Associa- tion Feotball Win 7 to 1. NEW YORK, Oct. 23 -—-Sir Charles Kirkpatrick and bis plucky handful of Pilgrims from Philadelphia paid a fleet ing but successful visit the Pol grounds In the cause of football un der association rules. Opposed by a picked band of its adherents in the metropolitan district, Sir Charles and his werrs weakness of 7 fo men exposed the of its voherts here to the goals to 1 In contrast to the Pilgrims the mission of the present has sprung from a spirit of union, ue dissolution. Glowing with the love of the older « ouniry has Rughy Wis prompted trate that Amerien, with ress blind to the ulngs fs boasted national games Throuzhout the halves of forty five nitutes cach, not a man of the ty-two carried off the field an ambulance call sounded Fhe line of play, too, was free from surgeons physicians, bandages cases. No hospital corps neither there Lands waiting and eager nue of old wanderers st and the to tn the gatue which put the visit rant bry desire te illus all its prog is shorteon LET tween was not or instrument was there of 1esery o fil the wade by mangled connades three players was upset but, though the three times to give recover from shock, abled Nose guards, ear and scalp helmets padded shoulders and Hmbs were not nesded artior and steel apd all againet brute and animal st; there were shirts and bose halfway to the skin bared from above kneecap Were os tense gap Iwo or in collisions; referee them a no one stopped to was dis chance wad In stich covers] place of ilevices eng Enick knee, the amd below the the throat exposed and the skull aud face without covering of ALY kind loose Joos ers Yale Won Ly 12 to 0. NEW HAVEN, Oct. 23 —-Yale Was so badly frightens! by the game bere that a hard week lies just abead of Ler football squad. Pennsylvania State college outplayed OK Eli ery departinent of the game though defeated by the score of 12 to 0 taught Yale more in two balves of re markable football thao the aver suspected, Conn thd cuitchies Victims of the Tigers. PRINCETON, N. J, Oct 23 of to 4 Las chauged somewhat hastily formed idea that she safe in offering olds result of the struggle, and the i= placidly licking Lis chops over has proves! to be the full he has had this The was bitterly Quakers Narrow Escape. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 23 sylvania narrowly escaped the strong Brown football Frapklin fleld, and the is humiliating to the local team gcore does not show how I% outplayed Brown in the main nor her lost opportunities to score through wis erable fumbles A soore Lafayette's > — wis likely to Le on the Tiger what menl gale only selison Culitested Penn defeat by team on S to The uusyivauia sCure, Blind Men Flay at Loulsyille, LOUISVILLE, Ky. Oct. 23 Ihe blind school eleven plavesd n rewarka- ble game of football with the Manual freshmen at the blind school here, the contest ending withodt a score for el thet Splesberger, left guard of the blind cleven, wade a twenty five yard run side Yale Man Golf Champlon. GARDEN CITY, N Y.. Oct Robert Abbott, a Yale sophomore the champlonship of the Inter Golf association, defeatlug 194 mate, Ellis Knowles, by 3 up and 2 to play in the thirty-six Lole final over the Garden Clty links CHE Climber Fatally Hart NEW HAVEN, Coun, Oct. 23 —In attempting to climb the face of East rock here John Tracy, twenty two years old, slipped after almost com pleting his task aud fell headlong down the jagged side of the rock, a distance of 100 feet. He priokedd up at the base terribly injured and taken to Grace hospital, where it 1s ex. pected that he will die. His cut open, several bones were and be is internally Injured 3} won ollegiate his ¢l Wis head was broken, Cullege Flourishing. Oct, 20 Archbishop Patrick uf Francisco took American -t ind Mgr Kennedy, condition of American HOME, Ww Riordan lunch at the warinly congratulated the rector, on the lege aud the dents There rolled in the ber san coils the gl the students appearance of stu 115 this yenr, a d ul urs n collegy Le fore roster of Hun renchesd it TLE never the vther foreign colleges hey sur passing stad all "Lelshmnn Makes Protest CONSTANTINOPLE. Ot Letshman, the fddressedd a note ug the the retrial of Ghirkis Vartanian porte’'s assurances that fwlbicial ceadings would be suspended pending the settlement of the questions of prin ciple arising from Vartanian's claim to American pfetection win Fortity A BRUSSELS. Oct 22 session of parliament has ¢ question of fortifving Ant to make that city praction nable against a naval atta of the gnwernment for a od line of fortiflontions will expenditure of $2] G00 in Furniture Goes Lp In Smoke, SLEVELANL, 0, Oct. 23 — The ate company here has to Forte, i Mr in indnester, has to the profest violation valved in of the Aer jrorte Hgtitst pro autumn Len up the ' m fmpreg The plan aedvin ELLIE) iN Laer WW entall an GOT THIRD DEG REE FOR EIGHT HOURS wd s— Makes Many When Inter- viewed and Dencunces Missety, Who Betrayed Him—W ell, They Can't Hang Me.” PITTSBURG, Oct | Cauliffe, the | in a jong interview here denled that Lie | took the odd $1,000 with which he is charged in addition to the $line] package and states that his object in suing to Bridgeport, to ob | Hu employment on of the oyster| of the Bridgeport fleet. a | at was frustrated Ly the fact » boats were Ring on lalx f wliffe, who had been put through a process of “sweating” by the Pinker | ton officials to make him confess, sald The Plokertons put me through a ter rible racking experience about eight Lours' He indignantly denied that he fur uished a Bridgeport woman money to { reat a flat, saying Le n reading about and listening to com lien thie robis ry of around the Tenderloin =hippesd the SN he said company, fig the wiost unlikely Denials Edward] (ieorge express robber Conn Was one | boats plan | that} i tl Lis of af Ww acount souie oF trotible ' lasting spent Lis time is on tering He to Bristol Press instead district a =uit cn the ring that place the dete and when quest $11.0m) still HiiIssiLg « fuys i=%) in “et iu care of ex ol as tives would search to the Piy by radliug against the «= to the Cunliffe denounces Bi dgeport, ton al prep Wecting iotiedd as Vides] pe fates EN (und James Missett who luformed the at New suvak which discovery of the of Pinker York of his wher atid Ie rations to skip hnmediately after Missett, but was detained an attack of cramps He lective Key uuls, ds a said In Ly vigorously denled Aruukl put it to whom be intrusted the SU, {row remarking offering of De Siow $4 oyeu veils, as he Eliseuma indie for iso Cunliffe Well, Haining value in 4 scouring Ly who concluded they can't bang me” THE DEFUNCT BANK, Criminal Action to Be Taken Against Pittsburg Directors PITTSBURG, Oct. 23.--1t stated that information will probably be wade Wiis week against the officer wid di rectorate of the Euwterprise Nati bank of Allegheny charging them with cwbezzlcment is in bavieg received wou it is allegwd, it they kuew the bauk was insolvent Apparcutly the directors of the ire as much in the dark reg ks tin inl condi the last ey frown depositors when, th bauk irding the is they wer were closed Wednes of the di as to the ad LL ni doors Iie aud their counsel bility of taking legal either criminal civil, atl also methods to be pursuesl in holding thie of Casliler Clark Hable fu any shortage that may be discovers) Negoti are for the sale of the Santa Fe Central Rall road company by the Pittsburg own It is =ald several offers have ide fur Une At fea the three 1 which with It are among negotia roads are the Denver and Rio Graude, the Rock Island and the Santa Fe property, lhe Leader Is authority for the state went that the politiclans concerned are lifting their notes through the Bank of Pittshurg, the wlearing house repre scutative of the Enterprise National, iu order to conceal the identity of the notemakers 8, PP. Kohn, a stockholder of the Euterprise, sald that stock bolders will make up any deficiency and that depositors will be paid in full Bank Examiner Cunningham sald that be had no knowledge of a state ment of the dead cashier alleged to Lave been discovered among the bank's papers aud also stated that there is no paper in the bank bearing the uawe of Senator 'corose as waker, sudrantor ith day conference rectors action, or was discussed estate tious HOW under way ers Lew st two of now ropes vlroads y have Mi These cunectic tors the indorser or Thieves Got 33,000 Loot. NEW YORK, Oct. 23-Th the residence of Joseph Sad West Ninetleth street, while family was Mi pas eves rob Led Conrou thie at siiverwan they rad F'rvwa bre the valua vhenpwr 1 it Ss speading the N. ¥ Frow the Keel In chests and lected all the solid material behind the plated war brie cabluets they bile rt vir fully Stunner utlcello, closets Se left selects] leaving the wrrnnged dn Fie taken is valued Iie wats only discovered lust night les, Unies property RN) toblwry With the Mikando's Saber, CHICAGO, Oct, 23 With the swond presented to him by the mikado in ap preciation of his painting of the Nik ho Gate to the Roval Tombs” John Devereux York of Chicago tried te Kill himself at the deathilssl of his wother and wounded his uncle almost to death fo a desperate which the latter made to royul weapon » struggle seize the Ltica Printers tied Hiaht Hour Day. UTICA, N.Y. Oct. 23 a The strike of the fou printers in this city for the elpht hour day has bev etna] by the wha have been hh employers ding out Fhe eight i Jan 1 the nde to go jnto effet « acceding to denn honr day is Railway Oflces Hurned at Memphis, { MEMPHIS, Tenn, Oct 23 The | building at the corner of Madison and Main streets, occupled by the Ilinols Central railroad offices, has been badly will des { Dr te this week to the ss Goods and Silks mak- special prices on many of the r LIES 10 in. all wool, 45¢. ¢5¢ Panamas 46 in. all wool, 60¢. 21.00 Panamas 58 in. all wool, 88e. £1.00 Venetian 54 in, all wool 85¢. SUC Granite 38 in. all wool, 45e Jan. all wool, Ge, 38 in. all wool, " Pana iM Lerinite Mn Serge Neroe 16 in. all wool, Serpe 16 in. all wool, #1 (¥) Storm Se TES 52 in. all wool, wonne 16 in. all wool, Drape de Alma, Crinnills, de Paris, Voils, Landsdow ne, ele. ele. Colored Dress Goods Mohair, Crepe Hen: it {5c mnt Flannels, ires Plaids. ete. Manmsh effects 38 in, 30¢ and 'anamas 35 to 40 i5c 3 it in. all wool, Sle. 3 new blue) 46 in. all repe Armure 44 10. all wool, 52 in. all wool, MH Hy Sergi Granite Adora lures The above in all colors includ the most. wanted shades, large ling of Press Patterns in the finer and. more exclusive materials. ¥ Wi proud of our Drees Gouds Department, showing as ex- a line as can be found in'the larger We make a specially of Dress Goods and as we buy them DIRECT FROM THE MILLS we Can save vou money. ; Yo invited to inspect our lines whether you buy or not. Wednesday Specials New Silks 19¢ Fancies, one day 3%, 5x Changeable, one day, 49¢. voc Plaid, one day, 69¢. £1 (0) Plaid, one day, 89¢. is Shadow Check, one day, ire justly tensive ities 1 are = ] ix} NG ~U¢ Radium, one day, 79¢. $1.00 Moire, one day, 89¢. 81.00 Velours, one day, 89¢, Our silks are all new, fresh from tidous realm : not forget we are always will show our goods, eo Globe Warehouse, Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave, VALLEY 'PHONR | Keep Strong Always Make every atom of vour vitality count. Build new tissues be- fore the old give way. You can do this by taking a wine glassful * of Stegmaiers’ MALT EXTRACT before cach meal and | upon retiring. Stegmaiers’ Malt Ex tract is not an exper- iment, as it was en- dorsed by the physi- cians attending the state medical conven- tion held Sep, 20, 1900 and again by them at their convention held Sep. 26, 1905, If your dpuggist doesn't on it order direct f us. Both Phones. Stegmaiers' Company.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers