7 Sc Yard - News for vets 89¢ yard. Carpet Buyers For women New Kid Gloves and men and children, in all grades, prices from 4 each season. New fabrics They grow in variety and are Eoliennes, Venetians, Su-- Sc pair up THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $12,000.00 EERIE TSE We solicit your Banking bausi- pess, and will pay you three per cent. intepest per annum for money Joft on Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account. The department of savings is a § special feature of this Baok, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. ~ M. B. SAWTELLE, i Cashier. The Valley Record RR — J. H. MURRELLE, Publisher, W. T. CAREY, Editor Published afternoon except San- day at Murrelle's Printing Office, Sayre, Sabscription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents per month. Advertising rates reasonable, and made r—— on application. Eatered as | a8 second-class matter May 1 postoffice at Sayre, Pa, i sader the Ack of Congros of March 3, eR HOR, FL “All the n news that's fit to print” ———— MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 "WAS SETTING "THEM RIGHT Chicago Women In London Had Their Doubts About Direc- tions Given Them Americans Io london are apt to be gonfused by the fact that same thoroughfare bears many different names as it pursues (is oftentimes crooked course through the fascinaticg old city. Two young Chicago womer wander. “fog through what they affectionately called “Dickens’ London” last summe: t Iolo a bun sbop to ask the nearest 10 one of the less (requented spols that the great writer has made sacred to all lovers of his stories says a writer in Lippincott’s. A good-natured clerk gave them mi- - pute directions. to which they listened " sitentively and with strong efforts to be intelligent when he spoke of the “top” the “bottom’ of certain streets told lo go “stralght away.’ and that the : whe only ten minutes off Thank you su much’ sald younger girl, “but I'm afrald tbat may lose our way after all Your Sireels here have such a perplexing ‘habit of changing their names every few minutes that we are never really gure just where we are” “Why, madam.’ remonstrated the clerk in & tone of mingled reproof and pity, “Lhese streets don't change thelr sames. They have had the samme natnes for bundreds of years’ - GRAF the the Personal and Local Mention Postmaster G. I). Genung 1s vis- iting his son Leal in New York. Mrs. E Harton Hall was a guest ol yesterday of Miss Vir- gma Canoll - Five the foot team and make it six straight for -> Frank A returned Saturday from a business trip to Chicago Attorney Howard Candidate Byram L s in Wav Assembly Winters called on friends erly Saturday evening . A new placed in the Sunday school room of the Methodist church. steel ceiling has been et Mrs W. G. Montgomery of] Saratoga is visiting her sister, Mrs. | H. A. Perry, Loder street Miss Martha Lum will enter tain the Sunshine club at her Ful- ton street home this evening Mr.and Mrs S A. Turner and daughter, Miss Luella, are spending | a few days with friends in Buffalo - An effort 1s game for making to arrange a next Saturday with an Owego football team to be played on Howard street ground - No trouble to shou your money goods, and back if you are not satisfied with any goods bought at my store in clothing and shoes H. Sattler >» 141-2 - show of strength 1s at all times distasteful, for the weak, to make a show of strength may threaten harm to the strong, but that is as far at it gets. Mrs. F. A. Sawyer is expected to arnve in New York city on board the She months abroad To the really strong, a today Atlantic liner Min- has several Mr Sawyer went nesota been evening to meet her Wedding Announced Waverly—The marriage of Hur ley Pierce of the Lehigh's clencal force and Miss Florence Tabor of Canton is announced to take place at the home of the bride's parents in Canton, Pa, October 23 & CO. ELMIRA GIANTS WENT | DOWN T0 DEFEAT ‘Saturday's Red Hot Foot Ball | Game Resulted in Victory | for Waverly Team | Waverly—That | ball is not d foot s made evi- interest in ead here wa |dent in the good sized crowd | attending the game Saturday after noon on the Howard street grounds, | when eleven Elmira Giants went W.H.S in favor down to defeat before the team. The scor of Waverly From the first e Wah } whistle the play ing was hard and fast, and time had to be taken out at frequent inter vals for njurie Fast as was the credit that juarrelling however to the {of both tc | the lor disputes | game, it 1s ams and referees was no unseemly Neither sule first half, was able the by In CSsSiIon to score in the ball lowly yard one way then back half, by a suc quick play Waverly sec and being forced first yard the of ired a this up ifter eleven minutes second touchdown toll with another { of play Q) Pete who ran the team, us ment arterback \ annostran, ~d and Captain great judg- in his with . 1 signals his painers Hogan combination of ground seldom failed to make the distance This makes the fifth « victory for the Waverly team onsecutive The boys have showed that they can make good and a paying crowd Saturday. Now is the management to make turned out the Give time lor a hit Waverly will turn and us another game out and pay and root and congratulate New Rails Arrive Waverly—That the WW. S Traction company certainly to perform all they shown an arnval & A mean promise 1s by the of the which were order- once ay now of seven carloads finest steel rails ed some time a TO The rails of latest make TT gn, are rails 75 pound and d which means that they are heavy enough The the through for to support a railroad train are to be used the =| South Waverly, the which are already erécted is understood that be begun at once in South Waverly new rails mn construction of line poles It work will Mrs Barnum Buried CORRECT MISTAKE Italian Who Had Been Given too Much Money in Exchagge for Check Was Convinced of Error by Officer's Eloquence Waverly—In for a fellow countryman, Peckally, the local Italian mer- chant, gave $235 instead of 25 cents which the check called for Like the man overpaid at the bank, who did not want cashing a check John correct mistakes after leaving the window, the Ital- ian did the roll until he had been persuad- ed by the eloquence of ( )fficer Cor- coran, who does not speak Italian but managed to make himself un- derstood “Taka back the said the accommodating to not feel disposed to give up mon, John” his kally, young Italian to friend Pec and peace reigns once more in Waverly's Latin quarter. BENEFIT OF BAPTIST CHURCH ORGAN FUND First of a Series of Entertain- ments to Be Given This Evening \ ~The first of a series of entertainments in the Twentieth Century course conducted for the the Baptist church choir will be given Waverly - benefit of the organ fund of this evening in the auditorium of the church. The attraction for this evening is the Kaffir boys’ choir, a troupe of genuine young African singers Services Specially Interesting Waverly—The services at the First Methodist church yesterday morning were of a specially inter- esting nature, being in charge of the children of the Sunday school. Regular in ill the churches of the village REV. WEEKS ELECTED STATE SUPERINTENDENT services were held Rev. Lyman Weeks, formerly a member of the Wyoming confer- ence and pastor of the Sayre M. E. church, was elected state supenn- tendent, or bishop, of the Univer- salist churches of New York state at the annual convention, which corvened in Auburn last week. rr A Ae House Breakers Use Sponges lo Pera break inte when a burglar desires to a house he often takes a da today for a short visit friends Mrs ] home after Elmira oo B visiting her parents in ee Mr. and Mrs, Frank Root and son Fredrick, of Owego, of friends in Sayre are guests ei H.S. Gregg left this afternoon for a visit with friends in Pittston where he formerly resided Mr. S. Davis, to Chemung, Olive street he has tract for doing some concrete work, ad went where a corf- Mr and Mrs. James Faulds and son Jack left today for Shickshin- ney they days as the where will spend a few guest of friends and relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Burton Flory and children, who have been spending some time at the home of W. H Flory in this place, have returned to their home in Bethlem rr A Mr. and Mrs. Ric hard I nely, who have been s past several Con- pending the days among friends and relatives in Seneca Falls and Geneva, returned to their home North Wilbur avenue yesterday. ee H. K. Spaulding Rochester a week ago today at to to accept a position with the Ameri- can Express company at that place, was in town yesterday who went calling on former friends lf a— C. S. Holcomb, of the Monroe ton Enterprise, accompanied by his wife stopped over for a short time in Sayre today on their way Savona, N. Y,, they spent yesterday as the guests of friends from where rte lp et HOSPITAL NOTES J hn Madden of Towanda, has been discharged. Mrs. James Pepper, of leroy, was admitted today. Miss Mary Andruss, of was discharged today. Miss Sadie Barnes, of Candor, underwent an operation this fore- noon, Alba, Miss Nora Benjamin of Durell, and Sadie Barnes of Candor, N. Y, have been admitted to the hospi- tal. The chances for the ultimate recovery of Basil Brown, the South Waverly lad who was accidently | shot on Friday evening, are excel lent Young Woman Pro: phoid Receives Them from Over the Worl trate Ly All i There is a cer | Ne Ww Y« {lever for giving { colle tion of | Pine: her taken : Rh ¥ in who all her a ren an haem of view an m Margate an Par I onde The th and 1 rom the Scottish « to the Alps, fro Brighton Trouville Home and Naple are ae iHustrated =ongs Er LE joke the new Yld and a great variety of f wutiful with fioral design Many of the best and works of art are now postal cards in all the In fact, thers hardly can’t be found on a postal and the sale [s ylily For the sick not e I Ags to mos reprodu original o0ior anything tha days fner ih r they fntere withou begull tore appropriat a glance, they please the eye intellect. and they many a woment for the Invalid DEAD HANDS GUIDE SHIP. Helmsman Dies at Wheel, But Grip o Corpse Holds Vessel True to Her Course. taxing the Hono death lula. — Held Ww ber course by th grip of a corpse, the schooug after many days of storm and weather reached island who complaited of feeling ill when h went on watch Another member crew stood with Lim for a time, but a left him alone and rough seas that nig it all the Japan course When death relieved him Lis body fel at, ar =¢ held the such a manner as to wedge them was not found until morning The Woodbury (8 the sche which the United States tug recently left here to s was long overdue from lays Capt. Harris says that his vessq aud he oner arch an | was a stitch of canvas on her bope of saving Ler and sald Capt. Schlemer of Laysan passenger He gave good the decks clear of water poured on the water and Unique Lighthouse lighthouses is to be found on bay—a rock which | a channel over 500 feet wide. On this Joseph Novak sustained bad lac- rock a conical beacon is erected lantern Is fixed, from G. J. Kiron, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. Especial care and prompt at- to moving of 1 ete, Ready for Business | Having refitted the billiard, pool and lunch rooms recently leased of FP. 8S, Wop- cott, | am now prepared to serve all ens tomers in a satisfactory manner. My Your patronage solicited. clams in season, coffee, Oysters and Try a cup of our new 8. BUTLER, Op. First Nat'l Bank, Broad St, 107-1m Waverly. A. H. MURRAY, WK. D. SPECIALTIES: ‘| Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and 4 | Throat, and the Pro rs: Fitting of Glass- 1|es. Hours—8-12; 1-5; 7-8; Sindaye by appointment. Office, Whée! WANT ADS Rates : Wanted, Lost, Found, For y | Sale, ete, | cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for leas than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. ¢| Girl wanted for general housework. Apply 207 North Lehigh avenue, Sayre, 188-0* t e Dining room girl wanted, Apply at VanDuyn & Hawkins dining rooms, 116 Desmond street, Sayre, 1431 Party to shine shoes and keep place in order, Steady job for right one. W. W, Shaw t A competent girl to do , general house work. Must go to Oneonta, N.Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hull, Athens, Notice. rd The Record, has the bei: House Lease ever printed in Preiiond county; also Vest ket and t Books; and a variety of Po for Justices and Constables. For Sale. A new Smith Premier Typewriterat a bargain. Call at Record office, Two parlor stoves in good repair, cheap, at Kepler's gas supply store, 134 Broad street, Waverly. tf ! For Sale or Exchange. Double barrel 12-guage hammer shot gun in perfect condition for sale cheap for cash, or will trade for a good bieyele, Write what you have to offer to man,” care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa. 1150 EE ——— For Rent Two houses for rent, including eit water and toilet rooms in house, r month. Inquire H. A. Kaufman's “lothing Store, Sayre, 108-t Cards For Sale. The Valley Record has in stock the following card signs: For Rent For Sale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Furnished Rooms Boarding @ r a s 8 Orchestra. The D. S. Andres Orsheutra guiiithis tees satisf on at conserta, balls - parties, eto. Prices reasodable, Waverly—A large gathering of | erations of the left forefinger Sat. friends attended the funeral yester- | day afternoon of the late Mrs, S.| D. Barnum, curred last weck at a hospital in| New York city held home in Bradford Waverly, Rev. fhciating by her husband, Miss Lillian, one sister, Mrs, George Munn. Interment was in Forest Home cemetery. | which, night after pight, shines a light yt fishermen dq urday in the freight car shop. | which Is seen by the fishermen far an | wide. The way in which this light- A sill timber dropped on the in—| nouse 1s illuminated Is this On the jured member. | sponge and a bucketful of water and molstens the walls which being covered with only a thin coating of mud, are caslly dissolved on the application of i woisture no at D.S Andrus Music ona Desmond or see J. J. Mgr. 117 N. East street, Sayre. Island of Lewis Is a lighthouse, aod { from a window In the tower a stream RIVER PIRATES WON The River Pirates showed their mettle last Saturday and defeated the Waverly grammar school in a game of football by a score of 2 t0 grate the centennial of the pony ex. 0. The game was played on the press in 1503 Sedalia. Mo, already has . : on foot a project to centralize Missoury river side grounds. The Waver | In 1920. And lately some one has pro- lites were much heavier than the a nin a in the ! year whose sad death oc Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, composed of experienced musicians, and playing all the latest music, is prepared to : nish any number of instruments ne halls, parties or Sutertainmtnts, Fok night; rates reasonable, H Barden, Valley Phone 2-3, Sayre, or leave orders at Maney & Page's, Rayre, Having purchased the entire business of FRENCH & KINGSBURY, Offer a 15 Per Gent Introductory Discount Sale From Thursday, Oct. 12 Until Saturday, Oct. 21. _ Call and see the greatest bargains in Parlor Suits, Dining Rooms Suits, Fancy Rockers, Iron Beds and shes ever offered in the valley, At the old stand, street and Park avénue, Waverly, N. Y. of light is projected on to a mirror av the lantern on the summit of Arulsh rock. Women Smokers The London Truth quotes the follow. Ing reasons against smoking by wo- men The first is that smoking devel. ops the mustache, and the second that king produces, at any rate In wo wen, ‘weak-rimmed eyelids" The funeral ser-| vices were from the family street, South M S. Godshall of Mrs Barnum is survived Coming Expositiona. Seattle wishes an Alaskan exposition In 1507 to celebrate some anniversary of other. los Angeles would commem. 8 Lue one daughter, Iceland Elderdown feciand produces most of the world's supply of elderdown, the annual sale amounting to something over 7,000 pounds. Most of this is shipped ‘o Copenhagen, and Sommands from $240 to a8 and oe 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers