e and 2's Flannel Shirts — You want fo sec the grey ones we are selling at $1.00. Beller ones up to £2.50, AT BOLTON'S. 's Furnishings, Hats and OF SAYRE E. E. . Reynolds, ESTATE some wavert. acuiacet INSURANCE ast Bought, Sold and IT Packer Ave., Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa. D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Negotiated, Insurance , Houses Rented, Rents , Taxes Paid. iy, SlEr_BLo0K , IRON AND ion easy and complete; re- an moo) show immediately. "FIFTY CENTS A PINT be Jats here for D., L&W, = Ey Er, Syarly, “5 CLAREY COAL Co. Lehigh Valley Coal RD AND SOFT WOOD Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed __ Bradford Street Yard Phone, 5a St Raymind4 Haapt's lors, Bayre , B. McDonald, D. D. S. | modern methods for the scien- briormance of painless opera- jon the mouth and teeth. 104 South Elmer Ave. THE GLOBE STORE. 6. PECKALLY, DEALER IN AMERICANS CANDO IT Engineer Says Panama Canal Will Be Ready by 1915. TWENTY-FOUR THOUSAND WORKERS Letter of Expert Randolph Fore- shadows Report of Commissioners. He Has Recently Returned From the Isthmus, WASHINGTON, Oct The sth mian canal commission Las made pubd- lic a letter written by Isham Rao- dolph, a member of the board of con- sulting eugioeers of the Panama canal, to Zina R Carter, president of the sanitary district of Chicago, which em bodies the views of Mr. Randolph con cerning capal matters He has recently returned from a visit to Pavama with other members of the board, and his opinions are interesting and in view of the publication of the letter by the commission way be cou- sidered semiofficial In his letter Mr. Randolph says “What we do know is that it can be done, that Americans can do it and that in as short a time as so stu- peadous™ an undertaking can be put through We do know that almost limitless resources await the demand of the buliders and that the builders represent the highest grade of Ameri- can engineering talent, led on by a man whose record of accomplishment is ‘but the earnest of the things that he shall do.’ “Hence we may reasonably look for the passage of the great ocean freight- ers from the Caribbean to the Pacific before our calendars are headed 1015 How much before, this depouent say- eth not. This Is no easy triumph for the builders who must contend with and overcome difficulties not encoun- tered in our temperate zone First there are climatic difficulties which my investigations force me to believe bave been magnified and exaggerated The question of proper housing bas been a problem, but its solution Is pro gressing and it bas had to wait upon lumber which wust come from the states “The French left behind them some 2.500 bulldings, little and big. which are being made habitable, but many more must be built to house the thou sands whose labors are required to ac complish the work. When the equip meat Is ou band and the organization perfected at least 24.000 men will be required In the various departments of Industry.” 3 -t Outrage Near Montclair. MONTCLAIR, N. J, Oct. 25. Miss Ella Price, who lives with ber brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Win field Price, at Cedar Grove, was found unconscious on the front porch of their bome, with ber clothes partly torn off, ber balr disarranged and bruises on her throat, made by an assailant for whom the police are looking No one was in the house when she was attacked A passing milkman saw Miss Price lying on the porch and, procuring assistance, carried ber to a bouse dear by, where after restoratives had been adminis tered she regained consclousness * Chaflee Was Acqulitied, NEW YORK, Oct 25 — After having pleaded guiity In a police court to the charge of burglary a few months ago Ernest B. Chaffee, a relative of Major Gegeral Adna R Chaffee, U S. A, and a graduate of Harvard, was acquitted by a jury io general sessions. Chaffee was charged with burglariously euter- ing the apartment of Albert H. Cross on the floor below bis rooms Chaffee io bls own defense sald be Lad forgot ten his key and started to climb the fre escape to bis apartment. He en tered the Cross rooms by wistake, be said. - Woman's Headless Body Found. YONKERS, N.Y. Oct. ~The head less body of a woman badly decompos ed was found last night in the Broun: Tiver pear the New York city line. The body was clad In coarse underwear and the ragged remains of a heavy winter jacket, and on one foot was a rubbet overshoe. A wedding ring Lore the Initials “C. LL." The police think that the body, which had evidently been In the water for several weeks, was car- ried dowustream by recent S8oods. The absence of the head was attributed to the action of decomposition 25 Policeman and Crook Hit ia Duel. GENEVA, N.Y, Oct. 20 - Two shots were fired at Policéman MeNlerney while be was attempting to arrest a man suspected of robbery In Corning The man then rau, but was pursued by McNierney, who brought him down with a shot in the back. The prisoner refused to give bis mame McNierney was slightly wounded in the face by one of the shots Cesar Pardoned Japanese Prisoners. ST. PETERSBURG, Oa The emperor has pardoned all the Japanese prisoners who on account of iufrac tions of the rules or attacks on the guards and other officers were sen tenced to lmprisonment in order that they may secompany thelr comrades to Japan - -t Loubet's Vialt to Alfonse. MADRID. Oct, M Loubet at tended a brilliant military review here last evening and gave a hanguet to King Alfonso at the French embassy. A bullfight which had been arranged In honor of the president did not fake piace owing to rain a -t = SIDNEY C. LOVE. Amaganseit Sinkes at Jamaica Won by Faverite. NEW YORK. Oct 25 — Sidney Love, the heavily played favorite at 11 to 10, easily stakes at Jamaica. Monet was the pacemaker to the stretch, where Wiley let Sidney C. Love down and, taking the lead, won by one lenzth from Mo net, who was four lengths before Ga mara. Two favorites wou Summaries First Race —Water Dog, first: lo- quisitor, second; Hector, third Second Race —Sunray, first: second: Flamminla, thind Third Race —lLeonora W evoleat, second; Montane, third Fourth Race. — Sidney C. Love, first, Monet, second; Gawara, thind, Fifth Race —<dippocrates, first: bel Richardson, secoml: Banker, Sixth Race. —Meddling Daisy Swell Girl Duenna, third Wyeth, first: Be Ma third farst seco; Hart Will Fight Kauffman. LOUISVILLE, Ky, Oct. 25. Marvin Hart, the champion heavyweight pugll Ist, bas accepted the offer of the Colma club of San Francisco for a match with Al Kauffman The club's offer. made through Billy Roche, calls for an un Hmited round fight for a purse of $15 000. The offer is contingent on Kauf man winning from Jack O'Brien io San Francisco, Racing at Charter Oak Park. HARTFORD, Coun, Oct. 25. — There was a fair sized attendance at the first regular race meeting over the half mile track at Charter Oak park. The feature of the sport was the fast going of Har ry L. Iu the final Leat of the 2:10 pace He covered the tinal baif mile in 101% and the mile in 2.09, Gold Enamel at Latonia, CINCINNATI, O, Uct. 25 Four fa vorites won at Latonin. Gold Euamel wou the fourth event at a mile, the fea ture of the cand, from Dr Wang, with Azelipa, the favorite, thinl. Topie, an outsider, easily won the third event from Delagoa, the heavily played fu vorite Essex Maid at Nashua. NASHUA, NX. H, Oct. 5 harness meeting which opeucd Nashua track was largely Essex Maid easily won the 2:17 ting race, the only tolshed event A light at the attended trot- MILLIONAIRE CLUBMAN KILLED. B. FP. Clyde Mangied by Pennsylvania Train at Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA, Oct 23. — Losing bis balance as be was about to board a westbound train which was approach ing the Fifty-second street station of the Pennsylvania railroad, B Frank Clyde, vice president of the William P Clyde Steamship company aud wmiilion alre clubman, was dragged under the wheels of the locomotive and (nstaoyy killed His body was terribly mangled, and bis face was crushed besoud recogul tion, Identification being made by weans of a tailor’s label ou the clothing bearing Mr. Clyde's name While the unfortunate man’s body was Lelng ex tricated frown the forward truck of the car under which it bad been wedged Mrs Clyde, unaware of the tragic end Ing of her husband's life. passed the scene of the accident on a train coming to this city from Bryn Mawr, a suburb where Mr. Clyde was bound when he met bis death Eva Booth on “Bridging the Gulf." CANTON, 0. Oct. 25. — Miss Eva Booth, commander of the Salvat Ar my In the United States, spoke to a large audience at the Auditorium ip this city last night on “Bridging the Guilt” During the day Miss Booth called on Mrs McKinley and bad a talk of fifteen minutes with her. She was presented with a pair of slippers oi\le by Mrs McKinley and a photo gruph of the late president and Mrs McKinley. Miss Booth was given per mission to enter the McKinley vault at Westlawn cemetery snd placed a wreath on the late president's biler Embeszler Eckland May Go Free ST. PAUL, Miun, Oct. 25 — Peter Eckland, in jall in London on his own confession that be embezzied $11,000 while secretary of the Clay County Land company, may go free because of the refusal of bis victims to prose cute him. United States Secretary of State Elihu Root telegraphed Governor Johnson on information from the Lon don embassy asking If his extradition was desired, but the Clay county au thorities answered that oo complaint bad been made uor lis arrest asked for, Phelps-Stokes Boys tireat Island. STAMFORD, Oct, 25 Great Island, in the sound, off Wallack's pound, near Shippan point, has been sold to J G. Phelps Stokes of New York It is presumed that Mr Stokes will erect a summer home there, The Island is a mile from the sumer home of Anson Phelps Stokes nt Collenders point aud comprises about three and a baif acres of land Cann, Worked Ring With Forged Badges. NEW YORK, Oct 25 After pursuit by a score of detectives nnd a hard fight T. O Moore, who said be lived In Albany, was arrested in the betting ring at the Jamaica track here charged with collecting bets from bookmakers on forged badges He ls said to have recently collected more than $1,000 by this device Snichde Chose Midocean. NEW YORK, Oct. 25 - David Craw- ford chose midocean as the plaee to Sha suleide and hanged himself beam of ‘the M ROOSEVELTS TOUR. Visits Tuskegee, Montgomery, Birmingham and Memphis. AT BOOKER WASHINGTON'S COLLEGE) Welcomed Under Beautiful Arches Bullt of Cotton—Address to Colored Students—~Duly of Negro and White Man Laid Down. MEMPHIS, Tenn, dent Roosevelt arrives] Liens ull Lis tour of the south He bad spent the night in his special car ing left Birmingham ug The whole city lent itself to the ception of President Roosevelt during! bis stay. There al decoration | of all the streets along the route of the presidential party President Foose ous day in [a where those Oct. 25 Presi taxfay his train bay Ala fast evel re Was gent velit pat a strenu- Alabama Ly visits to Tu Montgomery and Birm ngham, bis reception, in keeping with given him all through the south, was hearty and soul stirring His day began with visits to the [uskegee Nor mal and Industrial institute aud to the Methodist Female college Tuskegee was beautifully decorated, & feature being arches Lullt upon bales “Ke BOOKER T. WASHINGTON of cotton. The platform fro the president spoke wus ini cotton worth £30000 sud bales The president was met at his by Mayor O. 8. Lewis aud others, escorted by state militia, hie was en to the Alabama Conference college, which represented a southern scene Cotton bad trapsplanted lu Jong rows, and old negroes with cotton pickers’ sacks on their shoulders were picking the staple from the plants Several bas kets of cotton were scattered about the field. The president's address bere was short, and be departed for Tuskegee Normal and Industrial school At the fostitute Mr. Roosevelt received by Booker T Washington and the lustitute's trustees and faculty From a stand in front of the office bullding he viewed an educational and industrial parade, upon the preparation of which students and faculty bave been at work for weeks. Behind the institute band came 150 students young men and young women. all in uniform. Then came sixty one oats, representing various work in the schoo! Mr. Washington introduced the presi. dent in the chapel, where the students sang plantation melodies Mr Roose velt's visit, Le sald, “Lrings to the heart of every man and woman of our race in this country a degree of en couragement and inspiration which it Is fmpossible for any American citizen not of our race fully to appreciate” The president sald in part “To the white population to the Llack it is of the tance that the make himself a citiz type of usefulness Within the last twenty years ludustrial operations of the south have tremen dously that there Is a scarcity of labor almost everywhere, so that it is the part of wisdom for all who wish pros perity to the south to help the to become in the ful bimself and community in which he "Your 1000 students being educated in head also trained to lndustr from the beginning Tuskegee ed especial emphasis the train ing of wen and women In ng tre mechaules and household duties Tr og in these three fundamental dire tions does not all that the negro or any other race needs but it does cover in a very Zree the field in which the it present do inost for himself wt help ful to his white neighbors “In the interest of ham tive and of self protection every white man in America, matter where Re lives, should try to help the negro help lalmself It is in the ind for the protection of the white man to see that the negro Is educated It is pot ouly the duty of the white man, but it Is to his Interest to see that the Is protected In property, In life and In all his legal! rights” The trip was unmarkel by clal incident at Wir where, at the corner of Fifth avenue and Twentieth street, an intoxicated man In bis excitement dropped a pistol from his pocket on the pavement. The president saw the incident and called the attention of officers to the man, who was Immediately arrested. The res! a tain atid in: Birn 1} which from Sinal train aud, driv Female typical been two . was phases of as well as utinost hinpor- negro be encouraged to en of the Lighest increased so negro Lighest degree use tu therefore to the lives are not atid hiert Hl etficiency only but for Linas place npron Ath embrace large oe Begro can and be mn nity. of jus Lia interest negro ny spe save ugham, “ALL THE NEWS THA FIT TO PRINT" PRICE ONE CENT ress of welcome at the station, and unmediately afterward the party tered carriages and began the to Capitol park The ovation to the president was con. tinuous and he lus carriage the whole way acknowledging it cn tsarch i MONDAY, OCT. 30, | A preity incident of the i Sale march was when the president asked the name of the lady riding at the side Missa Sammie Harris was sponsor for Troop D of the local cavalry organizations Ihe pres) dent was utroduced to her by Mayor Ward, and as he reached over to shake ber hand be crowded the ma Ex cusing himself, said, “1 I run over a to shake Lands With a lady AL Capitol park thousands of electri enters] the Rufus N mingham dent on Leha wings At Mout welcomed on will devote this week to the f Dress Goods and Silks mak- MR. W.E. NANKEVILLE 10g special prices on many of the ANNOUNCES : THE NEVER CEASING fae EVER & Bock Dress Goods all wool, 45¢c. HUMAN al wo, fe : 2 'Panzmas 55 in. all wool, 80e, HEAR I S ~ Fj) tian 54 in. all wool R5¢. n. all wool, 45¢. An ldolized Story of Life in oll woul, (ide the Kansas Hills. at the close one yor s 40 in 16 in hie woth man any tine under the lights if] glamour of the party (;eneral of the Bir omied the presi citizens of Bir | speakers’ st Hlxles News If of the wlitor Wels 38 in. all wool, president behalf of the city Congressman Wiley Governor deliversdd the address of wel the state and introduced the president The president spoke briefly He ex pressed appreciation of the hearty wel come, especially since it came from the | first capital of the Confederacy He touched upon the bullding of the isth mian canal and what it meant to the people of the south. The tiou was also taken up by dent, and he sald it country's important ex ed “1 shall not keep you longer Just say once more that, gonuery the was | hy ‘ 1G lw PRESENTED WITH A in. all woul, Carefully Chosen Company Jelks ome for 16 in. all wool, m Serge 52 2 in. all wool, Superb Sosnic. Sensations Marvelous Mechanical Magnitude. | Prices—25, 35 and 50 cents, Ie | nrietlas add | COAL COAL COAL —— Golored Dress Goods Let mi J. VW. BISHOP Mohairs, though I came | into this state, I hope, a good American and proud of wy country, | shall leave this state just a little better Ame rican amd a little bit prouder of my try." There is as much difference in the quality of coal as there i: | between white and yellow sugar [in a'l wool 15 We sell nothing but the celebrated Granite Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra dora ate. We also sell Bituminous and Loyalsock coal and all kinds of wood, Our specialty 5 Pdmpt service and the lowest market price. J. W. BISHOP, 103 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg Both Phones. WOOD WOOD WOOD mne 40 in. all wool, de fre pe cotton gues " pe the presi of the He de Paris, Voils, Landsdowne, ete. ele. was oue iris Flannels, coun M tnnish fects 38 in., 30a THE “PIRATES” OF THE SOUND Oue of Robber Crew, Held at Newport NEWPORT, RL, Oct. 25. Although the vet spread by the police of this city failed to cutrap in it «lies Henry A Jackson aud to be the cap tain of pirate wp Dorado there were several de velopiaents which way aid waterially to clear tery the Da move £ the shores of Narragansett bay aud Long Isiand sound The wost iwportant feature was the arrest lo Providence of Otto Steiffel who admitted to the police that he was associated with Jackson and bis com panious. Another feature of was the appearance of a Lis the harbor The eraff put cut to sea be fore the authorities sighted her, Lut it fs believed that on board the sloop were persons who lave salled on the Dorado recently Steiffel was brought liere idence last night He w Leavily mapacled and was tandeuffed to Dep uty Sheriffs King and Harvey. An mense crowd, hearing that Stel would be brought to this city, were at the station when the train arrived The officers quickly placed their prisouer in a police patrol wagon and started for the fall. The crowd followed aud after the prisoner had Leen locke | up the jail building war surrounded Ly curious ones Stelffel admitted to the that he had been ited son, but sald that bie person taken any part 14 in. all wool, S0e. + new blue) 46 in. all romure 44 in. all wool, mixtures 52 in. all woal, CRT . f repe A who is alld the = fen up the mys surrounding rado’s The above in all colors including ¢ most wanted shades, large line of Dress Patterns in the finer and more exclusive materials. : We are justly proud of our Dress Goods Department, showing as ex- tents no the iiterest ick sloop in larger cities We make a specialty of Dress Goods and as we buy them DIRECT FROM THE MHIS wy: Can save you money. Youare invited to inspect our lines whether you buy or not. Globe Warehouse, Talmadge Block, Eimer Ave. VALLEY PHONE We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT GAS BURNER which gives you better light than ten ordinary gas burners or twelve electric bulbs. Floods a large room with a beau- tiful white light. Comfortable for home, study, reading, ete. Saves the eyes, Makes stores, halls and churches look at- tractive and bright, Fits any gas burn- er. Aftera wer! 8 trial, if not satisfied your money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374} Broad St, Both Phones, Waverly. from Prov 1s in Te wuthorities with Jack Iv bad not io the ste g Steiffel said that bis work consisted of caring for the plunder and disposing of it. The other members of the b assert ed, were concerned iu the stealing The purpose in bringing Stelffel here was to have him Identify the plunder found aboard the Dorado and the yacht Bessie and tell the author was stolen. The Bessle was by the thieves Stelffel said | that the thefts occurred atl alo Island sound and the gansctt bay Assoc Keep Strong Always. Make every atom of vour vitality count. Build new tissues be=- fore the old give way, You can do this by taking a wine glassful of Stegmaiers’ MALT EXTRACT before each meal and upon retiring, Stegmaiers' Malt Ex tract is not an exper- iment, as it was en- dorsed by the physi- cians attending the state medical conven- tion held Sep. 20, 1900 and again by them at their convention held Sep. 26, 1905, If your druggist doesn’t keep. it order direct from us. Both Phones. Stegmaiers’ Brewing Company. SAYRE, - aud, he ities where It nlso used st night vg Long I ¥ Naor ({ South Main Street, Athens, SLOTes HATH ready to repair shoes in the beat manner and at the lowest price, Bri your shoes to the “Shoe Hospital.” Shop open sveaiage from 7 to 8. All Male Students Suspended NEW YORK, Oct. 25-4} minle students of the Natlonal Aq dey of Design have Leen temporarily suspend. | ed, nnd the wowen students alone were at work in the art school . The suspen | sion Is due to au act of last Saturday, | when bright vermilion was smeared | from a tube on the walls of the wen a washrooms. The school tive be Best of Everything Lockhart St. Mum lng unable to find the guilty person | all the male students pratishied | One hundred apd fifty wale students) fron fourteen to thirty years of bave f worl ane ge | Leen thrown out o Plague Situation at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 25 - For the] first time in death from yellow recordel hi Both victims were young o bite seven davs two fever Sayre. re re girls aged fourteen aud the other One of the ue ‘ om Is that of a son of Dr Maxim who himself had the fever twa ago Dr Landry C. J. CAR for the marine hospital ser eee GONTRAGTOR 25 While her mother Was Wing Tn the nex AND BUILDER |LEWiGH AND SCRA room Florence Merriman \ seven: next) mouth old baby, fell out of her high! REAL ESTATE teath her neck chalr and strangled to becoming entangled in same netting | to ie CARY BLOCK SAYRE. | ’ . which was used ber lo | i fight of her dead child rendered Mrs Wholesaler of one gee sixteen years Iadry notths was medical expert Mother Went MERIDEN, « Was tie Merriman insane Orders can be left at at West Sayre D | Store, both phones; or at the Erie yards at Sayre, Valley Phone 37m. COLEMAN MSSLEL Strikers Wonld Stop Malle, | SERRE AND ALES pi Bat Cia Concord LJUES Are os nie 40d th zo Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. Plans and Betimates F Georgia Hemoves Quarantine ATLANTA Ga, Oct. 2° lhe state board of health has remove | All quarantine restrictions, and it probable that flual throws E open the state to ts will taken today decides! to is) action ill pola
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