7 REESER, KESSLER WIELAND Co. SAYRE, PA. REZ \ SK ne i DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. nd 696 pe SE NU, Its achievements in “yb Gents’ Furnishings A heavy all wool boys’ sweater. The honey comb and pineapple knit. In colors, red, white $1 00 . Value 81.50 Men's heavy black swealers, Value 115 Men's outing flannel night shirta with sar 48cC New lot of wide style four-in-hand ties, Special Embroidery Sale Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 23 and 24 - 4c Special Fur Announcement November 3 and 4 we will have a special represent We have 25 patterns from 3 Valae 10¢ to 12¢, to 7 in. wide Spe ial for two davs DET $1.50. 39c alive § ings books at little with far coats, Qur ow id pocket All the newest things are Sut should they be necessary Ladiea suits in bom brown and « and Venitian cloth, at 81475 short, others three-quarter coats, with fitted and semi fitted hacks Ladies’ black coats at 25.37 to 232.050, tan, caster, Llae, alterations [res sppetent =pHRius=, to 23250. Ladies’ covert, oF more styles prevail pockets mived tweeds and bomespuns have verticle, nearly all velvet Ladies’ ripple plush prices from $14.87 to $27.50. Misses Sipe coats in all shades and : 33.97 to Children s coats, an unlined. £15.60 afray « that mu At prices from $2.20 to 88 3 full ne W to 827.67. and materials, bended I adie and misses Fain cots kinds. §&7 Ladies’ fur lined co w line; ats in black and We have them in stock LIGHT AS A FEATHER and hence comfortable to the palate, gums and the whole new style plates of needed teeth we fit to your face Yes, to your face, for the outside of check as well if natural looks Get our 1deas and you'll want our work mouth are the as the inside be retained Then be considered are to prices Morning. DR. DAVIS, WAVERLY, . - N.Y. We STILLWELL which gives you better light than ten ordinary gas burners or twelve electric bulbs. Floods a large room with a beau- tifal white light. Comfortable for home, study, reading, etc. Saves the eyes Makes stores, halls and churches look at- tractive and bright, Pits any gas burn er. After a week's trial, if not satisfied your money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374} Broad St, Both Phones, Waverly. C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. Sayre. orney-at-Law “Roary Pub anks filled + and take measures cial pieces may bw , mink, Isabella fox, anting. col- It two will bring a great and we invite vol to come, { N.Y.and Pa ye es At from 217 +N HA to 7) SR SATURDAY, OCT. 21, Matinee and Night. Fred Raymond's Famous Comedy The Missouri Girl Jiwn) Long Laughs Ps silive iy Greatest Faun Event of the Season the All Dp ial Ned Scenery First Class wulities A Great Cast In luding MISS SADIE RAYMOND 2 “Daisy : FRANK F. FARRELL as “Zeke.” Night Pric and 50¢ 10 and 25¢ ar a" ud wid DRS. WILLIAMS & LEWIS DENTISTS Teeth Extracted ‘Without Pain. Vitalized Air Our prices are the lowest, workmanship and ma- terials considered. Hours: R:30 to 12; 1 to 5:30; 7 to 8, Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. TIEITAIL | HERD. Mrs. Bion Heath has returned to’ New Orleans. Mrs. PE E. Decker has returned from Mansfeld. C. T. Bennett has returned his home in Nichols. to Miss Frances Meyer went to Galeton today to visit friends. CW English is moving from New Albany to Willow street. Mrs. Bert Rowe went to Milan this morning to spend Sunday. The N. P. L entertainment was well attended and much enjoyed. Reliable shoes, no trash, at H. Sattler’s. For fine, up-to-date millinery go to Miss Kaufman, Athens Comrade D. I. Fields of Sayre inspected Perkins Post, G. A. R,, this afternoon. Mrs. Fred W. ‘Stacy “and child | arc visiting her parents in Towan- | da over Sunday. 137-3 Miss Josephine Gore went to Sheshequin today to spend Sunday with her parents. « Abazinah French of Sheshequin attended Post this afternoon, Mrs. James Morrow has gone to Washingtonville to visit her moth- er, Mrs. Mary Kelley. Mrs. Henry Alderson and Mrs “liza Crans are spending the day with Towanda friends. Mrs. Henry Loomis of Milan, who has been the guest of Mrs. Bert Rowe, this morning. returned to her home 0. L and wife returned this from a two weeks’ trip to Washington, and New York Haverly morning Philadelphia Eliza Crans will return to Fla, next weck, her daughter, Mrs. EK Mrs St. Augustine, where Barrett, Mrs. C. S. Maurice and daughter ave a reception this afternoon in of Mrs. Louisa Comstock and Miss Sarah Comstock resides Font > . M. Tozer and wife of Ricketts bes been guests of the former's father, Ira Tozer, for some time, returning home this morning. H. O. Dorman of Corning was in town today lcoking after his interests, He is not brick yard ready to begin operations yet. C. E. McKinney and wife went to Geneva this morning to visit their son, and from there they will oo to Auburn for a two weeks’ stay, Samuel Hensinger and bride, been spending their honeymoon with her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Mulligan, returned to Overton today. Ta Comrade Walter C. Salsman of Golden Hill, Pa, who has been| visiting his son, Warren Salsman, of Welles avenue, returned home this morning. The box social at G. A. R. hall last evening was a very enjoyable affair. Music was rendered by the Patriotic Glee club, and at the con- clusion of the program a sumptu- ous spread was served. who have Athens Churches Regular Sunday services at the Universalist church Usual services at the Episcopal church. Evening service at 7:30. Subject at morning service, Pres- byterian church: “Christian Faith, fulness.” d at the Baptist Other ee vk No preaching church tomorrow. as usual. There will be carly mass at the Catholic church at 8 o'clock, high mass at 10 and Sunday school at 2 Rev. Dr. Simpson's subject or the morning service at the M. E church will be “Salvation Is [llum- | Haation;” the evening theme, “Man | Athens—The old tree on Ferry Ried that has stood as a sentinel o the W. O. Robinson house has Host onc half its glory. Yesterday's gale parted the trunk in the middle and one half of it fell into the street. The writer has witnessed the growth of this tree from a sap ran the rafts of lumber down the from tidewater and used this sap stuck into the ground when he | grew. Purchased Livery Business Athens—]. H. Bidlack has pur- chased the W. IH. Shaw livery and || boarding stables on Herrick street and will take possession Monday. class place and he solicits a share of your patronage. Prince of Wales at Genoa. GENOA, Oct. 21 The Prince and ife Jotirueying {to India for a six mouths tour, arrived here aud went on board the Rritish | battleshi p Renown A most cordial telegraphed They were given ih prinse Risg Victor Emmanuel, Lomds of friendship unit ing the British and Italian royal fami {Hes and their respective on he princess alse sent ad Frit = Helena, The poiooe sod por % en the Renown this morn reception recalling the Hitries= i 19 Oh J.» Bank gr. i Passaic iN PASSA of Ntate Bank Exar the bank of M ily private banker in the ts cifices here ans fhe examine fia lire ef 3-1 : ’ iI Lujanavits ee the wi i which be wanid 0] fo MM) ceils 5 1 Baner's « Instant ( ough Cure has cured more Coughs and Colds than any remedy Known It instant- Iv relieves the most distressing cough and iz guaranteed to cure Bronchitis and Asthma Bauer's Cough Cure always give satisfaction as Mr. D Greenman, druggist of New Harmony, Pa. says “Your remedies have giv en the very best satisfac who have used them Bauer's Instant tion to all and especially Cough Cure I Jock for larger them in the fu- {ure I do not want to be out of any of them and will order before my stock runs down too low.” Get a free sample and prove what it will do for you H. L. Gillesp'e and Child, Waltman & Young, Sayre ale on SE Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at B o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. In time for connections for west. ern points. This is via Lehigh Valley, Michigan Central or Lake Shore Rail- roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from Buffalo. Best services and equipment finest roadbed —unexcellad dining cars. ————— lp —— When the Children Need a laxative, have colds, fever, or any of the many little ills that beset childhood, give te aspoonful occasionally will Keep their bowels healthy and regular. It will ward off more serious diseases and will be found invaluable as a children's medicine Bauer's Syrup of Prunes is the best of all family medicines It will positively cure Constipation, impure blood, headache and skin eruptions. Get a free sam- ple bottle and try it tonight. H. L Glllesple and Child, Waltman & Young, Sayre. IT’S Health and hap- If | piness are what you | il most desire in life v and you can't enjoy, either fully in a house which does™ § not contain an up-2 '§ to-date bath-room. § Now we do Plum- bing and do it well. If you engage us, to fit up a bath-! room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for a and that is, that A: we you didn't have it” done sooner. { pi | Plumbing, Heating and Tianing 3 R. TALMADGE, Elmer Ave. C. 4 Kitcuin, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. | ie 1 b po A ia H £5 WILLIAMS SHOES Our Furs range in to an bor Question from point. Ladies. & the Working Class ,§~od- o the COAL LL. COAL COAL L J. W. BISHOP ‘the quality of coal as there is] between white and yellow sugar. We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- cite. We also sell Bituminous and wood. Our specialty is prompt service nd the lowest market price. J. W. BISHOP, [103 Lehigh Ave., Lockhart Bldg. | Both Phones. w OOD WOOD WOOD “Shoe Hospital” JAMES SMITH 1s still at his old stand, 604 § Bouth Main Street, Athens, 1 ready to repair shoes in the best manner and at the lowest § price, Bring your shoes to the “Shoe Hospital.” Bhop open rs from 7 to 8, LH. NUR RAY, M.D. SPECIALTIES: Throat, and the Pro; Pitting of Glass- | 78; Sundays by Wheelock Block. COAL | At the Lowest Possible Prices. Orders can be left at West Sayre Store, both phones; or at the Erie yards at Sayre, Valley Phone 27m. COLEMAN HASSLER, Contractor and Builder 103 Lincoln St. Sayre, Pa. H. L. TOWNER, MN. D. Specialties. | Diseases of Women and of the Hours—7tofam,1to8,7to8 p.m. OFFICE—-SAMUERLS BLOCK. i Office, Rooms 3 and 4 £ Valley Phone at office and residence. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. * 10% Siedugn Bs BYP | Girls C. Annabel, ATTORNEY AND COUNSLOR' AT LA |332 Broad St., Waverly, N Mu i i -
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