a as e invite a careful inspection of pew line outside fabric, lining, d most important of all, the new ‘concave shoulders and perfect fitting The new cut shows the only Frunt ever made that will not we tee it to be right ~ We can show you a lot more about our clothing that vou will find in no other make; besides, it dont cost missed something. “Come in and Maney & Page SAYRE ATHENS Are Thirsty and feel the eed « t a dainty, The Valley Record at a SATU RDAY, OCTOBER 1, , 1905. LOCAL BREVITIES mis tonight. Get a Tabard Inn book at Gil- 4 drug store, Lockhart street. The Sayre borough council will hold a special meeting in the municipal edifice this evening. Regular services at the ME church tomorrow. Preaching morn- ing and evening by the pastor. One of the most laugh produc- ing comedies of the season, “The Missouri Girl” at the Loomis to- night. Not cents but dollars you can save buying clothing and shoes at H. Sattler's. —— et Communion service at 2: 141-2 30 and each evening during the week at Milltown Chapel. Rev. E. C. Petrie will begin a series of talks on “The Life of Jo- The morning theme at the Bap- Glory.” Miss Fancher and Miss Peckens will render solos. The L. C. B. A. will hold 3 pro- gressive euchre party in the P.O. S.of A. hall, Tuesday, Oct. 24 ident. 139-3 Have you scen the new fur It is high grade, intend to purchase or not. Wil H. S. Gregg of Waverly is tak- his brother-in-law, J. H. Murrelle {is condition is improving rapidly and he intends to spend a week ‘with friends in Pittston before duties at the returning to his ‘Racket store. A number of the members of the op club gave a smoker in H. E. Cunningham last oe Coho IN APPRECIATION I. I.. Cunningham, city f The Valley Record first reigned the left thus alte | Montpelier, Vt, ISsuc, today and where he The Movanho gymnasium was filed with a merry crowd of dan- |cers last cvening. The mysteries |of the Terpsichorcan mazes were [traced and retraced to the lively music of the Packer band the cven- ling long, and everybody was hap py. Several suggested that such {enjoyable occasions should be al- lowed to come more frequently land the | week dances be given cvery he Tablets! Colds, Head- Guaranteed to Bauer's Laxyne Quinine The best remedy for whe and Grippe cure or money refunded Price 25 j cents H. L. Gillesple and Child { Waltman & Young, Sayre | Evening Argus. Mr tham’s home is in Burlington, Vt, forty miles from Montpelier, and ithe new arrangement nearer his people, | more brings him besides attractive professionally, ! Mr. Cunningham came from the ioral department of the Brook- {lyn Citizen to The Record before even the first issue of this paper | appeared. He entered heart and {soul into the task that lay before -{him, and labored constantly and _|faithfally for this publication ever |since. We are frank to say that a {considerable measure of the suc- {cess that The Record has achieved which are lis due to his cfforts, {deeply appreciated and will be gratefully remembered In addition to most satisfactory business relations, a bond of friend ship has been established between the departing editor and the pub lisher that was particularly firm and that will be abiding, though distance intervene. Mr. Cunning- ham's friends were not confined to his co-workers in the office by by a good deal. Wherever his duties called him his pleasant per- sonality and high standard of integrity won the hearts of all, and socially he was thoroughly well liked. A great many Sayre people are truly sorry to have him leave this town, but it is the wish of all his friends here that he may be eminently successful in his field of labor. new Since it takes a good man to fll the editorial chair of even a small daily newspaper, the choice of a successor to Mr. Cunningham was a matter of considerable moment to the publisher of The Record At an opportune time it was ascer- tained that W. T. Carey, who for the past eighteen months has been the editor of the Sayre Times, would be at liberty, and an ar- rangement was accordingly made whereby he takes up the editorial pen of The Record next Monday morning, October 23 Mr. Carey has demonstrated his ability as a newspaper often and so effectually man so that ex WILBUR HOOKS’ FAIR The Wilbur Hooks good crowd last night band furnished the music Boys’ band of Waverly engaged for the grand finale this evening. All the goods will be sold out tomght, and fair drew a The has been the auction will furmsh fun for fair frequenter 2 The managers of the fair stated this morning that they will have accomplished the object for which they enough money to WCIc working and rarsed relieve the com. pany from its indebtedness when all the tonight procecds arc counted up They are to be « ulated on their success ongrat- bargains. Sale began last Friday, October 13, for 9 days. Just figure out how many more days you have left. SZ =) 5h Even in sight of Thee ENTE 10 GOOD REWARD Robert DeGroff is entit- | Is It Hard For You To Forget That You Have Rheumatism? Try and Remember that Ath-lo-pho-ros and our Frce HOME TREATMENT Will Cure and that H. LL GILLESPII bas it for sale and = a os % s for cur Lreslmenl THE ATHLOPHOROS COMPANY, Nw Haven, Conn. Officer ed to the standing reward offered by the goverument for the arrest and conviction of postoffice rob- bers, for his 8 od work in arrest King for the Camp The reward and may be di- ing Edward town burglary amounts to £130, vided between Mr. Detective wanda, as the de a of Ready for Business DeGroft and Hollon of To latter did a great Having refitted the uch r ic! » Cards For Sale. The Valley Record has In stock the following card signs: Guy C. billiard, pool and ns recently leased of FS Woi- For Rent tt, I am now prepared to serve all cus For Sale ee mers in a satisfactory manner. My ate Offic specialty is quick lunches of all kinds ee AR Do Not Ask for Credit - Your patropage solicited. Oysters and ositively No Admittance The Teg meeting clams in season. Try a cup of oar new Furnished Rooms Mo club will be held Mor Tee, 8. BUTLER, Boarding f Lh oily Op. First Nat'l Bank, Broad St, == 107-1m work in collecting evider in the case ———— —————— Waverly. A 'vertice in The Record wg er i DEAE SRL 0 Greater) We are demoralizing competition and delighting the the swarms of people who have attended this sale our have passed. WAIT NOT October the first How Friday, was day. many ill be a thing of the past and remorse will attack those more days will be leftfor you to grasp this opportunity ? TARRY NOT COME NOW tended comment in that connection | would be out of place here. He and the publisher of this paper have known cach other for the last dozen years, consequently it is natural that their friendship should | broaden into the relation | which Mr. Carey's acceptance of | his new position entails, Mr. Carey comes to The Record fecling that its friends will extend to him the same courtesies they bestowed upon his predecessor and, also, that Mr, Carey's friends —the people to whom he has ex tended courtesies—will continue to give him their full confidences. closer A CHANCE 10 READ The Tabard Inn Library the reader the chance to possess an unlimited supply 0 of books without Mens Suits and Overcoats. A Fine Suit ot Men's Clothes, all to Match, $2.98 This Sait is positively worth 210,00 or your money refunded at any time during this sale $3.98 Y refunded $4.98 this A fine suit of Men's Clothes, all to This sait is positively worth 8311.50, or your mon at any time during this sale, mateh Men's fine suits in cheviots and Scotch plaids Worth $15.00 or your money refunded at any time gale if yon are not satisfied, Men's Splendid Saits in Velour finished Cassis all sizes during "$5.85 This Is positively worth $15.00 or your money back At $0.98 each, you are free to choose a Sait or Overcoat, worth 82250 to 825.00, from 20 lots of as finely slegantly finished Suits and Overceoats as the most fas. tidious dresser could desire, fine and* foreign suit- ings and overcoatings of style and tone, and in variety of eflects tailored into garments of fanitless fashion —kersey, melton and whipe ord overcoats, hlack, blae, brown, tan and drab diagonal, che homespan, tweed and cassiniere tof theworld's and double hreasted celebrated looms and the world's most skiillfal tatlors They equal and are 2 Plan to excel any 240.00 tailor made-to-order garment in the world, or we will cheerfully refund your money, made and as home y great At £12.08 and $14.55 these represent the prodac Men's exten fine dress suits, in all the Latest styles ar heavy silk and satin lined, equal to the 12. 48 finest $40.00 tailor made-to-order suit for Don't fail to ask to see this suit Ladies suits, cloaks and furs at prices you never dreamed of and thousands of other articles too numerous to mention, Fall---OVERCOATS Winter RICH IN STYLE. HIGHEST QUALITY. do gas black or £10.00, A fine long Overcoat At oxford frieze overcoat, it and trimmed with the best materials, $2.08 in good «!l worth in all popular shades, worth $4. 9s IR AE ’ STK ¢ | AON ITS L . ' | MORE DAY OF H. A. KAUFMAN'S - Mammoth Sale. 4 4 } 2NITOIINTS ne rd # , 5 ’ 5 Fine Kersey and Melton Overconts, in 1H wood, with extra fine Hnings, positively svort <1 5.00) $6.98 BOO overcoats te pick ind ch se from in fan 213.08, oy and plain ma tey als, from 7 is to worth fr {0.04 ¢ ~1 iM AM) ens averes « made hy the f i «ws Ha Shaffuer & Mark Alfesd Benga of New York, The Ki vi th i er as the | f« it ‘ Ising is ©“r beavers eitons | spins, fa \ AOS, pr LIN from 215 to 250.04. These prices are cut 50 cents on the dollar . rh ~t ) ~t1 RUBBERS it 50 cents on the dollar, $1.78 Rubber boots and rubber 8 20 Heavy Felts rabbers at Meus rable SUITS «Nt M 1st Jo at r shoes, made by the All Amerl- aud sell the world 5 ind will go at 1.7 res, worsted and plain colors, wen Just think of 77c regular price 3$5¢ Sc . 4c -19¢ (150 to $250 at £9C minde i” ha) Newt style $2 19 tens at por pr hand «ilk at AT STREET,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers