a cr OEE RRR ARE A RE Flannel Shirts — You wan! fo sec the grey ones we are sclling at $1.00. Better ones up fe $2.50. Hats and NATIONAL RST BANK OF SAYRE GENERAL BANKING 'E PERCENT INTEREST DIRRCTORS J. NX. Weaver, J]. W. Bishop, WwW. T. Goodnow, For male in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. AL ETT: scciaent INSURANCE py Bought, Sold and —Bxchanged — Loans Negotiated HIT Packer Ave. Sayre, Pa. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Negotiated, Insurance , Houses Rented, Rents , Taxes Paid. PEPTONIZED THE{GOODIKIND jon easy and complete; re- sults show immediately. = left here for D. L. & W. Eo ptly attended to by Murray, South F Waverly, pof of its superiori- ‘It is always the perfectly brew- scientifically bot- kl, absolutely pure. y drink inferior when you ean Stegmaier’s for LODGE AT BOSTON. Banquet of Republican Club of Massachusetts. MEN AND MEASURES WAS HIS THEME “We Propose to Make Good Laws Sill] Better,” Sald Guild—-Senateor Scored Corporation Grafters' Work Iu Legislatures, BUSTON, Oct. 20—0ratory and en- thuslasmy were uppermost at the annu al dinner of the Republican chub of Massachusetts, beld in Sywphouy-hall The privcipal speaker have been Charles J. Bonaparte, secretary of the navy, but be was unable to come to the city on account of the death of a reiative of Mrs. Bonaparte. His place was taken Ly former Governor John I. Bates. The principal speaker of the evening was United States Senator Heury Cabot Lodge Among the guests were George von LI. Meyer, ambassador to Russia; Lieu tenant Governor Curtis Guild, Jr., can- didate for governor, and the other members of the state ticket. The first speaker, Lieutenant Gov- ernor Guild, dwelt at length upou the conditions of trade and Industry In Massachusetts, which, he declared, were lodicative of prosperity. He dwelt particularly upou the fact that Massachusetts bas always been a lead- er in the cause of a man who works with bis hands and that Massachusetts was the first state to prohibit child la- bor, the first state to regulate the ewm- ployment of women and the first state to establish factory inspection “We propose,” he said, “to make good laws still better. We propose not merely to keep the old commouwealth in the ranks, but In the front rank of the great sisterhood that is striving for prosperity and progress, for loyalty to law as well as liberty.” Men and got measures were the sub Jects of Mr. lodge's remarks. In the course of his address he spoke of the qualifications of the various candidates en the Republican ticket, It was against Mr. Draper, the candidate for lieutenant governor, the speaker point- ed out that the Democratic attack was directed I'he Democrats demanded Lis defeat solely on account of his views ou tariff. Yet those views, Mr. Lodge contended, were those of the Re- publican party. Senator Lodge asserted that it Is well for the people to realize that the defeat of any Republican candidate for the state would be a direct blow against President Roosevelt's admin. istration and the Republican suprema- ¢y in congress, He added “Public policies are very grave mat- ters, but the character of those charged by a free people with the duties of government is infinitely more serious. At this very time we see in nt least two great sintes an uprising against the use of corporate money and cor porate Influence to sectire legisiation from state or city. Fifteen years ago Massachusetts condemned such meth- ods. Is she going to reverse her judg: ment pow 7” was tu HAMLIN WANTS REVISION. Democratic Rally at Lynan-Speaker Answered Ledge. LYNN, Mass, Oct, 20 Charles 8S Hamlin at the Democratic rally in this eity severely scored Senator Lodge. Mr. Hamlin said in part: “The campaign upou whick we are entering Is far above the plane of par. tisan contention. The Industrial salva- tion of Massachusetts is at stake, and men of all parties should forget part. sanship and vote for the best lnterests of our grand old commonwealth. The preseut industrial policy which is fas tened upon us ls slowly but surely crowding Massachusetts to the wall Our merchants aod manufacturers are among the most enterprising in the world. They recognize, however, today as perhaps never before our precarious industrial situation.” Mr. Hamlin then devoted considera- ble time to a discussion of the Repub- lican state platform, of the party and of the attitude of its candidates ou the question of tariff revision. Ile referred to Senator Heury Cabot Lodge as “the high priest of Republicanism,” whose “word Is law In the Republican party” and said: “When Senator Lodge proclaims that neither he nor hiY colleagues will en- gage In any tariff revision where they have to seek Democratic assistance it is tantamount to saying that in the opinion of the Massachusetts Repub lican senators and representatives the interests of the Republican party are of greater Importance than the Inter- ests of the people of Massachusetts Buch a proclamation Is equivalent to stating that they do not desire that any relief be given to Massachusetts indus- tries. When our Republican friends want anything very badly they do not scorn Democratic support. At this very moment, when Seuator Lodge is scorn. ing Democratic assistance to secure lower taxes, the president of the Unit- ed States Is traveling through the south, appealing to southern Demo crafts to support him In his policies, against which a large fraction of the Republican party is in opposition. “The best juterssts of Massachusetts today demand the earnest, determined effort of every one of her representa: tives to secure tariff revision and free raw materials aud to Insist upon thesa ADAMS EXPRESS THIEF CAUGHT George Cunliffe Held at Hridgepon and $50,000 Heeovered, BRIDGEPORT, Conn, Oct. 20—Ed wanl George Cunliffe, the Adams ox press cmiployee who disappeared from Pittsburg with $100,000 In cash, has been arrested here. He made a confes sion and expressed his willingness te returu at once to Pittsburg He declared that the money whict be had taken was intact awd that Mi cottld be restorwd, Lut he declined te tell until his return to Pittsburg where it Is hidden. Iu bis pocket was found $23 in cash Nearly $59.000 of the plunder stolen by Edward George Cunliffe from the Adams Express company ln Pittsburg wis recovers] at the home of Cun liffe's brother-in-law, Joseph W. Board man, io Bristol, The money was in a suit seat from Bridgeport to Boardm 1 bad not been opened up to the time that Boardman's was visitesl, Boardman knew of the money being in bis honss Detectives under the Dauiel ¢'. Thornhill, the Pinkerton traced Cunliffe arrival eariy the local enlisted All the hotels were watched careful I¥, but Cunliffe was not arrested until late in the forenoon, when Le was seen by Superintendent Thornhill walking down Middle stivet Thornhill called to his ald Peolicewan Jolin O'Connell, who was a plano mov: er before he went on the force and Is the strong man of the department, and O'Connell placed the man under arrest Cunliffe made vo attempt! to deny his identity and offered po resistance “Yes, I'm Cunliffe,” he =aid in reply to the officer's questions, I guess the Jigisup™ The prisoner then promised to make no attempt to escape amd accompanied the policeman and detective to the of fice of Superintendent of Police Br. wmiogham, where he made a statement about the robbery. In the presence of Superintendent Birmingham, Detective Thornhill, Henry Curtis, the local agent of the Adams Express company, and Captain Arnold of the Bridgeport de tective force gunliffe adwitted that he had taken the woney “Five minutes after 1 took the money I was sorry.” sald the prisoner, “but It was too late then to do anything What can you expect from a man getting a salary of only $65 a month and han dling thousands of dollars a day? | was tempted, and I fell, 1 have lian dled larger sums. 1 remember once when | had $250000 in cash. 1 was templed then, but 1 thought and 1 decided to be honest, "1 want to go back to Pittsburg, re store the money and throw myself up on the mercy of the courts case house nothing direction of superintendent of agency of New York, here, and upon their in the morning the ald of pelicemen and detectives was it over, Claims American Citizenship, CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct, 20 Ghir- kis Vartapian, who claims to be a nat uralized American ¢itizen, was again sentenced to death by the clreuit court at Stambul for the murder of a proml- nent Armenian mercliant, Apik Und Jian, lo the Galats quarter of Coustan- tinople on Aug 20. Alfarian, another Armenian, who also clalms American citizenship and who Is charged with participation ln the plot to assassinate the sultan ou July 21, when a bomb was exploded as the sultan was leav- ing the wosque, kiting about forty per- sons, Was seutenced fo fifteen years’ imprisonment Wreek Near Bethayres. PHILADELI'HIA, Oct. 20. —~ Two men were Injured, one fatally, lo a freight wreck on the Philadelphia and leading railroad uear Bethayres. Joln Gughan, aged twenty four years, a brakeman, of Jersey City was so badly crushed that be will dle. II. R. Gard ner, aged thirty-nine years, of Ba youne, N, J, engineer, was crushed un- der bis engine A freight train from Jersey City to Philadelphia was wreck ed by the breaking of a journal, and another freight train crashed into the first traln. Forty cars were piled up American Powder Mille Mast Pay. BOSTON, Oct. 20. — The supreme court held lable the American Powder mills for the loss of three lives In the explosion at Tewksbury, iu which sey eral persons killed and many others injured. The decision is In fa vor of William Ouilghan, administra tor of Thomas Oullgban; of Willlam H Bent, administrator of Margaret Rigg. and of Alfred Lowrence, administrator of Charles W. Moore, and verdicts of $4.500 found lo favor of each in the su perior court were allirmed Celebration of Hudson's Discovery. ALBANY, N.Y, Oct. 20.- Governor Higgins bas appointed the following committee on the tertentennial cele bration of the discovery of the Hudson river. Robert BB. Roosevelt of New York, foriner Governors Levi P. Mor- ton, Frank SS Black, Benjamin B Odell, Jr, and David BR. HILL United States Senators Platt and Depew, for mer Lieutenant Governors Woodro@ and Shechian and Congressman Payne of Auburn were Two Indictments For Murder. OSWEGO, N. Y, Oct. 20 The grand Jury here returned Indictuents for mae. der in the second degree against Wil lard Battles, charged with causing the death of his wife, Palmeda Battles, at Seriba, and against Salvatore Cam- mela, charged with shooting his son- in-law, Peter Sereno, In this eity on April B last. Belgium to Reorganize Army, BRUSSELS, Oct, 20.-The Belgian 21 irfug a Blan 16% ie NOW IN DIXIE LAND President's Great Welcome to Empire of the South. OVATION GREETS NATION'S IDOL. Troops Reviewed at Atlanta—Vislted Raleigh, Greensboro, Darham and Roswell-Meets Mrs. Stone wall Jackson, ATLANTA, Ga, Oct. 20 Lusty chieers of welcome from the throats of thousands of weu, women and children greeted President Roosevelt ped from bis car train rived here The president responded by smiling, bowing and = ving his hand to his enthusiastic euce He greeted committee of citizens from (he «haanber of and beard of akdermen amd receives from the wayor in a few words the official welenige to the city > The ovation which President Roose eit received during bis journey throngh a portion of Virginia was con- tinued as he tro eled through the states of North Carviina and Georgia. He was greeted by cheering crowds at Durham, Greensboro, High Point, Lex- ington, Salisbury aud Charlotte, the demonstration iu this city being a fit ting farewell of the citizens of the old Tarheel State The president visited the fair is in progress at Raleigh. Here livered an address which dealt with the important questions of ratiroad ownership aud the organizations of cap ital aud labor. His speech was given close attention, and he frequently was loterrupted by hearty applause. He was accompanied to the fair grounds by Mr=. Roosevelt, aud she, too, was the recipient of much attention At Durham, where a stop of about ten minutes was made, the president devoted Lis remarks to the students of Tunity college, who were gutbered iff force to greet him. A flat car had been converted Into a gayly decorated stand, and from this the president spoke. He was accompanied to the stand by Lieutenant Governor Win- ston, who officiated at Raleigh owing to the absence of Qovernor Glenn caused by the death of Lis-brother, and by United States Senators Simmons aud Overman. Both of the senators are graduates of this college Of special Interest was the presi dent's visit to Roswell, the birthplace of the president's mother. Iu Atlanta the president reviewed the militia, was cutertained at luncheon and taken for a drive about the city. From Atlanta he goes to Jacksonville, Fla, spending tomorrow night and Sunday in St. Avu- gustine, Monday and Tuesday will be spent in Alabama, the first stop being Mo bile. On Tuesday the president will visit Booker T. Washington's institute at Tuskegee. Wednesday morning will sce the president at Little Rock, Ark. He will arrive In New Orleans on Thursday The president's brief stop at Salis. bury, N. C., was signalized by a moi cordial reception. Ten thousand per- sons greeted Lim. In the pariy were 1.500 school clildren bearing small American flags. A salute from the Ramsay battery, which did couspicu- ous service for the Confederacy, an- nounced the approach of the president's traln. Un'ted States Senator Over man accotnpanied the party from Ra- leigh A young wan with a huge bouquet of chrysauthemums tied with a bow of white silk ribbon to which was at- tached a small envelope which bore the words “Mrs. Roosevelt” came through the crowd at Raleigh with the bouquet above his head, and the president re- ceived the tribute with a swile and a few words of thanks. The feature of the president's visit to Charlotte was his meeting with the widow of General Stouewn!l Jackson, the great Coufederate leader Mrs Jackson lives in a stone's throw of the station. She was present as the head of a committee of ladles to recelve Mrs. Roosevelt, When the president was introduced he took Ler band and remained talklug for fully fhe min- utes. “Mrs Jackson, It Is worth the whole trip down here to have a chance to shake sour hand.” as he when the special aud his party ar &tep bearing him colnmieray which he de Cesar Procialms I'cace, ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 20.—An Im perial manifesto was issued proclaim ing the ratifiention of peace between Russia and Japan, It says: “Gol bos caused our fatherland to suffer trials from the of fute guinary war, but the struzgie has af forded manifold proofs of the Lravery and courage of our glorious troops agalust a brave and mighty enemy This war, so painful for us all, is vow ever sare blows in n san Treaty May Ne rr HAVANA, Oct. 20 Ihe British charge d'affaires has hind a lengthy In- terview with President Palma regard. ing the AngloCaban commercial trea- ty, which Is now awaiting ratification by the senate. The business men of the Island, who are Keeplug In close touch with the situation, continue fo be apprehensive that the present senate will ratify the treaty Plagae In Viekabhurg Prison, VICKSBURG, Miss, Oct. 20 Four new (avis of yellow fever and no deaths are reported here, The new cases Inclnde one In the city prison, which Is the first city institution to de- velop a case of fever, NEAR SHAKESPEARE'S TOMB. Funeral of Sir Henry frying at West. minster Abbey, LONDON, Oct. 20 ~The casket con’ taining the ashes of Sir Heary Irving was placed In Westminster abbey close to the tomb of Willlam Shake speare with Impressive ceremonies to day The casket had been taken from the residences of B \rotess Bunlett Coutts to Westiniuster abbey early yesterday, where {{ was received In the choir, and placed In the Chapel of St. Faith. The BIR HENRY IRVING. tulteral services were attended on be half of King Edward In ral Sir Dighton Macnagiten Probyn, keeper of the privy purse and extra equerry The body of Sir Henry Irving was created with great secrecy. due to the desire of the family to avoid publicity, The ashes accordance with placed first in St. Faith's chap el until the funeral ceremony today The funeral started from the residence of Naroness Hurdett Coutts in Stratton street, Piccadilly Geue were, in custom cortege ARKLIRTA AT JAMAICA. Favorite Easlly Captured Hempstead Sinkes, NEW YORK, Oct. 20 —Arklirta. the favorite, Lbncked down frow 7 to 5 to 9 to 1u, easily captured the Hempstead selling stakes, six furlongs at Jamalca The favorite led from start to finish and wou by eight lengths from Third Alarm, who was half a length before Sufliclency Quadrilie made a in the second race, when he ran six furlongs in 1:12 flat. Summaries First Race — Oak Duke, first; Kinley dale, second; Devlitree, third Second Race. —Quadrille, toon, second; Rebo, third Third Hace.~ Colonial Girl, vena, second; Graceful, third Fourth Race —Arklirta, first; Alarm, second; Sufficiency, third Fifth Race —Ismallian, first; Holly, second, Massa, third Sixth Race Alma Dufour, first; Knight, second; Sailor Boy, third new track record first; Pla first; No Third June Red Williams Holds Golf Championship. WOLLASTON, Mass, Oct. 20.—Both “he team aud Individual champlonships of the Now Fungland Intercollegiate Golf association will rest durlug the coming year with Willams college The Willlams men on Tuesday won the team event, and A. W Mitchell and E. Clapp of the same college were suc- cessful in thelr matches in the seml- fina! ronnd of the Individual contest Intercollegiate Golf Match, GARDEN CITY. N. Y., Oct. 20 Eight collegiate golfers were still In the race for the individual champlon- ship of the Intercollegiate Golf asso ciation at the close of play on the Garden City links. Of these four are from Yule. three from Princeton and one from Harvard. [Percy Gilbert Is the single gepresentative left In for Harvard Three Remain For Tenuls Finals, CAMBRIDGE, Mass, Oct. 20 of the 120 players who started in the University tenuis championship at Har vard but three romain for the finals— F. J Sulloway, N. W. Niles, the Iater- scholastic champion, and F. W How land Saw “llappyland” Before His Death. NEW YOLIK, Oct Frederick Ranken, the llbrettist and author of the book of the comic opera “Happy nnd,” now running at the Lyric thea ter in this city, IR dead here of typhoid fever He was taken HH ou the night of his new opera, when he wit nessed the presentation against the or ders of Lis physician. With Reginald De Koven he was under a contract to write a new opera each year for four years for Henry W Ihe first of them, “The Gingerbread Maun,” is now in reliearsal first Savage Delegntes Hepresent 100,000. CLEVELAND, O, Oct. Dele gates representing O00 members of the United Greek Catholic church In the United States met hore and took the first step towand petitioning Pope Pius X. for & bishop of thelr own na tonality with a view to preserving in tact the religion which forefa ther maintained In Hungary, Galicia and Austria for a thousand years thelr Police Scarching For Hogers. MIDDLETOWN, N. Y.. Oct. 20 —A large force of police and detectives 1s now engaged in the search for Charles H. Rogers of this city ed ln connection with the triple murder at the Oluey farm Mrs. Ingerick steadily continnes to Improve Strattonsville Almost Destroyed. CLARION, Pa, Oct. 20 of Strationsrille, this county, has heen almost wiped out by fire. Among the bulldl wha i= suspect Mutual Life President Again on Hughes' Rack. IN VARIOUS, SYNDICATES. PROFIT Attorney General Might Ask Hetarn of $25 000 From Mel ardy—~Writing Expert Said to Have Exam. ined Flunketit Voucher, NEW YORK, Oct. 20 Iu addition to Lis salary of $100,000 a year President Uoehard A. McCundy of the Mutual Life Insurance company testified be fore the legislative committee that he lous syndicates la which the Insurance company was interest which he aggregated profits of $25,000 in recent years. If Attorney General Mayer should adbere to Lis or as expreysed when disclosures of Equitable syndl cates were made, he may formally de- wand that Present McCandy return those profits to the lusurance company, although Mr. McCandy was very em phatic iu denying that be was ever ln a syndicate which sold securities to his own company, President McCurdy also admitted that whercas the Mutual Life Insur- ance company was getting only 2 per cent juterest for {ts deposits in the Morristown Trust company, of which Mr. MoCundy shares, Mc Curdy Limself and many other deposit ors were getting 3 per cent on all thelr deposits fu the trust company. Count ing the stock which President MeCur dy and Lis various relatives own in the trust caowpany, together with the block the Mutual owned, the MeCurdys con trolled the trust company for James Hazen Hyde, for merly vice president of the Equitable Life Assurance went to the hearing to ascertain when Mr. Hyde would Le required as a witness. [le that the committee it call Mr. Hyde before next went ed and from ginal intention owns 512 Counsel sen iety, was informed would ne Tuesday Chairman Armstrong of the commit tee said in the auntervom in discussing testimony given at the Inguiry that it was not the province of the committee to stop its labors or be sidetracked werely Lecause the testimony devel oped that a crime bad been committed “Our business” sald be, “is to luves tigate the condition and methods of life Insurance companies dolug business io this state If the testimony happens to show that a murder has been commit ted it is not our intention to chase the murderer, because the local authorities are quite competent to attend to such matters. We will follow certain test] wouy when it is a symptom of existing When it be an exponent of certaln principles aud methods of conducting the compaules we will drop that lope of testimony for the time being” Le chalrmau refused to make any coment upon the specific testimony of George Plunkett and Edgar W, Rog ers of lawrence & Co, stationers for the Mutual, relative to the signiug of Plunkett « name to the “legal voucher” for $101 15, which young Plunkett sald be never received and which voucher he discinimed as genulne Sowe significance is placed on a visit which David 8 Carvalho, the hand writing expert, paid the office of As sistant District Attorney Rand. It is sald that he was there to examine the signature on the Plunkett voucher Ae to the report, the members of the committee hind received Informa tion which lel them to believe that the signature wis a forgery conditicus ceases to conling Two Lawyers In Trouble. NEW YORK, Oct, 20 Following the exposure of an attempt to swindle the New York Clty Rallway company by fake damage sults for Injuries, two lawywrs indicted Ly the West cliester county grand jury for suborna tion of perjury. They were Alpheus S Frank aud Frank M. Hardenbrook Mr. Frank Is under arrest. The two lawyers were counsel for Mae Woods and Abbott Woods, her husband, who were sentenced to state's prison after pleading guilty to perjury Wee Trouble In the Universities, ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 20.—The death of Prince Troubetskoy and the encounter which took splace after the resulted in a at the University of Moscow oh the prinee- was rector The students refuse to attend lectures until thelr commdes who were arrested on the day of the funeral are released The situation in the University of St Petersburg also is and there work In progress funeral have suspension of work of wh serious Is no academic (Czar Changed ller Name, ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 290, — The battleship Kulaz Potewmkine, the crew of which mutinled In the harbor of Odessa Inst June has hy imperial or der been rechristensd the Pandlel mon,” after the of the Russian church in the third century aml who is looked upon by the doctors ns their patron saint fanmons warty r who dil Loomia Lenves Washington, WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Mr. Loo mis, the retiring assistant secretary of state, left for Lis in Ohio Ine hus remained bere since his retirement at the request of Secretary Root and has been In dally consnitation with Mr. Root and Mr Bacon home nequainting ness To Meet pt $0. Panl In 1900, SPRINGFIELD, HL, Oct, 20. At the session of the national encampment of the Union Veterans’ union it was de YALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT” Dress Goods An assorted lot of the new man- nish suitings, homespuns, mohairs, plaids, ete | odds and ends of several lines ranging in prices from 374e to Hive Your choice Saturday and Monday 25 Underwear ladies made for a Sk One case tleeced underwear garment. They are imperfect but if your atlen- tion was not called to it they would never be noticed We will sell these garments while they last Sat- urday 5d Monday for 33e. shghtly . * Waistings 10¢ waistings, hght and dark Japanese and staple pat terns made especially for waists and Kimonas, about 50 patterns.” Saturs d iy and M, grounds nday 8¢ Linen Toweling Another opportunity to get an 8a You know the had before, 18 in: Saturday and Monday Gc. towehng for Ge Kind, just wide is we Kimonas Our aK Monday 39 Kimonas Saturday and Other better ones. Hosiery 400 pairs of 15¢ hose, ladies’ win- ter weight, fast black. Saturday and Monday 10¢. Corsets Closing three lines of 50¢ corsels, Meteor, Graceful and 7890. Satur- day and Monday 29¢ We have a new corset with sup- por ers as good as any 75¢ corset we have ever seen that we sell for 50c. Our regular lines must go to make room for the newest and best Blankets : A 10-4 cotton blanket sold every- where from 45 to 50c. Saturday and Monday 39. Others in 11-4 and 12-4, both gray and white up to $1.50. Wool blankets in gray and white up to $7.50 the pair. It costs you nothing to see our blankets. Ask to be shown them. Globe Warehou Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave, VALLEY PHONE D. CLAREY COAL C0. Lehigh Valley Coal HARD AND SOFT WOOD Best Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Bradford Street Yard Phone, Ba Office at Raymond & Hatapt's Store, Bayre Both "Phones Wm. B. McDonald. D.D. S. All modern methods for the scien- tific performance of painless opera- tions on the mouth and teeth. 1044 South Elmer Ave, THE GLOBE STORE. JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Dre Ole OL Quart 8 ® Fab No. 3 Elizabeth = aE OVER
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