News for vets 89¢c yard. Carpet Buyers New Kid Gloves Winter Underwear THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 $12,000.00 Capital Surplus ESR We solicit your Banking busi- ness, and will pay you three per cent. interest per annam for money jeft on Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account. The department of savings is a special feature of this Bank, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. W. NH. SAWTELLE, Cashier. TI The Valley Record J. 0 MURRELLE, Publisher, HE CUNNINGHAM, City Editor. ENE Published every day st Marries Printing Office, Sayre, Sabacrption, $3.00 per year; 25 cents known on application. | as second-class ‘matter May Batered as A Ig at Sayre, Pa, ng bgp gr log March 3, 1879. “All the news that’s fit to print” FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1805, m—— WILBURS WILL GIVE GOOD TINE TONIGHT The Wilbur's fair last night was about as well attended as it was any other night and resulted in better business and more fua than was seen thus far. Hosmer's band furnished music and has been en " gaged for this evening also. A larger crowd is expected this even ing and plans have been made to give them all a ghod time A ee Poor Place Jor Mosquitoes AR easteruer who was out with G 1 ht. the real eslate or day’ wiewing the landscape o'er says the Renfrew (Ok) Record, no ticed the buffalo wallows full of water after the recent rain and remarked “You must bave a lot of mosquitoes in this country, have you not?” “Xo” sald Mc. “You notice that this coun try is a little sandy, and the sand in the alr knocks their eyes out and they starve to death.” Fr man. the oth ——— Advera e 1a The Record GRAF “The Missouri Girl” matinee and might. - Miss Harriet Lewis of Loder street 1s visiting friends in Roches. ter, N. Y. Saturday, rt —— Evans ale now on draught at Carmody's Senate, 309 street, Waverly. Broad tfeod il — of the Elmira, WV, T. Bikey, Baker Brothers, town yesterday Regular meeting of Spanish Hill EF, of in firm. was Rev. G. A. Briggs left last even ing for Geneva, N. Y, to attend the Christian Worker's convention About fifty young people from Waverly will journey to Sayre to- night to attend the dance. Movanho etl gprs The date set for the fair to be given by the Spaulding Hose com- pany is from November 13 to 18 inclusive. The prices for the matinee, Missoun Girl,” Saturday will adults 25c “The at the Loomis on be, children 102, Miss Frances Lyon will cater- tain the Polyhymnia club at its next meeting, ()ctober at her Chemung street home - The finest assortment of tailor- made Suits and Overcoats, sold at about the price of ready-made, at Unger & Ellis’, Waverly, ——— — Mrs S. B. Hoyt and Mrs Witter of Fulton street have re- York » 20, city and to Perth Amboy. N. L. Brown, for years a well known resident of this place, and a Lehigh conductor, is visiting here Mr Brown engaged in business in Port Huron, Mich Notice to Advertisers. Our 1S now advertisers will confer a great favor if they will hand in copy for changes in advertisements not later than 6 p. m. on the day the changed form 1s to We find it difficult to give later changes proper attention & CO. before appear 8 Rooms Sui At jhe old stad, WOMAN DEAD Waverly—The of Barnum, wife of 5. D, Barnum, one of Waverly's best most esteemed Mrs and death known and matrons, occurred yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock in the French hospital in New York Mrs. Barnum had been ill for some to New York operation, from the effects of which she was aty time, and went to undergo an not strong enough to recover. Mrs Barnum was about 535 years of age and had for years been a resident of this Her hus valley. of the Barnum mills in West Broad street, at her bedside when she died, as was Miss Lilhan; was also was also her Mrs New York, being summoned when it was known that the fatal. The body will soon as possible daughter, George Munn in tliness was be to Waverly brought as and the funeral held from her late home in Bradford Arrangements are not yet « ympleted GEORGE HELLER 10 LEAVE ERIE bulletin street. A at the Erie station here yesterday makes known the fact of the resig- nation of Superintendent George A. Heller, of the division of the Eric Supt. Heller is succeeded by W C. Hayes, a man well qualified by take the A Heller has come to bg one of the rc ecived Waverly — Susquehanna years of experience to responsible place. George best known and most representa men in this part of the country, he has many warm friends tive Erie in Waverly and vicinity who will be sorry if it transpires that he is to leave the division. Having won promotion from a humble the service, Mr cope with post mn Heller was able to all had the troubles of the ( onfide nce in branches business and the the Erie men and esteem of all Mary Emerson's Special Feature One of the features of “Will O' the Wisp,” in which Mary Emer- son will be seen here on Wednes- “the tarantella” by Miss Emerson in the first act. that of a young girl who leads a sort of a gypsy hfe, from willage to village grandfather, next is the dancing of The part she portrays is wandering her singing, dancing and telling fortunes to gain with enough money to live and take them on their way. “The taranteila,” well known in Europe, is while seldom danced in this country. The dance is very delightful, with a swing and go to it that is very fascinating Miss Emerson has apparently spent which is on a par with her sword fight in “His Majesty and the Maid.” Mrs. J. EF. Shoemaker of this village read a paper at the county soaviation of the WS T. U much time on this feature, AN EXPLANATION Waverly—In referring to the Mrs. Hunter, propre tress of the Fulton House, in sav- ing a sum of money for Popowicz the other day, we did not intend to cast any reflection on the manage- ment of the house, but to point out that the management had taken particular pains to protect a stran- ger from loss either in the house of it. Mrs. Hunter was very kind in warning the stranger and or out caring for his money over night, and deserves nothing but praise for the deed. FELL ON TRACK, (UT NOSE BADLY Charles I Jew ine, ed last who was arrest- this morning ON promise to get out of at with a top heavy cargo of booze fll on the car track at Desmond and Lockhart streets this night and released town once, wandered around until he noon and cut his nose open from He was taken back to the entomological institute for safe tip to root keeping - eee Information “During the « Htteal boss, "ye held up American Industrie For how much? asked the ent candidate Cinel Wanted tnpalgn iid the po 1 must nes fat! to nno nnati Eaqulrer Modern Course ‘What course will he take lege?” “1 don't know, but I think club and football” Dealer in col it's Cleveland ANNOUNCEMENT To the citizens of Sayre and vicin- ity The undersigned having pur chased the entire stock of books, stationery, etc, of Geo. A. Loop, wishes to announce that he will continue the business at the same stand, where he will be pleased to sce all the old patrons, and new ones as well We shall endeavor to keep a full line of books, stationery, novelties, toys, games, periodicals, daily pa- pers, and a full line of souvenir postal eds Call and get acquainted, we as- sure you courteous treatment and fair dealing. P. J. WEEK, Weber's Stationery Store, 126 Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE One Night Only WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2. LEWIS OFFERS glea Plain SAMUEL MARY EMERSON In a Magnificent Production of “Will 0’ The Wisp” Massive Scenic Investure for the En tire Four Acts. Supported by a Clever Company of Selected Players er ——— Pai weit PRICES—25, 35, 50 and 75e. | U. Tel Pivot rowns Crowns... Bridge Work per tooth _§1 50 Gold Fillings _ $1.00 up Silver Fillings __50c and 75¢ _.$1.00 OUR A STRONG POINT SQUARE DEAL CUT PRICES ON TOOLS Sayre Store. We have a lot of standard made tools at the following remarkable low prices chisels, P.S. & i inch to 1} Bevel wdge carpenter’ W. make at 25¢ inch. Nerew 10¢ each. each, sizes drivers, “Champion Style” at Machinist callipers, inside and outside it ihe each, Machinist's steel rules 4 inch at 23¢ cach, Machinist's steel rules 6 inch at 35¢ each. Stellson pipe wrenches, 10 in. size at 0c each; 14 in. size at 70¢ each; 18 in, size at 31.00. These are all standard made goods and first quality. Look in the window for the assortment, 322 8. Main St., Athens. a JOIN THE Legion. Pays dent. $§200to § Costs 1.00 per month. lates : — Wanted, Lost, Found, For Soe , ete, § cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. Girl wanted for general housework. Apply 207 North Lehigh avenue, Sayre, 138-8* A competent girl to do general house work. Must go to Oneonta, N. Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hull, Athens. Subscribe for The Record. Notice. The Record, has the best House Lease ever printed in Bradford county; also Vest Pocket and Desk Receipt Books; and a variety of Legal Blanks Both Phones. F R E D If or if call, A Y L 0 Rr try you. E A you haven't a you have one you to get rid of, write or "phone If I haven't want [ll and find it for LEST SE Orchestra AT E| L E T E For Sale. A new Smith Premier Typewriter ata Two parlor stoves in good repair, { cheap, at Kepler's gas supply store, | Broad street, Waverly, 124¢1 Black Mare, weighs 1 050 pounds. In- { quire J. C. Wood, 507 Maple street, For Rent Piece of land centrally located, salt-| able for shop or business place. Inquire this office 137-3* Two houses for rent, including oity water and toilet rooms in house, $8.60 [Be month. Inquire H. A. Kaufman's Jlothing Store, Sayre. 106-1 Orchestra. The D. 8. Andrus Orchestra tees satisfaction at all concerts, balls, ete. Prices reasonable, order at D. 8 Andrus Music ore 3 Desmond street, or see J. J. Hammel, Mgr. 117 N. East street, Sayre. For County Commissioner to , humor our appetites. What more * can appeal to your taste than appetizing Most of us have sell We Want Your Trade Yours Truly, Everything in Groceries. ANDREW E EVARTS. Has opened a re oe estate and col- lecting office in Room 2, Talmadge Building, Sayre, Pa. A FAULTLESS BEER The following article apheats in the United States Trade Reports, a publication devoted to financial, agricultural and mechanical inter- ests: There has been considerable discus. sion of the different kinds of beer since so much attention has been given to the discussion of pure food products, and many are found to give bad after-effects, The United States Trade Reports bas al- wavs fearlessly discussed such topics as are of gederal interest to its readers, and we have received several letters concerning the different kinds of beep on the market. We are asked to recom. mend the best and purest, and which leaves no bad eflects after drinking. We have made a carefal invenigation locally, also referring the matter to GUE representatives in all the p cities. We feel justified in saying the beer which we find to all others in purity and cleanliness is made by the Dotterweich Brewing Co. of Olean, N. Y. The above-named firm stands high in the commercial world, and is well know: for ita business tact and eater na well as for its futeghity. one | serves as a tonic as well as a We have no interest in making this com mendation, except to give credit where credit is due, as has always been our policy, and we have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending this beer to our readers. We advise all patrons to call for this beer, especially for invalids and those of impaired health, It has been a custom of this farnish its subscribers with rel > : formation on any desired subject frée of charge, that they may designate by let- ter of inquiry addressed to this office, The United States Trade Reports has the largest circulation of any trade perof ita class, and no other publication could afford to maintain such a : stall of experienced editors to these investigations, and depend solely upon its subscription list for supporte yf We are certain that all dealings which our readers may have with this will yrove mutually beneficial and profitable. ft isa pleasure to us to give this am our editorial recommendatiot and, st the same time, to supply our ors with reliable information on such an important subject as this. For sale at the leading bars in E. A. WILBER, Athens, Sayre and Waverly. Distributing Agent. © 2 Ready for Business Having refitted the billiard, lunch rooms recently leased of cott, 1 am now prepared to serve tomers in a satisfactory manner. ialty is quick lunches of all ki pe patronage solicited. clams in season, Trya up, coffee, Op. First Nat'l Bank, Broad 107-1m The Valley Record has n stock - | following card signs: For Rent For Sale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Oredif Positively No Admittance Boarding For Sale or : tS = 5 a E]
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