“alley Styles and prices just as you News for vets 89¢ yard. Carpet Buyers For THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 $12,000.00 Capital “Surplus AEE EE * We solicit your Banking busi- peas, and will pay you three per gent. interest per annum [or money Jeft on Certificate of Deposit or ~ Bavings Account. The department of savings is a special feature of this Baok, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. BM. NH. SAWTELLE, Cashier. ‘The Valley Record Be ——a J. H. MURRELLE, Publisher, - H. E CUNNINGHAM, City Editor. Published every afternoon except San- dg Murrelle's Printing Office, Sayre, "Sbaeipticn $3.00 per year; 15 cents rates reasonable, and made Entered as second-class matter May de Ao Congo Men : Act of Congress of March 8, All the news that's ¢ 8 to print” SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1905. MISS MARY ENERSON'S NEW PLAY PLEASES If we are to credit the press re- of Mary Emerson in her Bew play, “Will O' the Wisp,” both star and play have scored ‘most strongly. The new play is ‘said by the reviewers to be even stronger than “His Majesty and the Maid," while Miss Emerson's Jodivi fual work is highly praised Her role is described as an unusu ‘ally strong one, at times pathetic, at times humorous, and al tragic. Her excepuionally strong acting of the third act of His Majesty and the Mad” again in fi-mber Miss Emerson, said ‘ta be surpassed by her perfor ‘mance in “Will ‘O the Wisp.” The gaction will be seen on Wednesday next < hate for The Record Is lere Personal and Local Mention Mrs. R S. Coleman 1s visiting) friends in Wilawana. ———— i ——— Mrs. J. W. Knapp has returned | from a visit to Fredonia. Mrs. Bert N. Genung is visiting relatives in New York. sundown. Mr. and Mrs. Waverly, Pa S. Godshall ) fenty White of | M.! are visiting Rev. - — Miss Grace Lynch ol Elmira 1s » of Loder street. Mrs. Harry Knapp of this wil- lage was among those admitted to the Packer hospital for treatment this week. Dr. G. A. Briggs, of the First Baptist church, returned last even- ing from the State Christian Work- ers convention at Geneva No trouble to show goods, and your money back if you are not satisfied with any goods bought at my store in clothing and shoes H. Sattler 141-2 Mrs. Ellsworth Gunble, Dr. Gamble of F street has suffered a relapse from her recent wife of ulton serious illness and 1s again confin- ed to her home. ev. Father Naughton, former pastor of St. James church here was in Waverly for a few hours yesterday enroute to his home in Hornellsville, from Pittston, Pa. No Change Probable the benefit of been entertained by, and also those who have enter tained the of remarkable statements made during the past week, it may be announced at this opportune time that the local man- agement of the Binghamton Press, and of the Valley Record in Wav- erly, will, Waverly —For those who have scrics for the present, remain The follow- ing personal appeared locally yes terday precisely as itis now J. Veron Teed, manager of the Valley Record, left for his home in Moravia, N Y, and other points via the Erie this late Waverly morning "GRAF ie & CO, FRENCH & KINGSBURY, see the TR: EDITOR Gather Around the Board to Bid Him God speed Waverly—At the head of a table {around which sat a group of repre | sentative business and professional i men, and {of flhating Havana soft blue cloud { Cunningham said farewell to a few | friends last i months under a vapor, who “happened to drop in’ the Mr. Cunningham has been evening For past six working in Sayre as city editor of The Valley Record. He came to G New York, leaving a more lucrative position Sayre from cater on the Brooklyn Citizen to gan the quiet and, to him, more tasteful life of a He is a graduate of smaller town native of Vermont, a the University of Vermont, and leaves Sayre now to accept a posi- tion offered him in his home state on the Montp Since coming to Sayre Mr. Cun- ningham has done much to bring the highest kind of credit to the of manly, modest and energetic lier Evening Argus greatest all calling Clean, , he is one of a type that it were well to have more of, and his departure is a matter of regret both to his em- ployer and to his friends W.T editor of the Sayre Times, succeeds Mr. Cunningham The Valley Record. His work too well known to nced lengthy comment, and his friends hundreds DID NOT KNOW IT WAS LOADED Waverly —A flobert rifle in the hands of boys Carey, the well known city on is arc numbered by almost too young to be entrusted with an a bullet gun which was supposed not to be loadud, 1s responsible for the air ¢ and sent from the un, d angerous con dition of young Basil Brown, who mpanion in South Waverly, while the young Nimrods was shot by a c were trying to scalp sparrows Basil and his uring a box of after cart- { ompamon, 22 short’ the Ene some feet ompan on who carried SCL ridges marched across tracks. When Basil behind his « the gun, the accident - ally pulled, the ball entering the body of the Brown lad the nbs It was at was trigger was ust under first bchieved he was seriously injured, and he was taken to the Packer hospital, where Chief ote his for time an ugly Surgeon and worked | wound, assistants song one at injury was not nec cessarily fatal GOING OUT 0F BUSINESS —— S. T.1) T. Hale of Towan —— A Mm farleman and wile wiil reo cc — A ——— has gone Mr. an Tioga Ce Sayre Mr an Bradford, —_— I. a i i Mrs. B. F. Cathn ntre are visiting friends el te d Mrs McAndrews Pa. visited Leraysvil rup for a visiting A Mr fe: W days >see relatives and —. LG i a psr.-i Chief fanuly -se Clerk Stark's wife and — ltr fr Tow anda Sayre tends, returned home tc today. = The s« The school au finished begun Venice tendent's room pa torn out feel any tives society ditonnum, Silas Warner, and offie, rtition in building at—— A ——— led a milli nery store with great sat- patrons at ST SEE WHAT Gold Crowns Plates ____ Pivot Crowns_ ads Hu $4 50 '...$450 Teeth reset 9 132 Lockhart St. YOU CAN GET AT Bridge Work per tooth_$1 50 Gold Fillings $100 up Silver Fillings. __50¢ and 75¢c $1.00 OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL 216 Desmond St., Sayre. CUT PRICES ON TOOLS Sayre Store. We have a of standard made tools at the following remarkable low prices: Bevel edge carpenter’ chisels, P.8. & W. make at 25¢ each, sizes ! inch to 1] inch. Screw 10¢ each. Machinist callipers, inside and outside at 65¢ each. fot drivers, “Champion Style” at Machinist's steel rules 4 inch at 25¢ each, Machinist's steel rales ¢ inch at 35¢ each, Stellson pipe wrenches, 10 in. size at 30c each; 14 in. size at 700 each; 18 in. size at £1.00. Thess are all standard made goods and first quality. Look in the window for the assortment, 322 S. Main St., Athens. ) JOIN THE National Protective Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets August 1, 1905, $2,115,000, Pays $15.00 per woek for sickness oracci- dent. £100 for loss of limb or eye, £5.00 to 8600 at death. Cash dividends each five years. Costs $2.00 to $4.00 per month, E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Sayre, Pa. Both Phones, J. TAYLO RED If you haven't : home and want one, or if you have one you want to get rid of, call, write or ‘phone Taylor. If I haven't what you want I'll try and find it for you. CA L BESTALT Orchestra of ex lana, and all ine latent adie, is Elly pation ob mules WANT ADS Rates :— Prone, Lost, Found, For oy ete, § cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. Girl wanted for general housework. Apply 207 North Lehigh avenue, Sayre. 136-6* Barty to snine shoes and keep order, Steady job for right one, Sh oy place in WwW. W A compatent girl to do general house work. Must go to Oneonta, N. Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hull, Athens. Notice. The Record, has the best House Lease ever printed in Bradford county; also Vest Pocket and Desk Receipt Books; and a variety of Legal Blanks for Justices and Constables. For Sale. A new Smith Premier Typewriter at a bargain, Call at Record office, Two parlor stoves in good repair, cheap, at Kepler's gas supply store, Broad street, Waverly. 124¢1 Black Mare, weighs 1,060 pounds, Wood, 507 Maple street, In- For Rent Piece of land centrally located, suit- able for shop or business place, Inquire this office, 137-3¢ Two houses for reat, including city water and toilet rooms in house, $8.80 per month. Inquire H. A. Kaufman's lothing Store, Sayre, 108-1 — Orchestra. The D. 8. Andrus Orchestra guaran- tees matisfaction at all concerts, Jiakiay parties, ete. Prices reasonable, order at D. 8. Andrus Music Store, 12% Desmond street, or see J. J. Hummel, Mgr. 117 N. East street, Sayre, mE Most have to humor our appetites. What more can appeal to your taste than appetizing kind we try to sell We Want Your Trade Yours Truly, C. U. INGHAM & CO. Everything in Groceries. ANNOUNCENENT To the citizens of Sayre and vicin- ity © The undersigned having pur- chased the entire stock of books, stationery, etc, of Geo. A. Loop, wishes to announce that he will continue the business at the same stand, where he will be pleased to see all the old patrons, and new ones as well We shall endeavor to keep a full ling of books, stationery, novelties, toys, games, periodicals, daily pa- pers, and a full line of souvenir postal cards. Call and get acquainted, we as- sure you courteous treatment and fair dealing. P. J. WEBER, Weber's Stationery Store, 126 Lockhart St, Sayre, Pa. LOONIS OPERA HOUSE One Night Only WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20. SAMUEL LEWIS OFFERS MARY EMERSON In a Magnificent Production of “Will 0’ The Wisp” Massive Scenic Investure for the En- tire Four Acts. Supported by a Clever Company of Selected Players cf us This is the - PRICES—25, 35, 50 and 75¢. Advance sale at W. U, Tel, Office Waverly ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of WINES, LIQUORS: BEERS AND ALES 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA. BOTH PHONES. ANDREW EVARTS Has opened a real estate and col- lecting office in Room 2, Talmadge Building, Sayre, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers