_— The certain style that every man wants in his clothes, fabrics, lining, trimmings, work- manship combined. What more can you find? What more do you want? Our Cloth- ing is worn by thousands of men of good taste, they come back year after year; that's why we know our Clothing gives satisfaction That's why our business has growa. Buy no clothing until you have seen our new Fall line. MANEY & PAGE, ATHENS. Do You Wash ? SAYRE. OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL We have a display of wash day goods in our win- dow that will interest you. Wash boards of brass, nick- el plated, enameled iron, glass and zinc in all styles of crimp and size from I0C TO 45C. We also sell wash bench- es, clothes racks, washing machines clothes wringers, ironing boards, etc. Look in the window. L. ROBERTS CO. 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. If you don't trade with us we both lose money. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 30 DAYS Gold Crowns ceeeu$7 and $8 $1.00 up ..o0¢ and Tic Gold Fillings Bridge Work per tooth $5.00 Silver Fillings ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Don’t forget the number, 132 Lockhart St. DR.STEPHENS DENTAL PARLOR Over Raymond & Haupt, When You : Are Thirsty Ea = | The Valley Record FAY the news that’s fit to print” MONDAY, SEPTEMBER x, 1905. Lou BREVITIES Try a lode star ar and you will not smoke any other, The lode star is recommended | by our best smokers. | Harry's Choice—unexcelled §¢ | made at Sayre | Burns is reported ill i thera, i A child of councilman Andrew with diph- MOTHER'S BREAD Baked by Kolb, Philadel-| phia. Sold by CG. U. INGHAM & (O0., GROCERS. 2 Desmond St., The vosulr monthly meeting of the Movanho club will be held this evening About thirty Sayre ¢ People went to Wilkesbarre on the excursion | yesterday. ——— The Eagles are selecting the chorus and specialty artists for their minstrel show. There will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Business Men's association tonight. Sayre, hereby announce myself 3 candidate Prothonotary, subject to Republican Primaries Saturday, Sept. 30, 1905, W. G. GORDON. Pa, Bept. 3, 1005. Mrs. I. M. Rice is drilling the ). Kiron, | choir of the Church of the Redeem- y er for the deaconry meeting Oct 16-17. Workman are putting new sod around the edges of the grass plots at the Lehigh Valley station. Paper is being distributed for Edwin J. Hadley's moving picture how at the Loomis tonight. Mr. AT TABERNACLE Attend the Sunrise Prayer Meeting---Many Con- verts Are Gained During the Four Services of the Day. Sunday, September 24 will long be remembered as an eventful day in the religious history of Sayre. It is almost certain that no day in the history of the place has been so completely given to religious worship. At 6:30 an audience of nearly seven hundred people gath- cred for a sunrise service of prayer and conference and over two hun dred the people participated in conference, At 12 o'clock the various Sun day schools joined in a union ser- vice in the tabernacle. The audi- ence of Bible students nearly filled the building, and at the close of the address by Rev. Rees scores of young people signified their pur- pose to begin a christian life. At 3 o'clock the tabernacle was again filled with an audience of men. After a short praise service, in which ncarly every man joined, Mrs. Rees sang the old song: “Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight,” the men joining in the The address followed. For nearly an hour the speaker spoke of the reasons why the men of Sayre are not chnstians, and the folly of allowing such reasons to hold them back from taking the noblest step man can take. An after meeting was held at the close of the service chorus. at which a number accepted Christ, and others gave testimony to the fact that the best that they had ever experienced had come to them since they came to Chnist The day was fittingly closed by an evening service in which the building was filled to overflowing The speaker chose for his text the words: “Is It Nothing to You?" In a strong and forceful appeal he showed the ingratitude of those who have so often been brought face to face with the claim that the Christ has upon their lives, and who so repeatedly refuse to recog- nize it. At this service a goodly number responded to the appeal and decided to become christians. NEW BUSINESS FOR WEST SAYRE R A. Holcomb has opened his new barber shop located in the south side of the new block that has just been completed on South Keystone avenue. The shop is up to date in every particular, is very attractively furnished, and has all the latest improvements. The north side will be occupied by a millinery and ladies’ furnishing store. Mrs. Holcomb is now in New York purchasing stock for the same and it will be opened ina few days NEW BROOM FACTORY A broom factory will soon be in operation in the rear of the build- ing occupied by Child, Waltman & Young. Part of the stock has arrived and the machinery will be put into place tomorrow. This will be another home industry that should command the patronage of the local trade. EVIDENCE TAKEN IN DIVORGE CASES H. K. Mitchell of Troy, master examiner in divorce cases, was in town Saturday afternoon. Attor- ney H. H. Mercereau took the evi dence in two divorce cases belore him. Decision was reserved, —— AM ean. CAFE IMPROVED Hill & Beibach’s popular cafe has been materially improved by the addition of a fine mosaic pave- ment in the entrance and a glazed vement in the £ gutter in front 1 today. D. Bennett was in Wilkesbarre yesterday. John J. Kenrich spent Sunday in Tunkhannock J. Henry Price was in Wilkes- barre yesterday. Mrs John Galligan is visiting friends in town. ———— S. A. Blish New York City. erect mnie Miss May Ayers was in Wilkes barre yesterday. spent Sunday in —— A. G. Weber returned to Schen cctady yesterdsy: JE Grischbach was York over Sunday. rt A Sn in New Simmons from Clifton Springs. re A ——— Leroy has returned Harry Shelley spent Sunday in Allentown and vicinity, —————— A snare: werean Ithaca yesterday. ref fe — The Rev. J. L. Shanley went to Wilkesbarre this morning nt — ff —————— Dr. C friends in Wilkesbarre Sunday N. A. Plumstead visited friends in Wilkesbarre over Sunday. ————— Edward Frost, Jr, of Towanda was in town Saturday evening I ————— A eree— W. B. Porter has returned from Naples, where he attended the fur ———— ee Richard Dewey of Peckville is visiting his brother, H. C Dewey Mr. and Mrs. Leor Barton and little son spent Sunday with friends in Ithaca Roscoe Lewis visited Harry Lent has returned to Bur lington after several weeks in Sayre and vicinity. Alex Winlack, Jr, returned to his studies at Baltimore Medical college this morning - m—— Carlisle Haines went to Balti- more this morning where he wil enter medical college. M. B. Cutter, Jr, son of general manager Cutter of the Lehigh, is visiting friends in town. Mrs Henry Daniels and daugh- ters, Mabel and Ruth were visiting riends in town yesterday. Mrs. Henry Spencer and Mrs. Nelson Dunn of Mountain Lake are visiting W. M. Young. Mrs. Dan Stark spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother, Mrs C. H. Northrop in Monroeton John Adam of the First Nation- al Bank is spending a week at Asbury Park and New York city. Miss Evelyn Rathbun has re turned after a month's visit with relatives in Buffalo and Lockport Panne Mrs. J. W. Touhey and daughter Anna have returned after a week's visit in Buffalo and Niagara Falls 5 ———, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Wright of Maple street returned home last night after a week's visit at Bing- hamton. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hilborn, who were the guests of Mrs. L.. E. Gin- singer, have returned to their home at Pittston. Miss Celesta Kizer returned to Towanda this morning after spend- ing Sunday with her sister, Mrs. S. T. Harleman. E. F. Mercerecau and FE. Seca- ger returned yesterday morning from Cleveland, O, where they at- tended the national convention of the N. P. L. A p——. H. A. Kaufman left town Satur- day night for New York and Bos- g ton. Joseph Kaufman of Towan- of the store runpereR Tocernes LATING Natura! Enemies In Fearsome Yet Friendly Feats. and traincd wild animal show—the only its kind on earth— comes to Sayre Wednesday, Sept 27. among onc of the thrilling and novel innovations it will offer will found a mastodonic Ceyl be gallon; covers on ele- phant and a monarchical bengal ut and who be- ; An entirely new line of ladic tiger in an cquestrian act with precedent or equal, sides Carl Hapenbeck would have . NOTION IS OF ever dreamed of combining such and a feat, d it with the mutual vl hatred of these ani therto contend with? that the dea between them utterly incongruous warring elements in such or could h AVC comp 1S 8¢ inherent fea mals foreach Remembering too, ly enmity c¢xi-ting 1s intensified through the elephant Waverly, N. Y. being trained to hunt the tiger in ~ Price 10 cents per 10 cents extra. 's" side and back combs, 10e, ALL KINDS. its jungle haunts, no onc can be National Protective Legion. Chartered under Fraternal Laws, State of New York. blamed with accepting with incred- the claim that they have at last been taught to socially cooper- ulity ate in providing the public with a topnotch thriller, until he Bus seen and them strated Hundreds hundreds of thousands saw at the St nd you will be do it Louis world's fur afforded an equal chance to see them here—for Mr. ' Fraternal Life Insurance Costs less than Old Line and easier payments. We accept payments, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly. Look up our rates, they will interest you. £. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. 112 Desmond St, Valley Phone 144y Lt STOR OF QUALITY {{agenbeck permits no not fulfilled here is promise to the will made that is letter brought before you Following the introduction the elephant nto the ger's cage and what be of arena, the ti and is thrown open bounding lightly therefrom, with a mighty spring he lands on the cle back, np win Ih round the phant’s where he pases in royally rand graceful fash Saym Pa 100 clephant then strides vena's carcle, winding m and out around Next a platform is raised on one side of onto he the clephant passes beneath it. Two large hoops ctween and pedestals, over hurdles, etc the tiger's cage, which springs just before covered with paper, and in circus parlance known as a balloons, arc placed about twenty fect apart at equal distances between the plat form and the opposite side of the cage full speed Then the elephant is scent at around the arena, while the tiger leaps from the platform YOUR SPIRITS GO UP through one hoop onto a pedestal Our wines ore cx Why? when ours go down. hilarating without bad effects, It's because PURE WINES ARE BENEFICIAL, from this pedestal through the sec ond hoop onto the running ecle- phant’s back and thence again to the platform. Rings saturated with are substituted for the balloons, and through these burn- wind we lutely pure. energy must be wholesome. others. Try Prices are reasonable, ELMER A. WILBER, 109 Packer Ave, Sayre. TAYLOR keep nothing except it's abso- Liquors that restore the We sell no burning oil ours and get the best. ing zones the tiger, despite his nat nral dread of fire, fearlessly bounds to the back of mastodonic charger. These and other startling presentations make boasted cham- acts look tame his pion circus and time worn FREE To the Person Bringing this Ad to Our Office. RED J. | i a If home and want vou haven't | A one, | or if you have one you want to get rid of, Beginning September 13th we will ; give free of charge one gold crown (best quality) on every full set of teeth made or contracted for on or before October 20th, We will also allow 10 per cent dis count on all other work done or con tracted for during same period of time. NOTE PRICES: | Gold crown and bridge work 85 per tooth Full set of teeth, $5.00 np Teeth cleaned, 0 cents Teeth filled with silver. 70 cents Teeth filled with gold £1.00 up Teeth filled with cement 00 cents Teeth filled with art’] enamel 81.50 up We extract teeth without pain. All work guaranteed. ORS. WILLIS & LEWIS call, write or "phone | If I haven't! I'll | for | Taylor. want it what you try and find O | RE youl, ee TT ESTATE AL CRTTEIXRSIE CASH SASS AAS pw Athens “Shoe Hospital” i JAMES § SMITH Is still at his old stand, 004 South Main Street, Athens, ready to repair shoes in the best manner and at the lowest price. Bring your shoes to the “Shoe Hospital” Shop open evenings from 7 to 8. positive ly Hours: E30 tol; 1tob:30;7 to 8S. Opposite Big Store, corner Elmer and Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. Subscribe for The Record. H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties Diseases of Women and of the Rectum, Hours 7tofam,1to3, 7to8 p.m, OFFICER SAMUELS BLOCK. Valley Telephone 27x. 128 Lockhart St. TOUHEY'S HOTEL A Reerything New and Up-to-Date. First. Foreign and Domestic Fruits. | Olive Oil —Quart $3.00. Thomas Ave, Oppasite L. , Beatie. Macareni—8 and Bo Sara | R=ad The Record. JOHN C. PECKALLY, MONE! To Loan The Athens Building an Loan and Savings Associ: tion, established 1887, has money to loan at minimum Premium. You cannot af: ford to pay rent when moi ey for building your he can be had on such ady tageous terms. Secretary. IT's SIMPLY THIS Health and hap- piness are what you most desire in life and you can't enjoy either fully in a which does H not eontain an up-pg to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum-}8& bing and do it well. If you engage us| to fit up a bath-} room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that that you didn't have it{d done sooner. house 18, Plumbing, Hcating and Tianing H. R. TALMADGE, Both ‘Phones. Elmer LEHIGH AND SOR COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. Orders can be left at Weat vanrls at Sayre, Valley Phone $7Tm. COLEMAN HASSLER, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates Furnished, 103 Lincoln St Sayre. Pa a A. H. MURRAY, M.D. SPECIALTIES! Diseases of the Eye, Kar, Noses Offee, Ricek. appointment, * Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Valley Phone at office and residence. A.J.GRE CONTRACTOR AND
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