‘WIELAND CO. SAYRE, PA. DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. hd ‘household. it here for less. That's why you get Basement Specials 1 gross Cuspidors in fancy pot- tery designs. A handsome floral effect for Monday and Tuesday, regular 15¢ value, 8¢. Others in china, peach blow pat- tern and decorated, brass at 50¢c and 98¢. also salid Game Sets, hand- sony decorated no tw) plates alike, all gam» dasign, 31.60, Fish Sets, 14 pieces, 21.00, valae one-third more, 7 and 15 piece Wo make alty of Kes in stock hel ware, heavy Co fees ind Teas, Evers andl Basins, Bell Boy Pitchers A Speci png Clothes Hampers 21.19, 321.50, 81.59 and Yoi will be asked more at small stores, Vv S247 | gallon Mason jars, 85e, Glass top, 69e. Ask elsewhere waving. rine tops, oar and count the v welcome wt the fashions this department will accorded surprised no doabt direct designs of mick of New York Carlisle for Children and Misses $1.7 Men $1.19 and $1.09, 75 to $2.39 We stand behind every pair because they never lines for Waverly, Athens and Sayre, Crawfonds for We can’t af- exclusive on theses us any trouble, We are A \S Deas ZA 0%: SRI BRING Hea a SRR AND : Summer Vacation There is no nook or cor- ner in Sayre where The .. Valley Record does not cir- culate. daughter may owe beauty to her perfect, : 80 they must be ank In some day for disfigurement and Prices for July and Au- gust. Dr. W. B. McDonald, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 9, Talmadge Build- EE ARGEST PUBLICITY The Largest Circulation GIVES THE Best of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. TEETH Come let me give your teeth a thor- It will cost you and may save you a lot of trou- later on. Sinoe adver- is considered very unpro- fessional and quack like, 1 can only say ‘Bere that all I ask is fair prices for fair and honest work. VITALIZED AIR. DR. 6. F. CARLING, Sayre, Pa There is no nook or cor- ner in Sayre where The Valley Record does not cir- culate. COAL COAL COAL J. W. BISHOP There is as much difference in the quality of coal as there is between white and yellow sugar We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- ate. We also sell Bituminous and Loyalsock coal and all kinds of to 13; 1ie 50: 7 to 8, San- be Place, over upholstered, wood. ks renovated, Um- 8 re-covered and re-! Our specialty is prompt service , 250 patterns of up- | ind the lowest market price. fact on guar J. W. BISHOP, : 103 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg CZAR'S VACATION. Imperial Yucht In Finnish Waters, Armenians nud Tartare Agree. HELSINGFORS | 25. The czar and nw inuperial fawily on board the rial yacht Polar Star are th enjoying their vacation trip in Finnish waters around Viborg Heceptions, official visits to the ports, eic, have been va- bunting and fishing ex cursions during which the emperor on uland, Sept thers Of the ths roughly ries] Ly mnuy several oceaslous has met parties of aud told often =o that kuow the Floulsh peasants who cheered him him be ought to come he might Jearn to peasant A deputation representing the local farmers and fishermen brought gifts to the emperor and empress consisting of farm products aud fresh fish, and the fishermen who were engaged to as- sist In the imperial fishing excursious have been presented with gold and sil ver watches by their majestics The yacht will remalu here for two or three days longer, and it is probable that the lmperial party will uot reach Peterhof until the latter part of the week At Baku a preliminary peace agree mount between the Tartars and the Armenians has been signed. and Tartars under the presidency of Prince Louls Napoleon, eral of the Caucasus. which has just been concluded and during which the principal conditions of au entente were agreed upon The conference decided to summon a general congress representing the in habitants of the Caucasus to meet in October for the purpose of consider Ing the causes of the enmity existing between the Tartars aml the Arme- resolved to urge upon the gov ernment the necessity for the adoption of prompt measures to ensure the safe ty of life and property aml arranged that Armenians and Tartars shall be. cone wut usible for all ma- terial damn or pillage by either side until January, 1907. Ten Armenians and ten Mussul men, all undertook to guarantee the strict observance of the agreement niaus paily resy millionaires Insane Man Captured, BINGHAMTON, NY, Sept After a ten man hunt Merritt Amsbry was caught near here Auisbry disappears] on Sept. 13 while camping at a lake gear Windsor. The Inst seen of Lim was when he went the Inke fishing Later the boat was found with his hat flouting ou the water near It. Ou the supposition that he Lad fallen from | the boat and was drowned the lake - 25 — days out on empty On Tuesday evidence was Alscovered. Since then a large Brief Local Mention Mrs. N. P. Chaffee was in Elmira today. Lawrence Page returned from Indiana last evening. Salem Twist of Ithaca visited Chas. Hosmer yesterday. James Leary returned Saturday for a week Spent in New York. Miss Nina Hall of Towanda is the guest of Miss L. uly Bradley. H. Ww. Camer “went to New Albany this moming for a visit. S. J. Little of Towanda was call- ing upon his friends here Saturday. Deputy Prothonotary Ww, G. Schrier was in town over Sunday visiting his parents. returned the new Mrs J. A. Gould has from the city with all styles in fall millinery. - Miss Louise Stulen has returned from Philadelphia and is again at her place | in the postoffice. Mrs. B. Ww. Jones, who o has béen visiting at Dr. Rinebold's, returned to her home in Lopez today. Miss Grace Jones, who has been visiting her sister Mrs, M. L Beach, returned home to Wyalus- ing today. The shoot of Athens Gun club Saturday well attended and contested. Jesse Childs won first prize. was closely Hon. I. T. Hoyt went to Coud- ersport this morning to attend to the prosecution of the Potter coun- ty grafter cases. Miss Ina Chaffee has been vis- iting her college friend, Miss Alma Allen at Cameron Mills, N. Y., and returned home today. Prof. J. J. Cummings will hold his dancing class in Eighmey hall, Sayre, tonight, instead of Wednes- day evening, on account of Hagen- beck’s circus, Mrs. E. S. Lake of Vestal Cen- tre, N. Y., who has been visiting at Griffin Tyler's, Hugh street, went to Towanda this morning to visit other friends. Misses Esther Bostwick and Lillian Russell, who have been visiting at the home of William Erk, returned to their home in Towanda this moming, George Shaw died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Wm. Howard in Omaha, Neb, Sept. 15. He was born in Sheshequin and will be remembered by many of our read- ers. A party of Sayre young people were at Butternut Grove cottage a few days ago and while cooking a meal the roof caught fire. It was discovered by Yates Hickey and put out, doing but little damage. Struck by Trolley Car Frank Kellogg came to Athens with Harry Evans’ horse and buggy yesterday and was returning to Wolcott Hollow at 8 o'clock in the cvening when something happened When he reached South Main street in front of I. K. Park's home, a car came down and struck the buggy, carrying it a distance of fifty feet, where horse, wagon and man were piled up in a mass. Kellogg was released without any serious injury, but the horse had some severe scratches, and the buggy was pretty well smashed up. | Kellogg had a jag on and was laid ‘up at the city hall until Harry | Evans took him home last night. i Sunday Hunters Fined Athens—Domino Muro, Domi- no Vincegurea and Romolo Tror- vini arrested near Milan, and Patsy Decelong and Juno Carlo, arrested near the bridge by Department Game Protector W. E, Shoemaker of Laceyville and Deputy Fred LaSuer, yesterday, pleaded guilty to Sunday hunting and the total of the fines and costs ROBer: : PRESBYTERY REGRETS PASTOR'S RESIGNATION Resolutions of Respect, Setting Forth the Christian Virtues and Commending the Efficient Service of the Rev. W._H. Sawtelle Passed by Lackawan- na Presbytery. Athens—The Lackawanna Pres bytery have presented Rev. W. H Sawtelle the following resolutions which were adopted at Canton, Ia, at the meeting last week, viz: The committee appointed to prepare a minute with reference to the resignation of Rev. W. H. Saw- telle as pastor of the Athens church would report as follows: Mr. Sawtelle came to the Athens pastorate in November, 1881. The church was then weak and practic- ally unorganized. Since that time it has grown in numbers and has become a thoroughly equipped Presbyterian church. Perfect har- mony has prevailed and peace and good will has been realized in a remarkable No reason exists in the congregation why Mr Sawtelle shou!d offer his resigna- tion, in fact a number of his peo- ple refuse to assent to this vote of the congregation, in accepting even at the request of the pastor The retirement of Mr. Sawtclle is a perfectly voluntary act Three score years and ten by necessity leave their mark upon one whose life has been a strenuous devotion to duty, and the Athens pastor felt the need of rest, at least the lightnening of the heavy bur- dens of pastorate responsibility, and for this alone the Presbytery has dissolved this pastorate relation They are glad to know that Mr. Sawtelle will not entirely cease from ministerial labor but continue for a time to supply the Athens church. In dissolving degree. the fruitful rela- tion the Presbytery desires to place on record their high appreciation of the personal qualitics and pas- torate work of Mr. Sawtelle. He has long been recognized as one of our most able and successful preachers and his cquipment for pastoral work has proved to be of an equally high order. He has proclaimed the gosp:l in the pul pit and in the homes of his people with great simplicity, tenderness and scriptural propriety. He has been a man among and a friend and brother to all in afflic- tion and need. As a Presbyter he has more respect for his knowl- men and for his uniform kindness and courtesy. We hope to sce and hear him often in our Presbyterian meetings, and we shall follow him into this quict and rest which the so much deserves with our prayers and best wishes. Signed by the committee and passed unanimously by the Pres bytery. Claim Warden Was Previous L. H. Woodward, Jr, and John Quinn were on the river yesterday in a boat when Game Warden W. E. Shoemaker and his assistant appeared on the scene and ordered the boys to come ashore. As they were alighting the boys say that Woodward, who has only one leg, was roughly handled and that the officials attempted to handcuff him. The boys have not been arrested and they say they were not fishing and if the warden arrests them they in turn will have him arrested for assault. An Insane Negro at Large. BRIDGEWATER, Mass, Sept. 23. Minot St. Clair Francis. the [nsane mwulatto who escaped from the state farm here a week ago, Is still at large The authorities believe that he Is in the thick undergrowth of © swamp about a mile to the west of the town. The swamp is kept surroundal in the bope that hunger will drive Francis to surrender. an Memphis Races Abandoned. CHICAGO, Sept tendance at the Libertyville race meet Latest Styles “THE WOMAN’S SHOE THATS RIGHT” WHE N vou take your next step, take it in a Patrician and you will learn a lesson of comfort, ease and durability in foot apparel that can- not be equalled by any othkr shoe. Patricans Fit Where All Others Fail Each and every pair sold by us lasting advertise- Satisfied Customers have spread the truth and established the fame of Patrician the world over. ‘ WILLIAMS & SUTTON SAYRE, PA. BRADFORD COUNTY FAIR AT TOWANDA, SEPTEMBER 26-29 Public Wedding Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Grand Parade of Premium Stock Thursday at 10 o'clock. Hon. Bois Penrose, U, Friday at 11 o'clock. Balloon ascension and parachute drop each day. High Trapeze performance, Acrobatic and Juggling acts each day. Thrilling slide for life each day. Many other attractions. Special train from Waverly, returning from the fair grounds last three days. Res duced rates on railroad. Remember trains stop at Fair grounds and start on return trip from Fair grounds. Every department filled with exhibits. Hon. E. B. Norris and Hon. W. F. Hill speak Wednes- has proved a ment, S. Senator delivers an address Sayre and Athens to and (In effect June 18, 1904.) Trains leave Sayre as follows: EASTBOUND. day immediately following the Pablic Wedding. ASPHYXIATED BY ~~ LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. 12:29 5 AN Eon. Towanda, Juskhat Frank Hall of We!lsburg Did the vorx iia, Sei, Ra MM. "by fo Teak hammet Pittston, Wrong Thing Though Wam- 3: Hd Summit el ed by Landlord of the Camp- sod Washington. ' AM. oF ety & A.M.) bell House [il ou! ies Thr Ea Athens-Frank Hall of Wellsburg | Tbe. | Teakkansock, 60 u . (wevery S38 53s A a for registered at the Campbell House, Tunkbansock he Saturday night and was shown to ee ew Teck, Pi a room. Mr. Dubois asked him if | *<ipbla, Baltimore and Washlagton. : Sunday ouly, for Athens, Milas, he understood about the gas and| 10: 00 5i==; 3 Ln PELE he replied that he did. Bo P. M. (Waverly 1333 P. RE more was heard from him. Sunday | 12s Wits Olen aven Mans Sader Frag rhe morning he did not appear and on | [hem Lew ¥ Mr. Dubois | Da Black Dies r. Duboi 3 EE “ pr or ar oma Agog dug to his room found him in bed apparently aslecp, Glen Bam Tieaiows, Betaienem. New rocton, New Albany ; ring, Se from the top about eight inches 3 ry Ee Magets Fy Sih Van the escaping gas, but such was the Yel U Su Gonevi, Rochester, 4 AM. Week days and a message was sent to Wells— | er, Bataris, Buffalo and Niagara the body to his home Sunday after- | Surian op (mak ay Yelvia, Lod, Giibert, the mason, worked in an it spring; Tri Valls, 1, Detroit, Caicage, sometimes took a drink he was not|™ Yori and AUBURN DIVISION, No investigation was thought nec-| - LM. Sully for Try an adi in The Record, 3 af = anshts, Orolo, eres and Winter but on cxamination found him York Baltimore snd Washington. dead. He had evidently blown out ns ERIE parently had not moved after that. The window of his room was down AN, oo en of and points west. : eve. Rochester, Cal- and it seems impossible that he| Js edeula, Batavia, Bu Connects for could have been asphyxiated by| B04 A Dully fo ers & Miller's undertaking rooms, nN 30 Van Kile, 8 AC w ‘orners, Geneva, > burg. The undertaker from that 4 He Pg i Cogent, Recher place came to Athens and removed 3 4p M. Duly for Lockwood, Odes, noon at 4 o'clock. Emerson Smith{ 4 bails Gomes ear Jie and knew the man. He has a wife P*® ee aly sve 8 : — and four children, and though he 0:39 moze slo, Magara ba Sonera, Rachoner, points west. P.M. Dally for Lockwood, ¥ given to excessive drinking, being | b: 38 Zornes 1h cs, Trumamsbers, fay a hard working, industrious man. AM W oaly, for Owegn, Pred — HE nme : We are now showing te Domestic Woolens for Fall Have your next Suit made by us. ~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers