ers New ideas in Heavy Knit Sweaters, Turtle Neck, and Vest Sweat- ers. Colors : — White, Black and Oxford AT BOLTON'S. 's Furnishings, Hats and ATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE GENERAL BANKING “THREE PERCENT INTEREST Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS, RB FP. Wilber J. N. Weaver, J. W. Biahop, W. T. Goodnow, PF. T. Page. ‘Reating, Estates Managed Collecting BE. BE. . Reynolds, REAL ESTATE Sori wavers: aectaent INSURANCE Property Bought, Sold and —Rxchanged — Loans Negotiated 117 Packer Ave. Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Pa. ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Negotiated, Insurance , Houses Rented, Rents Taxes Paid. 8 cents a pound, 4 pound 5 bar, 65 cents. beer brewed than STEGMAIERS’ STOCK LAGER ; is a rich amber col- red Beer with Body, and Quality y invalid and bev- ge of [the man, it today—same Ex-President Finds Equitakde Hard to Mutualize. HYDE AND Mr. Hughes Read Letter From Great Assurance Seclety Trastee—Thom- as A. Buckaner Explains “Nylie™ System. NEW YORK, Sept Syndicate operations of the Equitable Life Assur ance society were tuken up by the In surstce investigating committee and consumed the catire session. Heary IL Winthrop, assistant secretary and financial manager of that society, was called to the stamd and presented and swore to ord of svn lieate pations of his company, also to a rec ond of sales apd purchases of securi ties for the past five years. He detail el as far as he was able the transac tions of the syndicate of “J H. Hyde and associates” and took memoranda of all Information he was unable to supply, which is to be prescated at a Biter date One of the operations was in tic Coast line bounds, in which Hyde and associates” the Equitable participating as a wember, paid $1: 870.09 on call and received 114.500 profits. Mr. Winthrop sald there was nothing on the Equitable books to show who the “associates” Were nor what was Mr. Hyde's personal profit, The Equitable participated also in a Union Pacific syndicate in the name of J. H Hyde and when asked by what authority the soclety assumed the re- sponsibility of Mr. Hyde's personal op- eratlous Mr. Winthrop produced the minutes of the foauce committee In July, 1908, showing a written assign ment to the company by Mr, Hyde of his interest in this syndicate The so ciety pald Into that syndicate $1670 ASSOCIATES PROBED. — per —- A Pee partied Atlan. “y RB fu regard to these syndicate operations Mr. Winthrop =aid he would have to look up and supply later Just before Mr. Winthrop was exam- ined Mr Hughes read a long letter from: Grover Cleveland, who Is a trus tee for the policy holders Iu the Equi table society under the Thomas F Ryan agreement The letter was of fered in evidence, Mr. Cleveland detailed the progress of the trustaes in mutualizing the com pand and sald “the obstacles that jie in the path of the proposed mutualization are so Inherent that even with the greatest study and care they cannot be easily overcome.” In conclusion Mr, Cleveland said, “In best conditions in this important field of business, where much at stake, the trustees acting for the policy holders of the Equitable so clety will gladly welcome any aid in their werk which may result from the labors of your committee.” Thomas A. Buckper, vice pre<ident of the New York Life Insurance pany, described the agency sy«tem of the comupany and the method of pay ing bonuses. A “Nylic"” system, innu rated by this company, separating agents who create business into grades according to the term of serv people have so cot SAYRE, PA, SUIT CASE MYSTERY. Bosten Police Trying te (lear Up | Marder of Unidentified Woman. BOSTON, Sept. 23. lu an effort to clear up the mystery of the murder of a young woman, whose body, the head and limbs severed, was found in al throp Yacht club's pler, detectives Howard street, city. in the west end of the fessor Francis Whitney Medical school and Professor Brown of Tufts Muldical school examination, bis report to District Attorney Sugh- rae Professors Whitney and Browa carried away with them woman for chemical analysis throp carrying a suit case sembled that found In the water, A guod description of the man was given. The body was wrapped in a sheet of white ollcloth. That the suit case had pot been in the water more than twen ty four hours is shown by the fact that the water had not penetrated the leather The tesh appears te have been recently cut. At first the police believed that the find might Le the re sult of a medical student's dissection, but the baxly had not been dismember ed by the wethod used in dissections. tion A prominent physician who viewed the bLoxly says that the surgery is the work of an expert The discovery created consternation | in the fashionable region of the club house. Alfred D. Allen and Randolph Pollard were painting a yacht at the | eud of the clubliouse float when they ! saw the sample case coming iu ou the tide. They rowel out in a boat, think ing that they were getting salvage from some ship yacht. They carried the case plazza of the clubhouse, to where em at the pros pects of a rich reward, but all were borrified when the mutilated body was exposed to view AGAINST “JIM CROW" LAWS. Western Negro Press Association Would Memorialize Congress, MUSKOGEE, IL T, Sept. Zi — The Westeru Negro Press association has it was the settled policy of the white people of southern states to abridge the political rights of the colored peo the president and to congress opposing statehood for Indian Territory and can be given that wo “Jim Crow" coach laws and other laws discriminating be- | | | renewal premiums. Moneys received by agents from “Nylic,” Mr Buckner agents’ commissions. Witness sald when asked Low expen- | total payments to “Nyle” total preminms. Mr. Hughes asked for full state | be passed The resolutions indorse the adminis- is spoken of as “the greatest clilef ex- ecutive since the great ewancipator, Lincoln.” Booker T. Washington's industrial policy was indorsed. Fever Now Lauder Control. NEW ORLEANS, Sept 3 | that the fever situation Is under con 2 school Is to be thoroughly disinfected | at the eud of each week. The school | United States and Canada, also sepa- rate statements relating to countries showing premiums sud com was being extended i The fever report 1s as fol New cases, 37: total date, . Dew 15; cases under treat- 2.00 lows: to policy bolder. | RICHMOND, Va, Sept. 23.—Clarles pext Wednesday. | former goveruor of Virginia, Is dead farnn wear Bruceton, Va, on Oct 21, Life Insurance company, bile tour through the south of France He was met at Blarritz by j¢ Inquiry relative to the $1000 check made out to bim Ly the New York Life Insurance company, which he replied by wire as follows “You can deny for me that the check | for $100,000 to ne from the New York Life In March, 1004, was, as asserted | tn New York, for purposes of inBueuc- ing state legislation or thal it was so | Commissioners Diame Kelly. NEW YORK, Sept 23 -The raliroad commissioners the Ninth Avenue Elevated railroad, scores seriously Injured, battles, gainiug the rank of Panama and Costa Ries. WASHINGTON, Sept 28 ~ The aud In the opinleu of those ln a position to speak with au come of the | tuted negotiations now Insti May Recover With Broken Neck. BINGHAMTON. N. Y., Sept. 23 — with a broken neck at Union, chance of recovery from a load of straw, striking on the Emigrants Leaving Spain. CORUNNA, Spain, Sept. Boston Visancier Dead. BEVERLY, Mass, Sept. 23 Francis of the Pe nbody meiner Buenos Ayres. left for the United States, 300 have left | Malaga for Brazil and 2000 are wall ing for transport to America. Prance and Germany fa Accord, { prowninent in the fAnancial circles of the Peace Congress to King Oscar, a os Uo to the of CUBAN LEADER SHOT | Villuendas and Chief of Police Dead at Cienfuegos. | SIX KILLED; TWENTY-FIVE WOUNDED | Result of Folitical Affiray Between | Liberals and Moderates—Officials | Searching For Concealed Arms Were Fired On. i | HAVANA, Sept. 3 patches received from Clenfuegos nounced the killing of Congressman Enrique Villuendas leader of the LiL eral party and the able ator the lower house, and the chief of police of Cienfue during a counllict tween the two political parties ! Liberals and Moderates The government advices say lice od luformation that within the hotel In which Villoendas resided a quantity of arws had been deposited, and they went to the hotel to gate the matter. As the police ed the stairs they were met Ly of Liberals, who fired on them, killing Chief of Police lilance. The police re turned the fire, killing Villuendas and wounding several others Inteuse excltemeut prevailed at © fuego nud Havana, The goverument authorities fear the result which ®e affair may have upon the election of members of the election boards, which are being held today As the news was spread throughout Havana the Liberals aud Molerntes rapidly gathered in their respective clubs, and it & feared that unless: the | leaders give wise counsel a fatal clash { may result here | Later dispatches say that six isons were Killed and twenty five | wounded durftig the coutliet in Cleon i fuegos | Besides Congressman Villuendas au! | Chilef of Poligg lllance two policemen | were killed abd a number of police {men and clvillans wounded. Rural guards surround the entire block in which the Hotel Buizo, the scene of the affray, Is situated i It Is said that Villuendas fired the | shot which killed the chief of police while according to another report the shot wus fired by Fernandez, a Liberal, who has becu arrested A search of the hotel revealed two dynamite bombs iu the room occupled {by Villueudas, The in searchiug the hotel were carrying out the order of a Judge who was informed that ex plosives were hidden there The government has receives] a tele | gram from Senator Frins asking it to The tel Official dis an ost o nu gos Loe the the po invest] i asecenl i a party en per Jose police | send re-enforcvinents at once {egram says “While In Cleufuegos at present the forces are keeping onler, every precau ! tion Is needed, as there 18 danger of as saul. I recommend that the author ties prevent the entrance Into Clenfue gos of probable makers who are Hable to invade the elty. There are fears of dynawite bomb throwiug ” Acting ou the advice of SenatorSkri- as, the goverument has seut a train of five cars loaded with rural guards, the trouble for Clenfuegos, while the others will be distributed In Matanzas and Clara, where advices received government Indicate serious ay occur at any time | carries artiliery, and the | supplied with 13,000 rounds of ammu nition The feeling iu Havana Is most In } teuse. The Liberals are bitterly nouncing the government, have crt no advices from fuegos, because the government will | not permit the use of elther the gov- | ernment telegraph lines or of the cable lines by de wh Silver Found Near Sing Siang. OSSINING, N.Y, Sept Silver | quartz was found near Sing Slug pris on In rock which was blasted bY tric raliway contractors. Tle quartz was obtained near the site of au nban “»y - ele by the English before the Revolution ary war the miners, most of whom were Eng lsh, were driven away aud never returned to work the mine agnin 1520 aud again lo 1857 attempts were wade to pump out and to operate the old wive, Lut the quantity of sliver ob {talped was too small to be profitable | and these attempts were abandoned His New York Life Polley. LIMA, Peru, Sept. 23 — Deputy Brous sass called the attention of the cham ber of deputies to n transaction Le had with the New York Life lusuraunce { company. He sald that in fifteen years be bad paid the company $4000 (ny pre miums, but that on lgoidating the pol fey he received only $2000. The cham | ber of deputies at the of Mr | Broussass' statement called the atten tion of the government to the Close matter Another Advance In Price of OIL PITTSRURG, Sept. 23 ~The Stand ard Oil company advanced the price of Pennsylvania oll 10 cents and Tlona Coll B eents. Within two weeks Pennsyl vania oll bag advanced 19 cents and { Tiona 14 cents. The other grades of oll | were not chauged i ————— Subject of the Kalser Killed. TIFLIS, Sept. 23 -A German sub {ject was killed near Shusha, and his body hias not yet heen recovered The German consul has made vigorous rep | resentations to the local authorities fn | connection with the case Gambling Club Owner a Suicide. NORFOLK, Va, Sept. Zi -W W Moroney of Yeats Beach, one of the : of the Raleigh club, a gam: wen, FAVORITE WAS BEATEN. Dr. Spruill Won Sea Breese Stakes at Gravesend, NEW YORK hacked fron to Breoexz of the card The field strete hy a hivre sept. 23 Ir 2 Tto the Spruill won the Sed RT stakes, featun at Gravesend bunch to the Spruill and Ore ind in a hard foug it finish Burns landad Dr, Spruill a winner by 3 head over the 40 ta 1 shot Ors The favorite f D n third lengths hack, Ode the last race Vorite ran in Dr drew away Home was five in Tile! was the only winnmg fa Sunimanies Hae Ast third safficiency Haul i i 122K. Hirst A 3 I, third Spruill, first } thind | Irelude frst rita, first; Oxfond first third Hume ir ond | Fourth Rae oid; Rose of lawn Fifth Race Lillie B second | St thin Sixth lide, fir Badge, third I Ora, se first Ur=ul lace ean st, Lor second; Shawaua ——— | BASEBALL SCORES. Games "layed Yesterday by the Na. tiounl and American League (lubs NATIONAL LEAGUE Clpci ati fits Hr irs ¢: Pittst teres gkieby 3 Doli Peltz TABLE OF PERCENT AGE 8 A New York Psi iE « hi - alte Leroy and Kiel St Louis and Sugde: Second Game Louis Bt ell and Bpenics reds and At Philladeiphia Cleveland ) Philadelphia 3 4 Hits Cleveland, 1 of Criger TH Errors Cleve Batteries RI} nd Powers Second Game At Washing Detroit Washington Hits rors Detr les Wiggs it send and Hey TABLE OF PERCENTAGES Ww : Phi flac Ae} phia A] Misses Behr and Day In Fiannls. MORRISTOWN, N J Sept 23.- Lawn tennis matches fn the New Jer Bey chauipiouslilp tournament were brought! down to the final round fn all of the four events ou the courts of the Morristown Field club, Morris town, N J Miss Marion Belir, the sis ter of the Yale her tinal and championship state champion, won i the of the wollien's where who shigles Allee LL Day also cane through Kid Sullivan Got Decision, BALTIMORE, Sept. 23.--Kid Sulll. van of Washington got a well merited over Harry Lewis of Philade] at the end of a fifteen round fight last night Lewis proved himself boxer atd a good general, landed] many 1 power! a splendid but Lie them thoug! of ft (Ws, ul vues, he was 1 Sullivau ll thie unable seriously hur wlio looked anxious for mote tine Harness Meeting at Dover, DOVER, Nv IH were colupdeted at the hare «s me nt Granite on the 8 win other was heats bein Sept SX races tiuz State he first event 11 pace beat and race the 2:10 MoGregor park card was the 2 the final unfinished Frank Hie event trot Jef iy won by seven BE Ur Cess Equnled World's Pacing Record, READVILLE, Mass ft. \u dubon d A the tray el Ney Boy equaled the workl's recos for pacing, held by Star Poluter Rendsitle trotting park here an exhibition mile went the mile alone ing TTI IPLLEA the running horse giving ont shortly after the start Fhe paces Zinda at Charchill Downe LOUISVILLE, Sept won the featur 28 Zila eas ff Chiuec hill 10 the fifth race wan, heavl Iy played at 4 to 1, 1 drive was disqualified for foullng, and Theo Case, the favorite given Hrst event H th Downs Wwoll but nas Anderson Golf (hamplon, HAMILTON, Mass, Sept Willie Rye. | Y., retalned his title to the open golf champlonsbip of the United States by | winning the tournament at the Myopia | Hunt club. =] -l FRANCE IS ANGRY. Venezuela's Offensive Attitude Arouses Official Paris. WILL TEACH CASTRO TO BE POLITE M. Tatgny Will Insist on Insult Being Wilthdravwn—Saval Demon- stration to Awe Little Re pablic Proposed. PARIS, Rept. 25 The tude of Venezuela t the French cas, has aroused in quarters Ler Althoust taken dello 1otion, {it bighest £ t andonbtelly offensive ward MM. Tal d'affaires at Jdiguat atti gy, hiarg: ira on io otlicwal istry has pot yet d Pretuier Houvier Mh it Vene net anud miformable the colirtesies of itites is sa in the phan at demand ruela disave offensive adopt a w on COLrse with diplomatic semioticial Temps bas printed a reflecting official siplsject I'aiguy has been ordered Ven withdrawing refusal to deal with him withdrawal Is made The 8 article sentl ment on the It said M to insist Ler offensive If the oh zuvla's and Pres astro makes an apology then the negotiations If Venez Hi wise diplomatic relations by the withdrawal of M Falgny this would French interests unprotected The best « would be for France and the United States to make a joint naval demoustration, similar to that in which Great Britain, Germany and Italy took part The paper adds Already to our knowledge the uets of Washington and Paris have ex Mutual cou au will continue uel does pot acewde it wil Los immediately te break off w ns leave OlIrse cabl- sinined certain questions will render standing for ott This wili u fidences easy under 1wious joint interven tion intervention tex lude iu which firm wolera amd prudence. appears now to be essential” The authorit thiat ex hanges wil at Washington rein flies HM wading lLiess tian Liere = = is 1 ocenr ul niroversivs five lu the | to it nterests involved Canada Will Stop Hiseh Poachers. CLEVELAND, Sept. 23 It Pref tnadian minister of wa rine party of Canadians a visit to the yards of the Shipballding company in this city an interview iy mond nutaine, O with a was or Awerican Iu relative to the recent fir American fishing tugs by the ora Vigilant Minister sald that If it was neces sary to protect the fishing rights of Canada iu the great Jakes Cauada would build a ound Vigtlant and put it fo patrol service on the great lakes He said that Canada was determined to break up the practice of fishicrinen poachiug avpadian ing upon Canadian Prefontaine “eT st American in t wa fers Auto Racer. N 3 Ne rocident to Walter « nurse cup race It 1s feared that hie able to attend the prelim the Course serious Aceldent to LAKEVILLY ing to the in his Vanderhiit will not be nary uvktest Mr. White's injuries are as are those of Lis mecliauic, who was in the car with Mr White when the wachiue ran lute a telegraph pole at a turn of vad aud both thrown vielentiv oat into a ditch accideat occurred through M1 tempting to take the turn at this piace without any per ceptible reduction in the terrific of the car (hn White of the auntomotnle on the o over tiwlay the 1 Ihe White peed Potato Crop tndured by Rot, MALONE, N. Y Farmers in norther New Yo Lave begun to dig potatoes alarmed of rot < that site Sept. 23 a who just are at Lhe conditions farmer of 225 to 250 bush ihandonad thelr the few sound potatoes pay for digging As i= the wost himportant farming industry in northern New York the loss of the wajor portion of the crop will Le serl felt the prevaivnce are so yleld gave to the acre ficlds entirely ould pot wlito raising serio whose protiise els liave Lcanise w isl “Little Jefl™ Held or Diamond Theft ST. LOUIS, Sept after being trial on the clurge of olt rth of furnit Louis Brin a Mason Nuermnan on N bY , that I there =3 —lmmuediately rele ised on bond to sand of Iulug a4 fraudulently frow a ag Pp. J ttle Joell” Albany, wo ute Nt wu huown tel ns “LL laut (row ttle Jefl i= of having stolen dia WAS reais coli witnited on a charge it $40 He adwitted but had uothing to say re wd theft chaige wonds valuad Libs faentity punding the dian Western Lnion Loses Sule, PALL, Sept. 23 Ihe stats ourt decided fn favor of the | of the state of Minti Western Un Lele | It was a suit to cel | 81 | suprete £iate lng the suit the graph company lect taxes prs S] tur inm sola against oh valuation of the com fn the nmonnt of | «x! ou on a pany « jrorty his valuation is hs al assessinvnt the upon Cullipraly’s frat lise Sad Death of a Little Girl, GRAVEL SWITCH, Ky Chivnibiley, a deut «of returned home to vis idrea Sopt 3 lason res this | vnuty and «hi graspasd the chin to Kis< her back The little ground dead. A ber neck bad thor t his wife il daughter Lict fa he by head sank the | phivsictan fours! that ber fa six vear old ri his hiftiug vhe been broken by - { Nig Strike at Lode, | LODZ, Russian Polawl, Sept 23 PRICE ONE CENT Saturday Specials (Quting Flannel One case Outing Flannel (2000 make, Light and dark in checks and plaids sold for 10¢, our price Satar- ind Monday Re yards) Lest stripes everywhere day Linen Toweling weling, same as sold Saturday and Monday Ge. ~N Linen I'c before Hosiery Be y q regular heavy rnb hose, all sizes, 15¢ fast black and very strong, 10¢ the pair. Men's tan hose. fine thread dons ble heel and toe made to sell for 20e. Our price Saturday and Monday 10. Table Linen Ee 60 and 62 in. Irish or German Linen, grass bleached, usually sold fore. Our price Saturday Monday 48¢ Dress Goods 15¢, price hose, ood Vine of colors, I. ai $6 in. Storm Serge, every staple and new shade. had to buy them now they sell for 65c. Saturday and Sle : special 44 all (iranite Cloth good range of colorings. Your judgment will tell you what they arc worth. Saturday and Monday Hie in woo! = % Our goods are bought direct for both wholesale and retail depart- ments at the Scranton store. Globe Warehouse, Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave. VALLEY PHONE in stock Sterling, Dockash, Happ: Thought and Garland S teel Ranges, BOLICH BROS. HARDWARE | Desmond St. and cotton cloth factorfes here are on strike. They demand an Increase in thelr wages of 40 per cent. Two more . of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers