Pc 4 New ideas in Heavy Kmit Sweaters, Turtle Neck, and Vest Sweat- ers, Colors : — White, Black and Oxford AT BOLTON'S. 's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. Ave, Sayre, RST NAIONAL 2, $70,000.00 GENERAL BANKING 5 Paid on Time Deposits. DIRECTORS. RK FP. Wilbur, J. N. Weaver, WA Wilber, J. W. Bishop, F. T. Page, For male in Athens, REAL ESTATE Sayre and Waverly, access [INSURANCE Property Bought, Sold and —Bxchanged — Investments Loans Negotiated IIT Packer Ave., - Valley Phone 230x, Sayre, Po ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. ROOM 7, ELMER BLOCK - LOCKHART ST., SAYRE. Just the thing for Baby's : Bath PURE WHITE CASTILE ‘“LaPerla Brand.” 201 Lockbart St., Sayre. The one | Surpassing quality of is its _ One bottle of it will do more to convert pse that don't know any argument of alk or print. Try it pday; light or dark; ne price; prompt MAIERBREWING cONPANY, GREAT AUTO RACE i i Dingley Wins Contest of Skil and Daring at Mineola. MRS. BINDLOSS SHOT HIM. Stephen M. Crocker, Tervorising New Londen Family, Seriously Hurt. NEW LONDON, Coun, Sept. D.— Steplien M. Crocker, a wember of a JARDINE'S CAR TURSED TURTLE Feature of Hace Was Pluck of Driv. ers of Sherman's Royal Tourist, Which Teok Third Prize After Bad 1 paet. MINEOLA. N.Y. Sept Qontest of =kill and during, devoid of serious pechdept, BF Dingley drove A. L Pope's sixty horsepower Pope Toledo car 113.2 niiles over the Nassat circuit Iu two hours and Afty seconds winiing the cllminatory trial to select a team of five American mobiles for the second Vauderbiit cup Fifty nlue seconds behind him elapsed time came Tracy, driving 120 horsepower locamobile of Dir. E Thomas whese plucky was not Known when Lie 4 third in E. D. Sherman's forty power Royal Tourist course in 2 bours, 19 minutes and Nutt, in a fifty horsepower Haynes, of Elwood Haynes, was fourth in 2 hours, 23 minutes and 32 seconds and Roberts, driving the sixty horse power Thomas car of H. 8. Houpt, was fifth, =ix minutes amd eight seconds slower than the fourth man There Were ten cars to face the starting line, and ouly the five that qualified fin ished. His automobile overturned aud be, with his mechanic, R. Turner. sent fay fog through the air, bruised and cut and the machinery almost wrecked Jardine stuck to the race and for forty two miles risked his life at almost every rod Jardine, kuewn for his daring a graduate of the Henault and Panhard | schools and now an engineer with the Royal! Tourist company. was regarded a8 the best driver In the race. He drove steadily, making up time by his skill In making the sharp turus and by his straight course It was ou the third round at the! Guinea woods. Jardine was going about forty-five wiles an hour. Without | slacking speed he struck the curve, and | suddenly Lis machine turned turtle. | Jardine felt the rise aud juwped, call fog to bis wechanple, Tucker. Jardine landed ten feet away ou the turf at the side of the road on his knees, bruls. | ing them. Tucker could not jump, and bystand ers said that he turned at least ten spmersauits as he few through the air, alighting twenty-five feet away on his bands and breast. He arose with a apraine] wrist aud a broken thumb Both tien were ou their feet in au in- stant sud back to the automobile, A large crowd had wituessed the ncel- dent, and a score of persons, grasping the machine, turned it right side up An instant's survey showed the top of the water cooler knocked off, the gasoline tank beut in and the steering rod bent and broken. There was a quick makeshift, the sparkers were ig nited and the men were in the machine, | Tucker trying to cover the water cooler with his hand and Jardine, bolt up- right, steering by faith almost. The speed of the automobile went | back to the average Over the hills it! went, the water splashing, the gaso- | line leaking, the steering rod almost useless. The daring wen were cheered | to the echo as they passed the line in| third place. i Chicago Batted McGinnity Hard. CHICAGO, Sept. 25. — Chicago Na-| tionals won the third straight game | from the champions. One Inuing, the | fifth, did the business, uine runs scor- | ing on two passes, two steals, a wild pitch, a passed ball, three singles and three doubles. McGinnity retired In favor of Awes after seven runs had been made off him. Wicker was an enigma to the visitors except in two fonings. Umpire Emslle fainted on | the fleid during the second Inning. The | crowd at once invaded the diamond, and the police were compelled to use | their clubs vigorously before the game | could be resumed. Emsiie resumed his work after about five minutes. Score, | 10 to 5. | ~In » ute the made race for it the H Face Ciline Jundine sin] horse the 1s coupleting seconds i Cineinnat! Took Two Games. i CINCINNATI, Sept. 25 ~The Cincin- nati Nationalg tried out five new men in a double Leader with Brooklyn, and | all gave good accounts of themselves. | In the first game Seymour secursd two | howe runs, Barry scoring albead of bim | on each occasion. Johns and Doescher, { Alice. dition as the result of a pistol shot re of George Biludloss at their home here at an early hour io the meruinug. Late at night Crocker went to the Bindloss house, and when the door was opened In response to bis ring he push ed his way in past the servant and met Mrs. RBimndloss and her daughter, Miss Stella Bindioss. Tueir refusal to speak to him angered him, hours he had them in a state of terror Mrs. Biudloss tried to get to the tele phone to summon ber Jusband or the doing =o FAIRBANKS IN OHIO. PRICE ONE CEN! = Cuban Moderates Gain Sweep- ing Victory. GOVERNMENT FIRMNESS SAVED RIOTS Reported That Liberals Were Plot. ting to Use Dynamite aad Had Imported War Material From New York, HAVANA, Sept. 25 ber first election, aud party, under President Kuluned a sweeping Vietory Cuba has held the Moderate Palma, has Fears Lad the day would Le fraught with great and secured his revolver to protect her self saw Crocker beating her daughter, and In her uervousness the revolver, which bullet did not strike Crocker, but the girl, and he turned on Mrs. Bindloss In struggling with ker for possession of the weapou it was exploded agala, 1nd the bullet entered his body under the breastbone amd inflicted a wound that probably will cause his death Crocker left the house after a short time and went to his home, where he collapsed aud was later taken to the hospital. When he recovered conscious ness he sald that two tramps shot Lim Mr. and Mrs. Bindloss went to the police station and told the true story of the occurrence A CHINESE BOMB THROWER. Prince Taal Sche Wounded and Four OWiclale Killed at Peking. PEKING, Sept. 23.—At the Peking raliway station as a train carrying one ftudy foreign political methods was leaving, a bomb was exploded inside a and wounding over twenty other per sons The wounded Teche, of the missions, and Wu Tiug Fang former minister to the United States both of whom receives slight injuries The perpetrator of the outrage, who Was In the car, was blown to pleces The affair has create] a profound sensation and causes apprehension re include Prince Taal court and leading officials of the gov- ernment. The goverument offices and the rail ways are now strongly guarded. An edict appointing the missions was named to go abroad to study foreign systems of government because the dowager empress Intended to issue a lishment of a parliament twelve years Boyes Killed Dald Eagle. NEWARK, N. J, Sept. 25—A ball eagle measuring five and one-half feet frow tip to tip of the wings was killed ters, aged respectively twelve and thirteen years. The boys were cross ing the flelds with their dog a short eagle swooped down on the dog and attempted to carry it of. Edwin ran the neck. The big bird fought des- perately, tearing the lad's clothing In- to tatters with its talons, but he held It fast until bis brother killed it with a baseball bat. M. Witte at Berlin. BERLIN, Sept. 25M. Witte, ac compauled by bis daughter, Mine, Na. rychkine, wife of the se retary of the Russian legation at Brussels, arrived ly after 8 o'clock last night and was embassy. He procesded immediately to the Hotel Bristol, where he will re- slide until tomorrow, when he goes to Rominten, one of Emperor Willlam's famous hunting seats, situated near the Russian frontier, where he will have an audience of his majesty Army Ofcer Shoots Himself. ATLANTA, Ga, Sept a. py These fears seemed justified on ac occurrence at Clenfuegos of the affray at which Representative Villuendas, Chief of Police Hance and This affray, resulting in the death general riots throughout the island i i i shooting himself through the brain with frey, commander of the Ninth United suddenly to a realization that they were playing with fire, though the prompt dispatching of strong furces of artillery aud rurales and a geueral dis play of goverument strength at dang: points may be greatly responsitée for the order maintained) It seems pretty well proved that the Liberals there plotted to use dynamite extensively if the elections did not sult them, as an expert who examine! one of the bombs found Iu Villuendas' Fool says they coutalu enough explo sive to blow up a whole block Evi deuce was found that Villuendas took twelve bombs to Clenfuegos, ouly three of which were found However, twelve other similar ones. toguther with other arms, were discoverwd Santa Clara, There is every indication that Senor Palpia's forces Live scored a sw eopiug victory, which the Liberals, now that the fights are over, seem to be taking phliosophically Liberals admit the complete victory in Havana of the Moderates, the party of President Palma. Leaders are marshaling their forces in tide before December's final elections Liberals declare they did uot vote, as police and bands of Moderates prevent ed, but this appears to be unfounded In Havana at least they appear to have been beaten fairly Serfons trouble ln the Immediate fu ture Is doubtful, but If dynamite plots are laid for the primaries there Is rea- son to fear the result of December's Several shipments of ammunition In the last few weeks to members of the Liberal party in Cuba. These “up plies were purchased from a firm which furnished wuch of the war wa terial to the Cuban junta at the time of the last rebellion and were shipped clandestinely as merchandise to os cape the attention of Consul General by agents of the Liberals are vow stored In various cities of the island. particularly fu Clenfuegos, for use In the campaign against the Moderates Convention of Military Sargeons. DETROIT, Mich, Sept. 25. —Soldlers and sallors’ ills and wounds will be geons from all parts of the world at the fourteenth annual meeting of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, which opens here tomor- row. Distinguished medical men from the armies of Mexico, Japan, China, England, France, the Dowinlou of Can. ada and surgeons from the United States army and navy and marine hos- pital service as well as many national guard surgeons are here to attend the couveution ANNAPOLIS, Md, Sept. 23 - Gener plied by the uaval authorities of the Naval academy to the 230 new mid shipmen show that Charles F. Chaw bers of Steubenville, 0. {sa the stron get member of the class, his total strength belug represented Ly 1.100 kilos. Les Carey of Snow HILL Md, Is second, with 1,034 kilos Both are wewbers of the football squad. ——————————— Traveling Man a Sulcide. CLAREMONT, N. H., Sept. 25 — Wal lace M. Leet, a traveling salesinau for a Clocinpati lguer fir, committed Where Needed. BELLEFONTAINE, 0. Sept. 20. — Beautiful weather and inimense crowds were the first features of the opening of the Republican state campaligu here Governor Herrick spoke on state sues. although « alling attention to the interest Olle ulways take is people in mount by gas asphyxiation. He arriy «1 at the hotel late at night and np peared to be despondent. Just before ST. LOUIS, Sept. 25 Nationals took a closely contested game from Boston in the presence of the greatest crowd seen iu a St. Lonis park this year. The confest was fea tured by timely hitting by Grady, De Groff and Beckley. Roston scored on errors. Score. 5 to Providence Won ( hamplonship, PROVIDENCE, R. I, Sept. 25. —-The Providence baseball team won the championship of the Eastern league by defeating Rochester 14 fo 4 More than 15008 persons saw the gEume, which was played at Rocky Point, English Football Team Won, ST. LOUIS, Sept. 25 -The Pligrim Association football team of England Sefented 8 picked St lLouls eleven years of age and a graduate of West Point. Lymehed Wrong Negro. CONWAY, Ark, Sept. wife at New York. ————— us Working on Eight Moar System. INDIANAPOLIS, Lid, Sept. 25 A mob, The negro was held for attack. Ing Mrs daughter the house occupied by Mrs, Lawrence. Sheriff Harrell sald that the fons are now working on an eight hour 10 Sines Sept. 8 sixty six cities Buffalo Dredge Goes Under, DUNKIRK, N. Y,, Sept. 25. A large for which Brown was lynched Japancas Selse Islands. ing company of Baffalo foundered in Captain George Were | i i Bere by a score of 6 to 0. Baron Broggen, on Seuntor J. B. Fornker closed the speaking prograwme with a discussion of national Issues Vice President Fairbanks the prevalling prosperity aml Kuments in ministration said in part “11 is proper to piveaeut for confirmation thie disc issn] ar ad the agatost a change the He cuttin to of In cofiditions jij il oi bit the virtue of Hey uo period of th fn Ohdo and « ble to the vast capital. ‘Let well worn pir great virtue Iie has to its credit prosperity Agriculture analysis is the sure greatest national ug Its largest have 2 principles past have here been so favora tervals of Inbosr and i i well enough alone” is a ¢ Yet HH pos Repu nine sessed prarty Years of exoep tional tuder which in the foundation of prosperity rewards hnoreasead exis! poli final | = cies He Is enjoy Farm values} Farm | mortgages Lave been decreased. Mann | factories runniug full with payrolls Labor in de | everywhere, Idleness vanished i with the overthrow of the Detuocratio | Deora everywhere are time norea sed i= mand policies administra and ion You declare that you stand by the to Amdrican can industries. This Is vet it is of principles of p thd Ne 1 brief utterauce ection Isat ir command HE Importance to our Industeal devel optuent mul commercial growth. It is uot of wonent section of the country, but to all sections “The Dinglcy tariff Las been in op eration eight There are those who challenged its eMeacy when it was enacted, and there are those who doubt its wisdoiu pow to one years Fhe tariff has always bad powerful advocates. A Republican wdjnst tariff schedules readjustment Is essen the ity of tk maintain the tari in perat Congress will re wherever such tial to system preserye Integr ind to wholesome « ol Harvard I ccturer Found Dead. WEST OSSIPEL NH, Sept. 25.— Dr. James KK. Chadwick of Boston. a lecturer at Harvard was found dead Just dence at Chocorua his servants It fell from the piazza tage during the night eral brulses about the til hips such as would be caused by a fall, and Coroner E. W. Hodsdon of Tam worth, who beld an inquest, guve the opinion that death the result of an acchlent it thought that [ir Chadwick 1a tide! iid Jost ba biinies way college Lis suntier N.H. by SHp passed oilitside «i of he one that roof of his cot is Lhere are sey head was is ' v ill his white making his across the roof to obtain air Fatal Wreck ant Susquehnuna. BINGHAMTON, N. Y, Sept Erie train No. 14, eastward bound. was wrecked in a collision with an ep gine about a quarter of a mile east of Susquehauua, Pa, at 7 o'clock last night. Both englues were turned on thelr backs beneath a coal pocket. The colliston was caused Ly an engl from the coal pocket makiug nn attempt to cross the malu ine. Frank Robbins of Susquchauna, engineer of the wrecked tratn, was Killed. His fireman, whose uname Is O'Rourke and who Hyd tu Susquehanna, is thought to be under his eugine An Erle detective named Henstead was fatally injured by being thrown from the baggage car Miss Roosevelt and Party at Seoul, SEOUL, Sept 25 -Miss Allee R velt and party attends! the athletic of Japanese school Lhe received by the Japanese he entire par after the strenuous Fase sports Boys party educational committee resting Wis is now na. The visit is largely lostug an ofl clal character, and the party will spend some the at piculeking and riding In the hills of Seoul and vicinity Platt In Ianvalid's Chale, KANSAS CITY, Sept. 23 United States Senator Thomas CC. Platt of New York arrival here from Denver in his private amd left for the enst jast Senator Platt Je nied reports that have been circulated about his health Notwithstanding his denial the senator held In bis cur In an luvalld's chalr car Coarler night about Was Victor Ennmanuel nt Milan, MILAN, Sept. 23 - hing Vict 1d He yvestend 1y on the of # monn Norges Ww anuel Quorn clit receives! on popular ovation hers ocvasion of the dedication mental tower 0 castle erveted to the memory of his majesty 's father, King Humbert Many bers of the cabinet were present on Matadors Hefused an Encare, NIMES, France Sept, Fwelve thousand spectators of a hualifeht here broke up the chairs, other seats aml the to tn becca se barriers sur boxes and set fire rounding the arvana miata encore after they had dispatehed five Plympton Heleased an Nall PLYMOUTH, Mass, Sept. 23 Eben Plympton, the actor arrested here on a charge of with in wha was issauit tent to Kil Captain George Martin awd has Leen Plymouth fall has been released on confined in Pour New Fever Cases at Viekshurg. | VICKSBURG, Miss, Sept. 23 Four bg de President's Summer Outing Ends on Saturday. BUSY AT HIS MESSAGE T0 CONGRESS The Important Topies In It Ave Fed. eral Supervision For Life Insar- Ance, With Vene- suela and Santo Domingo. OYSTER BAY, N. Y. pt. 25. - Presideat Roosevelt will cotitplete his Summer sojourn at Sagamore Hill and return to Washington west Saturday Sept. 30. The president, Mrs It velt and members of thelr fan Secretary and Mrs Loeb ain the hers of the force Saturdny on a the Long I=land raliroad Ibe president is devoting considera Lle time cach das Relations Ne bevy iy Hie execntive will k ive mornin special over now coligress. For some he has | the message, ent of wr wenn assembling data for Lut the peace conference the data sluice wljourn Liv definite the Lias been iting into Three topics highly important at this thue to the Amorican people will be discussed Ly the president ln his message. They are the federal regu- supervision of life lusur- ance, the relations between this coun and Ves ezueia fis and America’s in al affairs of the gov- Other im sidered, amoung them the scandals dis- closed In the departments of agricual- ture and the interior, the work of the department of Justice in the Leef trust cases, the regulation of rallroad fre ight rates, the in the con struction of the Panama canal and the conclusion of between and Japan Much of the material for the discus sion of these subjects President Rosse velt hand, and the last days of his stay at Sagamore Hill are belug devoted to the preparation of the part of his message which will deal” with them Few visitors Lave been received the adjournment of the peace conference, the president progress made peace Russia now has in sitive desiring to be as free as possibile from interruption while working on his mes- sage. His last week here 1s practical. Iv devold of « —————— A Cyclone Sweeps Calabria, ROME, Sept. 23. Another cyclone Yesterday caused enormous damage in Calabria dual clearance of the ruined the recent earth quakes shows that the number of per ous to perish was greater than in the first estimates are bw The work of « NEEvinents A Ei buildings by Riven Large numbers of bodies ing diseovensd daily mstructing wosden cab ins teler went sipwrvision i= Proges T'wo thousand Lave already been completed, nnd 4.000 wore will homeless Fapridiy ug be necessary to shelter the people the railroad de pots tistics cattle the earthquakes who are sleeping in According to sta 20 00k) perished during Rallway Men at Philgdelphia, PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 25 More than a thousand men interested in the operation of street car lines, iu cluding manufacturers of street cars td for Hi itlons of associntions inter ested fu street rallways. The organiza fons to weet are the American Street Rallway the American Railway Mechanical and Electrical as. so¢lation, the Street Railway Account. ants’ ation of America, the American Associagion of Street Rail way Claim Agents and the American Street Hallway Maoufacturers ciation I'he conventions will six days Changed Cars In Pink Pyjamas. NEW ORLEANS, Sept Mr Kollman, a New York werchant, hal to change cars at the quarantine sta tou outside the city clad only In a sult of pale pink pyjamas, yellow socks and a light blue coat. He retired the night before his arrival lu New Orleans in a Pullman car He carefully re moved Lis outer ganuents, wrappal thew up and tucked thew ju one of tie receptacles provided by the Pullman Car company When awakened at quarautine Mr Koblman found his clothes gone. Search was valn pp lances re here the nual conve association Asso N=<0 cover British Ship Viola Rammed. VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass, Sept 25. ~The British schooner Viola, bound from St. John, N. B., for New York with a cargo of lumber, was worked into the harbor here fn a water logeed condition the wen cut down during the night by the steamer Indian of the Boston aud Philadel phia Steamship company. No one was Injured vessel having Victory For German Armas In Africa. BERLIN, Sept 25 The goverument receives] Information from German Enst Africa that attacks by the rebels on Mahenge have wen stcevssfully [a 8 pulsed, that the Morogo rebels lost 830 killel and that the Grawerth column had arrived at Kilwa after inflicting severe losses on the relwls In six fights Vanderstuy ft PARIS, Sept Relglun bleyele Bowl. Vanderstuy ft, the golden bowl In the twenty-four hours, which bas just ended here, covering 574 miles, 21 yands and 2 feet. Nat Butler, the American, was third, cov ering Ni2 miles. 30 yands and 1 foot. Vencanela Mast Withdraw Insult. CARACAS, Venezuela, Sept. 25 — The French government has asked the Venezuelan government to reconsider Its last note. which Is hooked ) . Won Golden 23 thie race of wou ter Goods ———— | | Underwear {children’s underwear are now | We sell the best 25c fleeced lined. garment for ladies to be found an We have better ones of {course up to the finest wools. | We have the shaped garments for | misses, also girl's styles and boy's styles in under drawers. where Hosiery Four specials for the week: = Boy's 15¢ school hose, special 106 tarls 12}¢ school hose, 3 pairs for 2K Men's 17¢ one-half hose, 10¢ Waistings One case best 28 in, made light and dark grounds in patterns and polka dots. bring 12{c in some stores. price for one day only, Weds Sax 1al S¢ Dress Good Weare showing Panamas, Pana ma Checks, Drape de Alma, Hen= riettas, French Serges, Storm Poplar Crepe, Danish cloth, downe, Adova, ( hangeable Mohairs, Mannish Suitings, pines, Crepe de Paris, Crepe A mure, Prunella, Venetians, Bro Cloths, ete. Any of these ne weaves we are pleased to show any time. Largest line of Die Goods in the valley and all at usual Globe Warehouse's low price Silks Radium Checks, Plaids, Shade Checks, Moire, Velour, C Fancies and full line of staples. Glad to show our line ag You'll not be pressed to buy. = Globe Ware Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave, VALLEY PHONE 52 Sterling, Dockash, Hap Thought and Garland Desmond St, D. CLAREY COAL G Lehigh Valley C
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