- your Banking busi- 8, and will pay you three per iL. interest per annum for money of savings is a al feature of this Back, and al deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of NM. N. SAWTELLE, Cashier. ISS SS The Valley Record MURRRLLE, Publisher, H. BR. CUNNINGHAM, City Editor. every afternoon except San- urrelle’s Printing Office, Sayre, ption, $3.00 per year; 25 cents Advertising rates reasonable, and made on applieation. —— Eotered as second<lass matter May iy the at Sayre, Pa, Act of Congress of March 3, SAll the news that's fit to print" ‘MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1908. 2 bridge builder employed on a job ‘at Ulster, came to town Saturday to arrest him. The pris ‘was a powerful fellow and sted the officer. Before he was ded in the local lockup his head § badly cut and it was necessary to call a physician who adminis tered anaesthetics before the injured ‘head could be sewed up. Last night when arraigned before Justice ‘Hoagland he pleaded guilty to a charge of public intoxication and paid a fine of $5 oo. DIED IN WRECK ~ Waverly—Detective Hempstead, for some time in the employ of the Erie Railroad Company, was fatally injured in an Erie wreck at Sus- ‘quehanna last night. Mr. Hemp stead was well and favorably known in this city and the news of his “sudden death was a shock to his friends. His last visit in Waverly was on the occasion of the Fire men's convention last week, when he appeared in new uniform. One engineer and a fireman were also killed in the wreck. ~ Miserable Side Walks Waverly—While there are a few good side walks in South Waverly there are a whole lot of miserably poor ones which should be looked after before winter sets in. A lady - yesident fell op-one of the walks ast evening, but fortunately sus tained no serious injury. Had she ‘been laid up a suit for damages would have been instituted. S. of V. This Evening Waverly—State Commander W. B. Moynihan of Rochester will . wisit Waverly camp No. 88, Sons ~ of Veterans, at their rooms on Broad street this evening. At the : the close of the business session a social hour will be spent at which time an address by the State com- ‘mander will be delivered _ Rebekah’s Anniversary Javerly—A highly enjoyable affair was the anniversary celebra tion of the Daughters of Rebekah organization on Saturday evening t their rooms on Broad street A fine program, including selections on an Edison phonograph, recita ‘tions and music helped to pass a . most pleasant evening. Light re freshments were served. ‘Waverly—The Republicans of J. VERNON TEED, MANAGER News matter intended for publication in the Waverly Department should addressed to the manager at H snyder, Waver'y. N.Y. scriptions will alsc be receipted for Poe te] where sub Our subscribers will confer a favor by notifying us if they do not receive the Record regularly W. L. Watrous 1s in Elmira to day. ce —— L. P. Smith and son Elbert spent Sunday in New York. m———— Donald MacDonald 1s the new night clerk at the Norwood —————————————— “Billie” Seibel of Easton 1s call ing on friends 1n town today H. S. Gregg of the Racket Store is confined to the house by illness —————————————— William Knapp of Elmira spent Sunday with Orange street friends Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Northrup have returned from their wedding trip. Miss Kenyon avenue left this morning for York. Miss Margaret McCarthy of Ll Rea of Pennsylvania New mira 1s visiting Miss May ran south side Mrs. Thomas Shehan rendered a beautiful solo at St. James church last evening - S.E Ells from their New York trip Sunday morning and wife returned sam. Robert Johuson, a graduate of W. H. S. leaves for Harvard Uni versity tonight. Mrs. Ellisand son Arthur are guests of Rev. Edward Flemming at Williamsport. Miss Grace Lawrence is spend. ing the week with Miss Briggs at Deposit. —— Anna Max Shoemaker left yesterday for Albany where he has entered the School of Pharmacy Charles Carter of the cast ward spent a few days out of town last week on his annual vacation Mrs. E. J. Roberts spent yester day as a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Benscoler at Wilkesbarre Mrs. M.S. Godshall and daugh- ter, Miss Florence, from their visit at Waverly, Pa, today. Miss Minnie Quinn of Elmira visited at the home of Miss Mame Pickley on the south side yester- day. J Miss Gertrude Stuart has re- turned home at Addison after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shipman. . Miss Mildred Reynolds of Elmira was a Sunday visitor at the home of her brother, Morton P Reynolds. return -> father’s death & few days ago has at the of Morgan Manning at Che mun y and visited he fie Nn am Mh est day - Miss Aice B parents at Wilkesbarre yesterday. » Devlin visited her J N Enright and ster of Mild- red, Pa, spent Saturday in town T. H. Woodruff of Ithaca a pleasant call on friends in this made plac < yeste rday The Misses N J and D. A Slavton of Washington, D. C, were Sunday victors in this city A large n wite to wer of students en orncll University, Ithaca, to town ye sterday 11 afternoon - Hora in New Kinney left for his home York A.B Higbee accompanied him and will remain in the city a week last night Thomas terday afternoon Dunn was arrested yes- Broad and locked up for being drunk This morning he paid a three dol- lar fine on street - A large number from this place vill attend this wer the the Binghamton fair week. Rate for round trip Erie is fare and one third S1 Dr. W. A. Palmer, wife and two of Castle Rock, Colo, ruests yesterday of Mr Mrs. C.F New York children were and Chaffee, on their way to Miss Ferguson of New York a milliner of several years experience in city millinery parlors, has been engaged by Mrs. S. E. Ells trimmer for the fall and winter sea son as Miss Mae Keegan has returned to her duties at Miss Devlin’s mul linery parlors after three weeks in New York and Philadelphia where she has been studying fall and win- ter millinery styles Society Was Not Formed Waverly—At a meeting of those the formation of a Choral Society heid at High school building a committee was appoint- interested In cd to further the proposed plans consisting of E. W. Eaton, J. M. Jolls, Mrs. F. M. Snook, of Waver- ly; C.). Cary of Sayre, and Mrs. O L. Haverly of Athens. Anoth er meeting will be held in the near future to complete the organization. Letter From Alaska Waverly —FE A. Smith received a letter Saturday from his brother Elton W. Smith, a former Waverly boy, now of Nome, Alaska, stating that since he first left this city he He nt engaged with a mine has traveled 48,000 miles 1s at press contractor as boss over a gang of aigoers Bn Sunshine Club to Banquet Waverly—This evening at the home of their president, Mrs. Frank Shaw, on Waverly street, will occur the annual banquet of the Sunshine club. An excellent program had : y | 5% 1 1 : : : TUNKHANNOCK TEAM The Monitor football team of Sayre will meet the Tunkhannock high school team at Tunkhannock next Saturday. They hope to return with Tunkhannock's scalp. LOST HIS VEST James Bush lost his®vest, con- taining a watch and other personal property, on the east side Saturday night. He complained to Officer Lewis, who recovered the missing articles. rr ——_— A pn m— CIRCUS COMING Hagenbeck's circus and animal roll carly Wednesday morning and all the small boys will be happy. wild show will into town HOSPITAL NOTES Adolph Heddich of Towanda was discharged today Mrs. Jessie Brown of Ricketts was admitted Saturday afternoon Two Able Sermons Waverly — Rev. G. A preached two able sermons ycster- Briggs day. The morning subject was “A Glimpse of the Unseen,” and the evening discourse was founded on “Refuge in the Time of Danger’ Delegates Return Waverly—Delegates from this city to the N. P. L.. convention at yesterday. Without exception they report having enjoyed a most pleasant trip TONIGHT SEPT. 25. \0ONIS OPERA HOUSE WAVERLY The Star of the Moving Picture World EDWIN J. HADLEY Will Present Is FAMOUS MOVING PICTURES. America’s Greatest Exhibition, Entirely New Program SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES 10, 20 AND 300. Delayed advertisement, but company will positive- ly exhibit Tonight H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special stteation to Pension Papers. Valley Phone 11 X. 112 Desmond Street, Rayre, A.E.BAKER (Garpenter and Builder. ROOF ‘ S00 ol) =») rae 500 - Magnificent Horses — 500 Trained Wild Animals—1,100 Seating Capacity 10.000 Performance Carl Hageubeck The European Circu The Heras Family of eleven, dire the famous Florence Trio) the them, in an act never before att kings of the air; cultard snow queen, Miss Helen Richards, ar npted vhite wl Tour sd — 1 Given in 3 Rings Arena, on Two Stages and Around the Cie of ast; this co try fee fof o Caine thr uarkably l« in acrobatic feats, divide honors with Herzog educated stallions, sixteen of werial har artists: the Edwards, England's famous tight wire illing circus features, CARL HAGENBECK'S OWN UN E and 8 p.m; LIGHT AS A FEATHER and hence comfortable to the palate, gums and the whole mouth are the new style plates of needed teeth we fit to your face. Yes, to your face, for the outside of cheek and chin are to be considered as well as the inside if natural looks are to Get our 1deas and you'll want our work be retained. prices Then Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every Morning. DAVIS, N DR. WAVERLY, GOOD BREAD! When you want it call for KING'S BREAD Made at the West Sayre Bakery, Sold in Sayre by David Arthar, Fred Cook, Child, Waltman & Young, James Daly, Hand & Doane, F. KE. Seager and W. 8 Wright. In Athens by Park & Co, Cat- lin & Co. and J. F. McKean. Good Bread from Good Materials. None Better Made Anywhere. y Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, composed of experienced musicians, and playing all the latest music, is prepared to fur- nish any number of instruments for balls, parties or entertainments, day or night; rates reasonable, Inquire CH. Barden, Valley Phone 2-x, Sayre, or leave orders at Maney & Page's, Sayre. Orchestra. The D. 8. Andrus Orchestra guaran- tees satisfaction at all concerta, balls, parties, ete. Prices reasonable, Leave order at D. 8 Andrus Masic Store, 128 Desmond street, or see J. J. Hummel, Mgr. 117 N. East street, Bayre. Ready for Business Having refitted the billiard, pool and lunch rooms recently leased of F.S. Wol- cott, 1 am now prepared to serve all cus- tomers in a satisfactory manor. patronage solicited. clams in season. Try colle, 8 on sile JULY DIVIDEND fn slo k « on the 8th = i The Penn-Wyoming Copper Co. iting the fit was i Performance at 2 WANT ADS Rates : Wanted, Lost, Found, For Sale, ete, | cent a word each insertion Call or } i KEVNOLDS Packer Ave sarre Fa stigating We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT GAS BURNER which gives you better light than ten ordinary gas burners or twelve electric bulbs. Floods a large room with a bean- tiful white light. Comfortable for home, study, reading, ete. Saves the eyes, Makes stores, halls and churches look at- tractive and bright, Fits any gas burn er. After a week's trial, if not satisfied your money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374} Broad St., Both Phones, Waverly. C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. Look! Look! If yon are looking to the interest of FOUr pox ket book you should buy your Groceries and Provisions where vou can save the most money. Everything in the line of first-class staple and fancy groceries at a big sav- ing of money, Our Sunshine Coffee is the best on earth. All who have tried it once 25% a pound, J. L. HUNTER, 375 Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y. Charles C. Annabel, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, 332 Broad St., Waverly, N. Y. Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the firm of use no other, insertion thereafter, None taken for less than 23 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers, Wanted. Wanted —An orderly at the Robert A. Packer Hospital. Business concern now doing a profit- able and increasing trade wants to double it by interesting a few local men with some spare capital. Business will bear closest investigation. Don't reply unless you have the funds. Address “Business,” care The Valley Record, Sayre, Penna. 116-6* "Good boy to learn printing trade at Record office. Must be in good health and willing to work. Apply before noon. A set of Duruy's “History of Rome," or of “Booklover's Shakspere.” Inquire Record Office, Sayre, 115-8* Reliable married man wanted to work at the [ce business by the year. Inquire F. J. Tillman, 105 North Elmer Avenue, Sayre; Pa. 114-8 Money to Loan. Party has limited amount of money to loan on desirable terms. Address inqui- ries to The Record, Sayre. 115-8* For Sale or Exchange. Double barrel 12-guage hammer shot- gun in perfect condition for sale cheap for cash, or will trade for a good bicycle, Write what you have to offer to “Sporta- man,” care Valley Recond, Sayre, Pa. 115( — For Sale. Ford touring car in first class condi- tion; great bargain to quick buyer. Ad- dress Lock Box 12, Waverly, N. Y. 1074 A l4-room house, centrally located, for sale cheap. Suitable for boarding house. Address: Boarding House, Valley Record Office, Sayre, 118-8* One set “Irish Literatare,”10 volumes, three-fourths moroaco, perfectly new, for sale or exchange for other books. Box T. Sayre. 115-8* House and lot, No. 121 Hopkins street. Apply to Mrs. H. D. Angell, No, 114 Wilber avenue, Sayre, Pa. 114-4 Horse for sale. Five years old. Wi 1350 Ibs. Coldr, bay. J. C. Wood, Maple street. . For County Commissioner date for the office of County Commission er, appealing to the voters, without re= gard to panty, for their and support n . at the polls in November, ; Hexny H. | Towanda, Pa.. Aug. 16,'08. : L Notice. The Record, has the best House Lease ever printed in Bradford © {also Vest ket and Desk Ree | Books; and a variety of Legal | for Justices and Constables. BY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers