3 solicit your Banking busi- ' and will pay you three per interest per annaum for money on Certificate of Deposit or Account. The department of savings is 3 special feature of this Bank, and § deposits, whether large or draw the same rate of MN. NH. SAWTELLE, Cashier. The Valley Record ee J. IL. MURRELLE, Publisher, H. E CUNNINGHAM, City Editor. ee _ Published every afternoon except Sun- day at Marrelle's Printing Ofice, Sayre, Subscription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents month, rates reasonable, and wade Entered as second-class matter May L 1908, at the postoffice at Sayre, Pa, the Act of Congress of March 3, “All the news that's fit to print” ATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1905. EESTI THE TIOGA ASSEMBLY NONIVATION ANY As the Time for Holding the _ Tioga County Republican Con- vention Draws Near Much Ea thusiasm 15 Shown Waverly—Oa Friday of next ~ week at the Court House in Owego ‘will occur the Tioga County Re- publ privention, called to nom ‘inate a candidate for Member of Assembly to succeed Edwin S - Hanford of this plac; for School Commissioner, to succeed Oscar Granger; for Special County Judge in place of F. A. Bell of Waverly, for County Treasurer, to succeed E O. Eldredge of Owego, for Su- i t of the Poor in place of George D. Miller of this place. The nomination for Assembly man is creating much excitement "and seems to be the central attrac tion of the campaign. Edwin ‘Haaford of Waverly has most ceptably filled the office for . past five cons:cutive terms ‘authority it is stated that there seven names mentioned for nomination, as follows: Supervisor F. I. Howard of Waverly, How- ‘ard VanDuzer, Fred A. Sawyer also of this place; Gilbert Holmes of Apalachin; Byram Winters of - Smithboro and Mr. Knowlton of Newark Valley. It is sad the strife will be between Attorney Frank L. Howard of this place and Byram Winters of Smithboro Mr. ‘Hanford may accept a renomina tion if it is tendered him. Incorporators Met Waverly—At a meeting of the incorporators of Manoca Temple Association held at Justice C. O Hoagland's office last evening, pa- pers of incorporation were inspected and signed and will be at once sent to Albany where a certificate of in- corporation will be granted. A committee was appointed to arrange By-Laws and submit to the Asso ciation for approval. Lan ac the On are the Mr. Granger Honored ~~ Waverly—At yesterday morn- ing’s session of the Tioga county ‘teachers’ institute, which has been in session at Owego this week, County School Commissioner Os- car Granger was presented by the teachers with a beautiful gold watch, which shows the high es- teem in which he is held by the teachers. an ; Dinner at Nettlewood ~ Waverly — As is their custom each year the families of upwards of fourteen of our residents will en i A (rs For a Few ——e Minutes’ Work ND US sogctes with this advertisement ud addresses of five persons living within ten miles of Sayre y ary form of Rheumatism Neuralgia or Uric Ackd Disease anc § : on goosd for }5 cents on soy purchase made within 0 davs at the & stor HL. GILLESPIE, Sayre. I'a or, 1. O This offer » ty open until Octeler 1ot. = Addres your lctier 10 THE ATHLOPHOROS COMPANY, NEW HAVEN, CONN. = FRANMKE, Athens, Pa. sews! the Sve names and addresses soon J. VERNON TEED, MANAGER sermons during the weck hay el been highly enjoyed by his hearers. | Father Buike will conduct the] services next k i News matter intended for publication in the Waverly Department should be addressed to the manager at Hotel Savder, Waverly. N. Y., where sub ; ptions w ill alse be receipted for Wi - ins of Mrs hed a* her home on Athens, YCArs tod scr Th WwW thins \ Our subscribers will confer favor bo Louis« notifying us if they do not receive the Record regularity a fem who t ist north stro Mr and Mrs. H. G Mernam left aged th:s h HC Myer funeral ut Miss Anna Jordan of Jersey City : cvenng, tht taken to 33 were brou to} the Mrs George | city and on train 20 cast this morning y of her sister, E S Smith made b trip to Binghamton yesterday a ISINess on Orange N } € street, where the! held on. with burial at Glenwood. | Hanford the will tomarrow | een — mn ~ has charge ol is a pruest of Waverly frie nds l : : { DUTIA New York | Highly Pleasing Recital winter | \Waverl A {this te n by IH B large ——— Lee Schwartz - 1s In purchasing new fall and recital was given goods no ime of the pu- the I'he by | A Very Harry Morgan and wife have'pt of i Kinney at : c= : returned from a week's stay in New | residence of Bildwin York A lodge of the Orderof M PA Wilawana last affair was i y attendec friends of the pupils Those taking | part were Misses Martina Kenrick, | Mabel Baldwin, Pearl Baker, Gra : | Westcott of Waverly, Grace Stim. Charles Sweet of Park avenue isjscn of Athens; Bessic Ayer of improving his residence by remed- Owego, Nina Hall and Myra Smith | John K. Roosa of cling the rool J Elmira, vocalist, assisted, creating was instituted at cvening of Towanda - Miss Della Gordon of Towanda is a guest at the home of her cousin Mrs. A R. Bunn . much applause by his playinz. With this the third and most s masterly Fed ita! clo Ss iccessful sume eason Mr. Kinney has had in city A large delegation from this city attended the Movanho at Sayre last evening dance “Christ's Love for Sinners” Waver -Another large assem- | biage listened to Rev. Father Burke | at St. James church last evening | The “Chnst's Love for Sinners’ and] Mrs. Sedgewick of East Aurora, a former resident of Waverly, 1s visiting friends in town : subiiect for discussion was | - Mrs. Dr. Gamble who has been confined to her home for some time | Father Burke explain din a clear by serious illness 1s able to be out.]and most impre sive manner the the love Christ had for the and pointed out very clearly the way a true Chnstian live With to-night closes the first wee ki of Father Burke's visit in Waverly He will continue the meciings Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Dresser will leave Monday for a month's visit sinner, should to Mrs Dresser’ parents at Milan ville. Miss Madolyn Kramer New York she will take up a course in nursing le IVES Gti other week and all who desirs to a > ker <hould not fail to hear him, next week for where ) of extraordinary ability at the Flower hospital - Why not take advantage of the Baptists to Entertain Waverly —Under the auspices of the Baptist church going out of business sale, where by you can save from 33 1-3 to § H. Sattler, Sayre, Pa in entertain- per cent. ment course will be given the com- the dates and attractions as arranged Oct. 23, Kaffir Boy Chorus; Nov 1, lecture, Newell Dwight Hillis Dec. 1, lecture, Albert Armstrong; January 27, entertainment by Ed win R Weeks and company. SE — Mr. and Mrs. George Munn of Bradford street left this morning for a two weeks’ visit with friends in Newark and New York city. Mrs Fred F. Smith, who has been ill at her Clark street for several days, is back to ing winter. Following are home on > Mr. Kinney to Leave Town H Kinney who for the past three months has been her duties at her husband's store - Miss Myra Smith of Towanda attended the at Mabel Baldwin's today and will spend Sunday with Miss Lilhan Barnum Way erly—1 lorace Kinney musical instructing a class in vocal music in this city, has completed his work and will York Sunday. with return to New Mr. Kinney takes him the best wishes of a host Now is the time to buy your fall and winter clothing, boots and H. Sattler 1s going out of of friends who wish him prosperity shoes and success in the future, — mm Counterfeit Coin Waverly—A number of counter business. Every article is for sale at extremely low prices ee——————— The Ladies’ Aid the Presbyterian church served supper | in the parlors of the A present and a neat sum of money | MONCy In feit quarters are in circulation in Waverly, probably distributed by church last | the men that the Sayre police have number society of evening large was | been hunting for circulating bad i that place. realized - Attended Fair Waverly—Mr and Mrs. James man have returned from an extend- | Gorman, Misses Mabel Cummings, William Chemung | County fair at Elmira yesterday Services tomorrow morning at | the Methodist church: 30, Love Feast, 10:30 Sacrament service Evening subject “The Making of a Burcey Béusicy on Park Place. Christian,” the basis of which is Mr and Mrs. Bensley will remove Prof. DeMotte's lecture on the to Fulton street. “Harp of the Senses” ds Conducton and Mrs. John Bros- ed visit at the former's home at aaude Ovenshire and Ulster. Mr. Brosman is a popular} g, employe of the W. 5 & A Traction | Company inley attended the Purchased Property Waverly — John Pickley has pur- ! chased the handsome residence of _ Choir Loft Enlarged Rev. Dr. Henry E. Keefe of San| Waverly—The choir loft at the Francisco, Cal.. who has been as- Baptist church has been enlarged sisting at the Mission being held and is now in readiness for the ad- church will leave for dition soon to be the JUST A QUERY. - i They fil the windows with thelr hues, The rainbow is a faded (hing Beside the pinks and greens and blues That riot on the hats of sprisg where are the styles of yesteryear? With biocms of every sort and kind; They nod and biossom every where, In fren: and also stuck behind They roop In us ear Bu! where are the bicoms of yesteryear? 3 crs oor gact e Of every shape and form and name; n them by rue For pever are there {wg the same, iroup, some jerk some flout and fleer But where are the shapes of yesteryear? The wr Aud this r x. they say, wii tower high, f course is rather nice no matter how they ry, Can ever soar and reach the price, Ng matier how they ciimb and rear But where are the hats of yesteryear? crowns The husbands note The ribt The peeks Tt the handscrme hats the tulie and § mes ones and the flats the brilliant blooms, ns ard the e buckies and they v « bills . fa = Go shed a (ear Bul where Chi are i! ago Chror f yesteryear? DID A GOOD TRADE IN TRAMPS Shorty and His Pal Prospered Until the County Law Was Changed AlD the man behind the bars Yes [I'm In again, but I much ain't nothing coming to me was the ast time | was In I was released It was In Leland county jail, and there | met Shorty Shorty got religion from the Sunday school reading a &ady handed in to us. He got affected by them drunkards there jail when the “He comes 0 me and says earnest ‘You ain't walking in ight. are you? 1 say my business carries me fhen Shorty groans and exhorts on till | see the folly of my ways and groans with him “Shorty says believe you brother man, | believe your repent ance 1s as sincere as mine is Then I'll help you When | get out I know of a nice little business to go into and I'll take you for my partner’ “Shorty and me was released to- | gether Says Shorty | “*All my plans 18 perfectel but a little capital to start matters must be forthcoming’ We wait till night and {t's dark and in a ciooked street by 8 high board fence we see & prusperous looking gent “You hold him and I'll go through him’ says Shorty Which pleases me very much Most of them that gets converted is parrow and prejudiced hut Shorty-is the broad minded kind only lift $385 off him, and take a sneak right out in the country where our business interests is “ip the morning we meet our first customer out om ine road He's a young feller, and Shorty says = My unfortunate fellow man. will the 1 my “HALT, SAYS SHORTY you come along witn me, if [ give you 50 cents and take you to a place where you can get as much more and to bacco and beer? “That lad's reply Is to cling so close to us it's hard walking. By afternoon we have six more hoboes In a proces- sion, and can't get no more to do busi- ness on, because we glve them 50 apiece, and It uses up our capital “ ‘Halt!’ says Shorty We're In front of a country barber shop, which ifs also a saloon and a candy store and sells cheese Here Shorty draws up his procession A little fat man darts out to us *“ ‘Hello!’ he says to Shorty ‘Then you really gone In the business you was speaking of laat time | saw you? Seven of them? What you want the * ‘Here's the goods all delivered to you and | want my price, which is a dollar fifty aplece for them,’ says Bhorty And the holler that goes up from the little man Is heartrending * “There aln't consideration for others In matters’ AVS Shorty ‘lI had to pry them something to come slong, and [| must make my profit. mustn't I* Then here's my part ner to share the proceeds Then, If you won't pay me my price, we goes to Batsey's Attention, boys!’ “ ‘Oh. don’t think of going to nobody else!’ implores the little fellow. ‘I'll take the at your price’ He hands Shorty a dollar and a half for each tramp and th» seven (ramps, not knowing much of what is going on Is lined up, trying for all they're worth to make a fine impression on who ever's going to be rood to them “ ‘Weil boys. says Shorty, ‘you are pow arrested so make yourselves com- for seven? no business goods The litle constable tows frit” to them. ‘You'll be fried acd sem- tenc®™ in just a liit'e whe now’ “Well. them seven breaks ranks and seis up a holler. What are they rested for? They want to know Shorty has betrayed them! let them get at Shorty! “ ‘Now. now, boys’ pleads the con @able, “don't carry on so, please! I'd father lose the price I paid for you than have any ha.d feelings avainst me In Leland county 1 always tries to treat the boys right If you do have to go to jail, it'll only be for a few days Here!' and he runs amongst them, passing out a 50-cent piece each “There's tohacco for if you'll step inside like pentlemen the ing glass of Leer tlemen.’ “And. as the goods we just sold and delivered Is assured they won't get more than three dav: on the charge of vagrancy. they go laside with the con stable, who rubs bands, saying they mustn't be msl at him, and re- member they're gentlemen and they have light or dark? “ You see ns Shorty ar And Then just to and and be arrested s a cool, refresh. now. do be gen- you So nis will expla ‘Ieland a head for every tramp caucht and lodged in the jall The and the constable gnes shares on the boun- ty These constables is most kind to the tramps they want them to come back and be ar rested maybe a dozan times during the summer While 1 meditating over the cup of soriers which I had drunk to the dregs, it struck me that here was a good chance make honest living’ “It's then He's a nice greets us SE who's been up before h “No. friend aint going business for oursely “:Oh!' says his honor. Hes a cold and lost his tatherly inter: us then seeing there aint no attached to us. He Zoes into the, bar room, bowing very dignified fa therly to the prisoners which was the most important looking lot of prison ers you ever see, as for the in their lives, maybe, they was seven dollars a head They meek, and takes a day or grateful, for it's a very without no separate oe fudge AS you see hecay WAS to 1 tomes the old fell along fatheris cordial judge and Shorty r ‘ fally m b= 1 “We re says Shorty me me in an in again es Now little Lt in © Dunly but first tim¢ worth is most most pleasant jail but wi i} Of 80 Lit be sociable “Shorty and me goes out the day and searches the country and A very nice assortment i the number of 11 rt prosper so that a‘ a vacation Is due We the seashore has of It “The first mor« start right out to na And all morning see' We hunt up « road another and over others aln’'t a tramp in sizht nex! gels fact ‘ + us and wh time gut inz we're back a littie bu a tramp do we nes not wi ) anc i134 flown i and we're When after: off 3 worth A another 1rd him sceeding there Le oon comes we spy a he running for all h seven dollars, and « fore we can hall h hours later we s is standing cut ls get in trouble for AWay tut he s ch Is ght be couple of His balr and the wh $ m he'l speed “ “There's Shorty, much app all this excitement “Another tramp the road “Don't stop me! ously ‘The couse nicncs more than | could out of this county To-morrer will be month’ * ‘What of it “He tells Wwe Ain't we in hard th supervisors has passed a new law, to go in effect the first of the month that tramp had sald to us. ‘After that every hobo Is arrested on sight and gets three months [t ain't that that's #0 terrifying but Ke new law €ay that every inmate of the county jal will be put to work!""—N. Y. Sun FREE! To the Person Bringing this Ad to Our Office. \ On #fAVvs What's au ' ' mes tearing down pite be gel 8 | can of the 11d war Lemme as q the HICK fust we atk us an‘ ft him luck igh? Beginning September 13th we will give free of charge one gold crown {best or contracted for on or before October 20th. We will also allow 10 per cent dis- count on all other work done or con- tracted for during same period of time. NOTE PRICES: Gold erown and bridge work 85 per tooth Full set of teeth, £5.00 up Teeth cleaned. 0 cents Teeth filled with silver. 75 cents Teeth filled with gold £1.00 up Teeth filled with cement | 50 cents Teeth filled with art’l enamel 81.50 up We extract teeth positively without ain. All work guaranteed. DRS, WILLIAMS & LEWIS Hours: 8:30 to 12; 1to 5:30; 7 to 8. Opposite Big Store, corner Elmer and Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. Subscribe for The Record. H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phone 11 X. 112 Desmond Breet, Sayre, H. L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. of Women sad of the Rectam, 3,708 pm. Diseases FIL DRAL Grand Parade of o'clock, Friday at 11 o'clock. High Trapeze performance acts cach day. Thrilling slic other attractions. returning from the fair grou duced rates on railroad. erotmnds and start on return | Every department filled w I! Hon. E. dan immediately following tl Stock Thursday at 10 Acrobatic and Juggling le for life each day. Many nds last three days. Re- member trains stop at Fair trip from Fair grounds. ith exhibits, we Pablic Wedding. LIGHT AS A FEATHER to the palate, ti the needed teeth we L and chin are to : Yes cheek mou ar r face for i i tu if natural looks Lae! considered well as the inside to 1< Are ined work be retained. l he n iF dens prices x 11 vou Hl want our Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every Morning. DR. DAVIS, WAVERLY N. Y JULY DIVIDEND Vas mai lox k = on the sth The Penn-Wyoming Copper Co. r during the th € ar 1 t * profit was fividends is a f selon Ie Are reed payments tice iar goes into 1 stom kK value estigating Call ¥ REYNOLDS ker Ave Sayre, Pa ¥ i We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT GAS BURNER which giv you better light than ten ordinary gas burners or twelve electric bulbs. Floods a large room with a bean- tiful white licht. Comfortable for home, study, reading, ete. Saves the eyes, Makes stores, halls and churches look at- tractive and bright, Fits any gas burn- er. After a week's trial, if not satisfied your money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374} Broad St., Both Phones, Waverly. C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE CARY BLOCK, SAYRE. Look! Look! If you are looking to the interest of your pocket book you should buy your Groceries and Provisions where you can save the most money. Everything in the line of first-class staple and fancy groceries at a big sav- ing of money, Our Sunshine Coffee is the best on earth. All who have tried it ones use no other. 25¢ a pound, J. L. HUNTER, 375 Broad Street, Waverly, N. Y. Charles C. Annabel, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. 332 Broad St.,, Waverly, N. Y. Ready for Business S Having refitted the billiard, Vit and | luneh rooms recently leased of F. 8. Wol- | cott, 1 am now prepared to serve all cos- | tomers in a satisfactory manper. My lalty is quick Jenthos of all Xiass Your Ratronage > : : Season. GOOD BREAD! When you want it call for KING'S BREAD Made at the West Sayre Bakery. Sold in Sayre by David Arthur, Fred Cook, Child, Waltman & Young. James Daly, Hand & Doane, F. KE Seager and WS Wright. In Atheas by Park & Co, Cat- lin & Co. aud J. F. McKean, Good Bread From Good Materials. None Better Made Anywhere. WANT ADS Rates : Wanted, Lost, Found, For Sale, ete, 1 cent a word each insert'on for first three times, | cent a word cach insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers, Wanted. Wanted An orderly at the Robert A. Packer Hospital. Basiness concern now doing a profit- able and increasing trade wants to double it by interesting a few local men with some spare capital. Basiness will bear closest fuvestigation. Don't reply unless you have the funds. Address “Husiness,” care The Valley Record, Sayre, Penna. 115-¢* Good boy to learn printing trade at Record office. Must be in good health and willing to work. Apply before noon. A set of Duruy's “History of Rome,” or of “Booklover's Shakspere.” Inquire Record Office, Sayre, 115-6* Reliable married man wanted to work \t the ice business by the year. Inquire F. J. Tillman, 105 North Elmer Avenus, Sayre; Pa 114-8 EE —— Money to Loan. Party has limited amount of money to loan on desirable terms. Address ingui- ries to The Record, Sayre, 115-8 For Sale or Exchange. Double barrel 12-guage hammer shot- gun in perfect condition for sale cheap for cash, or will trade for a good bicycle. Write what you have to offer to “Sports- man,” care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa. 1150 BE a mA ad For Sale. Ford touring car in first class condi- tion; great bargain to quick buyer, Ad- dress Lock Box 12, Waverly, N. Y. 107-8 One set “Irish Literature,”10 volumes, three-fourths morocco, perfectly new, for sale or exchange for other books. Box T., Sayre. 115-8¢ House and lot, No. 121 Hopkins street. Apply to Mrs. H. D. Angell, No. 114 ilber avenue, Sayre, Pa. 1144 “Horse for sale. Five years old. W 1350 Ibs. Color, bay. J. C. Wood, Maple street, For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself as a candi- date for the office of County Commission- er, appealing to the voters, without re- gard to party; for their aid and support at the polls in November, Henry H. BENTLEY. Towanda, Pa., Aug. 16,05, Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the firm Shaw & Gay has been dissolved and the aflairs of the firm will be cond in the future by W.W.Bhaw, who authorized to pay all accounts and oeive all bills. Ww. W. Saw, 90 Cuan. RB Gay, Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, composed of experienced musicians, and playing all the latest music, is prepared to fas nish any number SL atcunsiti for balls, parties or en or night; rates reasonable, aire OB, Barden, Valley Phone 2-x, Sayre, or leave orders at Maney & Page's, Sayre. ; Orchestra. The D. 8. Andrus gUATAne order st D. 8 Andrus Music Stores, X Desmond or see J. J. Humn Mgr. 117 N. East street, Sayre. Ladies to assist in solicl of flour in Waverly, Bayre Address “Flour,” for, Notice. The Record, has the best Bradford also Vest Pocket Desk Books; and a variety of Legal for Justices and Constables, as
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers