Truant Officer Arntz started on his rounds today, Miss Susie Tynch went to To- | wanda this morning, —— Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Goodnou | The Old Story Simply and Con- went to Ithaca today. vincingly Told by Evangelist -— Rees Draws Many Young Men Benjamin Garry of | Homeward. Ganning Time Is Her Enroliment of all schools of the b rough SN —— todatcis 12 35 Have you seen the improvements in the superintendent's office Forksville Fal LAlid Fruit Cans of all kinds at very reasonable prices, All Preserving kettles at cost. The certain style that every man wants in his his Slolhes, fabrics, lining, trimmings, work combined. What more can you mansh hat more do you want? Oar Cloth RR Cowel, ‘05, has entered the was discharged today. Elmira college Laura Murray, ‘os Fall line SAYRE. ATHENS. A SQUARE DEAL Do You Wash ? - We have a display of wash day goods in our win- dow that will interest you. el plated, enameled iron, glass and zinc in all styles’ of crimp and size from I0C TO 45C. We also sell wash bench- es, clothes racks, washing machines clothes wringers, ironing boards, etc. Look in the window. 322 S. Main St., Athens. “a Plates... Pivot Crowns When You Are Thirsty stop until you reach — phia. Sold by Desmond St., Both Phones Towanda Pa Sept 3, 1905 ov Gold Crowns Gold Fillings Silver Fillings ----37 and $8 -$1.00up 50¢ and 75 The Valley Record “All the news that's at to print” SATU RDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, MOCAL BREVITIES Smoke Peer's Straij ght Five, a | fine fragrant cigar. EE — Several from this place attended {a cornroast at Athens last evening. —— 1005. | W. C Walker wants two boys to sell Telegrams. None but hust- ers need apply. Bt a Harry's Choice—unexcelled §¢ cigar, made at Sayre. The Record office is rejoicing in a new Valley ‘phone desk set. Call { Why not ake advantage of the by you can save from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. H. Sattler, Sayre, Pa. "The gutter on Lockhart street bordering the Wheelock block was filled with gravel this morning The morning service at the Bap tist church will be at usual hour The pastor has chosen for his en gen Now is the time to buy your fall and winter clothing, boots and shoes. H. Sattler is going out of business. Every article is for sale a The intermediate and senior | classes of the Baptist, Methodist, al Sunday Schools will .hold a union {the address was “The Fast Young {Man" The sermon was founded Lon the story of the prodigal which lis recorded in the fifteenth chapter [of Luke Forcefully did the speaker draw the picture of the { young man in the far country, for | getful of home but never forgotten at home, step by step going down from prodigality to want, from vant to conviction of his sin, from | return and confession to forgiveness loving, long- father. So tender and strong and convincing was the ap- peal that many men in the audience came back to the Father This last meeting was in many respects prodigal in repentance and confession the best of the series fir men. [It was well attended and the response of the histeners to the message re- vealed the fact that a mighty force the men, convicting of sin and moving was hearts of working upon to repentance. The next men's meeting will be held at 3 o'clock on Sunday. The of the be “Reasons I Have Found in Sayre Why Men Are Not Christians.’ E— PERSONAL PROPERTY RETURNS NOW DUE The constables are very busily giving out the pink blanks for re- turas of property subject to tax- subject address will ition for 1906, which must be made out and returned within ten days of receipt, affirmed to assessor or any other sworn or before the to administer In default of such return person authorized oaths the out assessor 1s required to make an estimated return of your which the add a taxable property, to county will penalty of fifty per cent, vided by law The Assessors are required to make these returns, and are liable to a heavy fine in case of default It is safe to guess that their esti- mates of personal property will not be any too low, and when 30 per cent fine is added the property owner will wish he had made out his own papers. The oath can be taken before any justice, and no fee can be charged for the administra- 10 NEET AT ROME The Owego District Ministerial association of the M. E church will be held Oct. 23 and 24 at the church in Rome, of which Rev. R E D Cavanaugh is pastor. Among commissioners as pro- those who will participate in the program are J. F. Warner of Sayre and W. G. Simpson of Athens Mrs. W. G. Simpson and Mrs. | F. Warner will home missionary work. On arrival of trains at Wysox, Monday at 10:30 a. m., westward and discuss woman's 5:32 p. m., eastward, convey- ances will be prepared only for those who notify R. E. DD. Cava- naugh of their coming —, — TABERNACLE SERVICE Sunday services at the Taberna- cle will be held as follows 6:30 a m.—Sunrise prayer meet ing. 12 m.—Union Sunday school. 3:00 p m—Men's Mass meet- ing, subject, “The Reasons | have found in Sayre why men are not Christians.” 7:30 p. m.—Union Evangelical service, Piano Tuning and Repairing Julius Lindegren, an expert in that linc is here. Leave orders o'clock Monday at % bi OT Optician M. F. Barnum is in New York on business ee — seen C. C Yocum is spending a few days at North Fair Haven A A pee Miss Fannie Gartland of Elmira 1s visiting Miss Kate Jordan A pee Mrs. William Sackett went to Towanda to visit friends this morn ing. Bridge engineer F. E Shaw of South Bethlchem was in Sayre today Dr. and Mrs. E E Williams are spending a few days in Wilkes- barre, ————— Mrs James Terwilliger has gone to Binghamton after a visit with friends in town *>se Donahue left this morning for Boston, where he will Clarence visit his parents — William Simmons of Rochester was in town with a carload of peaches last night ene Pee Earl Hammond, J. L Herbert Frank aud Nusbaum went to North Fair Haven this morning — rent fe Harriet visiting friends in town, Miss heen Strong, who ha fet for New York this morning. Samet Charles and George Hamm went to Ithaca and enjoyed the presenta? tion of “Babes in Toyland” last might Mrs. E. E. Smith, who has been visiting Mrs. Wm: LaMonte of Hopkins street, went to Owego this afternoon —— ea William LaMonte and Geor oe Horton returned from the NP 1 national convention at Cleveland. Ohio, last night. tse ———— (RLS INSULTED BY YOUNG MEX According to a story told by last night, there are some young fellows in Sayre who need to take a brace before some justly indignant man admin- isters to them a deserved thrashing He said that girls had told him that they could not go by a certain corner in the evening without hav- Evangelist Rees ing some fellow speak to them and try to pick them up. If this is the case, something should be done to correct the evil our mothers are too good to be insulted in this fashion NEW YORK COUPLE WANTS T0 MARRY A couple from Rochester, N.Y, appeared before Justice Murray Wednesday and wanted to be mar- ried. They were disconsolate when told that the necessary Our sisters and license could not be procured that day, but they will come back to Sayre tomorrow and have the knot tied Sr — A —o iar Sayre Items The final games of the Movanho pool tournament will this evening, be played —— There was a hearing of the Muir case before Justice Murray at 4 o'clock this afternoon. sities A snnins The trolley wire at the corner of South Elmer and Packer avenues broke this noon and caused a slight delay of traffic, At the West Sayre church to morrow the sacrament of the Lord's | will be followed by a ser- . dition of the cast side building the fourth grade pupils have been transferred to the new building Wesley Delaney, ‘00, a student it Cornell, visited the high school Wednesday and witnessed the foot Hi ame between the senior-iunior nd sephm freshman teams. A tic of 3 resulted The attendance by high school students was aoad Friday morning when the hich school student assembled the great er part of the freshmen found thes the re pt No cover, beoks on the strum wWrapp I in They had con- siderable trouble finding their The perpetrators of not known awn the deed ar ites of honor award ed to pupils by the co inty s I he certifi perin terdent for being neither tardy nor absent last year have been received ind are ready for distribution. 1 pn 125 names [ic following is the honor roll for the high chiool: Orran Pritchard Rob: and Harry Wilcox, Jas. Ry al, Howard S lly Watl and Lester levine, Ada Cecil Vivian Shum way, lulu Shoop, Millie Richar Rebecca Pecking, Mildred Loomis Ine Keller I hit} na Hutchinson, Genevieve Rose Dua Bailey Florence and Trainer, and Florence Lane Jones, F (rene Anna Emoldser, May TWO CHUBBY CHILDREN A crowd w road in, Lirace Connor s called to the rail station to sce a fat boy and fat [he mother of his sister, « jually and much shorter, this noon the children was with them. a slim little woman who does not weigh as much as her old The boy ind could not nearly 7 year daughter weighed 21% i climb up the ose FIRST NovaNi DANCE DRAWS LARGE CROWDS first of a series of hh ps for the Movanho Club ha enoaged the Packer band to furnish Ab it and al The which music occurred last night 200 people were present, pronounced the dance most enjoy able. The next hop will be given next week ————— Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. of Troy, | spent a part of the day this [Loomis 1, en route to Syracuse rela Athens at the with tives in place and They were pleasant callers Valley Record office SAYRE SUNDAY SERVICES Presbyterian Church Morning service, 10-30, Sunday school, 11:45 Christian Endeavor, 6:30 The Rev, E, CU, Petrie, Church of Christ 10.30 Pastor, Morning service, Sunday school, 12, Christian Endeavor, 6 30 The Rev, M. B. Wood, Pastor Lutheran Church. Morning service, 10 30, Sunday school, 11:45, Evening service 7:30 The Rev, ELM, I ysher, Baptist Church Morning servies, 10.30, Sunday school, 11:50 BY. PU. meeting, 8.30 The Rev. I W. Hingham, Pastor Church of the Epiphany First M Ass, NM) High Mass, 10.30 Sunday School, 2.00 p.m Beanediction, 7:30 jb. m Fhe Rev, J. 1. Sh wiley, Rector Pastor Church of Redeemer Communion 8.00 Morning service 10.30 Sunday school 12.00 Evening serviee 7.30 The Rev. F. T. Cady, Rector Wheelock Memorial Chapel Preaching service, 2.30, Sanday school, 3:30, Methodist Church Men's meeting, 9:30, Morning sev sory oe, 10:30, Sunday sehool, 11:45 15¢ ocd ALL KINDS, Waverly, N. Y. National Protective Legion. Chartered under Fraternal Laws, State of New York. Fraternal Life Insurance Costs less than Old Line and easier payments. We accept payments, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or yearly. Look up our rates, they will interest you. E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Sayre, Pa. 112 Desmond St Valley Phone 144y THE STORE OF QUA when (Jur wines are ax bad effects, Why? ours go down . hilarating without It's lwca PURE WINES ARE BENEFICIAL, ind we keep nothing except it's abso- lately pure Liquors that restore the energy must be wholesome, We sell no others Fry ours and get the best Prices are reasonable, ELMER A. WILBER, 109 Packer Ave, Sayre. FRED J. TAYLOR R | | KE K | vou haven't al A D he and want one, | L or if vou have one vou J. want to get nid of, | T (call, write or ‘phone | E IT I haven't Al lavlor. S \ what you want I'l jtry and find it for] . — [ vou, oO | REAL ESTATE ZN EIX = XK aA TR EAE SAE OR SRS LN sa 4 Athens f “Sh H it n fy 06 Tospital « Sp gs & JAMES SMITH © Is still at his old stand, 604 ¢ South Main Street, Athens p ready to repair shoes in the B best manner and at the lowest price. Bring your shoes to the “Shoe Hospital’ oI ho open evenings from 7 to g SE TESS =e? 3 HW & IONE Read The Record, JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Olive Gil—Qaart Gallon $3.00, : | Macarenl—g ory ri sho. 0 1. 75 por box | No. 5 Blrthets Sty Waverly, MONEY To Loan The Athens Building and Loan and Savings Asspeia- tion, established 1887, has money to loan at minimum Premium. You cannot af- ey for building your hom can be had on such adva tageous terms, C.W. TID Secretary. WS i ih! i ye Health and hap- piness are what you most desire in life and you can’t enjoy either fully in as eX house which does} 1 not contain an up- *) to-date bath-room K Now we do Plula- If you engage us to fit up a bath- room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that 1s, that you didn’t have it done sooner Plumbing, Heatiog and Tioni H. R. TALMADGE, Both "Phones. LEHIGH AND SCRANT COAL Orders can be left at West Sayre vanlds at Sayre, Valley Phone 27m, COLEMAN HASSLER, R. H. DRISLANE. 103 Lincoln St Sayre. Pa. SPECIALTIES: oa, Hours 8121 Sundays appointment. Offices, 'Whedlark kbd Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer A residence. 8 A.].GREE! ing is worn by thousands of men of good — has resumed her studies at the Stone jars from one to six rallons. Price 10 cents per taste; they come back oar alter year, that's Mrs A Mahon of Towan fa is - : S : why we XnoPour Clothing gives satisfaction | The last meeting in the series for | Mc : same institution, gadlon; covers 10 cents extra, z That's whe yd shite OWE Buv | men only was held in the taber-| visiting friends in Sayre. it’s why our business has growa uy — Oa account of the crowded con- no clothing until you have seen our new | nacle last evening. The subject of -!
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