SAYRE, PA. DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF S$s.00 OR OVER. ~ ousehold. That's why you get Specials A handsome floral and Tuesday, 8c. solid decorated, also 50c and 98c. G ame Sets, hand- decorated all au (wo plates gam design, 31.060, ex, 8200, value third more, of Keeping ‘oflees Basins, Rell heavy t vied HANDSOME MAN 21.50, 81.80 and 21.47 asked more at small TAILORED SUITS COME SEE THEN and ig \ y 2, zine tops, gallon Mason jars, of leading oar ind count the will be accorded 3 welcome the 1% this department will werprised no doubt at z fashic direct under the designs of New York Men $3.10 and $1.60, Sorosis for Sand £4.00, Crawfords for We can't af- We ire exclusive on these Fea . - - IS SRY > TN nf 8 the time to have the children's attended to. daughter may owe ; ty to her perfect, white teeth. p them so they must be d for. will thank you some day for her from disfigurement and Dr. W. B. McDonald, DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 9, Talmadge Build- Elmer Avenue, Sayre, Tha Globe Btore, F i ILL & BEIBACH lot me fir your teeth a thor- It will cost you and AY atv you a lot of trou- later on. Since adver- considered very unpro- like, | can only say an ask is fair prices for fair work. VITALIZED AIR. Sayre, Pa $013; 1 to 5:30; 7 to 8. San- The sy OVer "upholstered, renovated, Um- { The Largest Circulation GIVES THE LARGEST PUBLICITY There is no nook or cor- ner in Sayre where The Valley Record does not cir- culate. COAL COAL COAL J. W. BISHOP There is as much difference in the quality of coal as there is between white and yellow sugar We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- We also sell Bituminous and Loyalsock coal and all kinds of wood. Our specialty is prompt service J. W. BISHOP, i Few Qualified. There were 8 vacancies grade of assistant navy For tho wen applied rious missions in the paymaster of the positions 2.0040 young 4 stood the va received their come nly tests and Railway years have the Progress, sed since the world was finished, vely brief period been oOD- Only Wt first railway in During that 400 00 structed ciap com arati over miles have FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money oun £ at 4, per cent Prime paper, 49{yS per cent Exchanges T14.¥15, balances, BEN. Closing pt Amal Loppet Uls Atchison LY B&O 14 13% Te isd Sy = 1g HE »y call stro: wntlie $s “es mere N. Y. Central Norf & West Penn RR Reading Hock Island St. Paul Southern Pac Southern Ry south. Ry. pf Gen Ele Bugar Ii Central Texas Pacific Lackawanna 3 Unlon Pacific Louis & Nash U. 8. Stee! Manhattan U. 8B Steel pf Metropolitan West, Union... Missourl Pac 9% Nn C.C.CA8LL. HM Ches & ¢ Chi & Northw Dail Erie New York Markets. 'R — Very steady at old prices; patents, gis, winter $igd 1S. winter extras 8 nter patents, M34 WHE AT- liaif a cent higher and fairly active, reflicting small Argentine ship- ments firm sbics and bull support, De- ember 5-1 gND 15-16 May, wid wis CONN Bteady FLO! ME pesca Jala) is 2 September, b5GLa'y Firm. No i white natural N : white, clipped, E%s ER Creamers, oxirTus, per po agli (Mer antile Exchange om. 1) jeotations tras, Jc), firsts, Bqllc | seconds, 155g iN thirds, 174% state lairy tiles extras 244 firsts x. , e 19. 1TW0 18 irds. lic west rn miitat framers extras 1% Ip firsts Tati rvBovatled xiras, Ox firsts I18ylx seconds, 16g17c | thirds, IL J 4 1504 tt HEESE -State, ful ored i white, fan 1 1HgellN reg feed and w fancy, i : f t fis 1s lght Part miki ms, prime ommon to falr, col. halce, ream, small fair to skims } #, PEE x BUN K i TY Yah f skimne, gg Mae FiiO8. Ne elev ted new i B34 holce extra, ¢uX firsts to Nesters extra nde sg ig 1 hocks 1.41 fancy, mixed, sts white i Far etira fir firsts, I ¢ a dirties, 1 igh ators, 1 PIESH FRUITS — A ples per double head barrel, Pid: Duchess of Otdenburg. 52.0803 St lawrence, 117% Wenithy, $iWnilia King $250gd> : : Marlen Blush 8 “ulvert, $1.7842 Tui Hollan nty Ounce. 0% Baldwin, 21. 5 I. Greening. $1.75 W; open hisad Lar ppies mall r Darrel, ULia. pe a . 5 Bart por ke yl sN. rt. ett, per barrel 5 ho of O18, per ke f £1 =a 8 per has fl =n ” LIVE POULTRY Firm; fowls. WJ 149c. old roosters, $adloc | spring chick- wus. 13g 12¢ Live Stork Markets, : refriger- Alexander, io ~ rE SUS. IArKe sarrel $31 5545 i Brief Local Mention G. L. Fuller is confined to his home by illness. F. G Smith of Black i is visiting his nephew, H. C. Smith. were callers in town today. The Athens Military company had a splendid drill last evening. Mrs. C. A. Wood of Dayton, N Y.,is visiting at the home of W.G. Jordan. Mrs. W. G. Kress of Arkansas is visiting her brother, \V. G. New- man of Maple street. L. G Marshall is arranging for some fast races at the Athens driv- ing park next month. A.B Woodruff, wife and daugh- ter Myrtle, of Elmira, are guests of Mrs. Paul Maynard. Mrs. H KE. Smuth, 126 Chestnut street, went to Towanda this morn- ing for a short visit with friends. Mrs. I. N. Hunsinger went to Dushore this morning for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Pritchard. Stephen Ansel and wife of Smith - field are wvisiting their daughter, Mrs. Ernest Sweet, Herrick street. William L. Armold “of Philadel- phia and Mrs. J. F. Arntz of Me- shoppen are visiting at the home of W. C. Morison Mrs. Bert Rowe and son Manley left this for a visit with Mrs. Rowe's parents, Jacob Eiffert and wife of Milan. morning Irene and Mary Warner went to Milan today to visit their aunt, Mrs. Sears, who recently arrived from Marshall, Texas. J. H. Snell and wife will leave this evening for a two weeks’ visit with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Wright of New York The high school ‘and the Imper- ial tool company foot ball teams had a game on the East Athens grounds this afternoon. N. P. Moody, an old comrade of the 141st P.V., who has been visit- ing friends in town, returned to his home in Asylum this*morning. Why not take advantage of the going out of business sale, where- by you can save from 33 1-3 to So per cent. H. Sattler, Sayre, Pa. George S. Hoagland, wife and son Richard, who have been visit- ing friends in Athens, returned to their home in New York city this morning. F.C V osburg and wife returned to their home in Barclay this morning. Mr. Vosburg has been receiving treatment at the hospital for an injured hand. While working at “the pneumatic tool works yesterday Lloyd Car- penter run a drill through his left hand, which left that member in a pretty serious condition. Now is the time to “buy your fall and winter clothing, boots and shoes. H. Sattler is going out of business. Every article is for sale at extremely low prices. The oyster supper that was to have been given at the Odd Fel- lows' building tonight for the benefit of Athens’ Lodge No. 165, has been postponed indefinitely. The election of officers of Athens Lodge, No. 165, LOO.F,, will take place next Wednesday evening, and the new officers will be install- ed by Grand Worthy Master M. E. Chubbuck on Wednesday evening, tnat the officers of this Lodge were ever installed by a Grand Officer. District Attorney Mills went to Towanda this morning to present in court the cases of Chas. Allen, Bennett, who were assested for entering the house of C. S. Gay in are Athens Church Notes Baptist—Secrmons morning and evening by Rev. Vernon Eggleston |of Andover, N. Y. | Presbyterian—Morning subject “The River of Life.” Evening sub “The Fountain of Life.” Universalist—Morning subject : “The Authority of Jesus” subject: Church.” Catholic—Morning mass at 8 a m.; mass at 10 am, Sunday school at 3 pm. Next Sunday high mass will be resumed evening “The Invitation of the Episcopal—j;:30 am, holy com munion; 10:30 a mon; 7:30 p. m., cvening Sermon; Sunday school, 12 m m., morning scr- Methodist—Morning and even- ing sermons by pastor, Love feast ot 9:30 am, sacramental service at The to:30 am. Evening subject: Living way Took Carbolic Acid? Athens—There domestic was a casc of infelicity yesterday on North Elmira street that excited the inhabitants for a time, and rumors of poisoning and suicide floated in the air. The lord of the domicile was displeased about the removal sale of their property and threat- ened to make way with himself Soon after the spouse heard an ominous noise that sounded like uncorking a bottle and when she went into the room she found the carbolic acid bottle empty and the man writhing in contortions. He said he had taken the contents of the bottle A physician was sum- moned who applied a stomach pump and extracted his dinner and some liquid, and the man still lives If he swallowed that carbolic acid he must be fireproof, as the stom- ach, as well the mouth throat were but little affected. as and Death of Mrs. Watkins Athens—Mrs died at her home, about 7 o'clock heart disease, aged 53 years. She is survived by her father, Thomas Wood of Sheshequin, one brother, Myron Wood of Orwell, and two sisters, Mrs. Geo Myers of \Waver- ly, and Mrs of Austin The remains were taken to the home of her Waverly held to o'clock lL.ouise Watkins 211 North street, of last evening Brown sister in where the funeral will b- morrow afternoon at 3 Interment at Waverly. Wins $5,000 Damage Suit. Hon. LL. T Hoyt received a tel ephone message from Towanda at noon today stating that a verdict had been rendered in favor of Mrs the L. V. R R. company for dam- ages in the death of her husband George Chandler, who was killed at the Milltown crossing in Aug. 1503. This is a great victory for Mr. Hoyt for he has conducted the matter in such a manner as to shut out the defense from any appeal in the case. Decanting Wines. tles, making It neccasary to decant them into other buttles. The utmost care should be taken not to disturb the sediment. In la:ge wine cellars In Europe and in the cellars of hotels and clubs employing a cellarman, a de canting apparatus 18 used Decanting old wine is a delicate operation which requires much care. The bottle should be carried In a horizontal position and gently lifting it to a slanting position, insert a “power corkscrew” and remove the cork wthout shaking Then raise the bottle 80 that you can see through the wine Ly candlelight and, In draw- ing it off, stop as soon as the cloud or deposit In the bottle gets to the neck In this way you avoid having any de- posit, cloud or crust flowing Into the decanter —American Wine Press Barber Wanted Talk. “Now say someth'ng.’ sald the bar- ber to the customer it his chalr whose beard he had just finished trimming. “What's that? said the astonished customer “That'll do.” sald the polite barber Naturally. the customer had been {sitting with his mouth closed, and | what the barber wanted was to see him | with his mouth oper, so that he could | detect any stray projecting halr ends of the mustache that he might have *sgriooked in trimming it—N. Y. San Fish in China Canals. throughout a great part of China fo sh. The rice hich Latest Styles Each and every pair sold has proved a ment, by us TRADE CONDITIONS. RR. G Dun & (os Weekly Heporrt, NEW YORK nq Co.'s weekly review of trade Current trade =! tn comparison cto toporis evidences of continued activity are noted in almost « departinent of fudustry A wholesome growth, with out of reckless futiat pipe roial con dition eatiy to 1 and these elements nn the majority of dispats lies Fail trade especially ne goelilevesd in dry goed til wear aud all lines el, while mercantile pa} usuniiy prompt for the is and other in furaitun housebold vigorous Manufacturing plants in fndustries receive large onders, a heavy tounage of iron and steel business be ing placed and machinery houses mak ing cheerful footwear shops have in sight; textile although new contracts come forward more slowly; flour wills ana sawmills have enlarged production, and the fuel markets re flect the stimulus of active factories A littie damage was done by floods in the southwest, but weather condi. tious are favorable on the whole. As graln comes to market more freely, there is difficulty in averting freight blockades, and rallway earnlugs thus for available for September exceed last year's by 2.0 per cent Commercial fatlures for the week In the United Stites are 208, ugainst 194 last week, 150 the preceding week and 220 the corresponding week last year. Fallures lu Capada number 34, aguinst 20 last week, ZI the preceding week and 30 last year. Of failures this week iu the United States 70 were in the east, 40 south, 76 west and 20 io the Pacific states, aud 71 report liabilities of $5,000 or more Nept an & = iY s tinct gain ie jast ing. and Ws with the =a: tis fear ir Feis=ir YEry the threatening dangers in of prices s 0 bar deste recorded io is pow well under way, being uery, foot of wearing appar efile Are une sedson There consutption of groceries articles of food, and and numerous distribution is piraging results a steddy staple Cris Eery utensils the the leading very Teoports, atuple business mills are busy MISS ROOSEVELT AT SEOUL. Prince YI Gave Garden Party In Her Honor. BEOUL, Sept. 23 Prince Yi, the emperor's cousin, was Lost at au open alr ganden party given at the old East Alice Roose- velt. All officials of uote of Korea were present. The wooded paths and colred pavilions were decorated with American and Korean tags. Prince while Later Miss Roosevelt was present at a gathering under the auspices of Ko rean Christian women missionaries. A Korean Bible and a prayer book were given to Miss Roosevelt From the chapel the assemblage procecdad to a gurden party given in houor of Miss Roosevelt ana her party by American wissionaries in Korean districts. All denominations were prescut, being In attendance nt the annual conferences at Seoul In the courtyard of the American legation performances were given by Korean military lug girls Father's Trials. The parlor baritone and the dining- room joker are two of the tribulations | that a man with a marriageable daugh- | ter has to stand for. Wide Margin of Doubt. “They paid him a big salary, didn't they? “That's what Plain Dealer he said.”—Cleveland Bring Your Job Printing to Murrelle’s Printing Office “The Satisfactory Place.” From four to eight skilled job printers and a new, up- equipment are at your service. Our patrons say we have the disposition to please. We keep our promises. Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Valley Phone 142a. WE PRINT The Valley Record LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. (In effect June 18, 1904.) EASTBOUND Daily for Towanda, Tunkhas+ 12 oh em Chunk, Allentown, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and W Wilkes Barre, Glen Summit Springs, White Haven, Mauch Chunk, Alicalowi: Philadeiphis, Baltimore and Washington A.M. (Waverly fa, Halls, aa: ring. ‘ae pr * a Mu. {Waverly kl A.M) ¢) Duly foe 3 Summit i i Allentown, New York, Trains leave Sayre as follows: wock, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Mauch 3: A. M. Daily for Tunkhannock, Pittston, Bethlehem, New York, Avedly C34. M4) Towards, ow ville, Fugeiannck Baltimore and Was! A. AM Sunday gaday culy, for Abin, Mila, ualng, Jan ville, De aaah b= MM. M. Saly nag P. My Dally Hm Glens fe Haven, Mauch Chunk Allentows, hem, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore end Washington. EM M. Dally Black Dia- 3: NE epee fo Totals, ‘Glen Same =i ) mock, Filion Allentown, lean a York, Fuliadeipis, Baltimore and Washington. 4s P. a Week Jap a EE rv A.M. ye for Bullnle, : po ars Pais, Forme, ro Dey A. "y ats BE ee. Rochester, 3: {0 edenis, Batavia, Buffalo. Cosnmects Niagara Falls and Toromto. [) formes M. Dally Jos for Van b:10 &== ih Hf Falls, Torouts, a i A a Rien, Spencer. days Sal. for t aca, 11:30 Ei SE ter, Batavia, Buffalo and Nisgars Fe Falls. . M. Daily for Rochester, Caledonia, Batavia, Oamlo. P.M. Dall Burdett (W Varick and Geneva Daily for Ithaca, Trumansburg, laken, Hua JC Si Vi for Niagars Palla, . Chicago, St. i poists west. malate P.M Dally & Sash Sunday, a ia : Bip ars alle, i Detroi, Colaage, k MM. ely Su — Lockwood, Ven 5: 8 ' Geneva and Manchester. AUBURN DIVISION, 3 350% burs, nS hs
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