FORTY-SIXTH 'YEA ,iournal SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1870. RATES OF ADVERTISING. hP.M.V.. i . f+ n. f In}. WI. Ma. aa- . .......... ....-- ST,uare E.;.{0C1h1 1 0.110,0,1 01i 2 001 0 501 S 001 II . 116 I 15 tiquares, (00e Incl.) ...:f. 0 11 1 4 MI 4 :1 4 2 rt:lz: 1,. , ..quar.,. • • 1.: co aea s ...: S O 4 squsn-A, 1 - , ...,'4. 00 $ OEI .1".:110 11l 00 3a) 44 17 4 ; * 2 04 , 41 4 .Nr , 4 ... 4-LP HASILIICA L riPECIAL 3aOTICEB.--Blneletnnertio 17 r:'lix a line: esch ittinsetitientlWlllol3 V:11 tents Ow At. 'Min:n:4met, 'end Pale."Z cents' H lust insertion: each subsequent I suCeition ifiCNER.4I, MVTICF—S.—TbIed cents fir.. '..erLielfi ersch.itik:eguent insertion Lis.ents per line. • 11OTAC.p4.-7,i . e:.nts each, FUNERAL NOTIC"P". —tAnonnibanAng Deaths-For tw' Ill` es :5 'cents: each additional line 10 cents, • TO OITIC SUBSCRIBERS. rfllilS Week sce are again enclosing Mlles o .1_ subAiriptirin to 'our subSeribers, whicl liv'e trust they will attend to as promptly a. 'passible. The ahrount in each Individna e.J . se is small, but in the aggregate Is import la4t to us in enabling us to liliiidate.our ob ions: • We. hope that 'without : compel 111 g us to refer. to this tuatter• again, ow lin irons will at once remit to its the r'eskiec 'e amounts due. WM ti ytis; 'should like to know what the mem :Lerts of the .Anthracite hoard of Trade; or a, Ilea-it some of thetit, think of Si ncy orfilween.) ,• 'l,ow. Col: Conner branded him on oath as. t?' * .*. - * t and we - think some of the mew l) ers, at !cast' could do the same: now. Pc r= haps some of them will soon begin to think q . a. 41 we do. tow`eunning does not exhibit .ither knowledge of capacity. . '.' - Musr Go TO VIE WALL.+The Louisville Ky.) COVIIIER AND' JOURNAL, a leading ! liaoc rat i I paper, endorses the remark cf the Cincinnati COMMERCIAL, that "the party that puts *e'lfr . fit opposition' to the princi plest of, equal civil! and politiCal rights for ali wCitizens of , the, United StatWwill go .to the vali," and it adds, . "it ought to go to (he ivall.' .l - • , . ttinPresident has 'seen proper to veto a first veto by way—and it has suStairied in the House although not in Senate. • 111 1 The vetoed bill . ..was entitled "An act fur, Ihe relief of Rollin White," and was - for the xtension of a patent for the manufacture of ,istols. It is estimated that thedefectottllis l ilt will save the Government several - hun -1 red thouSinds of dollars. W 1 E learned yesterday that the Delegatcf r Ibe W.B. A., which met in this Borough 1 Tnursday, resolved to.adllere to the ha.4is f l SEA The meeting was composed of meni wrs who support the leaders, but even then .4 . Vas nut unanimous. We understandthat ney informed theM that lf they held ont.a t le longer the operators would cave. • 1t was also reported yesterdity that Siney's i!an•Friday states that a Conyeation tp mizet at Mahanoy City on the 19th °fit/Iy, to nominate a Workingman's Ticket. The loit o ders - fing that if work iS stoppedinue:i loliger salaries will be endangered, and they are looking out for s , .niething else that' a Bale better to going 'btick to mining or . stmping bricks, which didtet pay iinueli to pilot. hands, and Particularly. after playing vf . pficinf for 'the last year or so. •, ' nE FitLixx-6;c: y.RIVILEGE.—After eoti •Sit erable badinage in the Senate, n ,which the . t / r.cnds and opponents of ; the . bill for:_:;bol rsl ng the franking Privilege scented toenjoy vety much; it was. shelved for' the session we suppose, by-a vote of 26 to ZS, SenatUrs (*wren and Scott of this State, miting,-, .we ant glad to l sayt for the the •abolishment of the abuse. When the decided opinion of the on this subject is taken'into conider in, we think tlietir6eeedings were in bad ta l e, to say the least.. Even in the Htiinte, in a bill passed to abolish the privi loLt;it wns not in the shape in which it whOld have been. Senator..iare removed, it is 'lino!, in a measure from dire;: responsibil- , ittto the people, but the latter. ,are not 1,. 9 forget the inileci*nts manner in Nthil)l tlicttnatter and their At ishes were treated.-- We approve of Mr.Suinner's bilrabolishing thi# franking privilege a'nd estatilishing cheap pos i tage. It is an excellent sitlmtitthe for the other bills MI the - subjec:t; and it slioubtla ad Opted yet this session, or early at the. pc,. eediher session: WirtirENrciittes - 1 -. §Et.naulLlTY..- 7 --The poidiean , in.the but-t , wi• , t,iy 'the oth , cr dav, whet' Ily their entire On:rig - RI they to inlinit Me. - "Whitt4,-more,-ii (tai rliaa, to a seat in that brzi'nt-b of the nation al ligislat ore. it a fi.teivoynTh this m s ago thi s a e was etoripolledto . reAgn his seat in, the of his infitolousaretion ehe salt. of a eadetsliiii, fiir which lie re ceived a (Al:tin amount of money. We have no !N . ...Tose to make for the Republicans who re-Oceted Whittemorci- and we are' rejoiced - li nos that R-Toblieanm Congre,:; will nOt wrinit the digtiity of that . ti - ody to be hui j ubled by . admitting to the tegislative halls. nom .wly - i4e characters arc known to be stahiezi ivith against; the comnion 1:0,r, like el - it, (me counnitOd by this man, NV Ili Ue:nore. The It!lihlican repi"-esenta tivit-,4 have - matte nu- exinnple every of Iu•-party Mast he proud, of„! The IreMperatie party, :lever in IC: ton' years of snpl - etnaey, dinal to take so bold it'stand at:lust inalpraet ice in their representatives, allougli they had liiumiredsofoppartunities of Ot r p , : itme sort. I: l na:Nit N. NA nit, of the Reading . Jur nNA. koen a :40...wt. We were pasitively mentioning anything . abont,,thathos pit*e faniily allitiT which tonli7 place at . ;elna:V,r,vn, ott Ttiesolay o lusty li : !eek—but ht.efuling ehap , , reeeivt; an nice afrairs; thid they "1,10 w" &lout it , and cannot keep •; . 1 , .:7 1 t. Now size:ti it is out, we do not, know conk] say anything bctter than what 11-.IK mild) says in tit:: folloiving, and will i!,r4- all the blame on hint for it•i • . . . t a uii: • , ' .M.l.ij..r Frt•a^l ha •4 cane of the. tinci. place, in ;,.41.11a , klvn, whirl' is notigrfor its handsome ~ .,Intry seats, : ills "Telegraph Farm" l'alltaiTP7s .- •11, I , ' II vu are undor the must thorough etil'irai. 6kowdoil With every variety'of ehoiee .. -v,--,-Itahl...s, frtfits, flowers, grapes; shruldicrY, :••.C.i . A. tiny spring of pure water ., opening out •.i ! ril : a iaiiiiature lake and tish pond, occupies a ,• •iii'j-al. position in the grounds. There are tine .1 , 1 tree , , Ansi a delightful lawn - adjacent to the d•Acilling. ~._ Thu reltr of the lot is atieruprtated i•, ih-. stables and coach house, well tilled With •.:-ses - and. eitttle of the best blooded iste.4. .1.!: ,- ;F•atber Maj. 1?1T,64 lig the-nabikkof,editors— lit . z 11 , • Bonner " of the Pen svlvante, One oi;.; f he disposed toenvy him his - goat f.rtaktie, 1.,u for the fait-that he 1:i• twit Ito well 11°W to ; kr:Oise his.di& , ,pitatity to his less - feettirrAte .bren, that envy is ont •of The fille`einll: i...)t..i0y be live and nourish - T. N . 1 ' • . • '' - 1 1 - . . jilt 4 irI:CTEN I N:T H E wEsT,I,,.. :-0.,, the Must bitter opponents of I 'r,4•e, ion ; iiiCongrc-i-o, Hon. _Mr. ,11.1,istix; _ an aul,e ut:in in dettate, :Ind a. who li4 damaged us roil - , Oralily by . his silei.elle-i mid:. argtf ment",.. All : her representatives. have .been free trader,; and ail were ,Democrats,. .we belXvo, befOre the slavery +plest•ion changed the Westert't State., from Deinutiraey to Re-' puOcanism, add now many of' the7old lead . ing'Peniocrats arc Only ReptibliCans on the slaty question , and the questilms that have , - "grol 4 l u out,of it, and many Kaye not changed the; ', free trade principles, while a considera ble/ i umber have dope so, but only one from loui, we believe, has heretofore voted fin' i'i+tion'—atul four . years ago, he was left at hOtne by his constituents, which of course, . was not calculated to convince the others. Ant to show the ':Change, !own : has just . ell l .oted furOdlnited!•,itate3 tienators, both Pro- , t"rtionistsive learn' that at least two of ,the ; e:indithites from that State, liefore !1i• eopie, far election idtt fall, are pledged in aVor Of ProteetiOn:- .TlVishoW. how thin I . ;•. , liiig is extendingituthatfltate,*e publish sii . qlilow . i ng co:uniutileatiOn ismt to. the N: V. 'ell:must.% : Tile Republimus :et Adair .Coutity, 1.,w i„s;.1(1 gTeelitt;.; to Tit Tzurxsi: and claim lk inor 01 oirmting . the 'contest on tile bitritT in the ‘Vest far, ; oinainiign of 1870. • Canvtaitiatt iti Revlon' here a row az.). pagaed the. folloying t with ',hut one , 114,•• II t, That we t .the IteptAlleanaiir Adair roan la s.lvor Of njudictott4 protective,tari if, and O. io , rurt our represent/IVO ilr,ffotigreas to la •,iy aatt Lat Wally tar the Advancement • ~ r I , auLr.e . .4 Oltcrelts to thlti Pidrtionlar• • r " -vNELLE, lowa, dtay 4. , ,11,n0. • 11...14; TR:: New Albany, Indiatia,- Democratic. A ' ,, nit . .5..514nial ennvention,..bas renominated 11. Kerr for COn on the - -first': bal.. lot. 1 . . . Mn. FINtIIER LIU itt - trouble—the etoek hohlen pj, tbn '36NityStliTsirit 'hotting after their personal Intereata;:anadeohire Finch.; er nn enemy to the "Workingmen; S wan ! Tines too - bad, ifs... Fineher ! We are afraid Otatetdt!irottal sare44-...Pliklaileti)hiti: and tlie :COO ' - .4ioni . .nre.dift:rent Places to pub- . Molt wor kingmen's papers in..jou -mtzt go the wholellOg Or mithirig, or yott - winet. 'spit the Idaders. - Ity the . 6ye,. as you * arniused your readetri with the article from the; .No.,qtrrtm, - 'won't!' it:nnt be fair, to amuse them alai, with, . a reply in your'next numlier ?; .Nrce: will ply to your Tariff articles when ti . .re get a lit-: 41e time, and beside* the weather la hot; and labor hard- With a DAILY. Dt•ttits—; Nits:l)ED . . 51atrou".w.ho seetiLi to •I . utiuer stsnd`all her 'duties, wiitea tu4 , . tollows to-the Jotien.(lllinals) REPCISLICA:C just don't believe in those new wurnert no tions. I have raised- six 3boys—faar . of them' vote now. 'and the" others will, aeon be old noulh. 'Then I will 'have six vote. Now theie g •'q for,unth-ing women who b ice fooled their time away and never raised a' single boy, 'come arunndana want every woman to:vote for her self. I don't believe in s u ch nonsense.. :I have raised my six boys, and I am !Tiling to have everyone' vote for me: Theme women who go leeturing-around the country Instead of raising boys s have 41o : business to:vote anyway,And when they say that they are , just as as I am, and bave a right to vote themselves, if they have`no ttlys to do so for thorn, it ,1* not true. If they areas :Moan as I sin why did they not raise some boys to vote. for thou I tell you. I eia tibrinuintk to be cheated out of my six votes by any_ sueh good for-nothing folks. I 'gite!•is [hit the wile : id:would some to a pretty - pass in a mighty short time if - -,the 'women alt took to going amount lectUrlng on women's - rights in stead c3l;niising boys. fO4IEIGN B &IWO: , ENGLAND. l:Ptv.tnn.:; of 18,00 J cocoa nuti have just been /muted at Greenock, from Trinidad.: TILE •Zopi.ine.AL Gt.tuDENS.—Tlic•sp gard ens have'.` received. several , Additions to their menagerie, and appear •tu lie more.pOpular than ever:. 13,457, persons .initt for admis shim on Whit-Monday. • 31A DAME Tus's.tun'ii.--L-11any - f„tlie wax - Itve4 been newly dressed In splendid attire; und, as additions are always' being, tnade to the catalogue, there is always I,oruething new to be seen; and always some thing to,be, learned by an h'our's ;stroll thro' the Baker Street rooms. . Tnr. "..M .! txprnE Pao- NeW ton is practising at .Swin don.' We read With horror nowdays' Of the tortures to which witehes . used- in old times to besUbjeeted, and - muse to think how it was possible ,that only - a htindrectycar. ago people maid have been found so-very igno - .mt. - Yet though we are hundre4yeans old -1., we are apparently not a day wiser. Tin `FOVRTI I OF JET.i-:"-ATEr4..wx. —The sand festivities wereheld at Eton . -College, n June 4. At noon there "were te eld.ssie speeches in the tipper School; in -thee after noon the Provost gave a banquet in . the Col- Itige Hall; and the day's proceeaings were t+ought to it amelusion with theproeeSSion bimis to f4trley• and the display of tii•eworks from the Alt on the river opposite tl e Eton Broca.s. The:weather way exceed ing propitious; and.all jumscd Off as merrily as4 , ouldlbe- wished. • . . • 141.7;5ct,9.—An ordt.r has been reeei w +r,~at (liathani from the Admiralty d i reeting the.lnilditig at r that dockyard of another new po rful . iron vessel, to be name . ' the; " Ra leigh," whleh'is to be Lit once commenced iu the tirst.building ddcl; which becomes. The-" Raleigh" is to. be of upwards • .I,loAtons . burden, with machinery • of 1,003 horlif-power; and will he easeti with wood. Two new iiml-cased gun vessels., to. be "mined , tlie "Snake" and, "Scourge, are likewise to lye built at-Chatham - Dockyard, and are to be • commenced as speedlly'as possible. t'.4.34101::: 'ACCIIigNI3 To AN .Exernsiox TRAIN.--On June 7, atrain containing 500 Achglars and the- friends of .the ProYidenee place Clutreh, Cleckheaton, left for Mark pool, i n 'proceeded as' fur as Pleasington,: :Moot three _miles beyond Blackburn. . It reached this .point at twenty minutes' to eight, and nothing wail then observed to be wrong. .--.-fitile-ttearer Preston a tire of one of the .Wheels 'tultlettly snapped, and the , I , carriage }v ats dragged :131) yards. - The derect-.. ive tire -% as attached fir the sixth' carriage fromthe nd. and the whole, of the frame work WAS smashed to pies s. The passeng ers were turned completely topsy-turvy, and were rolled doWn the . embankment into a field. Seven of the twenty escaped ,with slight Seratches,.the remainingthirteen were seriously hurt. Most of the Injured. people - were members of the committee Mad . their families, and other were froni,, , Heckmond- Wilte. =2 , TIIE FLAX Cilia., upon which so vptidt, h i the Nortiv, is reported to be healthy. TuE PASSAGE OF THE ;.AND BILL through the Commons ha's *elicited :but little ex.pres shot or opinion. 'those who advocated ex treme views are constantly dissati4iect„ but: the Liberal press generally , has treated the niatter as settled, and some:have •plainly de elated their SatisfaCtion. . TILE FE I.l\ RAID .ON CANAILi..-The principal topic' discussed in' the.' Journals , lnis been the euntemptilikrtsvo on the - frontiers of - Canada. Unite ovidently . bitterly disappointed at the result of the in vasion, these would-be leaders of lrlsh optpion eudeayour to represent its failure 'as att4t4table to ward of unanimity In the Fenian (ii.nieits hi America:, and not to tie patriotis of thc.Teauinlitin. . • .A Lrie.;ciAGE 'VAN o.S; FtnE. —The travellers ley a train on thd LimerieLand Foynes Hall way had recently a very narrow escape.—, Smoke Witii seen in several of the carriages ; built was thought by the pa.-engers . to he the steam from the.engine, -, er that the soak in the tenderhad become ignited, and not much alarm was felt till near Foynes, when the smoke became denser in the carriages. nearest the engine. M the tire was pereetv ed front the latter, the train was.driven'with greater velocity, so that Fovites Station was reached in time to-enable the imssengers to leave the train,. when it becameknown that the interior of the luggage van was on tlre and some luggage consumed. • Cituttelt.—A second list of silt) s;!r;ptionsto the Irish Church Sustentation Fund appears'in the Dublin paper::. Among: the subscriptions are two sums of .C 12,000 froM iiidividuaks one of ,L 5,0011, two of £4,500, 'two of Z.3,00J; two of .1:2;009, twenty-six of :13,900 each, twenty-five of 450(1, and - a number of :MO, and 4100: " riome. - of the parishes which , iii the.height of the "manual controversy" passed resolutions refusing 30 send theirsub scriptions„to the representative body, have repented dP this determination, and now ex press centidence in its disinclination" to Ritu aliSni. • The desirability of an early grant of the charter to the new Church Is_ urged by many. . Atattcut.Trum..—As fur as can be judged from present indications, the harvest. to be both early and abUndant. i.A.routni" Cashel, which in ancient limes was consid ered so productive that it received the name of the Rolden Vale, the land presenti the. most fruitful appearance. The potatoes are growing apace ; wheat, which is rather sean tily sown,"is very forward and healthy=loolt:- ing ; aint.oats. which is the chief grain sown in this district, is coming up steadily and evenly. Turnip sewing has fully set in, and the soil could not 'be in better condition for receiving the seed. tirms lands are Well Ingi • aided With a -rich; fac-producing gra - ss• and meadow hind will, in many InStances, be an- - des the scythe before the lapse of a fOrtnight.• MU littcrt Exams.—The Irovincial pa-. pers are at a loss to account for the extensive emigration That is now going on from all parts of Ireland,' If the country were depressed condition; or thrterd with a ball harvest, the exodus would n , remargit- ble; but for many years tht.prospects of-the agricultural community have not been so satisfactory... "Strange to say," writeS correspondent - from it midland county, "the prospect of one of the finest- liarv‘,..c6i I. ever remember, at this' . season of the year,. has •not tended to iminish emigration. Froth all quarters-the and . women are taking their departure iu such numbers that one would be inclined to the opinion that they anticipated a bad . harvest,or that some other ealtunity was impending.l That there will be a Scarcity of hands'in 'seychit locali ties at harvest tithe is inevitable."• Another correspondent, writing to the EVENI*O POST from a north-western county,tstates that "of upwards of MO young 131111 who matte an up:. .maninceatanelast calling out of the militia, -a dozen could:not now be nimttered." SCOTLAND. , , .• • itPiE;AVI'AIe of the synods of the Episcopal Church are being 'held to consider the question of Ole adtnissioi or lay members to the synods. At 'the synod. of the Diocesecif Glasgow and Ara resolution was carried' in favor of the proposal talii re=strictions.. At the synod Brcchin a resolutionsimilar was carried, but urns vetoed by the Bishop of ltreehin. '..EXTENsIVE FIRE 131 - GLASt3Ow.-4 fire brpke Out on June 4. at the factory-of Messrs. Young, Strang 4 Co.,' muslin utauufacturers, Bridgton., Glimokv, after, all . hands' had left the works.' The large trill, the warehonse, and ICS contents were entirely destroyed,. and nothing was saved but the. weaving *.erigine and boiler shed; The dantager' is estittiated at froni .a 1,090 to -00,000. . blErriso oV 34.tskus.:—A large open-alf meeting of miners was held on,June 4, in the viciolty of Lochgelly, Fifeshire. The meet , ing was addrewd by Mr. M'Donald, secre tory of the Miners' Association. After de... - net:o.lou It wee,unanimottely resolved that the miners of the tounty should commence on June% to, work only eight hours a day, 'ludo demand for an advance to the extent of at least sixpeuee per day should be made on the,coal and iron' nuisteraid the ears time. It is understood that the masters have no•oh jectioa tii 'clowning the hours of work, but hide belie is entertained that the demand for an , inczease of wages' will, be ,fovombly. re ., • MINnItS - 4PUTWAs . .I_ ,-,77IVITSV, i ' THE de feat of the 'Athletics of PLOW+ jails by t tho R t ed Stoiking Rise Ball Club of Cincinnati' ratlrer sonrcl . the, Icaspe 211;p0 disgusted tla "Broth erly Lovo 4 : folki;i; pus r t . iond fried ', i ho Pp.ess,dniet •thfiik ifalf- as ,inuch of the lie now as D. -1111:: it' : Buis ball,'( in being a healthy ;td Tex ercise, ia now converted rote a deanery" nor ihationakvice, . n which the . Amelia% ,1 - ple 4 aro nnnknqr r, gnaadering hand/101C. • t p eon& of:dollara. A revulitifrn amdfuseit.4l2 - tho public inind srfit,be hailed . by aik . zrl , as rib satisfiletio7 . ,v, 1 - ' .' : ttierittllotirts. •.- 1:1, -!licesits 4 tine dr,s. Inaertlon: smell snweluent 1 • ' ' ' 111°1 cents shllncr , ,'. - 1 7 1 - 14 , i l l inern7l . ..t. l as 41 LiTutta-Liaanen-Mentirragt, from which ne !Tall I"the lila the banyan aleph le - heir tip originate The Prrnclass Syrup, a prote oed scan lion nor the protoxide br I ron, L la a loran-trie.l and :Well es:- nabtlabed remedy for chi'. distrevelameoutplatatt It tam cured thoulauuls when other remedies M ace' felled. i . - I 1 ' ' • , Mira - Lcio j You at ts--45 s t paint. or use vile ilair Restorers, but simply aunty Reri's Ishignslia Balm upon your face. neck and handA, and use Lyon's giabikirou upon your. bait. The Rolm Makes your oomFleatoto pearly. soft and natural, and you can't tel what did It. It removes treaties, Um. sallOwntssit,, ring -marks, aletb - Paiebeit, etc.: and in place of aired;rustle face,_ you have the mar e purity of an exquite belle. It gives to tuldd*.e tea sp len didm of perpetua pr o duced theseeffects head of hairby the Raba'. On, and la ladyl has done her best in the way of adornment. Mothers will have no splatter sliders when also articles arc around. I:- .44 - . • cSoat Zrabe: The quantity Sent for week bY Itallaoa4 is . t1,e„962; by Canal, 3i.74:::;; for the -week, ,3,4:530. ~ tens, against p(t,l'ilci for theehrrespeodiog week last year.l ; . _ ; .;- The shiprrients this week 'via the SetitYlitill I f t ley arc only P 43 tons greater then they( Wert , iilt Weelic end tve - do not know of a single : 6ll.. liary . noW standing that-proposes going to kvet k witheut the bisbi,question issettleti,sitnplY from. 413 fact that tires{ cannot go to wtirk on the *l9 basis, (17o:11 iftneW averaging t 3 a ton front the fit are now working, ail they ' can pay 10 Wages, Ace., but if the other:4ll4 re • tO - start the priee' l would go down to,it2 2.1 at least iti two wq ks aftirwards. Now the 'cot I ieries aro, 'ffiSmantied mini the expenses are not so Iv:sy heavy in, intandirtg. .If they 'Start they would be i!!)hipeliC4 to }'tinily them and would be forced to ! . ..stispend itigitin in two or -three - weekts . With doubled land trebled expanses to be !met.. Therefttrel, if it h a question of principle, they . • are World torcind 'out; and if: it question ref dollars andcentst • ' Vies will lotteteateh Ettore by. , . ; starting than standing still. This is the Po0:- . , null, and if a ifeW heavy operators who luTo been standing out would start their collieries new, .all Would start, and they WoUltrall he iq a • worse contlitien. Under such circumstances, IffiWever,greatitliedesire'may be to start, pru dent men itvillicaleutate the east:bet:ore they aoli We understamkthere is n little more . deinand - 'for Sotve ;coall t- principally front the La* as . aome.persontilnime cotnmeneed laying in 'their stocks, while for Soule of the ether sizes tint di- Mond has siaclierjed off a little.. , it is stated that the XI ineis':l3asisnf wages lib was faVerahld to the miners, and that op the . ((age iieareely :any;- - , if anY 'profit ca:. . lie made withleaal at *3 last year, and that the Only:. .. prefit,•except at some 'of the favOreil collie ires., was when,it ran above i 3. , Th-s year, it may lie a til w ade betteriheeatt.e some of the articles Used at It• llieries Inti - e fallen a little in price; .A. ti e 3 haVn not Hen any figuresto satisfy ourselvea op tith,peint, We give it as we received it froth the operators: I But,. on the : other hand, the Cottl . Oper,ttors cannot be charged with arranging their basis in their-favor, for in reality it is agninSt theinselvesl as we can prove by den res - bandeti us. 1 We Will take a colliery that produces 10," tut of ef coal a ninth. The' pay , roll of sttilt tv eo4l . ery, ineluding dead work, Would amount 'tit say 03,000 4 month. The Operators timed their bast S at tt2 t . ) in: stead of t*-; per ton, and nesired . ~ all :it - erage :reduction of wages of .24 . pe,r etnt.', tlitt is about Is: ; per cent. on week's - work„itnn ito per cent. average on contract work. ;4 ni a l l monthly prodttetion of 10,000 tons theyeduedon in 4the price of c o al 'would .be A 3000., On a mettidy pay roll of 1415.000 the reduction of ti sent. wetthe be' ,, :otily A3,7. - ,0, making it $1230 rttefatontlt ;tt that prOduct more Ihvoral4 to the - ctuployil than the employers. ,We juir t nlY tt IM: this statement can lie -disputed. • - 'lf"tint 1 pay roll is t'po'l - ge, the reduction would .only make It mortis *cleat le to the workingmen: It dill isnot sit, We would thank sloe person tit . ' put; !is' right!. It wits for this • reason thatiwt. ; hat' adviseh the ineWto accent, otherwis'et they might 'possliliif find it to their interest t to RI,'W withdrew lit advocating this .policy e'itif ' I tote Ponsider the,weekly wages as high am-they ()lOt to lie, Nit the question is whether tlel stayer of the Wade will warrant ilittlier , rates, tin: lea; the initier are willing to receive less! in pr,s'portien as tlw'v do in others regions. Taking lute: eensideratlon the cheaper rates of living this.vear—it is 'a&serted by many that elicit:Ws' offered by toe coal operators is as remunerative at the lo w er, rate:silo. s year as it was ia,t yeattat. , - , tii . eiliglii6i.• I ,_,.../:' -- ; , - -tine of the, sap•head leaders Said MC-other day; if the eperaffirs, in other regions and in tieftutyl•t ; killi , RountY ; can pay the *3 basis wageq:' w.h:,_ cannot 'the 1 Others pay it? None but an ass; who suppesed he was addressing men of the ' mine calit4, w4uld ask such a question. The . , . operators who are working are receiving inOrei for their teal, Which enables them to pay the. bttsiswagest,lsiniply because-collieries that: hart lire, uee, front 73,000 to 110,000 a week pore are steady idle, ;anti while .st sufficient numbed 011 met' are idle, tee, or nonworking at collieriesi ti rotiuee at !least 00,00qba week additional, ; tii the present- Sitpply—and if these collierieS urel to start, wll.4llten will be the price—of coal? lor the ;ability of these men to pay 4 , , the s tk, 3, ,liztids . I wage s? They would have to rennet.; Wages also; orstop--butittlth the knowledge they have toll the, it raffle, we de,obey;, not believe they would_ obey; nY; leaders if they made the attempt to rub these men i+ l f 'Wages, even if they were no •luite as big tei! thts- would wish; as spine led thesVstilpitllleaders in Schuylkill CoUnty.have l douC. Here; if',- only one:tenth part ` the meinbersin their organization chose `to side withthe leadetts they van control against ibeother itinej tenths i'y iinimitiation, even by word for look', anti they would not dare to go to work! when they k neW It would be in opposition do the!, "Itraiers7 and "fittlians" among.them, as one if 011 f i;.orrespoibdeiit4 aptly designates them.- .'il i • - I' °tin Now Vert; erirresPoudent writes as COI low - l: - . i i . ISti 41.41(, NEW Yong'. .1 une . 2.3, I.7;ti; 'r I. inter not hing; ;of Importance to. coininunialto, this week ; eir. delivery ', to-note Penn. Co.'s Circular, - ti.i,' contrite ors fo Jul delivery ', which was Issued _tale the 27th inst.. and 'part icultws of which' notitil yimil be telegraph:l r _r , It 114 generally cnnsidelTti that the figures of the l'ean -1 kylvanial Conap.uty's Circular,are the oWest. . that will be isSued'during the current year. • i Trait° is inoticrately act tee,and Lehigh and softer anthracites an, wOrking offal fit It.circtilar prices.! i Our Philajelplita eorresmiolentlias no chatittol , 1 I to nhte. ' fie says the;..stuall quantity that tir-I -rives, goes.ofr at , the ttsuai rates its fast as re eeived. • ' 1 .... -- i • ..' ' " • 'flip trade t•iurns up this week' as follows :. ' . 1569. .I.QO. ' 1 * . i.7;kl; , TOTAL. - ITAIV,K, TOTAL. . D; Ar i nirdrit,„ Da It R K 1N,419; 1,321.010; 3a,11011 - 1.0 , M,147 d eye!' V4o3A‘.. .1 114,571 , Cbe.: d Val - li th 57,5111;,•• 4 IS7 1.4 ,0 .1 C; 04/A2 l - VkVlt. "CtIC • ...Par • fn. 'lr 1.. Canid-- ' 1 ' MI .. 171..C71‘ '.l.i:liii • la. - 15idr " k Si; 1 I. Nitv R R..... j 7 1 7 - 3i1d.22 , 2, tn,vl:l 4.1::.*-1 1 150.411 Seent'n S:ti I. , 1,144 tel2:Vil, 1i.,41N , 1e1.47...1 =Kt do Nth ) - .1 ; V. 7 , 3x1;411,V .15,01 n, ,_ .:11e.3)...• 96;131. Penn P.. it.. , , ';'.1%10 . CA.ltlst 111,1:4 - ' 1 , .....!n1 i , rd,,l's)) do Caltal i ..1_ IG . ? 4 - o, a ' NG' 5..1 . 1 d _ 11% I) &11 Cat.; rl ,:li ; f."4,,Z0', 51,411 i 'MI % ' 70,45 , D4,ifit R, , 1:. , 1 5t4,1)17 3,8111 • .n 1 1,5 - i• : : 1:t.144; NV:.•ncnint. KO' i., • IsAn/. • , . 77,10 1.4„W51 It'yondng NIV: . D. 5 ,^`". ''.. . Slav nioltitt....:l / '1,1 13,3--- 142,45 LOK: 4 46,651:.1 -or, 1 ^T . Nem 'rrevertOn 'Dort 311 , Lykero V 1,30.1 44; tarts Cu!.; . nil eurtita&us. I Woad To. II,Z, 'iil *ad, Cbew [l,,ttl! 'rotalosji kind! .IL,^ ?a, ' ' The Shipments, for tho week are 10,45.7; tons` behind that litigt 4 , -!lenetwontlingsreek last year, and next week thett w F be:abb4lOO , oeO tort's : Nt ai I. behlka the - ..-.e l efisitulitrlc- r - tek • laid 1 ~ Wc.are 1101 v a 4 4 11 P 1 t i s3 r:* 6 4 o Pment." 1,047 ,, ,t484 tons, w_l4lelase.,'"eirli.t4h4eetud, We were behind the'ihtlic ca'411811014,774 tonic, which l :added te_aieVilatt.tiM:textir!letiki Make: the incresse , - ftlitM46% 01 11 ; w i hi of the close Of next week -tench air !tierce:lc of 1,50,000 lona. ; The deficiency of 406,060 - tims,, op the' tkl of Jul'. last,Year;when the suspension was being terminated, was afterwirds made up and the market sopplinil, so that prices broke down.; with an average , ' , weekly shipment , fit'; thit balanctrot these:won 0f . 31.0,9 00 totui , S4ota . the collieries all resume, we could easily`ol4 350,000. to 375,000 tons a weeek, the', Mar y01110 1 2;6.4 which is not likely to be the case; unless' business o r ikeeta m aterially improv e. Under such Omura stances there is little prcit: peel of coal, raising in price, and rnuet"Seclige Wall the Cililicries resume. • The Pemisilcania Coal Company, have issued ; .thelrcirenlar jlist'4l . lprices for July, as fotlowiti on board tread's at :Newberg. The freigit to New York colts tit+ s Lanip and starer.. -"t , •••-•-•-•••• 111 ell cheßtSl ll _,--1 4•.4..../.....,••••••••••••••2-r4:4 SO 7 I 1 1:5 111 4 t iikl 44,0 , 10= 7,0;4 2. 4 n1 • 2,10, MAU 14 , 3.119 W.; _ 14 - 10; antuesl 33A4i 15.1,11{11 14,4711 1,621! I=l MEM con SiiiiES 1A4.6111' 1.0J7 '4l-1 ne ibi lreit T 210e4e, 119oesitakertiestlaais tiOm "le ' • .... '' 0., .........1..:... - 44 . 441 c-- ..4 -4 1 .! :11. , '- We bevtl) .. „ .e111ehhei..17, , :. : . .. 1 4th.40 - :isot _know - the _person, ,ho , 4146 ,N1(.,13.11n* 119: says the autho r of, idol;10' htlias WO* -Ito" also sane his nenie.> We etraiitefoosi' he 1 1S: . .11 soirtar. , „ Whether:be lire atZt.,Niebolaa Or Itot, We'do isot liAoW:l7irertt *R. estdeevor , tti lit*ter:: Salu whether ho to or net.. 'iti•the'litesiotlideire' Will hold "Midday." : Nor do,. we' ktfrowiVast ,"Middityl 1e , , - -4 mister, tdtbt4.42O seems ',to" 0 ;4. -4 Ile - miners ,. • '1443 - have,oitedsrobia* the'aiihjeet,hieo it'elak.bitaCeita We tuattei. R e hope that"iiii,ir!rson will - write tots es rorairs . *l4 . lurikn* udoetv ,;; 7.( littyi , tohfir conontiniektiotta will bo rejected - if we Antioiit that ant attempt Wade to stiwftiee [read tiros is The increased quantity •uk.linthratilte Coal snit snit, to market this year so far is I,o4sitin toes. The tnerealied su Wr-so far has ben Ail..rash - ea as follows: From the Ifitz-rm. itegion . • . 7P.7 1 30 yes, Via Lebagh.....,.... .... .--.?.—.......—.....L......-01X; " Inexcaic tr4inuit;se Region9,..._;--1.......W.V4 Tons Troia-the Schuylkill and Shamokin 'i;:liciions the supply'is abont 380,5011 tons. Had the strip page not taketi.plac6, Sehitylkill County would have furnistiedt -this- yris date BOCkOO6 more coil than "-Sits Ass tarnished,. and whipli has been furnished by otbor Itt.giOris, / , and en riched those to that , extent, ,white_ it tiati sin= p?verisited Cattuty.-intdrestS tievorst `millions of dollar, - independintt of,tht• kisses sustained by the carrying Curnp4nies. The Shamokin 11,ipstik says: Tice business of mining coal continues 'about the same, with ho pray pt!ct • of resumption tids xnordb. The tca a ilerle hawed lust *ctir ati n/ot are - snit prntafting The Plerfll 10 rkIVIC as good pAnrt u 4 their th otheptot Schuylkill. . , The, avercgc cahlhAty or whipping: coal from our ClUkity may be est irnalvd ax fOl.ows ; • :41 Co/Firths; runnine L-- , ..about ' .. • Cary per ;lay. lei idle • " ' . I ' I r . " - ikersoriss complain that w striVO . .to flo . . prost.3 Prlec2s of lye give thel'otlicini figures if. ti ey can Le disproved:by any per , ;:ion; , . let thou do .it,, lu tiniss i,tdinitnity it I , !tvi ,. eHt? look, the v. - orst awca in the face,.‘; , • S . ~;i1 _ I'ILAIVE„ BY It umnAn ANIVAINAL, , Th ytuintity sent by halt fort he wcir„qiid• tog 'llplrsdny : t'ANAL Si. Clair. t`ort CAtrixal '7 fall . ......... Auburn ..... ............ , Port CI ...... Tani paylng frel4r , lt coal fcr Total for Previototly Ml+ 3var .k.c 41: I:A-W. 9 11111 „ 13E1A.8,34 •41',54111 195,574 I nerea, • ' ITS /*12,9"43 IL 1. ; 11aLKIILI. (INNTT 11.1,11,110.11t$ FOIL 1 70. Tito foll,4ltig t!v• Truittti• trangportt..l la?!.e-srot.k ,•,• • - To six:tv:.tirrie ;•ear Mine 11111 it' e.•l[. sAtoyikiti Nit:Carbou ..... Go.; Spritt4._. • Qtbiutity ,tut by holti,,;:t V,'lloy IL:Li:mad :br i:te wopic eatbst.; bi‘tt aut.: for to year: • t t wr_Erz., 'Tina • 2. NV:. - orallit • Ifazlkott 11.14.41o:ow t'nat“: Inun hlt {•• 0 r. I COAL AN - I) NAVIGATION COIIPANI, Tho rollowing is the iftemilly of coal trttlepitrlea . by the ( . .tif;ll fife] /t.tflrff:f..l ur tn«l.,twzh con' mut Co., for the wee.; effabt: 41,1 SatUrlllY r•,,,t • • • •- Ity Canal • 112.7 tile Coal w..ts dertvetl oIiONVS ME Wyonilim Region Region • Reaver Meadow Mahanny •1. dr. Nay. C 0... UO!o =III EMS , • . . . • DELAWARE T HUDSON CORPANTN•IiDAL TRADE.'•' .. '•' ' ' . - , , • 'ille,fuEowinz Is n Sta ion ell f of coat trubsp9rl by th e Dt•btwure abet Huthhil Cam! Cu.. for the week-en ihg Su:. urday tom lir DoL kt: Ilud. Canal 112: IWilroud Smith • - • EMI . . t 1 ,, ,r the 'tune juerlool I:v+t a By Delaware @ Mgt; Culla' lt7 ..... Thi ME • , THE I COAL MA_ - PHICES Or COAL BT TIM CleNir4 1,1,, . i •,1 - Sit or cAVE HENRI' .%Nl. E.t.i,01 , N,14 1 .% /01'N , WtCR.I. L : : I. (10nr.E....7^En iv . EF.Ki.v IOR THE. ),I.L.VEIIBI 801.91NAL.1 1 ---- i. - - 'Pit I LADELra i.:81. 4 :me :::,I, ls7tl. : 1 , • • Red. .h PrWart,l 8 .0, 4 24' Cheittitid ;I. • 4 Onun ' ,j. do -- .ii.,:imt-. . ; 1.,,fu.it344 1.4.104tp.. 4 t'.',1.4 4 ro W. MK _flow' 1.7.5!ii - .• 4 .50 , do : sit` 111,r t 2 a. 4 .74 st,_...nwa ....... L....A { . 7, 4 ro' . ill .' !Sri 1013. 4,:04i) liroken..... :7 ,, • - 4 1., 4 :ii' do E t...... 4 ttett, F.f.r.Z '- 4 :k. I ,; • '4. 4 304 • - 4 Draw 471 do • ~C tlttstudt3 14-A. • 1, ,•, • • ~ • 4/ • • ..., !NEW yank; .rine24:la7o. I Selmyl.3ll.ll`A4ll,:-t- (a, -: ,- 11eta11....,..4.4.-'.. ''. . . -•.' ,i; c,o,ttott ..;' , a • , Lehigh LIIIII.T.1..:.- it 14 \V, .A. 411 Lump - ~•.... „I, I steamer......; 4.- ... . s::m 1 • Steamer ..... ...__..... E -F-4.1 8r0ken..— .1 75es i 8r0ken._............. 0 4Cit :F .t ,;.„.. , 5 alai • Ex- • S:leil• ' 4 lal . eheatnut.-.-1...; .... 5 ;:.,fa, Co e i .ta!•it 0a Consignee 245 , 6 , 6ller:ring. I .: ---- i . • 4ALLTI.II.OItE,iI /rue 2% 15.0 , , ~ i To the trade by cargo or ear load :. : ' v `.., . .' Wilkosbarre and Milli al ,NV .1.5 b--. . -,.... '........4,4 ' .4.....1-1 :10 41,5 5 11 Ls-ken.; Valley Red - A,lt .. -. -....—.•-- • ~.!.....1..... '.•• ar.• SSO Sim:nano White or Red deb....._.._ ..._ e,»_. 5 7:..ra a 00- Zerhey Valley. Red Aals.---.-- ~..--...--, -.4.-.. ay,* From yard or irltarf. 60 to 75centa additlonal.i • By retrill to consumers- 4_-...-...-.. •.. .„-,...4.... 700 756 , I.;yorge..,' ['reel[['reel[and Cumberland 1.7rka1 . , f. 0., t!', at" •,_ , Loeast point for 'shipping— ' • - , { . 4 7',1?-i, '5 CO .....-_,l,- " ALEXANDRIA 4 AND DEORGETOWN". Jane 5.1870. tiPorzes' Crrwk fi Cumberlan4 efirg o , r. tY; (4 ' 4 7k PIIICE DI , COMPANIES" COA ; - 1. i str. 0,,r. F. CIVA' Lschawansta. Wehlten-f rAi 55 15 45 (0 t 5 ;5 t 5 1 1 0 Wilkshurre Hohuktn_ _ 4, 75 4 7:i • 4AI SAo 5 S 4 (41 110 New. Yuri. , 4 4 5 2 . 11 555 4tr Iseranton.' imbeth port, 4: 444 4nU ,4 SO sr. 4:A Fittottoo. Newburgh.....-- 4 4GO 4,70 !II 510 151 LEyytga,,t.L . j , ilinsort_.73 525 .515 560 4 75: Lehigh, Elizabethpiirt sto 5 7.5 5Vi 5Vi 550 4.751 .Elizahethpurt nhd PL Johniionto New Yurks4.ltelrisi 'out re ernes ; Newburgh. 70 cents. .• • *Via' Varna, csinsilgrice pays ctiSchArgin ; 401 PstOVINCIAI: DU* * . t/ At Shippirig points. 0014.1 Block 7:! ...... 1 Srdney.... ^ • rictou_ Little. ono* I 110 ;Pottrotton..... 7 091 I so Istark from Zflora ern!. lessi Wadi: 7:r otitis to 611 6 }Clover I.l.lll,thbom, J , li. j Prriilit~ 3o • f. o. - 6 17...;1 :sZew York XI Bo ton ttlYileta 25. • COAL FREIGHTS.. ,1! . .-L Pt. . Idiza-i 11.1-, . Elira-1 / '.plll'in'rt.. lithol . . • ;AL ned :lithp'll Huston.,.`, ...r. eon ..41 lc. IlariAmL..-...4_ iau ~ ITi glalern._). - .,-. ....... 2 11l t'C.,3tlddletowu...:.- i • -1 25; ]suet , 2to ' 1 11.3,11banr.-. ...:.... 155 I to, egutortrigeport. 200 - 1 75 SOOM 34)„ riv strwburyport -. 2 15 2 iti Jersey City, .. ;. - 1 ; - - 5 0! •Vortlittionit.h.-..- 2 4X) • 175 U11titn0re........4. '1 i• I 5gd0..............._........2 :I _1 70 .WilAilnglon..::..l il,l -• ~ ...Part land__.. 2 tO • 1 61.,U1chniond.-4- ' , ' Pmvldence ' 1.75 . 1 Z,lladlon . Si ' . • IlrFitol It - 75 1 2.1 Natfoilc . . ' t. AIS . •-• PAwtocket & to. lal - 1 2.5 fillveiton . ~ 7 .1:: - • "fev..port . . 173 • 1 in'itennliiport... - 3 'ft :- .'- Intl 1t1ver......... I 75 ..1 r.i'Dllittton..--1..1 ti: Tao titnio.._ 2 so • 2.00 111nettarn_...;,.. / 25 ItaNbury .i; 215 ' " .ity.annts_ ... .. ,',....: , (ft . • I.lhehtea - : . 21%) • .Notitneket...ti.. 'I CO .'. g . . ; in ••• _ o ll lllll el Pa tit' ,.. 201. Marblehead. '. - 2 50 . . itoeltport...„:... ; 2:: • , . Nantucket..___ - . , Somerset..-.::. - 1 s'. . .i • New fled thrd.... 1:15 ZS. Weymouth ...i... 300 Sew London__ 175 ~ 15.13rIent f—..... .. ... 175 , . Norwich .c• tow 171 -551 Allen's Point,... 1 75- , . • New Unveil 1..7 0 MP liitritle.....-,..i. - .. 1 T.,.,' . ' ~ Ilridimort.--. lin . loel n.,111,....„,____L,,. Iro , . ~. . N0ri1ak...... _1 70 00'enarlectown-- ;00 i ' . ..... BATE.; Or TRANSPONTATIOS TO TIRE. ' f ' . ' y me..a.tome sua r tzoAo. •L i i ' ~ ' :.l' ... . 4 L. Bt. B. !1•:=. _M. ri, , ,' T,,.p,-;,.i iveSrao ...:_.... ....... to v, 00 ,12 co v. 110 e 2 0 .t.: 00 i .p., phit a ,:eiratta.:.-, - " ..... 210- 2 10 210 2 O 2;o 2 , 10. The rot" from .: logy - 114111 haven swell conbi pa.• lan Ina; • and from Tarrianna 7: and Pinerrovr 19nenta pet ton Metter. I .li. dra*:Liockior 00 krenta a tan Ii allnwed c 0 a/1 ertatahtpo:,l ed“tinalleili eve Henry and Ewil of Nsev. "Hrenvntlek. tiro Coal altipi.o,l to other point 4 a d rtwback of. 40 centa per ton . will 1,, mode until further notice. L . vt.i. Norru PENNSYLVANIA P.A1L1101.13. . - .. . Mauch Chunk to Philadelphia '.. - ,„. I. . .t.: to. LEIIIIIII %%ALLEY, N. 1.. owsTBAL AND MOLE II ft !0•41•EX X. 11AILROADS. I • . . .1ro• IiniZIAIIIP:IIpOrt. 1 .• To ITobokeo.'... r . L. V. It. - R-_ ..... _-____- dil ; 1, 71..4.4.4.- r ...--1 9l' N. J;L'entrl" • 1 12'Horrl. & ./.... ,- /ex.c - ,11_...-. 119 ' 4Aik. , ' 4.ass,vm Mllpplog l fi tirbm,rving I.ooas, 29.ims 1 dP,457 do,t. 17,12 E. i ,-2 .11 1 To Port Johntion - -. Trt kkattli Amboy .... ._ _.'.....- —......, 4....... '4 IS Protn Punic' IlltventaiSisabAtipait & Pt. Johnson.._.... g) 1 AV LICIIIGII NAVIOAT/ON COMPAti-Y . 15 it/M.11E0;W: . 1 Penn Maven to Philipsburg . 1 tr- gg • r Mauch Chunk to Phillipsburt_-_„-.-- : -__-_ ,_,,... s• At Mauch ( 'bunk to Hoboken said T ort aoittisc7l... --,,_--- two KtliPPttuc and vettarkte . -.., •+ . ... • BY C.o..ipi. . • . .. . • ' . . . scurvaitn.t. "tAvtasszoltt cOMPA,I4 -1 -" - .17"2,742. -; 110,9114 d - -=AIR d: 361i(D 377.2Y1 a 7,1113 6 1 3.i 7 1/j' ; ,01:10 - • 5g..2.744; The following are the rate% of toll and &led Oa the - Sehoylklll Canal for the prewar; : • TO XEW watt. From Ft. Cartoon, i Mt. Carbon i Sch. Mattis, Toil . -I 10 v -1 tal tr: • Freight 173 175 l7O .11 actDrawb coal New 'tiotic and I.9ein Pet ton, ' - - , TO OWILADILLPII6.. - ' t', Vont Pt, tUrbon. 31t. earbOn. /kit. Flavin. Ton .-t.lo -t or . -I o A . 1 Fr ;ht x 10 , • -.--• 1-: 41:1 ^I to . nr mtntati cattat. ; : From lltutett Chunk to F-t.ston - - • Nem Hope OM Thnntitb to irew York • Thromuhto rttllndelphist,.--,-----; , • VI:Cr," Tort • To Jerwy City ' , For lITANTED.—A. 'Farmer to take crootti woo, a good Charcoal F'otnace guin,bOth , to go . to Virginia. AddrriAt BoX ITs Pottirvitt! ofnee, Jane SS, 70—.95-tr, VOR. ILEST.—.I. Three 'Starr Ingle 4.• House with a store room end fixtures has alacratory brick ar back buildit attach' iedln Morris'. dditiott, d lyNo. fie CA•11 rolllll7llle, June 7 0-14 . - GAIL . .. . , AT, 24Yla tciruirs , N. hale-' vroto fttorli. 'No. ro, tor. Omura - soil f ‘ N • 1 n Meet& Pottsville., and blty SCYTHES IX_ A. Hit, GRAIN MA MPS and' ItAX NN ft . PerrllEttrrONEE4 4 te. •i•• , ..11 1 1, ,1 1 ,04150 • ~..., . . . . "r *. _ l " ll.3 tillisreeorutitil t laßt. 14 1 1 1 .iitunikiNci . ! lihre*rtlif t 4 ~....p on next 42MAT evenUig, 27th' ~. ' • s o : 4: ~ reasigimportatite Ibe tennlonotott- 4 -, - r -';* A -... : It l nrder °fibs fleoldent. Z T•••W ,' ' 1 • ,', - hri:. - , Mnifli4 . lll-114t , . , 4 Bee, Itettl •, , text ; : • El I=l xi is• 1.48 17, 1 , 1,408 (1 . 14 1,121 6,141, 4t 300'0It , 9)2 1,2 EC - - 1t1.211:1 15 ' 10 , 1,10 07 11.5'..t 07 • 471.01:2!117. 04;144)1 • ~5.10 14'1 , i 10 • V.VI .2.. lEEE iiiin LIUIIIOII COAL TitIDE-450 • Pi,•t2l , •g,%10,. ' .• 13.#7X 1 ' zrvoril 2,it)4' 111,(.111 j: 444 -• t --- t I;lo7i.tli I 771,:2.331 : 1 T , Yr..11 • '!W ELK.CrAL. 4,6111. ; 711,-3'2 MIEMI 71 /7 f.. ..;`ii,lld 4 , 3 Xi ' 3,7411 ::30,'10:1 10009 ,1 . ..02,457 N WT,EX. T..IITA , to, t•cr, 'AT 4t.;.,:02 • GAS COAL '" l• . yetrAlc. +Dellvercil iWestrrtorelano,-4- ... .. . A !A" NewbUrgh iWest Futruuzbu'4 8 Ou, k • PitstAor.rtyrusA, -• • 1 {lre ;: i . "X; shipping h. wparitig..— • Co eat BY IIrOXYLS e 4104114. Win Alintrtiotnitnts.l . i .: 4 ' . . ii--------1..4.•:,,1.)"- '‘...rt.-..: . 1 - 'l' . I , b . 1 _ ,_ 1 C 0. , ,, e .-,,i'!-1.r.--t . . .. E ITEIVAt • Tbrist - r it , :i e&N- E ATS -N 1,46. - - 1 - ; .., 1 _~ ~1 ..,.. ..- : .e ,- -- ~...,..,,...; , ,s-,..,L,--,-:.s -,..,L , - -, -:. 1, , 10.Nir.IL-11 4 -, t t.- - vt.vill . P i.• it • •. , • `-', .., tz - . r " ,7.,-•',„ - 7. ~, - ,e, a.* ttgart. ! lIRE BE Jane ...40tritsanta ,-saiftgitlaTlAneltrufajer .l244- , sting and writing op $f jocks and. 111. f. its to etear-rtf.4tc,lie, rnfe,nl to, !spa-0010w Fr W. Shearer. Eon...!...4drift'sa .1?. O. i Dux US_ CritOCKEII. t/-43.11* , - - - , rani 411.4111) li4, ; ANTED..—Fivo male 'arid , tiro rIrL wanted for. the .9nbnpl.Pistaut *WO, bebatlbtp enemy.- An held. by Ntesaa.NciPlin.:County the School /louse. at Tawarora, tla 20/4day of July,, cots-. ,meniit . at Toga A. M. Term. sr and lo morally, By eeklft Board. ' JACOB see.r.• behaylirlll,%:, iraaldp, Jane 2,%,10 Ai:Ml a MS R'BI8'8• NOTl.C2.—Whereas, the tin crs ned hating been apPotnted Adlnin ttis ;lb estOte. QC ,totullatitZillger. late o[olo Borough 0 , tit, 'talc, deceased, Rho hereby' gIVCO no tice to osU s Indebted totheeeideetatOto make payment, a 1 those hos . claims* Nr,a7nst the saute to petite. th ' lb ! , . to l. ' MAK . S ,st,,; Clair, anise:., 7,7 1 I 3: "... ..."'„ - ~ . , .: 115-.61* riIaISTO * * 6 • OfiL t lSC.—TtaK pure Btt..k.NltY %..• • is now ord • • so the isude tutd,:cougurrterk, 1111 quantitleC4ettlt nd. It,. _. ,I.te -hlghlY reeml 4- mended fur Its' Wet lir and - oteuctfey of flAvOr: being trk.hilftte "Ahlagloorhei of .leilehoteo h4kg 'graptei and pm . tigh FralW-Whe te''dild the whitest:lS ku'ri 'tuAns t It. 13.13,uArt,Ax eco., *We Agents, G , itkio.t . - r 1 :, - 2C.MolFer isle -Ar Pet li vllleAr Iclia ereuu, ; Ltruggiht, and Chau-ter Liquor lloller. , . I une 2.1. 10--fa-it pact .4 . Er. ~ PoetOs Cborl . 11Atorse1er's 11. u:: of TraveLw., o. 1 nirope, :tic.l . "fiIIIATLANTEO 01 .crli teh &Mir two W 11141 0 ,40 des Ore still on hand, will , hereof r be sold tot ``he qr pribe of One Dot r ileeCopy. , Also for *le feWiIiOMiCEOPATILIC DOXElirle VII y gtelAN:l. 4.109 , IIVIth 'accoarkarkylio; :Medicine CbeOg. lz 1 ,1 , , I Viola. mod 11 hi pore lloinceopothic NIltlis•loe alzPb I lotleliihkOrhartnaey prices. Apply- at t rm. torn Unice; 5, Niabontougo street, Pot tsv II le, l'la. June 24, 10-1 , 29. . IN, THE! , intITIEIiCT - count of the ! Unitea .1. States to ilal hiastern District of Pennsilt - aniq. In the .rnatterlnf the , vstr.te -of ILlehael .3. Jexsepit iCeriteslegee; Re rµ pt. •. - .., .l ..- ' NoTtea iii ns t!it brintts: 'You arC hereby notified! that the I, .Itl 1/10t1 'lit -of th e creditors of said % Rant:nil - as Avilli )4 , hehl at the office of John P. Ito f hart. Esq, if nelst er in liatikruptcy of sold Li!Lstriet, in Pin isvip o, Wodneeday, the 43th day 0fJu1y.....!),. D. IS:c. itt i !tie; ,ek A. M., betoro. said Register, ter the puriew mat eil la the, twetity r seventh section of the ilattltriint tl. (Pt:ire:li id. 1:537i Wheat and where you Call'at.4p 114 -enl Jane gl. Ifl4 if yo:11:•44. tiroper.. I .. i' s _i I- " r. 74 Kk.-T : r • pzErt, s ssign6c.:. 1 ! sehiiyiki ' - gr. to _,:id lo Ei33 _ _. "r, STAT. -"' O • 'W"I,I. E. STONE; DEOtAS.E..D. -l.Letteep ;est In'entary n pint t he'eMate of William E. Store. tie i f the .110rough'cdiSt. Clair, in the cuprite of . 'tint' Iblit. 4c:erased, have been aninted. by the'lit•gi ler it Wills for sula County. to Marty* ti 4 Stone, Jain's St ne and I;ustaee Stone, the said Mar tii and Ja , 'es., one reside In thel add Borough. of St. Clair, at (I tit saitt;Eusitted Storm 'resides in' the I . Iturongii of 1:11, no,* said OM nty: those in debted to s 'id ir:tate tare n•rjuested to wake pay.' meta, and tli at•rsonli having el..ints or demands against' the Old tst ate a re, requested to make•known .the mime sr thota elc4ay - to,eit her of the sithi,Exoett-- tors, or to - 1 %%Litt. NVEl.l...s,Esq . their Attorney, at p.,it§ville, La. . I'; . MAILTHA STONE, • , It 1 I', JANIFS STO_NE. - ,' .I":UST4\ CE sToNE, - , June 21; 11 .7 •414-41 ;• : ' • .• • ' - Trizeeutors. ' It -- Cl GitN zrli' .E.UNAN ES,. . V/ f 'II 1 I • GIi.E.NAD/NES. - 1 ' 12 :E. I) '0,EI)•• P II I C',F, S. i l ... • , •: . - . ring. t. rroncti Organdie.. • 1 - Ile , l, uniititd Flue 1-girns,...' ! . • . .._ . o, l l l l l.3, 74 NN ll .oo l k il li tg e i r iti n n a i n . les. Pao English (,lrensitlines. ' I ... • ilk ; •Igated Grenadines. ~; hl, b Storts Thin Giiods. ' ; :' 1)1.2:e.`" , (12)401..)8" I2II)E('E!). 1 , ~ - '. -1; . 1, ' • 1 'I ' ,•, . ' . - 1.ei.11.03 Linen Ite'acir y 1 to Snits, ..'.. ,' —*. ' . ett l'oretms for Tourists.. • Lltiesrtlts'llate to, Onler, Iltbin SO is Ready 1:1;le.. • lillhi 02; soft:4. Ilutlilng. ini-1,-. . , - 'OW h)fe l'ion,s, . • .•. . Press Binslins. t ;T , ii ourists I.inens.. \ . -le. • '• -rot Shan't.; 1 ` ' I ' 6.• , lift isacttues, . . . . - : !. t 7lotb'Saoques, '',. 1 ..- ',.! 1 ,larnia Laces, • i. • - • 4 - ,lliti 1 Piatio covers. 1 - " I FIT* Mitn•seti ieg (I,iii:t.., . , . . • I.nrire. iiitieu•Stoc]l, ' ~.. .. . I • C;(401)S F )R 4IEN'S'' XND .1101'S' WEAR. , • _. - - i . - • , . . Vli p ca*slmer,es '. , , , . . - • Finest f'assitueres. Notary Senteh.SOltintts, ' - •k. It lie 'Nos eities ' 7 : . 1 '.., . 1 • 1 ... • . •• ' 1. Oli PII :r. a-; I CO'S A 22. D,, ; , $i•E. con:Stn. r:lN't•ii AND .14" A itx ET si-n.r '..i-7, - i , • "Oct. 2.' 44;711 2R,LIi li 12. 12 07.1.11 041.1 17. ,%",1 122 . , -4 Inn' illifi TOGTII OF MINING !MA., 4;7: 1 1 1 1.144,,_4 1 ...ft. 4 it 1.1N,1:111 V .of all 141;;SettlIt 111./ s. 1 ninety hoist , e gine, 2141 n. fiere, 41 ft. stroke; 19 It. tiv Wheel ;-shtift,p: In. intim.. 'pump shaft 15 in. ' '4lkm.xll ft. king ;Ammo wheel 11 ft. diem. 16 An. oit the face, 4 In. , pltcll, with bobs and connecting rods; Las beep used ton 'at Win. punip. - :_, i 1 sixty horrin enl nc; is in. Fiore, 6 ft. stroke, ,clit 11- tly wheel, with p le na wheel', shafts and all connect tions; 1 drum F.) ri, (u,ii ! ,.; with a wrought Iron shaft. 1 , shtty lifirsell engine,- 16 Inch bore. '4! feet stroke, with! a Int a nti thy wheel, also with iMinp w heel, 9 ft. the face, 4 In. pitd6l; drum '• 19 ft. dual., Nvr.otialit tfon shaft; A hollersa4 in, 6 hint. i x. 94 ft. long. with 11 Ci!puerikins anti with all pinup ! -tu g eonnectiiiiis. ! !!. -., .- . ,- :1 large doulile brfakee with rAlthorse en gtne u „ 1 twenty lain•!e e 'gine wltlialrii in and all conec ! 4 Inns for a longAl t pions:: I pisf of heavy couegear ! lug, with pushiniritruck , and 44 ire ! rope. I :. • ' Iv . - ii heavy drift ears. 41tt. gauge. 15 ifir:e ! ..coali.ears, ! same gauire as theliP. at "11..' IL It. Severest large dump trucks. :94' efcct Wire linw, ilifTerent sizes. A large lot Of blacksmith "01;4 ,anvils, vises, bellows. &e: A * large lot of secom hiovil i belting, , v 1100121% sizes. 4 1 tons of second lniii 1 licioktipikes. :IP 10114 of 4eimcl Land T rail from 2 in. to 42 lb. per' yard. 7 seeontl hand injectors; 21(1 yds. 10 in. column pipe; 4I) yds. Ili) in. column :pipe: 1 20 in. pole pump ; '2 16 11 pole pumps. 1 in t spilotive,l'drivers.; suitable for siliftitig i cars; or on an Iron ore ,tank. Also,the wood work Of 2 breaker 4, rill rrolllo l lilg 0, the. blael4sni Ilb and eter lienter shops{'_ One blOwing 'tub Atilt:abl e for jiarge furnace. • !, , ! : .! , ;, I 1)-horses slis rke engine: 2) tothiof chain. enrioux .1 fifty horse engine. , ; • Sizes. • 1 . 2. thirty",,' .' - ;.; 110 feet hoisting drum, I twentyg" . 1 . " •• •,. with bolts and lag.; 1 four • " ;;! : !" ,•.- : "' ging-eomuplete:. 4 teh • " phitable iiiii • 1 S feet bolgttng drum:, 4 'loners, '3O in. x '22 it 1 6 " " " 4 ..- " • :11) Ih. x '3A 11, --, 1 1 " " • 4 , 3( in. x 30, IL.- .1 stark 5 - 11.clitlx:10 fl long 1 ... xa 11 1 ; - . x 34 ft-. 1 stack 31 1n.X4 1 ) •` " • :1..t in Xls ft. - 1 " 30 c 1n.x00• "•• • 2 .." • 21114.. x 12 rt, 1 " 3 ft .x3o "I , s. 2 •' • 21 In. x 6 ( t. 10 tons spllcepliltetyle ft. 'l' " 12-lion.e. tubular. long, , finaN. - .- 1 ~ _ I upright Ilve boiler. , Lot of.pump straw. 1 . --- Di y'lle2 , i In. culuntu pipe 1 new 12 ft exhaust ing !fan 130 " Kin. „ " 1. •. 3DO-11 new & second-Iwatt :..r.N) yd s . 14 141. col. tilpei.„. • !..,,' wire rope. .. i,. . with (''bolts :lost n rturtsct ft ft '2 in gas OM"; I• ' 44) yds..l2lll.eolttom pipe lox) "I"._ .' 1 0 ; 11t ". le •' 1 , - " 1 " : Lot of 4,1 n. hautboy Ipe, :At 0 .. f " ..,'' .., "' 1' " 'i. Pump shafts; wheels and 4,0t0r 4„in. pipes... ~. blacksOf 'various Sizes. 1 :” 111. pdie 'pump. , . 2 neW boilers, 34 in. dlam. pi .. .... I . - -i , • with flue fronts and till' 14 "" i. •• • 1 •, `• • •;• ~- -, connections. ,• 12 ".. " l ' "-: 11. '1 arnall foot la th e. 1 . 8 " " 1: " - Also, alwaysou hrtrid 1- -1 410.11(1 punapti ft stm:e lin. and3oln. fans for Veit ' 1) anvil& lift 1 and tom- Witting at mines., ' ; an' rimly.. :•, • i small ratlge hollers, 1 ~ At the SI aehlueryl.,4epot on Criall;r4treef... • . Nov. 13. 0,14-44-tf ~ - ,' - - ; JA - BEZ 14PA.RWS. 'THE trNpERSIGZ;TED AUDIT'ORS liaretet / fled and attlttsted the amount.* of the several ottloon for the yeap . onal eating flay lid, 1,676 (flint Mon tut day) follow*, to it :1.. , ~ • 1 , Ct..)I,I..ECTOR . S, ACCOUNT. 1 .• .'; , . ~.. . . IV trt.,lvA, ltti. vsb. CO 1.1..E.CT011, 1 - . • V- .1 . .l'i / R , . - z To amount of, dant eat 14940 • $19,761 66 ~• addltionat 11......4kettt—ilog- tux ......... ..... 1 17 50- .. addttlonnt it , s snmat • . 1, it.:4. 60,9t11 90 36 :um rex, Adam Shertle.. 616,04 :33 owed hr Town Council,. a'34 1$ Ols.ton • " _. , 90 62 1 ; • . /.616,94.4 36 , r. ~.,/ itri:' the earix)ratiott_ctr Alts -1i.t11! I a May, 1s70:- r In iTiematiT • :'. $ I.lss 1„3, and, icolloetor . : .... ........;:,... 1.6,61 t; .tal ' ' tty payment , : trs T e..rrenerntiolii • "e per tvnt..r.ori IfrJ?ort r. rho: Tre nth., frfmt Mr l l/ 3 By trel4tive " \VAL Itl . 18011, , . ; i 1, May IN, " .1141 Ofijt..E.: Whittier, I.lceh4e Nicholson Sisters, " 19, " ", ;Bryant, Oren"- ...... ..,...,..., Aug. , sl'ay fgAllen minstrels.- Aug. M, " "1.. (. rens ' . - • ;....„ se . pt, 8., .. "`, .. 'llford ntlastrels , - v' •, 24 ": ". ,lt renport Bro .----...... . • '... .-; 11 Way Theatre : i .fuse I; •' ' ", ;. (1-, M. Staltb,llnes.-.........„, Tr 4 It. Seidel, nermit....„.,..... Idly 3 ; .'" .; , i ?(1:131. Smith. llnjte . A. 117,, • . 2 "'L ~ ' , mew., 1,, -0 "i t . tan Poet, penult.— 0, •••• •-1 ~. 0, at. smith. fities•-:::- ..-' •••• IT ,-• ..1 -J.4 lensle, for use of coon ,, 11 Clamber .... r.. . ........,..„..... 11 F.O Oct: 4, " "11 01 34.114adtb,114e5...... . . ... .... 17 00 Z;,, .. . " ^:('t3 wart CombluatiOn, G 0... 9 90_ 27; .. ", I 1' orama of Ireland 12 03-• Nor. 1; 0 , -i1 t• ,31. Smith, lines- .- 709: -"• 6, I oe.,„1; Donohoe, peiiiiit, l5O " 15, " ", ! 3s. 14telgan, 150 RuPei----- , ..-•- 4 ,----........-. aon " 0, .•"; i 7 Theatrical ro ...... ___...l. 9 00' 1 • " 39, •• -. r• ,al Donaldson, Wig.. •• . • ' . ; ii rd, 9 nights.....- „....,.... i 16 00 Doc. 3, " "; i ;„' G AI, oinlitn, tines ..1....... • 11 00, •3. " "0 1 F. Wllllht-1"..1icen5e....... 100 00 " t, " • " i.l."llacntilleters, ."1 - • ..Y. 12 50 Islo. . j an l, .8 ..:;; (1 1 31.114041 th, .otics. ' ~ l3 0 Feb. .1, " "i • ~ ..:......1,...- . di 0 ii, 0 • -. , .r It T ood9reMiller,•pertait__, • 1 fit " 11. " "; : 0 31.5mith,1ine5..,...1 ..... - ~.. • 6 :9.1 Mar. t, " " , _ I .., :24 " . " ''N9 x & Daunt wartneti,per. -. 460 April .1, "' 112 (ii 111:(13rnttlf,' fifine5....., ..„... . , •10 00 " 9, 6 '. " ~t 81 Ott, ReIT. per5a1t...1,.......4 -,- • • :3.00 12. , ." •; " G E...ettgarten, penult, 3•00 " 13," •• ."! ' F It Maeoler, . , .. - .':1.50 -‘ " .13„ „• • • , i '' V etitine Eberle, " -._ • - 160 • ~,.. r., - , fitl eilefast CO, ".-. 4 40 ,z 4 .. - ... i 0 ~. ' -1 06 9 _a" " ": 01 Ni. =tine's' - • 1100, eit l i March 4Br bof P. 114nther, for , sale of , . • 4 ' ,_ , , Church.... ...... ._.-....... :;7 .-- ; 305 00 - A P T "; :S " ._," i i 1 . 1 i , - ...... - • - 4:1-. 0 (1° Clinton. at t!6 • MEE MEI IE Z 1 Ell J •-• ,, 4 40 -1.. "X -- . 2 59 . - . . 1 21 TtiOrders Nor47-Cole the Treasurer e, Borough Indeb Niro also Sad th mrmita to .1 , Edward Pane out, and.the into thoTresu.. ........1 th , . 2 43, 1--..,.. 7. 97 ' il'ottaville. 3 • • . e 2 weitlngi ekes. Street, —2114 t LILtJ coUNTY, pp) . zzols=ss TO 'Si. 11133 419 tO.6 . ' ieurttl 1 t0:52, ;43,80 89 , s LAW SS Vaiker EaPrlk, calls for sB'74; himself' with tkB leaving the 'Otto I flay cents on ttuttorden. Chief Burgess Issued Orders 'for untsinger, J.II.Cr a ibut 43, and Welt ;permits were not taken doe on them has not been-paid EMI 2 . , F.B. WALL AC B. F. PATTERFVN A , k • • .B. COVIIR4A, m the Borough of rotary/Ile 70.'33 NES attkeo. iiii:. Ittakitt-.,_:.".; INNING; DAVItt it- ' CO.. ito.. - 415 9. immi St.. 'O4.IIIIMSNING. pkT11444991,3e. 11 Van St, Pier Tf.g. 1 11ANIT.iltS A*l) BCOLTE99. • , Weigle* interest on temporary or s*.ariding pad* andeexernte orders promptly tire purcnabe and sate at 8:10Clid, WANDS &MT tiOAD tx urrigita ' -' • . Direct ographieeemmonteation frOM the rivd.t. delphla taitae,to New York. = tJan al. ' QAU.alit 01 tR.NVZZSIBOS. - .'. . - ' % - . '• ~,I .1 • . • . • . . .. . . . c _ • •13 AN 'MISS. AND BROKEI, ~ So. osorru viiiitt'l STREET. 1411.1.1.0£121114. sioc4 Ek):SiLt4 ittil tiOVIIIMMENT SECURL. TLES buu hi sod - sold' strictly on oturunisatop. Dim [al, (lotto, MIA' ell AND FOR /t 14131 ChM& Iki• ••••"..- +Of the Philatat4Phie. Stahl. EX '.attO.Sted to our care atuyli re htfh C4u-41-Sot • . . rillw,llimaqua, ~1141toweli ,ISkerseiThkis; Lets*. ' i nose; Uentowit, Batty", .rphrafai Lttici • " • 1 . . ... -• Zoneiater. Corm whi 4r- : Trans Its Vet tiarTlitbiarn for Newyork aa,follows : 1 At 5 , 34 1 4 . D A. AL 11.7." i A. at. nnt12.50 P. „M. connect.: inawlthal .trainsonthePonnsylvania, itallrca,,a and arrivi gat --New Yorkat. /2.10 noon. 3.50, 6.03 and 1& 'P 31.: respectively. • Sleeping cos accern- punk the 5. 1 5 and 11 ' A.' M. trains _without change., Iteturnlnk : : Leave New York at 1141 A. !it.. Iz. , c. noon,and . 4no P. 31.. Philadelphia at i 1.15 A. M. and 3.30 P.31..8 plng carartooampanyllte PAO A. :Si., and - I 5.03 P. M. Ins front' New . York. without change. Leave II nisburg for Iterullag, Pottaville:; Tama qua, ,Mtrie . vtlle, Ashland. Eiltamoklu, Pi negrove, Allentown nd l'lltl.edelphth., at 9.10 A. M.. 2.50 and 4.10 P. 31., stop Mg la. Lebanon and prittenun way ~ v ii- ' 'Ilona: the 4,10 P 31„ train . oonneetlogjor_Philtultd- phla, Pottsville:awl Oolumbta only,. Par - Pottsville, .1 Sehuylkill Haven and Auburn, .via Schttylkll.l and Susque'maans , Railroad; leave .11.arrisharg .at 3.40 P.M. ' - • East Pi-ntrailinniii Railroad Trains leave Rending • for Allentown', Easton. and New 'York at 7.21, 10.::0, a. 11,„ I.V and-4:13p.; rn.. Returning i leave New York i .at 9.00 a. In. 12,00, noon, and 5.00. p. m.; and Allen- - town at 7. 20 M ra„ . ' 25, noon, 4, Wand 1145 p. ra. e' Way Passenger Vraln leaves Philadelphia ar 7.80 i A...M., connecting with Anti lar trrttit on Plast Penn. . HailroadoF „ ning from Itvading at 6.35.. P. .11. st,,p ping at all Hons. - . ‘ • , !.' . • Leave Po wrille at 3,14, 9.09 .S.. M.; and .".55 P.. '31., rier,don 9.: 1 A. M., Shamokin at 5.13 and . lo.lo A:31.. • t t Ashland a 7.41 A. M., and 12.49 -noon, 3lithanoy . City, - at-7.5 A'. M. nqd ..+7 I'. M.,' Tanuettut .at a. 3.1 A. li.. add 2.2 i P. 31., for l'hiladelphla aud New Y0rk..,,.. i . . . .Lcave-POttsvi Ile, via Schtlylkill and Ft esplehanna Railroad at 11.13 A. M. for Harrisburg, and 12.05 noon for l'inegroa and Tremont. , • Reading ocomuaodalion'Traln, leaves Pottsville at 3.40 .A., 31. passes at 7.10 A.M.. arriving - at Ppliadelphi at 10. 9 ) A. 314 returning 'leaves Pinta il delphla alles,ls.P. M., pitaseat Reading at, e. 03 P. M., ar 41,vitut at tactile:at 9.40 P.M. " • - . . ' Pottatow Accommodation Frain : latveS Potts townlst 9.45 . M.; returning leaves- Philadelphia at Colombia llroad trains leave 'tending at 7.20 A. • .31„ and &IS I. 31. for Ephrata, Lltiz, Lateroder, Co lumbia, &v. :. . • , . , ..Pcritiom Railroad it ni ns leave Perk !omen .7u nc .tion at 9.110' M., 3.1%111n1.1 5,:i 0 P. :M., returning. leave Scliwenksv , le at 5.05 A. 31, 12.45n00n, and 1.15 P.M . ., connecting - Ith similar trains on lteadineltaiiroad. Colebrotik de Rallrhad trains leave l'ot In toW n at . 0.10 Al 314 - a it 8.1311'. M. returninr, leave Mi. A'lea.,- ant id 7.00 m d 11.25 A. It., en:meeting with similar trains on' ItA ding Railroad, , . -Chester V ley trains leave Bridr,report at 8.3).A. 31.,!•...' " and. 5.02. P.. 3144ret ts ra i rig, leave laiwr, ingtown at 21.1 A. M.. 12.4% noon and 5.13 P. 31, coa -1 necting will similar trains on Reading_llailroad. On :Sunda. s : Leave-New York at 3.03 P. 11.; Phil- ' adelphia 8: A.,31... and 115 P. 51.. the , S.t.o. A. M. train running onl to Heading: , le..xe.- Pot tsville . 31., leave,H rrisburg at 5.35 A. 31. 1111. i 1.10 P. M. leave Allentownt 7.:!5,. A. 314..andS - .13. P: M., and [Lead ing at 7 .15 A NI. P. IL. for Harrisburg, a A. M. for Nt York: at 1.11, P: 31., for Allentown, and at 9.40 A„ 31. and 1.21 P. .314 .- for Philadelphia. - • Coaritnnta lon, 311leatm; . .. , etot.Or. 'School and Exrnr- Emu Ticke . to nod from all pratim, tit rt•titteedi rotes. Baggage , hecked thrOugli ; 109 pounds allowed h_ ix each tr. .. !- ' . . ' t;, A. N ICOLI.S, . )Ipy 16;70, ati.,11,3-dA.WI (4eneral su pertri ferule nt. A4urrtiscninti9. [1313 ' G. I.IAUFEIt. ' 1870 SALESMAN' with JACOB RIEGEL at le Dry,AGoods, No.= Markel:St., I. niers for Goods, &c., intended for me; 11. C. Harper, etire of Jaeob Ittegol arket St. . Jan .2t1,15-hlt 16-ly 1870. - GENERAI N.B.—AU plewie add Co.. No. I'M I I WASTE.-111 grauea :of illf foN ? ING WASTE - prepared for :VI Inen, M:. for Railroad use. All Orders reesdvad t promptly attended tn. - 14. , 5. iIF.NRY A CO_ • tai North Front g rent, Philadelphia' 1 1 1 ,e2,&40..ty COTTON CLEL4...Is7 chintsts. And by mall. in la, 111 Nov 12, 'i • - VVILZBE T Witt - rim .from the -I,lt. CLEFVE; FLAVOttlXii EX 111 A cis ed equal to taw made. '..lre prepared Askyoar Gr. cr or Druggist for 11:711twrger's garnets_ FIARLOW.' Evoluo iILeE is. WithouCtlonbt, the best article V , the market. It will color more wiiter than tour es the same weight of indigo. The, gullS genuin` is that put up at AL.FItED GER'S Drug 'tore. Wiitberger ' s and Barlow 's name on Labels.; a I other* counterfeit.. For sale by moM Grocers andggists. INK will he leant! a superlorarticle. Always on band at reasonable prices. •. P.uretiround . Sptee-. G moi I. e 31edichns4 C ola Skills, Tapioca,. Sago, an all ar ticles in the rug line, at • , ••• A'It.gIiWIEPTBEIIGER'S' DIN. tore. o TX IC' ortit Second St.,Thliaielphla. Jim° -1, . TEE HYIL AN INDi AEBIQN HAIR CURLERS • i ..) • 1 EN.iALE.AUTICLI4 Fox TILE 1...knt111.% I (Patented jaly 11 h, 1567.) • • I This Curler is the most per feet Invention ewer-offered to the public. It Is easily opera- 1 . \ .: 11 ' 7 ; ( 1 1 1i n n eil ot t : l l n ti p a r l inge rai l ' i e ntr Ln a d s. iF...,V1 Mere bs no neat reauireil.'nnr -k, my metallc substance used to ma •, 1r st or break the hair.. Man- , / it alactured onl y antifor salt ,by • • ' Miiill I-glut:LC lt CO4 . . .. : t. 03 North Front street. I ti ot ,PIIII.ADELriIiA.,I'A.' • • . • 1301 d at Dry - Goods, Ttitn .. • • .• ' .' . Trite's,: mid Notion Stores. ' ' N. 8.--Single Box 'Li cents; . 3 Boxeii, assorted,sizes, iti pts. , Malted tree to any part of the , . - United States, upon receipt of . , 1.. " Suite 11.:70—llt . C ll] OittntitAl, 'A RODE 10/ OEM ROAD 1 4tultly prudu LADIES' lIMEI El I.nce r 's • No. & Cbitstri ' 3 ia t) ' ' oo G 00 - Z 5 GO 1500 1 3 00 AprlL Pi, 10, WIND9W 0 CO HEAVY - 10 OD ,1 MT J 3 00 , 41 00 10 00 MODE = KM IN ALL misizs; NM m'Ascuiirie 3.7.4 Y 7. MI c owma . BAN o'l4. $'5,!98.21 t • At low* Pri 30 lii ' .4" 1 :! 112 t ; 'Cult lint Cal - Mae, Moans blllllll. sigtbiot .en HQase. Tiffeo6storr None Don, t iki Th t e and Ito*. drubber"; 115 EN FIEI .5YLv.41411. - A: - . - : 'OW. li. ILA'47.ARP MN rzz-mtr Abucdiscuictits. MirM.=!MIM AaßANotiuus-vt. May frit= the Arortii aloft Nertheteest fee ' New York, :I: I tem:1111v Potts- D. ~110gE88, • • I A E BIT D E . - MANurAcrtzp.En .6r* THE .CELEIiEATEIi I_s , CAII 4 II A.G ES; d 104 . CHEISTNUi STREET, ' • " . "AG ONS • AND PLETONS, I E 3 §i ,- ;c:Lii;Ti* d Elegant-Styles •dr Carrldgeii , on. red. April 0,10-18-3 m lIRSG,SHING GOODS, 'U-ITS. for Dresses, , • "Under Garments el all raletots, - 4:e:, i~~ ~~,Rvext ti..~nt~.v, ALL :4 ST;..GQLD PRICES wrEtv a EzzoLlgH, E E3t.,,,(oiiiiostte 'Contiti ental ligi.ei), '.... thittTiiith 81. 4 .Piilladeiphis. ;.--. ' . .. liyarnt DEOORATIONS. V, CURTAINS, I ND LACE DEADERItS, ACEIRMQUIgS 8L SILIC; AND 81L1 WOOL •1441.13R1C5 - , agorf. The : latea inspurfr;i, le OW SHADES, IVO: NEWEST TINTS, __• I - ato.,', for Ilailrorat Supplies. .4.. E. )VALB.A.VEIN,: 1- ALL. 719' CIIE4T&L.r.r • 19-1 y AN TEES CIERAI'EST ==fl Id ALWAYS SELL OL BOOKS, QIP , ALL• KAM** than any other Booktetlirs in attstik, - - . WULT urns M!CI in BE; .. 1 "1 L .A 1 ; 1 .d . ° i6 , 14 , t 1 1 f -ir • iTAminitx iteduagpe flout Fortner Prices: „ EMI !hA . Airdisais, • •••; : s) Ton pnaltE, • 4 ; 10 , • • • on ,"„ me zaolon 1 4:h: P ft 1 U 4 . .141650. N. EN = • ' : ' , :;13. - sra, ph _wAsot.Vcro).2v, &urnemUkg,. , . yritS Dad lostPlmdc.,...rire,lEty • . tient 'fent to • the- ; • . • - Ir4S/liN " .r fr 4.3 "n e: :21.:Lnfrhe 1. - .s'etatte hits i .1414 eu •up Mr. .z. , ' WWI ef's. -Cu itlf•- reWutie 11qi. I and bit unlifuited tietnste f"in:pregre... , )s:, - . 4 .3ettator'ye will .tici : -morko:tv'prOout thq report of, the ,Arztjority oontitittiso - off the • atelt-lbtlic4c l -1: 6:lll•Diiruingo inve-atigutfon. There mill - 1)o it, ntli•uiritz.". ref*l)rt signed- hy i• - .‘7•enutUm 'Ferry Utitt„t;elturz.'", ' •.; I 1 .." . 1. I • thee() • ferendfi:-Orithiitreil . "- ort-'‘tagiltrs" Curreuev .13 tul .aitkfug bill ,rueets to:,.day.— Garfield •ceontbient; that , the cotartif!ter will ngree to .tine bill; subt.tantially •as mterted from the llouliing'itudj,:tirieney Cpeautlttee, 1 without - .Tudtis - atittlf.letexit:.• nor' blerettiittg I then-aim:oil batikreireulittiefr.: . :-: --;' -' ••;. • The.Houseje. Asnyik- Ike, 11, blat there iS untl4ltig.,iittftv_ in .nititutenk tAti klg Inadit ; 4 The Senate' 'At 1 te-eloelr,.. reslititett the eon. sitieration of. the' Tax - Toxi'. bill, then the -the: VAdw/5.2 strieltatrahry - e43:11,41.iy.....rr;` "': , Atlvreeit:tinve.heen tp.eeivedfrent Attniiral Itt, Aka t. he . Wtwicl li ac;; lotcoha iitln•hls 7 da . glettipi the 'Delaware, ott Ikfa;s7 A tot SitAgnwr t i.;. -vitt thing. %long, China, where he is- to ..ati•et ItOr-Atlntiral Itotigers the - cnlopnlO - anithe relieN:ett by hint of the eotinitand of Ihe.Asiatie 'lie wilt then kart-lor the I 7 nitetl'S:att ,, , , antl eNipeets;., v; it Iv aJavorable La-, 'reach :New . I fork by the Hist, of inte r. Sgr. Sherman; has in:epirotan ant emintent tithe tax, bill e•teatirt. , llie . Contati,,:ztioner of Internal neve atte a C t ab ‘.; o anti" tval:- i 11:4. • the huictu a'=eliarate (lepa run t,- It is Ittt&rtuott that ,tits , Pre,i(tvnt, tv_: th.t, liassage,of Sherniatt'sainenann-nt.. :mow:lroi~i . MEM Putrick Burn. tif..C9ltl . ;ling; was burned io.tleath yesterday by 'her clot raking rt from an alcUlial lamp. .• . . . --11-uett un - p24.-FTS.lark . Z Itgaldv, lighted a tire. tit - witTi re tilting, in death TIIE - trEsn 1 mai ,1113.1i* Marthrnoz, Av . • . ontanit . , June N.-IV - Ifile two , ;ten went; putti hi '.a thud lattt:titi - shaft in elnirks' ilendrie's; 'nine. at , Unionville' ye:•••terti:ty afternoon.'..the <charge explhiletl premiturely, Nerioits-. Sy itihititqt.anOther,lnarpe. Unknown. ; ' The Sheri ii* to,ittly natned Situp:yin,- who is ehiirgeQj with-the iii-urilez -man nanietl Mei.' , l4thy,. in Virginia in. the sliri pg . ot* ; 19ts. •. TIIE SO urn. .14,1.1:tz I , ,est ••• . r • • • • 3.ln;rtmon.r.,-JOile agent 11.;)t)vt:vniBaltimere and via! , arrested' - yeAc;rdty by a vccial Inaitiagent. for • robbing-, the Crttitcli. inalk-of ;letter:4-tpui inon . ey z .. t,;nited •,•;tates Cenniiitz;ioner Rogers onnnritted hint to jail . in d e f l ogl of ~•:ih,uno hajl,.to ZllA ; ilip the action: of -the - Oliited St(tte:i; I Ust Fitt CAitirt," , 'atitnitteri"ldz , guilt. "t RAU:jun, N.•- . -ylte ar, - ,rutneut •in tlat:e • Of (I...neral NV:.' 7 l'..ilenin-tt, ex- Spikervitir et' Interuftl lie'ti - elitto - of North and Koutli Carolina, charged with eplae, ,, ion White to the,jury• ycsier dity.afterncxut., it, is ..tlikui!_rlit that no Vl•e -djol, will,be reached., .1":41.; I.T JuDGt,'.. LIEU,; of the- ,I.:hitctl _States Su pretile't'ourt.,- hash;-eti .. . tinitnitnottly elected. prole-or of kw of the tniverity of ; ea- lifor- 113.-rsOD idta lit. Milton,.-- X. Y., oji StipaAT piglit, were on '11111;•s -day inoriiing,- , • • • Massfielpisetts.Le'rir.attuvilthouritul on 'rhursrlify rter 'l7O -dap , seSsion; l'lre:ll4rtFopl - hut,' ..1..:1 - 41 Railroad "dill Shin d (s 3 tliSa.gre?itient.tif the 1 lit the fli.:_;Pizd ct y of. the lied ix ineretisipg heY dcht --rea;e.-f rapplity thaii bile is 'the litSt (Lack: 'ye . ab: it li;t:b''...t4:lre Tha.a usitil floc;: it atuotnits dollar.. - • .- • . , . . Tit mu: .N a y Aerritile nitr o-glyGeri plosion in Woreiter;- - - Wtiod: . _ .ished twelve liottst.N . .shattered ' • •" number cif nthe'r4. .1 he- shuelt: was -felt all t • CO yG R ESS. over' tile iind bells, tee rung. and . crockery antt ft:taritre breltett at di?..ttinei - 1 half,:t mile. - • •• • • • • ' i f - -FORTY-FirIST URM—SECON] • octlie‘greaCest- terpris.e of connecting" f ( . 1 i ‘r Vrent Brit= I :flu' and Ante:lCA, hy sitbmarine. cable, is • another of the grand ach . evineMs: tit'Alle age, -and an event 'Well Worth:: the do. special . rocs-rage of ig . k . ratulatien whieir flashed across the cable CONDITION OF Pitt:LK'' Washington . despatch says : , \ • There-are nOw over a hundred :Senate bilis orLthe Speaker's table a:Nailing' the action of tilt House. Many of 'these, are - - of -a ptiyate natnre',:and stand sunlit. ellance...'ef getting through.this -session , . • All the appropriation bills have . pa.s4ett.t he House - weep t: t he.sup dry civil, expense, or . ontniintr bill,lwhich has -been nk;ported and ix, set, down as one of Ilia special orders.. .Mcistolthe other regular ap propriation hills are.. either; • pending . in the: s.eitate or in, I:!Obfartice committees.. .--The Alsposition seems to,be so. keep •at work on the appropriation luidlax ' so a-1 posept , them, a-sa-sitds ticee,skirs . soille ap propriation bills to become laAvbefore, c•xpira ation olthe month, Owing to the.clOse of the fiscal year, anctPle - runningbut of.appropri afions. strong etlbrt 'will he made to pass: the funding bill ! , the bill mikndatory of -the naturalization - laws,' the t.souittern. Railroad bill, bei , files- the tax'aiid,,appropria ation .bills.l_..H.ll is probable, 41 , 41, that the 'conferentte,repbrtA on the bill. to •reOrganize theariox and the tileCite:l -'m:IMA of the eurrenek. wilt bo. adopted. The report relative .to the army • bill has already - beetr : adopted fry. the Ilous , e, Mid is now peild log in the - Senate?• With holdinii night res sion4,- and' sittingAout efevell until live o'clock (hiring the - day, it - is lielleved th9t :nearly:all•-the bills now 1, E , : c 0 ;•04,700gre5.4 th a t should pass srUl ba acted on and..passed . - POTTSVI4-1..E . ,..D. - 1A.A.K.e473.'. -• • : Corrilr ' 'lt r ol . utai ty ror iinkiti_lap r. Jt : lirr.. al 14..:{:1;i.V ir a • SO • . •. I Wholt-..i ,_, ~ ' ', `-`.' • 'tale ". Witt at floor, ex:4 . A. faiUily; TAtil-,1„....i -5 $ . 774,,. $ -...: -y - #ewt„. • • 3 •,-, 34 1 : " ". •. " '' extra , Aiblil.'.-. " . I . .6 LW - era like Flour •-• iltiekwiler,st- Flour-- ..,..'.ll. .. li.:ril, - 3 Z : ii Wheat,prime white , e- . 1.1n5h..1 ;'. Tr," 4 ,: -1 IQ . , ..... ro ' ~ .- 1 ni.93..5. .1 29 ' I 3 - ) Rye . ,' • " - ^-IbltAb.. I. .1 )41 - . 1 ill Con : % .... .............._:_rl bu 4 .. 1,... . I , .. Oats -.....4.- . ~......,-.......t bell-ii... . • i li. 1 ^f - i. 70 fiye Chop ' ' - • • 7.41 - ruFh., - , ' t 24: 1 ::3. Corn Meal....- ' - . - ;smash..;. l - • 1 . - 'ir- . 1 'Si .... :t- ... .. .. _ tita; .••••t'l Bran... ...... ... ...... • nu• Potatoes...:.:' 5 )' 11nc,..-V•tott-,..t Ittl! N J • Lwlo.• -, • ' • - 1',43 • , AT straw • -• . • 21)n...z.r ,21D!! • -s,•;. ... . ; ... ..... ... : 3, 1 ,1 2 prey fa , tarniqutrer, <u ra- ..... .I - 1 13 re n z—- • ' -. 1;31.1 -'- i.'iET£1, 1 OTTiii Li, ..-k. 'tr,,, L t . ~ We gltkre the Olowing qtiotat I irtgi tot to-stay : SIE,ATS- • . i . • •Lard 'b Iti..-4.....i.:,..: --P.:',5 Reas Beef 5.....;.__....-4.111Aietten4.4..p... ..... .... =-fy•2.s_, Coined Red?. th. ' 164:X1tmekiriktb..i.,.1..,.....:. ---(3,"-T. "lump Steaks 1t t.... -nft,Torkeya'A rt, - ............ -f ,, ..,25 Sirloin steaks - 11,111,... -61.2.1 Huctdoett 41St -(1,10 Sansage .'' tb • ' ''.:.*lVlt'cleir:si4 lb- -..-. ..... ~, li 1 Itcrros- • . . - Mantua IF i .... . , :...... .-3 Forequarter 7,5 , - •-„rgl.o‘lifte PerelLitb ..... -4:4 ' Hin , pluarter:f th .•-11- 1 1 rt• ..-. -'-k5..1' , Chop.% - 0 r4_,:..,.' ....... ...„ -42,25 Catfish ii ;b,..„_,,,,,_ -4;?,1 roux— _- • 3 Zetalt.strluir.` '.. '4...4 - -6, t Itoaht & St ettkall lb- -,-Opti3eansletitipiliqt,..... •,.; 12-!., ,I Corned t? 5.,..... 200Mb:titer 11 1%.:.-r..;a.r.-. -6 - 4. xi i Hams ovlioloyire: , _.. . witigawsis doz..-4 3 .**.: • ,-- 0;8 . Hama (alfeedt It 1tc....--'4 lienthegalk hetig;:..... 1It , •15 tilitr ollaux.l., •Shotatters-VD--......:174N;P0 illiPelk•-:^6 , tr . Dt'led Beef* it. ---4301Potat' • gh ....: -0-'5O Vt.,tt.-r.- -.';.,- ', - - . 'tiArlPetatees• 2 ph t.'k - .. tp. -Forequarter IR h,....,;:-.41-1:0nt.)7t4 yi ~..; p.e --= 35 'i hindquarter 1b...., -4fs Kett Beets-0. Isit e.l. —'-',. ; ,8) CM IEIB S . lb, .• • ..., , 0-o,l74rtirri4P4* 34 MT - .. LI" li "Prime`Oystera.?.4,Uftz '4l-114'ine..Apid.43A - e pi, ei‘. 1.?..E.30 Boto•hua Sausugovaps-i o V2z.aiwtots - f4. - tp . ,.... i , - 1:17 Sleeked Setaatte ill ., 4 . 25 Arr lam "0 57 ...,,, F'lt o Die* MARKET FnineY; June 24.—Ttie Flour, Intuhl?l,l:ns active, ' m but holders are Very d tiftbeir Vie. Western e a tra, low grode,.at4s 25; !I%,"brthfc'''esn,tn.,, eitta , V47.. I^ ezinft3th'adia do/do-AL t t 'l . .r." tti 90. Olno do. do., at ..11 dial 74, And Diner. brands Wheat, sal44 of 1101 MA and P.erouytwo l i s tad a t $i &raj ISt. - ta,rn is starce and. In demand, Ist full prices. fiales:or Pennsydartnia Atld*uthern ran:of tall Mal , W., Outs arc Otto; with solos of Peruisyl- • verdant Vic. a : --' ' ' . .-- '! ; Whisky' Is 41.thn. at 61. niter :Western Iron-bou no. -70 , - riummmil3u4..i., auxs:Ar.i- 4T(kCali . ; ArikatAKET''. - ,_.VlLA.taiiiitz,n; :June 24 trt);—lcaues , Continues V' ,abundaut, and -nist4clasa: boirdwers lind no 41 miry in eamplying their,.Wants atAnt per:cent., Discounts al% rather; more -am,fve, , Vas tatippl,yo however; Is •Intip; equal to-the demand; and :rates remain at 5a6 per cent, oasis - I,: tkayn' paper, MIT at Bti6!4 per eel:ilk - 10r three nr four months: • The gold tist a ltK,in as dull en everything else, and ..the • • sales ha ' ..nnettnited- entlretx between ItThia ___.' IlAdlng liallrond-rW4n:iittfct sclth salaga. at 3.7,4: - Pennsylvania sold ato.M,AAN ; Wats kiln 0r,51; .anq . behigh.Vainss-nt.5334.:1,, ..- -- s.. f ~ . - ,"., ',,, -, i 1 NEW 1"4"F:41 irOlnlir Witt' 044., M.kitliZETS. - - - ' ' ' &it" I ' - 16. (- Nils , l'l)rtx. June "4...61 s rregu r..lfoney 4q.,5 per cent,, cinlA, k ' ' .541/nrleuttimn, Atil,4l. ‘1,0 ;? ,. IML , do. IIM; do. , tt0...111 7 • kith Aft,. figgit,ll2 l-, ' 1 24 a 'do. 1 , 07,'11.1*;.ti0. '• "LiSi . n. Mkt* r..viAry . entraL: , atm • itik .1 .7 .'55ate.rz,115642-Itriei,:.:"23kl. • ...- • • . ~ -•.-.. , . X 0 1441 1 f3r-i4iiejirilii ~'. -1.1 ' ' Coxion. Jun& i f t —Aukerizin- acturitler-ittriviv- • 11. 1 4 - 340K180; .1937;b154 IStootailpitadr.• g.tio,, Vi a . i lllaattswen no; 1 . 14 t firetWWestern,:l7l4,..- 1 „ , ESSE . ' mfmMq- The NeAvrAttOri:l6"-licrieral .AVAsittx(rroy, '):`V. Jane 24 .--At, a Cab- inet _ inevting - ,told y, the,Atiorney,44eneral W represented by Judge Meld: -Mi. Aker tuart,tlyit:yitatichistrolxi' thei l resiltenti " du rlng the , 3e,..sigo and' itas' , poS3l, gitty:latro dewed t> the roembem of' the Cabknot preseiit. _ took *no part sin proeoßtingtl:,, how .ever, as ble emeiati, , sioa drksoiotlitoto- ,41: 1 01 After the la:Oil-wet Jrakze Haar Arr.Washing ;ton. wiw tli-r,us.o of eert3irt 'untinisfied ' bugink.sB. iii itic - -1 :1WI•jley"-.Getienxi's c 411 0% t 64 t. .wbjeb been: tziving hip attention:. • I • t • . • . entiph'kirt'AVirctill DAnieql • . , . Dai.'iar,„ Da, Juie...4•;t. ThereAs 14rent ex.' eiternent Jl . l- this place :to-day,,; it beitr'Llie da' apporn t&I for- - theifkeintittrt ; ,iif•DGyarit , _ Dartiell,Jcolored44 ~tatleteell4a4o:ol4l , i . ni-. .vieted at . the last' term of thh.VASurt, for . u• tourder.of 'John fli z ighnerof Pla- he: j ) ,__, delphia,'Oit tlllth-oflttlailikD 704: i.„. - .., l '. 4, . ri.•‘± - e rat •WI t Ono : Wek.ol 7- isefit,itn (.40Vermir ," iiatilOury i signed;•l),lr proMisyttstr ttitlzerns. 't' . .f '''' , ,I)O,Ve r, 41.Aiug a renrievri.ort.pigit they -Witil g i the over lvW mTit refusinglAiliterfere., '. .-. iOh Wed n ight Flurifr• Wi1. 4 .14 4 1tilet7 .ly weht into the prh•oner's room Ina "foinkk'l .. him loose:•11*.? - havlin.i•-tofed - 6tirth& bolt that ,-,-, held his chains to the floor, lle - will; digging . wit ti . t e.bolt•iatit) the Walt; and: had made a, hole altnOt flir;.:, - el.'enongh to •get -lit body ' throng h.. A friend:, ofitheAvil•oner, 'Maim! A iiderion,' had nunlif an • eiriallS,- limke.,4l9li! flirt the oitt:iido of 'the building. - A few ,niinj, , utei 10:rtter . and. he would . have been a 'rm - .. , man. Aim:nett wa;.; then heasily ironed ;tot .. hint Inca inor... sethi , re.vell.. • The Jail is an old - . st rin•t are, and zip a - !ept. ennid plek . out with :t .uen I: dile, . • • - -- - - 1-- ;,,, ! Rev. air. Ife,kin,:. an Episcopal :Ctinilef',. ...,.. 1 .. wit- wit h hint al rthe TrkOrn [fig and ailtnifiit , tered tin , eminnutiton;' Darnell per:444 4 ln ' . [ denying his g•ttilt;- ht,id 4:2l•A' Will Lam . tope! . kilk4 the &au. :13.e.i Ithrqll,' only helped.. - • 1 td,drag,him Colhe : '.ruilDlpotni. - Re - was wil-: ling to' ilfe, , helievile.r!hinisett innocent. 'He ' ' 1 I thought Loper ciuiihti VI be...hinig. , With him. _ Darnell is evidently orutisoninl. mind anal was entieed•and. threatened byAoperi who ... I received all. the min - ley-on llogari'6 parson".; - 1 Darnell. say.6•Loper threatemsl ti :kill hint it' -- he refut•ed to help him.' - ' -,, - • • - ' • About ii,to'elo..k.Dr. lloskitts prayed with •" Datinvill'in, hip eel), and. arked - that.% WO, - I might cars forh i to: 'An - :company. witlf-th. ".• Sheriff,. his lie'puty and I Dr., 106kitts. fft .. .. -..:. t prh-Ont.„‘r . Wont to _the . seatrold,), -where IYe.: ' • 1 11(0:al's read the,l;nlhcovil i.ervieo and. • - f)fren - J . up a prayer, Darnell was then.kOwil • . if he had anything to say, and' in• h clear: -- 'A' :affil ''' 11 - • it ' Lard t 'll . ' ' 1 V-ICe ,-"0,211, taileti, 1,4..0 ...te." ~: I.did. not, (10 it.. Williani Loper, did IN , . I. ~ Went With him.: ll:e ti4d me he lvould p: . l.' ; - !vit-.for the Y:. J roilberohn.Young,toll Inc fo 1 . , g 9 with hint, that I wettia lie- J.Y.i. hurl_ • • i Xvilliatu Loper did it." ' - 1 . i The rap was put Over lti4 head, the itoot• , 1. tightened ' twepty.• minutest_- Of 't%%5) • 1 he waa launched. into eternity. I.le,.nyey - • I nNyed after he - fell; .hut broke- his took, •" . 'dropping aliont six, feet. About seven Intii-- : dreit people, inert, i'voin en 'and . ::eliildren; , i girls and _boys from five to fifteen years. old, 1 were• present anti I.vilnesrd the-execution , : withappartmtly the'greate- , t t=ati-ifaetlod; . - i -.. 1 ' 1 . - • , , I I, • • -.314: 1:0141‘ , • ‘:`•• • • • FM entetiets uf 'Heat h.iiii: r41e41:--lii-di:ettini.i;t P, 2::1! ' ': 4 :l:Arfi -, itill L',...11:.-...,- 'l. t&i 1:!le,!1',14--Bur I -t...:. :. - • 'llllll Tat. 0.1...- ,• 1 % ...\.: L',l" YptiK., .J rine 2. 1 .,---Irlin Cum!. of :Ail- .. 11-k..it1. , ,,•tu-clos tipC,rovciltio , iseittiintio 'of detit It lo the caz , e'of• .John Reid, :who - killed police; -, titan i••;;piiitlick and 'directed fileSttprertu , ,- Court to pc - ocoed ;it. O 1• et , in it 4 execution. - ' i i .. 'l'lle•railrbad ilore_•4 to din Stunt tuid tlontli- • wc,t were atcaiii.. slig , htly . red ctici • to-clay. ~ :411;_• Co; t rid ilailroa.l its now .hr aging enttli'.‘..., !Itrail ; t2b - li;•igei to Bo tram *et?, an froln- Ituf-: •,. Edo to3Air):itlyfor one dAllar per. clir;' The , ... I , ,l'etil4 - tiiaitizi, (edtral. ii&hiity . • rranginir n. . 11)4hour iline .tably. I c•Jurazu thi:i' ch..); and I • Q ' lii '' , 7 - • r•; 1 ' ' Thc.l.alte Shoiti 'anti Aisiltitran •Sotatitern... -;,,, 1 liailway di ri(i• • i' four ix•-cleitt..ithcl'ileeitlCil !! - iti (~-inc 5i....1,000,0iiii •conzscilidating• ' iiiiiiik which fakt i o• repttilkiting, ,th'e prk•siit., . fulitleil debt Wit lezlV63,i)ll,iio) ror a 000141: -Jravk equipment unit the .reilemPtion of the , !.pro.colt, doming debt: ' ‘ • ,- ; - Tilt, „qiit. agithist Dr. LeWici . A. - , Sayre,"'onc._ . . . or She: 11194 nroininetit, physicions of this 'i City fur nntl.pritctitte litt , ,..4been_,decided in l'ii-, I favor - . - -, . , , . • . • . I.- filty-.l.thit!tie alit( I , :ttlOirti Ilase!Ball Chtli,( i•playt.4l..a - 14:,tratt to-titty! Oil .the Capitotian tirotitak. ,The I In:4' was warm., and 'lll - Je' stm t.,0 brit:ill that the (natty error( were .altribu t table-tit that entri.v,- - fhe •serwe - tivaQ , a,(, rut 10wA i;Attattties, 1 11 3 33 - 3 (1 G k1,....`1'i1tt(1, - .:2.. i Ettia6l.,l, 0 1 OWO 3:2 .1 1. Total 0. .:-.. - .„ Loot tti,e Ti?..porfol with riSivirolin Approywiatltm bill .; aIT), • =Cmilruit . lee, Cho- Itetief 0.1 It in/este:lA, lit - t*ttvqbarg, Tor t, s ti!nr3 of thrOj. S. 111===MINE t!. , a f.,f Cif I ;.• thiUtUtian or Mr. !ramlih, 'pie t cell - 11)41'23, Janltavy 1, July 3, .n.ll in;.; (18,?, ieghl . • • • Mt. Mnrriil, er.f VermUlrt.,frnme Comontuitt.e.n. repurtej iltvorntly quirt, Natival Minks n• into rqtiri) their el rotiktin...; - up the on- the. ptevir;u3 dAy . from_ Ow tio4Cununittfy. , :r t 4 t) h,t tn to yesokiition And - r.u)oft.i.Yl - un din from ILie.'"L'un. , l2,li '14'1 , 40 r.i - nutu Gttitn'lur'thc no rS P nErit sEArrt 1 "The Iton,o resurn,'!. 1 1 10 cow:id :(kisor4la hill. „ - . - FOREIGN. •,: and t.1,„.t rop4 Int Englancl. • fibula. eable—Nt. Groinv's Ctu - -• " • .311pnerinn4 - 11Talr In . • Jf:ne 21.—posipatelm4 •• park of tho..coutttry - report .o . llglit • 'lovening. The 'crop:;,greal.l the 'weather., .ground dry. .., I he .contrratidatnry tele'..;;runn; President Grant were reod anted kiasui at the banquet held in this ei in;; in honor of the completion of - I. line to India. - - . • etible‘to.ros, St. (;coi - ge's Orti ford, Irelaitd, improveulent tr.tnApeoani4!. ha.l :11 . 1:LAN D. • LlMo . l3lclt; JUII6 polie yesterday afternoon roand amunia bomb: in at) ,unoyea pied- tious,e. T the , brenlise. , 3 Arrested:.. .v.Diz • J uice 21.—The . proir)-it-.; to 1-)o-, , , ti.i.tto All it-4 fkytTA . _ ~. . , ~- ,`--- . ; • ' ' .1 Stlntw• - s - .B.ut.rtsm-LNor it'5,a1,6)17.1.) . .1...: • asst: l'hot;.R.ol3lE.-=-011 the retort .0f th.q,eX etrsiott party!. over the . - Wilinifigtim: and ltteadio,, itai Itoad i.ut Wed u estltiy Week, an in eidetic] oceurredi when - a feai'. irtilo; ittlim•-e.. Downington, which. notwithstanding its dis-, agreealle re:itilts, nave rise to eonsiderabl,e )nerriment. Thc.craiß. had stupp t_k•t.t: a taill;- to supply the eogine'with water. i The. coat natty had failed tor want of tits ~`- t o plat - 0 ti oseol l the spout .or trough of thi reservoir, to insert in the fauk of the enginC.Mulqt - por--, table, tin '.-spout 'Wi . l4 t*il iltrotettit.." As •t he' train starteg, by some, inex-plieaVe•• !neaps ; the gate of the water tank hewn dis ,laced, i , thus permitting- taw - water to t- 'op • `The i . stre4pl il , hilth(l wa4, , soini.fottr inel es it - di:int-• eter, and struck . near the - twtiont .if the `wi it tlows of thi. , : car, Ivltieh:Nrete ail , opeu Itt 'the time.; 'lite jiteat4 , , were:4llleg)titit ;neettp4nts.. itnil the et.ll..ct of voltltne ii,rwater sod..- tleitly pottring into one's Lib. ma - be better.imagined than deseribeil. : , We cat only 5a:...'.. hat,ttte slidden serambliitti it , prolaced :watt W 1 onderftlTil to behold. e.oitiro. train was thus intnier;,:el—ihe .eats being . s. , ittirated. iud iill ittlurtili6o; lei!. Althatigh til'ery thittg Was.iftz..l , len IY.rendep - o. I cx.ceedingt . ,ll,74llsagreo, ihk*,! the Whbfe party. I , oolc the sttlizit, goad ' Vataredl,y,,and.F , et it down. as thitr , :praetleal Joke of the, otbea4 ion.:-- , - - 11"t:It, Che l stet ../kiob/k , . . C#Attrx..-5 ‘",:ticEs - rmi;:bOad muter.of bc4ttlitgatrditheff on . bs sturnbling., -- and - % Mug 9n the tine*while'= . pim. trig from/ ne car" trk ‘ duo: tier on IN.littytottlraidi 5.(ai...AcEct,444,1,,t in - e/ 04 4itiVO 'cant rrauxt . - the fl : olNilat49ll t 4 te l Aln•Al rt"....A4ertuan j . Qt • cpcoviii:l4-,: Geifeyal .af dui !Jai:: tt.d -; ' • tins Won - pat in ch iroe or tlio - Stuiderptul !Whs. V/Ith . MOW Salaty. ' r .eiri, 4 -on a IPeaa' in the' tbraat, InprtOctlirku 0601,10 to droralm''-' thrnXetstrghP"'kg,t4edf vroats- • ", itt=llartod. - 1418a C 3.1 ie r... l oun g , has in, fa, Franciscn, the PaFfin , Cont. JhVarlAtt qual-woman ra ntbly. 'titTNEA - 870. •L , _nzsg4Ts; PI-NOVN. St.)ol'o. , D SESSION tiFn.,rit :err OMER s r. 2. .it Tl'. C. Etp A pro? - , ntsi tin Annie • mry rAi ' f , Mill 9 . Qs; I) e 1)1.111 , 2,1. ii lva ' a I)asz Tlirynk.wzi , ; - .triet of .thri hr hill 1,, non rel""'" • r ‘r,the, )roVio (L IV ttoti (L.s amtl)- Cubau ar, /req . , :=1 .E.yo LAY • ' , . • I • 1 •rortt vaximuz -- .Itower4 imprrivoil :artn and Fh r) and frtan uti entlin‘, [`..17 last' eyen- . tele^ra,'dt not to Wox ! alwirked tolegraphic gribis- pity otionti6i ~, , ownez• of Ql' LIN voruutwit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers