:W" 4. FORTY7SIXTH '‘ , F.AR.. No. 2.5: Co. - PoO, Pier tio. 4, Portlnehmen& WELD, NAGLEIBL-CO • ' t 3fhlem mill shfpp'•rs of the Destßualltieri : . 7 . I.OOUST,MOI.'STAiN AND BLACK REATH CO_AA_LS, Manufacturing and Domestic UNP, and Sole : • Agents in all markets • =, • • FOIL TILE CELEDRATED • • --PINE ENOT WHITE ASH; AND "JACKSON LORBERRY " COALS. • 120534 'Ma not Rt.; . eke*: 'llO Broad Ty. New Ycar k: 11 Doan e G. M. WELD. NEEDY W. NAGLE. ED. B.KERWLE , 11.E...NRY A. RICE, JR.. Jan. ";0 • I • Pler No. 5, Port Klan:non& HAAS, and Shippers of SUPERIOR. • ; I~URKEY . *RUN COAL; AND SOLE Aorrrs,.. Ton \ I Lee, Grant & Co.'. Celebrated • .PLANK..RIVGE COAL. 7111n ; i 7 I hna d on ) 12r1n11yY?11:g,Ner York, 1 Doane st., - CASTNEtI, STICKNEY & •WELLINGTON - - - . • Miners and Shippers of Coal. BITILNSTDF.... from thOlr Burnsldoi Col.:'at Shama]; Io .LEWIS VEIN (fled Ash. ) LOCUST MOUNTAIN (White Ash.) . . i ( 39 Trinity Building. New - York. (Mites: 1 203 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. • • 420 Doane Street. Mtton. • • -.. ' WHARF No. 6, PORT RICHAIOND, PITILA. lan. 4'70. I-- • Pier 7. Port itleliuttlnd. . • FL9IVIIVLETT, NEILL &' CO., Shippers of 'Antizradie &..13ittimLions CO L . A (li-',IsITS for the mile of the celebrated HUE'S A .N- I NI.I II CITY, WIGOAN et. ThIEBEL'S Locust Nto An- - lain foal Bu rnsi de 14 liatookln . . . • . White-Ash Coal. • .. Also, SPOILT and PEXCII MOUNTAIN. '• Red Ash Coal. • • . FI:OM HOBOKEN, ' Tile best varieties of Lehigh and. Boylan's CELE BRATED FAMILY COAL. Also, Sole .Agents in the Eastern market for the A t tont lc -and Grorge'ii Creek Co.'s celebrated MI:COLTS COAL. . • . - ' iPhlladelphia„247 Walnt Stre . ct. • Office .4 New librk, Robin 6, .Triay ProvldeneV, 27 Custom House Street, Boston, 25. Doane Street. , y ECM Pier No. 9. Port ,Richmond . . . , JOHN, SIDIS; • shippeys of Coal, No. 346. WALNUT S - 14- r PHILADELPHIA. Depots for groragiand Sale or Coal : MMlflM==!!l3l ite.e..Wharf,..tio. 99, India Street, Provhhince.' Ibi's Wharf, Mt. Washington Avenue, mbar Federal Atreet; Boston. ' ' Jan. 1,-'76-1—„ 17 . RANICLFN COAL OF LYKENS VALLEY. .1 ~ ..DEALEHS Ain; CAUTIONED that * them - . :Ire bt four Collieries which mine thl.4 Coal. all of whlt-11 are under the management of the niviers,i,z,n ea. Port hey year 1.7,t SIN'S ICKSII IN st m ill la , the only Auents for it , sale An New I , n,,tiattl. New York. New .lersiey, and SC DUI Ivor Cape Henry, :mil HALL of Dalt illlOre for all to tier points. Our Agent , ' ttill4eal. lit DO Other anal wha ever,got , l WiSfiklllf la' nitre ;241itlne'arti vie nup4 procure It of them. The Olivet of thnecaut ton t. tuutply to enable 11t ~! iutereNtett to buy Under tittintlinglY• • a n - Ag . etit , and their n.‘l•zt:tills fikr the nhove itri• xx. 1.110‘ , ..: SIN Nfi * .K.SON llenoritl .tiet t, Nesy 110114 Ottive I, at Itooni A, Trinity G. .MOSKI.KY, 4111111111•1"1..tri , t. 1{0,4,M. • ' - !I A LI, ty II Ens st A•zents, Post A , M , '•• aVVlll,l( r .tellre s •eilli`il Mart ' ri-biirg, Pa., by .1 1 ....d . :P11 41. NTElumn - r. • Ortif•rS ,11 , 3111.1 be given Wei t lier , ,f the ail(A".•11 . :11111411,81 - tips. :1111 ton.,0111• , 1" ,. . r( lON I.l . :,th•rwral Nlaninger nf. the : 4 1inrt Mi. mut the I..yhen. Or. 1 .111-31. 1: 414 Vier No. 0 l'ort -I \ T I. C- S & , de Agent, for t 1,•• Tale and Shipment of the - ' . Franklin Coal of Lykens Valley, Jersey and S.outh .1 Cape fienry. (132 Walntit ` , .t roe?, I•Lilaelelphia. GC Trinity Building. :New York. 32 :Allllllller W rest, )SEPI I G. 711( I ag.nt, Jazt. I, '7O-1- P. (i: Box Nvw York _WALTER,..DONALDSON & CO., I_N KIIS A7;r II I rf, • A _IND 1,:1 EMI C A E. AGENTfor tiic 'elotirated : . ":THOMAS Lt.,l---lIGH - -COAL I(ri wa th iti. -, ..11-0.1., iliiiitaelphia. - °alit,: : -,' 19 Trinity' It..tililititz; N. Volk. ( 19 Itnatit• Stri•et. 11ii.tint. • ' -• .%1 1 - klt If-41 , r it l'..rt Itlc-hmond. ._• !..•:,2,i,r7 , 1 9-ti . . i'ie•r 1 . :; North Port Ihel Lo JOHN 9. SCOTT & SONS, MineA and Shippers otCoal.. .I.I;ENTS FOR TUT'. SALE . or NIA ;q.v. LocusT 3torNT.l.ix white :►ah 111:7s; I ;.,!..1 nod sitaino• in all .respt.et!, to I= I.OW EN. r:ilN '1 11111.1111:7.V111.1—No '22%; IValnut St. •• I:6IsTON—N‘.. VI 11.13ne St. 1 SlioV VORV.--111 111,4111% ay. Chamber laia S. - Fri.:tell, ..1%.•10,... inn 1, 70 . 1-ly • MEM! I=! BORDK., KELLER & RUTTING , Miners and Shippers of Coal, - LEHIGH GITEF.NWOO-1 , , TAXI-A(217.1 SHAFT, • - • Ia:EVESI).IJ.E, . ECKERT LORRERRY; NORTH FRANKLIN REn BLACK HEATH, • IRO RUN LocusT WRARDVILLII. Hilby St.. Ilt(r4ori. 111'41,4 : GI Trinity Itullitinc. N. Y. • Mr 17. 1:01:1).1. s. NuTTINtL. • N. WIIITE ASH. 17— • • DAY HUDDELL -& CO • Miners ShipperS of Coal f2.o:ol.Afalnnt itilladkjiiiia. : l dr?allway, [Trinity 14.tittlint.-0 ( 7 'Doan? Steetit, A ge•tits Ptr the sate Of .t he folbming cel••bratett •,• ' " Coals: IIABLE10111•ELTIGH COAL, COAL CO.'S HICKORY AND DRAPER . and the CO.'iitiIiANIOKIN COAL. ter. , 17. , ;4;,)V it A3l t' : 1 1:1::,1: V:prITNI.J Pier 'o. 19 "rot( Illehmond. - IOHN ROMMEL •JR .& I BROTHER .1 y SOLE AGENTS 'The Favorite and well knonn HILL & nAclizs, White Ash. The'Seperlor,lll:Nltt (''l. IT, balky 6er-burelng /Milk Ash. The re.eilratert 1).1M EL WEIISTER Deep Re.l dsA BROAD TOI' SE:HI•HITI'IItMOu'S,; • . . 'IF.) RAVEN'S WING LEI-17.G13. at Elizabethport. . . 1)40534 Wirmit St. Phibutn. ffi Oces i ',.. • 21 Dim e Street:llo.ton. 1 • J Room gs,,, Trinity Ituildinz„ ;New York. I iI:N I:11,1i. Acitvr l ,.., , zAigt7 Eli F. 11.174,ii.:4, fuod,,ti.d I,Y T. S. BROWN and :ft. j'. UPHAM. liareh 6, 111-10 "1 BROTHEI34 CO., VANOUSE 11111 Inners and Shippers of ,'C Or. lA, E S . 1. Old ,l'ompany'a, Lehich t tocwit Mountain, Locust Cap, Wiliesbarre, Lebtult, and other v WHITE AND RED ASH COALS.. {Pt. Rich:Avoid?' ! 4 tt 1;99 NO Wlritit‘:ES: V.:llZabethrHirt; . ' Jersey City. • .. , (291 Walnut. 'treet, Phliudelplils. .. to.•• • rtcy_4: •,', 111 Ilmoisray, Now York. '• •'• 1, 5 Donne St.. Boston. Jatkl, '7ll-1 [wk. KEST:into-E.. DoVEY.I DOVET - & KENDRICK, MI6"; and Shill Pets of the Celebrated Shaft or 'Rainbow. and Keystone : c Q. .L S. • `siWharf So. ft Port. Itlassond. • • , PistladaliJilm-22SDk Street. Pottsville—Centro fiWer. f‘uteesi (Boston—No..l7 'Doane St., Jas. )1. Reed, (W Agent. . asht njyton, D. —Henry Jones, Anent. February 29, 'B9 • 4.0 . - . , . .'I ' 1 ~.. • , . • 'qle, - •••••••. 1 4,...., ; ' • : -. . , i., . I . te` I j! .. - 0 - , . V:-.-4,. tlat, z - ; • - , - ---' • . - . i '-' .. • . . . , • . . -• •..„ _ . , ..._ -,.••• . . 0 , • -1 • ..1 ^ .., i. . . • ... . " • ---*-- - , 1 ....... h lir‘ ..4 f oite:ir • . . ~,,..„,.,......,____,.. , ; r lieo . . __,.. , , 410.. ;c - ,;. ,:), • , 1 7 -", 7111 111 ,' ;iailiaminwa.lik. - , ~ 111 4 ., I id. ,iik 11.4 , -.41411 4'4 1 6 .. --- - ,2 ,44,,,,,,, ,, - --milenencir .• , . . , 1 ' - .' • ," '' " 1r : 7 - ~,1. ' . & • 1.. . 1... .-.--, ' ... . 1 , . : : : ....,14,,... .. , .....-., ..,), :, 111 416 'ti..‘ - f• 6 - • • c.:---; t '?.,..: '• ' , 4 t... __ .74 . F - - ............, 4 Aiw- ..... A.--- ~,, I .. ";:- ;1. 4 - - . , . . , . . . . • ir • ~,. ' • ~ • -.- .. ' 0 ' ~--_,...•' ' ,- -,- ' , .... ,'_ \ 8, .. ~. , '. I • , , ... . N. 1. , . ' ‘ 41... . ....;-,.. , . f' . - ._-- . • i J - 5 7..: _ _., . ~. . 4 . • ~.. _ ....., ~ , 1 .)! 1 kii ... ,14 4 k ifek , ... . • . . - ....."... ..41._:".." ~..lE arra.oll* - N . c .. * ) -------. ~...r r• ....-- _ \"' -- 7 , 1 4 7 sci t , . L-• • "-'-'' ".."- / '`: IN , .. , . , ~ ' ' I• - * .4 - * " , ' •._ - I .'. - . -•'•;;; 3. . - „ -. . . .• • , .• . - - :, , ,.:," rz:1ni- , ..:: -..:- "...' - '-::-.• • - lallak.., • '.. • . . • , t• . .. .. , , • . , ~...., . 1 ll''' . ” . . t r -- . 1: _ ..,,, - ,r..,4-- 7 4: 2 - - -_,..- "_ -. ".- - _ (------ q i -• ----- __,,.;),.- .......--,-- _-r....,!..t1*- - . ~,a4.L- - f - . , . ..- . . • , . .i.' .- .. , . , . • 44._ i • ,-,.-_,z . - . . I Magerimiaccord#4 te Ant of Congress, in the year DM, by Darman At Ramsey In tbit aeries Ottlaenethe 1' .. . (v.-. --•-• - -- ' - --"-- ' ~• , . :. . ... E=IM tort . • Pier Xo. 17; Pert nie.asia4nd• AUDEOIED. NORTON& CO., Miners and .Shippers, of - .FIRST CLASS COAL, . . LOCUST korxrAm.:,, .3,, • :From our two large and celebratel DELL," C. P. :NOtreox & CO , ozrrrnotAL.•-• GOODRIDQk +L`DENRIEO LORTILIiRT. • .Free Burning Iled mid Splendid Preparation COLKETf COLLIERY, Owen,. Long &. COLLIERY, C. Co:kelt, Prost ; . • ENTERI'IIISE COLLIERY, T. itaumgardner o Prest. Loetitt MountA.ln and.Larberry,alWirk , bise4urikill Canal, to all mint" , accesAlble by boat • : ' 1 (32a Walnut Street., Ptillwaelphle. • pfiltSes: 1111 Broadway . New Turk: , 1 27 Doane Street. Bostesj. • . J. T. ArIIF.NII,IED. C. F. NORTON, CHAS. P. NORTON.- 11,.CiOttltELL, Jan. 1, _'7o.. __ ' , ____ ___ _ Pier No. 11, Pi. Rlchnaonil._ SNYDER & SHOEMAKER, Shippers and Dealers in : C CiA_Li • 4 0,, 0 „ - s poi: G. W. 5.);„,:.-. ELL KNOWS PINE FOREST. COAL . 226 w 1.741,1* ST.,Gt • nw ‘ r c r y ß o i i ; K l W PIII LA, LOUIS SNNDEIL C. B. 141*.NIAKEB. _Jan 1, '76 MMlO=ll== Gsoi:ca: s. nErvi.mn, N, 'P. GORDON, 1141.. REPPLItR, GORDON I& • • , MINERS AND sIInIPERS • 'Locust Mountain, MammothVeii, Red Ash, Lorberry, and , 1 • TOWER CITY, LYKENS VALLEY COALS , • (329 Walnut Street, PlithultilphLs. 011 1 re% - 1 ,111 Broadway. (Boom N 0.19 New Vork. I 27 7)ciaqe Street, tllOwn No. 31, Boston. inar , th '741 t • • ituNIAS CAIN. MORRLS . RACKFit. .J SSE 31. COOK. CAIN, HACKER & COOK. SIIIPPERS - OF • /AICITST UAP, LOCUST 114)1:24TAi.:&*, I:I..ACK HEATH.. • • : ALSO, DEALERS IN OTHER FIIIsTIIPALITIES OF 'White and Red A.i4111 Coals, 214N0. Walnut Street, Pliltatlelphia;. and Wood land Whatryeft, Schuylkill Rfver. JOHN B. STRYttEIt, SHIPPER AND,' ARENT, fan. 1. ?70.-1 fictluylkill Maven, Pa: Pier 19, Port Thiclunondi LOVE, BOYER• & , o siiirruns • Anthracite and Bitumino Peals . • hOLE Ar:F:YEs.4 FOR cl - MIIEIIIA NI) VEIN BITUNIINi.)I7 CUA L (334:.‘Viallint. St...Philndellibi.i. • (tillers, - . 13 .1)011fle St. Boston. I . • I 2 : Cu.toin Hour SG., Piovidence. March 3;• - i) • --_ -14-1 y . 1 • 'gnu • WM. If EISSENIII7TTEL. /pH,: D. 111:1:: 4 SE: 4 ;tirTTF.I.. HEISSENBUTTEL • •shipper„ mill AVloitrsale Bralks Ip Schuylkill, Lehigh and .Ctimberland C ,LA_ L ,t uringso, 11l BBOADWAY., Bomil • P. 0. Box .',OlO, NEW YORK. So`e.Agent. for,New York mat Vleinity‘,for thy sale of LEE. i:RANT ("U.'S PLANKRIBOK, and II AAS & BILENiZ ER'S TURKEY BUN COALS. . march 26, '7u l3-ly • DAVIDSON, YOUNG & Co. . .. ~ V; IfOLESALF. IWALEILS INI ; I.OcCST MOUNTAIN. SHAMOKIN. .I.EITIGH, Cl - MBERLAND, SCRANTON 4.t. WllikESll.kiOtt: • COA_ES ' - - . . . . . ttoo.N N 0.16, TRINITY I.4iILIMNG; '44:W.YORK. WM. M. I'iAVIDSON, formerly of Ty lei- 3: Co. • S A M' 1.1:. YOU Nl i, formepy Of Caldwelli Gordon & Co' ItOISKItT K. BUCKMAN: - ' I Mil hi. 70 1)T. JOHNSON & HOBOHEN. . , .COAL. VAN WICIZT R. & . STOUT / 31/NERS ANi) exixrpiagi. OF TTIZ .. Celebrated'"Fult - on" & "Stout" {Lehigh ) Coals; From the Eberrate and the kttout 01)Ilierlea,near Hazleton, Pa. Delivered direct from mines on . hoard ',Teasels at Pr. JonNao.v, lionox.tc, and NEW I.lltuNswwx, N. Si: (44. S 46 Trinity Rolldiom - braces: It 1 'Broadway, Nevi. York. • . 4 t Temporary at 119 Brpadwayo 31:1:0 19, . VER PLANCK '& ATViOOD, W.IIOI,V.NALE I!EALE!LS_IN rtimar , sC111:11.KICL. :. ~ WILKLSBARRF t , • ' fiCRANTON, and edIAMOKIN C O. A OHlci~: No 77 Trinity Building. 111 ltroativrity. • 1. Now York. ' • • '• • P. W. VErEPLANK. -JOH N MOOD, Jan'S. "Ai _ _ CA EDI - YELL, CONANT 41: WINTON, • NO. 111 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. (Rooms 36 and 36 Trinity Building.) - , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. :0,N.,.,, • .--'' LEIIIOIf, WILKEstI..kRRE: . •• • ; ', • • ' - VITTsTON RED ASH, • - , ",- i , ri - ,- - MAIIANOY. suRA:s‘TON% • LocEsT MOUNTAIN cEMBER.LA!..:D. BROAD. Tor, ETC., , ,: •' C 0 A:. •E • COLE AGENTS for Near York and Ili& North - nt the coomited couserL law*: FREE BURN VOAL. TILE Tru:stitosE; THE I'UWELTON Semi-bituminous and' other first-rate JAMES W. CA.LDWELL. P. WALTER WI.ISTO.N. li , rll 3, '6O -14 OFFICE OF "THE NIAGARA ELEVAT !NO C 0.04 CommEnctAt fltoatz, Br.FrAto,N.-Y •• COAL. COAL. . COAL. • TILE 'NIAGARA - ELEVATING CO.:, having n large mfrplus of Lot and Dockage, will he prepared at the opening of navigation to receive from the Erie Railway, Canal, or Lake, any quantity of COAL for storage or truistil potent to any place East by Canal or west by the Lakes, upon as favondile terms by_ arty parties In Iluithilo. Their lot is well located for a general city business. . CYRUS CLARKE, yVV-President. 3rkreli 27, 7 09 5 13—tf illact)iiterq, 7'O COAL OPERATORS, MINE:Rit ANTE .FURN ACES, (isles a LUNG, teconiora:e I:handers,' t •1140 ItEACIi STREET, Pll ILA pELPIITA, PA., Would ills your attention to. their eh/fiery and PurmicA Locomotives designed for inaide 'or. wealth. Work, and for any rcejoired gunge of ret/Land sharp , . est Curs:kis, with capacity ,to draw from .50 to :td) tons, gross load. 'laving developed in both.the Anthracite and Bi tuminous regions of Pennsylvania, the most slimes:- Jul Tunny! Locomotive in the country.. - they, '.offer with confidence their various styles of Locomotive Engines with every guarantee of their workman ' ship and performance, and refer to the many now in operation in the several mining districts, furnaces anti forges in the State and country. . Their small, first cost, great power developed. to. -with their. dumbillty, great economy' and light daily expen se s over animal power or ordinary locomotive use. (ad proven by' their experience of several2years) make a vast saving in ezpenseagub //dent to pay their first cost in a very sholi Brae. 1 . February 1870' - . u aff IVERR ROPE. • - • • • surcrloAcTrr-En BY . TUCKER CARTER CO., New York. All sizes Hemp or Wire Centres, bright or painted. The Rope manufactured by tills firm are considered by all parties using them, the best and handsomest Rope made in the world, niade invartably.from wire drawn from the best Norway Iron- The largest ships In the U. S. Navy are dinged with Wire Ropes made by thistle/it. Samples of these Rope can bpgeen With, and orders taken, and all information given, and ordf , ra promptly filled reasonable rates and cireil lars furnished by ° • A. HENDERSON, SanoDPesite Miners' National Bank, Pottsville. Lk ''7o • ROOT'S IS .10 • . SAFETY BOILERS. , • Roor • s IMPROVED TRUNK ENGINES, StstionsTY. Portable sae Eastae. ' - Double Piston ware Hoisting Engines, HOW- Mg Machinery for ,Coal Shafts, Sloping, Grist =la, Stores, &a., &c, • One of these Holsters tun be seen runningdally at HILL•ct HARRIS' Colliery, Mahoney city,asa. • PARTlCinart. ATTENTION IS INVITED TO the Hoistir_whlch has no equal. No dead points —havind two pistons brbane cylinder,- either end of which is taking full steam when the other is passing centre. It reqoires no friction straps', clutches or brakes of any kind. Started. reversed or stopped instantly, an& at any point of revolution; by the simple movenient of a single lever. Having nokeys, gibs, set screws, or other adjustable parts, which in other holsters require the knowledge and constant care of an experienced englneer,van be.put in the hands of the most inexperienced persons. All its working parts are enclosed in the case or eClinder, and are thus protected from breakage, the effects of dust, dirt, and rust or weather. Its'oxtreme newt, compactness and rapideed. highly commend it far this use. Orderarece for the mannlactliter by the undersigned. who wl also famish descriptive catalogues, prir lists, drawings, estimates, and other taformation., _.• - • - . NATHANIEL GARRET. Malugloy City, ft. . ti IL OHINICK DenVUle, - . • Mar. 21, .111,--18- Pitabelpijiti, Ate. SCRTYLKILL - NAVIGATION. moon wham. tisr ANTHRACITE COAL at Onieiwiely Delaware Inver, , , • i- • LEWIS AUDENRELP A' co., '.. i , , . Admen "nit TIT= ILALZ or riri . . R olf* Creek Dlzakoad Vol Caaipiraes Maimed Bell mil . • Mark theta Wklta - Ask Cada:" • . • - fili Walnut Street. Phlladelphla. , : i OFFICES: 110.Brotalway; New. York. ' 11 Allby Street, Boston, j 1: • . . 1 #)A,VII4 PICARSON; PHYLA. EXAIIITEL BAST. ASH v,tlcn. 1:- • .', DAMS PEARSON & CO., .: - . i • XII Ens AlsrD ISIIIPPEW.B OP TUE 1 CELEBRITEI/I.OCT O 111714 1 11 mint ASH Asp , . ICED ASH . COAL , : _ • No. 11S Walnut Street, Phtladelpi la. OFFICES: . N. , i li l u i lrdT ad A tl e Y 4 I tTrt N.°. 9. -1-i 1 ulty ; NO. 11 Duane Street. Boston. j• i -... GIREENWICII,! DF.LAWARE AVENGE WHARF. Jan. 1, 'tXl-1- I - :., THOMAS C. PARRIS/, .• iaIuTER. AND DEALER Vir •r; ' Lehigh, Schuylkill and • Bitumianny ..• C 0 A. la • Consignments on Commission Sollelto anal 44en pu favorable Tern* ' offlee--.341 Walnut St., phliadelphia,i May • LEWIS & • .MINERS . awn summits - or nts cr:Luant Am) r.km Bit IA I.OOUMT MOI.I+I I ,AIN 0: A- "'A . . , ()Myr lOS :Wall:lilt Stroet, Plitadel ph 4. 23-1 j• June 1, '7O • •,g or her rti Trtch. 1 • EAST FRANKLIN - LOIMERR`i VEIN COAL. -y EAST PEANKLiN LORBEERY COAL nowsold exCluslyely tsy Messrs. REI'PLINR, 001I.DON & CO., who are my sole Agents. .Partles orditrlng tram them may always depend want get-, eing , a pure article. -• ! I No. ItX 'Wanut St..Phllittlelphin..! OFFICES'', No. 111 Broadway, Room S; New York. k No. at Doane street, Room It; Boitog. Jan I. . • HENRY ILEJL. glilatington, tlit. OFFICE' Or THE "MOCANAQUE - .COAL COMPANY, N0.50a and tir2 W. V 31311t i Ifr.; • wif;3ll:st , l_;T( DELA ' NVAItf:. • We are now prepared to fttintslt the- Trade, :Deal ers,and Consumers with . i!tr Celebre.tect , Coal,- the " Mecaneque,'! • Anil those httarcisted will tlnil it to their advih i t t age and aeronomy thaousult beforetita tug their yearly cstntracts`or engaging cargoes." Shipplngpolni for the Western market, Erie. " " "Soattiern dollavre de Grace. - o •-;•• ; •• •• Eu..tern do Wthatington. the Clover - AIM Ball 80.114 and ..BLlu tnlnnotta Coal ra.'s Goalie,-for the mantifaettrre of grui, c (l . 7 eancllei 47.5 et f. cleldi ; coke tleat quality and percentage of Oh rmnlT.• • May 21, '7O-21-1Y e.slo4lltill ,!oititti).- JA AI S ONN. E -! miner aril Shipper of the Celehulteil LOCUST" MOUNTAIN COAL POTTSVILLE, SCIICYLKILL CO., P.% JIM . WE ARE. E' W IN-DAILY . RECEIPT =II Bulk• 1 `,Burning Deep Red Ash DANA. - EBSTER COAL !I ilti. .! • EMI SQL. 7 AI,IE-FRACTEIIED. ME ,E AGENTS: JOHN,R M3IEL, JR., & BRO. .S 1 4 Walnut St. Plilla4felplila. 11 .- Donny St.. Itargton. . 1 :") .Trlnity Hulltllnc, Neu+ York. ~ . . 1841 ! ' . . , . . .20 Offices: , May 7, 70 ORIGINAL HENRY CLAY COAL. • ' I beg to nott ttry, thot I huge my friends and thi , public s,[ner aiipoinn.sl • JOHY•R IRM:I4, JR. & BRO.; TILE SOLE xi) FxcLust v E Au E.NTs ° ion THE SALE OF MY ORIGINA HENRY CLAY COlikl, = id reputation of "Well is so n the market, as to need special comment. known TED AS ITSUA ( I. under my! own It will be SW silpervlglon. !S/I'AII9KIN4 ' MAI 12E11 IA Walnut St.; Ph(tails._ 1 , • , Donne St., Boston. Trinity ituliding, New Turk. ' 2)- • ( 20 r. May lt. '7O HENRY .cLAY. COAL: WE BEG T 9 LNPOEDI THE PUBLIC ELMUM= HENRY CLAY COAL, \Vhieh giiCe spell uutwiti hxl sat is filet VOll thc 4 past year, will continue to be altippli• • - ' PURE and 'FREE FROM MIXTURE, . , . . Mid can only 4c had trawl Cur exelc;lve AgentFaur all tide-water JOBS RO3DIEL,,JR. & BRO. • . ii • {20554 Wohant Fin L .isst, Ph /lads. - . Offices,. . tiff Trinity. Baltdinit, Net York. gi Doanntitreet, Boston. . ~ ... . . I To whom 0 orders should be iuldressedi' THIS COAL. ISA HANDSOME, nu.i.*Y. • 1..10NT, FREE ( : 11 - DIININO . ' A wuctiE, • And we yleitie ,iinnselVerilo ntinue f!. PREPARATION SECOND TO NOsEt Andeoneldentli.ieeominend It as the . ill3Ett FREE DCRNIXO COAL pi Tits MAII4 . .LET .ROI3OTSGN, GUITERMAN A-#.l March 12:io 't. VOTICE.-Atatiutactureto and mei* of litearn .l.ll Pimps, are here cautioned against the num facture. sale, CY twe ofany Pani_po _that are ae ref nement pn Allison's Potent, (Wad SePielzibett gi7 , ,a . they will be prosecuted to the eater ' I have alreodyloult inraLniit sevel*lpar , ora,, so d wig Eneweute otluer Infrig" port Carboni, April 8, 'IIMIL HORT. A 14,109::: 'Parties in want ot ...t. PlitibPs combo suPPlled at retexAn' ble prices by the n —7 lt 7 Ft,ll ILLIr4 - 16 Franklin ion Works, Port ertxdi Jan. 1.7) - i " • POTTSVILLE, SATURDAY l' JOIiN B. BOUTY IR 114 m R. M. Boaimisok.a. • • •. (Succestior. to W. U. Milkier.) - ntrou'ems. 44.4141rirscru1was & rtzawgrcri by Church. Society. Theatrical God* Flags. Daman* MAtigeit„ • , No. 131.Norti Third &ref,- tblimiclptila.,l.. December 4. D 69. • • • Q 4" TFLE VOLLSOM . IMPROVED Twenty- Frye Dollar Family Scaring Maahine. I The cheauci4 Find Class Machiae in the Market. Ativritr wanted in - crery Taira. Liberal commliOon For terms-rind circular,addreas A. S. MAHILTON, Gen. Agent. No. no Chestnut St4PhilrabliPtila. Pa April 16, '7O \ll - . J. EVERETT'S .. • ;4 New Patent Scapular Shoulder I Supporter. No St rn ps under the inns. Pa benent goaritateed..Sini"orth Seven, Philadelphia.' Trusses, Support hags, Crutches,- eke.' Ludy pttenda June 211. mat , M =STEM, CHA.L.Pprri& Zroportenp i _ Hcsiery, Notions. 1j hite Goo Os, Emb . . "Gents Ftintis N.o. 50 . 1 MARKET STREET. Pj Jun 15, ':0... • I BCH STREET ,CARPET., Archldreet, below . bantu plata. The old establique4l Wand. Isprbig Tradr a large stock or the • C.A. 'll r ist G-14 purelkased at the Lowest GOLD HAVES, and vrili.lst , sold st,si fireat rretrtetion from lost serisno'i prfres, ENGLISH MUSSELS at fikatid all other goods in proportion. Jeg4E.P.IF BLACKWOOD. • April id, ',70-16;113t , Arch itst... Philadelphia. WM. - 3ECREAHT, : • • ._ • . 3 i , tsurAtztrA;Eß:l()l. Water-Profit' liiarii...t . tw,l3la4ititig; Pitim.9l4, f3l ; ..)IINOI7. A pill 9. •70 FUIINITITIIE. JiXiEl'll WA LTO:sl,*.t CO., C.912,Nt7r XIA IZEIN, NO, 413 Walniit St., Philadelphia, • * Our establishment, one. of the oldi•st:lrrPhitndel-• plitti, and,froru long experience and 'Ulterior faclll-1 ties we lire prepared to furnish good _work at reason bride privet'. , „ . .. . Ve inanutueture Ilna furniture, and also medium-, 'lndeed furniture of superior quality.: , A, large stock of furniture itlway I, 011 hand.-'(' made to order. Counters Desk Work and Ora , •• Furniture for iiociff Banks, !)Hire, Stun, rillele to order.' ' ~' JOS. !)Hire,i.%l•l'4,N, J. W. LIPPINCOTT, JOS. L. ticoTt Feb 14 - 70 • .** 7 , 1 y ' • ' •-- -- - .1,1- _._.—,!_ i WISHER & HALL'S VKDAII I'A.T and TANK , I MAN I' F'A t - 0 'lt X,'Nos: Oki and II North •Froht. 1 slo4 t„ lii•low (:Irani Avenue; l!hiladelphia, Penns. 1 We w•ittill rOlpl;t!tittllV inform the; iritiblle that .- we are iii:qn ofuetu rl tit.; WO4 11 / 1 .1.1 . ; TA N /CS, lif:srft, vil l its, S q ., ,ir i.v, r y desert ptlon• mid capacity, snit atik, for Jtrewi•rs, Distillers,. Collieries; Itailroad.4.o' lbiteis, Private Dweilltuts '&e., seeinid' hand' Tanks', all 1i7.• 1111 band. Our worlt is nuule Of. White Cedar unt' •uher. wisels, aceording to (triter, and We will guar:ink, it to give entire tottisfactiOn, and furnish it 011 the IllOgi reasonable terms.' Tutle.mrule of any desired shape, whether Rutin(' Oval or,ltlquare. . • • • • , ;11.ENRS NV: FISIIER. ••• ; March 12, 7t1••11-31n.V. AM(5•4 , 11,.11A.LL.,' I 1 - XTIRE BAILING , WIRE GUARETS, for Aliird' -II Fronts, Fllvtorles, &T,-,, Heavy Crimped Wire Cloth for cleaning ores, , eltili, &e: Heriv3 - Screen Cloths and Coal Screens. Wire Webbing for sheep -and poultry cards. Paper Makers‘Vires, Brass and, Iron Wt re Cloth Sieves, Painted 'isereen, Ornanisitt tal Wire Worn.. rvery information by addressing' the manu fact urers, - - ' M. WA LI: Eit & SONS, No. 11 North 131.11 street ; Phil/Weil - Ada.- Fels 12, *ln ly .. n EMOVAL. - - ik . •• • Josiir.t cowri , t'; . ..try:is SONS -: v i1..4.: RI:3IOVED THEIR . - . . LOOK/fiCeD So, I$ AND PICTDP.E-FRAME STORE, .-.: .. To o. IS Mails Sixt h St.. l'hilarts-, Where they otti , ,r 'nt. redtisrsi priells'n genersadssort . meta of fosoking-ttlasses'iistute Frames, Larne -, ' , Fn-nett P M late'irrors. I it m its and Ornaented C., ' Pie-lure Frames. Corn .ess Mosildings' &C. ' JOSHUA t;9/WlHiAND'si' SON'S.' Peb-lit, 70-ho] . No. Ist North SiSth Si., eisiladit YILES Olt HEMORRHOIDAL - TUMORS In ernal and External, , lllind, Bleeding and Itching, posltively, perfeetlY and perpiuneatiy cured, with out pain, danger. Instruments or caustics, by WM: A, McCANDLES. M. D., No. liektiprlng ,Garden St., -Nina.. Pa.,wlio can refer. You to overEleVen Muted rise of the best citizens of Pia I ladelidt la, who - have been cum]. A practice of eleven years st; . l a Specialty in Aids disease Withollt tt failure, war ids a cure I n all • . Fel) 19, 'To • ; . - , 1 • :. g-ty i• i •Iro DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND LIQUOR 1 MERCHANTS. . . OH A MAE'S' ..111 . 1: RIE A 31.14 :Works, 'NO I ;2'i 11.11 STREET,. I'll I L ' A DELPHI:I • and Dealer in .Fine' Nytlec,74. Ellwrs, Flavoring and Cooking - Extracts. lie ..T,only place tp buy Pit re tAls and littperlOT Con centrated Extracts; corks. l'Adads. Tin Full and Caps of all colors and saes. All colors;,of Sealing wax, Ttronic. etr. Agents for DeVer”'s Malt'Extrart and Compound Maly and Age Preparal fon. Call and txittninc. • , May 7; '7O-19-tin GAS FIXTURE:9 et . KEROSENE LAMPS A GREAT yßlirry 03' XXIV STYLY-11. .MERIOJAN BiTitNE)R. . . , . ti.i rfr:ST AND 711 , -ST 'IN .. 7 : 1I P. mARK - E - 1 ,- .' IT GIVES T 111: LARGEST i.1611T OF ANY BL7I?..;4E.F.;sIApE. COULTER, JONES & CO.. ]fanufhctnr•r and ♦Wholesale Ificitlers , l,,Archl St., /Malin., ' D A/STIET.. 14. 4.&RCHER. FURNITURE WAREOO MS, `3H South ScionctStreet, ' June 5, Do 'a 236 and ILADELPHIA • P . . . ' 1 The undersigned having greatly inereased Nighties In the addition of the large fohr • stitry building ad loin Ing hIA fi Miler place of business, offers great irt ducemeots to all p a - chasers of fu rolture la give him a call. lie Is eonthlentof bring able to please all Who map f tear hiat with 'their custoM,*tel' his ex. perienee of twent:4 years in business Is a guqrante€ of his ability to tun out the hest of work, ' fre i -, er-• sonally supervises his largo workshops, and any at tic-1e nut on hand 111 gr , made to orOcr,at the lowest. terms. A large stock of all kinds Of I' ItitNITUR.Ii eonstanav on hand. D. 51.41C.ARCHER. Sept, 9, `O9 ' !I ' 7-Iydrr , ---- UNION HA31.6.' .; In offering the tiboVe brain, to the attention . of cousumers the pecSent sensolt, we beg leave to state, that we have inye very great Improvements In thetrenring durlit past Winter and have no hesitancy in sayl g, the,f/ gee. Ote Gitit Ilmax ritant. They are selected from st Het corn: fed Dogs • trim med very nicely sit as to make as little waste in ellt thigAs possible, and the ingredientg used In curing are the very tinestdo he Nfld.. The Ilams are all as. sorted Itefore plekling an7l cacti size Cured 'by itself an as to enable an to km) In pickle Just long pflough to cure and not be too Milt a great fault .with most Hams. We stISO Care In Ice Houses all stinuner and can furnish the !bunts at all times eta from flogs that were allvc , with in 6 ArNits ofthe time the Hams are delivered . whieh is a great advantage and one possessed by very few dealers. -We feel satisfied a trial will insure satisfaction,- None genuine unless branded. Soh' only fly A. F. C1IEPAEI11101:1 Pork Packers, Ntt. In N. Ifelati April tf, 70.-15-6111 • I'HILAD . • (Z . EVEN PER CIPNT I FIRST AIORTGAGE •ria: r;Ar,no.th (-(pit AT AND i ACCRUED 6E' ALL TA INTEREST Persionot•whthing make Inyef.ztri to examine the merits of th-e.iit,lll). Pion pl!lets, Hu ppl!ed and fuly i fOr Financial 4getitx, 'llO South Pli • i . La-Government inonds awl other In exchange for the above at beatt : April 21, 7U i ii . , slo,oboalleidearTE arcK LiAD excels all otbeetetul! ,„ 1 • Ist.. Fitilts Unrivaled Wlltenes. . r 2d. Min' Its Unequaled Durability. 3il..Fooits Unsnitaissed .overitig Property. Lastly for lts Feononiy. •• !. . •.• It costs leis.fto oaint with- tuck Lead than any other White Lead extant,. Tbersarrio Weight covers Ilort Surltut, I(rdore /hirable; ande l :mikes *Wine - Wori. , • . niietz 1.4' Li tho Cluattiest;atid Best. • ' . _ ittolutAis-rE. • BUCK zrn Excielsallather • _ -• • . Ist. For iteitnetinaled Derablu . tt.. . at For tie trartvaled IyLttenesa I. _For Its Erueirpossed Vovertatt.Prope rty. • yet/1 , , far Itsgreat Ecottomy, "! _bteg the (2ittapesti Iteridsomest, and most DaraLle White Paint In theiwortd. .2 BT-sr 01 4 .:LY DUCK LEAD AND BUCK • ,1 ZINC; • : • /T 'BE EIDEVI7CED. .. ( 513,1irtfactimitut4antecd by biciltapitifacturers . , . -., • • BUCK COTTA . OE .41.011 S; -, : ' . . - Prepazed l l aspresety *or - thag , .: (lottasek Out-Ilitlialegs of rim deeerletion, 4ittiat,' dke. Thirty-nye dltrefetit ookite.,pustde, Clump, Unlterm, and Beetattral shades. _ ~,, - . . Memple eards sea % _try mail if draped. ..' Desiers' Orderewill be promptly' esee.eted bj the min feeturent. ''.- la - ~ rinaccil; lueninns driax, N: Nar . W, var. Teuthand Market Streete„ Phlladelptua, Jan 'A '7O : 1 . ), • 4-17 - Mill F - T#E° N.W. . p)ala. A Matt stantly Also, T I gale and • tat' ed, and • I trade. J Place:o the :Test Potter P° Flat; tidnaha ' ant dine of 11,41 Fine Gilt Cnxal.t, Flue 1 , WOrk.,l -, ep, Cotnbi. an( fall line pf Fl and an(xlernt Itto. 21 Sou tl ket and Sheet l EBIIIIA G 1c 934 AllCil 011tra for l the NOIIIN cu ry, E 1 1.4 Window I.lorn ME race .and tUeirt • - Freet tomfort: and h SC, below Arch. „ E.34.4tc . ' . Ern moss tideries, I P Goods, .fir , I ILADELPIUA. •' AREHOI343E: street,' Yhtladel- IRecetving for the liVrie AVM. of ISINE " Agent fm the Patent • April :k . 1 . - 1 , . . 'lB7O k -s 1N . 9 ' r Ali ID pumxpit 1870 D Yr' 'd-0 0I) S.. • ' .-. , _ _:.______,....._•.___ • • •Ii; I) - ,VV ILN .. :li A LI, , & CO.. ' • . • •, 25 :101.:T I SEcI'INDSTIiEET, PUILADEILI'IIiA. • . Invite t h altt it ioh of purchasers on 'visiting Phlla , delph a, t.4 ' ' the l* large and elegant , stock of ` : , - . •_' •) '1! 'GO 0 - .137, ' R • coNsss*lNG . P.VRT ;IF - Black 1 anti Coloied Silks. •': ' . I'lol ant Stripe Silks, „ - '• . ;- • ' Pl4ln Panese Silks,' , . . . , Pizu . ,'Stflpes and Plaids dui • , • 1,. . '• Vial Silk Poplins, select shades., Co led' Sllkyoplins. II • • - . Ilk Sergeit and Wool Poplins. Beat Makes of A.lpneas and Molinfrit. , . ! lit li ed Mobal rs and Poplin Alpacas. Grenadipes nd Organdies. Lawns, Percales and. : .. (`hinders.:' . l'allcoes arid Low-Priced Dress •: 'tfoctilit. ' ress Otxlds or the latest styles • I constantly receiving.- , EttACKI)R 'SS GOOPS J.N.UiIEAT:vARIETY.. Broche rinl 1 altdey Shaiels, Thihet anti Alanket Shawls, Sprint and Summer Shawls, Lace Pointes, M ee tiarupes, lotio4 and Cassttneres, Table tinen s andNripkinst,. heet lugs anti Shirting Sluslinti; Ccipitr tertianes,_ Mail ets.:Sprends, Sr. a Plano and Ta ble *.N - A" I'M.NV hi! ‘ ti.ssls, Laces, Entbroiderleh, Gloves. Hosiery, &E.. • ' N. 11.—We it , il hi good Goods'and entkavof to 'tell at ffitiett -pr cps hat will g rs ive satisfaction. - , I 4 - 8 - Tihe• 'hes rulit hod 3farket Street can: will con' • vey you t wit tin a few doors of the store. • , ~ EDWIN HALL ..t. CO., • ~.:,. 2S: ',ontli.Secotid.titreet, Philadelphia. Ica) i• • • Itit.3ta • ` TTEN'TION! ' LIM Apylll6, LA.DIE German 1 pirer flu ME= A 1 ,.., • ..tis And all art lIMI MEE 1;fi0 - 1,DEIt; ' 1 lot of an above. 11031 MINE Rep' le u !ARM.: 1 . '.4 To IL C. 3: (' (Vote ct fcs 'ec-s qt whit. of, to Irmo, 1)oubl •-fol Double-fa! Shatle.s,l Ho} lc's 1 Printe i ti: Walki = Emma 'ru;.n en,,cm matt .11; Cell Illtte}: 1,3 ~ Wit lu' Mole SII ket, RI • striwd Mack C Lents., Black Ca LYfl; PA Block Ca to SG. WAlklng EMI Inosys , • WIL K. Es: •A No( „ F OR.IEVERRO 9 L . AN D Qtr ESWEITOW744 'NIL'S LINE OF WAIT, STEAME R S Z• milliiig fr an l'i(v,' York,. - • EVERY SATURDAY.: ' NI) ALTEIL , :ATE - TUESDAYS. •--- . - • - NTEP.E::T ; = t .. ~J\• And twirl! each wevir.lroin LleerpoorandQueens steerage lataiirdie from Liverpool, QueenstoWn„. (Mammy , Derryi $34, by 'any Steamer of the' Line. JOHN ?. DALL, Agent,l3,llroadway, New York.' Al: or to KN WILT, Agent for Pottsville. Pa. • May 14, 1= •ntn are in; tt4l ANCHOR LINE OP TRANSATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS. Between' 'Os Yolk, Glasgow, Ismdondertry, ti t ' Live 'l, Queenstown and Hamburg. RT.Dre D RATILS ,or PASKAGE.-zror parasate or drafts by is otanntodlonsommfortableand PoPular incl ollstopmshipa between the Called States and Europe , forint( Information In regard to rates of passage'; T tr., apply. In person or-by mall to their Agent . , • , . 1 _ Capt. C.:F. OLOVER, I No. IV: Centre street, Pottsville. 44—a`mr tat IQn gl vr mby KORM Third iitmet.' tritlestakeli rket rates. • I, 17-3 in i APrll2. i NEW "U MEI i Mi GI Sig Sil From (3 I\O'd,s , JUN E ' 178#1:11 1 / 1 3 ' • OLD ESTAIXLSHED •. • • IN( N1T.A.11.M.11011713= • i s Fonith. and Vine streets,lihtladel ,. assortment It Bering, Hair and Husk , Mardsets and counterlauses, 'con ,. d and - made to order. , Feathers and Carted Haire whole ' All ;micros warranted as pt i • nvartably.as low as any orb rin the ',, 7.71 P - • . ~, • • 4-4 an ; • AND SI7N UIIEBRELLAR.—;AII tYleor,Larna and Real Lace Parastaia. , ScalOperl and auttledoglik, A hilt sults. Umbrellas, with a full ;uid French Jet Jewelry, . nen , lewelry, Fancy Leather • ns, Vaster, Toilet Sets, Desks, Dnesaing ewel and Itankercblef Hozea,i Brush. Toliyt articles in great variety, with a In Fanc d y. Goodit, superior In quality rie. _ IL IX , Elg p tli'street, E ast aide betaeenONMar ut, Pnliadrlphia, • Ma).- It , 70.2grarn .U#IIOLAITEILY. . ' H - AIL LES .L. HALE, STREET. PH iLADELPOIA: ipring Trade a splendid assortraent ;HAM •AND REAL LACE INS WINDOW DLI-NDS i. AND SHADES. COLORS AND DESIGNS. , ees and Rosewood alid unllture' slips oeoovers AN D HAI eorand nuulß MA.TTESSES MADE TO ORDER. Patent Meiotic lapring Red, and for ) ng Fixture for !Window Shades. , • 3841 in 1r tfj 1.f4p1 G NIGIr "LOT (iv French' Worsted,. Embroideries =I r gale at the lou- est gold.:'prl4.4'..m AN” EXAMiNE MEI MB ~Y. , EII\ WOIL 4T1,1), SILK liinginetovireguinz''Woreatedl3tore, at. A. J. !ANDER, 2 C 6:UlW:street, Phi.ladtglihin, and ;It,)n Avenue; Biouklyn, - New York q"iiß,yTE3i, and BEAD EM lone to prder at snort notice SM ,i t01111'.1i!il'S nl half piice: liii .ale May 7, '7O-11:1-2m. AtIGURATIOIST PRICES. COLLADIY d: Co., it 1111 . I' . IIE.ATNI7 STREET 101,A0IMPIIJA, PEfiltitl TUE WHOL.kOF \I;NrE:frENT,STOCK o GOODS, SILKS, ETC.; 11 the enoicesi, l's7oeeitie of Mk Season. TOl3 1711 ER W ITU WES OF DESIRABLE- GOODS. BM D I :4 TN IF XAIISrT Vint; CASH, Mal CBI t AT I.l' LOW MATES dude that It Is- only, necessary -to hel r otTeriuzs as an Index o( the pet- SUPERB STOCK sill be dliposea urt) call. = ,- Drniip- vi id t liChene Moll airs, 3114 tents. 1. co 1.1 thi Molial. 4 Cents ra 0! Pvte ll , PiThllpit, :in the- new light pits., • , Engl kir 25 Cents. - 111, a lieu- ortiele,for the hohse or - woe,33(;ent.s... " • Orwanqiei Imported; 40 ecntn .11alits . ,- In 411 colors, 25.C:cats.; ME filch Foulard llolialra, which acad.; 'ler, r cats,' are now olTered Ats of Fri. l~ti•~y II ) (fp!t . q and , D ve rst r p v c l da L . yol . a, of the z , A! L titeb, 4 of El est le latest designs of the Paris rnar i:tiunlitv,' sold last Hpring at 153.25, I , $1.50 - 1:4; 2.00. 33E ME alreties, extra znisierb quality; 621.4 lESMI ~' isege4; miatlis and qualities, up vas 114; , . . • . Leye - e,, :•411:1W IN, Lac Points,..ere: 4 • ~ i - •'. 0' TII F e NEW 12,ATE.5. .. I c',4,ra,ma3ra f nit I.f. Ifni Passage Agencies. 1.14 1'311313A.GE AGE4iRIY. ; • STEIi-151. BETWEEN' • • . - • or, LIVERPOOL, - QUEENSTOWN, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, AND HAMBURG rim • • OOL AND GREAT woman, anima 4rivoit. v. N. Jun, yaw° Luz. - toxin um use, **lids LINE; 11 • ! liktuurga A2IIIIC/3 l'/Ortiff CC. t BEAT REDUCTION ELS'': OF .PASSAGE. MMI lanion's MAU. Liss. y; I a,.,nd Qaee nstoln4 ; ._.Of ailo euvr4RD MAIL Lrmr. and Cannonstow,.. Ascnonlans. • ; wand•LandnElen7;•— -_7 _ f.6„i6„.;11. . 3, i ,$,. Gr id, goo„ ,:resti.old, ball-pride: iew York::' Front, 'Kew . over 1 year and nadir Newlin tickets 440 n Ica Money Order. which 41. , • - ther, 1114 c 1; 1 2 , 11z4, •-• hi person or unit. H. RI - - InnerOril* alttd Stets tir Jkie Mom 18, rity I •:ea voice from Heaven any, in henceforth blest are they Who, d us In the Lord, hare Fresh Earth to Heaven's brin=' , ; "For they shad walk with him in white," And; ',lmager, think nore." Nor add nor heat enfeeble t ern, • Oa that serener shore. "Their sun shall never in to down," To thosestraets of gold, Where one shall say', 'I weary am," Or, "I ISM Old." • I Whereg o meats Shad ever dim O The - p rple pr the gelid On ry w , as eft u stiebackw ntold.anl, looks le s l iihel7 cloud that here obscured Or n dimmed tom's light. Or Heath's twilight o'er Earth's day. Or M ed that day to night. Is now in that great calm. • On bY faithless tears, Ho 'a etertud W 6 brough the cycles yeatih of the bleu , 0 vol front the anent land) - Yet d I hear you call, , "Lift, 11 ng mourners, 114 your hearts, _ Thezond er funeral pall; it "th enshrine what earthly is, What cannot die ; It be In loving trust ` mortality." if - M And Yount , Tp tin THE artli me . dries of'green' and pleasant places., '‘,J,Where happy blrOs their wood-notes twittered tort ha t , Oh. loire.t lit the dear fanlillar faces We burird long ago! l , From barren - heights their sweetness we remember, And backward gaze with wistful, yearning eyes. . As hearts regret, mid ittimvdrMinf December, . ' .. . The stinrer's sunny skies. - . •' Z - . • glad lick Vat seemed t heir rainbow tints ti.ebortow Froth - so - illumined•page - of fairy lore: Bright:de s that never lacked a bright to-mor row, paysth t return no more, - ..' , , . Fair gird m UR with their many -blessomed alley, l' . And red, ripe resses'breathing out perfume: • Olin violet- nooks in green, sequestered valleys, . • Empurpled o'er with,-bloom. . - -+ • ~ - . Sunsets that lighted tin the brown-leaved beeches,- . ' Turningi their dusky glooms to gllmmering gold; Moonlight that on the river's fern-fringed micelles - Streamed; white-rayed, silvery cold. . . • . O'ertnoolands bleak We wander weary-,hearted, Through, many a tangled wild and thorny maze: Retnembe ug as in dreams the days departed.' The byg ne happydays! . .. •• . ' , • ' • AN ADDRESS • I• , ..• Delivered lo•the..Members of the MaSonic • Frater-- . nity, Oyt Henry' .Hazel,: W. M. :Cressona Lodge, . No. 426, A. Y. M., ai. the Laying of the Corner Stonn.of tlie Evangelical Church,-in Cressona, I :on Whit , Sunday. June sth, 1870,.. with Masonic 1 . Ceremonies.., - 1. .- • _. ~- • : • • ,;. 1 -' • ' z3,11 . 0T, 1 ERS or Tith MYSTIC Tlii :-- 7 ,A ;cor ner stone • is the most honorable stone in- a building.. It ha's been regarded by both an eients :tad moderns as the stone entitled-to peculiar ; honor and high' distinction._ It may be Very far front being the handsomest stone in building; it may be very •far from displayig the .greatest skill of the stone ri • cutter. - No, oyes, or acanthus leaves, .or Volutean ay decorate Its plain exterior. - It play eve be hid away: doWn in the round,g out of sht; and yet, it is. preemmehtly i • the ston of all others in a building; the. highly. , everenced stone;- the - memorial' stone_; the stone wherein peculiar blessings tare asked. It is thp stone associated with the birth I of, thought,. Iris . ..a, point,.a com mencement. . . ,; • •, . . _ :In the symbolical 'language-, that prevails. throughout, the sacred 'writings,. the corner stone' is frequeptly alluded to as-a symbol to indicate bow creat•ail honor, or rather glory has-been; or will be bestowed upon the per sonage 's xiken of. Thaw 'the Psalmist, 118: o''' says, "The stone which--thebuilders re fused, is become the hccutilinic of the corner, This, is the Lord's doing, it is marN,-elous in • iirdur e 2B yes." The prophet Isaiah : .10,— ' - Therefo e, saith • the Lord- God, Behold .I lay-.in Zi n for a fonndation stong.,- a tried stone . a reviousecirner stone, satire fo'un'da.- - tion.' t It faric LI: 10,'We read:. "And have ye ' not read n the Scripture the. stone which the builders. - fused,-Is 'become the head. of the corner '"I "Also, in Luke :14:17, "And he beheld them and said: What is this then that isMew; the stone that the builders rejected i become the head of the corner P," And in • is 4:11, "This is the stone which was set at; nought of you builderai, Which is become the tend -of the eorner.'! . Also in ' Peter 11.: if, ,"ITuto iyou therefore , which be lieve.he ht predous'i• but unto - theta which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed; the satifels made the head of the eorner." , , ! And to closethis divine testimony to the high hdnor of the corner stone, the Apostle P i aui in Epluislans 11: 20 ;says : "And are built, pon the foundation of t the apostles ..and prop, ets; Jaws Chriit 'himself being the obi" f eookr stone. In Whom all the building fitly framed together groweth into, a.' holy temple in the Lord.". ' - ; ' • 6 Why t ecorner stone.has. ever be6n.as.4o - - elated hy uthority, both- human and divine with all . that is great- and honorable and. i.ss glorious, Is at once apparent. However gratid a.d •ign ; however glorious a concep tion ; it but an abstract idea, a brilliant thought- ' ntil a' commencement As made, a: corner sto to laid. An architect may enter -his stutlYand see in his, vision a building ; 'a temple of urpassinggrandeur,.where wisdom and stn h and • beauty. have combined to , • alirk pe, ection . ; *here column ; .and arcl,d traire, an - vaulted eelling,l and spire tower-* - Ing 'high'toward heaven, invite the lie,holder I.t -to awe an to worship. Yetit is but ahril-. Bant fancy, a thought'flittering in the suit--; beams of genius. • None can enjoy it save the 'architect ;himself, - till; a - . commencement is . made,. a Ifoundation Shine laid. Here . the shadow - hecceues- : a spbstance; the - vision a 1 reality. Now is. laid the corner stone,'the . Alpha, and the capstone of the temple will be the Omega.; But - the Alpha,- the corner stone, is the greater stone, the stone of.birth, whoSe glory, neither capstone, „nor colunin, nor frieze,", ean equal ;' the stone that will be cherished' when architects' nd builders, have . been gatbred. to theii fatherB; and faces be / seen ilf it, e teuiple that knew''not the sun, -when len ( years- before, with solemn song mid' prayerful; hearts,. the precious' corner' et • stim,was' ) al e t , l'. • . - • .. ! ~,, ~ . ' ' . ••' ', . • Atian, rothers of the itlystio. tie, this atone ins' n• placed at the nerth-east angle of the - foU e ndation, -or junction of light and darkness. 1 .Among the ancients the four car dinal pointN.North,.Sputh, East. and Wt*, were, call midnight, Inidday, morning an e v ening.. And in the Gennan: translation of. the sac writings, the same terms are now used. Th s,,,in. Kings 7; 2S, In -speaking of thP twell oxen that.supported the . brazen sea'Of th temple, we -are told they stood " drei gegen AmitternaOht:!' , three towards the North ; Petrel gegeteahend!." three to* evening or *the .West ; "drci.. gegen Mit g :". three towards midday or the South, an 0- drei gegen Inorgen :!' three to wards me niiig or We East. Mid as the:sun r a symbol- 'f life and growth, - rolls. from East to West, so We "have laid - the corner atone . Emit and West. ' . -''.. l'.. , - ••• , ~ • • ' The an ent nations, particularly thoie ,of the•Eitst, , xpressed their ideas lin language full of ay -.. tools ' and, Mehiphote.. Many Of *these a ' helical expressions were of.lixed and naive . ly accepted Weaning, and were • i l s,weli ~. o prehended by. the -people. as.the common . • of assent and denial. ' Other' -, :kraus an. Symbols Were used •and. fully uri; ;detood . il by priests and men learn in ihv rs arts, `, wise men " as. they :ce ed lled 'men; wh' ; had after the i severest tests .te which In -: ty, courage, and rtitude _could , be subj .•, ~ been- found ft- ed, - - true and trusty . an , initiated in the thysteries, where -in solitu' and in Secret plac: . removed from the' eye. of the stnanger,,they, studied' the learnt Is g; art, mad science' . taught , by the mysties.l* lt *easy enough in our dayto en ter a book tereandfOr a feW. dollars purchase any des ' information ; but in.'the dayeef The Eg p arChaldean; Taraelites and Chaldean; it -*as di ereit.t. - !_;-Then did-a man wish to learn ; Wish to become- "a ,wise. man," ,he had to Seek initiation into theruYsteries ,• for there only could-he obtain the learning he sought„ whether Science, art, or philosophy. .„.; . ..-.. The teachings - of the mystics were lit,two kinds :.esoteric, or-secret, taught only to the 'lnitiated; iind exoteric, orpubliktaught to an3r And all who would listen ;'and- in all their ' .instruction; the 'language of metaphor and • symbol Was throughout prominent,. ../.)ark. nem Light, the - b ' the East, were symbols andeimlies of cons 5, use. '' Darkness_ was a symbol l 'of distress • , all the horrors that 'can befall•humanit ~ Light, '.the . Sun -. the h)trair East 'berened, all that ii/ joyous and!wel.- -come. - life, hope, happiness, comet- with 'the lighhze with theiihni, hailed froirrthe golden LighttlHow; great is Light ! l; What ,were life /rd ,clidarktiessl Suppose the thick dirk-- nese that God, in his judgment sent upon Egtpt , ..should 'fall upon ns awl continue.— Soon wotild all life milk from the face of .earth • and' the --World. become the - mighty grave of animated. nature. - Light! It wen thncorner stone of this grmi- earth. ' For we -read that "In -the beg in ning God. -crated this-heaven '.and • the earth." - When that • letting • was we' are,: not told. For . wick and:lages Able earth -may have rolled - ,through ;space, i a dark, . twomely Maas of - seething heat and vapor. For "theesith was _ soietoutfirm and void and iktrknei, was up.' on.the faire of deeP (oriAniths.sie we un . derstand t,) and theWidt Of Ell#l f tiioved tip on the tete of the waters, (vapors,) and God. .. • • • ' - , - \ : • • • I - 3 ...L._ s MI IN OR -410 40 it 4 al 10 00 ESE P~aoirlraaia~ f 1 870.. • - 1 * Iwitimi Tux 800riox,TRANSRItT4 nrACEMOR/ALW 4 is pi4T. AKE NO 310.1 NEI said . let there be tig ht there • was t(glit.''t Glorious Light ! ! Wag it, then that, the.tnorn- Ing stars sapg'together 'and all the sena of Gad Shouted for .joy . ? For In -IJob 88, ire read theSesublitne ..words:. "Then the Lord answered Job out of the -.whirlwind,' Who Is is this that darkeneth "counsel ,by words without knowledge? ;Girl) up now thy loins like a man, for I will 'deniand of thee; and Answer thou me, Where' west thou - when I laid the foundatiaus -of the earth? Declare' if thou bast undetslanding;Whohatii laid the niedsures.. thereof ft thou knowest, (how Mason's is; this' "language,) or who hath streatehed the tint upon it? - Whereon are , the foundaticine 'thereof fastened, or. who laid the corner stone thereof, whew the morning stars sang together and . all the sons of Clod • shouted for joy?" ;We alio - read that God- made two great tights, • the: greater light. (the: sun) to rule . the' day, and the leaser tight (the: moon,) to rule the night;. he . Made the stars „also, and God :set then( in. the : firmament of heaven to give light upon tile" earth; . and tct rule' over the day and :over, the night,: and to divide the' light from thellarkness,..arik.God saw that it was g991;1. :I- '_ . ' ,i , . :The most good., to light, pre vail througlicart - Ahe holy ? • Nyritings. The. Psalmist prayetithat the' Loild 'would , lift up the ,• of :his ••countenance. Again Ow Psalmist 10: 4, exclaims: "Bless the Lord, 0 myisetth 0 Lord, niy God, thou art very great; . thou art, 'clothed with - hciner . and majesty, who ccivered thyself with .light it.`4 with a garnient."- - - .- - '. • -, . ,- - In Proverbs, 4:18",, we aretold that the path of the just is as (he_ , shining light that shineth : more andnaore-Unte•the ,perfect day.. And the Prophet Isaiah 60, in appealing .to the church : conceriiingrthewoming of the Ite deeiner,exclainis, ! , Aris4sllitie; for thy light is come. For 'behold; darktiesS shall cover the earth and gross- darkness- the people:- but. the Lord shall arise upon thee, and the Gen tiles shall conieto thy. light and kings to' the brightnem of thy rising.? . Our own St. John in speaking of. the RP:teenier says: "hi him, was life, and the life was the light of men. - Alia fai 0 nter - oh he "John Bali•-,' tiSt, (for that is the Nvitness alluded to), came, for a witness:to- bear Witness of the Light, that all through .hini, might helleye.— Anditgain in dese.ribing.the Holy Jerusalem, Which -he saw, •Itev. 2114 descending out of Heaven from tied; he saY.s.:•'"Aild . the city' had no need' of the Sun;, , neither of the moon to shine in it, forthe glory of God did lighten it,' andtheLafittt - is the light thereof.". , Brothers of Mystic. •tie, is it any , won der that lrefm. the "gear'nf light" .oar:Ninson.: ic,aneestorsct re,:niyisties, Worshiped the sun and.-moon,hnil, the. Starry host of Heaven, and all throitghlf:gypt, Vancian and the East, erected temples to the:sun ? A Solomon had not yet arisen.. They beheld the sun looming; up, robed in - light; in a glory that came the, sight, and.as the golden beaus stream-, lug over all, .nature seemed to. laugh ; and birds, and fields ; and flowers, to vie: with-each other in' smil e; • and Song,"_andjoy. Is it any. worider they felrdown• and worshi • . the sun, the gem of God, and mistook it fo the great. God Inn:self? . They did not kno,v, , 'that high abo - ve.thegreat sun robed in greater glory than, ten • theusand sum:, was ho at whotiebidding the rain would stand still, the skies roll away and earth and sea be no more. They , were geometriCiaris,; they Were. work- , men of high order; ` ,het' wereAilled in thls world's. knoWledge. ;. They could, on the (qv; cred riyersi of, the EaSt, on. the shores of - the great sea, iir amid :the • solitudes of Zahasa, !:erect pyrainids-to stand. hi:perishable ami d the birth, and life; and death of centuries, or_ 4emplesto the sun, Whose massive stones, re, • plete with every detiirat ion, no:Modern skill can equal.. -1 1 - et, with - all theitknowledge, and seience,:andort; they knew not the true. `God: A Soloman had nat yet been made Cl-rand Orient. But' at last h e came. .1-le that WAS full of wisdom, glorious Sun of Masonry, • tci,,point<eraftsorien to a_greater light' than. .sanore or conipa,:ss, than priest of Or- with . Incense to the sun. •-•- ' . . i.. .1 But as a glorious' Work of God, and as a • Symbol of:light; of life, or . divinity, the sun is frequently all'Uded to by the same writers. The Psalmist 10 t in describing. the firma . mentand the ‘ . 6icp,.,of nature in teStiinonrof ' God,, - exclainis :: `n their: bath - he set a tab- . ernaelefor the.riennj which is as a bridegroom. coming Out of his.cliambereand rejoiceth as a strong man to .run a race. • - .His going forth is from the ends Of 1110 edrtli - and his circuit unto the ends of..it, andthere is nothing bid front the .heat thereof..... And Mulish' using the sun as a metaphor declares as the voice , of Clod, * "But unto yeti that tbar myname shall the .Son iif rightrownints ;arise - . with ' . . healing in bis 'wings.": A 'winged , sun or globe was a•symbol will known among the • • ancients. •. . . .. • . . • • . , . Saint. Matthew 'Says the.: right e ous shall ' shine forth as .the son In the kingdoin of their Father. And St.. John, ,Rev. 12, Writes "And there appparedo great wonder in the heaven ; a woman clothed with the sun, and.. the moon Under her feet, and: pon her head 'a "crown of twelVe) stars." . This is .thellin • guage of sytnliols, and Twe believe that he here deScrities the Church, as crowned,. that is established by the tittbrts :of the 'twelve apostles, clothed . with the greater light of. the new revelation and above all leSserlight.. And again,- Rev; 10:' . I7 : "And:l saw an an gel standing,. in - (he sun and he cried- with a '.loud Yhice.. ' That lit • an' angel stan,ding.in heavenly.light. :„Forlutiong the ancient: :as before remarked jite.sun was I:Symbol - 9f di .. The Egyptians , :built their temples in the shape of - an Oblong . or d'aub's cube, running :Enid and .West. . ' The maift entrance :faced •the West, _and the • altar was at the. East-'end: of the temple in. order :that the. - worshipers . Might.. kneel. 'towards . 4110 rising 'sun. But 'Moses _far the' purpose Of weaning the Israel-. ites front everything that, appertmned to-sun worship, as practiced by the Egyptians, and .to.which the Israelites 'were strongly prone, , from their long . residence 'in Egypt,..plaeed the Ark of tide Covenant at the west end of the tabernacle, and had the main entrance - facing the East.; And -the Israelites entering the court at the East, prayed with their faces . West OrlowantS; the Ark of the Covenant, But the Arkof the Covenant Was the object; toWarda - whieh the ISraeliteS alWays oyed,,, Ir 6 whetithey stood • NOrth, 'South, Fast or. West of It: ' liuring tli e Baby lonigh captivity,' they prayed . facing Jenisalem; ' and the de vout JeWs of the' present ' day dci the sank., .taut. all lwershiliers, I:Meng_ the ancients, :whether. theyaboWeit down to false-04U, or. the only ; true God, the .God.,, of Abraham,. Isaac and Jacob, bad, great- esteem for the Human - life tegan •in The !-East. For We are Told that ,"theLeirdGod planted a garden eastward in . Eden," • And in The garden 80 planted, -God placed mamba be ruler. And the. Prophet Ezekiel, 43,.in• his Vision of the tennile says': "Afterward. 'Etr:brotight me tti thegate,eyen to the gate that looketh towards the cast, uid behold the gio6f of. the God of *met 'came from, theiVayof the east." And again, "Antithe 'glory of - the Lordeame Into the house by' the Way, of the gate whose profs pectla towarda the east." And in the 44th . chapter.he says, -- -"Then lie brought me back the way of'thegate of the outward sanctuary which looketh 7ll:rived& the cast;'.. and it was abut." ~ .'Tifeniald the , Lord,:this .gate Shall he Aid; it 'shall ' hot be opened, and no. man. shall enter-in by It, be c ause. -the- Lord, the • god:or istakl,./4 - ath entered in by it, therefore it . •shall be , Shutt:„...lt •is for the prince; the prince shall sitiWit to eat bread before the 1 tiorelpcif- Lord-Ote shall enter by. the Way' of • the ' that 'gate:mid shali. 0 • out by the 'waY•of the same.; .: '.• - . •••• ' • ....The star that told the, birth of. a Redeemer ' ttppeared In the ;East--.-Mat...2: "Now when: - Jesus was bon; .Bethlehern,•• In Judea, in', .the days of Herod . the• Hing ; ' behold there :came wise• men - lion:11:e cast. to Jett:Salem; ' Saying,.whore is he.that Is born King Of the ' Jews, for we 'Wive seen hitt - star-hi:the east and are come to worship him." ` And Saviour to show' how 'inexpressibly. bright!' stniald be hiseoming; tolcit*dligeiples, Mat. 24: 27 :. "For as the lightning,cometh.out of, the east and shineth, even-unto the west, so shall also the coming of.-the.B9h orMan be." • Brothers - of the - myetii: tie :• This stone has, also, , been 'declared plumb; .iced Ras square; in a si•ntheliCal. nensO . perfect. `, - The Lord -speaking thrtiugh .the-prophet Isaiah Z 3: 17; saya : "judgment will Ilay to the ' line-and righteouSneas . to the:plummet." The prophet Amos. 7: •7 , also alludes to the'plumb ' lihe::"Tling.h,e showed me; And behold the. Lord- stood 'upon a . '.wall -made by a plum b' line with a plumbline in his hand, And the Lord said' unto me, Amos -what aeest thou? :And I said, A . ," plumb dine. : Then 4Aid the 'Lord, Behold,' I will set a filumb line In the midst of my peoplelan:el.., 'lmilt not pass by: them an, more." -.- •. , . . • A stone that is plumblev I and square i.dac cords with three of the 004 pal' elements or gmmetical: 'mechanism. - I , tovil'. the word " Masonry" ' in Its - ctimitionl•modern• accep4 • thin has allusions-Ur:Vl:irk istone . , -but such was, not its itnejentsjgnitl tloh. Workers in - stone have itildeubtedly thelligh honor of beingdesceritied frOm,the mdst Ancient ofall geometrical inechanim., .What I . mean by' agernetriCal mechanic istine• ythcrworki by an.art'and science founded upon the elemen tary princliples of geometry•and"thelaW-Of. gravity: ' The : word "mason" .was- - mielentlir expressedby theternif!buihlee. '.-, one wbeth erin stone, ~wood,: or (Aber material,, . 2.., worked bye grow/rich/ : 'rules. - • • The _sa • : . may: erect a - hut and-the nntriithed: ,• .. iti - -, a shelter, pilleg atone - en'. stoat:Oh:abet- timber; and althetigh:lieither .e l plimkb, h .nor Square," .- 14-.Mayr-be: in his .aallmatio) Oara4nitntwelleneeand SUOXicotair,lll; : - .1%1 : - •- - : .• --:::- ,-'.; 'Write; , SING IX' COPIES CEINT4S. • to the. eye of the wee . , le, traineil- to ti e plumb arlti the level, th - square and the min imise, it would be but a ahigiehispile,,vold or the-first piinglples Of constructive science • geoinetricalinechaniam' Ina Word, masonry ; for that is what."operdkvepasoitry"•mitans; •, geometrical meclutnisza, whether In atone, wood' or metal ;, an upright,' true to the plumb; a horizontal, true to theievel ; a right angle, trust to the•squirre; Sieireib, true to the sweep of the compass, land Wliatelter be a , i•shape, let it'be true : true to the geometrical principle illy dived in: its . construction ; true as the perfect cube,, which,. among the stu dents was ageometrfcal.syMboj, of that-per ' feetion "which e_ists -in Heaven and with. 'Deity. Therkuptiaii masons held that a, point is the Ant principle . ; Vie nitwit* - or a point generatesa, litre ; the shoving of-la line generates a surfaee, • and the moving of a 'Ur-, face generates a solid. As the square Is the key to the measarement of surface, that is - -: length and breadth, so the cube ' is the key to the measurement of solidity : that id length,' breadth and height, and within that trinity , of terms all completeness is,ineluded, 111 - per- fection ,expressed : plumb; . level, ' square ;• ' wisdom, -strength, beauty ; fitith, hope, char-. . ity: Adoblong or double cube was b both Egyptians and 'lsraelites deemed a ho , fig- ure; but a single cube was the holy of holies, for as lieenikremarked, 'lt symbolized . a perfection belonging to Heaven. o sitar whereoil to burn incense that- M erected . • in thew ilderness, was a double eh -'..,., It ty; f clied i a holy p eople offering devotiodfo-God:' c fh ' odus 110 - : - ' And.thou shalt make an'altar, - rn incense upon, of shlttem wood shalt thou make it; A cubit shall be the lent.h. therecif, and a cubit the breadth thereof, four square shall-it be, and*tivo cubits shall be the height thereof." 'But the Holy City that St. , Jelin saw descending out of Heaven was a ' single, perfect 'cube, a. holy of holies: Rev. - _l, 15 : "And he. that talked' with nie had a golden reed to measure thacity and the gates-- thereof, and the wall thereof, and• the city lieth four sqiiare,'and the length is as large as the breadth, and he measured the bty with _ ,the Ned, twelve thousand furlongs;. the length and the breadth quid the .height of it are equal."' - - . • • - Finally, brothers' f .thermystie tie, _we have poured. upon thiS 'foidiffation stone, corn, wine, and - oil, symbolsof strength ; re-' freshment and joy.- the coin of strength,"' "the wine . ofrefreshment," lull' "the oillof Joy."' "I have lannointee thee with the oil of gladness above thy, fellows.!' Brothers, the ancients Worshipped' with solemn cere: . ,monies that impressed - the .heart with Sri' :ewe, cind penetrated the inmost soul With an indefinsble i leloquence, that no words could equal. ilt wail language addressed to theeye. And hike powerful is suchlanguage ! forthe , eyes art the windows of the soul. A broth- k er may tell me of some beautiful landscape. ~ e may describe .to fine by, words its varied scenery. Bymany words replete with ad jectives he ma endeavor to rouse .me to 'something of his 'own entheslasin„ and to some eztent heinay ; but finally, he brings me a painting of the landscape. One glance of the eye and mores impression- is made iii an instant t-han s could. have been done in hours by all the descriptivelanguage that he: . .' or:any one else could-eommand. • -. • Masonry touches us.by symbols and cere4 monies addressed to the. eye, and words to,i the ear. The, corn, and, the wide and the! oil, poured • odt upon that cornezhtone teach L . us by aetien.'t And the action will linger like sunbeams in the soul, and rise upYto re rnidd usdh-attere at this corner stone, were - invoked 'Unity, Pear. 1 . and Prosperity. . Unity; beholdllige •••. , nd how-pleasant it . is for :brethren to wel ' -together in unity. It is ' ike the precious oh ment'poured upon thehead, that ran down' upon the beard; ' even Aaron's-beard ; that went dolvn to.ae skirts of hie garment.. As the deW of Her.: mon, and as' the de* that descended upon - the mountains of Zion ; *for"there the 'Ldrd, declared the blessink, even lifejer*.tifere'. - . -ev . , • T!... 0,... . . .. . .. . . . . ~ . .. . • WOND,ERFUL . SACI.k.t.LTIrAY A 1:1040-.7'Ple • following I,tory, strange .ash xiiay appear, is vouched for by several.witnesaes whose testi-. ... monyAs unimpeachable, fintlfmaybeplaced . on a par with the stories tolitsif Dr. Gil - males horse which .our citizens 'know : to be true: • - A short tittle ago- a .female::Newfoundland - dog was' in the habit of Toming to the hotise • of a lady ip this.eity, who Would throw to it pieces of mold meat, which the dgg would eat and, having satisfied.lts hunger` go awarY ' .: again,...fio confirmed did this habit become that at , tt 'certain hour every dig the' lady . would expect the dog and - the animal would 1.., put in en appearance. A few days ago e be fore feeding her, the'ladY said to her: "Why. . don't you • bring 'Me one of your , ripples? repeating the question several times as 'the %. stood at the WindoW, tl - ; . dog looking her In ' N .: the face with an expre forcer intelligence as if it understOod ev „word the, lady said. • • The..lneat day t lady's astonishment, • at the usual h ur tlie.,dog - returned,; and lo i.• - • 7' and 'behold I aceempanied -by a little— . puppy; Thetly fed both:- dogs ,and then took up the puppy into' the, window, when . the old.dog Scampered off and did not return - for. three days. At the end :or that time the , • dog again• appeared when, tiller feeding it, the lady said ; "neat time bring - all your pup- Ties; I want 'to see. 'them ;" and. yesterday ' • morning sure enough the dog returned me; • 'companitd ,by three. Newfoundland ':pap:.- - Several of the neighbors saw thii, whole - fransactionand ileelaredllat they ‘ Oonsider this one of .the most , wonderful proofserthe sagacity of the. dog they haYe eves nown. Where the dog : came from '-or tg - litli it be-' • : longs is not known, but :We have ti e naafi: - - of: the lady and also of those *holt-ere eye- ; witnesses .to the occurrences as narrated, b§ : - us.—Porlkind l'rexe. . . . . .c -• -:-.-' ' , Tu ''Srooss'. 7 :Cr eMiTRAL PARK..—"Ai ", • 13alia'' writes as.follOws from.N. Y. city to the" • Phi ladelph ia TELEiI RAPE' :.-"Go `to Centria , '• - - Park of a &milky night itiyou wish to see.: happy - Jove' in _lowly life. When you lone . sight`of the one hundred 'lights of the-Gar den-Concert, you • .might easily imagineyour- self fifty miles- away. from everywhere, rambling through a•moonlit ,Arcadia.dedica- ted to,the working . people. At such an hour Central Park is the poor Man's paradise. It abounds hi green secluded alcoves where fragrant leaves embower, and balmy waters „ • roll, and bashfulness becomes eloquent and . poetic, and the emotion between sweetheart and lover .fluds 'a rhyme. for itself in .th 4 _beauty .and 'silence of the hour. There ig - not a solitary nook which is nottliustlivinely niched !with Kate and Thcimaii,or.l3iddy and • Patrick. Let us 'hope there ave. : few Juans ` .and Julian among these humble lovers.- :9f • all the nights in the week,- Sunday -night at Ventral Park is a heavenly time rot 'spoons.' You see them beneath the trees, along the . bridges, in the bdats, beside the - lake,"down'' the alleysk - above _the • rocks, and all . over. Every other. clam unites another times ; usurping those precinets, but on 'Sunday • evening the park is understood to be set. apart for the occupation of •lovers of loiff. • degree. Tolling their - praises aright a news paper Boccaccio would be, /required: :You -; hear the car-bells of the various avenues '. tinkling faintlY'lri . the distance' but - poetic fancy transmutes them into -the pound of cattle-bells. The lights andniusielvorsAhe garden concert - come in -sweet* and thishes,- . • but 'they seem like fairy unrealities dlinimair elated from lager bier and refreshment general. The world seems Made for loNte, and our 'hewers Of wood and • drawers of water seem to have the best right to it." • - . • • , ._ Osg - fof the most extritordinaryi nsta n ce sc • oftenacity of life is recorded in late English : -• papers. A 'woman died at the age of forty- • six, who, from the" age of two' years, had been confined to her bed—an Idiot, blind, and terribly deformed—and - yet in such a ' State as never ito ,have suffered any . acute,,,' pain; and never to have ! required niedicall' aid. Bread and cheese and: ale were her ac- - -, 'endowed food, and.hecappetite was unfail inngg andler digestion perfect . ; so that she is, • • .said. to have passed her tinie--if such.ii thing can be. conceived—pleasantly -and happily. . She died sudde ly - and unexpectedly, inter her• . • usual r, passing off aslt were, in h. , fiv e sleep.; A ' -ntortan examination revealed , the retwar able facts, that her chest: was de formed and her heart at a considerable dia.". • tance from its natural position. being very large and a tunas of fat, with .no macular ' tissues. -T e spine was doubly curved, the bones were imeless and pliable and other i - organs of t . w re - Ont of pi,. and do formed. The hid . $ misshapen, and eon- • Wiled two quarts of ater. It kmarrelous . that- such a,. mid& ed being could have r i 1 , - • . at all, but that life - should - have-been " k . aged as It WAS in this case, ‘ and even t 7 v i - k ed, is is. ph Ideal idienoinenon which y ; '' iirip I n'it must "Witttont walla' It is, idtiful to realize t the' nab In, which we v. , is heir to such ills, d - the contempla- . z ak„.....ari ti n of - such a sightless, Mindless; shapeless. al eakprufitless existence, sets at • naugift A L Al theories of 'creation , and of Providence. SAN Fnalcaacio has a naafi paper that lives Plaekpeatailtutd •gebd.lain Fran- . Amelia praise the ritan=whe recently . shot the editor.. ,All the lawyers in4own have offered litiri theiraerviees. and amilliondollars were -1 hand for his ball heft° heworeemtnitted tits of St.r.,,OOir hay been, stoeke . d, isp sparrows. , --. • : . • IM II 0 mem ft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers