II FORTY-SIXTH --7 rEAR - - • ;-'!. • • • - - . , fr. srscw. fitYFICLS *SI A...i1...W.0y sot graft e.."' Ue S Amirbt laatlMS: • - Use SW *gig setwelecirt loassiss. BAN WAN fi . 11AM.SEY.L.Nooicwliess magaSuatoner4 Pda ten acid Binders, lekt.Vin.rebtreet..fti. Pa. ~ltir~' RDAY, „ u s .10t! 1.*• 1 ,a3r. and SO' ••. very • ,••• - be - per an ' • um ' • advance. or 413 I. DO d advance. . - cars 03113- ) 131916.111.01LY pit .11.1)Valtalb S 3 ‘) vues. l . lll ” WI I 141.1 mies ous adtkrvss; FA ) 00 " • " 13 00 al • To IStrna DeMem 01 00, per UV Copies. cloth. .• To Mb:invert and Same' -Tesiclgeta we win surntsb Jounass. byi MaU, at In .per annum, In ladvance ) otbeP* rse /WI sates.- 1;' , _ ..T/Effi DAILY .10171LNALis inabashed ewe,' per -llit-psylibee'lol;ert-ii .asv ob to iid cue c 7, 00; Adx. `7? "b3.; 4 hree 4'12120..163' •7 wistrivigrJ 6lsl 7 4l6.4 .ta - viorr : • anwant, to advince; M altars:ix mintbs•• - • WOMAN 4.IIAMSEi. Pubfishera. • • s eliqt_4l; • 1 I • t 'rrHIS nsubject, of gr** portebe ' ' in=- the piweneaspeet the husftteSls Of the country. ; If is filso 4,9 l .KA•kgiv.,, • $ Very. liWe undenttood bronny . of thnee whet; are oonstetty outing about *triitiat belog On tagonfstie 16Inbor . It is, ,t.Ft . 1 .044 cpnillci is wsge.4bctivee n a '44..i40-ioY4Piti!laf the Citpt. funks , ogaittet the - pr.xlnetive 1 ftsdusity of. the country; which atso etnbine4labor—hut such , i:3,llot.th cuse*kkh Tf l ie tiapitid.of the country4i,videct cwo _classes, naluely...-rAliar which is ntin:pniihretiveand. is'iprked an nioney in ppecutathig, discount^. inkpaPer at. high 'rates . of in ter e st, and shaynig,iirlileh k halts .litie; creates , no wealth andlri46-but lime to the product ive industry Of The country, but ritner tent& . to return sald'indtistryi null is . aiitagotiisti tO it: The t o ,great cenhs-atiw,...wri m giug, not :., illy that's . hut many other eotnitri aiuougi - th e .produ :eel-4 and taborers, - im caused by this iititligon iNni- in . Whichthe Ron-producing, tootled ii-. ' b.Tcst'are Striving, to . gain ,the 'labccullency,, and particularlyby controlling irtLstion in their intenNts. : Atyreietit the' ion7produe ing.intereds arc:in • the • ILscendeney, . ano niure Money" hi noir wade ,fioM :trading in money .speculations; In stocks;:' high divi demks of banks; 'high 'rates of Interest front -loan. .associations, ,andta ital in the 'hands of unneee*ary ruiddleii s ! . rests, (Who .sfwrob;the producer and enhaqes the price . to the consumer, tifitui . ..securink -to hiturel. • the slows share of AnitT . properly belong to the producer and luliirer,) and tlitis cripplink . and robbing both of-the propel..reward for their invesunenuitineapitul anOlabor In the productive industry the e eountrY. There is 'scarcely a untatifa4 or. ret producer of aiii) kind who can mak .tal Invested in p lictive . indkistiy,. as tit% 4 . mild with said cul if worked - In sPecuht-', - a tious 11.6iLOCks, in swing, or hi bankl stocks, and loan associations, with their: presenii rates Of dieidends,#C., coniequently' there h not half the inducement .held-otir for the iti vostment of. capital in productiVe industi-3. ' as theii is in the.non-productivelransa . odour or the country. This is the, reakin,why on, prialuctive industry is. in as ; comparativel3 languisiiinicontlition, and - Money israpidt3 accumulating at the 'money ; centres of the country. It Is always the 'precursor of 'l. languishing productive industr, • and for a time interest rules low, silin ply because those . ... ivho ought to use,the fupds, dune then, . , —and these who ,would tisii money at an 3 ' . ra'.e. of Interest, ife not the ;on • that capi -01, tallsui cure about' loaning too,' rider suet. circurriatanees. - .1, - • ~.• • • - Thiire `was .‘a 'time .when ' the .captiat„-3in . ri-ested in Banks • was an exeellhit auxiliary to the productive ircinStry eit the country-.but such is not the L. 1 1.!:: now,' Ourie-half the ._ extent It was formerly. Ni,W I ',lirokers,...ane. • • money sheiVerie have the preferpiee in loan. - Made on collateral securities iiiiee the bum new; men,.and they • can -oirtilli(large loan:, when business 11'411 cannot glvo• ,the. genie security, and thuS money is :used by these. ,stokers and moneY, shavers ti34iscouut busk. oess paver - at the rate ; : cit.tfrom '1 to per cent. it month ;- or 7 if t a r buiiintsr . man obtains a - `.',,liscount • ~ itt 'Many of the batiks, it is on the utuftiratadtling ; .that he leitt:es from one-third ltiort ( e-hulf lying hi the bank as a blisis to Aitend their businest and maker large dividends; 4iich Subject, ' the boriow . er to ; one4iiird or 91v-1ml? wort interest to pay for the use of th,e money lit . requires to ear*. on his busi ness. Whet their is competition the prolitslon tures- in _many large. establiilincola do'.not exceed - . 5 per cent ., • 'sro that the question 'o. Shaves in obtaming money frequently ren ` ders I t impossible Aeleompete with other es-` tabli,h meats for .the want of the necessary baking fucilltips' to illsiAnint I the paper lii reeeiV,es in.bosiness at.the regtOar rate of teresti . and is compelled to. sidinutz largt .portiOu to the skyloellif ti , ho aro us plenty ur _ 1_ the middle interests It every.:..6:ottiuiuOty. Our country Is In suchae6iidition now, ant. • undeesuchkiretunstances the productive in dustry.` of the country must languish, am. • wilt continue tii lankuish until, Congressmy Plies the prOper remedy—auct!,this can outs be done by a majority, of the 'ntetidiers.uai slenstauding our trueinterests,?uad also limn% . . linowiedge. of business matters, orwhlch, we.are surry,to say, at, leaSt tivq-thirds. art _ Mast lament.ablydellcient,andlwhat us worse, scareely_any measure leldisteiteid to by thesi • ignorant and - conceited ,Mettrbers; unless It ..,_ originates' with in the sacred precincts of the. f• Hail:tot Legislature, or- hy some money shit- Vera, in our cities, - Who uses these members, ' for their own selfish purposes py.puffing p l .- hiS,ahilities, or pampering a depraved . appe-' tite with anything 'they. may crave, from wine and lobster sauce to dashing members Of' [he drat( -nioncle, who 'are placed at their • , disposal to secure their • rot, a. This may • startle some, but WC are Positively usaurki . that it hark been' practieed b,o,.peisons from' that sink tof corruption and ', l llllany, Nes No.it City,'ip carry some, measures. f • ThiS Is the i•eutest that Ili bowraging iin thlliand other countries bet Ween non-pro= d active capital, speculittion:4 and shaving on the one side, and produCtiveeapitat and la ' .. • bur op the Other. Every Peekiiit4 and la borer who works in a.factoryi4 miu . e, or on h Tartu, or In any brunch orbinliness that er..- sftes wealth, are In. the Same Aloat,—theitin . 'tt.' , .rests.are. identleaL'and they Must be united to triumph over the power of 4114-productixt capital which is ft waysaggre'SSive, and must - aol will triad:kilt o3er toe labOrera and 'pro : ducers if they Inv .not: united. Int:4.'lll4hr ''. fo.mdation of all the asitatiotk that char.se • terizcs the mitsses'in altpi6dOeing.countries. , They knew , there la so t:011114 wrong, and where ignoranee.prevoas, tilt ; workingelasa= es endeavor to wreak . .therrlvengentiee on' the producers - who eniploy*Niin, while they .- • do not understand that it,atire power ofthe • non-predueing ettintaf, which' 6 robbing' the producer as . well as 'the laliiirer, Mid hiker away his power to Pay, wages that ougliVand would be paid;:lf he, were'"proteeted from Otisgreat and growing iufitteuce in ciiir coun try ; and which, if it triumph In•outnation . tional conticils, will check and greatly.em barrass produCtive industry aid iiiip.)verish the working elasses througiumt the ixinn - = .., • . _ In this region we have a la l rgeauttiher of Intelligent workers,' but . unii , rtunatelY. they are placed in: position wit6re they'eannot - Le heard by the more ignoMnt, and 'more' noisy; and bold, who make nil for the lack ot ' • brains; by chattering like alset of iiionkeis on all oceasions=in othei words; the froth Is upt•er,itostand we are happy to state; how . - . • ever, that It Is rapidly. Passing off, When we, • . aoty,exPecHt reason to rtuniqiits, switY again: .Tll, se 'leaders, by their totall ignorance of a . _ . -sinkle piinciple . that-li4= underlilitg, and Is : thevery.foundittion of, theecintestilow wag . ing, used all . their exertionS to inipiwerish - and I'destroy their strongest tallies; the very inencOfiwhotit they expected to receive em= • pinyinent and suppolt (or tiOr,stlec . ftscors ti . • they „Could sula.s.sxl In 16itroyIng. the present proprietors- - -br •ihe . collieries; • who would nutter similar dreumstatitiete:be prezisely in the sante eiMilitlan.), : ', We • endeavored to ;im . presS;the4; . - ideas "on_ t iti e . minds of- some of ih leadent, but it was im; possible to wake an iMpresslim 'upon them— . they were eithe toOk 'lavish or too ighoran t to ,com:prehend . the - difTereo. Until . the cause of: extell ..agi on - on,..,the labor ''-= ' '. • ' tied r ti/il ' . • -question, whiel9s not "Coutiti ' to our own • country but t.) all productql - cJuntries, la : • thorOngtily unclerAdOok the --calf •be no ' : .unictii Air. interests to appoalhiassion of ttonlirtslua:ive CaPitat, atl rtiollt the pro . dueerl and 'laborer *Elio war' ..;" ter - the pro . ducer - 2 ~ 'rrdy -injure their it .intereitaibi 7 , ( 1 , II marring among themselves, laud weaken their anise by such . a policy. Therefore the man that foments difficulty and 'suite be between the employed and the employer, we **not wirwhetthrY be. Ir.hetPer ll :Arree ses t *end ofoOheicliiiiis," is the amts. 7i.fs both` here m* be iiiaateists between ".Jbe PleYed sea* efaidtye rf as rege4o 4 4 l' ; but these etabteda*ght to be carried on its ;lootcoaeltia sad a .defiant said okknleii-lilm. mss 'common ItlePee. and sib° are honed And truthful; ought to, be en trusted with negotiations between the par-, . ties: 0 11 end tfr: 1- _ 4i/ Among the enlightened workingmen of . the country, there is but little difilcutlty. In Philadelphia, fire observe_ that ,the mern 7 _ tiers of the the Society have. 'united with the book publiphers to demand :taklncrcased protection: on the Printing of hooks end" also the Iron workers of Pitts !Next the greet Iron mart, of this country,' hae,also .united with their employers, and delegation .‘th Wiwi/140h order. to 1. 1 " , ""w 631, 9 necessary protoetion:- from. the .cliesper Iron pmdueed by thekiti : labor of Eiropc. ;If one - of the Ignoramuses from M . coal region, were _tomount a stand rind ,declare that ! protection only benefits therkt '.monufacturer and dues not benellt "the Work ingman, he would be booted off the stand by latelligent workingmen in alladst. any Other ' • - We will next week endeavor to show what . , the.Polley of this Government ought to he iii order to throw Its influence -in faVrir of capital labor,. which produces wealth and supports the-Government, - and against the oscendeneY O'f nein-productive capital. rrIiEA.N;NUAL REPORT' of 31r, .31eAl ' lister, Secretary of the Iron and Steel Association- of the United States hires the iollowing figures of the, produet of iron in the 'United States Aor the year 1869 as fol . lows: Anthracite.— ..ok6 and Bitunthro—as..—_--.,—. Inarcuseinieren ..... This enormous increase is due to the pro- tection that .haii been extended to this pro-, duet, 'and the consequence Is that pig iron is now a drug, in the market, and home com petition tips already' reduced , prices mars than the proposed reduction named in the tariff' bill pow befOre Congress. This pro posed reduction, therefore, can only be hi the interest of foreign manufactures, - in order that the Feat progress now making hi the preductiou of pig metal should he'checked _in this country, and that "these foreign manufacturerti should share . our market with our own producers. - The Anthracite Iron ..iiroduced in 18C9, was distributed as follow's.:' - . . . TOSS: . .lesitachusetts ' 4. .*5. , 6 Sew 10rk... ...... .....::..-...- • - .110,K5 -Ni ew J erne) , " • 51,11 . Ornnsylvanta ..... ..„..7,.......-- ......... :-....- ........ ........-092,739 _ .11nrykind9,1•55 . . . I 112 ,SidTISTICS.! . ..... Product of .._.».»_.»: i 3. HL ..... ..... ff 71,110 The production the Lehigh V•as 300,016, in the Schuylkill 150,409, UpperSusquchan-. aa 123 , i 3, Lower Susquehanna, 1 . 18,141 tons. in 1849, the produc i t of Anthracite Inin was tniy 115664 tons against 971,150 in 1869.. In Itleel the product of Anthracite IrOti out PennSylvatila was 141,90 tons--In 1889 he product was W 19,2.56 tons. = • The production of lion with Bituminous Coal and Coke was in 1834, only 54,435 tons —in 1869 it inereased •to 84441 tons. The; perease :over 1868. was 243,341b:in5.. The in-.. erease in this , brahht of iron trade Is won- lerful :' • • • The prbductlon of charcoal iron In IRK/ ardbunted • 1392,L50 tons, as follows : • •• • • TONS. VeW England States 5',11410, S. Y., IC. J. 1 elnia. and 31d-- .......... ..... .Vest Fru Stales - . ..:110,4111r anthem Shaft.— Ibis quantity t- ace* do by, tr..,• AU VAIN % . ,:fte 6e it eer cent, the product of Pet. The product of the rail mills of the country during he year MT, was as follows: . . .. Toss Os 3300 LES. Slassachnsetts ~ - sew York ~ .. " • • /1.1;41 .Nennsylvatita""- ... ..- ** ' '''''''''''' - ""t' - '" '''' -••••--- 79 0tia Maryland .-...- • 1819,663 • • la e s.t, ,entuesy . .llchigan . ' 7tq7 Moms • - 0,855 .Vlsootdin .. ... ; ...... -:. . . `-',',- 53'.:131 .)tuer States .. , .. .- .. ... .."............... .. .. ................ .......... _.....1ZUMV.1 Total..-- Britain During lint, the Mile imported from Great Britain .mounted :snub tom, au increase of .36,310 tons. is compared with 1864: The product of the rolling mills other than 15k , , 70 -VOW tuns, as follows: We& _Merchant, bar and rod 2r2.50.1 'AMOY :late' Hoop 17,300 Nally, and apt ke5........ • , 145,4u0 Axles and other . , 72,000 The product of the forge. - pad -"Llrome,les" in .1803 wax 13.1,500 tone; of steel of all kinds, 3,1.2 W tons. No -count*. An the faceof the globe shows such progress its any branch of business as this exhibit does in the iron business of this country, under the- policy of protection that was adopted by Congress in 1862:i • and now just as we are - beginning to feel the effect of reduced prices, caused by home competition and-the gradual desLont from war to peace tures* great effints'are triaging in Congress o check this progress and depress it . again. In connection with the free trade Demo -erotic party in Congress, we 11110 rev- - eral lawyers from the East. and the West, who were fornierly leaders of the Democratic party, and Who joined the Republicans in opposition to the slave •power, who have thrown, their influence in against adequate protection finding it difficult to change' from impressions received while acting with the Democrats.' We alludeliarticularly to Dm. LEA of Massachusetts, ; Loots of Illinois, and AL,LISON of lowa. These men covereal, themselves with honor in the recent great' struggle which Wiped out, the Caul stain on our national escutcheon, Ealavery, anti we ref \f ret that we cants place them among the riends the best interests 3 1:of thesountry on &her quesitions. They are alt blc law yers, and rank high In their profession;—but so. far as the business interests of thb country are concerned, their want of iknowledge on such questions - are, lamentable. Lawyers,. are doubtless very good men as a -class, tho same asother classes, some very good and Many very bad—but, as a clasp, - we find ihein , as far as business measures,' the questifis . of labor, and the productive itniustry of The country is concerned, with some lionerable exceptions„ they are the most Ignorant, Om! at the same time the mest-troublesome in our egislativeeounells, and the fewer we , send there the better it will be for the business diterests of the ileople..l • -1, TILE; Bd N ONthe 16th ii. _Miners' and. ;ides, which aire , tion foiniliarly-k. a large dernoustm it in the Ricca]) that good order ..peckers on the; the ISloNfron, to we find them repo) are the, following: 1. must say Chit right. i:kuuw tbh ; Luzer,ne, but if- the! Just 11, makes 116 ' pciticiff tabor. If .illit fives the rah srhat our labor is If these senti ma correctly, and we presilMe they soma.' ust like the opinio 4 J , , , from many of t l:t his articles ill tfte .NION/T 8., that the. editor, John Parker, iii capable f uttering, We kunst 40. that, no honest_ ma would inter, such sentiments, and that ' Li ey- enroate from u .nau who is a scoundrel heart. Ile says that - he knows Schnylkfli cannot compete with ',lume; haulm-Jba Parker's eyeslt makes no - matter it. the' operators here cannot get t r he pricy Wrest which would en able Ahern tp pay the, wages they did in 1869; they shoutdo it any how.. This is simply the argument of ' the dit, in nr,ho would wrench with hrutv forte what neither law, nor equity, nor, eommo sense, can accord him., It' the coal opera re of - Sohuylstill •• ' tit eertaht that coal this •eor for the tothinco of the season would 141 g the prices it - did . lu l u in .1861); they , would not are any objeetiOn to paying the $3 basis. tit Is as. ,clear ca the sun 'at naidday,St ' .if the operators of this Region shotild get' heircollieries into i i 1 -it engage' -order tor work, put In t e.r . mules, their - timid force of men. nd start - on the Si. bois 'hi, in a week 4r tw martroild-fall to' rs 2 25, if not $2 a Aran, in - lying pH* and 's 4 . r aris n ot. l3 nly In ttita bat An ial 'ill*. other Anthracite Cosi - R ' orisa,lo :sa:llistie:; . • ~, •troneexterit..,. How to th name ()till that As ito!t r and hottest 'aa mein. Latta and inan,!. could - :the: demanded ,Jii. . . paid under suelti_ elk ask every num who la lasl of eabinion fairness - and ' aaetions a life, 'teio' l3ll .14 of the XTO4 ex " " in the i t i j *him' dfled is hal by hi hiAtte speech . that sea ,"-- . rel at heart , trl t be ' , thakinysitan '- a _ ' Qui 'limithum hno than the one who origin; _Ars utterance was an 111111 genre and probity 4 those era who mint to be 1 4 ,...havr ashonest workingrnen _. _ the state ot the marlie4isi era in paying, not',bandi would extort by brute foi equity cannot concede: man can defend the:pos/, the M.O.yilaist r aati7o-ict above. • -- POl, ,riCAL • , - •. rpHE .Paialest" , iglitical _L have foryeeinVbets aged the Democratic party. thin of *e Fifteenth Amendment, vrilich has hastened:the 'period; for the dissolution of that party, , these bi rds have - flapped, their winx4,vind siiine l „itistances rimes nI nee In what direction the* . must fly for ;note iood for their capacious maws. Their est:Shave Caught sight. of the workingmen t a .otgani cation, and' thither they, ate direct** heir flight. The latest Of th e se aecemions Is the H in. Hendrick B. Wright,. the old partizan hack, whobeing desirous of , a renomination to Ccngress, iii,renutting the support , of the workingmen. -Oradea fulsoine.nausea-, tingly flattering spbech, full of words and, with no „ideas thaovoild be of any fuse to them, to the workingmen, at their late= meeting in,Wilkestairre. ' • , It would seem as all the demagogues and rejected scillawags of every other party flock to the vvorkingments party, i praised: tiy the idea we prmme, that nien' who will hermit themselves to bele,: usually by, blockheads, are fit sadects for their manipulations for self interest, for although theretre a good !many honest and intelliOnt then in the working men's party, it dries appear that they will submit to be lerl byfignorainussra andlblock he:Ws—prominent illustrationsof which fact are now to be seen In Schuylkill Comity. In all kindness we !warn the' workipgmen against the machinations of politicians like the Hen. Hendrick B. Wright, who iiseek ing=to usethem forhis purposes to get again :Into CongreSS. Meii like . hint. Bare( placed • the Deameratie Party in a dying condition, and if permitted to affiliate with thn gmen's - organization, and control It for political., purposits,', they pat it on .the way to a similar speedy-fate,- Birds of feath er flock together, anct the demagogurfs haVe invariably rained 1..11e . party which rtis ek •perienced their deadlY attention. , Da Cha t innati andi Pitteirargh the Workitigmento Party succeeded in errrying tin** placer, but the Carrion !Ards cr.rnb among them, aid their organizations were l staitired tattle Such will. be the fate of the .organizittion in Pennkylvania if they permit men like Wright; and others of similar calibre, to 114 e it ior their seifisli q vulls. • " The character quien of this !stamp and what they have doida to bring the Deirocnit e party to its final end, are well and briefly described in the following reznatinble ;ad mission of the Cincinnati COMMON* * an; ix gau of the Ohio Democracy Beam eracy is dying of,vice find fraud;! of folly and knavery; of ciiwardiee and ignorance ; or gie displacement of its true -arid gteat soots by the soullisks scoundrels whO control the 'organ izathiin I" • • f y TON& " ,603,+11 'yt'ot kittgtoen, 'beware of these fohl pollti cal birds or prey. , HIS l'ltillideltdila PRESS in *ea l king of this proposed. Convention kin I the' '4th procinto, in Philtiderptia L says: " I ' 1 A good dal of intere4, is excited by theeall for the Co entice of thlea Itepublitaina of those counties tipl'ennbylvtitila za which„die; 'Repair. limns are Ina minority. •It its .to' at ;the" Girard' Home,' on 'the Fourth. of J ty next, and will ,no douht he largely a tended.— Waatever the grievances 'or our' friehtls; • they should take tare t Out •to • allow , Meat:elves 'ls be used tor hellish purpobos. Their clone 111, a gold, one, and vie heiteve ia. Whim . ;statement sults. It is to be ,hoped That eVery Itepubl :Masi iniMarity eouttly hi the stide ,will pp tekre .sentedlut this itikiiitial meeting. .Iks, many ;4/publicans as ean make, it .connient to attend shcnild do so, in order that there May • bee free inierehatige of opinion oni, the Sub-; jest of the rights Of the ininoritY ,I, counties, and, the heat' plan for securing. them. ! AS this will be a mere informal meeting,no'idet egates to it need be appointel, tuitt all IRe... publiiiirisi from minority . cOuntik, 'wit be welcomed to ILI In the situation liif ars at every session of the Legislatureiby W , ch -Republican • Refiresentatlves ~. form ringS with the . ' Democratic inembpre, Inot withstanding the Republican i t Brly 1 has ft majority .id `both . branc hes -I the Republican minority counties' enn otical ~ nu needed legislation, aud are ig4oretl.l fi, this respect the Democruge party when It was in the asmndency‘twas betterl than I' the Republican; for It did not ignore its initiori -ty'.cotinties, to which in :Rate inntestS it looked for aid to keep in,ptiwer, ' lit the as cendency of the Republican parti in Penn. "%vivant:l is - to be t maintained, It must t$ by the recognition or l the rights .of !die Ilepub licwii• 'minority _counties., and t/., pro Posed meeting in Philadelphia will we hope, be a bong step towards insisting upon that reeolg• nition. • ; : ' ' Egli irre; the in-,t(hao repoft"Of Ich eayb ; 'PS. the editor of tarki; sui hawed, are doing prior Priv? fur pay the We price 'e ask is THE MIN . , COX.T.E.N 2'/ ON • OF 111/N 02;77 I • 'ff.N lES. • , fIiFIE DUAL' ON i'VAt,:---We regret- .to .1. . oterve that in the tieuate is report has • bt-en Made favorable . to redatiing the duty on bituminous ,boai ',from ?t :It to pi centol - per il ton. - ,The movement Au e liwi one when :coal iii a drug In the market; and fit should. he- - adopted the- reduetio)c;willa nounilth a great deal : More then triq' - peptilS realized on the sale of the coal. - Wei 'ruust . y-that we are :Apprehensive that theoluty iwill be re duced as, propostil, as' we, - .lttarn froni-NYash iugtim that the action oqtlie,WS IL A. here .conjiiined with', the cact Chat ttio i people-ire Smarting under the '-attempt, :to. -kt*.p. up prices to .those w bich' prevailed 'during the War, leas, had lunch effect lu pii l isduel u g'tla: pre:lsure, on Corigreiss . to' rishiCOlthe duty, Ainetirtiestly hope that the elliwt willi lad,. for-the •Inevitable ietiCiettey'iii` he present state Of:-,the; . nitirket • WoUld'4 o l l t-0,--tleg r.e* :: prices. --* . f the - ,citity Should !). i:cidLicedlhovF, evehs'as proposed, we believe thin two )rearn i 'bent*. it would he the • ale:0114_011 cabinet* thn,'iiiieeS 'On.: caul On • the ,I;efthearci,•iftom ' which fiiet'ihe COnsurners of Oat wouid'auf 1 •fer,.- ~ on - :*edtiOsday, in • the House, - Ur. I rklidneli- in • reply to Mr. -;. : Bioeks of INEW York, who that `theblit : _reclOing the duty - ottCir-kt. Should' be :itni %, tk &peel& ' -z -order, said ;that be:Was. oppcistal , -* :l• reinntfing' i the ihay on - eizad; • bit :t.hat' - dfii:•'(ftii*l a rtiluetion.,*' - ain.f . eart . iilr,il4it _the b.II should 6 pass tlin . :senate,l,3C:Wilt ;. aiso pass the Hthise - 41; the: 'efreeit ., •ofTtiiiifeh-Wduld . be to reduen lio prigi .;, ..orliilitts'„.o,uo; pc* 'tan; arid the Wit#lehhrilren of„Wiiiili'era* falltipon the p4sipecr,•9' nd fahOrer... , litrla ' their:plate - the leaders of the:- piesentAwad - visvd . ttiovemeo,could: be niad'' to' hear the burthen, it AVoiddlic - welt, for I) 'oekbeintirof !' that class eanotikbe' taught. - - -upeicii :,;:sops t Enough' sniferiii If we use Stintigllatig urge on, tiiis subleß, our readers ~ t riust: t idr- don IN, but if -;ili4 - kueW the. awn as we do, the would think- that 'm - .!ur language J when ,:ipeaticingl.tif• their. stufdd • uni t ' ntuf!, the colisequenetli to business And the: work- ' inginen, - tather*oderate; - •. ' .1: Alin Pnasittno Pim:mi.:tit.— A ‘ , ," • ash ' Linton corresponding say*: -!I • • " , \• - rt: 1 - ••The rest OM* Appropriation pill earoanp, and the' antettl.intont , u, 1 11.r.ltatapy tolthaliatt: the iranknig,firiVittige "was it , foritiva 6 h o uri. - Nutnerotta aruendmental lot ata:otrerPtl; it Om, ail 'or .*titer the yeas unit . pa Were -40-'' utitatett; and a •greatileal *as „ d whhit vru not .very crecittabie to • the ; n IV.iineinttin, when by .% to 2tl the 4 deruga r . ti t pact ; T way with thearankinapririlege. 'P.m ly.el Igni' bat Senators. who were..iprnaen .ilniatitlntore than enough •to orange the swan Altd,•taa. an. 'twee when ,their:i Haunts .were 1.'14,, When taet h e• walkatto a tinted; roams o f Mahe train those who have been' tighti . .k., ejoehlstrthe • bin rot three nirinths,' tukd as . destpflat! was poked at'lltflhinistry.",- -'• • i „,. . Nine We think'. ;he people . :iifglat laiettin= mince poking ballnui a; . theta 'Senator!. wtto it see outraged. ttte pUbflo neOthiten; &albeit ' ownlnivate •punmem, - 130 tnalit•tne ion tan . be eN93 4 30 on nOth 61 40.- .:l .-, 4 ., - , • v • ,is i BE POMVI LLE' -SC LL --- COU*4TYs PENNSYL VANIA: _ •A. • ;I.': • - • - 1 ,1 • - . : t..);_ =LI=MICi El 11111` -4 715 1 Xi' 7415 KaL, :TM wt 1 ;.. ii..l2eacor: i $ 7 . • /4. ,=:..„ - i VI ICa ,„ 84 i a .7...... — ::: ,eu , •:2 1 U. i si., 74 - I ITI ....... " !150'.. i _ln r I 4 4) • • • iWI In •I - tat •................. 44, 1 . , )n!y-six4 . l , ' Sunday of the .ei• Trinitx. ;Day'a length, 1? „ .. tea; ~: I:, i j,.. ‘ . , "- • • Christian Association will , veining; st eight o'clock, in Pxwabyteifao i; bure4. iiiiton to_ in adverdisement in Ateuded Calist.Oja - Cognae. The Ie IR subj_ to to ..the.biest,;vet, put. on the -evie it lad named Harry Cake * plaghthe joist. of a. new poilding bebind the aqA injured litraself ;very seriously. He i"r , ,siti Hut aectehl door thFuhgh two tiers of to .the cellar. j ;, - •rfcket.—The First Eleven of the Pottairille Criaket Club will play the-lremaining tWenty tw.O or the statue Club at theirieressona ground m ail, commencing at nine n'ol4ek this morning. r.inie c will•be art intereziting one. • - • .( cidant—Wbile`eoupliug U.l.ri at lierhdan, .n rue.day,'WallLun -had one of legs caught between the va and seriously • rated -below'. the knee. !fln - received tried/ - •al attention .and 'leaf dolhg :well _ utLisst se .° nts. • ." • ; , - • - Rev. Dr. Smiley will!preacit in tis 5,,,c.- P rei.bytersan Church, ' Market Square . , to crow• crow spurning and evert at I.oi ~i,.. M., and .. M. Tho evening di urse %cid . be' ad . .--. • particularly to young men, who are .Hy invited. t . _ The First Dsfenders.";:ti meet:nit ill the in cabers of this prptnivitiim wilt h held on T esduy evening -pest at the 'Union Ilalt, at, 8 &Oriel:, for the ppr peso of making arrange meat* to parade aril:the 4tltafJrly. Also to re eelve the report of the eitntalttees on the Cele bration of:the 18th of last 'he census takers have peen appointed for many of the eounties in the Etat - ern District of Pennsylvania, Lint as vet irrne have ben an nounetal .for Schuylkill County, We hope Mar shal Gregory...does not intend to leaVo us out in the cold. Siihitylkill is a very 'important Part of th • United States, and we want to be- en not with the people of the Union. • • ext Monday a week w4li lie the Fonrth of J iv. Extensive preparationi.are being , made fo its appropriate obbervariee In Pottsville, and a ?rdial Invitation Is extended to nll to he pronent and enjoy .the celebration with us.— lbe4 , tuniout will be general, and we are sat isfied that the celebration will 'do honor to our token: e way to Ilnd a hog,W,henlmst,ls to acisrr life it.. Any cue that doutitS l this fact initY cOnvineed by etiquirirnr f Ilklesrs. Fegerk Medlar, who lost a tine speeitnen or a swine at two week*ago•and find it until they inserted an:eitvertisement in the JOVHNA whteh immediately restored to them their lost p operty. Advertising pac l . i. . - . ' aka Notice .—July 4th 4.11. ye:tr . will cone nu Monday, consequently on that day all the binks will be closed,: and I n ten maturing on the tat rth,will fall due the day Pretrious, which being suhday will make it bet*asary for all par ties intertstid in negotial.lo OuptTs to utter i to tltu atunezon'Saturday.'July 21, in order to sago p . esta. Remember this - 111*i save - the. costs •• d a visit from the Notary Ptiblie. l • • 1 •,..-:.k, Leg- Broken. —Yesterday 1 ninfning. Henry C ay Evans Went to the Istahhi in Laurel street, aod got out his horse, which, by the w. y, iv blind aais stone; when helniOnnted the haek:or the atiitnal, and before lie had!thno to gather iip the ruins the horse. ran- dr.itrn an 'enatiiiiknient some fifteen feet . iffat tbro Mr. Evans off sifd breakingone oats (Lyans') legs. Dr. Car penter was - called - in and I alupnistered to the .wants of the injured man. Tampering with liandhilli tearing down ormntilating T.to an extent that calla for the I law on' the subject. Menw l business are entitled to prate cnught tampering with hai promptly prosecuted.' For concerned we publish the : That any - person can^ht nintl tearing down or removing any gnarl ammo, poster or other ad • - upon any wall, hill board or o lie tined not lms than twenty • tint offence, and,for the second shall he imprisonment in the 'than three nor more than dir t t 9, i Cressona Agricultural !Driving ' Parft.—Tile re:mina Agricultural. Driving Park Associa tion hltve recently lifted tip a handsonio track itt t,tressona, andxprooosel to open it in good i i.l Ityle on the ith and Bth of ` My with aline dis play of spetly boniCs. 0 : the first day there will ben premium of $lOO tiered to lun'i4is that never beat three minutes. 1 .The , first to take .115 oind the SINV/Illi $25. On tbe_second day a pre mium of slso_seiti be offered. First horse, stoti; accond horse, PS, and third horse, s2°. 'rims. in flee t° harness. Three horsestri - Tioentered. (or each purse: The lotion of the truck is dose to Conner's Station; and all :trains' will stop there on the day of the races.. The lisqle fon Band will be pre.mt And furnish musk on' the occasion. Ih . P.nclabn o d letters retnt fling in th e IN4.tsville ost Odlee,.Julie 21, 1870: . • ~ lAulenbach E,A. Hurley Julia . Sallie Ash Wm T Huhn E. len II Envie club Hryant 'Geo 11 'benne elm* Iteed Angetine Illoi.anko Henry- Long Conrad Heetzel Mary Rickert John P Leib Fred IGxluorel ate 'Rickert Peter Lynelrllarriey ' titrouse A E Beecher L& M CLambert boo • Sullivan I w ' 'Harnett Mr. ThoiiLewiti J Shr.uler John Blair Mha M J Lord Johnßa seliwartx ' Huflui 'Maggie ELynch Janlica ithinper tSot Bickel Cath - Ma hews Mra W John' H :Clarkson Thai_ H Meitner Mary IDlxon Frank- Mc Kown A W Thomas Oath Dowling John MOyer 1 Taylor Edwd Evans Wm M MeDade Simon Taylor Mrs E Floe! John 2. MeDermot Win Ward Dant ' ' • Foeller Joseph Martin Joseph Wingert liUgt Fox Edith A O'Doud Welan John. Gannon llernardPotta Jam •-• Witheia M A Gardner Mary B Parton The Whalen Mich! Green Lue • • Quetri Pellegrino Whalen Ann • Herr August Bees David • Wirtz 'Oak flame Patsy Ramsey'j M Wagner Harah • Hanly Mary Itaaney J ' Young Oh F . - -- - — l - 7 - 4 -- ' . ~. . • Analysis of the Schuylkill Water.—The Phil- adelphia Evkxixo Stant ; tateti, that Mr. Phi ll tan attache f the Chemical labora-; CIS C. Phillips tory of the Ananwan Ex - Oita:loK AND REVIEW, has recently.matle-an an alysis of the Schuylkil; d e river water; with a view t ascertaining how far itscomposition - haacha d since the analysis made in 1842, by Prof. ye. . Analysis No. lis of the Suhnylkil river water, • Aprll : 1870; No II is theiold analysis by 130 'ye. ' L and so.. 1,11 is• Cliandlet's analysis of Crntbn I ,Water. Tais recent result shows but a trigirig rvariation in the VOM posi4on of the water col P 13-1 itidelphia 'since the year 1842, though at one ti del —during the summer of lB67—the amount of )rf.., genie matter had temporarily Increased to t/o. inordinate amoUnt or but little less than, faxtr grains per gallon, whilst. the mineral matters , remained nearly the sarpo„.•., '' 'l . Feuther t s his analysis howis that. depito the prosimiti of numerous ;manufacturing estah rishinenbs, the Schuylkill river pater is equally as pureas, and differs htnci Very esseetiairpar nailer •Irom that .brotight from the: val• Mun blanches of the (Inchon +44iver in Westebester,. Putnam, ancl_lhmchess eenintles for, the use of 1 t Neiv,l;e4,k My, J: , . . The annum. of organic In,ltter is, contrary to, whit might be eapeetedisoinewhat less in the ease of the Schuylkill %tiger; an that or the Cro ton, while the inorganic 9r mineral matters are almost the same in quantity, differing only in the fact that the Philadoligna water.emitams ref 'aetively,e,nore sulphates than the 4.gew- York.- - May not this be Iluto4ol tlielcrigiii of our-ricer in tim veal : . -1 , • ' .' . - - - . 4 . . Independence - Day.—The nith Anniveisarr . 1 'of Ainericarandependettee- will be observed du MonuayJuly_4, A. 114 18704)Y a inland parade .olfthe Military and Civle Associations and the 'Fire Department ' •-, 1 . ~ p t -- ' - Mai. Janiai Wren.willaa lII' Chief Marshal,, assisted byabefollearlinti Aids: , " -., - lot DlVl.sikel,. C- has: - 4... IBeelt ; , I:l,l4Diviskin, Louis Stott* -rotten ; 3d -Division', Charles -1 01. - Schtterr;,.4th Division. Win. S. klazznril; s,th Dfititioni.W. Wet . Wetter; itipeeried Aids, Del,' J. ' Ridgway... Clement. Evan* and- Levi linlxir. . Head-Quarter; Of pie , Pilot Mandia4 - vclll be at.the Exchange liotel, ; Oisere - sittAids, /ands and Manthide will re; ortiatltteeloCk .k M., derThe procession wilt for,rei in the following or, : - 1..1_. .' • . , • - , ..L. First Division on C'ilittainreet, right resting on f.lallowhill and 'wilt be composed of the fol lowing orgi nisei - lofts: I .j' . - . •'' !' • • . j Jones! Cornet hand, Fires • Defenders of the National Capitol; and Oowed Poot,, No. =3, O. A.R. i 'I Til 0 second' division hill . foim en Market- Bisect, west of Centre, rigid-resting:on Cenfre, and wilt Me composed of the , following organi iailous: ,_, .. ~ _• ' . . .1 - 11 , . ..'• Odd Felicnsii. - Sent , Tribe of Ded..-Men; Annallootiltitiettorach, - -Pplintrille ,firengerhano, ' ,Harttgart i-edireVlso. l e I Ilirugati Lodge, No,. 404, mid Visshingten Varela. • ,•, ~..Xlisi Third DitudenAtilll form on Norwegian I . 4 retit, east of Centre right resting on 'Centre. and will be ' compcoad Or Dm following ormur tratietts: . • , rr", . 1 I Drum Co . Eldgidii..ef Pythias, Sons of Temperance,. .o f 're/operant" tinder and Clergy in cirri Scanner Connell in cur rhyme, Pcittevth Sitheicil Dowd is carriages, and 'wapiti contain g yaitagiadtea representing the Suites und.Territories, with the Drotberho.al . ot , the/ Dubin es guard-Of . 4th divisio.t , o angionai or the'. Port . Cirban ,Band-sad .Fire. ' v. lit long on Ma haatfttiga otnet, thag on - Ctir - nt. • - • The bib divisson will o...ratirtrograldzein Of th e War. a of 1812, soldiers of !tom *lexicon War, an I ..ghishght noidiote . at • th e {' itilas axis; In corns , e 1; The prerwooloo will icireint Yr Seelcieki chary; - ; and inovenver the solkie . 4.ltintiter. .-, __,.. ....- , ClutMOtitser to Minton *Moak: u p 'llsow* - -: vilittnTAird s 4/Arn - hi Oillowhill; -rib ME INEI EWAN .*OPP.4 - lift. l . l 4:Ottt: *ilias** tip! Mabsatoui' .• '. - 410wo . oobstrok -• • up Ceiti • • , 110'.140wwielettz t tO Joeitrolic. for W er tullOpow id Marko . do**.giuli Matti ,•! toript, tip 'iStoonprtos Oiliatirbit4 - do i -to cmtrii„l. up tea $O.lll - .lolllPRowl/lii tto 011. 'l*So:coed to Cori ;‘rjmtwo thebulk ~ Ala ;#* place An* bkiM vith be Iteeding-ThThis - Thiederntinti of. aiepes~de . • 'by Ole HOU: , Chit. W.. Pitman. .. • : - . --, .-..stegigqitylkautig Loam - ' •• ‘. = 4 - : • ' ' otkai bk we**, Seinturiiet,. • are oUrbfttly-gotpiested to decoto4i tbe.ustiOtuiliolon, • : Also, eitlieuk baying bongo* iiiut - ,OuThiges are requested tittelbe tie Peugneenie.. 'A'ginieral invitation is extended: to ail ,lociges and organitutions in the ContitS... anti proper , positiens ,be assigned them iu thAtine: : . S. It. Rus.4l,. JCSAfi Jno. F. D. G. Mitt/Dews; . Soloinen Hoover, liermantKuhn,- • Levi iluber,.. . lW m.ll.l.Qore, • llentsinger, {4. W. it. Potts,.. Watibeit Walker, F. Wade, • tiesiner., L. Salem, • :!' John - Leonard, : . • .1: Stioeina.kor;., Chrissiin, . John Gstissang.- P. D. Luther. .Commlttoe of AiTatigemeatk . „ ~'•-•,,-'- E iw- P ", : .Ti::, ,'' - '77 7 ,7 -1 , - ' --- •_ '-'-!-2': • - D• 31 4" , - 41 • 111 4 .4% ;311.43 MU, ill s arc ;IL; 38 - 1,111 1113 MI ME Nail ~ . . , B.—The prattreivor handbills prtvhils len forcement Opbe io advertise their don, and pet'son4 &Ails should be he .henelit at' all allowing . gentrl. Hating, destroying, show bills, piamird. 'erlisernents, po,ded her structure, I. hall live dollars. :or the offente, the penalty county' Jail not less ,oaths. Local 'Jottings:.—The depot at; Mt. Caranti was entered 'by burglars on Thursday night 1g last week, and robbed of &barrel of tiouria barrel of aybiskey,atitt several other artieles. 'N6 ;' - ' • gal:Fester' has become. editorially coil. fleeted with the Sheitendtiati , The 'farmers ' have been. busy , making' hay duririg s the sunshine of the prelient week; The 'Fourth of .lnly Committee are =lit* extensive preparations for the eeletiratiou ac'd avant more tuonct 13. complete 'the ,ariange ments, - There were rnorognmken"..then looter streets list Saturday night , than on any !previous night air a long time. eye* were in regular order.! • : ' • • . The ordinance of 'ißaptism %%rell administer to seven coildreti :at the. first,-!Prealoyteitan Church on last Sunday adorning:,! . Several handsome new iron awning, from have betn - erected! in Ocntre;. between So avegian and MarkCtistreets, Outing the week. Las Saturday was tit/it/nate:6i day df the prep: cut season among Otir merchants., , The Cardin case !tics /occupied the attention tit Court intuit of this Week: • Aen Fr i day of - laat week livomptive No. 19,1e ten wheeler on the Northern Central ' expluded her beilerabotittwo miles belOw 114 - i fax. 'The enginOr: and tireman'were more Ur e.d; injured: • ' 'The! house of Ehoelt near Writra . Church, flecks C.:l.inty, wa+ strialk - - toy it,, ,1 ning one night lasi,' week,:and the gabel cttii knocked out. Theffitmlly wCro; - in th 3 b 3 144 part, Of the house :it supper, at the time; 04 thits ,tricapeil the *chock!. '' " I Cal ticross & Dixera. Minstrels closed, a, very successful • engagement -at Colon' "Haden last Saotiday - , A very large 'and interesting., tenineraririe tneeiing was! , heht at the edurvlrtfouse en last sunday afternoon. A man was' serionalyteaten at:Centralia' otfe day lost:week by b portyrif ru,ll),Xui. • Williairf 'Rapp_:was lasikire Esquire Reed jin sat,irdty last, cusi*l watt 'eruely beating hi* wile Mary. lie Was held in 'r.:9o Wirt() answer thee targ4 af,the.litly'Pertn of Court. , • - 'Ned hunt:into fiill"dell4er 'the: oration batere the 0. s. 'of :1,; 8t Piuegrovo 'on theFonith of July. .Ave have been aiiiown t new mop of Poiti vil e t !!. published' 'by, MeSsrs, COnverse & 116P ;cans. it is a iinialhed 'work: 5 The total number of krsoter 'registered as tors in Pottsville, ,is • of whom 4S are em f‘ ' ' A disgraceful ..flot oceVirred tit Jungiturdss beer house on last Saturday night, In which eluhiand glasses 'were - freely used. • ''file Reading Division tueouietive...Englueers male au exettesien -to the. Sehuyikill Cast( Ile en•last Suuday. They arrived 4n - Putts v itle the latter trirt'of tlie'day. 'l, • ; waa arrested on =last Satyr- day, fur enatititting aggravated,-: - .Assault. on flitighlui on die night of the rirst'trf April•ast, ' lie wile held in :jaw) balite answer the: illy ter,tu of Court: .; - "• is • Aiutter paving end new strce't en siings are , : the order 0: the day k . • , Muidownoy anti i4rgo and his, b ndsu en v"; art stack. _ .l -4i , .. , . The ianal blow the lxirough Is_reserted to by la nu in Isers of boys. • . . . , P .: i Passenger trains are - note,running regularly over the tVihnitigten and It eadlng Itailroad3 .. The Unhandy Nine, : cg pato" Alto, and the pn reku, of St.'Clair, play " a match game.on- M0nj,..., Any, ii which the - ior Ler were victorious ktra . ti I,Y) re oft) to 54. 1 " ,_•• •',• • : 1 Mercury has' beanasscillaiing, in Ithdefghtles the present week:'• •• ". . j • ; %%, talent. flosk Ina .. was held. i i n. $3OO haill ' ott, Monday for intalnrravated assanlt on a German Mimed - Shaeffer, at Mt. Littee.. , • . 'i A lid named John Taylor, ' had , a leg broken One day last week, near port Clinton. 1; : be ..,teighteenth ~anlitifil leemmenoe.tnent or, the Painsylvaula Female College took - place( ci- IThiraday; -i J. .P. Sherituin, formerly of his hetotigli, is President. •, . • l': A g'ir, named Ann di:4l •I ' 6111%1W run over y A trpiri on thß;railroad at Tainaqua; on: Slott ay; ant l•I td awe:rat taken off. • she was sent 't the 'Aims flottie.‘," ••- • • •1" 1 • : .. .. 'Y.ichariss regley, a residentpf .'fort Clintnii. was killed- on ther_railroad at, Wilkestiarre, lane day last week. •-.- , -1 • , . .I, Many cosupiaints aka being made of flatter-- thieves inureMete:ries; ' • ' • 1 Almanaot fur 1871, • are ifloating around ro-. ine-cuouiny. ... .. : -,, , F • ". - New, • :„ . hay is coining, Into town and 4 - sellin at 1 .4. it2o alum 1 . - i -:. • .1. ' " . " The,coneert at,. tniOn Flan,: On Wednesday evening, for the benefit •of St. Patriek'a• Church' organ.' was one or the moat brilliant olden menta of the se on. '', ";.., The Courch .4.11ey culvert is ,rapidiy . nea completion. _. . lite ladies of. he First Refunded Chnrchl wvery. bu....eoestlii. •straWberry festival at t church iii`St ire !area:, Lit; walk.. . Tn Tuesday afternooll last, Mr. F. L. F 4 iihUL twelve wdodcock, in the Cressona ley. , I . ' _ A man was slightly injured on. Bunker . , last Tuesday, by,nts worse nixing and i.trili him, wade trying to &auk Ur & anint it. to, paveineet. •" :- . • ~ t ; Fi ed.' lielken'a horse, attached to a loaded turn wagon.. ran away in Second lured ' esday, doing some injury .t r' tile wagou r i contents. • ' . Patrick Runts of Ntalienoyaltempted to 1 Mrs. Mulhall on Saturday evening last, - Ike brought to Pottsvilielin. irons on Mo and 'eximinitteti !to, prfison in default of., bail. , ' .. ci , Y. ' yhe good people - of yil 'ancient Borough of Or wiitsburg resolved tu hive .no Fourth of. My this.year.• . . i'l I -• '4 . i• • , ' I/ ugn'Ulutio llia kino . illone of Ifenrjr Mors' best l Auelis on Moriday; for which lisquire teed compelled him to paytt2l . damages, and ieveret dollars costs . '• , '.. , ' ~1 James and Ediciaril Bilenuari Were held lts, bail by Esquire Reed on Tuesday, for attempting uli force an elitranee to Jana . Muck's buns° oil Sunday morning•laet about 2 cileloelc, dating'. the absence of Janeli:.finiband. • . ! The Quinn family, ofValley lenkracc, threat; 4 1 ened.Mary.Currriasit week with injury.ile. ware arrested and tho case • was subsequ ntl (O Settled by hm:paying the costs and p .is ing future good behavior.' -', .; ; , _ • The strawberry season is nearly over an' ,th i dealers have realised good.prolits.' ' l' ! 1 • Blackberries promise an abundant yial lid . season: • ' The fi elds of the eottiltry exhale the frag , y Of ties e.nawn hay. , , ' • • , , ' I The nays are now fouteen hour and eig teei minutes 10ng..... , i yr' - .. . 1 There ate Many atmUsto floes on our . at As They some to emir our,fr.esli mountain air , Thu trial of Candln and,his contederat Sr. . attended by a large number of people.. ;I . - ' Twe inen were killed oath° Heading Rs near. Readingoti Tuesday. =.'; • ... . 1 A boy, .whosp name we, didtipt lour . fel from a cherry tfee in /dirket streeponTuesday 'sustaining sllght,ininties. ',, ' • .. ,I Exams:on:tickets will be issued between' al points on the Reading Railroad- from July llt to the llth. . , ~__ -1 ,-.• . I,'• t -,.. .: I . ' Tile' store 'of: Robert' jobnioti, at Tamaqua was entered, and'robbed by burglarri on - ueS day, »iglu. • lb° .M.. E. Church, , of the midi • Place was 011 W entered by burglars Ain - M lido' night.' - , ; , A boy nettled Solonkock,.Who had nt, Middliport on :;Wednesday . selling a.l e . o ur,.. was tired; at by highwaymen, i e times whilosin his way.hoine—two balls 'past lug through his hat, , Fortunately, be read good hnt ea.ape from the would-be 318..111.104 1 . ?14. i • The public pchireds wilt close on FriciaAinei I for the sunimer:ineatioti.. i 1 ,- li 1, The new houne,th M. }leek, • Railroad :free I was entered by thieves on Wednesday `pig land robbed can ,lbt or earpentet's tools: •.. I , ' A Berks comity ntinie, It bled, i baby tle 044 d ay beeauSe it was cod tench rouble tab ~ cere - or It • .'„ 1 • . • The drat shipnient of coal direet froth t nr. &don ovei the: ti4lmitigton and .Rending 'Rai road . was- malkle by inh e as tit Fintiey„of ot* i-..11e, from the. Live (kik'. Colliery, Min Hi (tap. It w - ns vutudgne# to J. C,..l 2 ickels INV1: •uongton.., • . " •. ' -,s, . ' 11 • A dog beloriginittb.t.romer. butcher, , w l'Aiti over on irbure-cay evening, in' Centro atr. Iy a bow, and but ittcbaek. broken: ' A. - 1 , pr.- Altat4t bitleikd opc large paiteri of Farene t 1 t plate glom for the froth, of : bin new - storti.en: . when they arrived Here. on, Thurioday,lhe ,we found to be broken, itt.O a thousand : us t o .. Tb•glasavrits valued #2 between: dye a l sir ' hundred dollam. '..e :' -. • ' '." --''', •' , .il 'An incendiary; his liecti at vork: . in .. u ;lilanheien towrodalp. ' • •;•• • .*- 1 - ' ' . ' Tikolinufesntli:Thotilake and•Williani M , sentenced to,pilsort, I. iost; . week, Were rang - Wedntsoday evebing : a niestiifitsitlon . . .Tu.dga'n'aenteivee.! istiteriehinir, senan i - -The lUinois ship gang project's looki • Prini has much inniuty incesiet 5- Lltts, • —preen cores is vertgoo!kinst, now in ern:markets. .'•• • • _ -ffihiea,•ve has about - three hundred and *. fix policemen,' . "- , -1, • ••• - - • - II —Shirley BroOks • stiebeeds 3titik Loni, ni ais editor of i'uncii, 't •• , , . .... • '—A ' foUndling- hospital is the desire *f.the New Orleans hcirt. , l e ' . . ~ '. !- . _ .'` Six students enjey all theprivileges_ f the. :University; of Alinsuus i —Prof. • • 1 . 1 ''. Ritdolph Leettbsrdt is. writing a en l tare for the heav e r" , • • '•-. , .1 ,• ..., —T*O of Benedict Arnold's old e ' * recently sold' In' 34* , Briuuswlek for gil fteli. - I I . . _—lleltubold'Shiit:see' tails a re arras) in, chatelaine braids:land hi. driVes xis of ' tr once. ' ,•••'-- '• • ••. : ••-• ' .1. • •-• '''''' I ; I .--- „--A .Banquet ~ to I B'sris -eatare4ted: , r latTereary -of- Alms Meth- of iMpiisner t ' , ifoeton:: '..<. -. ,- t : l'_:-".- ~ '- .- , : 1.!: —john pater Nisliiva4hor-ott bir , ptutriai 114 ilcsigt4 - ablwllool or 14;iPi * -- i,11 , 1' iaogivans.-.....,., ~- , -.,,,, .. ~, :.• :-. • , ... 1 ri ,'4 . ' . -:?: ' ... .- I '• . :7 i . ' 1 ' •;' -h ESI er*fitubtace. se . ..en ex, . „., „,..... •, tirtoiriispoc e dliatr,seither do they - nutcase Oats 1 gt, .si.siegassoktera i l i . % , • - '' UV smatotad Intended km,* • . ha weak 7_,^ lartter ail -4 t Mt alt Dab U.' Mt tilibtlitstkat,t- - aitd written' •I le elf the • ilg r6 4Xliertiliie, tlatitiwill: go • ~ ' . ..... ;...''''' " • •• •• •a - V."; i . .! • -' 4 1_ :ver I anything. ,' aura ilia/ids ly to 1; •,*- S stabled. or ihteresk it is thlKtin !Al the ▪ ' - - toltririg the fact to"pahtle &Melt -.--!•' ko ▪ ' ; .; Sunday, as. we all distinctly reMen3 7 •'. - I was a. very lAvarm day. On my , odic° 'l i t.. • . there is a p omi:sennas collection - of oh tii '' .., and promin t among than a glass paper ght; distrihn as an advertising card by .•a of our prominent • mes-Limits. This_ glass ' . 'weight was resting on the oil cloth cover-. just , ht.ettels-speeitiem-es-ts - have - the ya of the lOW pass at such an angle as to burn a #o*fe tArough Me bil ,etoth. This, was done very 'weight w4tionsty._ and had it net tOett discovered Vire - Must have' ensued. - Ties little incident not throyr some light upon the .tintnerenS sq• ed '•apontsneotts cam onstions7 ttutt" are' the . naeatietrederts - otitreldetert. lves . and - ' epoi.. Moral: Allrindown.Allobuldfr.froPPrlT, , seetal with shild..armir - pzeinde qukAna O. ys from Apartments, that Are tot frequonted tity. ! - n , t 1 Onsunvin. ' IR • .., 11ralt/rOpirstriT or XIL3sE.S. . • .-' j j IT:i4 'Ciaai trzxtfitzeiax , re .. Laaraftpx. ftre Yon'eltter Open Your'prutirlee, itlnay not be amiss to sionuaintyen what preparations' and; rinaliticationie we expect itif the inspectiir before hand, that we utak neither of wi' operators. and. . Inere,. : tind • .ouraelves -i disappointed ?Inert' ards ; , ~ ~ - - i--..,..', • :7-, .-:. ~...._! ,-.- •He ivho should - acquire li t . mast have laid the road :Mots of pratithad etitniation, aud'hare itt *sled a =lSt exlensbre knowledge of mining. ie Magi* to kttowl wliatVaelairacti - : hive done . '.. rrit ire ntio llr ult 4 eVett - tu yati rPi tget ial- N it 'Ar '% ith i ra : dkniff:i'venedntglienotlf : 'hat others have clone:AC will be less likely th :mate ids dine in; etiterpli4e whiclu . may ruin' lion by their failure,- . - ._ . -- ! ' 41 ISC.lttilst - be well acquainted with the di ffcrent iodes - ef veutilate/u of different Mince. ! 1 1 , Ile, Must be ablate write a legible hand,and list tindeestahl ;the live firs: rules of Aritit etie;.! '- L • !I, ! ' 1 !-2 : "-- !'' ' anti stir n! lie must he o.ittiotisi; clrcuinspeet -. 'ye to pie minutest circuinstin:ce, with patici4a/ : id perseverance ; lunrciaged. . ~ ,!. * .' - ' Ile sheald-possoss,a vivid tenigination, tent; Z m lints emery; said sonrid ladgment. _ ! . -: liPsige it la pleat that this'art is taliejleartied and not to be taught: -No -books in 'the world Will ever make an itispeCt.ir, nor is the tleticieii-- ry to be wouileted at. hiuce the school books in.' par laegasge contains. gen..r ily' speaking, no *X planation of the nature ofth u;eli r which they ice, and are merenver.. - cm t - rasred with so 'tally divisions - and snlefivisi:in:s that - the nand i f .the Scholar is . perte.:tly perplexed; nor can it , 1 ay liolit,of Urn great leading priaciplcs which veva& film whalnsystent. - _ ~- . - . . All candidates for examination ought to pro ';lug tan tliclentevideime of:their pges, z'and cer -1 ! ideates of servio,,l andsehrictY; general g?'*l Aiaraelcr and conduct; i and particidar care algid t, he taken- -6y th3omiiintitVnilitl . atisfy Itematily es . .1.. i. to! the 14itual gotiriety 9r trio 'candidate before !granting bitn a car - labiate Ot' urns 4; Should -these few line:: be deeideit, a . allure, their aim' has been utiiity ;' and that .t.-, class. of on !whose intelligence; exertions' d welfare, the -Prosperity-of the nation- (fr.- . ,- nds4. When we redact: on the eirctinistaucr 4 ~• i.,. to Werktueu thentselyee that, NV d • ;; ve eter been indebted i far Improveinents, lit _ reasonable to 'expact that this is the soureo • rola whence swill- Improvement will cotitintiO o flow; and autair,workmen it May be. safely ' flirinild ! that he iybe is the mustintelll*ntWill e the mist likely to . ntake an inspect Air:. .: - -. • ;!,-' ' ' i • I --J •! I , Jettx E. EYaxe.' OLT OTANI', Jatne, - -1870; . ! ' : T - 777 - 77 - . -•-''''--• • • ! . ' . • lie t .,,t, • tuxoi -Pa. ? ..llltitiZE, 1:40, O :rttt:, Llurixt Or TIE A t roc M t:egtes' dot - 'it a LI, I • ! - • Po'Csville,:remia. . . ~ . The l'infortmaibti given by two ellieets of dm I ottsi ille Companies," - upon which your nn-' i :cnerints paragraph reflecting upon, myself, was i i mblisb#l in tho Lhaily Jimeual of libit inst.! 1.4 : faisi, • d and widb of the truth, and clearly revert o be 'so; even--by the article in tho he edition 'of - pd inst.; . as Will be herca.fter • shown! 1.•„„, . '!. l . • • 1 • . ' ; .., - 1. # ,• , ' The•fiutfrare these: •upon reaching one of tiro ' tatinns (York, Pa. I think,) oil the Northern Central Itiliroad'•,about 10, or 11 O'cleck of lsith: df Aprll„LS6l,. I !-was notified, that the °Meets:. wished to see the hi a pros enliag ear.. /11},jii 14 7 ing tWin, I wsur-Informed that a telegram West in the hands of a,, young Man standing by, th:LI St - the; senior erne& ought le' open. 1t N i -Eta me; handed e; andlooking at the auperscr p don, .found -it addressed as follows: "To ttie Cemmanding Oftfver of troops an traiti.”. Re turning it to theiPerson Who._ handed it to m 4, I stated: .”.Major keinhertim is in cominaltd, ;Ind the only proper Personto receive It.! -- ~ t; The illearer ,tnen; adEiressfrat th e,' inquired' where be could be fowler.% 'to which I replied, • "on : the thin, but thb•rparticutur car M'ei-: . *known to Me." • !(Viilunteer !as I Wm., it was evident_to , the that had Major Amberton beert y only a;Orptain lie would outrank ..lie 1 Ileil.A4 my action in the matter.) I then tiClB, l and aliii. , ant, ignorant of the euntCatit of that tetegram.l - -1 . ' Nut it word was studio. my nearitiwor prepo-• .1 ' sltiininvide by - .myself relating to 4 switclim'g'il off," oe"it would „lie better to stop Ws side of Baltimore and Wait fin , 'an • expeeted;rginforee ment ot Regulars.";. ; A 'r ' t . I ' Thja assertion derma the entire staietnenb • i The l ,leguierre tie,11143 istate• liistort . '::plai sly show's ; mid "the two ofiioers" Ittioaf itl welliis L dn.) were' on the '!satsin train. Sail' Itegu ars were also, Thelieve; In the line of nia#ll throygli • Baltitnorn on that day. ; •- _ ''--• •• Cu tin .In my conve r sation With tiov d irnor Cui titt on the night' of the 16th of Apri4, 1661; he • sfutedithat one Company:of - ItteguiMii fivin the West:was ex'peeted and Would aecotillmuy U. Captain Simmons, 13'.;S..111tusterifig 011iee at • Ilailashtirg, informed me before ksving on / the itioening of the,lBth that Company I, 4th ti , „ S. Artillery, would join us on the other side °litho river.; Whenee`theniwnre the Regulars !to 011ie front?, ""What. Prudential reasons,V3heit,wrld be the.indueenient' to "sivitekolf"• synd Wai ? For rationslto!. he sent;: us? TenN•4and es_np equipage -weoo.re also withotit,...'. •••': • I The tliseusiou alluded - tk between the I'ptts. Ville 9flieers ain4Myself, nTsik. place, there fore 'the yiekling of his (my) pinion is puivly imaginary.; '• ' ' :..: ' ! • • - ' To thfl trutliftilitegs Of; the above .statement'L wijl, when ilevess.ary,,be qualified, ; mot, in re= over, pledge Myself;, if - the "Mti eilleers".l ate. , gentlemen - and Mellor lionor,-to donate tO !any Benevolent Institution or Pottsville -that. May be so ordered nve hundred dollars upon inaifing good th;+ir assertion fitifOre a Court of Justice. - ' 1 •' , 1 JAK.:i ...MCKNIGHT, :1- ' • ' I Late Cent. Ringgold Light Artillery; ._, ' ' ' •;' .; ; , ~., : • of !Reading, Pent hi. tei *tor iit tbg; Wu far- on loud ain wa4 I sy, Iwo Ell Eutrons Nit:tints' JOURNAL :— , 131 view of Liw' ,141ter Oftlw Committee," pub:Wiest IM last urstkv*ii MoUiLor, intimating that ,MY Privaaltion to .Ntri.Siney •!triele or mine and: the:Authrurito -11Oard uY Tratle,-I.lierewitli nfickaid , for, publication In r paper :iuti- - tlavit in refotationorsitcli agrossiy Palealko send you ter publication. Mr. Charles Si. King;e.affislavit, • 'relating to' the proposition Male, to lit.r.Siney. which. pruposiLleuLue 'mitten'? say,. in 'their litiliLifiiicd letter, 4,1 i not 'a Mere(' to in my c:: - :ngriltiti with : them atter- Nrard§. • •. • • • • June :ID - .IST° •. Schnigkii, Chttuty its_, J. J. Conner heitag Sworn . - ateeardi4to law, deposit tit 'mid' r4ith.....ts'Awer departed its the - 41 trial prop stlt ton itistte tat Mr. Mitteytml: take 4dtslolX to say that Illni-stotu silent NA of theAtithntette! Iktfr ttd Ttittle, nor had_ rainy !oonceisattlon with'aity tateath. - 3r of said It!sthfor any Corickpise hlitt , elt; tither did?.:toly tine r.tpialtion untir_af!: merit. WAS maga tto),l r.. and as I supposed steeetided.• I! . ; •.- I j!, ." !(Signtll.) si J.ts, ! J.:4sl:ssim StiOrn suAsesibett Liefore 'lnt, this Ctlt 'dity,qJutiek..k..;ll,' 'silt. • ! • • • t , • . • , 4 • -4, Art-;Ni. Mom, , . . . ...gehusrikolf Otlay, 8.1. ~ - ' - . , Beiore :the,: the - siiliseri tier, a 'Trtstiee - Of.' the `,, Team in and ;for the COunty nipper - said, persett— ally appeared Chas. S. King, who t .being sworn .doth!depose and .lay.that :hel was present:on the :night of 'Mb 30th •ult.r, in the - Repplier Ilease, 'Ashland, at a Conversation :hetWoen C01..J. J.. -Conner and •Mr.:Siney, President of thelr. 13. ! , A..; on :which I or:ipion he timid Col. Conker ! .make the following propoltkm to Mr. Siney : 1 ;II will give yon iny collieries for the baron - co of ',the year at an advaticeLef tea cents • per: tenon ,iliti , royalty and,interest. ou theipitat invested, :provided you Will give nie securitir.tht- the wnays aludi \lie driven cOntinuou;ly s ass orkprosecuted , in sante .111am:ter - lies liecirilene by Ifie, and:: that you! will live up to. i i the, requirements of my lease." Col.:Conner curt - ther said t that !Agard,hloodiet dr. Co. werehis eon isignees, to which. Iktr.. Siney replied,: saving itherfi would •be perfectly satisfactory. to him , - and.. to f.filk4 Llia.,lii o ll l 4l give, tbem a:p*file:- ence, over any Douse !In tue City. DeponenS, •:further''states that • Itel iWM present when- Mr.' Siney and the •.'Confirrif i tecl';ailled on Col! Con ,fier at lii§, Cfinner's ht@se,[when I.e, depOrient, at.the request 0f,,C01. (Yinni-r detailecllth6 fore going proposition 'as nimbi' to Mr. Siney by . 4.:ol.: Conner, . whick- proposition". Mr.iitiey tacitly corrotxtrated, he, Mr . Siney, lint sent , - 114 frernAine Word of the Oonropiation as!re- pmts WWII 46pcirterill;.: and furtheln,:theleom mitlee said 'they would take. any wintry in ibi,lieutity on the same terms; if they.bou d sell thelr own coal ' so aS - fil : break 'down the Middle men:: for,say• they, these nwii aro the cause or 'Jail the trialb:o.r,- .:.- ;:''„, :C.u . ,t4,8. Kiss:, Sworn anti subset:Hied. heti,re we, th 1 , 1 1.1.1 th day of dome A. li 1870.. -'' . .., •!. ! • 1.- .., : ' M. Ni'Aigl . :l4 J. PI 1 "...! These-JAl:lido : vita brand Slney - a.s a, : f . T.- 0 ' rts,htl detterVes. l Col: Conner, t where knnu - n,' will . he beliefed without air Affidavit , , hut he deemed ltnecesSary LO;Sot -.lfirriurd right: among thase. .who. - may, noe l know: l.:m. l'oor Sine I or Sweenyil '2l 6 wofixicrithel i las Creek -ni n de-' . . , • sire ,to attend Sour tunel Ca 711,00, 7 ,1 '. . . ' " C Y.: ,- ' t• • • ' - ~! 'gu' , I. ' • - 1 -- - 7 4, '-' ' 1 Wk eugveted a arfort ileac , ago . a than the wide of voting in ilie optineil4, by still sing' the ballot lastetd.:(4",hrit Twee. Tin gestion meettialib fa;ttiesiiiiing the till] miners, and the foliowipg clam anieailon n one of the 'nest intelligent miners in t gion / eoutira& even ire than what w at, Rik,: • ' ' .. • - : I 1 ; ifff.,lt..Sizoirmo.s4 i "!Atimas. Earruns:—l ea an editorial lately in the DMIX leutesar. re erri.ng to a Ttrallut box," and I. have Jie.ird tit t the leaders of the -I.tnion intend input it i ln p nice. It vin i itld be. oc,giwt advantag4 4te. believe eve s body .6nneeted With the mine?, peelaby *NO clam ofsinhiere -that, do,„%tot wi to be an i tilpied by their opponimta atter it vet lapassed. often times.tint cutly,by words, jire,l,nl4,-. Wkest a strike is about taking' %thither li l ltrotild l e bekett or flat; 'Were are ays , , in • tette o dt; they are the:Oiling power; ' natte ten teii:: itaWkisg us iW bra ' liiigikige Ii car: :.sill ; dare, thina-4 4 ,,0ur Lien at had not. - ..."bahot: g ' , II wen! , :have heett, gtinetapit the N i lt r.ittgitatk..• . • y 'pro *ad of - tbitibaltt• "" atittstatkali 'l7‘try, iitruagaprosat t fac • 'Sig' - baira' th at ott s ara' :in favor a( shipilakni v.,; , 1". odiriawdkt tag eve so -..-,•.,.., . t ~ I' .-. r. • ! i ---; , -.7 . , - . ~. ..,?., , 91 ?ti i in it MMI = El and am not an' exception either., Many Of the rut: 4l Y end elacientle. .Invands who may 1. , • nd it convenient to capon oti-CHEM:Ie ie 1 , .:;. Members of the . W. IL A. when a vote for a strike is on action. will net vote ow - either side: ,-6,ll,ll,l7rtnrnm,V,Puttifttialg,..,:z • .7-tr,„l,(lte dire ‘,l',, this. hie et slim of cowardice. but not exactly JD - Av ernus:a" Iltta.s. l'ioatogie b i.seatt. ' -e . ..t,k , ,, , r e 7. • ',,, - II ingeishieh wailiajd ' oste.--Thww- medicines, win c0re,. ,, e0 . ,, -, : t, z leer. , - " , `l ne a tke or ntiirt, other ditties Mel the Nags are so tar kohe that 1 , ,' vat I ''e del Y that af , ik"e w tdd bee*nieet. r a ther Is_ relY bertrad the reach of medical ref ' ,. i . ' 0141110 1 * lOw ne asked-by those who ate are,,not tan, ; , , be e• . after by it. neeliente_nehir, with th av t et etee er e thee., er e a ter e meee, e ll ,e - ' (Auld leiato i bte slikke t ridamd the Meat. Dr 5e1et.N4...104 medicines effect their I sion••., • '4ll hey art tit . • fora the "7 - ••e- I titer. eonettartettim T" . 1 /11,7 tit '" ' box" wee : ;I : ele action; then i aw: 3_,. IX 111 simple one. They be, 4 111 T; , - Abe ell Oil Mir ve an° isptict—evet7 tram wett ig m iorax)ou by Winging the .tio,i4th, 1, - letieset according, to: ni xion .,,,, jadimeri.reond nitdit=r.a.dtlinittstrtnlityFriatt4l4iiiy col/Maki:l. . • _..."-' labiki3S- t 4 abide with , idleipwitot harrittre Ideertelta. et.l.i. airs "net on the liver stns streV '" more to do ti t an drop a single t;11 in aver er i promoting healthy tieeretiozi, and rerriovlo4 "1,, the_ l ' in t"r• , M Mete 1 and Mime which have re mated front the inle.i, . '.'L he, writes says he does not beile'Ve that we • t iteZta c te nd . 1 1 1 1.= r e t At - eil ust:feutli and e t f es l l, l, ,: t :t g o ' t * ,';', ti arO oppeseti to ihe . interests of ale workingmen. •eopeeeeent as...emlt:awn ot the rii.unita, ~ . • If ho has been a reader et' the J.:Wit:NAL, he of - rat i llt u nt n tVart e es t ntliti t targl i .. 4- Tii:: "1" 4 , ~, ;, !, course (=pot believe It 'lt is verSeeasy,to p • roL reset's. , in prostration mid IT ana iy in . them. , fieseo li e friends of thee ..e.lelue cla=ieti . while - , wilcelltrlAtar"fireweV tf e ga l s t r ` s i'''' l ',„ i T i i .`,` nearly ail their acts bre hostile to "their • inter- I d a r aca u l t e e , u mea rwu r e ' n ' ee m . 4 n rat ri qie r , l l- 1 „1 ':,l e V n ' et i e l l' , % ti , ' este.' Wo prefer being judged by our .aets, as I pati ent. let ale tatuity soy what femme tuts is I , the conductor of the Joczeteet., in the ina:saree le' I: I t , 4tartg,.. z . t!cr.enstgitra,.trnatell'itelrb* , ': l - we have a d rom ted a nd d o aov c a d v o c ate or the antis Are teeeay SliiiVe TUTU WCii whoa few yawns ,i to awake tin thee Working" classes.- . .We do Id w el4 Te lis n ig d, a.. al e = saga, rett°• aTiri's . 11: tie:, bc-1 6. 47 0. 'pi - .. 4 1,.., 2 k1 a ig .itripossil#l4ips, int Vegtoked to permanent heir by their rise. 1b..... - i d., _...-- - . ait. cau . whit el e t o he ti aLtit st e la 't e physician_ should t ',„ nu We , tonna at. Is to invigot 4t, , , - .eee would not and could not command! as high a I i t ger. t e'ilCl - nlm b e°ll r eth B es i tl i tiu t . 6 ex i raU t s e t i ttnCl e t r:`,?l:'`, - ' ' price this peke ma It €l,lll tho , , leet, .we suggested mcdtclues that Inmar 'loam) of Improve the re:. ‘ a modification 'of RIO : butts ittibptetl in l&fe to =l,7l2°e= t teh:=ll.l:citl,Y t;I'LI- 1 ,1',,N1 ...it the seiteetleco r editiou for 1870 mai there tea estantee wbleh are veleulated to Irritate or'e ,"?, '„ + wdkaLieit understanding that the basis }has to thew ' TheYa-itayyjetAlterPr° l "Ple l '''' :" ' ' dt gL ,... 4 ,1, A1 ...n e e Lo ud ' . and, ns a CutIAT. Tint 1,, , / .tiousbytv iiici L':.. 3 iii vi ',.iiiitninstainee tter Invtgerate end - torengthen the entire ...i .1, ~ ' i7'. .: ''' '- ' . --:I-:'• ~ -- - -- : 51 Andrea ea ally thr , c, par w ireii , , 1 arid Would Only be „continuvu another Yew e.Y' it thts r ! no P rixt done, the e men tah tte s mus i i - I;7 the consent of taittiltartles.;;"-Whini the dead Bartlett eau hairless one. . - ' ' lock otaetan'ed e ; which wrnlid :not' have taken ' De l n i l i rt h hiunt sle 'r u e n e lila itlisirrirlo'rie ' to ( I.,' l a li k i:ii ' l ; . - place had tenr Wilelee been folloied and an UM- t i ll of sectrza h r i tt i t l ieg i rood an i el I rriVy dig,. • pire selected who waS to &el& when thgtwo a t iitTre , mat e lyeriapteagte gi to i ltring n'patte ' il t 4o 2 ", - parties di:melee!, we proposed a comproinise , condition be , long as the liver's burdened v. 1 tit ~, , and tbe isternecteladen with tutitcaltie ' on ourown•rseponsibility, sa : i nto enablei the slims:, - ' . . e 'i ' h . ' made Of the hystee , W 5 11. A. to negetlate on it tr a its between_ the. a V-:=s,Verepot t' lent is testesetwllle P •ritii;‘l:‘ l -. two, which would no doubt have resulted in an feints - that will remove or allay the meet?, nt,z;.• adjusteteet, and the , business would have been, i ''' co w n e :' e t ti a t l t t`t i elettlrt r etis alum% t i arteng l e 'l tl..:t`i `' rosumed at less:, two months age.- The leaders ' eotiela le onle'ww . „egfoax... 4 ' assume to r elieve .i'&• J. swan sal the mistake they heil made in not em. 1 .111 02 ,1 rul 6 g,„„t siliiiilen--0-.114„, lla ord= - 4 Fe..(.v. -, :bracieg this oppertunlty2 I told them they' do more harm-Allan footl. Th e z Master the lee • had to grewt. mistake, and that now it was a n eTrl t t -f at tl e7a m"ni atittla cure el 'hi . igetettur""l • too late , and thew on ly a n nmat i, o was to 1 ti : here ig tit l.ittevli, no tt leneilltx t rets with e. is , h accept the opertars' besie, lowans° wo.did not I • der. SCll4leXele - r= t -Y:w a r n ty all .ertro l i ott e e t il t e", believe-A:tat they worthd now` entertain a CA)M-• I, I te: ve nie t . l u i lr I.'lll79rd:re with . 11 !%1 ‘j ij r u t T l i' ''"' pArnise that looked tta any advaned in Prietei:,i the-fact ihn't these stVietnes act i i i i rt. ;renae r t-',`, Th. le ideas . sou Bitted to do that, and Mr. tijney i rur"e t :i r sik. u rt.:(iii i :ki gi w i reft ve cre,ank litan k‘' Pa _tient* • t 1,),.. nf tho""yifteTh .t et his man Fricley to write the circular whitet I al i t t LqiiDuritle":, ' oo,4 ll'l l e rottm*ltou torwe. he did fiend out, a n d which we saw at the time.. i 'ire t tstrlgreC truCt ei ll ai re. ipge= rin ae=l . ll 3 Tro an p i C4,' '}Ve siated flint the trade would seetreely warrant a.' er ` trat .,, L A e d t e l ite ,, - T e u re e e"?', °"imdii'lliA only " ' • thte-prieverin the operators' haelee When all the 1 orl i t ' iCt'a Cc i ludit t A orthe n its d s stmn idl disuse inille n t d":t . collietiea wee. nit work, end 'we had doubts I be. ,te rk elig i tre l tfors ' 1- 'Mean' Y hof the medicie •,. whether even that , basis' could be maintained:: so shatelt teeett e ataoluiely necessary' thin peile'ti. We tee them posted up as ta -the realstate. of : iti t rt i loTin i •e r ge c iga N nri K erfu r t s g u el lY F:r t tiVi lv t , the erial tnele and the prospects for this year, I pose he is'ethteptlecipal otateeNfo. IS North Wif e:;, ' and we presume it was entail knowledge' that '• gi t Te=t ,, ,;. ( li n tilt, li. prophis , every --- - tin, : : roirierae4 to. recommend -the Members eel' Achim Is given 3 cotiont ehanr, hat t ,Ae•r a tiviroogt, the W. IS. A . to accept the operators' hash.. a• e Yr l re.! l .Z l :: l l ' eT l iTm ik o le at t elfr i n ra p li l t i er heillu M e I- ' ' d meow 'low , Tite-C^ letde.rs:inew that the laborers were this- i -twee, el e) Ike bottite hn ors7 as a half dozen. ai 41.- . SatiTTlTel with the basis of tele, and lit order to 1 : d re k u e 4 . l l o„ . lit ep 41"1* -" ' 7 " . " 'tit' ', Id" try tin drug et-ie gi': •' Ireethein quht; th ey lia.l made a promise that .4 7 they vould get them their increase, of ..?. a Week I ; in 1870. They discovered veiy aeon idler the 1 - eouttninteement of tide year - that they would =i find it difficult to,maintain the basis for ISett, awl therefore tl:d not make the effort to do it, i 1 'but re•solved to hold oat, to the old balls when I . the dead-lock occurred. That the Matthews , should be aittonishod,• and there should be, op- • 1 poeition to their recommendation,`under . such I elreurnstaneea withe'ut It full explanation, was' very natural en the part of the members. - It is said that the ?nen are-to-blame because they refused to accept-the, recommendation of Siney and Parker, wheit sfproposed. We deey I it. simply be east the 'limn were not posted eap as to the slide of the trade, and the leaders wer , e., becaose we worked very hard in postirig them 1 Op ourselves. liad they not been arrant cowe ants, and eared -more for their situations Mall the inter e sts of the workingmen, they would have gone into the councils and, imparted the information they had as to the state of the 'trade, stating thateet was the beat they, could do In. the,preeent state of tile trade, and if they, were not satielied, they, were . willing to retire , and give Place to others who probably could do bet ter for them. Did they do this? No-:-but like a 'wet of lick 7 spittles and coward's, they declared theyereree wrong—that the men shrinid forget it ali; and only pay them their :starlet., andateep, us in their places and you can do as you please r . With us: Othese leaders were paid large sale „'riee, and-ought-to have their time to. etilleep infoentation, and advise with the men as to thii liept policy to pursue,—and If they had any ea &warily whatever, it was their dtity to combat . the Ideate of those who were not posted up -but did they give them the Information that was nceeseary fer them to decide the.proposithPia? No—but Kiley knew that after theylidled el do Rt7f, that we evotild, and he went round quietly in the councils abusing us, and the leaders got up resolutions to prevent, if possible, the members from reading theJoteteeet e by den6uneingitsmi . enemies of the working classes—anti ttlicy baye made a beautiful • hueiness iif IL= That :we • _-two opp teed- to the cowardly, stttpid, and mh3crable bungiinie of , ' such leaders we admit,' and If that makes n' ° enemies of the working classes; ,we • are willing to be classed as suehbk those wh'o ' laic not sense or honesty eutileent, to:discern the difference. The County is impoverished to the =bunt of not -less than TWO MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, eight-tenths of which is wages,- ("hieh our working claseeseveuld have received and which ts now gone forever, Had oh r afiviee been taken, nit thi•s would have _been saved to' the:working ciaes—and yet ware denounced tryitese jacks ei, enemies-to the' werkingmen, wit to they, whom by their cower dice, stupidity or knavery have robbed the' people, of these wa -es, style thentselvesOs their' most devoted and dear friends. l l Racal Vusintss ltoticti.. • 11 ~ , = cents vinta a line "fir stlnsertaie: :so cents a. Mat each iatate que 'I insertion. , - ' IkliS payinrind rtetUrned Ilt thalami's: ...r - - • . : 6 Y tiooha at ante-war . prices at •Galland'a. ~ .- 4KCIAL SALE or Deese &toad& at Gallantra. • , Op.& tt.A.ti, a Co.. 2el Centre street. ' ' • • Putzrrs-O to Li yards, for 'Otte dollar. at Cialitind'a, 6i L:entir street, silver in Change. ' April 9.,':0,12 • Nile r.trratickriS Just receiYed. at the Cloak and Trimming slore, 14. 4 Centre street.-below American !lope. Pottsville. 11-tr 31.406,1 . g. 1301. AND. • • • 3 .. ON tx X Cents her a aupertor Oyster- at Petite ' Stew Least and Gents Restauzunt, - Na. 191 Centro street. PriCist rett 4es need to suit the' time. 'Eall and. seetc for .yourr . il• . - klven, English and American ClothsoAlittyies, and-irrf the it nest qualities, MIL A. Smitlea,Centretii. •N ca PADDED LtXIV( DltTlALN*l?"* . antal assl ele,..,A..srttith's., Centre Street. _ . . ir".l3E LIVING. MACNINIL—Injure. the, man. I / spring of a watch azwery portion of the works .1 becomes disordered.. Tb Minium Monsaeh is , to the in huau sy s tem what t elastic •pieee of metal ilLtO 1 a chronometer. II influences the action of the other.: orglos, and controls a certain extent, the whole; Wang machine. JIM comparison may. be carried farther: for as the weakness et other I mperfec,Jons , of the twain Spring is Indleated .on the Mee :.,of the tine-p ece, so also lathe weakness or other diebrder: of. the stomach belt:wed by theifao of the Invalid, complexion is sallow or. faded, the eyes are defi cient in lustre and intelligence; andlisere is a :Worn; anxiousexpression the whole countenance which bates plainly al. written words could de, that, the grca4 egamvishing orgws whose oilier it la to minister to the. wants of the body, arid -to auatain and - renew sill im,perts,ls not peribrming its duty.- Armoires rent sting and. regulating: and _ter invomplish,thls end klostinter's Stomach !littera may be tvilly,witd to he thvonly thing needful: The broken Main spring et. watch May bereplaeed by a new or:iv:hut' tan 611:114neb ern only: hi:repaired and strengthened, and one ,f t the objects of the. fatnotts vegeiak-. ble etkOrattre which Dar Tighteen years beer beer. successful 'est eal with • . 41:Pepsin In ell . ii mat; As a specide (or indigimion It stands al e . When the . ersoorrees of the . phitrmscopcela InSke beenexhausted; Without, at be .4,, - doleg nom thita mitigating -the': eintiplaint, a roUrse 'of this wlitaesonie and palatable; yet powerfulLstomachte - effects a perteet and permanent cure. In all eases of dyspepsia the liver is mom Or. lam disordered, and upon this Important gland, as well as upon the stoth. ach and bowels, thelntters act with singular distract-- ness, regulating and reinvigorating every Isegeetteg and mil:ding organ on.which bodily and mental' health-a:Tend. . Jan. I, • • • • • ITYrr . 4341,NrPg."— 'HE CtINFESpIoNs or AN , itiVALL7j. Pubtilhed for the benefit of YOUNG /Mg Mid others who antler from Nervoux Debtlits. etc.. atm ing the means of ecelrecur. Written by one who curtdlitnuen; and sent free eft reeeivitixft post-rani. diTtacti envelope. Address • , NATIIANIti: MAY?AiI DO. Z. V)-52-eru. •• Erookirn N. V; • ~ ,pitivisorsir Or, New • 1. Courho of Lectures, as delivered at the Penne: Polyteelnd and Ars a tont lend lif team Chestatt St.. three. doors above Twelfth. Plillatlelphia,em• braeinu the subjects : How to I,lveato4W'hist to Llyo. for; Youth: Maturity anduld Axe; Matiltuod.cieu, eralirttoviewed; the Cause of indiarstion lenee and nervous lii.ente% Deem:tints - I for; Marriage PUllosoold‘nlly tonsidestsl. These ieetures forwarded ou receipt, of gi.ts..sitichv ad ire: long : tfae retary.-oflhe Penna. Perimous re. ASA CSE.I3I, IS 44104. - Pnl June rs 71-123-Iveod. •:-. , • . • . ENRY BAYLOR'S YllEill!OLS Li - fiIadESNT, lire great external remedy -Air' Litentrratiram Neuralgia, sprains, I ire I es , l'hilbarltM . $ we tlit Stilille.s of the Joints„. ax. Possessing unearteps.ed_ qualities, as Liniment; it will proVe Molt a fristrd In every-family In eases of Itinalniatbad and ..Ntn migia, either slight or serions.4t :Is n3w vs rtwl 10 relieve pain' ' This Liniment tins been in use forthe last Aileen years, and has 'given entire satistadlow , stierever it has been used:' • ' Prepared and sold by „Mrs.. C:l3AVLiellt. tlek, nag ("entre Kt. Pottsville. Agent at' blinilnovllio, LAW; ICE di - .II.ItONVIC; Druggists; , Asiiand; ',ll. • D., . , HOW .1"9, Clpir: C91%/31C1*TICEN. . _ .• , Tits P iILOSOPrjT or, Da. Flcusarstss GREAT. Miro. crsza—W ill people never, learn to hnow that &the- mama Overland stomach necessarily - 4 item° . the en. I tire system ? The plainest Prlnelplot of common' 'lichee teach Mit; nadyst them are hundreds who J rldiettle the Id&i. add eontlnue In the course • which. almostinewltablY •tiriltits theta. present nnaly to the. grim. Liat nican thonsortsy of the people do, at aolahno.v.liMineeWith the ttwit of naWre. it must , bea u rent - ,to ail that. aligner or later nalurowhi r revaWherself.;:lliiae'we Nod - that tintoni who indulge to- eznewt4h Abe, nie_ of- very - rich or.iuill- , 004We/sot or lnandcatinndrinks, lacitrinhif . 1 0 3 , ' a been" muutr Is the end; .The Sforcuselv notelet* disordertsrandleinses to act; the liver !Lila to per- foritilli Inneelona, dyspepsta anti I utattendsmt evils' follow, and still:the untiring individuals persistin, eahmiztis th e thorotantily expioded Wait .ot the . past. -. . tfilatalielVis rotedlemeasrereoommended • raiL.,in soen c , Thai :bring sure, and certain 'relief shinavertherarensed as - directed, mat all that is ailing nocessary towitardisb theittlePutialuit • with emery manor -impanel-Us the land isa fair and itn. rartial trial of them,_ . liet thaw who are skeptital uts,tbis ant who have. ma:IMM Interested. fileraplucto prej udice :them ageee.a- Mem 'now cele. Ranted ' far Ahaunialptioszt• catapult their , lusinacums. : atm aver by . the priselplas of rt 3 esamik eastmand.amuniss , amme.- If thwayetern lit diww‘ dart* c inemdapist itv.in ataeketwastmeor ten, the , seat artne Wand* wilt 110 futiad itsthesitornatite mad User-. A.Tcr citanne and - Invigorate.Ans arsho,,e4 sad Lnathnotate thishireessi beattinractims.. -um • i . • ittainam'silaismsalfarPtaaarsTriatlanyet - .lits demand for___ Wee 'calls is the 'hest avideneeat their tltalua t tinimmenai wom„ stgcref poxes ire sold daily.-# , Witltiv M*llif - they Stet'. 01 • bua . king frqin i ts re have ODGEnt---Chr the ithh lust., i..%'; 'Lev. Jepeph- 3t GO PEN 31 AN,: 1! (0 . .111„ Autiglkter• or lir: 1111aIn 2ltidger3, in,cti • I ::.%1 furs.. • - • • tii6r - I.l.4:)Lgir-424). the 2ath of J une;at TaYlont v Iv Coo nty, Sis,trg ••.%.w.v, wife of Win. Boligh. and ter of tlic late Al/di:ow H. WlLson,,,nged a. Se4F, month am! 20 days liar romolliv LyAre interred l!, cemetery attached ta•Kimmers Chureh,ou Wed;. day lain, in the presenreotone of tile iargest tun. übseminagett-that ever. took placo in that VAlley, 1.; wurdatofLoa carriages being La the line of priawa, hey. Mr.: Weaver pr• Ariltlaud, prisieheil toe, tone., termon4 • . • • „. •Ki:llN—On 11:i+ 1101 0rJ1r.44.., Stveriandoli, GeztrirS. :soli of lir. r. 4. Mid Lail - ha, iivris,• ag i . inosithas and' .11.EE ' D-thrtlii...2tl Jtvw, In Aireit , Pon n. BEN mns of Danielliked, moutps • 100 It F. - 1T KNOWN to all tritutn ill may '.lO Oust, the ttuderslgnea cons:lila las and a ppol 1.1 - : I A-. Shetiler, Esq., of Ir..s.Centre§trttet, POttsvi I Iv, r., her agent to sett.. lease, bad collect .all ..tae.l.tlnoe ber to:rater agent.. the late John In er of Si. taair. : • ELIZA BALI; 11 A V Pottbville, June : „ t:171:11 Tor.alt n 0 4 ro. XOE BET:T .- Aplcwai4 gndc n noll9u.'.!n. ling house 16 . 31nhantotign street, latgv y:011 ;.1 gitrden,. with - welh.gruwn rGadN anti frit tt shrubbery, &eil sJiibie in - rear it lot. Lt.Nipitlce.--40 . Bittilr.111• digt, 4iitte.ii,ll)-2.4- .. .11, , • , : . . . , . . .. TZOR SA/X.—A.new and flr.t...elikal'orsr .L. RY', - Terms reid•onaldv. Apply to -n • .May 7,.',70-11 1 -11'. - ;W.ll. R..5;k11111;181(.!cntrefi:;. ._. F ° :. REN.T.=-TwoOfileei)n Oflkt lni t - It g, corner Keccool 'nod 31nhantott2o Fyrcct , Apply. to lIK.NRY: C. BUSSE F-vtate Agi , n 18'51a antongof . itrcgt. 'Mar :13-tf• . • rOR IiALE,I pair Ilreaker 44 In. with b, plater:. ke:';', 611. holating drum; 4 ft. tview-n, ?! /1. lohg; counter scrams, iihute {sates, blotte latrw, ers stark had plate, and a lot, of niaeblilV: VIII be sold cheap.ilt ' e • •• • JUIIN .I)IIAINt'S Cool Yard, Jude . 4, '70741--tf clan L,. Pottavlll,.. MACE/N BAY FOR SA LE.—One trir h0rt...4 11.- ' gine, pbtup Shalt and - - r.suring; br e •:)0 engine, drum, punlP shaft and Ile. ring ; ermine, 2:boilers, 10 teetion snit:Mock ne pole purai), and lUtiynnls U h.clt &ileum pipe; 1 boilers, at met by 31itichc*: lot of splice Mutt s„ Apply to S.,ll:oBtiAl er CO., New Philnuelphi;‘, . April 2,'7o—ti-if) . or by letter to Port Parboil. - - v7A.T.JuA.B.Lt BUILIUNG LOTS FOB SALE v - , —Eleven Si fret Aots, • Iron ng on Liam.. near 'George atreet,zre °Mired (runt sl2a and upa;arda. Paytnints In 8W monthly. inatarnennt. Apply to ISAMUELILIALL,-enal girt...rt.-near U. it. Depot,. Cationic, April L 4. 70-7:3.11.11i4y . . _ DEAL EtTATE• FOR-13.A.LEA traet-cf St_iX • -1 1 0..A.CitEiti of LA:P.1.1.. Under good eilltival len. with a' Line . young orehant-lrett trateriii; fenced nut it good-two , and . pelinif 4torydwelling:liseitta:anti a ties , barn, is offered for sale. The house hait been kept Whole' for the last twenty years. It: is a Titres-halite fotany, ane.wishing to engage iii laittektunlthing, there is nene.:.nittd is live mties of the Ictittintr. -pl'operty hi situate to 'Hush Towilithip, on the t•kt Hazleton Road; tiro miles train Barnes% lie alto live • nines from, Tiiinutpac t . The property will bon:told ....e.tottin as owner IN nbout. guing West. 'Amity the premises -• June "B..!iti--z - stito - - WHSTZ ABA COLLIERY' FOR It •. THE bAKLANDI: COLLIERY . at Windy Hap, .r. Schuylkill county, will be rented on favorable t The t.pOillery embrace* -the Ititunmoths,'.sa and Black' - death Veins. A good slop,* lugs bt, n aunk...uppon the saldinore Vein and a tunnet-i.iriv,.i: to the Mammoth.' Ton temmt, with sudicientone:,ll, hi purchase lite :intent nery and erect a new breitk,•,, a most kliseral lease willbe given.. -Apply to . - • ~ FttANKLIN tioNVEN.. • • .227 South' Fourth Street, Phlladelely ‘, or to r HENRY TLEASANTS • Jtiulog Engineer. Pointvi l lltr Anril le;19-7tt&IT-If - • M.6.9MBIEJSY .• • The following still all tAind eti Mei/uncap Cullixt: . 4'l:Mellow phew' engine,' eis;:e horFe power, i Ing,all the machinery culent.cted a - L. 4 file Bob, a,- cluslye. . • , V Ode lioledlieg engihe,sixty,horge. wftha ll the 10.1- 'chimed,* ,er.de gloried wile'bua•iing. rl. 81x . boileis used for pumping and holidideg, lbldy 'reet,hy thirty-lour niches In diameter, witli connections. . -. „ Oue.istearu pump. 7-Inch.(.4,fllsoh.& Eadmin ma intistacters- ante*. • The above machinery be in - good‘ozonditlon.:,,,,i 'win be sold reasonably: . ' . - • Also, Wagons or and, 3G-inch sidiegeLSllls, Gun! Belts, of various sites; Store Fixtures and.Witg ~ Cross-cut &AWN. Firewood, de. - • eor hirther Information inquire at the odice, It' • East Marketst.; or at the Duncan Colliery. Janil rie4,l2-tt , - JOLLY HAVES. .F,Pir SALE. , • ' ' • . • . MINING: MACHINE 1:1Y.• , • _On4 toressuieCornlsh Bull pninptns engine: 23?+lneli -cylinder, 7-feet - stroke, with WI ters Ali. I parrs complete, aud- 2 lilts of pumps tin slu . , lA me • 18..ltieb -tits outer •plusuier, melt t.:-et. stfolite..• ATACirte Nindltig F ngltie , '32-inchel•lludei, reel stroke, with' ditun-geatingund bollepi co :a- ALSt}--Fuur , siots Breaker, aluchtue , ry. - • - • -A 1.40-;-191) three tuusHlopo Tor 4-feet track.. f Lti-feel Frucuuit • ralgine, with tto.:ll.i: Duller eqrhpleia. ' A ISQ:--tnie Horlsolital Piiihritug„ i t:act c, cylinder, I , fee4, - -strulte„•wlth • iieurlng tyre Mut - pumps, LOU . each, with 11-...,:; plungers, /dleet stroke. , - The'ahove huiehltiery service, hut '••• 4,1 good'wyrcing order,. - • '• • , Gt.:MR(lli W„ *Lir It, ;antlitry 9, pEltirlgitYllVANl.A. MI r Cuicritu STREXT, portsvri.Ln, Thlprwra known and popular Hotel, lily' 'entirely • r..ninnted a nl . .11 fur peinfanent and Ininpient. liu s ers:, tvt. W A MOLE SUS; PrOpri.:44 , l, Rine ':0-4 • w---tf. V • r_ DC.A. ND /N/Pr I. AND MNTAL. MtlSl arir LIZZIE JAcki:ro.:V r No. ALAIMEI • respectfully ; be gs leave to Inform tile - Pottayllle and vleliktty, that tdre•wlll give lastr,e. awls on the PIANO anti 1p AINGINTi. on refe.,.l, , .bla tering, or addreva Patuo, elrirsVILLE, Mav 7. 70-41!:441-93-:aaa. : • . samvEi . .T . Lr e virts . 4 801 SUILVEYO IV!, CON YEA NAFFS, %And Es.;suiluenAir ancl. . - OFFNE.II6.'S N.. SECOND St.., PDTTSVILLE. Being in posseo 11 410Alr It lame collection. or ,orlatub In gennylkill and adjoining count us. ttatoplonsynotes revectiitg the titles, luterter.•;l.. ,, tax sale..tote. we are able to give valuable Int. , : q:t • tton tolawneht, claimants, and'ilinke desirous ..1 etuudng.-_ .• -- 4 f Fah: "16--'27-1‘ . HILAD.A... .TUN 7TIL tg7o.—tl Ca-V.rr :. - Ytrap baa been tbi 'tfttiyl4),ituelk bettrei.n tit.: wi dclNlttued, for the purpose of 311,;:itric anti sti:1•1-:s.. - I,Y . IMNS . VALLEY C OAL - ~ ' - • From tire !`LArty ritAltiK t.II.Ni-001.f.11: i: '. : • N'oribuirtherlarra -- County, ;kinder ille:nym 1::::,t0:::: -. (4. S.Nirkli BRO.. di-CO., '-' . "..' 21. g% WAL.N.iT ,S., initiatift.,.:lii , l.:l - 8111:111- BROS., IIEES11& CO., Shzitth , k :II ...ll* 143111 41. - 1' 9.....- • Tnos. C. ItEr..4E, ,''' -' T . PRANK surru-- - .. " Lts. A. sup t , , ' •.' 3. Aur - a Sum!, _ -it ;tsar nortorsrt% I,L. ' • - • • , -. r - JOll2l 11...-B01:011SEtt. ' ) i :. Jurteltl, '7ot . - - : - • • --- - T ) E 0 - 4 ' • • *AN UrAitTripit,3) 40111 4 .1 - . A. ROEBINVCPS sONS. • . . ritExrcrs . . • For Inclined h.ant"4/44/Ing.fitandini; Ship 1114.:;:!ng. Et topertsion Ferrlesi Scar! and titlys _______ . . PRANlTlctics,..C.rauti r ..4nd : shear, ~ : ' EfievatonClilletsote. ,o'N. -/ - - A LARGE BTOC'Ef. OF WIRE DOPE CONsTANTI ,V . 04 HAND. . . , ORDICILB4 Intl= WITH ;DISPATCI I . sarrcii : itAngthi, slri and cost; ii&'e circulars; whi 4 , wilt -botient.ou application: - Aug. 700- , 411- 1 Y • Booits-As 8045 N is IsetrED. r .Ly. „NSW. STATlLlETTg&—ttouksis , Jrat twelyed at 'HANNA RAmsEY s =EN , • t L - ?;JVNT, 1870. ~ar~iagt~. EMI OtICCS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers